Clothes shopping and trauma (slight lemon)

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(I'm actually disappointed in how this chapter turn out. This was probably my most anticipated chapter but looking at it yesterday I was disappointed how it turned out when I made it.)

Y/n was sitting on the couch, waiting for Charlie and Vaggie to come down from their rooms to head over to the place Alastor told him about.

After all, the hotel founder should be looking her best.

While waiting around, he closed his eyes for a moment to rest. However, before his eyes could open again, he felt something land on his pants.

There were a few possibilities, and one was that he accidentally took Viagra. Second, it could be nifty; third, it was simply a pillow.

He hoped it was simply a pillow, especially after what happened earlier in the middle of the night.


Y/n was sleeping in his bed as he tossed and turned, almost looking like he was having a nightmare.

He suddenly bolted up as his eyes darted around in quick breaths. His hand gripped the sheets beneath him tightly.

When he finally started to calm down, he wiped away any sweat on his forehead before lying back down and turning on his side.

It has always been the same dream, no matter how long it has been. It always comes back to haunt him.

As he got comfortable in bed, he opened his eyes one last time and saw an eye staring back at him.
He sighed at the sight of the eye staring into his soul.

Y/n: just make sure to lock the door when you leave. All right, Nifty?

Niffty: Hehe, okay.


He shuddered at the thought that she may have never left his room. Now that he had considered it, he didn't remember if she had.

He groaned at the thought before finally opening his eyes to see what landed on his lap.

To his surprise, he saw Angel resting her head on his lap.

He was sure that it was supposed to be the other way around in situations like these.

Y/n: what are you doing, Angel?

Angel: What can't a girl rest her head on someone's lap?

Y/n: well, no, I guess not.

Angel: That's fine. Don't worry. I'm just resting my head for a bit on your lap.

Y/n: "Sigh." yeah, I guess so.

She had a smile on her face as she closed her eyes for a bit. While she did, y/n placed his hand on her head and petted her like a cat.

Her face turned from her usual white to a more red-tinted one. She kept her mouth shut as she seemed to enjoy it.

Y/n: just please don't try anything sexual, would you?

She turned her head to the side, trying to avoid his line of sight.

Angel: You don't need to worry about it. I plan to act more like myself when it's just us.

Y/n: good, that's all that anyone could ask.

Angel: thanks again for being there for me the other day... you know, because of the ordeal.

Y/N: Hey, don't worry, and don't worry; I won't tell the others.

Angel: r-really, you mean that? You better mean it because I don't want Charlie sticking her nose in places where it doesn't belong.

Y/N: Yeah, I do. After all, it is something that you should do when you're ready to do so, not when someone else forces you to.

Angel could tell from how he said the last part that he had experience with something like that.

Angel: You know, y/n, you're a pretty great guy.

Y/n: thanks....

Before they could talk about anything else, y/n heard footsteps behind him. Looking over, he saw Charlie.
She walked over to the two.

  Her eyes watched how y/n and Angel were basically almost snuggling up together.

Charlie: oh, when did you both get so comfortable with each other?

Angel: You left my snookums alone, so I thought I should entertain him.

She made a jerking motion with her hand.

Charlie blushed a little before looking away. She seemed a bit annoyed by how comfortable the two had become.

She took a few deep breaths before looking back at them.

Charlie walked over to the front of the couch and pushed them apart.

Charlie: I'm sorry. Pardon me. Let me squeeze in right here while we wait for Vaggie.

Angel sighed as she scooted over to the other side of the couch and rested her elbow on the chair piece and head on her hand.

Angel: So where are you guys going, huh?

Charlie: We are going to head over to this clothes shop to get some better outfits for the hotel

Y/n smiled slightly from seeing how happy Charlie was about the outfit change.

Angel: Oh, really? Now, come on, tell me what kind of outfits you're getting. Many people would be lining up outside this hotel if you had a more revealing outfit.

Charlie: Haha, no, of course not. I really like my current one, But it could use a more updated look
Angel: Well, don't say I didn't try to help. So what about you y/n? What are you going to do?

Y/n: oh, I'm not sure I wasn't expecting to change my outfit.

Charlie: I thought you were getting one as well?

