Chapter 1: Getting to Know You Part 1
One early morning at the Happy Hotel, which is now called the Hazbin Hotel thanks to Alastor, Zelda is asleep in the bedroom Charlie and Vaggie let her stay in. Zelda sleeps peacefully in her bed as Kai is sleeping on a pillow next to her. Just then, she hears the sound of an alarm. The young human lets out a groan as she slowly wakes up from her sleep. She reaches her hand out and presses on an alarm clock sitting on the desk. Zelda wakes up and stretches her arms with a yawn.
Zelda looks at the clock, "6:30 a.m. guess it's time to wake up."
Zelda suddenly feels something wet on her cheek. She turns to see Kai, who is awake. Kai then licks the tip of Zelda's nose.
Zelda giggles as she sits up, "Morning Kai," She then lets Kai slither up her back until he is sitting on her shoulders.
Zelda giggles with a smile.
Suddenly, Zelda hears knocking on the door, and Charlie's voice, "Zelda, are you up? It's me, Charlie!"
"I'm coming," Zelda says.
Zelda walks to the door and opens to see Charlie along with her little friends, Razzle and Dazzle.
"Good morning, Zelda. How did you sleep?" Charlie asks with a smile.
"I slept well. Kai did too," Zelda says.
Kai simply sticks his tongue out in response.
"I'm glad to hear it," Charlie happily says, and presents a bag of clothes, "I brought you something. Those are my old clothes back when I was a teenager, and I hope they fit you."
"Thanks Charlie," Zelda says and takes the bag.
"Come down stairs when you're dressed, Niffty said she's making breakfast," Charlie says.
"Okay," Zelda says.
Charlie and her little goat friends walk away. Zelda closes the door and places the bag on the bed.
She peeks in the bag and says, "Interesting. Not exactly like the clothes I'm used to, living in the tropics, but they'll do fine."
Zelda then takes out the clothes and starts to get dressed.
Downstairs in the lobby, Charlie and Vaggie are sitting on the couch, waiting for Zelda and her pet snake.
"I hope my old clothes will fit her. Oh, I hope they're not too big on her," Charlie says.
"I'm sure the clothes will be fine, they're only temporary until we can buy her some," Vaggie says.
"That's true. They might be a slim big on her, but you're right, it's only until we can get her some new clothes," Charlie says.
"Morning bitches," Angel's voice comes out.
The girls turn to see Angel Dust walking down the stairs with his pet pig, Fat Nuggets in his arms.
"Morning Angel," Charlie says.
"Morning," Vaggie says, slightly annoyed.
She then notices the little pig, "Why did you bring your pig down here?"
"Cool it, Vags. I just want to introduce Zelda and Kai to Fat Nuggets. She seems to like animals, so why not. Besides, I'm sure she'll like to see Charlie's kitt-key cat," Angel says.
"Kitt-key cat?" Charlie says, confused. But quick to realize, "Oh, you mean KeeKee. I actually plan to introduce her to them, too. Where is she?"
Suddenly, they hear purring and turn to see KeeKee walking to Vaggie and climb on the couch to sit on the demon's lap.
Vaggie chuckles, "There you are," and pat the cat on the head.
"Hey guys," Zelda's voice appears.
Zelda walks down stairs and wears some of Charlie's old clothes. Zelda is wearing a long sleeve ivory shirt with black cuffs and a black ribbon on the collar. The shirt is a black overall overall with straps and has gold buttons at the front. She also wears black shoes on her feet, and lastly wears a black choker with a red red dangling on it. Zelda also has her hair in a lower ponytail that is tied with a black hair tie.
Kai is also sitting on Zelda's shoulder as his head turns to see the hotel.
Charlie happily says, "Aww, you look so cute, Zelda. My old clothes fit you fine, right?"
"Thanks. And yeah, they fit me fine," Zelda says.
"Glad you like it," Charlie says.
"Hey Zelda," Vaggie says.
"Hey sugar," Angel says.
"Hey Angel. Morning Vaggie," Zelda says.
Then Zelda notices Fat Nuggets and KeeKee, "And who are these cute little guys?"
"This is my pet pig, Fat Nuggets," Angel says as he nuzzles the little pig's cheek with his own.
Vaggie pets KeeKee, "And this is Charlie pet cat and actually the Hotel Key, Kee Kee."
"A key?" Zelda says, confused.
"Yeah. Let me show you," Charlie says.
Then calls out, "KeeKee, come here girl."
