octavia date
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Via slowly opened her eyes. As the sun's glare hit her, she lifted her arm to block the sunlight from her face.
After a few seconds, she looked at the clock and closed her eyes before suddenly opening them again and looking at the time.
She quickly got out of bed and ran to her closet to find what to wear for her day out with y/n. She had forgotten to set an alarm earlier, so she needed to act fast, as she had to meet him in 20 minutes.
She grabbed her usual outfit, threw it to her bed, and undressed. Trying to rush to put her clothes on, she accidentally got her arm stuck and fell over.
She groans in frustration at getting stuck by simply putting on her clothes. She didn't want to be late to meet up with y/n, so she kept trying to get her hand unstuck from being in the air.
She opened the door and tried making her way to the entrance of the building while still trying to fix her outfit.
While that was happening, Stolas was sitting on a chair in the kitchen, drinking some tea.
He watched The doorway, waiting for Stella to see how she acted today.
His attention was drawn to something elsewhere as he heard a loud thud from the hallway. After a couple of seconds, he saw his sweet Octavia.
She was walking quickly. Her outfit seemed messy, and she grabbed her shoulder, almost like she was sore from something.
He got up and walked over to her.
Stolas: ah! Octavia, my sweet outlet. How did you sleep? Are you perhaps interested in spending some time together for breakfast?
Via: sorry, dad, I'm busy. I need to go meet up with a friend.
Stolas: ah, I see. Well then, quick question: have you noticed anything strange about your mother?
Via: uh, no, I haven't. Why is something up with Mom besides her usual?
Stolas: well no you se-
Before he could finish his sentence, the sound of high heels hitting the ground got louder as it seemed to be coming closer.
After a couple of seconds, Stella suddenly burst into the room. She seemed to be in high spirits as of lastly ever since the divorce party.
Where he had sent y/n to go and get material that he could use in the future to help him keep most of his stuff.
Stella: Ah, hello, family! Today is such a great day, don't you think?
Via turned to Stolas after seeing her mother.
Via: is everything alright with Mom?
Stolas: Well, that is what I was trying to ask you.
Stella: Is it wrong for me to act like a normal, loving mother?
Via: yes, it's creepy
Stolas: indeed it is.
Stella: Well, I have no idea what you mean. I have always been like this.
Stolas: Well, no, you're always acting like the crazy bitch of a wife of mine.
Stella crossed her arms under her chest as she turned around, and she looked over her shoulder with a menacing grin.
Stella: perhaps it has something to do with a man actually able to satisfy me, unlike your twink of a bird ass.
Stolas looked at her almost like he already knew before suddenly changing his expression to a surprised face.
Stolas: Huh, how dare you do this to me having sex in my own home.
Stella: and how dare you go around fuck an imp behind my back and trying to hide something like that.
Stolas grabbed at the top of his beak while Stella left the room.
After a moment of silence, he remembered that Octavia was also in the room. He grabbed his hair and slicked it back while fixing his gown before turning to her.
Stolas: I'm sorry you had t-
While turning to look at Octavia, he realized she was nowhere to be seen.
Stolas:Hmm how strang
He clapped his hands together as an imp butler came over to him.
Impington: You called sir?
Stolas: Yes, I was wondering if you have seen where my daughter went off.
Impington: aw, yes, sir, I believe she walked right outside the front door.
Stolas: Okay, but did she say where she was going?
Impington: she said she is going to go out and hang around with a friend
Stolas: "Sigh." No, the location.
Impington: according to a calendar it says she's going on a date
Stolas: My owlet is on a date!! Hmm, that is exciting news to find out. Go after her and make sure to let me know where she is at. This will give me an opportunity to call my sweet Blitzy. Now go
*someplace else *
y/n was leaning against a pillar, waiting for Via to show up. She was already a couple of minutes late.
After waiting a few more minutes, he heard panting and noticed Via running over to him.
As she got closer, she slowed down till she stopped. She bent over a bit and took a few deep breaths before Standing straight and moving a strand of hair away from her face.
Y/n: you alright?
