Hanging out with Octavia
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(Results are in you will know what won by the way they talk)
Y/n was sitting on his bed when he got a message on Hellagram
Clicking on it he was a little surprised by who was messaging him.
Gothchy17: yo Y/n.
He clicked on the profile as he was not sure who it was but it made more sense now.
He went back to the chat rooms.
O/n: hey via what's going on?
Gothchy17: not much, just want to see. If you are perhaps not too busy.
He took a moment to think about it and looked up.
Angle: oh please don't hate me for my personality.
As she said, her two hands moved from her lower stomach to her breast squishing them together to make them pop out more.
Vaggie: I'm not even talking about your fucking breast just put a shirt on when you're out here.
angel: oh please I'm just being free I have to find other things to do when
Vaggie: how does that even have anything to do with you not wearing anything to cover your breast?
Y/n can now confidently say that he knows angel gender when she walked out with no shirt on he got a glimpse at her breast.
Charlie walked over wearing just her normal suit with the red part for her shirt not on.
Charlie: Look, angle I get that you're bored but still you shouldn't walk out here with no shirt on. What if y/n was out here?
angel: oh I made sure that he was out here when I came out.
Y/n: imagine my surprise when I found out angel was a girl and had some pretty good boobs size.
angel: Careful there Snookums you are just making me want you more.
Y/n: I can't even tell if you're lying or telling the truth now.
angel: take it any way you want because let me say I can sense a good fucking from you.
He was so confused but Charlie came over and got in the middle of them.
Charlie: I don't want you touching or even doing anything like that to him
Charlie said it in a slightly defensive tone.
angel just rolls her eyes but moves her body slightly over a bit to see y/n.
angel: just saying though if you want a great boob job I'm your gal for it.
Y/n: I'll keep that in mind I guess.
Charlie: No you won't.
angel spread her pinky finger and thumb doing a call me sign.
He looked back down on his phone
O/n: not doing much right now.
Gothchy17: good, good then I was wondering if you wanted to hang out for a bit
O/n: I'm down
Gothchy17: cool, cool uh then meet me at this address.
O/n: gotcha
He put his phone in his pocket after looking at the address.
Y/n: I'm going to head out for a bit.
Vaggie walked back over after dealing with Angel.
*a few minutes ago*
Y/n looked back down at his phone while doing so vaggie walked over and grabbed angel by her neck.
angel: oo kinky.
Vaggie: agh please stop it already.
Angel: no way but maybe if you step on me I may be a good girl for you.
Y/n: relatable
angel: see Y/n gets it.
Vaggie grabbed at her inner nose tired of what was happening.
Vaggie: that's it I'm putting you in time out for a bit.
angel: uh
Vaggie pulled an angle and opened a door, throwing her in. angel looked back up at her while one of her hands was rubbing her but.
Vaggie looked a bit scary to her with her stand in the doorway blocking it.
Vaggie grabbed the door and closed it making sure to lock it.
Vaggie finally calmed down after throwing her in. She just let her Anger get the better of her angel said that y/n saw her breast.
She looked down at her chest putting her hand on them almost like she was thinking about her size.
Y/n: I'm heading out for a bit.
Charlie, still sitting on the couch, looked up to him.
Charlie: oh where are you going?
Y/n: not sure from the way it looked on the map, some kind of rich neighborhood.
Charlie: Oh well be safe out there.
Y/n: don't worry I'll be fine.
He looked over at vaggie. She had the angelic spear hanging on her back. Ever since they got it she kept it close to her,
Y/n: Will you be fine?
Vaggie: Yeah, nothing bad will happen with me here.
Y/n: All alright then I'll see you both later.
Y/n was looking at some kind of mansion. It was very good-looking.
He sent a message earlier telling her he was there. He looked around just looking at the everyday sinners walking around.
There was one that was on the side of the road he looked like he was preaching but listening to what he was saying he was not.
The sinner had a very nice small mustache going on. He was lifting one of his arms, almost saluting but he just kept his arm extended.
