News interview

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Y/n was chilling on the couch as he listened to Charlie singing. She was out in the balcony area again.

Vaggie walked over and sat down on the couch with him grabbing at her forehead.

Y/n: you alright? You don't look so good.

Vaggie: Nothing, just worried about how this will go.

Y/n: She got this there, so there is nothing to worry about.

Vaggie: y/n under no circumstance can she start singing you know what other sinners will think.

Y/n: yeah they would most likely start making fun of her like a normal call of duty modern warfare match.

Vaggie: huh?

Y/n: nothing, don't worry about it. We just got to believe vaggie.

Vaggie: Here she comes. Come on, she needs us.

The two got off the couch and walked over to Charlie who was making her way back over to the two.

Y/n: that was some beautiful singing Charlie.

Charlie: you think so?

Y/n: I would pay money to see that in a live performance.

Charlie looked away slightly. Her face was blushing at his words. She felt vaggie place her hand on her shoulder.

Vaggie: you ready for this? This is the real deal this time.

Charlie: yes let's do this.

Vaggie: If you forget anything just look at me and I'll mouth it out to you

Y/n: hey come on vaggie she can handle herself out there right Charlie?

Charlie: yes look I know what I need to say it just... need a more exciting way to explain it

That is when y/n noticed that she had an idea that came over sliding against vaggie.

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle a little. It was like watching a kid trying to convince the parents to get them candy.

Charlie: What if I sing?!

Vaggie: Sing a song about it?

Y/n simply stood back watching the two interacting with each other. He could definitely see those two being together.

Actually, he feels like they would have gotten together a while ago if it wasn't for something or someone.

He looked down at himself looking at his hand. Was it because of him, was it his fault? Was it because of that thing?

Vaggie: y/n?

He suddenly got pulled out of his thoughts when he heard vaggie calling out to him.

Y/n: huh sorry what happened?

Vaggie: please I need your help here. Please tell her why it is bad to sing.

He looked over at Charlie who was giving him pipo dog eyes.

Y/n: "Sigh" Charlie people would most likely not take it too seriously here if you were to sing, after all, it's kinda weird to do that.

Vaggie: see Charlie there are some good po-

Y/n: but I think you should do it the way you want to. Just try to express how much it means to you.

Charlie: aw thank y/n for understanding what I mean.

Vaggie: "Sigh" alright just please try to think about it before you even think about it

Charlie: don't worry vaggie look I also have some other ideas of what I could say out there.

Charlie pulled out a paper and gave it y/n. He looked at it and felt like he wanted to die after reading it.

Charlie: The highlight parts are the best parts of it.

Y/n: huh Charlie most of this paper is highlighted also there are so many other things in here I don't even know what to say.

He passed it on to vaggie to look at. Y/n was dying inside after he read the parts saying unicorn kisses, dolphin high five,

He looked back over at the two as they talked.

Charlie: everyone smiling and being all happy and cheerful in heaven.

Y/n: as interesting as that is Charlie that just doesn't sound real.

Vaggie: He's right it just isn't that simple. Just please stay on the point and don't sing.

Charlie: Fine, I won't sing.

Y/n walked over and pulled the curtain to the side to look inside seeing the people around and the news anchors

Charlie: I'll just have to give a standing ovation right?

Y/n: you got this Charlie you will do great.

Charlie: Then I dedicate this performance to you y/n.

He clapped his hands at her which she just smiled at as she walked away.

Vaggie walked over to him.

Vaggie: This is going to go horribly.

Y/n: yes it will but that why we are here to help her.

Vaggie: "sigh" yeah you're right.....hey also where is angel?

Y/n: oh she is at work right now or she should be getting off

*somewhere else *

Angel: taste led you mother fuckers

She was firing her Tommy gun at small little eggs, making their yolk spill out.

She pulled a grenade out of nowhere and threw it out from her cover blowing up some more eggs.

An eggshell landed close by to her. Suddenly a girl jumped over to where she was.

???: bitch where have you been girl.

Angel: I have been staying with a couple of well actually two girls have been letting me stay with them in a hotel for free as long as I played nice

They both jumped out from their cover and kept blasting the eggs.

