Chapter 12: Zelda Meets Octavia and the I.M.P Crew Part 1

One afternoon, in a different part of the Pride Ring, there is a regal burgundy colored building. Its windows are elegant and tall with pink stained glass. There's also a glyph carved in several places such as the balconies, and it's glowing a bit.

In one of the rooms, there is a young teenager named Octavia. An Ars Goetia Princess and daughter of Stolas Goetia and Stella Goetia. She is an adolescent avian demon with a rather lanky figure with unkempt slate-gray feathers, which forms into back-length and shaggy-styled hair with bangs. Her eyes sport pink sclera and bright white pupils, and her long pointed fingers are colored white. Her small beak is colored in black, and her long tail feathers sport tips which are a slightly darker shade than her feathers. She has a white mask-like face with her mother's eyes. She also wears soft-purple eyeshadow on her eyelids.

She is wearing a black beanie hat with a pale yellow tiara design on her head, both a pink choker and a pink long-sleeved dress with a pattern of pale yellow stars printed all over it, which is worn under a black feathery cardigan on her shoulders, alongside a set of black leggings and heeled boots.

However, today, the young Goetia Princess is in a bad mood. She can hear her father shouting from her room. Mainly because even after getting a divorce, her parents can't go without a minute of getting into an argument.

Octavia groans in frustration, "Ugh, I can't believe they're arguing again. My head is going to split in half if I have to hear one more shout from either one of them."

Finally unable to stand it, Octavia stands up, "Fuck this, I'm going out. I can't stand to be in this house with all this shouting any longer."

Octavia then grabs her backpack, packs up a few of her things, wallet, phone, headphones, things like that and leaves her bedroom. Octavia slowly tip toes down the hall as she sneaks down the hall. She soon sneaks past the kitchen to see her father, Stolas, shouting at the phone. Octavia lets out a sigh and sneaks past and reaches the staircase. She walks down the stairs, reaching the front door, and slowly leaves the house and closes the door.

Once outside, Octavia rushes down the street and soon waves her hand. A taxi stops in front of her, she climbs in, and the taxi drives away.

"So kid, where are you heading?" The driver asks.

"Pentagram City," Octavia says.

"You've got it," The driver drives Octavia to Pentagram City.

Sometime later, Octavia gets out of the taxi and begins walking down the city sidewalk and is in deep thought about it.

Octavia sighs, "This is stupid. I just wish my dad would stop arguing with mom, and I really wish mom would stop calling and making a big fuss about this." She groans in frustration, "I swear, my parents are driving me crazy. They're not even in the same room and they keep fighting."

Octavia places her hand over her face as she groans in frustration.

Suddenly someone says, "Well well, look what I found."

"Wha-?" Octavia responds confused.

But before she can react, someone grabs Octavia by the collar of her dress and pulls her into the alley. The next thing Octavia realizes, she gets pressed against the wall in the alley. She soon opens her eyes to see a group of shark demons, a group of eight different demons. Some of them are holding ropes, one holding a knife, and they all have sinister grins on their faces.

"Surely didn't expect to find a Goeita Princess at these parts," The shark demon holding her says.

Seeing this has Octavia very scared.

Meanwhile, Zelda is walking down the sidewalk from where the ambush is taking place. Zelda decides to take a walk in the city to get some air and to once again get used to life in the city. Of course, the young hybrid is wearing a disguise to keep herself from being recognized by sinners.

Zelda is disguised as a mermaid themed demon. She has light blue and pink fin-like ears along with scales painted on her face, and her face and body are painted a pale white color. There are also scales painted on her shoulders, her knees and legs. Zelda's eyes are glowing a blue color like her normal eyes. She is wearing a pink tank top with cyan blue right split shoes and black short heel shoes. Her long blonde hair is decorated with a few small braids with pearls, and a seashell hair clip on hair. Her nails of fingers and toes are also painted a teal color.

Zelda says to herself, "It's nice to be able to get out of the house sometimes. It can be a pain to be cooped up in the hotel."

She then thinks to herself, "I wonder if it's a good idea for me to get a phone. That way Charlie and I can contact each other when I go out. Then again, I need to be careful if the TV Demon tries to snoop around in the electronics I might get."

Suddenly, they hear a loud scream in fright.

"Huh?" Zelda questions.

She looks ahead to hear a scream, "Let me go!"

