Chapter 10: Demonic Class 101

In the Hazbin Hotel, there is an activity going on, more like a cleaning activity. Everyone is doing some cleaning in the hotel. Everyone is cleaning the lounge, the bar, dining room, and kitchen.

Angel groans as he sweeps the floor, "I don't see why we have to clean up this place."

"Well we gotta keep the hotel clean for any new sinners coming over," Charlie says.

"And the place is due for a cleaning," Vaggie says as she wipes the windows.

Niffty happily sweeps the floor and dust the furniture, "And there's nothing wrong with cleaning up."

"Well, it's boring," Angel says with a bored expression.

"You're not a child, Angel. Quit complaining," Vaggie says, sternly.

"Come on, the sooner we finish cleaning, the sooner we can relax," Charlie says.

"Where's Zelda and the others?" Angel asks.

"I think she, Usagi, and Sir Pentious are cleaning the dining room and kitchen," Charlie says.

In the dining room, Sir Pentious is cleaning up the table. In the kitchen, Usagi is mopping the floor while Zelda is doing the dishes.

Usagi sighs, "Phew, this is difficult to clean while I'm at this size."

"True, but you're doing good so far," Zelda says, drying the plate.

She places the dry plate in the cabinet and turns to Usagi to ask, "What do you wanna do after we're done cleaning?"

"Hmm, "I'm not sure," Usagi answers.

"Well, I'm sure we can think of something. Since Charlie is not doing any activities today, we're free to have a little fun," Zelda says as she turns the faucet.

Usagi nods her head in reply.

But before Zelda can pick up another plate, her hands begin to glow.

"Huh?" Zelda replies, confused.

Zelda lifts her hands up from the sink, and the water from the faucet follows her movement.

"What?" Zelda says, confused.

Zelda moves her left hand to the left, the water moves to her direction. She moves her hand to the other side, and it moves along with it.

"This is crazy," Zelda says, shocked and astonished.

She uses her right hand to turn off the faucet, and uses both her hands and focuses her newfound magic to lift the water out of the sink and move it around like a gymnastic ribbon. Zelda moves her body around and begins to move the water along as they twirl and spin.

Usagi turns to see Zelda moving around like she's dancing with the thick string of water.

"Zelda, what are you doing?" Usagi asks, confused.

Zelda stops dancing and continues holding the water with her magic, revealing with her hands glowing a light blue color.

"Take a look at what I can do," Zelda says.

Zelda then uses her right hand to move the thick string of water.

"Wow!" Usagi says, amazed. "How were you able to do that?"

"I don't know, but I can actually control the water from the faucet, and be able to move it around," Zelda says, as she moves it around.

"That's amazing," Usagi says, very amazed.

Soon, Charlie walks into the kitchen, "Zelda, Usagi, I've come to check to see how's the kitchen going."

She soon stops to see Zelda moving the water. Zelda and Usagi turn to notice Charlie walking into the room.

"Hey Charlie, take a look at what I can do," Zelda says, and moves the water into the air and circles it around.

Charlie is shocked to see Zelda moving the water around.

"Pretty cool, huh," Zelda says.

However, she ends up moving the water and ends up spraying at her in the face, causing her to get wet. Zelda spits some of the water out of her mouth and shakes some of it off.

"Are you okay, Zelda?" Usagi asks, worried.

Charlie giggles, "You okay there?"

"I'm alright, just a bit wet at the moment," Zelda says as she grabs a towel and rubs it on her face.

"Still, I can't believe that you were able to control water like that. I mean, you only just accessed your magic at that Turf War and it's around three weeks ago," Charlie says.

"I wonder about that too. First the wings, the fire, and now the water," Zelda says, and places the towel down.

Charlie thinks of it, "Hmm, that is kind of strange. I'm still confused as to how a human is able to control this kind of ability, and how you're able to gain wings."

"That is kind of strange," Usagi replies, "For us Sinners, we turned into demons after we died."

"Same with the angels," Charlie says.

"That's true," Zelda says.