Angel: But there is a good side.

???: Oh yeah what is it, Angie?

Angel: well there is this one guy who is also there and he is fucking cool in my books I mean he even scared Val.

???: shit really you go girl that's what I'm fucking talking about.

Angel: oh but there is a little more I saw him once when he was taking a shower and he got a fucking big one.

???: bitch no way.

Angel: fuck away girl.... he's also a pretty great guy.

???: huh what did you say sorry I got egg yolk stuck in my ear from this egg right now.

Angel: oh huh nothing come on let fuck up those eggs freaks

???: oh well Angie you better introduce me to this guy you can't be keeping that dick to yourself

Angel: I'll think about it

???: bitch you better not be holding out on me

Angel: of course not I want to have my taste first but we can talk later let's finish these fuckers up

*back with y/n*

y/n was walking back up to the news station room while carrying a few pizza boxes he decided that they should celebrate the interview by buying a few pizza boxes for him and the others and hopefully any new people.

He opens the door to the newsroom and walks in.

(Personally made by me your beloved author)

As soon as he walked in he saw Charile fighting the news lady and it looked like Charile was winning the fight as well which he was kinda proud of for some reason.

The other person from the news was running around on fire and then there was vaggie who was just sitting down clasping her eyes close almost looking like she had a migraine.

Y/n walked over to her, placed the pizza on a free table, and placed his hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at him.

Y/n: So uh what happened?

Vaggie: what didn't happen is what you mean you have Charlie singing, Angel on the news, and whatever the fuck that guy is doing over there.

She pointed at the news guy who was now on the floor dying from the flames.

Y/n: we should probably leave here before it gets worse.

Vaggie: Yeah, you're right. I mean what else can go wrong?

Here you take the pizza to the car and I'll get Charlie alright?

She nodded her head as she got up and turned to grab the pizza box just to notice how many he had gotten.

Vaggie: y/n this is a bit too much don't you think?

Y/n: don't know I told Charlie I want to do this and she gave me her card and said to buy a lot.

She just shook her head as she grabbed the box and started walking out.

Y/n turned to the mess that was happening. He let out a sigh before grabbing a fire extinguisher and walking over to the most burnt news guy.

Y/n had a smug look on his face as he pointed the extinguisher at the guy and started shooting out the cold white liquid out of the very long tip of the extinguisher.

He made sure to shoot it all over the guy's body making sure to cover his whole body.

He threw the extinguisher out and crouch, down to the burnt remains.

Y/n: sorry mate

Suddenly the guy opened his eyes looking at y/n but not moving.

He had seen the guy before on the hell news channel. The guy's goggles were burnt off just now his burnt skin remains.

Y/n: fuck me, that is brutal man you still alive I bet it must suck huh. Do you want me to kill you so you don't have to feel the pain and just be brought back in a few days or so?

The guy simply moved his eyes up and down signaling yes.

Y/n nodded as he grabbed his knife and stabbed it into his head killing the sinner. From how badly he was injured he will probably be back in about five days or so.

He then turned now into the big fight that was happening. He thought for a moment about what he should do. He let out a sigh as he knew it wasn't going to be easy as he walked over to the two.


The three were in a limo as it was being driven to a place.

Charlie: I'm so sorry y/n I didn't mean to burn you that bad.

Y/n: it's fine, don't mention it. After all, it will heal back in a few hours.

He was waving his hand off at her showing her that he was fine but his body said otherwise.

His arm was cut off and his face was burnt.

Y/n: Man that news lady sure had some sharp nails. Also Charlie I didn't know your body changes forms.

Charlie: oh that is just because I accidentally let my emotions get the better then me I shouldn't have done that

Y/n: don't worry about it, I mean it will make us look better.

Charlie: no I ruined our hotel reputation now nobody will want to come.

Vaggie who was mostly silent finally spoke up about the whole thing.

Vaggie: no Charlie it's not your fault it was just because..... because of Angel she was supposed to be our test subject and then she goes and does shit like that.