Sensing trouble, Zelda rushes down the sidewalk and turns to an alley. She gasps in shock to see the owl demon struggling as two large shark demons are having a strong fight while six others are laughing with evil grins on their faces, and one of them seems to be holding a knife. The blade on the knife seems to be having a white glow and a strange pattern on it.

The demon holding the knife says, "Stop struggling little birdie. You won't be harmed, as long as you behave yourself."

Octavia struggles to break free, "Let me go! Let me go! Please!"

The two Shark Demons firm their grip, causing her to grit her teeth in pain.

"HEY!" Zelda's voice shouts.

The Shark Demons turn and see a purse flying and smacks one of the shark demons in the face. The demon falls to the ground with a third. The other four thugs turn to see Zelda with her arms crossed and giving her a vicious glare.

With anger in her voice, Zelda says, "Alright you thugs, I'm going to say this once! Let that girl go and never bother her, or believe me you'll regret it!"

The shark demons look at each other and begin laughing at her, because she's a single girl and they're dangerous gangsters.

The one with a missing tooth says, "You think you can scare us you little bitch!"

"Yeah. There are eight of us and there's only one of you," The short shark says with an evil grin.

The shark with the knife says, "And we have yourself quite a catch with this little birdie," and then grabs the owl girl by the chin. He then gently placed the knife near her mouth, "And with this little bird, we're going to get a hefty ransom." He then grins, "But if you let us be, perhaps we can give you a little."

Then the Shark thugs laugh again. Zelda blinks her eyes in shock to hear they plan to hold the girl for ransom. However, seeing the young owl girl looking so scared and on the verge of tears, that's what set Zelda into a full rage.

Zelda grits her teeth, "You insolent fuckin' CURS!"

And soon, Zelda's eyes change color, but differently than how she usually transforms. Her eyes' sclera turn bright red with white irises and slight pupils.

The Shark thugs stop laughing and notice the look in her eyes, and they look deadly. Zelda's fang teeth grow a little more pointy and longer, enough to pierce her right lip and make it bleed a strange glowing light orange color. And then black horns grow from her head and move back along her head as they point upward. Her black angel wings spread out from her back and gains a long black tail with spikes and a triangular tip that has a heart in the center. Her nails also become as sharp as claws. She also gained the highlights in her hair.

"You sharkbaits are fuckin' dead meat!" Zelda angrily says.

And without a second thought, Zelda charges and gives one of them a hard punch in the gut and sends falling to the ground.

A muscular demon growls in anger, "Hey, what the fuck are you doing, pipsqueak?!"

Zelda glares at the demon and uses a karate kick in the face, forcing him to let go of Octavia. Zelda then grabs the short shark demon and throws the short shark at the other demon, forcing him to release Octavia as well. The demons angrily get up and charge at Zelda. The shark demons grab some weapons and begin to attack, but Zelda dodges some of their attacks. When she tries to dodge the shark with the knife, it's able to scratch her cheek, making her bleed a bit. She then grabs the one with the knife and throws him to the ground. Then kicks after the demon in the private part.

At the sidelines, Octavia is shocked, but also astonished to see Zelda swiftly attack the shark demons like they're nothing. She watches as Zelda grabs one shark by the head and slams her knee against his cheek. Then kicks the other guy in the stomach. Zelda continues attacking the demons without mercy. Zelda mananges to grab the bats from the two demons who try to strike at her, but they push their strength into making another attack. Zelda turns to see Octavia standing there, still in shock.

She cries out, "Get out of here! Use this time to escape!"

Zelda mananges to swing the bag with the demon holding and throws him to the fall.

Octavia then begins to run away to escape like Zelda told her.

The demon notices Octavia escaping, "HEY! You're not going anywhere you royal bitch!"

He then grabs a brick and throws it at Octavia to stop her. Octavia slowly turns and before she has time to react, the brick strikes her at the side of her head. Octavia screams and falls to the street with a hard thud, right in the center of the street as she drops her phone to the ground. Zelda gasps in shock to see what has happened. She then lifts herself up and kicks the shark who throws the brick into the face. Then swings her foot at the other shark's gut. Zelda then hurries to the owl girl to check to see if she's okay.