Y/n: well, I just thought you and Vaggie should be the main focus on the new clothes since you guys are hotel staff, and as you said, I'm a simple resident.

Charlie: That's not what I meant. You know that, right?

He seemed to look down, his eyes filled with despair for a quick moment, almost as if he were reflecting on a sad moment or something similar.

Y/n: why would you want to do that?

Charlie: Well, because we are friends, aren't we?

Y/n had a soft smile, but his eyes still looked full of sadness and regret before changing back to normal.

Y/n: yeah, we are aren't we.

Angel: Hey Char, make sure to get y/n a sexy outfit, you know, the one that would make a girl want to be pounded by him.

Charlie blushed incredibly hard because of Angel's comments, and she wouldn't mind seeing him in something like that.

Her thoughts started to get mixed up as she considered what Angel had said, ignoring the fact that Angel had given her a nickname.

Y/n: haha, I think you broke her

Angel: I can't blame her, especially just thinking about it. It gets me wet just imagine you wearing something dominating as you **** into my ****, then you grab my ***** while forcing me ****** before then ****** as you have me begging to ****** can't forget about ******* and some ****

Y/n couldn't believe what he was hearing at the moment.

On one side, you have Charlie having a meltdown while thinking somewhat innocently.

While Angel was going off about fucking her in incredible detail, even now, she is still going at it.

Angel: as you walk me like a pet, force yourself all over my body before ****, then shove it up my *****

However, Angel's thoughts or what she was saying are cut short when Vaggie smacks her on the back of her head with her spear.

Vaggie: keep your dirty thoughts to yourself, Angel.

She rubbed the back of her head while looking up at Vaggie.

Angel: don't be like that. You also probably thought about that stuff, haven't you?

Vaggie: No, unlike you, I have restraint. Y/n, let's head out before she continues talking about this.

Y/n: sure, come in, Charlie.

Charlie: Huh, oh right, yeah, right behind you guys.

Charlie jogged after the two, leaving Angel by her lonesome self.

Angel: fuck, now I'm wet

Husk: bitch get a hold of yourself.

Husk has been quietly working at the bar, watching everything that has gone down.

Angel: Oh, sweet little kitty, feeling daring today, aren't you?

Husk: fuck no

Angel broke out into laughter as she heard his response.

*back with y/n and the other*

Y/n: thanks for the help back there. I wasn't sure how I would have gotten Angel to stop talking about me wearing a sexy outfit if you hadn't shown up.

She stared at him while they were walking. Her face lost the usual gray as a small red formed.

Vaggie: Don't worry about it. It was nothing. You just seemed like you needed some help getting out of the situation.

Y/n: So how about you, vaggie? I already asked Charlie, but are you excited to have your own outfit and you can finally throw away that old shirt I gave you?

She placed her hand on her chest and seemed to grip part of the shirt.

Vaggie: I am a bit excited about it, but plan to keep the shirt.

Y/N: Really, how come? You'll finally have your own clothes and don't have to wear that old shirt I gave you.

Vaggie: Well, I got used to wearing this thing around and like the changes I made. And, was a gift from you.

Y/n: it wasn't a gift. It was just something you needed since you just came down.

Vaggie: It's fine. I will keep it around as my night clothes.

Y/n: well, if you think so.

While they walked a bit more, y/n noticed vaggie. She seemed to smell the shirt for a moment.

He wouldn't judge her if that's what she was into.

Y/n: you're being awfully quiet, Charlie. Is something wrong?

Charlie: Uh, oh no, there's nothing wrong. I was thinking about what we would do for our next hotel meeting.

Y/n: Oh well, what are some of your ideas?

Charlie: Well, how about karaoke?

Vaggie: Charlie, no one would even want to do that.

Charlie: oh.....

She looked down at the ground, feeling that that small comment had broken her heart.

Y/n: Well, besides that, do you have anything else?

Charlie: Well, how about two truths and one lie? We would learn about the others.

Vaggie: That's..... isn't that bad actually that could be a great idea, Charlie.

Charlie: aww, thanks, vaggie.

Y/n smiled softly before chuckling a bit at their interaction.

He sighed a bit before noticing a group of three girls walking on the opposite sidewalk.

Y/n felt his blood run cold as his body came to a complete stop. His legs weren't responding to him.

