Chapter 4

Back at the Turf War...

Angel throws a bomb at the enemy and it explodes. Cherri Bomb is firing them with a bazooka.. Angel, Zelda, and Cherri are able to find cover behind a large amount of debris.

"Hey, thanks for the backup, Angie!" Cherri says.

Angel Dust laughs and throws a bomb, "You kiddin'? This is the best action I've seen in ages." Then the bomb Angel Dust has thrown explodes as he lies back.

"A little too much action for me, especially what I'm going through today," Zelda says, and launches another fireball at the Egg Bois.

"It's Hell. Stuff like this happens on a daily basis. It's called survival," Angel says. "But yeah, I admit, since this is your first day here, a lot of shit already happened to you."

"Yeah," Zelda says.

"Where've you been anyway, Angie? I thought you up and died or some shit," Cherri asks, pulling a small plug from the bomb.

"Oh I wish!" Angel Dust answers, lighting up the bomb.

He then passes it to Cherri, "I've been staying at this crappy hotel on the other side of town."

Cherri then throws it and she and Angel Dust cover their ears. Zelda does the same.

"Some broads are lettin' me stay rent-free if I play nice," Angel Dust answers.

Then the bomb explodes creating green fire. With smiles showing their teeth, Angel and Cherri jump out and continue to attack. Zelda follows from behind.

Angel Dust sighs annoyed, "Y'know, no fights, no pranks, no 'problematic language.' Her words, not mine."

Angel Dust steps on the ground lifting a debris to launch the Egg Boi in the air.

"These crazy bitches are no fun!" Angel Dust says as he blasts the Egg Boi.

Then says, frustrated with a part of his face covered in egg, "I've been clean for two weeks!"

Cherri lands on the ground as an explosion occurs, and comments, "Holy shit."

"Well, sorta clean," Angel says, wiping a part of the yolk from his face.

He then smashes one of the Egg Boi with a grin, "As clean as you can get with a shitoad of Bolivian marching powder."

Zelda lands near Angel and asks, "Isn't that the same hotel you told me Princess Charlie runs?"

"That's right, but I still agreed to take you to the hotel to get some help. And boy, do you need help after the shit you've gone through today," Angel says.

Just then, a long chain wraps around Angel and drags him away. Cherri and Zelda turn their heads to see Sir Pentious swings Angel across the street and to the ground. The snake demon then approaches them to prepare to attack him.

"Oh, harder daddy!" Angel dust says.

The Snake demon gasps, "Son?!"

Angel arches his eyebrows with a confused look on his face. Suddenly, Cherri kicks the snake demon and sends him flying. Zelda rushes to Angel and helps him out of his restraint.

Sir Pentious growls in anger and stands up, in anger, "You whores have no class! In war, the side remembered is the side with the most..."

Then pulls on his bow tie, "Style."

"Or the side that ain't dead," Cherri says, spitting the Egg Boi in half.

Angel is able to get out of his chain and remarks, "Speaking of style, is your hat like, alive or somethin'?"

"Oh, well," Pentious speaks. But angrily says with hissing, "That's none of your goddamn business, now is it?"

"Would that make your hat the top and you the bottom?" Angel remarks.

Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb smile and are on the verge of laughing. Zelda covers her mouth trying her best not to laugh.

The Egg Boi replies, "Ooooh!" knowing that his boss has been roasted.

But the snake demon is not amused and throws a rock at his minion.

He then glares at the three, "I'm going to blow you to bits!"

"Hm! Kinky!" Angel Dust says.

"Oh, not like that! Pervert!" Sir Pentious angrily says, pointing his finger at them.

From behind, an Egg Boi brings out a rocket launcher. Hearing the cocks of the gun, Zelda turns her head to see an ambush. She quickly pushes Angel and Cherri out of the way. But before she can escape, the Egg Boi fires the rocket launcher. But instead of firing a rocket, it unleashes six black hands that grab Zelda by both her wrists, both sides of her waist, and her new wings.

Pentious slithers towards Zelda and says, "Well, that was not my intention, but I'm willing to take it." He then cuffs the girl by the chin and asks, "Why is a young human like yourself doing in Hell? And how did you manage to transform the way you did?"

"I uh, I'm not sure how to tell you. It's rather hard to explain. Honesty, I don't know myself," Zelda says, feeling nervous of the predicament she's in, "Just let me go." as she struggles to break free from her restraint.

"Don't struggle, my dear," Pentious says. "I won't hurt you, much."

Just then, Kai comes out of Zelda's backpack to see that Zelda has taken on a new appearance, but can tell that it's still Zelda. But seeing someone else giving her a sinister grin spells trouble for her.

At the same time, the restraints pull her arms up as the other has a firm grip around her waist and wings. He then slithers in front of the snake on Zelda's shoulder and hisses Pentious as he shows his fangs and fork tongue, trying to scare him off.

"What's this... a little snake...?" Pentious questions.

Kai continues to hiss viciously and shows his fangs, warning him to back off.

Pentious laughs, "As if that little serpent like yourself is enough to scare me off."