Still on the street, Octaiva lets out a grunt and groans as she tries to lift herself up. The young owl demon feels a hard pain in her head as her blood is dripping from her head and down her white mask face. She feels a hard pain from her head and has trouble having a clear vision. Suddenly, she hears a loud beeping sound and turns to see a truck driving down the street towards her, knocking to get Octavia to move. Octavia lets out a scream and waits for the truck to end her life. But then, Zelda spreads her wings and flies down to the street, and sweeps Octavia off her street and saves her in the nick of time. However, Octavia's beanie falls off her head and lands somewhere in the alley, and the truck crushes her phone. Zelda is now in the air as she holds Octavia in her arms, who is barely conscious.

Zelda looks down to see the eight gangster sharks come out.

The short demon notices them in the air, "There they are!"

Zelda narrows her eyes with a glare towards the gangsters. She then raises her hand and throws her fire power at them. Some of the sharks end up getting badly burned as the rest retreat screaming and panicking in fright. Zelda watches as the gangsters scatter away like roaches and disappear in a matter of time.

Once they're gone, Zelda looks down to Octavia, and asks, "Hey, are you okay?"

Octavia doesn't say a word, except tears begin to fall down her face. She is very relieved, but the injury to her head and the overwhelmness, she falls unconscious. Zelda even notices the injury Octavia has to her head and the fear she had in her face.

"Oh crap. I need to get you to the hotel, and fast," Zelda says.

Before Zelda can leave, she turns to notice her reflection at one of the building's windows. To Zelda's shock, to see her eyes has changed differently than how it changed the first time. She notices the black horns and tail she suddenly obtained.

Zelda looks at herself, "Horns? And a tail? And my eyes are different colors? How did this happen? The wings and eye color are one thing, but the horns and tail are another."

She then shakes her head, "I don't have time for this. I need to get this girl some serious help."

Without wasting a second though, Zelda flies over the city to get to the hotel to get the girl some medical attention.

Luckily, Zelda arrives at the hotel in a short amount of time. She lands on the ground and Zelda fully changes back to her original human self, and it's revealed that some of the makeup and disguise she has have rubbed off or fallen off during the fight. Zelda enters the hotel and rushes down the lobby to get to her room.

Soon, Niffty rushes over, "Wow. You look pretty messy. What happened?"

"I ended up getting into a fight, but I'm more worried about the girl," Zelda says, gesturing to the owl girl in her arms.

Soon, Husk, Sir Pentious, and Usagi walk into the lounge and are shocked by the sight.

"Oh shit," Husk says, shocked.

"Zelda, what happened? You're hurt?" Usagi asks, worried.

"Are you okay?" Sir Pentious asks.

"I'm okay, I just got a few scrapes. I'm more worried about her," Zelda says, looking at the girl.

"Um, who is she?" Usagi asks, curious.

"I'm not sure. The girl was getting mugged by a group of thugs and I decided to save her from being attacked and save her from almost getting hit by a truck," Zelda says.

"Oh shit," Husk says, shocked.

"Wow. No wonder you look like a mess," Niffty says.

"Forget me, I need to get this girl some first aid. She was badly hurt to the head," Zelda says and begins walking up the stairs. "Can one of you guys do me a favor and get me a first aid kit and some towels, and other needs for her medical treatment."

"I'll take care of it," Niffty says and dashes off.

Usagi then follows Zelda, "I go help you."

"Thanks Usagi," Zelda says.

Shortly after, with Usagi's help, Zelda walks into her bedroom and is able to place the young owl girl on the bed. Zelda gently turns Octavia's head to see the bad gash on her head.

Usagi looks to notice, "Oooh, that looks kind of bad."

"Yeah. Luckily, it doesn't look so bad, but she really took a bad blow from the brick," Zelda says.

She then turns to Usagi and asks, "Where's the others?"

"Well Charlie and Vaggie went out to get some groceries and supplies, and will be back in a while. I have no idea where Alastor is. As for Angel, he went to work again," Usagi answers.

Soon, Niffty rushes into the room with the first aid kit, towels, and other supplies needed.

"Here you go, Zelda," Niffty says, and places them on the bed, "I think that's everything you need for the nice owl lady. Gotta get going, I gotta clean up the little mess you made. And also, you could use some cleaning yourself," and runs out of the room.

"Um, thank you, Niffty," Zelda calls out.

Zelda then takes the first aid kit, "Now, let's start treating this wound."

Zelda begins to treat Octavia's head injury with Usagi's help. Zelda cleans the wound so it won't be infected. She then applies some cloth on the injuries And after that, Zelda wraps the bandage around the girl's head to keep the bandages in place. Then gently place her head on the soft pillow.