KeeKee then jumps off of Vaggie's lap, walks to Charlie, and changes into a black key with a red circle in the center. It also has a black heart in the center of the circle.
"Woah. A pet that can turn into a key. At least you won't lose the hotel key because it's always close to you," Zelda says.
Charlie giggles, "I know, right. However, KeeKee is also known as the embodiment of the hotel.
The KeeKee changes back and looks at Zelda with a curious eye.
Zelda kneels down and says, "Hello KeeKee," And lifts her head towards the black feline.
KeeKee then leans her ear to Zelda' hand, allowing Zelda to pet her. Zelda gently ribs and scratches her ear. The cat lies on her back allowing Zelda to rub her tummy.
"She's so cute," Zelda says.
"I knew you'd like her," Charlie happily says.
Angel then presents Fat Nuggets, "Don't forget about Nuggs," and places the pig on the ground, "Say hi to Nugs."
"Hi Fat Nuggets," Zelda says and gently rubs the pig's head.
"He likes it when you scratch his ear," Angel says.
Zelda does just that and really likes it that his curly tail wags. Then lies down on his back, allowing Zelda to rub his pot belly.
"What a cutie pie," Zelda says.
Zelda then takes Kai down from her shoulders and leans him to the other pets.
"Look Kai, you got new friends to play with," Zelda says.
Fat Nuggets and KeeKee walk to Kai. Kai looks at them as he sticks his fork like tongue. He soon begins to smile in response. Then Kai leaves from Zelda's hands and comes to the ground. Then the three pets begin to play together.
"Aww, look. They're becoming friends," Charlie happily says.
"Yeah. It's really cute," Angel says.
And suddenly, "Is this supposed to be a hotel, or a zoo?"
The group turns to see Husk walking down and sitting at the bar/front desk.
"Morning Husk," Charlie says.
"What's so good about it?" Husk questions and begins to drink.
"Isn't it kind of early to be drinking alcohol?" Zelda asks.
"It's Hell, what do you expect, kid," Husk says before continuing drinking.
"Well, it's not really illegal to drink alcohol, unless you're underage, but it's bad to overdrink them," Charlie says.
"I suppose. I just turned 18 a few months ago, so I can't drink any alcohol. Nor do I want to," Zelda says. "I remember one of my older cousins wanted me to try it. I did, and I hate it. Yuck!" And sticks her tongue out in disgust.
"Better get used to it, kid. A lot of demons drink alcohol and have drugs here," Angel says.
"After my first day in Hell, I'm not surprised," Zelda says, "They don't have bending machines with soda, juice, water, or snacks, just alcohol and drugs."
Niffty soon walks in and happily says, "Morning everyone. I hope you're hungry because breakfast is ready."
"Thanks Niffty," Charlie says. "Well, let's go get some breakfast. Then we can start with today's activity."
"Why?" Angel questions.
"Because we have a new uh, residence staying in the hotel. Zelda, Husk, Niffty, and Alastor," Charlie says.
"Speaking of Alastor, where the fuck is he?" Vaggie questions.
"I'm not sure," Zelda says.
"He said he's making some preparations," Niffty happily says.
"Preparations? For what?" Zelda questions.
"For our stay of course. I think he also mention about building his radio station on top of the hotel," Niffty says with a grin.
"Say what now?" Charlie questions, dumbfounded.
The group then walks out of the building and looks up to see the new Radio Station on top of the hotel. Along with the sign that is now reading, 'Hazbin Hotel,' instead of Happy Hotel.
"Did Alastor seriously change the sign of the hotel without us noticing?" Zelda questions, dumbfounded.
"Forget the sign, how the fuck did he got the Radio Station up there without us noticing?" Angel adds, confused.
Vaggie angrily shouts, "ALASTOR!"
"Yes, my dear?" A voice says.
Everyone yelps and turns to see Alastor standing behind them.
"Good morning everyone. I see you are observing my new radio station," Alastor says.
"Alastor! Why the fuck is there a Radio Station on the top of the Hotel?! And did you seriously rename the hotel behind our backs?!" Vaggie demands in full rage.
"Well my dear, if I'm going to be staying and helping with the hotel, I must do what I can to make myself more comfortable," Alastor says.
"The room setting I get, but why do you want to build a radio station? And here of all places?" Zelda asks, confused.
"Well, I do plan to make a comeback with my radio show, and to help advertise the hotel," Alastor says.