Via: *panting*everything is *panting* fine. Just *panting*woke up late is all.
Y/n walked over and patted her shoulders.
Y/n: why don't you take a moment to compose yourself?
Via: yeah, I agree.
y/n looked around momentarily to find a place for them to rest. He noticed a bench not far away and pointed over at it.
The two walked over before sitting down.
Y/n: So besides waking up late, did anything else interesting happen?
Via: Besides the usual fighting between my parents, there was nothing much. Well, there was my mom, who acted off.
Y/n: really?
Via: she was being nice.
Y/n: oh well, I see then.
Via: yeah, besides that, nothing much happened. What about you?
Y/n grabbed at his chin momentarily, thinking about what had happened earlier.
Y/n was stretching in his bed like any other day till all of a sudden, the muscles in his legs wanted to fuck him up in the morning by suddenly cramping.
Y/n: you mother-
They contracted even harder, causing y/n to fall off his bed and hit the ground. He was grabbing at his leg.
He felt tears falling down his face as his muscles kept kissing each other like a married couple.
Inside, he just wanted to die.
Y/n: nop can't think of anything. So why did you choose this place?
Y/n looked around at the many stores and saw that the building seemed to be a mall based on how the building looked on the outside.
It is just excluding the shops with dead bodies for sale or slave shops, but yeah, basically a mall.
He looked over at Via, and she was rubbing her thumbs together.
Via: Well, I have something coming up with my dad and me, and I wanted to get something from the store I saw a while back that had something to make it even easier to see the stars. Well, I thought you and I could hang out while I go and get it.
Y/n: well, I'm already here, so why not? What should we do first, then?
He stood up, turned back to face her, and pushed his hand forward for her to grab. She grabbed his hand while he pulled her up from the bench.
Via: Uh, well, we can save the store that I need for last. So we can co- "stomach growls."
Via's face turned from the usual white to a slight red. She grabbed her black beanie and pulled it down to cover her face.
Via: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. It's just that I couldn't get something to eat because I woke up late.
Y/n: oh well, that's no problem. Let's grab something to eat.
Via: you sure?
Y/n: Yeah, it's okay. I'm pretty hungry, so where should we eat then?
Via looked around at the stores before noticing a wall with a map on it. She walked over and checked what was on it.
Via: how about the subway?
Y/n: Subway, really?
Via: O-oh, I'm sorry, we don't have to eat there.
Y/N: Huh, oh no, that's not what I mean. It's just that many places' names here are mixed with hell added to the name. So I'm surprised that instead of Subway being named Hellway, it's just Subway.
Via: Oh, that's what you mean. I believe it has something to do with the hell copyright system, which is just because of corporate stuff.
Y/N: Huh, interesting. You learn something new every day. Well, anyway, come on, then let's get ourselves some foot-longs in our mouths.
Y/n started marching away, leaving Ocatvia by herself. She just quietly laughed at what y/n just said. After getting it out of her system, she walked after him.
When the pair both walked into the subway, the first thing y/n noticed was how well-kept the inside was. He felt like he had seen the inside of this subway before, but he couldn't place where he had seen it from.
No one was at the spot where the worker would usually be. Via walked forward, looking at something.
y/n peeked over her shoulder and saw a bell that said ring to order.
She raised her hand and pushed down on the bell, which sent out a ringing noise. Just then, the door to the back of the place swung open. y/n couldn't see much from the bright light coming from the inside. But a person's figure formed as a man walked through.
As the light slowly dispersed, y/n could better make out who the person standing in the doorway was, and there was no doubt in his mind now.
Y/n couldn't hide his expression when he noticed who was standing in the doorway.
Y/n:(image here)
Now, he knew why the subway looked so familiar. It has been seen in so many commercials.
That guy's horrible teeth, his hairline, even his face. Even more so now that he can make out his glasses.
It was the myth and legend of the one and only Jared fucking Fogle.
Jared: Hello there. Do you want to place an order?
Via: yeah, I wo-
Y/n: Actually, never mind. Sorry, we just walked in without looking.
He grabbed Octavia by her shoulders and started pushing her out of the place.