"There. That should do it," Zelda says.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Usagi asks.

"Well, as long as we watch over her and reapply the bandages every so often, everything will be okay," Zelda says.

Soon, Husk walks into the room, "And now it's your turn."

The girls turn to see Husk walking in.

"Huh?" Zelda says, confused.

Husk walks over and opens the first aid kit that's still on the bed.

"After all, you didn't get out of it unscaved either," Husk adds.

Zelda looks at herself and notices the bruises and cuts. She even feels a cut on her cheek as she touches her face.

"Yeah. Those sharks really tried to do a number on me, and..." Zelda says, but notices something on her fingers.

Zelda looks to see her blood on her fingers, but notices that they're no longer red, but a glowing light orange color and it's glowing.

"What the fuck?" Zelda questions.

"That's weird," Usagi replies.

"Well yeah, my blood was always red, but now it's light orange," Zelda says, confused.

"That's one of the weirdest things to happen to you," Husk says, and begins treating Zelda's wounds.

"Not as weird as learning that I've gained horns and a tail," Zelda says.

"The fuck? A tail?" Husk says, confused.

"And horns?" Usagi questions.

"I was too busy beating the shit out of those thugs and protecting the girl to worry about it," Zelda says.

"Either way, you've got a bit of explaining to do when Charlie gets back. They do have the right to know," Husk says.

Zelda sighs, "Yes sir."

"Good," Husk says, "Now let's get you fixed up. Then you can rest," And Husk begins mending Zelda's injuries.

Shortly after...

Zelda is watching their young owl girl as she still lies in her bed. Of course, Zelda is patched up from her injuries, but she is bothered by her rage and her blood.

Zelda says to herself, "Looks like another weird thing has happened to me. I remember getting so mad, and the next thing I knew I attacked those guys without a second though. I somehow gained horns, and a tail, and I was practically seeing red," Then look at the bandage on her arm, "And now my blood has changed colors. What in the world is happening to me?"

Suddenly, she hears groans and turns to see the young owl girl is slowly waking up from her unconsciousness. Zelda walks over to see her slowly opening her eyes. She squints her eyes as she places her hand on her head. From the looks of it, she feels very dizzy or dazed.

"You're awake," Zelda says in relief, "I'm glad to see that you're okay. You had me worried there."

The young owl girl tries to sit up, but feels a pain in her head and lies back down.

Zelda says, "Don't try to get up. You really took a bad hit to the head, so you might feel light headed, and might have a concussion," and gently rub Octavia's head to comfort her, "You can stay here for the night until you're all better."

In a soft tone, Octavia answers, "Thank you..."

Zelda then tucks Octavia in and the young owl girl falls asleep to rest.

"I'm glad to see she's okay, but she'll need to stay here for the night," Zelda says in thought.

Seeing the young owl girl's face, and long shaggy hair, and a small smile on her face, causes Zelda to blush a bit.

"She sure looks pretty," Zelda says to herself as her face turns red.

Just then, Charlie and Vaggie rush in, and seem relieved to see Zelda is okay, but worried to see Zelda's injuries and the owl girl injured and sleeping in her bed.

"Zelda, Husk and Pentious told us what happened. Are you okay?" Charlie asks, worried.

"I'm okay," Zelda says.

Vaggie says, "Except for the cuts and bruises you have."

"Well yeah," Zelda says, looking at her arm.

Then turns to the sleeping Owl, "But I'm more worried about her. She got hurt pretty bad."

Charlie and Zelda turn their heads to see Octavia sleeping, and are shocked to see the bandages wrapped around her head.

"Fuck, she got kind of banged up," Vaggie says.

"Hold on..." Charlie says, and walks over to the owl girl.

"What is it, Charlie?" Zelda asks.

Charlie looks at the female owl demon carefully.

She then says, "It's just, looking at her. I think she's a Goeita Demon."

"A Goetia?" Zelda says, confused.

Then remember, "Oh I remember you telling me about them. They're part of Hell's nobleman and royalty, correct?

"That's correct. I'm glad you remember from your lessons," Charlie says with a smile.

"But, why would a Goeita be around Pentagram City, and without any escorts?" Vaggie asks, confused.

"I'm not sure. It's quite unusual for a Goeita Demon to be around here," Charlie says.