She then sighs, "Still, it hasn't been long since I've got these powers and I've just gotten a new one."

Then Charlie has an idea, "Well, maybe after we're done cleaning, I can help you gain control of your powers."

"I think I would appreciate it. Besides, I really think I could use some help understanding it," Zelda says.

"Well then, the sooner we get the place cleaned up, the sooner we can get started," Charlie says.

Sometime later...

After finishing with the cleaning, Charlie and Zelda are both down the hill at the open field behind the Hazbin Hotel.

"Okay Zelda, it's time we started with your first lesson on how to control your abilities and your wings. I know you ended up with a crash course during the Turf War, and discovered this new power just now, but it's best you learn how to use your powers properly," Charlie says.

"Yes Charlie," Zelda says with a nod.

"Okay Zelda, follow my lead," Charlie says.

Charlie then uses her powers to summon the fire in her hand. Zelda copies the same method and summons fire in her hand.

"Got it," Zelda says.

"Great," Charlie happily says.

"Well, it was the first ability I was able to do, especially during the Turf War I ended up getting involved with," Zelda says.

"Yeah. It wasn't very good," Charlie says sheepishly, "But I'm glad you were able to get out of that mess."

"True that," Zelda says.

She then asks, "But still, what about the water I was able to do?"

Zelda then raises her hand and is able to spray water from her hand. She then is able to make a ball of water around the size of her hand.

"Hmm, it's possible that your ability could be slightly different," Charlie says. "Some demons can have similar powers and abilities, but it mainly depends on the person. They can be the same or different. You seem to have a similar ability of Pyrokinesis to me and my dad, but it also appears that you have the power of Hydrokinesis."

"I guess," Zelda says, still a bit confused.

She then makes her eyes the same color as Charlie and spreads her wings.

"Hmm, it's kind of interesting. Your wings are very different from my dad's," Charlie says.

"How so?" Zelda asks.

"Well, my dad's angel wings are white, not black. He has three pairs of wings, but you only have one pair. Then again, from what my dad told me, angel wings come in different colors, don't know if black is among them. And sometimes depending on the rank, angels can possess more than one pair of wings/" Charlie says.

She thinks of it, "I can name a few that I have with dark wings, like Exorcists. Adam's wings are gold. My Uncle Alex's wings are also black, but it's still quite a rare color."

"I see," Zelda says.

Then Charlie says, "Well, let's see how well you fly."

"Okay," Zelda says.

She then begins flapping her black wings and begins to take flight. Zelda soon begins flying around in circles over Charlie. Charlie watches as Zelda flaps her wings and flies around her.

"You're doing good so far," Charlie says.

She then calls out and asks, "Hey Zelda, how were you able to fly so well?"

"I'm not sure!" Zelda calls out, "I simply take off while trying to avoid Pentious's rocket launcher."

Zelda then flies back down and lands back on her feet.

"I think I ended up flying and attacking with fire because I was too busy trying to stay alive and fight back against Pentious and the Egg Bois," Zelda says.

"Seems so. You were put in a dangerous situation where you almost been uh, blasted to pieces," Charlie says.

"Yeah. I guess it was an unexpected situation," Zelda says.

She shrugs her shoulders, "I mean, before I even gain these powers, I simply hit them with a baseball bat and kick them like a soccer ball."

"Yes. Angel also mentioned that, but you had to defend yourselves from them before Pentious decided to stay at the hotel," Charlie says. "And from what Angel said, you were pretty good at it."

"I did some baseball, soccer, and other stuff growing up. I even did some karate classes and ended up using a bit of it during that fight with the Egg Bois," Zelda says.

Zelda then uses her magic to create a bubble of water again and gently bounces it in her hand.

"There's still a lot I don't understand about these powers, nor do I know how," Zelda says.

"I'm sure we'll figure out something," Charlie reassures, "Who knows, maybe we can find a way to not only help you control your powers, but you might be gaining new powers. You did just gain water magic after all."

"Yeah," Zelda says, and kicks the water ball into the air.

Soon, it pops and pours some rain on Zelda.