Jared: Oh, well, wouldn't you be interested in trying new extra mayo sandwiches? The mayo is handmade right here in the building.
Y/n: haha yeah, yeah, no thanks, we are good, uhhh
Y/n looked around for an excuse before noticing a kid walking near the subway entrance.
Y/n: stay here via.
He quickly walked over to the kid.
Y/n: hey kid, interested in making 10$
Kid imp: what do I need to do?
Y/n: sorry, kid, but this is a no-question-ask kind of money.
Kid imp: make it 25$. Don't you know how it is with the economy right now?
Y/n: I'll give you an extra 30$ if you shut up about real stuff happening at the moment.
Imp: sure
While y/n gave him the money, he also patted his shoulder.
Y/n: you're a good kid.
Y/n grabbed the imp and ran back into the subway.
Y/n: sacrifice!!!
Y/n threw the imp over the counter while grabbing Octavia's hand and running with her.
Jared looked confused about what had just happened before turning to the kid.
Jared: Hey, kids. Do you want to see how Mayo is made here?
Kid Imp: sure
Jared: Good. Come on to the back, and then also here, a blindfolded.
The two walked into the back of the building, with Jared looking behind him before closing the door.
After running for a bit, y/n slowed down before turning to via.
Y/N: Sorry about that. It's just that sinner, uh, he. Well, you just don't want to be near him since you're still 17.
Via: O-o-oh, I uh see uh well. Thanks then, f-f-for getting me out of there.
Y/n looked at her, confused about why she was stuttering, just to realize his hand was still locked with hers.
He pulled his hand away.
Y/n: oh, sorry about grabbing your hand out of the blue like that. I didn't want to lose you out there.
She grabbed her hand, which was just locked with his, like she was trying to feel something.
Via: it's really no problem. Y-you can do it again if you want.
Y/N: Oh, well, I will keep that in mind for future things. But we should find something to eat.
Y/n spotted a crepe cart not that far away from them.
Y/n: Are you interested in trying a cart over there?
Via: what a crepe?
Y/n: you never had one before?
She just shook her head.
Y/N: Well, then today will be your first time trying it. Now, come on, let's get you some.
Via nodded at him, to which y/n responded with a smile while also grabbing her hand.
While walking over, y/n noticed a sign next to the stand. It seemed like there was a deal for.... y/n grinned a bit when he read the last part.
He wrapped his arm around her skinny waist, which caught her off guard. She let out a slight ooo sound like an owl. He glanced over, seeing her face red from embarrassment while he just chuckled a little at her acting a bit like an owl.
The two stood before the stand, only for y/n to notice who the person working the stand was.
Y/n face:
He had a deadpan look as he saw Millie working the stand with a fake-ass mustache.
Totally not Millie: "Totally manly voice." Well, look at this cute couple. Could I offer you deals we have for couples?
Via: "cough" Sorry, we aren't a co-.
Y/n placed his hand on her shoulder, making her look up at him. He lowered his head next to her ear and whispered to her.
Y/n: just play along a bit.
Via: o-oh uh yeah, we are a couple. How did you know?
Totally not Millie: I can spot a couple a mile away, and you are the best one I have ever seen.
Via: o-oh, really?
Totally not. Millie: Sure, now we have a deal here: one larger crepe is completely free if the couple does something to show they are a couple.
Y/n: and what do we need to do? To show our love for each other?
Because of their closeness, y/n could feel it via body heat. He felt her body starting to burn up a bit.
Totally not Millie: easy. A simple kiss should do it.
Y/n: what do you say, babe? Should we show our love for each other." quietly." Just a quick, simple kiss, alright?
She simply nodded while not looking at him.
He places his hands on her shoulders and turns her body to look at him.
He kept his hand around her waist. Her body was pushing up against his.
Via places her hand on his chest while looking up at him. He could make out a blush on her face as they inched their faces closer to each other.
Y/n felt like someone was staring at him intensely.
As their faces got closer, she felt her body heating up, and she made a small bite-down motion with her mouth.