Zelda realizes, "So that's why those demons ambushed her and mentioned about holding her ransom. This girl is a royal and wants to use her."

"But thanks to you, she's safe. However, we need to return her to which every Goetia family she came from," Vaggie says.

"I think you're right. Her parents must be worried about her," Zelda says.

Zelda turns to Charlie, "Do you have any idea which one?"

"It's kind of hard to tell. There's quite a few Goetia Demons, and some of them are owls. And I hear Paimon has quite a lot of children, so he would have quite a few grandchildren. And some of them are not really friendly," Charlie says.

"I can name a few of them that you do not want to associate," Vaggie says, rolling her eyes.

"But how are we going to know where she lives?" Zelda asks.

"Well, I think it's best we let her stay here for the night until she recovers. From what Husk told me, she really has a hard hit on the head," Charlie says.

"I agree. I'm very worried about her, especially how scared she was. I remember getting so mad that I ended up changing forms," Zelda says.

That catches Vaggie's attention, "Wait, what do you mean by changing forms?"

Zelda sighs, "Part of it was a blur, but all I remember is those thugs laughing and threatening her with a knife." she then clenches her arms, "I was so angry at them for threatening her, and upset because that poor girl was so scared..."

Just then, Zelda's eyes change to the same color of her transformation earlier, the black horns appear on her head, and a tail appears as well. Charlie and Vaggie become shocked to see Zelda changing her forms.

"And I just couldn't stand it! I just charge in and beat the crap out of them! And one of them dared to hit her with a brick and she almost got run over by a truck!" Zelda says in anger. "I swear, I should have known than to burn some of them and let the rest being scared off! I should have torn them to pieces when I had the chance!"

Charlie places her hands on Zelda's shoulder, "Zelda, calm down. You're uh, changing again."

Zelda stops her rage and begins to take slow deep breaths to calm herself down. Soon, Zelda reverts back to her original human self.

"Thanks Charlie," Zelda says.

She sighs and says, "Sorry about that."

"It's okay. You did have the right to be upset with them, and well, attacking them. You really thought about the girl and nothing else," Charlie says.

"Charlie's right, you do have the right to be upset about it. However, you really need to be careful. The last thing we need is someone to see you with the horns and tail," Vaggie says.

"Of course," Zelda says with a nod.

Then turns to the owl girl, "Still, I'm very worried about her. I hope she wakes up soon."

"I'm sure she'll get better. From the looks of it, you seem to have everything under control," Charlie says with a big smile on her face.

"Thanks. You can thank my mom for this one. She's actually a nurse who works at the hospital, so she knows quite a lot about first aid. She told me she used to volunteer at life guard duty back in high school and in college so she is also well with first aid and treatments at the beach and the sea," Zelda says.

"Glad to hear that you're good with first aid," Charlie says.

"Yeah. It really comes in handy for stuff like this," Zelda says.

"And I have to assume Husk helped you with your injuries," Vaggie says.

"He did," Zelda says.

Charlie then says, "Anyway, Alastor is making dinner tonight so we'll call you when dinner's ready."

Charlie and Vaggie begin to leave the room.

"We'll let you know when dinner's ready, so you both get a good rest," Charlie says.

"Okay Charlie, see you later," Zelda says.

Charlie and Vaggie soon leave the room and Vaggie closes the door behind them.

Zelda soon sits down and looks down to the girl, "Don't worry, I promise to take good care of you, and help you find a way to get back home."

For the rest of the day and night, Zelda has watched over the young owl girl and made sure to change her bandages, and check for any injuries. Zelda also sits on the chair next to the bed and watches over her until she gets better.

Later that night...

Zelda is sitting on the chair as she allows the young owl demon to sleep on her bed. She's been up for quite a while and is starting to get very drowsy, and is on the verge of falling asleep. Suddenly, the sound of grunts and moans wakes her up. She turns to see the young owl girl letting out small grunts and groans as she slowly moves her head.

She then murmurs, "Da... Da... Dad... Mmm... Dad..."

Zelda is sad to hear her voice. She suspects that she must miss her dad. She can understand it very well, and how she misses her parents. Zelda walks up to the bed and tucks the young owl girl, and gently shushes to calm her down.

"It's okay. It's okay..." Zelda says to herself.

But the girl slowly turns her head, letting out grunts and groans.