His eyes were glued to the girl group, and his body seemed slightly more sweaty, even though he felt extremely cold.

He slowly moved his hand to his chest, grabbing where his heart was in his body.

Feeling the increase in his blood pressure, his muscles tightened along with his mind being overwhelmed by fear, or maybe it was anxiety.

He starts to zone out his surroundings. The only thing he felt was his heartbeat.

Before anything else could happen, he was knocked some sense back into him by Charlie.

She was in front of him now, looking concerned about him.

Charlie: Y-Y/n, what is the matter? Are you okay?

She tried to grab his hand to calm him down about whatever was happening, but y/n smacked her hand away.

She grabbed her hand, which he smacked away. Y/N looked at her eyes, and he didn't like how they made him feel.

Her stare was like she was judging or disgusted by him. He started to breathe much faster than before.

Y/n: J- Just go ahead, alright? I'll meet you at the place in a bit

Charlie: Wait, but y/n.....


Charlie took a step back, looking frightened by him. Vaggie stood in between them, looking at y/n.

The girls from the other side were watching him now as they started talking among themselves.

Y/n: tsk.... Just go ahead

Before Charlie could say anything else, y/n ran off into an alleyway. The two chased after him as they looked into the alleyway, not seeing him anywhere.

Charlie: Come on, vaggie, we need to see what is wrong.

She stepped forward, but Vaggie placed her hand on Charlie's chest, stopping her from walking further.

Charlie: v-vaggie?

Vaggie: you shouldn't go after him, Charlie

Charlie: But he needs us, vaggie.

Vaggie: No, you should continue to the clothes tailor's place.

Charlie: Huh, but what about y/n?

Vaggie: he needs someone who knows what he is going through.

Charlie: Like who?

*someplace else*

Y/n was on top of a building roof, sitting down and grabbing his head. He kept hearing the words over and over again.

???: you're just worthless, aren't you?

???: good for nothing shit of a human being.

???: eww, you really thought she would go out with you

???: what a fucking loser.

???: trash

???: waste of space.

???: Just throw him over, and no one will miss him.

???: As if you could be p**** k***

???: horrible voice

???: No one could ever truly love you

The voice just kept repeating the events that led up to it.

He looked up as he heard footsteps approaching him.

He saw Vaggie walking over to him, her spear resting on her back. He tried to get up, but Vaggie touched his shoulder before sitting beside him.

He wanted to say something but felt ashamed of what had happened. He was taken by surprise when she rested her head on his shoulder.

Vaggie: I know what you're going through, y/n.

Y/n:  you can't imagine what I'm going through.

Vaggie: So you aren't thinking about what happened on March 13th?

He glanced at her, surprised that she knew the date.

Y/n: how do you know that date?

Vaggie: I have my ways of knowing, but you should know that it was not your fault.

Y/n: you're wrong. It is my fault I was sane when I killed them

Vaggie: you couldn't have known that was going to happen.

Y/n: No, I knew what would happen and still went through it.

Vaggie: It was not your fault. You just had...a lousy experience.

Y/n: how would you know that? It is not something I like taunting around.

Vaggie: I.... Just know, okay, look, y/n, you aren't a horrible person, and I can tell from our time together.

Vaggie: Everything I have seen you do and how you treat others is not something a horrible person does. For example, why would you care so much for me, Charlie, and even Angel?

Vaggie: You have always put us before yourself.
Y/N: If only you weren't affected by it, I would trust what you're saying more.

Vaggie: your "curse" doesn't affect me

He turned to look at her thoroughly; he had never once mentioned anything about his curse to anyone besides Al.

Y/n: and how would you know it is not affecting you?

Vaggie: I can't tell you; I'm sorry, but from the bottom of my heart, I mean it when I say you are a kind person. No matter what you think about yourself, you have changed since then; you are not the same person from back then.

Y/n took a moment to process what she was saying before sighing heavily.

Vaggie: Those were some of the girls from back then, weren't they?

Y/n: Yes.

Vaggie: Well, don't worry about what happened back then. What is done is done. All you can do is push forward.

Y/n: you know you are pretty good at this, giving a speech to others.

She smiled softly at his comment.

Vaggie: I wanted to say something you would say.