Zelda sighs with a smile, "That feels good."

Charlie giggles, "I can tell that you really love the water."

"Well yeah. The water is practically my life. Sure I do other sports, school work, and other stuff, but the water is a big part of me," Zelda says.

"I can tell, especially explaining how you talked about the ocean and the activities you do," Charlie says.

"Yeah, I guess so," Zelda says.

Usagi soon walks down the hill and says, "Hi Zelda. Hi Charlie. How's the magic lesson?"

"It's going well. Sure we just go over the basics of knowing what kind of powers Zelda has so far," Charlie says.

"So Charlie, what kind of powers do you have?" Zelda asks.

"Well, like you, I have Pyrokinesis, Conjuration Demonic Magic, and of course my Demon Transformation," Charlie says.

"Your what now?" Zelda questions.

But soon remembers, "Oh right, that ability you did when you got mad. Your eyes change colors and you have horns on your head. I remember seeing you do that when the commercial got changed to the sudden news report about the Extermination."

"That's right," Charlie says with a nod.

Zelda thinks for a minute, "You think I'll end up with it?"

"Who knows. It's difficult to tell what kind of powers, so we'll have to wait and see," Charlie says.

"I see. I'm glad you can start learning about your powers. Then again, I saw how you were able to use your powers well on the news," Usagi says.

Zelda sighs, "You saw that too?"

"I think everyone in Hell saw it," Usagi says.

"Touche," Zelda replies.

Then Zelda asks, "So Charlie what do you do with your magic?"

"Well, as the Princess of Hell, it is my job to notify when the Extermination ended. Like this," Charlie says.

She then uses her fire magic to fire it into the sky and create small fireworks in the sky.

"Wow. That's amazing," Zelda says, impressed.

"Thanks," Charlie says, "How about you give it a go?"

"Okay then..." Zelda says, "Here goes." Zelda then begins casting her magic and launches it into the sky.

However, her magic begins to fly out of control and fly towards the hotel. Charlie, Usagi, and Zelda gasp as the fire power ends up blasting a large hole at the front door.

"Uh oh," The girls reply, concerned.

Soon, Vaggie marches out in anger, "Alright, who the fuckin asswhole that blasted a hole in the wall this time?!"

"Uh, sorry Vaggie!" Zelda calls out.

Vaggie walks down, "Wait, you did that? How did that happen?"

"Sorry Vaggie, Charlie was teaching me how to use my pyrokinesis power. I tried to launch it in the sky, but it changed direction and hit the front door. My bad," Zelda explains, with a sheepish expression.

Vaggie roll her eye, "You need more practice."

"Yes. I know," Zelda says, deflated.

Charlie then says, "Well, while we get the wall fixed up, we can move on to a different lesson."

Moments later...

"Hellography!" Charlie says.

"Hellography?" Zelda questions.

"It's kind of like Geography, the study of Earth, but Hellography is about Hell's environment, civilization, inhabitants, and such," Charlie says.

"I see," Zelda replies.

"Well then, we should get started," Charlie says.

She then explains, "As you heard, Hell is full of many different demons. However, Overlords and Sinners aren't the only demons living in Hell, and there are different Hellborn demons living in different Rings of Hell."

Charlie then uses her magic to create a diorama of a gold yellow pole. Floating around it are seven rings, each of them a different color: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, and Pink.

"As you can see, there are seven different rings of Hell. Each color represents a Ring in Hell. And each Ring has one of the seven Sins of Hell in charge, " Charlie says, She then points to the red ring, "There's the Pride Ring, where we are. My father is the ruler of Hell, but is also in charge of the Pride Ring." Then points to the orange ring, "Then we have the Wrath Ring, ruled by Satan," Then the yellow ring, "Gluttony, runned by Beelzebub," Then to the green ring, "Greed is ruled by Mammon," Then to the blue ring, "The Lust is ruled by Asmodues," Then points to the purple ring, "The Envy Ring, and their ruler is Leviathan," and lastly points to the pink ring, "And lastly, we have the Sloth Ring, ruled by Belphegor."