"She might be having a bad dream. I wish there's a way to calm her down," Zelda says to herself.

She then remembers, "Wait a minute, maybe the song my mom used to sing to me will help."

Zelda then begins to sing the song her mom used to sing to her.


When storm clouds grow

And I feel blue

Zelda then gently places her hand on Octavia's cheek and gently rubs for comfort.


Your song comes drifting on the trade winds

That calms the owl girl down and slowly opens her eyes to see Zelda's face and the smile on her face.


Your bright smile shines

Like sun on sand

Octavia soon shows a smile on her face to hear the melody in Zelda's voice.


An island dream of you

Soon, the young owl girl falls asleep peacefully. Zelda then tucks Octavia in the covers and sits back down to watch her for the rest of the night.

Very early the next day...

Octavia begins to wake up from her sleep. She slowly sits up, but still feels the pain in her head, but not as bad as yesterday's incident. She groans and places her hand on her head.

"My head is still sore," Octavia says to herself.

She soon looks around to find herself in an unknown room.

"Where am I...?" Octavia asks herself.

She looks around and soon finds Zelda, sleeping on the chair. Octavia gasps in shock to see the girl's face.

She realizes in thought, "That... that's the strange human hybrid on the news. I couldn't tell from the disguise, but it's really her..." And seeing Zelda sleeping with her hair down and tan skin, causing the young owl to blush a bit.

But there's something else Octavia realsies, "Still, I can't believe it... She was up all night just for me..." and remembers how Zelda transforms, fights off the goons, and saves her from being hit by a truck.

Soon, tears begin to fall from her face, "...She, she even risked her life for me..."

Octavia continues staring at Zelda as the young hybrid continues sleeping on the chair. Unknown to Octavia, her cheeks are blushing so that it becomes more visible on her face and her heart slowly begins pounding. She then lies back down and drifts back to sleep soon after.

Later that morning, in the Goetia Mansion...

Stolas Goetia, Octavia's father, is freaking out, more like in deep despair and distress. He is an anthropomorphic owl demon. He is tall and slender, with a white, heart-shaped facial disk and small black beak, resembling that of an owl. He has two pairs of almond-shaped red eyes, one set atop the other, with no visible irises or pupils, albeit white highlights do occasionally appear when he is excited. He has gray-blue feathers, which gradient to dark gray-blue on his head and long, plume-like tail. He has a lighter gray-blue puff of fur on his chest. His limbs are long, thin, and black, and his feet are tipped with bird-like claws. He is wearing a deep red tunic with six linked golden buttons down the breast, and beige breeches. He accessorizes with a feathery tophat that features a regal gold crown encircling it, as well as a long burgundy cape, tattered at the hemline, with a plush ermine-look fur collar, and long black gloves with white feathered trims at the elbows.

As he walks around, he panics, "How could this happen?! I haven't heard from her since yesterday! I tried to call her phone, but no answer! I didn't even know she left!" and continues talking to himself in a frantic state.

Watching the Goetia walking back and forth at the foyer, there are four demons. There are three demons known as Imps, and a female canine demon known as a Hellhound. The three Imps are showing concern while the Hellhound is not interested as she looks at her phone.

The first Imp is Blitz. He is known as the CEO and founder of a Hitman company called I.M.P. Blitz is quite tall for his species, and sports a harlequin-like aesthetic. He has red skin with white burn marks of various sizes that cover parts of his forearms, chest, and his tail, as well as most of the right side of his face. His irises are red and he has a heart-shaped skull symbol on the center of his forehead. He has fairly broad forearms and hands, and a long narrow head, out of which extends large, curved, black and white striped horns. He has black spines on his head and upper back, as well as on his tail. His tail ends with a triangular point that has a black spot at the tip. He wears a tattered slate-gray collared coat with red buttons down the breast, black knee-high boots matching the shape of his feet, and elbow-length black fingerless gloves featuring large, rounded yellow decorations on the upper side of them. Blitzo also wears a red skull charm around his neck.

The second Imp is named Moxxie. The weaponist and employee of I.M.P. Moxxie is an imp with red skin and white freckles on his cheeks. His white pointy hair leads up to his curvy black and white striped horns. He also has yellow sclera with black slit pupils. Moxxie has a long red thin tail with a quadrilateral barb at the end, as well as lanky digitigrade legs ending in what appears to be cloven red hooves, reminiscent of artiodactyls. He wears a navy-black coat with red buttons and white cuffs, black pants a white shirt that has a black turtleneck, a large red bow-tie, and fingerless gloves.