"Like anyone gives a shit about radios these days," Angel says, bluntly
"Actually, you may be surprised that some people still like to listen to the radio, just modify them, in some cases. And when there's a blackout. My mom and I like to listen to the radio while we do spring cleaning and when we head to the beach," Zelda says.
"Glad to hear that someone still has some class," Alastor says.
"I suppose. My mom still has the 1920's radio that my great grandparents had. Even though we don't use it anymore, we still use a radio that has batteries and it's a portal for us to take it out on trips," Zelda says.
Alastor laughs, "And they say radio is dead."
"But why change the name of the hotel?" Charlie asks, confused.
Alastor shrugs his shoulders, "I thought it would be hilarious. Now I'll tend to the preparations at the radio station and will be joining you later," And then disappears into his shadow.
"I don't think I'll understand the kind of world he lives in," Zelda says.
"You and me both, toots," Angel replies.
On earth in Oahu, Hawaii, Alexander is inside of a cavern. In a cave, deep in the jungle of the island. He lets out a sigh and uses his magic to open a portal and leads it to a specific place.
"It's been eighteen years since I've last seen him. Better change and greet that brother of mine," Alexander says.
With that, Alexander soon changes his form. His pale skin becomes pure white. His attire changed as well. He is now wearing a white short collar suit with matching pants, black dress shoes, a white undershirt with a red vest, and a black necktie tucked in. He is also wearing short black gloves on his hands, and has his silver wedding ring with a black pearl in the center on ring finger on the left hand. He also makes a staff appear with that glowing red orb on it. His eyes change to yellow scleras with red eyes remaining the same. His teeth also become sharp as well.
With that, Alexander walks through the portal and makes sure to close it behind him. He walks down the hall and soon finds a door.
He knocks on the door.
So far no one answers.
Alex knocks on the door again, "Lucifer... Lucifer!"
He then hears a voice, "I'm coming! I'm coming!"
Soon the door opens to reveal Lucifer. Alexander's brother. Lucifer has pure white skin, blonde hair, thick black eyebrows, black lips and a mouth full of sharp teeth. His eyes are yellow with red slit pupils resembling those of a snake. He, like his daughter Charlie, has red cheeks. His eyelids are purple which give the appearance of eyeshadow. He wears a white high collar suit, a black bowtie, and a red undershirt with white stripes. He also wears a wide-brimmed white top hat, with a golden snake and red apple over golden spikes reminiscent of a crown. On his left pinkie, he wears a golden ring.
Lucifer's eyes wide in surprise, "Holy shit! Alex?!"
"Hello Lucifer, how have you been doing big brother?" Alex asks.
"Doing fine, being busy and such. It's great to see you again. It's been like um, eighteen or so. How you've been doing. And where have you been since you've moved out?" Lucifer asks, surprised and yet happy.
He then hugs his brother into a tight huh.
Alex chuckles, "Yes. It has. Haven't talked much since, you know..."
Lucifer sighs and releases his brother, "Since the argument."
Alex places his hand on his brother's shoulder, "Hey, it happened a long time ago. We don't need to worry about it."
"Sure little bro. Sure," Lucifer says.
Alexander saddens and lets out a sigh, "Lucifer, I really need your help with something."
Lucifer also saddens, "I know that look, Alex. What's wrong?"
"You mind if we talk about this over wine. It's going to be a long story," Alexander says.
"Sure. We'll even have your favorite. We can even have our favorite snack. Caramel Apples," Lucifer says.
Moments later, the brothers are having their snack. However, the silence is kind of awkward. Mainly because they haven't talked to each other in years.
"So Alexander, what is it you need help with? Is it serious?" Lucifer asks.
"It's very serious. And well, to be honest, I don't even know how to explain it to you," Alexander says.
"Alex, I'm sure whatever problem you have I'll understand. There is no problem I can't solve," Lucifer says.
"I know, but whatever I'm about to tell you will really shock you. In fact, I'm very hesitant to tell you," Alexander says. "You ready?"
Lucifer nods his head.
Alexander then brings out a photograph in a frame and presents it to Lucifer. Lucifer looks at it to see a picture of Zelda.
Lucifer becomes confused, "Uh, Alex, it's a picture of a human," But then smiles, "A really cute and adorable girl, reminds me of Charlie. In fact, my daughter has been doing uh, fine since you've last seen her. A lot has uh, happened since you've moved, a lot I mean,"
"Yeah. Uh, funny you should say that, because well," Alex says, sounding rather uneasy. He takes a breather for a minute and says, "Lucifer, this is Zelda Morningstar Kalama. My... my daughter."