Another little interesting thing was he had some kind of red armband going on. He decided to try to listen to the sinner
Sinner: Wir werden zurcknehmen, was uns gehrt. Wir werden Deutschland zurckerobern!
Y/n had to take a step back and try not to listen anymore. For some unknown reason after hearing what the sinner had to say he felt like committing genocide.
The gate to the home opened. He quickly walked inside trying to listen anymore. He was heading to the front door when someone said his name.
Looking at the source of the voice he saw via from a window. She motioned him to her window.
Y/n: what's up?
Via: hold on I'll get you in.
Y/n: why don't I just go through the front door?
Via: no no no hold on. alright, here you go.
She threw down a rope made of different cloths. He was unsure why she wanted him to come through the window but he climbed it.
He got inside looking around.
Y/n: nice room
Via: oh thanks.
Y/n: So why did I climb through a window instead of the door?
Via: sorry I just didn't want my father or my mother to see you coming in.
Y/n: oh is it because of your reject society phase so you are doing things your parents won't like?
Via: I guess so but also because my mom would scream your ears off.
Y/n: oh
He looked around. It was quite a spacious place; there was a bed on the left side and a couch not that far.
Y/n: oh nice you got a telescope.
Via: yeah I use it to look at the sky.
Y/n: that is pretty fucking cool.
Via: you think so?
Y/n: I would like to use it real quick.
Via: oh uh sure.
He grabbed it and brought it over to the window looking through it he was able to see to heaven. It looked beautiful with it being the only bright light.
Via: So what did you look at?
Y/n: I was just looking at heaven. Hey, so I've Been meaning to ask why you did you want to hang out.
Via: oh well you see I haven't really uh you know uh I don't have friends.
Y/n: I don't believe that.
Via: it's the truth I don't go out much besides my dad being there.
Y/n: overprotective parent?
Via: you could say.
Y/n walked over to a portrait. It had both a baby and her father. It was funny to him because she looked like an otter.
Y/n: is that you?
Via: yeah when I was a kid still believed that the world was great.
Y/n: you just need to find the great parts of living.
Via: yeah I guess you're right
Y/n: but anyway you look like a baby otter in this photo.
Via: what no I don't
Y/n: yeah your little father gives you a tail just like an otter.
She looked behind herself at her tail. The feathers opened a bit between each other then fell back down.
Y/n: Wait, you can control it?
Via: kinda like a muscle just like your tail.
Y/n: really? My tail does its own thing. so next and you can say no but can I touch your feathers?
She looked down for a moment before she nodded.
Y/n: here you can touch my tail.
She sat on her bed in a way her tail laid back on the bed. He walked over and sat next to her. His hand went over and touched her feathers.
It had almost the same kind of texture then a normal bird. Her hand landed on his tail feeling his fur.
Y/n was looking at her even though he felt her tail feathers. He wanted to scratch her chin mostly to feel her body a bit to see if it feathers as well.
He lets his intrusive thoughts win. He moved his hand under her chin to scratch at it.
It did feel like she had feathers around her face. her face turned red and puffed out ( like when Blitz bit into Stolas or when he moved his finger under Stolas's chin.
He came back to his senses and moved his hand away from her
Y/n: I'm so sorry my bad I shouldn't have done that
Via: uh, n-no it alright I get it you were just curious.
Y/n ears twitched as it heard footsteps heading this way.
Y/n: via I hear footsteps
Via: what! you need to hide.
He looked around there was not much but he got an idea he dived underneath her bed.
That's when the door to her room opened. Via was just there sitting on her bed.
Via: can't you knock Dad!
Stolas: I'm sorry Octavia I just wanted to see what you're doing.
Via: I'm fine Dad.
Stolas: oh well then I'll be on my way....why are your neck feathers puffed up?
Via: can't you just leave it? see it just happened for no reason.
Stolas: huh I see. Well, I leave you be then.
Just before he left through the door he stopped.
