Prank gone wrong *sligh lemon*

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Y/n was lounging on his bed, headphones on, enjoying some great music.

He flipped his phone to identify the track, realizing it was his favorite song, which explained why he felt so energized.

He bobbed his head along, pretending to play an air guitar solo.

Although he wasn't fond of singing, he enjoyed listening to music as it helped him unwind when he was alive.

Out of nowhere, the song shifted to a completely awful one.

New Song: "Whoa, this is how the story goes. I guess this is how the story goes."

He snatched his phone again, only to discover it was that terrible song from KSI.

The title was something like "The thick of Something". It was so terrible that he completely removed it from his memory.

He didn't want to dwell on it any longer.

Y/n: Ugh, man!

Y/n removed his headphones, feeling he'd lost interest in music for the moment.


He sighed and glanced at the door.

Y/n: It's open.

The door cracked slightly as Charlie peeked in.

Y/n: Oh hey, Charlie. What's up?

Charlie: Hey, Y/n! I just wanted to let you know that I've started the shower for you.

Y/n: Aw, you didn't have to do that.

Charlie: I know you had a tough day, so I thought I'd help out.

Y/n: Well, thanks, Charlie. You're honestly one of the kindest people in hell that I know.

She felt a slight blush rise from his compliment.

Charlie: A princess must set a good example for her people.

Y/n: That's true. Anyway, I should get going. I'll see you later.

She gave him a nod before shutting the door.

*a little later*

Y/n opened the bathroom door, instantly met with a wave of hot steam.

Charlie must have cranked up the heat. He dreaded the burns he might get while trying to adjust the water temperature.

He stepped inside, carefully shutting the door behind him.

He didn't want anyone peering in to see him without his clothes.

The mere thought of Niffty doing that terrified him. She had already taken his tail a few times, so he didn't want to lose any more body parts.

The bathroom was so foggy that it was difficult to see through, even with his slightly better eyesight.

He shrugged his shoulders, removed his clothes, and set them aside before walking towards the bathtub, which inexplicably had the curtain drawn.

As he walked over, he failed to notice the second set of clothes, also neatly arranged to the side.

As he seized the curtain's edge, he flung it open and, to his astonishment, there was Vaggie.

He took in a clearer view of Vaggie, her gray skin visible to the open air. Her damp hair clung to her curves, barely concealing anything essential.

While her hair covered her nipples he could still see her Breast as they hung their out in the open for him to see.

The water from the shower head cascaded down her body.

Her chest rose and fell with each breath she took. Her long hair draped over most of her back, leaving a lot to the imagination.

Vaggie was startled by the unexpected presence of y/n. Her normally gray complexion tinged slightly red from embarrassment as she desperately tried to cover herself.

Vaggie: Y/n, what the hell? Get out of here!

He took one final glance at her, attempting to etch the image into his memory.

Suddenly, he pulled out sunglasses, placed them on his face, and gave a thumbs-up.

Y/n: sweet tits you got their vaggie.

Vaggie: get out y/n!

Y/n: alright, alright

He stepped back a few feet and picked up his towel, swiftly wrapping it around himself. He figured it would be better to retrieve his clothes later.

Approaching the door, he reached for the handle and attempted to twist it open, but to his astonishment, the door remained completely shut. No matter how hard he tried, it just wouldn't open.

Vaggie glared at him, watching everything unfold. She used the bathroom curtain to cover most of her body.

Although the mist from the shower made him appear to be sweating, the reality was... he was sweating bullets. Even though he wasn't looking at her, he could feel Vaggie's intense stare boring into his back.

y/n: Hey, is anyone out there?! The door won't open!

He pressed his head against the door, hearing a faint shuffling before someone finally responded to his call for help.

Charlie: Y/N, are you alright in there?

He heard Charlie's voice, even though the door muffled it significantly.

Y/n: uh No I'm pretty much in intimate danger from getting fuck my vaggie. Do you think you see any way of opening the door from your side?

Charlie: Yeah, I have the key to open the door.

Y/n: Oh, thank God! Please open the door, Charlie.

Charlie: Nope~

Y/n: Could you say that again? I think I heard you say no, but that must be wrong.

Charlie: No, you're right; I said nope~

Y/n: Uh, why not, Charlie?

Charlie: It's payback time for leaving me by myself against Vaggie.

One thought went through his head at that moment: "That bitch is really trying to kill me, isn't she?"

Y/n: Hey, don't blame me. You wanted to come even though you knew you should have stayed to work on your script.

Charlie: Yeah, well... Now it's your turn to feel Vaggie's wrath.

He heard the muffled sound of what seemed to be footsteps walking away from the door. He was sure he was about to get messed up by Vaggie.