Y/n: haha, you need to give yourself some credit for how good that was.

Vaggie: Well, thanks. I wasn't much for comforting others.

Y/n: I'm sorry about how I acted toward you guys earlier.

Vaggie: You had every right to be y/n, especially regarding what they put you through back then.

Y/n: No matter what they put me through, I shouldn't lash out at you guys like that. How do you know so much about what happened?

Vaggie: I just do

The two stand up, looking at the street below. Y/n turned to Vaggie and hugged her.

Y/n: thanks, I mean it.

Vaggie: don't worry about it, and one more thing about your curse

He looked at her, waiting for her to reveal what it was.

Vaggie, stop worrying about what could have been. All that matters now is that you are making others happy.

Y/n: it just doesn't feel like that to me.

Vaggie: Well, maybe try thinking of the positive parts of how you change our lives

Y/n felt like he could finally smile again, even if it was just a bit. He felt more relieved after talking to her.

Y/N: I never ask, but what did you do to get into hell? You keep talking about the good I do, but what about you?

She leaned closer into the huge.

Vaggie: I can say that you and I aren't too far apart.
He didn't say anything. He simply just listened to her. She took a deep breath, feeling more relaxed from his scent.

Vaggie: I also killed many people because I felt I was doing the right thing, but eventually, I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill a kid simply because he did a horrible thing.

Vaggie: and because of that, the two people I worked for.....they killed me, and that's just how I got here

Y/n: that doesn't seem to make us the same.

Vaggie: "Chuckle." I guess not when it is just that, but I trusted the wrong people in my past. I was used and alone.

Y/n looked down momentarily, thinking about what she had said. She was right. They were the same more than he thought.

Vaggie: I think we kept Charlie by herself long enough.

Y/n: yeah, you're probably right.


The two made it to the shop. y/n looked around, trying to find Charlie.

Y/n: you see her anywhere?

Vaggie: She's probably in the back or something. I'm sure she will show up later. I'm going to look for something that suits me.

Y/n: oh, uh, well, alright.

Y/n didn't know what to do, so he simply checked out the new trendy clothes.

One of the clothes trends he saw was a woman wearing trash.

Another was..... more trash?

Now, the final one couldn't be any worse. After all, it is number one for best outfit.

Yeah, he just wants to fucking die after seeing that outfit for number 1. He just gave it a middle finger and walked away from it.

He kept thinking there must be something up with this Gen Z stuff.

He was walking by the changing rooms when a hand grabbed him. He looked at it for a moment before getting pulled in.

It took him a quick second to realize he had been pulled into the changing room.

He turned to see who had grabbed him, only to see Charlie.

She had one of her legs behind her other leg. She had her left hand behind her back and grabbed her other hand.

Charlie: Y/n, I just want to apologize for trying to get into your business earlier. It was dumb of me to try and do something like that while you were having some kind of panic attack.

Y/N: No, Charlie. I should be the one apologizing to you. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you like that. It just.... I just saw some people from my past that I....

She placed her finger on his lip before he could say anything else.

Charlie: It's all right, y/n. I can tell you aren't ready to tell me just yet.

Y/n: thanks

Charlie: If you ever need someone, I am here for you. Is that alright?

She grabbed his hands and put them together with her hands to hold him in place.

Y/N: The same goes for you, Charlie. Running such a place can be difficult, so if you want to talk about it or just hang out and chill, let me know. Alright?

Y/n: Well, I had better get out of here before someone gets the wrong idea.

He takes a few steps, but Charlie continues to hold his hand. He then glances back at her.

Charlie: Actually, can you stay here..... and help me put on this new suit?

Y/n thought back to what Vaggie had said about his curse. Saying how I should also focus on the positive.

Y/n: yeah, sure, if you really do.

Charlie: Yeah, I do.

She looks to the entrance to the changing booth they were in before she starts to unbuckle her chest part
As she slowly takes it off, she pushes her chest out against the white fabric of the undershirt.

Y/n was pretty sure that he wasn't there actually to help her but for her to show off her features.

With her chest pushing against the white, he could make out her black bra underneath, which looked like it was protruding.

As she dropped the red top of her outfit, she started to take off her white undershirt but, this time, turned away, looking over her shoulder to make sure he was still watching.