"Wow. So basically Hell has seven kings, and Lucifer is considered to be the head ruler of them all," Zelda says.

"That's right. However, not all the rulers of the Rings are male. There are a few females who are the Sins as well," Charlie says.

"That's cool. To know that there are females among the sins. I think in some cases they go back and forth of gender among some of the Sins, but it's good to know there's a clear gender," Zelda says.

"That's true. Humans can uh, exaggerate a bit about us demons," Charlie says.

Then Zelda says,"You also say that there are many different demons in Hell besides those in the Pride Ring."

"That's right. And each demon is categorized in a hierarchy chart," Charlie says.

"There are Imps and Hellhounds that are the lowest class of demons. There are Hellborns like Succubi and Incubi, and other demons. Then we have Sinners, as you know there are demons who onced lived on Earth before passing. Even Overlords, who are on a higher teer," Charlie says, "Overlords have a higher amount of power, influence, and even the many souls they obtain."

"You mean demons like the Vees, Carmilla Carmine, Zestial, and Alastor?" Zelda asks.

"That's right," Charlie says, "And also..."

Just then, the door has been pushed open and walking into the room is Alastor.

Alastor has his microphone in hand and says, "We interrupt this Important Program to bring you to a Half-Angel Human and the Princess of Hell practicing their magic and Failing Miserably! Great Job so far you two! You'll make wonderful magicians I'm sure!"

"What are you doing here?!" Zelda questions.

"Wanting to give you ladies the latest update on the life of the young hybrid in Hell," Alastor says.

Charlie rolls her eyes, "Thank you for the update, Alastor, but I'm in the middle of Zelda's lesson."

"Lessons you say?" Alastor questions.

"Yes. I'm teaching about Hell's environment, Rings, and the demons living here. And I was telling her about Overlords until you barge in with your radio broadcast," Charlie says with her arms crossed.

"I do apologize, but I thought it would be hilarious for you to hear it," Alastor says.

Zelda rolls her eyes, "Yeah yeah, hilarious."

"Well then, I'll leave you both for the time being," Alastor says, leaving the room, "Have fun with your lessons, Zelda. Oh and if you're looking for some more magic lessons or lessons about this Pentagram, you're welcome to come to me for some advice."

Soon, Alastor leaves the room and closes the door from behind him.

Zelda sighs and says, "I still don't get this guy."

"Not sure if I understand him either," Charlie says.

"Are there any other demons?" Zelda asks.

"There sure are," Charlie says, "There is Ars Goetia. They're Hell's other form of royal or nobility. And they also have their separate ranks. King, Duke, Prince, Marquise, Earls, Knights, and Presidents I think there are some that are around your age," Charlie says, "Then of course the Seven Deadly Sins. then there's me, my mother Lilith, and my uncle Alex, the Grand Duke of Hell, and at the top is my dad, Lucifer Morningstar, the King of Hell."

"That's a lot of different kinds of demons living here," Zelda says.

"That's right. However, for Sinners and Overlords, they are not allowed to travel to the other Rings of Hell. They are confined to the Pride Ring, but Hellborns and other demons that live in Hell can travel to other places in Hell," Charlie says.

"How come?" Zelda asks, confused.

"Honestly, I don't really have an idea," Charlie says.

"Oh," Zelda replies.

"Yeah. Either way, we'll be starting with the Pride Ring, we can go over the other Rings of Hell another time," Charlie says.

She then conjures up a map of Pentagram city, "As you can see, Pentagram City is mainly a city where all the Sinners ended up, and Hellborns live here as well. What's more, the city is separated into different seconds and districts."

"Like the Entertainment District and the Doomsday district," Angel says, barging into the room.

The two girls turn to see Angel walking inside.

"Hey Angel," Zelda says.

"Angel, I'm in the middle of the lesson," Charlie says.

Soon, Vaggie walks in, "I told you to not come barging in, Angel," annoyed.

"What? I figure I can help with it. Al told us you're giving lessons so I thought I can give you a little knowledge," Angel says.