Charlie: Maybe so vaggie but I'm the head of the hotel. I'm the face of it and I fought on live TV just because I let my emotions get the better of me.

Y/n: I don't know, Charlie's emotions can make things better. It is what makes us human after all.

Charlie: I'm not human though y/n.

Y/n: maybe not fully human but you still have it as a part of you and that part is what makes you shine.

Charlie: You really believe so.

Y/n lifted his only hand and gave her a thumb up. The car suddenly stopped moving.

Y/n: don't worry I got this.

Vaggie let out a sigh as she pushed the button to open the sunroof.

Y/n popped half body through the sunroof and look around till he spotted Angel fucking a person up along with another person.


Angel looked up as she heard her name seeing y/n.

???: shit is that him?

Angel: Yeah and how demanding he sounds even better~

???: Damn, he's pretty hot even with those injuries he has.

Angel: yeah I want him to fuck me soo good.

???: holy shit angel have you fallen for him?

Angel: huh what n-no I just want him to fuck me that's all. Or we don't fuck I like having him around he is a pretty good friend.

???: girl your eyes are saying something else.

Angel: fuck off alright well I'll see you later.

???: make sure to tell me the details of what he likes in bed.

She took a glimpse back at her for a moment.

Angel: You know it.

Angel walked over to the car as y/n ducked back down in the limo. She opened the door and sat down on the side where y/n was.

She looked at him more specifically his wounds

Angel: What happened to you?

Y/n: I got in between a fight with the hell princess and a spider.

Charlie looks away ashamed of what happened.

Y/n: what about you? I heard you got into a fight.

Angel : yeah you know that blimp flying around well I fought that fucker.

Y/n: oh shit nice.

Vaggie: don't be encouraging her y/n what she did make us look like a complete joke.

Y/n: have fun with her angel she has been wanting to talk to you.

Angel slouches down and starts playing a button that moves a window to the driver going up and down playing with it.

Angel: calm down sugar tits I owe my girl buddy a solid isn't that a redemption feature

Y/n was about to say something before he got cut off.

Vaggie: don't even say it y/n don't you dare now as for you angel you don't go around helping In turf wars that resulted in fucking murder

Angel was still playing with the switch before suddenly it got hit with a knife

Angel: come on I have a reputation to keep up what if people thought I was trying to be clean it would ruin me

Vaggie: What about our reputation? You made us a laughing stock a fucking joke.

Angel: oh please jokes are supposed to be funny I made you look sad in a good way kinda like an... orphan baby with no legs or arms huh also progeria

Y/n: fuck angel even I wouldn't joke about something like that

Angel: Agh now you guys are making me feel terrible about it. I need a drink.

She starts looking around for something

The whole fight went on for so long that y/n kinda zoned out till he heard something interesting.

Angel: oh please everyone wants a piece of me. I even got a fan letter for it.

She pulled out a piece of paper out of her cleavage. She opened it up and tried giving it to y/n.

Y/n: yeah fuck that I'm not holding it angel I'm not trying to get every fucking known disease to man.

Angel: Fine, just read it.

Y/n: alright let's see what written here "Please send me a feet's pics of your beautiful feet I want you so bad I want you in me I even got your small figure and put it in a jar filled with my special sauce"

Everyone pretty much wanted to throw up right there and then.

Charlie took a deep breath in as she looked at Angel

Charlie: You know that was not cool of you to do Angel.

Vaggie: You don't say.

Angel: Does that mean I don't have a free room anymore?

Vaggie moves her arms in a way saying what do you think?

Y/n: hey maybe we just need a minute to chill there is no need to get so riled up about something that is done now.

Charlie: Right, we don't know if it is over just yet, for all we know we could have a line of people who want to join us.


y/n pushed the door open and walked through with an angel walking in just behind him holding the pizza. She walked over and placed it on the sofa.

Y/n: thanks.

Angel: don't worry about it. At least we now have food around here for you to know when we get more people in here.

Y/n watched as she walked over and grabbed a popsicle from the mini-fridge.

Y/n just shook his head as he wasn't sure what to think about the whole situation that happened.

He could understand everyone and how they were feeling but for him, he just wasn't sure.