He slowly turned to look at her, while every bone in his body screamed at him not to do it. Not to face that demon if he wanted to live for another day.

But there was one part of him that urged him to confront that demon; that part was his manhood. And you know what they say about manhood: if it weren't for manhood, the first man wouldn't have faced the unknown of a woman's touch.

He could only imagine what it must have been like for the first man.

*Somewhere else*

Adam: Hey, Hey danger tits get in here.

A woman walked into the room wearing a demon-like mask. Her wings sprouted out from her back, and she even had a dark halo over her head.

???: yes sir!

Adam: Dam calms the fuck down it just us two Lute. There is no reason to say that so loud.

Lute: yes sir.

Adam: anyway come here I wanted to show you this cool ass fucking picture someone made of me.

He turned his phone around for her to see what was on it.


Adam: hahaha first man fucking pussy smasher and I get so much fanart for doing so.

Lute: sir, you have a meeting with Lucifer coming up soon.

Adam: agh! fucking hate that fucker. He really thinks he could cuckold me and get away with it agh! Well, at least I have you lute.

Lute: of course after all we make him pay what he did by 10 folds.

Adam: Yeah man best fucking thing we decide to do. Well behind smashing pussy.

*back with Y/n*

Y/n: H-hey there, Vaggie! How are you doing on this fine day?

Vaggie: Why haven't you left yet, Y/n?!

Y/N: Ah, well, for one, I can't leave the room, and for two, I want to take a shower.

Vaggie: What do you mean you can't leave the room?

Y/n: Oh, you know, just Charlie trying to get back at me by locking me in the bathroom with you so I can get my ass kicked.

She rubbed her nose bridge in an exhausted manner.

She glanced at y/n, taking in every inch of him as a small blush appeared on her face.

Vaggie: Well, you might as well help me.

Y/n: What do you mean by that, hmm?

She looked away, aware of what he was implying.

Vaggie: Ugh! Fine, can you come into the shower with me and help clean my back? I'll do the same for you. Happy?

Y/n grinned widely before shrugging.

Y/n: Well, since you asked so nicely, of course, I'll help wash your back.

She slowly pulled the bathroom curtain aside, revealing her slender figure, her long, wet white hair cascading down.

It clung to her body as if it were nothing.

She glanced sideways, stealing looks at him.

Vaggie: Are you getting in or not?

Y/n: Okay, sorry, I was just admiring your beauty.

Vaggie: Tsk, just get in, alright?

By now, her face was incredibly bright red from his teasing.

Y/n took off his towel, walked over to her, and got into the tub with her.

As he stepped in, he felt the water cascading down his body; the warm, wet sensation always helped put him at ease.

Vaggie had her back to him, which gave him an interesting view of her hair. He hadn't noticed it much before, but now that he had the chance to look at it more closely, it reminded him somewhat of a moth way.

Y/n: you know your hair has grown pretty big since I met you in such a short time.

Vaggie: Yeah... it has, hasn't it. I think I prefer it this way since it covers the scars.

She grabbed a loofah and poured some body wash onto it before starting to rub herself with it.

Y/n: If it means anything, you look pretty badass with your scars.


Vaggie: Thanks, Y/n, that means a lot. Though I'm not particularly proud of mine.

Y/N: Well, hey, just remember that if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here for you, just as you were for me earlier.

While he couldn't see her face, he felt that she might be smiling, even if it was just a little. It was the way the mood felt in that very moment.

Vaggie: y/n, can I ask you a question?

Y/n: Yeah, of course you can.

Vaggie: How do you feel about the exorcist?

Y/n: That's a pretty random thing to ask.

Vaggie: I know it just... sorry, never mind. It was a stupid question to ask.

Y/n: I have a saying I like to share when people say that.

She glanced over her shoulder, looking a bit confused.

Y/n: There are no such things as stupid questions.

Vaggie: Well, then what do you think of them?

Y/n: Well, first, could you pass me the blue loofah?

She does what he asks, giving him the loofah loofah.

Y/N: I don't hate the Exorcist. I actually find them to be incredibly badass, and along with that badassness, they are actually pretty hot.

She didn't say anything, she just listened to him.

Y/n: Well, yes, they kill us every year, but maybe they have a reason for doing so. I can't be the judge of that.

Y/n: So if one day the extermination happens and I'm about to die forever, I won't blame them. Instead, I'll think of it as them doing me a favor—they're finally putting me to rest.

Vaggie: Do you really think that?

Y/n: Yeah, I think I do. I mean, what good am I doing by still living this life?

Vaggie: Don't say that, y/n.

Y/n: it's the truth no matter how you spin the accident I still murdered all those kids. ( by kids he means teen I'm not trying to fully get canceled here)

Vaggie: haven't I told you already to not talk about yourself like that?