Next to him is Millie, the powerhouse employee and Moxxie's wife. She's a short imp whose red skin spots white markings on her forearms and on her long, devilish tail. She has a pair of thin white-striped black horns and short messy, bob cut-styled charcoal hair with bangs that cover half of her right horn. Her eyes have yellow sclera, and long, thick eyelashes, with a small beauty mark under her right eye. Her front teeth possess a gap that is flatter than the sharp, conical teeth most demons have. She also has a black heart tattooed on her left shoulder, and makeup which consists of shimmering-dark red eyeshadow, thick black mascara and black lipstick on her lips. Millie's attire is all-black with a tint of yellow; she wears a black choker around her neck, a cold-shoulder black crop-top with the straps being held by two golden-yellow buttons, black fingerless gloves, black torn denim-pants and black toeless footwear, which exposes her hoof-like toes.

The last one is Loona, receptionist and Blitz's adopted daughter. Loona is a hellhound with a wolf-like appearance. She has a pointed, dog-like muzzle with sharp and pointy teeth, and a dark gray nose. Her eyes have red sclera and white irises, and she wears gray eyeshadow and black winged-eyeliner for makeup. Her fur is white with gray countershading encircling her face, gray patches on her shoulders, and long, voluminous silver hair swept to the side to reveal her dark gray ears; the left of which is pierced with two small, black hoop-piercings, while the right is ragged. She has a large, dark gray bushy tail with white on the underside. She also has a piercing on her right eyebrow with a black hoop for jewelry. She is the tallest and the only non-imp member of I.M.P Her outfit features a large, spiked black choker around her neck. Her tattered gray, off-the-shoulder crop-top is held up at the neckline by a series of criss-cross spaghetti-straps that form an inverted pentagram. She wears also a set of black shorts that are tattered at the hems, with a white crescent moon detail on the right side. Loona also accessorizes with both black fingerless gloves and black thigh-high toeless stockings, with her black claws protruding due to her digitigrade stance.

Blitz says, "Stolas, calm the fuck down! You've been talking like this for almost an hour!"

"And you'll end up wearing down the floor if you keep doing it," Millie adds.

Stolas stops and says, "You're right. Panicking is not going to help me in this case. But I've looked all over the palace and places she usually hangs out. I wasn't able to find her. And before you asked, I already checked with Stella and she isn't at the house either."

Blitz mutters in annoyance, "Of course you have to talk to that pretentious bitch."

"Yes. I may not like Stella, but she is still Octavia's mother, so it wouldn't hurt to check," Stolas says.

"Don't you have some weird magic spell or something that can track your daughter down?" Blitz asks.

"That might be possible," Moxxie says.

But Stolas says, "Sadly no. Unless I have a specific location it will be very difficult to perform the spell and narrow down any place Octavia could have gone."

"Feels like we're back to fuckin square one," Bltiz says.

"Hmm, maybe it seems like it," Loona says, rolling her eyes, "I mean, if I were here, I would go to places you wouldn't expect her to go."

The four demons turn to Loona.

"What?" Loona questions.

"You might be onto something, Loona," Blitz says, "Octavia would be expecting him to look for her at places that he knew, and since he hasn't found her, that would mean that she went somewhere where Stolas wouldn't expect her to go."

"That looks good on paper, but where would that place be? Unless she's at another ring, the only place I can think of would be Pentagram City," Moxxie says.

"Why would she go there?" Blitz questions with a frown.

"Well, it's the only place I can think of. Like I said, unless she left for a different Ring, Pentagram City is the best place I can think of in the Pride Ring," Moxxie says.

"Seems like the best option we've got," Millie says.

Stolas grows even more concerned, "I shudder at the thought of Via being at that awful place."

"Like the rest of Hell," Blitz bluntly replies.

"Blitz, it's not the time for sarcasm," Stolas sternly says.

"Fine," Blitz says, and walks to the door, "Come on, the sooner we find your kid, the sooner we can get back to work."

"Great, let's go!" Stolas says.

He then grabs Blitz's wrist and runs out through the door without another word. Millie, Moxxie, and Loona follow after. Moxie closes the door behind them upon exit.

Song from Lilo and Stitch the Series S2 Ep. 22 Remmy

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