"No, but I will," Angel says, "And also, you're really not catching on to my sex jokes this whole time. And it's obvious you ain't catchin' on. I mean... It's just SAD!" And shoots at Pentious and his Egg Bois.

Then he flips him off.

Cherri then uses a baseball bat to hit the Egg Boi holding the launcher, dropping it to the ground. And just like that, the black hands release Zelda.

"Hey, thanks for the save there," Cherri says.

"You're welcome," Zelda says.

Then turns to Angel, "And thanks for the help."

"No problem, toots. You kind of saved our asses twice," Angel says.

Soon Cherri notices the little snake and asks, "So, who's the little guy here?"

"This is Kai, he's my little friend, and tries to be my protector," Zelda says.

"Well, he earned my respect for trying to hissing at Pentious the way he did," Angel says.

Angel then presents his hand out, "Put it there, little guy."

And with that, Kai slaps his tail on Angel's hand, giving him a high five.

Cherri then turns to Angel, "So think you're gonna get in a lot of trouble for this?"

Angel shrugs his shoulders, "Eh, what's one little brawl gonna cause?"

Back at the News Station...

The little 'brawl' has caused a lot of problems. Charlie is pinned down by Katie, but she bends her body so she can kick her head and escape. Then pounces at her.

Tom Trench runs out screaming as he's on fire, "Why won't anyone help me?!"

Back at the Turf War...

"Glad you haven't changed!" Cherri says and slugs him on the arm, "You know you're my favorite guy to party with!"

"You know it, sugar tits!" Angel says.

Zelda laughs a bit, "Sounds like you two are pretty good friends."

"You know it," Angel says.

"Then Cherri asks, "So kid, think you still have a bit more of that power to help us."

"I think I do. I mean, I've already fucked myself already, so I might as well," Zelda says.

"Glad to hear it," Cherri says. She then takes out another of her bombs, "You ready to finish this?"

Then Angel takes out his Thompson gun, "Born ready, baby!"

Angel, Cherri, and Zelda pounce onto Sir Pentious and his army as they prepare to clash.

Charlie and Killjoy are still at each other's throats screaming.

Trench is still on fire, screaming in agony.

And soon it turns into a scream off...

Sometime later, after the Turf War, and kicking Sir Pentious' tail, the three quickly leave the scene before any news reporters show up. They aren't that far from the area, but make sure they stay hidden.

Cherri says, "Hey, thanks for helping me with those fuckers."

"No problem Cherri, but you should also thank Zelda. She's basically the one who gave Sir Egglord a run for his money," Angel says.

"You can say that again," Cherri says, and nudges Zelda's shoulder, "You were on fire back there."

"Uh thank you," Zelda says, sheepishly.

"Anyway, better get going, gotta expand my turf before anyone else tries to claim it. See you guys around," Cherri says and takes her leave.

"See ya later!" Angel calls out.

"Goodbye," Zelda says.

Just then, Zelda changes back to her more human form. Of course, her clothes are being worn out from the fight, and wrinkled from being wet for so long and not drying properly.

Zelda looks at herself, "I guess I'm back to normal."

"Seems so," Angel says, and shrugs his shoulders, "Guess you're able to change into that form."

"Maybe, I wonder if I can change back to that new form," Zelda says.

"Who knows, "Angel answers, shrugging his shoulders, "Now that's out of the way, I think it's time we get ourselves to the hotel."

"Yeah. After this little adventure, I could use some rest, and maybe get myself cleaned up," Zelda says.

"Yeah, but you did a pretty good job there," Angel says.

"Thanks," Zelda says, as she rubs the back of her head.

Suddenly, Zelda finches as she clenches her right shoulder.

"What's up, kid? You okay?" Angel asks.

"I'm fine, but my arm feels sore," Zelda says.

Angel looks to notice a graze wound on Zelda's left shoulder.

"Huh, must have got grazed during that fight," Angel says.

"Seems so," Zelda says.

"Come on, let's head to the hotel," Angel says, "But remember, we need to be discreet. I wouldn't be surprised if anyone got wind of this Turf War. And maybe about your little transformation and battle." And mutters, "Including my boss."

"Who?" Zelda asks.

"Oh that's not important. Now come on, the sooner we get to the hotel, the better," Angel says.

"Alright," Zelda says.

And with that, the pair begin to walk out of the hiding place and begin to travel through the city to get to the hotel so Zelda can get some help. Zelda turns to her backpack and sees the small opening on the top. Then Kai sticks his head out.

"Hey Kai, you doing okay?" Zelda asks.

Kai simply sticks his tongue out in reply, then goes back in the backpack to get some sleep.

Angel chuckles, "Silly snake."

"Yeah," Zelda says.

A little concern, Zelda asks, "Hey Angel, do you think I'll ever be able to get home?"

"I think you will. With Charlie's help, I'm sure she'll help you find a way to get back," Angel says.

But then says, "But still, maybe Charlie can help you understand about these strange powers of yours."

"I hope so. I did find it strange," Zelda replies, starting to think about the situation.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that Charlie will figure something out," Angel says, "Let's just hope that she and her girlfriend don't kill me first."