He walked over and grabbed a slice of pizza and put it on a plate. He needed to eat something if he wanted his healing to kick in.

While he was eating away he felt something like something that was tugging on his heart. He knew the few but wasn't sure where from.

He looked around the place, nothing out of place as he saw Charlie closing the door and turning to look back at the lobby.

She looked nervous before walking back over to the group looking at him and vaggie.

Charlie: hey uh guys we have a bit of a situation.

Y/n: what's up?

Charlie: The uh radio demons is here.

Vaggie: huh the radio demons?!

Charlie: What should I do?

Vaggie: don't let him inside?!

While that was happening y/n was stuck deep in thought. He hadn't heard that name in a long time.

The last time he heard that name was when he was alive. After all, he did make a deal with him.

Before he knew it he saw Charlie walking around next to her was the man himself. Now it made sense why that guy looked so familiar when he saw him around Charlie's place a while ago and now that he saw him again it was starting to come back to him

Y/n was leaning on the wall as he watched them walk around talking about something as Angel walked over to him.

Angel: What's up with you?

Y/n: huh what do you mean?

Angel: Well, as soon as you saw him you went quiet and just stared.

Y/n: i-it's nothing just thinking about the past is all.

Angel: well if you say so I'm going to go and hang around that weird spot that could use some beer around it.

Y/n tried to calm himself down after all alastor never did anything to him when he was alive.

y/n walked over and sat down on the couch next to vaggie who was sitting there glaring at Alastor.

She took notice of him sitting down next to her.

Vaggie: can you believe this y/n the fucking radio demon says he wants to "help" her run the hotel. We can't trust him y/n he could try burning down the whole point that she is trying to make here.

y/n: well if there is one thing I know about Alastor he doesn't do things like this out of the goodness of his heart.

y/n noticed that vaggie was staring at him. Which caught him off guard.

y/n: what with the stare is there pizza sauce on my face because you know it's kinda hard to eat with one hand right?

Vaggie: it's just you said Alastor like you were on a first-name basis.

y/n: oh well I thought he said his name earlier.

Vaggie: Did he?

y/n: yeah I'm pretty sure he did.

The two conversations were cut short when suddenly a green glow and wind were hitting the pair in the face.

The whole thing was coming from Alastor and Charlie. She looked at Alastor's hand for a moment before she waved her hands around.

Charlie: nope no shaking hands and no deals.

She grabbed at her arm for a moment thinking about what to say.

Charlie: As princess of hell I command you to work here for as long as you see fit in doing so.

Alastor: Very well, now that we got that out of the way, where is your hotel staff?

Charlie looked over at vaggie. Alastor followed her line of sight to where she was staring at see vaggie who was giving a death stare at him.

Alastor: oh that won't do.

He then walked over to Angel who was mining her own business and he asked her what she did and she simply said it in the most normal way that she could do which was she can simply suck his dick which he just said no.

Suddenly Alastor looked at him and walked over to him.

Alastor: What a surprise I knew you looked familiar when I saw you last time. It's good to see you, my old friend.

y/n: you as well Alastor I haven't seen you since coming to hell.

Alastor: Well you know me I'm a very busy person especially down here.

Alastor: But we are getting off topic now aren't we now what do you do here?

Y/n: oh well I.....

He wasn't exactly sure what he did; he kinda just was around helping when he could.

Charlie: He helps me from time to time and he is someone who I can trust to get something done on time.

Alastor: hmm well that won't do. I could cash in a few favors to help bring this place to life.

He snapped his fingers when a flame came out from the tips of his fingers sending a flame to the chimney. Fire burst out from it and something small landed inside it.

y/n and the others watch closely walking over to see what it is. Alastor grabbed the thing and lifted it, seeing the figure cover in all black.

Suddenly a giant eyeball appeared on the thing as the thing shook its body. Shaking the black smoke off of its body showing a more pink and cute person.

Alastor: this cute little darling here is called Nifty

He dropped the Small creature down.

Nifty: Hi I'm Nifty it's nice to meet you all.

She looked at the group, her eyes scanning every one of them.