Y/n felt as she planted her beak lips against his. He was taken by surprise by the feeling of her beak. He expected it to be hard, but no, they weren't.
Her lips were soft but had a bit of a hard texture.
After a few seconds, y/n pulled away and looked at Millie. While his hand was still around her waist, Via pushed her face into his chest.
She smiled smugly as she gave him the crepe. He stared intensely at Millie before walking away, with Via still close to him.
Millie watched as they left before looking up at the rooftops, seeing Bilzø and Loona nearby.
Bilzø: you know, loony, this is the most straightforward job we have ever taken.
He looked over at Loona, who had her arms crossed and was watching y/n and Octavia.
Bilzø: loony?
Loona: Huh, yeah, sure, whatever.
*back with y/n*
After walking a bit away from the stand, y/n moved away from Octavia.
Y/n: sorry about that via. I thought we could get a nice free item if we acted like a couple.
Via: y-yeah, of course, that makes perfect sense.
Y/n: Well, here you deserve this.
He went to give the crepe to Via. She looked down at it, confused.
Via: didn't you want some as well?
Y/n: yeah, I did, but you deserve it more than me for going along with that stupid plan of mine.
Via: I can't possibly take it. You also went along with such an embarrassing thing.
Y/n: meh, come on, it's okay. You can have it after all. Like you said, you haven't eaten anything yet.
She looked at the crepe before grabbing it, breaking it in half, and giving the other half to y/n.
He sighed at her before grabbing the half and started eating it.
While he was looking at the store and eating the crepe, Via placed her finger on her lips for a moment before taking a bite.
After a couple of bites, she looked at y/n with a glow in her eyes.
Via: this is pretty good.
Y/n: yeah, right! I especially like the whipped cream.
They spent a few minutes eating their piece of crepe as they planned where to go next.
They spent a few minutes walking around until they reached a place Via wanted to visit for a while.
As they went inside via instant, they walked over to a music disc set of different music.
Y/n just put his hands into his jacket as he slowly walked around.
Many different music artists were in the store, from Radiohead, Michael Jackson, and..... Taylor Swift.
He stared blankly at the disc, taking a quick look around. After ensuring no one was watching, he snapped his claws out and ripped the disc into pieces.
He walked over to Via, who was looking at the newest headphones.
Y/n: you want that?
Via: huh?
Y/n: you're staring at those headphones pretty intensely. So you must probably want those headphones.
Via: Oh well, I heard how much better those headphones were, and my old one needs to be in better working condition. They are also the only thing I have that stops me from hearing my parents fighting.
Y/n: Then why don't you buy it?
Via: I would, but I only have enough to get the thing for me and my dad's trip.
Y/n: I expected you would have a lot of money to buy all kinds of things you want.
Via: that would be nice, but my father does it so I can learn the value of money.
Y/n: I see. Well, what else do you want to check out?
Via: the last place is the store I wanted to save for later.
Y/n: well, you should head out there first. There is one more thing I want to check out here.
Via: Are you sure you don't want me with you?
Y/n: Yeah, it's okay, so don't worry.
Via: if you say so.
She looked through the store's glass before seeing a bench not far away.
Via: I'll wait for you at the bench over there.
Y/n: Alright, don't worry. I won't be there for long.
She nodded before leaving the store. Leaving y/n alone, he looked at the headphones in the display case before turning and walking somewhere else in the store.
*small time skip*
Via was relaxing on the bench, but her mind was elsewhere. She kept thinking about how she kissed y/n
She felt a burning sensation in her chest that she had never experienced before. It was almost addicting.
When y/n approached her at the horribly ripped off Loo loo land, she felt something like this.
Though the feeling was small then, she felt it getting bigger every time she spent time with y/n.
Sometimes, while they were hanging out, she wanted to talk to him, but her words kept getting stuck in her mouth.
She placed her hand on her head, feeling it burning up. She couldn't tell if it was because she was sick or something else.
Before she could question it anymore, she felt something cold on her head that sent a sensation through her body.
She quickly opened her eyes and saw y/n standing before her with two drinks.
Y/n: you alright?
