Robbed my shit
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A couple of minutes had passed by now as y/n was waiting for the coast to be clear.
He was checking his gunshot wound even though he and the other sinner can't die, it doesn't mean that they can't feel pain.
If he got to his bag there might be some stuff in there to help him heal his wound.
He hears some footsteps approaching and turns to the source. It was that girl Charlie looked like the other girl had recently passed out.
Charlie: hey there y/n how are you doing?
Y/n: well besides a horrible day and getting shot I say it's pretty good.
Charlie: Well you said you were having a horrible day maybe you want to talk about it?
He looked at her with a confused look as if this woman was asking about his day. She noticed him staring.
Charlie: Well you know talking to others can help and I'm here if you want to.
Y/n: well first thing off you're a weird sinner that I had run into so far. I got kicked out of my apartment so I'm homeless and like I said got shot.
Charlie: oh I'm sorry to hear that.
Y/n: it's fine it ain't your problem I just need to figure out what to do.
Charlie: how about this since you and that girl are both hurt, how about you both stay with me for a while?
Y/n: All alright what the catches huh? Do you plan to to kill me once I let my guard down just like Jeffrey Dahmer
Charlie: I'm not sure who that is but there are no catches. I just like helping people.
y/n not sure why but he somehow keeps meeting all these weird girls all of a sudden.
Y/n: well then since you're offering sure then I just need to get my stuff.
Charlie: great then we can pick up your stuff on the way there Let go!
Y/n put his hand on her shoulder before she could run off.
Y/n: wait aren't you forgetting something
Charlie: huh?
Y/n: what about her?
He pointed at the other girl who passed out.
Charlie: oh you could carry her it could be a good way to get to know her
Y/n: when she passed out?
Charlie: yeah you know there is never a bad time to bond with others.
Y/n: *sighs* fine come on help her onto my back
Charlie and he walked over to the girl. He turns his back to them and crouches down. Charlie grabbed the woman's lifeless body and put it on his back holding her in place so she would not slip as he put his hand under her thigh.
Even though she wore black spats they felt nice to touch. Charlie pushed the rest of the girl's body and he felt two things poking him on his back. He could understand if it was because she was just wearing some kind of big T-shirt
But was she not wearing a bra underneath? Man, this was some kind of day after all. He tries not to think about it to the best of his abilities.
Charlie: alright let's go! You lead the way.
Y/n: got it
Charlie opened the door for him and she took a look around before giving him the all-clear. He walked through the door and looked around. He saw his gun that was dropped on the ground when he fell.
Y/n: Charlie, can you grab my gun over there?
She looked over at where he motioned that his gun was walked over and grabbed it.
Charlie: ...sure here you go.
She looked at it with dislike about what she was seeing
Y/n: can you put it on my right leg?
Charlie: sure no problem
She put the weapon in her pocket before walking.
Y/n: alright just follow me then.
They made their way across the trees seeing the aftermath of the extermination body.
As they walked y/n saw one of the sinners that was killed he was laying on the ground with his ass in the air with an angelic weapon in his ass.
What a way to go, he thought. Another body he saw had one of those spears stabbed into a man's nuts.
It kinda scared him how these angels seem to have it out for male sinners. That the one thing he did not want to lose his dick is what he cares the most about.
Now he is not bragging but he is pretty sure that his dick was even bigger than Lucifer himself.
Y/n: So Charlie, what were you doing before you met with us?
Charlie: oh you know I was just looking around for any hotel on sale.
Y/n: oh really how come?
Charlie: You would think it stupid.
Y/n: meh I once heard a guy say he will kill these two other guys by sticking a fork into an outlet.
Charlie: oh ... did he do it?
Y/n: no he killed himself when he stabbed the fork into the outlet
Charlie: oh
Y/n: yeah so it can't be that bad.
She looked down to the floor not sure it would be a good idea but she took a deep amount of air into her then stood up confidently and pushed her hand out like she was grabbing something.
Music started to fade in as she was about to sing. Y/n looked around confused by where the music was coming from or even why someone would sing in a random street. More so in hell of all places, he would never think to hear someone sing.
Charlie: I belie-
Y/n: not to be mean but I'm not a fan of music. So if you have something to say just say it, please.
Charlie: oh uh sure sorry.
Y/n: look no hate just talk normal you do know people here are not fans of singing right?
Charlie: I see well alright then you see I believe that people can get better.
Y/n: was looking at her wondering where this was going.
Charlie: I want to have a hotel to help rehabilitate these sinners so that they can one day be able to enter heaven.
Charlie looked at Y/n who was keeping his eyes forward but was thinking about what she said.