She removed the undershirt, leaving barely anything to imagine underneath beside her bra. He looked at Charlie's slim waistline and silk-white skin that spread across her body.

He could make out the slight red blush on her face before she placed her hands on her waist as her hands slowly slid down. 

Y/n crossed his arms as he watched Charlie, who was still watching him, feel his lustful gaze being cast upon her.

She smirked a little as her tail appeared, stretching out a bit.

That tail of hers is definitely related to a succubus, as it even had a mark on the tip of her tail.

Her thumbs went into the inside of her red pants as she gripped the fabric. She took one more look at y/n with a smug look as she slowly slid her pants down.

Y/n was surprised by how far Charlie was going. She was usually not this straightforward, except when she tried kissing him, but this was on another level
She wore black underwear, matching her bra. She turned to look at y/n face to face and took a step backward to give y/n a full view of herself.

She was blushing madly. Even her eyes gave a sense of how blood was rushing through her body as her eyes looked kind of like swigging.

Y/n: Charlie, are you alright? Do you need a moment to sit?

Before y/n could walk over and help her, she raised her hand, stopping him from coming further.

Charlie: I'm fine. Don't worry. If you come any closer, I might be unable to control myself.

He momentarily looked at her, confused, as she was slightly hunched over. Then, standing straight, she opened her eyes to reveal tiny love hearts.

Charlie: It's hot here, isn't it?

He looked at her, confused by what she meant. After a moment, it hit him: She was turned on or in some kind of heat.

Maybe it had to do with the succubus part of her. Her breathing became more heavy. He could make out her breath every time she excelled.

She placed her hand on her chest as her eyes stuck onto him.

Y/n: "Coughing." how about we get you back into some clothes?

Charlie: Y-you sure you don't want to see more of me.

Y/n: maybe some other time, but we are out in public.

Charlie: That makes it better, won't it?

He sighed before pushing her against the stall. He could feel her heart beating incredibly fast. She looked at him almost like she was ready for him to take her right there and then.

However, he had other plans.

Y/n: put your clothes back on, and maybe I'll reward you.

Charlie: W-What kind of reward?

Y/n: maybe one you will enjoy~

He touched her collarbone before slowly moving it just above her chest.

She watched in anticipation, waiting for him to go further. She bit her lip.

Y/n smirked before taking his hand off and backing away.

She grabbed her new outfit and slowly put everything on, breathing heavily while keeping her eyes on him.

Now that he had a better look at her, he saw that her Charred skin was completely white. The only part that stood out was her legs.

He knew her legs were different, but seeing them without anything blocking the view was so interesting.

She had goat feet, and from there up to her ankle, she had just goat legs, but anything further, she had just normal human-looking skin.

Her tail made a little heart-shaped behind her.

He understood her better now. After all, she didn't usually back down when he talked to her, so he had to be a bit rough with her, and it seemed that was what she liked the most.

Her new pants were a bit darker in color than her old ones, and they seemed to hug her thighs and ass much tighter than her old ones.

She was about to put on the new undershirt, but y/n stopped her, catching her off guard.

Y/n: you want your reward, don't you?

She shyly nodded at him. It seemed like she was finally calming down, but she still had something inside her.

He slowly walked behind her, which confused her before y/n grabbed her bra and pulled it up, revealing her white breast.

She let out a yip sound, which she quickly covered her mouth with.

He started grabbing her breasts, feeling how smooth they were.

While her boobs weren't huge, they had their own appeal to them.

She let out a few moans as he kept touching them.

She felt the warmth of his hand as they explored every part of them.

He rubbed her nipples a few times, which sent jolts through her body as her body started to heat up.

She had left her arms straight down, letting him do anything he wanted. If he were to push her down and bend her ass out towards him, she wouldn't oppose such an action.

She could feel how wet she was getting as he kept teasing her nipples, which were hard as a rock now, and he knew it as he took his hand away from her nipples to massage her breast.

She started rubbing her legs together, trying to satisfy the itch below. But it didn't help; it made her want his members in her even more.

He squeezed her breast a few times, even pulling her nipples a bit, which kinda hurt, but it started to turn into pleasure for herself.

She always imagined what it would be like to have sex, and she was about to do it here in a clothes shop where they could be seen at any moment.

