Time to act on Stola's plan

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Y/n was walking over to the Stolas mansion as planned. He got close to the place noticing that the place looked like it was getting set up for a party.

y/n went up to the gates looking past it not seeing anyone around. Next to the gate was a keypad or call button. Pushing on it he could hear someone pick it up.

Butler imp: Hello?

Y/n: hello uh I have an appointment with Stolas.

Butler imp: "sighs" Please wait for a moment........... Opening the gate now. Please make your way to the master bedroom

The Gates to the place start to opening y/n walk through. He found it funny that last time he was here he was sneaking in to hang out with Via. Now he is just walking casually.

Walking through the place he saw imps running around either with tables or drinks. They did not bat much of an eye at him, more forced on their task at hand. y/n noticed that the plant still looked like they would suck a dick.

After seeing all those imps and how he thought he saw one of the plants eating a dick last time. An imp definitely stuck their dick in one and got it chomped off.

y/n made it to the big door from last time when an imp escorted him to it. Knocking, he waited a moment before he heard a voice say enter.

Opening the door he walked in looking around the place this time taking a good look around. There was a king bed a lot of shelves with books and even a balcony in the back

y/n noticed Stolas sitting at a table drinking tea and reading a book. He put his book down to look at y/n he gestured to sit down in the free spot next to him.

y/n walked over and sat down.

Stolas: Would you care for some tea my little sinner?

Y/n: No, I'm good thanks though for the offer.

Stolas: I invited you so of course I need to tend to my guests.

Y/n: so should we get onto the matter at hand?

Stolas: very well now as you may have noticed we are having a party well I should say my "wife" is throwing a party. A "grumpily" divorce party. Now then this would be your best chance to get her

Y/n: Are you sure she would even want to do that?

Stolas: knowing her she would want revenge sex so use that to your advantage try getting her to lean into that idea and if you need to make fun of me get on her good side.

Y/n: did you get the thing I asked for?

Stolas: yes I did and I must say these things you want me to remind me so much of my little Blitzy. Aw, I'm getting a bit sidetracked now then.

Stolas: I place them in our old room that we shared but it is now where she sleeps as I place the stuff under her bed.

Y/n: ok good but wait hold on won't she find it weird that a sinner is there

Stolas: as long as you got the looks and are a part of what she is doing she will most likely be fine with you.

Stolas: Anyway y/n once you do make sure to take photos as well as a recording so I can use them against her.

Y/n: understood that doesn't sound so hard

Stolas: Now then it is about time we get you ready don't you agree?

y/n looked down at his body he hadn't brought any clothes for the thing but was thankful it sounded like Stolas already had a pair for him.

With a snap of his finger y/n got flung up and moved in front of Stolas. He kept snapping his finger causing y/n clothes to change.

Stolas: no, maybe not, satan no,

Y/n: hey something is bugging me

Stolas: hmm?

Y/n: why are you both still living together? Even more so why are you letting her throw parties?

Stolas: well the first reason would be because if I were to kick her out her bitch of a brother would come after me. Also, it allows us to do my plan

Y/n: oh I see.

Stolas got back to work on finding an outfit after going through a couple more pairs. He landed on a pair of clothes that caught his eye.

Looking y/n up and down like a Barbie doll trying to see if he matches.

Stolas: these are the ones. Don't you agree y/n

y/n looked down his body able to move now he was checking it off he found it interesting.

Y/n: I think they look good.

Stolas: good now then you should be off I'll join the party later

Y/n nodded as he started to walk out checking his clothes and making sure they weren't too tight on his body.

As he was walking in got into a problem he had no idea where he was. He thought to himself if he had a penny every time he got lost in the house it would be two which is not a lot but it is still strange it happened twice.

He heard the sound of footsteps behind him. Before he could look over to see who it was he heard a voice.

???: y/n is that you what are you doing here?

He slowly turns to see via standing there looking at him with a drink in her other hand. In her other hand were her headphone

Y/n: oh hey via I was helping your dad.

Via: really what did my dad need help with?

Y/n: he just needed extra help... for the party that your mom was throwing.

Via: agh such a stupid reason to throw a party.

She looked him up and down after noticing his outfit.

Via: nice outfit.

Y/n: oh thanks by the way I like that photo you sent.

She blushed a little from his comment.

Via: I just felt daring is all you know fighting the stereotype that as a girl I can't be posting stuff like that to a guy who is just a friend.

Y/n: uh huh sure anyway oh by the way are you going to that thing that I post in the group chat?

Via: yeah I should be able to go I'll just use the secret passage that I use to get out of this stupid house and by secret passage, I mean the window.

Y/n: nice hey great that you will be able to make it.

Via: wait so my dad wants extra help so he got your phone number and called you up?

Y/n: basically.

Via: huh well alright hey you down to hang out afterward?

Y/n: sorry I can't this thing your dad wants me to do that will take me all day to do.

Via: oh well alright see you later then?

Y/n: definitely see you later.