Charlie: You probably think it stupid don't you?
Y/n: No, I think that is a pretty cool thing to do. But everyone else probably not so much.
Charlie: Wait, do you think it's possible as well?
Y/n: not sure if it is possible but there is one thing I can say.
He stopped walking and turned around. He uses the strength of one of his hands to keep the girl up on his body. He brings one of his hands onto Charlie's shoulder. She looks at it for a quick second then back at him.
Y/n: It's great that you care so much about us fellow sinners. If it is true then maybe someday I'll have to check it out and see if I can make it up there one day.
He takes a look at the thing in the sky. Heaven was just there so close but out of reach. As he was looking up Charlie was looking at him with a small blush forming on her face. She tried to shake it off but her heart was beating fast.
Charlie: w-w-well then Thanks for believing in my idea.
Y/n: no problem you just keep working for that day to happen now come on it's not that far now.
As they continued without the two noticing the girl on y/n back opened one of her eyes. Before she closed it once more her fingers dug a bit into y/n chest.
They made it to the roof where the woman on his back was about to get attacked.
Y/n: there it's just where... I left it
There stood by itself was ripped open luggage with stuff all over the place.
Y/n: You got to be fucking me. FUCK ME THEY TOOK ALL OF MY SHIT!
He did his best to take the girl off his back and lay her on the ground. He looks around not finding anything left behind besides a paper in his suitcase.
It read to get fucked kid we stole your shit.
Y/n could feel his blood boiling at the paper he crumbled it as he walked to the roof edge.
Charlie: Wait Y/n! There is no reason for you to jump off over your stuff getting taken.
Y/n Uh? I'm not jumping off the roof I'm just looking.
Charlie: looking for what?
Charlie turns around as she hears something moving behind them.
???: isn't obvious he looking for the people who took his stuff?
Charlie: You alright hold on you should not be moving around your hurt remember you're missing your eye.
???: I'm fine you don't need to worry about it. But I want to get paid back for what they were about to do earlier to me.
Y/n: well then you better keep up
He walked off the edge of the roof. Charlie ran to the edge to see what happened to him she saw claw marks in the wall but no dog or wolfs around.
Well besides if you count y/n but he had only wolf ears.
The other girl walked next to Charlie looking down at y/n who was chasing something or someone.
???: Come on, we should keep up with him. If we want to find those people so he does not do something wrong.
???: that what you said was right for people to do the right thing. Well, we would need to help make sure those people don't do anything stupid.
Charlie had a smile on her face as it seemed someone was interested in the same thing as her.
The woman then walked off the edge with Charlie taking the stairs back down.
They found y/n who had some person pinned to the wall.
Charlie: Woah wait y/n what happened here?
Y/n: oh hey you guys finally made it. I'm just beating the shit out of the guy.
???: how come?
She raised her eyebrow as she looked at him and crossed her arms.
Sinner: do I have a say?
Charlie: Yes, of course, everyone has a choice.
Sinner: uh I chose not to get the crap beat out of me.
Y/n: I chose to do it. He was there with those other guys so he knows where they are at.
???: I say it would be faster to get the information.
Charlie: Come on you, how about we try to just talk it out of them?
Y/n: fine.
He looks at the man and then wraps his arm around the man's neck.
Y/n: yo my main man come on you have to know where you gang at.
The sinner spits at his face. Y /n wipes his face off and looks at the man.
Y/n head-butted the man and hit him across the face.
Y/n: see Charlie you can't always talk it out with people.
She was looking at the ground hand holding one of her arms. Sad that it did not work out.
Sinner: come on is that all you got no matter how much you hit me or what I can't die.
Y/n: fuck he's right.
He just shoved the man into some trash. Y/n thinks for a moment trying to come up with some way. Till he noticed something hidden in the trash close by.
He walks over as Charlie looks at the sinner with a disappointed look. As the other girl closely watched y/n as he walked over to a place she thought looked familiar.
Y/n swiped some trash and picked up a spear. It was not just any spear, it was an angelic spear.
He spun it around and was doing some tricks with it.
???: Hey, maybe you should put that down. That is not a toy.
Y/n: come on it's fine it not like a person would just walk into it.
Just then as he spun it to the side he stabbed some person who was walking by.
The person fell dying from the slice into him.
Y/n: not that guy however but it's fine. Come on, I think I have an idea now how to make our new friend talk to her.
As he walked y/n had just remembered he had not even asked for that woman's name.
Y/n: sorry where my manners are, what is your name?
???: me? It's kind of late to be asking but my name is vaggie.
Word count 2174
Alright her is chapter 2 here to a hopefully a good amount of comments about this story
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