"Like your place of work?" Zelda asks, rolling her eyes.

"Uh yeah, my place of work," Angel bluntly replies.

He then says, "Anyway, there are a lot of places in the city that are similar to Earth, but also different. There's a lot more places to buy drugs, alcohol, weapons, you name it. Not to mention casinos, nightclubs and other places that are for adults."

"I see," Zelda says.

"You are correct Angel, but let's not forget the Clock Tower, "Charlie says and pointing to the building in the center, "It's placed at the center of the City. It's standing right on top of the Heaven Embassy."

"Why would Heaven have one of their buildings in the center of a city full of Sinners?" Zelda asks, confused.

"Well, My dad and Uncle were angels and they still have connection to Heaven and the family up there. Of course, this Embassy is used so that my dad and uncle can have meetings there. Only the angels and the Morningstar family have permitted access," Charlie explains.

"I see," Zelda says.

She then asks, "Can humans go in there?"

"Well, maybe, but I would rather not have you meet Adam there," Charlie says.

"Yeah. After you told me about him, the guy sounds like a piece of work," Zelda says.

"All this is kind of boring," Angel says.

"Well since Zelda is going to be staying here, it's important for her to learn about Hell and its environment," Charlie says.

"Yeah. And they're kind of pointless," Angel says.

"It's not pointless," Vaggie says, "It's very important to Zelda's education. Zelda is going to be staying here, so she needs to know this. I mean, I feel bad we have to tell her about the Extermination, but she's bound to know it.

"That's true," Charlie says.

Zelda then asks, "Hey Vaggie, besides learning what the Extermination is about, and Adam being the leader of the Angel Army that led the Extermination, is there anything else about it?"

"Well yes. From what I learned, my dad was able to convince them to only target Sinners and to have me and other Hellborns spared. Also, because only Sinners arrive in Pride and are unable to leave, they only attack here in the Pride Ring," Charlie explains.

"And Exorcists can be very ruthless with the Extermination. Besides Adam who is the leader, his Lieutenant, Lute, is second in command. She is pretty ruthless with her killings," Vaggie says.

"Yikes," Zelda says. "And you have to deal with this every year. Sheesh."

"Yeah. Another known fact is that practically all the Exorcists in the angel army are female," Vaggie says.

"Really? All of them except Adam are girls?" Zelda asks.

"Yeah. It's kind of a surprise. Of course, the horns they use for their masks seems to resemble female Imps' horns," Vaggie says.

"That's weird," Zelda says.

"That's true, I did find that weird, but it's not really my place to question them," Charlie says.

Vaggie grabs Angel, "Anyway, we better get going. You two are still busy."

"Yeah yeah," Angel says.

Soon, the pair walk out of the room and Charlie closes the door soon after.

Charlie sighs and turns to Zelda, "Sorry that the lesson isn't going too well."

"It's okay. I've already learned quite a bit. And even learned as I go along with staying in Hell," Zelda says.

"Good to hear," Charlie says.

Then says, "Before I forget, there is another city in the Pride Ring called Imp City. Of course, it's also in the second circle as well."

"I'm guessing that Imp City is inhabited by Imps," Zelda suspects.

"Yes. Yes they are. But they also have other Hellborns as well," Charlie says.

"Okay," Zelda says.

Meanwhile, at the V's Tower...

Velvette is lounging on the couch as she looks at her phone. More specifically, looking at the picture she has taken of Zelda during the Overlord meeting. Truth be told, Velvette suspects this demon is really Zelda. Despite the appearance and the clothes, there are some traits that Velvette notices and is able to piece together the disguise she's wearing. Vox and Valentino are sitting on a different couch with their phones, possible work related. However, Velvette has them gathered for a different reason.

"Velvette, are you really sure you saw her?" Vox asks.

"I'm sure it's her. I can tell by the tone of her voice. Also, I can tell when someone is wearing makeup. Even if it is a good disguise. And with the clothes makes her look like the Cannibals from the other side of the city," Velvette says,

"Well from the picture you showed up, she does have the same height and body type, and some of the blonde hair sticking out from the hat," Val adds.

