Walking around hell with ema

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y/n was against a wall next to the TV store. He was waiting for a person that he was meeting up with.

He was just flicking through his phone checking out what was happening. He saw some kind of rave party happening in a couple of days. It couldn't hurt he thought too maybe he should invite those two emos with him.

He chuckled at the fact that he called those two emo. He just found it funny is all. He started walking back and forth while still waiting when he felt someone bump into him.

He turned to look at the person who came out of nowhere and bumped into him. He saw it was that one girl from a couple of weeks back.

The girl stumbles back a couple of feet, the hood she had fallen off her head showing more of her face. Seeing her silver-like skin and her periwinkle-long hair. She panicked and quickly pulled it back over her head.

She looked the same since he last saw her she still wore a hoodie covering her whole body not showing off her features. Those two stumps on her back.

He had to think for a moment about what her name was m, Emily. No, that is probably not it. He thought about it a bit more before it finally clicked and he remembered her name was Ema.

Y/n: Ema you look like you have been doing well since I last saw you. I see you still wearing that coat so how have you been?

She fidgets a little about what happened before she starts to calm down.

Ema: thanks so much for meeting with me y/n especially since you had no reason to do so.

Y/n: hey it's no problem after all I did help you when it was your first day in hell. So you said you want me to show you around right?

Ema: Thank you so much y/n you are such a good person.

She walked close to him, grabbing his hands and putting them together with her hands. Her eyes seemed to have a sparkle of innocence behind her eyes.

Y/n: Uh yeah thanks

Yep, he thought to himself she was just as weird as he remembered her.

The two started walking as y/n introduced her to different places.

Y/n: Hey Ema I wanted to ask since you are having me show you around. Have you not been checking the place out since you arrived?

Ema: oh uh no I haven't had much time I..... found a place to stay so I was checking out that phone you gave me.


She clicked on the app and saw some different photos before a blush formed on her face with her head steaming and panic closing the app........ her finger inched closer and opened the photo app back up.


Her face started to get red for a moment before she shook it off and placed her hand on her chest, calming herself down.

y/n noticed her sleeve fall slightly revealing gray clothes pieces as much as that didn't mean much the real takeaway was she only had three fingers which was interesting.

She looked human but might have some bird features so maybe her only having three fingers was part of that.

The two walked around y/n introducing different places.

Y/n: so we got that big tower over there with the three vees. I recommend never to make a deal with them. I have a friend who works there and from what I've seen. They are some of the worst people to meet though one of them is pretty cool in my opinion, well besides what she did but yeah watch out for that place.

Ema: woah so what is that one friend like?

Y/n: I wouldn't say friend more like I help her when she has needs that need to be fulfilled. (tongue twister at the end.)

She looked at him confused by what he meant by needs.

Ema: well at least you're helping her.

Y/n: yeah I guess but still don't get into any contracts with them if you wish to be free from them.

Ema: maybe just because they do bad things doesn't make them horrible people

Y/n: I guess but this is hell there are not many "good people" down here.

Just as he says that a blimp was flying above them heading to the west of the two. It had giant guns on it.

Ema: you just got to believe y/n everyone whether it me or you or anyone we can all have a little good in us.

He thought about what she said about how we can all have a little good in us. He was not sure how true that was but he knew one person who would like to hear those words.

Y/n: you know I have this friend and I think she would like you a lot if you both were to meet each other

Ema: I would love to meet more sinners down here and see what others are like.

Y/n: down here?

Ema froze up as he said that.

Ema: oh uh I meant like down here like on the same level as me and you. On equal footing, you know what I mean?

Y/n: hmm yeah I think I know what you mean. You're talking about the power scaling right because we are sinners and as I said the vees are overlords.

Ema: uh yeah that's what I mean. It would be great to meet other sinners.

Y/n: well hey next time I'll introduce you to my friends then.

Ema: really? That would be perfect thanks y/n.

She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him. She is one of the weirdest people he has ever met. The two got closer to the middle of the pride ring. The place became cleaner and white looking with one building having lights pointing towards it.

y/n: Then we got to this place, the heaven embassy. I'm not too sure what this place is for, not like we had many talks with the angels.

Ema looked at him confused about what he said.

Ema: you don't have many talks with the Heaven ambassador?

Y/n: well I'm not too sure because I'm just your normal sinner. I have no idea if they had talks. If they do, it makes me question what they have been talking about since nothing has changed in the last 100-200 years.

Ena:" Quietly" I was sure Adam said he comes down here to talk with them every year." normal volume" Could we go somewhere else I don't want to go anywhere near there.

Y/n: oh uh sure oh let me show you this place.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her along. The two made their way to a place where there was a red portal where imps were walking to and from the portals along with other creatures. There are not any sinners around in the area.

Ema: what is this place?

Y/n: this here is a portal that takes you to the other rings

Ema: you can go to the other rings through this place?

Y/n: yeah but I'm not sure if we can go through it.