Stolas: oh when you're done hanging out with Octavia. can you come to see me y/n?
He then walked out. A couple of minutes went by before he came out of bed.
Looking at Via she simply sat there surprised just as y/n was.
Y/n: I think I should go see your dad. I'm not sure if I will stick around afterthought.
Via: I understand.
Y/n: hey why do you look sad we can always hang out some other time.
She seemed to wipe away a tear from her face. She quickly takes a deep breath.
Via: yeah you're right let's hang out some other time then.
Y/n: but first I'm going to check out some of your books.
He walked over seeing all the books that she had. She had a lot of books going from sky gazing to just stories.
Y/n: The Sinner and the hell royal princess An erotic story?
Via: wait don't read that!
The book he took off the bookshelf was very interesting. That was when Via came over grabbed the book and threw it out the window.
Y/n: you could have just put it back.
She rubbed the back of her bed.
Y/n: well I better be off. See you later then.
Via: yeah I'll text you.
Y/n: right.
Y/n walked out of the room he was not sure where exactly to go so he just walked through the hallways.
He opens his phone and posts a photo he got of Via with her puffed-up neck on a hellagram. He made sure to tag her in it.
He plans to look at it later.
As he walked around he noticed there were a lot of plants with mouths looking ready to eat some meat. He could have sworn when he walked by that one was eating a dick. He took a step back to make sure what he saw was right
The plant had closed its mouth and made a sucking motion.
Y/n: I feel bad for the person who put their dick in and got their dick eaten.
After walking around he heard footsteps sound like a female because of high heels.
He hid behind some statues.
???: fucking imp sucker. First, he can't fuck me well second I can't get satisfied because of his bird-sucking dick who has a dick that small.
???: then he goes behind my fucking back and cheats on me with an imp a fucking imp like what the hell!
He scooted over a bit to see the person. They had beautiful white and black feathers and some pretty great chests but he couldn't tell the rest of her body.
He would be interested in fucking her but one problem was that fucking attitude she had. Like he can tell she would be annoying to talk to because of the way she spoke.
She thankfully walked away before noticing that he was there.
He felt a tap on his shoulder scare him for a moment. He turned to see a small imp guy.
Butler: Follow me, the master is waiting for you.
Y/n: uh sure
He led him to a nice room that was very open with books everywhere. It now makes sense like a father-like daughter.
Stolas was sitting on a chair overlooking the view.
Stolas: good it seemed like you came over pretty fast.
Y/n: for the most part. But that is not what you wanted to talk about, right?
Stolas: no it is not. there are two things I want to talk about the first is what do you want with my sweet daughter?!
Y/n: uh well she invited me over because she wanted to become friends.
Stolas: oh really now?
Y/n: it seemed like she was having fun when we were just talking about things and got sad when I left.
Stolas: oh yeah that does appear to be what happened.
Y/n: and I'll just outright say it. Right now we are just friends but if that changes in the future it is because she made the choice.
Stolas: oh well confident aren't we? But you are indeed right it did look like you were just being friendly when I went in.
Y/n: now that we got that out of the way, what was the other reason?
Stolas: ah this should interest you I hope
Y/n: I'm all ears
Stolas: Well you see, I could use some help in my divorce battle.
Y/n: I'm not a counselor
Stolas: oh well you see that is not the part that I would like your help with. I'm sure my soon-to-be ex-wife is going to want to try taking everything I have but I don't want that.
Y/n: ok so how do I fit into this?
Stolas: well you see I could need some, how do you say it? I need some actual physical proof of her cheating. I would like for you to do is fuck my soon-to-be ex-wife
Y/n: really?
Stolas: yes really.
Y/n: wait but why?
Stolas: Like I said, as a way to show proof that she cheated on me so I can use it when she tries to take everything that I have. Because personality I would like to not give her all of my shit.
It looked like he was getting all heated up about her.
Y/n: not to be mean but why would I do that?
Stolas: Well you see I thought you would like this because you get to have sex don't you like?