"And she is sitting next to Alastor, don't forget about that detail," Velvette says, sounding annoyed,

"I'm guessing you're not very pleased with what she said to you," Vox says.

Velvette groans in annoyance, "That, and that she's actually on that old fossil's side. Saying that we have no clue how that Exorcist died and that we'll be picking fights with us being at a disadvantage. Even though she may or may not raise a good point, it just annoys me that she practically talked back to me. Saying that she's only 'stating facts'. Doesn't change fact that we have a fuckin dead Exorcist."

"We get the idea Velvette, but it doesn't change the fact that she's actually there. Which means she can get out of the hotel," Vox says.

"A lot of good that would do. She was with Alastor when I entered the room, she was sitting next to him," Velvette says. "All I can tell is that she seems acquainted with him and appears to have not made a deal with him."

"Why would she be wearing a disguise?" Valentino questions.

Vox answers, "To keep her from being approached by other demons. Even when the whole talk about what happened at the Turf War has died down at the moment, demons still want to find her, know her, and get intel from her."

"Like what we're doing," Velvette says.

"True. We need to make sure she doesn't get close to Alastor and get intel from her," Vox says, "However, thanks to the little incident with Pentious, I wouldn't be surprised if she learns that we're trying to capture her from him."

"Which means it will be even harder to get her here if she knows about us," Valentino says.

"Well then, what are we going to do about it? She can disguise herself, fight back, and who knows what else. And let's not forget that she's being a bodyguard from Lucifer's daughter or anyone else staying in the hotel, Velvette says.

"Well, she can't stay in that hotel forever, and can't stay with the princess and the smiling freak forever. She has to separate herself from them eventually," Val says, typing on his phone.

"Until then we'll need to keep an eye on her and wait until the right time to act. Still, that girl will have to be separated from her little group eventually," Vox says.

Back at the Hotel, sometime later...

Charlie and Zelda walk out of the office.

"I think that went well, despite some of the hiccups," Charlie says.

"Yeah. and I've learned quite a bit. And who knew that Hell has trains and elevators, and other methods to get to the other rings. It seems that Hell has ways of adapting and changing as well," Zelda says.

"That's right. I had to study a lot over the years to keep up," Charlie says.

Vaggie soon walks over, "Hey Charlie. Zelda. How's the lesson going?

"It went well, despite some mishaps, but we managed to get a good amount done," Charlie says.

"That's good to hear," Vaggie says, "I remember when I first started learning about Hell and it's environment, and about the sinners here."

"Really now?" Zelda asks.

"Um yeah. I met Charlie right after I uh, fell, and lost my eye," Vaggie says.

"You lost your eye?" Zelda asks, shocked.

"Yeah. I don't really like to talk it, so uh..." Vaggie says, sounding uneasy.

"It's okay. I guess this is a very personal subject for you," Zelda says.

"Yeah," Vaggie says.

"So what do you two plan to do now?" Vaggie asks.

"Well, I plan to start up with my next rehabilitation plan for tomorrow," Charlie says.

"I plan to get some eggs boiled for Kai. It's almost his dinner," Zelda says.

"Okay," Charlie says.

Zelda then takes her leave.

Charlie sighs with a smile, "I guess things have gone very well."

"Yeah, but I sometimes worry that we might get too attached, she's still human after all, kind of. And she's learning about all these powers herself as much as we are. I wish there's something we can learn about her on how she got these powers," Vaggie says.

Charlie turns to see Zelda leaving, "Yeah. I wish there's a way to help her too."

Vaggie smiles and places her hand on her shoulder, "We'll figure something out. Until then, it's best to be there for Zelda when she needs us.

Charlie smiles and says, "Right. We'll be there for Zelda when she needs us, kind of like how she plans to be here for us."

The girls smile and lean to each other all lovey dovey. Lessons have some drawbacks, but everything has gone well. However, there's still a lot for Zelda to learn about Hell, and possibly about herself and her powers.

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