She put her headphones on and started walking away. Y/n stood there for a minute before realizing he could have asked about where the party was.

He walked around for a bit till he ended up back at the entrance to the building. He could at least say he knew where the room was at now for the thing to go down in.

There was now a sign saying divorce party this way.

Y/n straightened his outfit as he made his way inside. The room was massive compared to the rest of the place.

There was a beautiful Chandelier in the middle floating above the place. The light that hit it was redirecting the light giving it an interesting look.

There were pillars everywhere in the room. There were some but not a lot of nobility around he assumed it was because it was early into the party. There was one thing that Stolas did not tell everyone there was a bird demon.

He felt completely out of place standing there. There was a banner at the top of the place saying official getting a divorce. There were imps cater walking around with trays providing drinks to the demons around.

He walked around the place just trying to blend in. He grabbed a drink from a tray and leaned against a wall just drinking it. The drink was horrible. He wanted to spit it out but just kept it down.

As he was watching the people his eyes landed on one particular person. It was the same person that he saw the last time he was here.

Not only that, there are portraits of her on the walls. Also, the way she talks about stolas.

???: no of course not his dick is barely as big as a grape. He fucking limp dick and can't even last for a mere 30 seconds. Shockingly, we were even able to make a kid. Don't even get me started on her. She doesn't show a single interest in boys. By the time I was her age, I was able to get any men I wanted.

Well besides everything she just said he found it interesting about what she had to say about Octavia. She was not interested in men? He found it interesting because he thought she was interested in him. So then she must be lesbian right?

Well, then he thought it was none of his business who she was interested in. After thinking for a moment about how to approach her he set his sights on what to do.


Stolas was walking around in the hall he was getting stares from the other demons there he gave them a glare making them look away. He let out a sigh before he spotted his wife. He walked away from her group looking for y/n.

He found him sitting down to eat. He walked over to the table he was at signing him to follow him. y/n got up and walked after him. They both went to a little area away from the party.

Stolas: y/n why haven't you done anything yet?

Y/n: well it's because I figured the best way to be able to talk to her and get her to agree would be for her to be drunk.

Stolas: oh well...hmm well that would be true.

Y/n: yeah so I was waiting for her to be drunk before doing anything.

Stolas: oh well then sorry for taking your way I'll leave you be then.

y/n nodded as he walked back into the party area. He was waiting for a couple hours and now it looked like the party was whining down. y/n noticed her group leaving her by herself finally getting a chance to talk to her.

y/n made his way over to her as she was getting another drink. Now that he was close to her he could see her better now.

Now that he got a better look at her if he didn't say it before well he will say it now those are god damn big ass breasts that she has there. He found her to be not bad-looking. The only thing was the attitude that she had and he had one good way to solve that......

Fuck that attitude if she ends up liking it a lot better than she thought maybe she will be slightly nicer but that's just wishful thinking.

He leaned on the table next to her causing her to look at him. Finding it interesting that there was someone who was not a bird demon at the party.

She turned toward him with a drink in her hand.

???: Who the hell are you supposed to be?

y/n could already tell that she was going to be a bitch to talk to.

y/n: oh hello there I didn't see you.

Holy shit he thought to himself how bad you gotta be to use that line when it's hard not to see her. She looked at him in disbelief.

???: I find that hard to believe when I'm the host of this event. While also being one of the hardest things to not see.

She said that in a way she was the most attractive person there.

Y/n: anyway this is an interesting celebration. I have never seen a party for a divorce.

???: well that's because you must have never come to my other parties and this celebration that I don't need to be with that twig of a man

They were finally getting somewhere and she brought him to a topic that Stolas said he should try.

Y/n: agree it's surprising that someone like him could bag you though.

???: oh well it's not like I want to be with that bastard that you would call Stolas. It was just for our family to make a kid.

Y/n: oh really huh interesting

???: of course, it is interesting because if it wasn't for this fucking family business then he wouldn't have up with someone as sexy as me

Y/n: if you don't mind me asking why the divorce?

???: oh the divorce is because I found out that bastard of a husband was being fuck by a fucking imp could you believe that a fucking imp!

Y/n: dam he had sex with an imp.

???: yes I know he fuck an imp low class. Like how could you fuck a low class like the only way you could last longer is by fucking an imp.

Y/n: Man what an asshole.

???: I know right?

She put her hand next to her mouth and started laughing.

???: well then I guess we should get introduced after all we are having such a great time talking about that fucker. My name is Stella the best fucking bitch in hell.

???: well then Stella my name is y/n.

Stella: Huh, weird name.

That was the name his parents gave him.

Y/n: So any way you're pissed about him doing that.

Stella: Of course, I'm pissed about that. That fucker doesn't know good sex when it hit because he could hardly feel anything from his small dick!

Y/n: yeah sounds like you really hate him.

Stella: "Sigh" you have no idea how much I hate him. I'll get him for what he did.

A small sadistic smile started to show on y/n.

Word count 2440

Bug thanks to
Charles Linder
Damen hurts

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