Lucifer blinks a few times, processing what his brother said, "Your... your DAUGHTER?!"
"Yes," Alexander replies with a nod.
"You have a daughter?! Holy shit, since when have you had a kid?! Since when you were married?! What the fuck have you been doing the whole time?! Why you never tell me?! How?! When?! Where?! What?!" Lucifer asks, shocked and clearly upset.
Then Alexander covers his brother's mouth, "I get it, but let me explain. And try to calm down and stay quiet, even walls have years."
Lucifer nods his head in reply.
Alexander removes his hand and brings out another photo. A family photo of himself in his human form, Lilo, Zelda, and her pet snake, Kai.
"You married a human?!" Lucifer exclaims in shock.
"Yes," Alexander says with a nod, "Will you let me continue?"
"Of course," Luifer says.
"You see. After our argument, I used the Asmodean Crystal Ozzie gave me to go to Earth, to clear my head. I find myself in Hawaii, specifically in Oahu. There, I met a Hawaiian girl named Lilo, who was in trouble from a shark attack. I ended up saving her when she tried to distract a shark from attacking her friends. I ended up revealing my form in front of her. However, she was amazed to see me," Alexander explains.
He then smiles, "Overtime, I visit Lilo more and more. Love blossomed between us, so we got married, and later we had a baby girl. However, during my wife's pregnancy, I realized that there is a problem. I fear that one day, Heaven and Hell will discover what I've been doing on Earth. Demons and Angels are strictly forbidden to be on Earth without premissional access. With my daughter being half human half angel, it will be too dangerous for her to live with me in Hell, and with my wife being human it will add more trouble. I also fear that the angels might punish Lilo and I for our action. So I've made the hardest decision. I've decided to move out and started living on Earth with my wife to help raise my daughter. I have lived my life as a mortal since the day of my daughter's birth. I only return to fulfill my duties and to check with the family in Hell."
"Wow... just... wow. That must have been hard," Lucifer says.
"It was, but I had to, for my daughter's sake. I want her to be raised on Earth, in order to have a normal life. In order to accomplish it. I've used my magic to seal away Zelda's angelic powers within a pearl and kept it in a shell locket. And I've never told her of my previous life as an Angel, as the Grand Duke of Hell, and the existence of Heaven and Hell. I did all this to keep my family safe and live a normal and safe life," Alexander says.
Then apologize, "I apologize for keeping all this from you, Lilith, and Charlotte."
Lucifer gives him a gentle smile and takes Alexander's hand, "It's okay Alex, and I understand. You were just thinking of what's best for your family." Then saddens, "Even though it ended up keeping your mouth shut about it, I understand."
"Thank you, Lucifer," Alexander says.
Lucifer then smiles, "But still, I can't believe I'm an uncle! This is huge! And I have eighteen years worth of giving to plan. You just have to bring your wife and daughter right over. And I'm sure that Charlie would love to know about this. She's going to flip to hear that she has a cousin. Ooh, we should set up a playdate for them."
"If only it were that simple," Alexander says, concerned.
This has Lucifer concerned, "Did something happen?"
"Yes. My daughter has already entered Hell," Alexander says.
"What?! How?!" Lucifer asks, shocked.
"There was a cave on the island that a cult used for trying to send humans to Hell. Zelda ended up finding it after chasing her pet snake, Kai and was sucked in. I fear that she already entered Hell and possibly ended up in Pentagram City. What's more, the spell that kept Zelda's angelic magic sealed has been broken, so she might have been exposed to her powers," Alexander explains.
"Oh no. Alexander this is terrible. With her as uh, human, and developing angelic magic, and if any demon sees her," Lucifer says.
"I know, Zelda is in terrible danger. I need your help to find her, but we need to be very discreet about it. Hell doesn't know about Zelda being my daughter and being a Morningstar. If anyone in Hell were to find out about her, I don't even want to imagine what they might do. And if Heaven were to discover this..." Alexander says, expressing his worry that he can't even finish the final sentence.
Lucifer says, "Don't worry, we'll find her. We'll do our best to keep this whole thing between us. Between us brothers."
"Thank you, Lucifer," Alexander says.
"Great. While the situation has been talked out..." Lucifer says.
He leans to Alexander eagerly, "You have gotta tell me about your daughter and your wife. What are they like? What's their hobbies? What kind of food do they eat? What was your life like in Hawaii? And on Earth? Do either one of them like ducks?"
Alexander simply smiles and agrees to tell his brother about his family and his life on Earth.
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