Via: y-yeah, it's just somewhat hot in here, don't you think?
Y/n looked around before pulling his phone out to check something.
Y/n: it's only 78 degrees.
Via: oh well, maybe it's just my imagination then.
Y/n: come on, we can talk while we go to your store
Via: o-oh, okay.
She stood up and walked alongside y/n, taking a few glances at him.
Y/n opened his can drink and started to drink it while Via looked at what y/n had gotten her.
Y/n: sorry if you don't like the drink. I was unsure which one you would like, so I just picked one.
She turned the can around just to see Dr Pepper. (Dr Pepper supremacy.)
Via: It's fine
Y/n: So what store are we looking for?
Via: It should have a space aesthetic to its sign, called Astronomy.
Y/n: So I take it that you and Stolas will be looking at the stars?
Via: yeah, I've been looking forward to this for some time now. "Chuckle" I still remember when my dad first showed me the stars.
Y/n: sounds like you're going to have a great time.
Via: haha, yeah, only if everything goes right.
Y/n: what do you mean?
Via: I hope this whole thing with him and Mom doesn't distract him from keeping his promise.
Y/n: the promise to see the stars?
Via: yeah
Y/n: well, I'm sure he will remember. After all, he cares a lot about you. Also, don't worry; I'm happy to watch them with you if he can't.
Via: Thanks
She said in a disappointing tone, not at the fact that she would see the stars with y/n but more so at the fact that there was a chance Stolas wouldn't.
Y/n: oh hey, I think this is the place.
She looked up and saw the store with the space aesthetic.
Via: yeah, it is. Come on, let me show you some of the cool shit that they have.
She grabbed y/n hand and led him inside. Via walked around with him and told him about the many different things about stars.
She kept holding his hand close to hers.
There was some exciting stuff in the store that was true. There was a miniature replica moon, sun, and planet-shaped dick.
Wait planet shaped dick? He took a look back, and his eyes didn't deceive him. There really was a planet-shaped dick.
If only the living person knew a planet like that existed, what would they have said?
He chuckled a bit at the idea.
They stopped in front of a massive telescope. He looked at the details, and it said 8k resolution, which he had to say was awe-inspiring.
Y/n: Is this what you wanted to buy?
Via looked at him and nodded.
Y/n glanced at the price, and now he will have nightmares of expensive stuff forever.
Via walked over to the counter and went ahead and bought the telescope. Afterward, she walked back over to y/n
Via: I have to stay here and wait for the imps to pick it up so they can take it to my house.
Y/n: oh, how long would that take?
Via: it will be a while. I don't want you to stick around and be bored, so you can leave if you wish.
Y/n: it's okay. I will hang around with you while you wait for the imp to come, that big boy.
Y/n: y-you sure you don't have to.
Y/n: don't worry about it. We can chill right outside while waiting for them.
Via looked down, almost not wanting to look him in his eyes.
Via: thanks.
Y/n: don't worry about it. After all, what are friends for?
The two walked outside and sat down on a bench. They sat silently for a few seconds before she felt something on her lap.
She looked down and saw a box that y/n hand was on top of.
She looked over at y/n, seeing a soft smile on his face.
She grabbed the box from his hand and opened it, revealing the headphones she wanted.
She looked at him, shocked by the gesture.
Via: y/n, you didn't have to.
Y/N: It's okay, really. I recently got some money, and since you want it, I went and got it for you.
She sat closer, wrapping her arms over his shoulder, and hugged him tightly.
He laughed a little before touching her waist and patting her back.
Via: thank you so much.
Y/n: don't mention it. Now, why don't you try them on?
She pulled herself back a bit but still left y/n hand around her waist. She took the headphones out. Putting them into her ears and plugging her phone into the headphones.
y/n just relaxed and looked up at the roof of the building before feeling something lay against his chest.
Looking down, he saw Octavia relaxing, her back leaning against his chest. He couldn't help but smile at her as she took one of her earbuds and passed it to him.
He grabbed it and put it into his ear. He leaned back while she kept leaning against him, and the two were just listening to music.
Word count:4460
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