Y/n: I can't remember if you did but still thanks vaggie for being there for me on that rooftop.

She suddenly turned around in a quick manner and hugged him, her chest pressed against his. He could feel her nipples poke at him.

His dick was touching her lower abdomen.

This was probably the weirdest hug he ever had as he wrapped his arms around her.

He heard the sounds of sniffling. Was vaggie crying?

He couldn't even tell because the water from the shower made her face wet.

Y/n: you do know this is an extremely weird hug right?

Vaggie: j-just shut up would you and enjoy it.

Y/n felt his hand twitching a bit because the way they were he really wanted to get a handful of her ass but he held himself back.

They were like that for a few minutes before she finally pulled away.

Y/N: I'm not exactly sure why you wanted to portray me in such a good light, but thanks. I really mean it.

Vaggie: I can't tell you why

Y/n: and that's fine just do it when you're ready to. I'm always available.

Y/n: but to finish what we were saying I don't hate them.

She simply nodded at him.

Vaggie: if you met one that was not killing and wanted to talk what do you think then?

Y/n: probably ask her many questions and maybe become friends.

Vaggie: What about if it was someone close to you?

Y/n: maybe a bit hurt but that wouldn't change what I think of them.

He noticed Vaggie having a small smile on her face. She turned and went to turn off the water.

Y/n: hey I thought you were going to wash my back and I would wash yours. Unless you don't want to anymore then that fine

She stopped for a moment like she was thinking about his words.

Vaggie: Yeah, I guess you're right I forgot about that here.

She grabbed all of her wet hair and moved it over her shoulder revealing her back.

She held up her loofah for him to use on her.

He grabbed it and started working on it.

He placed one hand on the middle of her waist. He waited for a second to see how vaggie would react but she didn't say anything.

He placed the loofah on her shoulder and started moving it around. From time to time, he would " accidentally" touch her, which would make her silently jump from the sudden sensation.

Vaggie raised a hand to cover her mouth. His hand moved from side to side on her back.

She twitched a little, and then a grin rose on his face as he slowly switched from the loofah to his hand.

He was unsure if she noticed, but she said nothing besides the small moans that escaped her mouth.

He dropped the loofah to the side and started using his other hand to move it along the side of her body.

Her breath began much more ragged the longer it went on. Before he started moving both hands along the sides of her body.

He then slowly moved his hands to the front of her body.

Vaggie: wait y-/n~ not there~!

His hands were just slightly below her breast that we're now fully in the open.

He decided to keep pushing his luck as his hands went even higher they seemed to cup her breast in the palms of his hands.

He started teasing her nipples as she started twitching slightly more and still not saying anything. She brought a finger up to her mouth and bit down on it.

Y/n brought his face closer to her ear. She could feel his breath as in a way it almost was like tickling her.

Y/n: you can always say stop if you want.

She looked at him but didn't say anything. Their bodies were pushed against each other. She could feel the long warm feeling pushing against her back.

Vaggie: We are just washing each other.

Y/n sighed before taking his hands off her chest and backing up.

Y/n: well I think I clean your back and chest up pretty well.

He got out of the tub leaving her here by herself panting and using the wall as support as her legs wanted to give up on her.

She was almost close to climax but he stopped right before. Perhaps he did that as a way to tease her.

For the first time since they had taken a shower, she saw the size of his friend. It was really as big as Angel had said it was.

It was almost intimidating to look at. Vaggie's hand slowly went down her body just stopping at the spot where her womb was at.

She wanted to know what it would be like to have that monster inside her.

Y/n: are you just going to stand there vaggie? I think we should leave before getting a cold.

Vaggie: y-yeah you're right.

She took a step out and walked over to dry herself off. She took a few glances at him while she put her clothes on.

Vaggie: just so you know if you tell Charlie about this I will.

Y/n: yeah, yeah I know I won't tell her.

She nodded before trying the door, which opened. It seemed that Charlie decided to open it so that the eye could get out only after what she thought was a good amount of time.

*sometime later *

Charlie was sitting down on the carpet with a few bumps on her head.

Vaggie stood before her in her new outfit with her arms crossed.

Y/n stood a few feet back but just enough so that he could hear the whole thing. He was leaning against the wall.

Vaggie: What did you learn, Charlie?

Charlie: not to put y/n with you in the bathroom....

Charlie's attitude at that moment reminded him of a little kid who got in trouble with his parents.

He shakes his head and walks back to his room, tired of all the events of that day.

Word count:3077

Fun fact: This chapter was meant to be short, but it turned into a slightly bigger chapter than I thought, so it's now a full chapter.

Also, thanks to my supporters below

Benjamin Navarrete



Charles Linder

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