Nifty: It's been such a long time since I made any new friends.

Her eyes that were still scanning the group landed on y/n. He looked around for a moment thinking that she was looking at something behind him as he moved to the side but her eyes just followed him.

She went silent still just watching him; the others took notice as well while Alastor had a smug smile on his face.

Y/n: hey uh Nifty was it. Whatcha uh looking at there?

Nifty: You're a man right? It's hard to tell with your face like that.

y/n: oh uh yeah I am. You guys could have said something about how bad my face was geez

The others looked away not wanting to answer.

y/n was about to say something but he suddenly fell onto the floor and felt his legs getting lifted. He took a look at what was grabbing his legs seeing Nifty grabbing them.

Y/n: uh Nifty?

She was mumbling something about a bad boy and started dragging him around y/n used his only hand to grab at the ground trying to stop getting pulled but it was no good as she dragged him into a closet

Y/n: uh guys a little bit of help....please!

The door shut, and the only thing heard was silence before screams could be heard coming from the room.

Vaggie looks at the angel.

Vaggie: Come on Angel, we need to stop whatever is happening in there.

Vaggie took one step before getting pushed to the side by Angel.

Angel: ain't nobody stealing that dick from me, not even that girl.

She opens the door and walks in the door closing behind her.

All that could be heard was some kind of fight or struggle happening.

Vaggie got up and went in after the three, the door closing again, and more banging sounds could be heard.

Before it went quiet. Vaggie walked out through the door holding nifty by her shirt. She was holding a tail in her hand.

Charlie: huh good job vaggie.

Vaggie: Thanks, it was a very interesting situation when I went in after them.

Charlie walked over and took a look inside, seeing an angel trying to comfort y/n. He had a pan in his only good hand

Angel: hey it's alright y/n that scary small girl is gone.

Y/n: y-you mean it.

Angel: yeah don't you worry come on lean on me alright?

He nodded his head as he went to stand. Angel grabbed his arm wrapping his arms around her shoulder and used her other left hand to add more support to him walking him out of the room.

Y/n saw Vaggie hold Nifty seeing that she cut his tail off.

Y/n: fuck I just regenerated that tail

As the two walked over Angel took notice that the radio demon brought another person and there was alcohol to drink now.

She took a look at y/n then back over at the thing that she had wanted for a while but chose to focus on making sure y/n was alright first.

She helped him to the sofa, placing him down on it.

Y/n: thanks Angel I think I'll be fine. Why don't you go check out that beer over there with those other guys?

She took a glimpse before shaking her head.

Angel: I got to make sure my friend is alright.

Y/n felt touched that she considered him a friend.

Y/n looked at Charlie he could tell she was so happy about there being so many new people she was a bright star at that very moment.

Charlie noticed him watching and turned to him.

Charlie: y/n! I can't fucking believe there more people at the hotel we are finally doing it.

He simply smiled at her before Alastor approached her.

Alastor: Of course my dear because with me here we will make dreams happen. This will be so entertaining to watch these sinners trying to go on a quest for redemption only to fall so much further. What a great entertainment

Suddenly his and Charlie's outfits change as music starts playing.

Some shadow creatures appeared and started playing music. The light turned purple and was changing as the song kept playing.

While the others got pulled along with the song y/n chose to stay out of it he couldn't join in and only one person knew why he wouldn't join.

After a few minutes, Alastor was about to say something about a hazb- before the front doors blew up, sending a door flying and smashing into Nifty.

Y/n went to stand up and follow the others but he felt lightheaded.

Y/n: aw fuck me why don't you

Y/n fell face-first into the ground feeling everything go dark.

After a while y/n started to open his eyes seeing that he was surrounded by black goo.

He knew what happened already

He let out a sigh as he laid back, taking notice that his other arm was back and so was his face.

Y/n: god dammit who knows how long before I get brought back.

He took notice of two purple eyes staring at him from within the black liquid.

Y/n: oh hey what up souls of the damned how are you guys doing.

More purple eyes started appearing as they surrounded him.

Y/n: uh you guys want to play a game or something while I wait to get brought back.

It just blinked at him.

Word count 46566

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