Just the thought made her wetter than before. She was almost like an animal in heat.

Suddenly, y/n stopped, leaving her confused as she turned to look at him.

He had his hands raised above him.

Charlie:w-why did you stop? Aren't y-you going to finish or do anything else?

Y/N: I promised to reward you but never revealed what it would be. And It would be to touch your body as you wanted.

He walked over to the stall door.

Y/n: And I'm sure Vaggie is wondering where we are
She had utterly forgotten about Vaggie being there with them.

Y/n opened the door and walked through but closed it behind himself.

He smirked a little. There was nothing like doing some teasing.

He walked around a bit till he eventually found Vaggie. He saw her a few feet away because her bow poked over the clothes.

As he turned to see her, he was taken aback by her new outfit.

Y/n: woah vaggie.....

She took notice of him as she turned to look at him.

Vaggie: What do you think?

He looked her up and down, examining every inch of her new outfit.

She wore thigh-high stockings that exposed some of her thighs just before being covered up by a black mini-skirt. Not to forget about her red, short-sleeved blouse with a black trim around the neckline and a black choker around her neck.

Y/n: you look remarkably gorgeous and sexy, hot, badass, sexy again,

She moved a strand of hair away from her right eye as she listened and blushed a little as her hair covered the blush.

Vaggie: T-Thanks for the compliment

Y/n: of course, how could I not when you look hot as fuck with the new clothes of yours.

She smiled a little.

Y/n: you're keeping the bow?

Vaggie: Yeah, you know, since it was a gift from you, I thought it would be a waste to throw it away so soon, and it helps with my hair.

Vaggie: Did you ever find Charlie? I couldn't find her.

Y/n: oh, I did; she should be coming out soon.

Just as he said, he heard a voice ring out.

Charlie: Oh my god, vaggie, you look gorgeous in that outfit.

Y/n: haha, speak of the devil.

She came over to the two standing next to y/n as she looked at vaggie.

Y/n looked at Charlie, seeing her new outfit. It wasn't very much different besides some minor details.

Some minor details were that she lost the red at the bottom of her pants. The colors were darker. The top shirt was a much brighter red.

Her undershirt hung out as it wrapped slightly lower into the pants area.

Y/n: still keeping it original?

Charlie: Y-Yeah, cause why not? It already works for me.

He could tell she felt uncomfortable about what happened not that long ago. Like when you have sex with someone you barely know, so it becomes awkward.

Y/n: well, I think that about it.

Charlie: What about you?

Y/n: what about me?

Vaggie: yeah, you ain't going to get something?

Y/n: meh, there is nothing here that really suits me
The clerk at the cash register overheard him.

Clerk: sir, could I offer you something that you might?

Y/n: that depends on what it is.

Clerk: Well, you probably like to fight, don't you?

Y/n: how do you know?

Vaggie&charile&clerk: you have your gun hanging out

He looked at them before sighing a bit.

Y/n: alright, what's it?

Clerk: I have this gun holster, and this work is in progress. There is a new arc of clothes style for your arms.

Y/n: hmmm

Clerk: Oh, that piqued your interest. Didn't it here? Take a look.

He grabbed some from behind the counter and showed it to him.

It looks precisely like vaggie arm piece.

Y/n: what is so good about it? It looks the same as hers.

He points over his shoulder at Vaggie.

Clerk: Ah, that's where you're wrong. While this piece does match her clothes, it is entirely different, as it is an armor piece.

Y/n: armor?

Clerk: Yes, give it a try you will see.

He looked at it before taking a deep breath and putting the piece on his right arm. It was incredibly stretchy, covering his whole arm.

He pulled out his claws and pointed it at his arm.
Vaggie and Charlie looked at each other to see whether or not they should intervene.

Before they could decide, y/n went to stab his arm, and as soon as his claws touched the cloth piece, his hand bounced back.

He looked at it, amazed by such a thing.

Y/n: All alright, I'll take this then.

Charlie: You sure?

Y/n: yeah, why not?

She sighed as she bought the outfit for the group. Because of how expensive it was, y/n only got one and decided to put it on his left arm.

As the pair left the store, y/n looked at the night sky, feeling relaxed for the first time in a while.

Word count 5531

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