Y/n: not the worst offer but that nothing
Stolas: oh you are a good one fine I'll pay you with money.
Y/n: alright that sounds better now. Do you have a way so I can get close to her?
Stolas: I have a few ways to help you do it. But that is for later I'll send you a message when it is time. But that is only if you agree.
Y/n: fine I'm in.
Stolas clapped his hand like a kid excited about something.
Stolas: glad you agree to this. Like I said, I'll let you know when it's time.
Y/n: wait if I'm doing this I'm going to need some stuff for her because I saw her earlier and I might know a good way of doing it with her.
Stolas: name it.
Y/n told him all the things he needs. It left Stolas a bit surprised by the thing he asked for. He made a sound like an owl.
Stolas: You're so devious alright I'll get those things.
Y/n: that's all you wanted to talk about right?
Stolas: yes that will conclude our talks here I'll send you back.
Y/n: wait you can do that?
Stolas: of course, I can't be this powerful if I don't have a way to do it.
Y/n: wait it's fine I can just walk back it fine.
Stolas: you sure?
y/n nodded at him before walking away he left the building head to the streets. As he was walking home he passed some kid who had a book in his hand.
Imp: then he forced her down on the bed using his strong hands to hold her down. Her breathing is heavy.
He stopped walking for a moment after hearing what the kid had to say when reading the book. The book looked just like the one that via thrown out when he grabbed it.
He was pretty sure that kid had the book. He continues his walk not batting an eye back at the kid.
He walked through the door and sat down on the old couch. Charlie noticed him and walked over to him.
Charlie: back so soon?
Y/n: yeah just a small hangout nothing much
Charlie: oh so how did it go then?
Y/n: nothing much hey uh where is everyone else?
Charlie: vaggie left not that long ago she wanted to go and buy some stuff. as for angle on the other hand.
Charlie looked over at a door and she looked at it weirdly her eyes slightly turned more demonic then back to normal. She looked back towards him while sitting kinda close to him.
Charlie: I'm not sure where she is. You know her, she is probably just out you know doing work.
Y/n: ah huh well then I'm heading to sleep early then.
Charlie: Wait hold on y/n!
Y/n: sure What up.
Charlie: I was wondering if you could come with me tomorrow to pick up my suit.
Y/n: yeah sure I can.
She does a little victory fist while saying yes but then she remembers what was happening and then tries to act more.
Charlie: Thanks for coming with me.
Y/n: yeah it's no problem
He walked over to a room that was on the first floor and walked in. He looked around before going over and lying on his bed.
He took a deep breath of air before closing his eyes but then he felt his phone buzzing. Pulling it out he clicks on a message he got from via.
Gothchy18 sent an image
He was confused for a moment and clicked on the image.
He was surprised by the image. She was wearing more relaxing clothes. She wore an overly big shirt showing off a bit of her shoulder.
She has a book covering most of her face.
Gothchy18: thanks for coming over even if it was not that long.
O/n: of course let me know if you ever want to hang out again sometime.
Gothchy18: definitely.
He decided to check out his newest post.
The caption of the post: look at this little owl.
One of the comments was from the person themselves.
Gothchy18: Aw delete that is a bad photo of me.
He responded to it with a simple no.
Another one was from a certain Hellhound that he knew.
BestHellhound96: no invite really
It had a gift attached. It was a sad cat gift.
He sent a message saying sorry he would make sure next time.
He put his phone away and turned in his bed falling asleep after the interesting day
*somewhere else*
Out in the hotel room, there was a door locked up. There was quite a bang on the door.
angel: hello anyone there?
angel: I think you guys forgot about me.
angel: look I'm sorry about pushing the whole thing this morning.
She heard footsteps close to the door and stopped in front of it.
angel: vaggie is that you? I'm sorry about making fun of your tits there just fine as they are.
There was no noise for a moment before the footsteps started walking away.
angel: vaggie please at least give me some food.....vaggie?
Word count: 3606
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