Ema: what do you mean?

Y/n: well I heard that we aren't supposed to be able to leave the pride ring but the thing is I have been to the other rings before. So I hope you don't mind but I want to test it.

Ema: you want to see if I can go through it?

y/n nodded at her. She looked at the portal before walking over with y/n walking with her.

They both stood in front of the portal ema reached her hand out her fingers touching it as the red portal engulfed her body causing her to disappear.

Y/n does the same as soon as he blinks in a different area.

Ema was a few feet away looking around with her sparkling eyes. He walks over after her. She noticed he was coming over.

Ema: this is incredible it is so different compared to the other one look you got imps as a storekeeper. You even got other creatures as well.

Y/n: haha yeah it's a really interesting place compared to the pride ring. But it's all part of hell.

Ema just couldn't take her eyes off this place.

Ema: who knew that hell could be so interesting?

Y/n: I can agree with you there

Ema seems to go tense all of a sudden she looks around almost like she is feeling something.

Ema: I'm so sorry y/n but I think I should go

Y/n: oh that's fine.

Ema: Are you sure?

Y/n: yeah if you need to go then go it fine.

Ema: All alright then I'll see you later alright?

She starts walking away while she turns back and waves at him which y/n waves back at her.

She walked into an alleyway. y/n losing sight of her. He saw a white light fill the alleyway like the last time he saw her leave.

He walked into the alleyway not seeing much besides a white feather on the ground. He grabbed it and looked at it before looking at heaven in the sky.

His eyes focused on it before he put the feather away and headed back to the hotel.

Along the way y/n felt his phone going off but it was acting strange. He pulled it out seeing that it was acting on its own.

It went into contact and started to type a number. Y/n was not sure what to do if he should turn it off or let it do it.

He tried tapping on it but it did nothing, not responding. It finished typing the number in and then it entered the number in calling the number.

Someone picked up the call from the number that was called

Y/n brought his phone to his ear.

Y/n: h-hello?

Stolas: ah hello my little sinner how are you doing on this eventful day?

Y/n: oh Stolas how did you do that thing with my phone?

Stolas: I used a bit of my power to have my shadow type down my number on your phone.

Y/n: oh well that is interesting but besides that what do I owe the pleasure to for this call then?

Stolas: well you remember how I want you to "fuck my soon-to-be ex-wife"

Y/n: yeah so it's finally time for your plan to move forward with?

Stolas: You are correct my little sinner. I hope you are free tomorrow because you will be going to a party.

Y/n was not fully sure if he should hate the nickname that Stolas gave to him. But it was fine as he should focus on the thing they are talking about now.

Y/n: uh yeah I should be.

Stolas: good then I'll see you tomorrow just come in through the front and head back to the room we last met in.

Y/n: All alright got it.

Stolas: then farewell my sinner till next time.

He hung up the call. He just shook his head as he was making his way back.

He quickly made a group chat with Loona and via and sent the party to the chat room.

As y/n got closer he heard the sound of construction being worked on near the hotel.

As he got closer he saw that there was work being done to the hotel. Out in front, he saw Angel sit and vaggie watching the place.

There was a tarp on something on the roof.

Y/n: uh hey guys what happened here?

Angel: Charlie said she had an announcement.

Vaggie: Yeah, she wanted us out here.

Speaking of Charlie y/n saw her making her way over to the group.

Charlie: oh hey y/n I was about to call you.

Y/n: well I'm here so what is going on?

Charlie: Now that you guys are all here I would like for you to all look at the top of the hotel.

They all stood next to each other watching the top of the building. Charlie waved her arm down for the construction crew that was on the roof.

One walked over to the tarp on the roof and cut it off. The tarp fell off showing a title for the building.

The three stood there baffled by the name.

Charlie: surprised welcome to being a resident of the happy hotel

Angel turns to y/n.

Angel: is it too late to go somewhere else

Y/n walked over to Charlie and put his hand on her shoulder.

Y/n: I'm sorry Charlie that name is just not it.

Vaggie walked over.

Vaggie: I'm sorry Charlie but I have to agree as much as I understand the name it just not going to pull people in.

Charlie: oh.....I spent so long on that name though. It is even the name I put for the TV interview I'm doing.

Y/n: oh you were able to get the interview?

Charlie: Yeah I did.

Vaggie: That good Charlie, we just need to work on the name more.

Angel was off to the side looking back at the pentagram seeing a blimp casually, flying around firing and stuff.

Vaggie: When are you interviewing?

Charlie: sometime next week.

Vaggie: Well we better get to work than on what you need to say.

Vaggie grabbed her by the shoulder leading her inside.

Charlie: oh y/n can you make some of that coffee it will help me focus better on this.

Y/n: yeah sure thing it won't be a problem.

Y/n walked with the two as Angel walked behind them.

Word count 2343

We will now be back on normal schedule of being every other week

big thanks to
Charles Linder

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