Suddenly, a white limo has come to a stop as Angel and Zelda reach the end of the block. The first to come out is Vaggie, and she is fuming.

"ANGEL!" Vaggie cries out in anger.

Angel becomes startled to see Vaggie in front of her, and sheepishly says, "Oh shit..."

"We've been looking all fuckin where for you!" Vaggie angrily says, storming towards him.

Charlie climbs out of the limo and tries to calm her down, "Vaggie, calm down. We found him, and that's all that matters."

Zelda turns to Angel and asks, "I'm guessing these are the girls you told me about."

"Yep," Angel says.

"Don't you dare change the subject! You have a lot of explaining to do!" Vaggie angrily says.

"Calm down, Vaggie. We can talk about it when we get to the hotel," Charlie says.

"You expect me to calm down after what happened. He was supposed to be a part of the hotel for redemption. Instead, he took part in a Turf War that was caught by everyone. I mean, it's already insane enough that a Human appeared on the news and has gone through a transformation and..." Vaggie says. But quickly notices Zelda standing next to Angel

"Um hello..." Zelda says, and sheepishly waves.

Charlie and Vaggie are beyond shocked to see the young human woman on his back. Vaggie is shocked, but she is still furious about it. However, deep down, Vaggie is also relieved to see that Zelda is alive. Charlie of course is also shocked to see Zelda, but is also happy and relieved to see that the human has survived the Turf War.

"You're the girl we saw on the news," Vaggie says.

"News?" Zelda asks.

"666 News. Vaggie and I were there for an exclusive interview and we saw you and Angel in that turf War. I was very scared, worried that you died from that rocket, but I'm relieved to see that you're alright. But... um... I'm shocked to see your sudden transformation, but I'm still glad that you're okay," Charlie says.

"Um yeah. I'm okay too, but I'm still confused about the whole transformation," Zelda says.

"Maybe so, but that doesn't change the fact that you helped us boot Viper's ass back there," Angel says and lets out a chuckle in response.

Vaggie glares at Angel, "She almost got fuckin killed! Did you forget that part?! Why the fuck would you take a Human to a Turf War to begin with?! How did she even get here?!"

Angel and Zelda sheepishly grin, realizing how much trouble they're in.

"I guess I have a lot of explaining to do, huh," Zelda says.

"That sounds about right," Charlie says with a nod.
Then introduces herself, "By the way, I'm Charlotte Morningstar, but you can call me Charlie. Princess of Hell and owner of the Happy Hotel."

Then turns to Vaggie, "And this is my girlfriend, Vagatha, but you can call her, Vaggie."

"It's nice to meet you, Charlie, Vaggie. My name is Zelda Kalama," Zelda says with a smile.

"We kind of heard Angel calling your name," Vaggie says.

"But it's very nice to meet you, Zelda," Charlie says.

"Alright girls, listen Zelda needs some help and actually needs a place to stay. Not to mention a little medical care from the graze on her shoulder," Angel says.

The girls look to see the graze on Zelda's shoulder.

"Oooh, that does look pretty bad," Charlie says, worried, "Come on, let's get back to the hotel and get that fixed up."

"Wouldn't a hospital be better?" Zelda asks.

But Vaggie says, "It's best to not take chances, now that everyone in Hell has seen the fight you've got yourself involved with."

"Right," Zelda replies, remembering the whole incident.

Shortly after, everyone is in the limo, and heading back to the hotel. Everyone is exhausted from the day they have. Charlie lets out a sad sigh after her interview hasn't gone well. Zelda is sitting close to her and feels exhausted from the day she had.

Charlie and Zelda then turn their heads to see Vaggie giving Angel Dust a vicious glare and her eye twitch. On the other side, Angel Dust is pushing the switch up and down to open and close the window connection to the front seat. Angel then stops to see everyone looking at him Vaggie narrows her eyes with a vicious glare.

Angel asks, "What?"

Vaggie questions in rage, "What? What?! What were you doing?!" and pulls pieces of her hair off.

Angel sighs, "I owed my girl buddy a solid! Isn't that a 'redeeming quality'? Helping friends with stuff?" adding some sarcasm.

"Not with turf wars that result in territorial genocide!" Vaggie angrily scolds.

Angel, who doesn't seem to care, leans his head back to the closed window with his upper hands behind.

"Eh, you win some, you lose a few hundred," Angel says with a snicker, ""It wasn't that bad anyway."

He then continues to play with the switch for the window.

"It was really bad, Angel. That overgrown snake almost blew us up," Zelda says.

"At least you beat the shit out of him," Angel says. "I could still remember the look on Sir Egglord's face."

The next moment, Vaggie throws a dagger at the switch, breaking it and causing Angel to jump back. Then turns to see Vaggie narrowing her eyes at him.

"Aw come on, I had to! My credibility was on the line!" Angel says, brushing his hair back. He lets out a sigh and says, "I mean, what kind of reputation would I have if people found out I was trying to go clean? It just throws out my entire persona," and fluffs up his furry chest.

Not convinced, Vaggie angrily says, "Your credibility? What about the hotel? Your little stunt made us look like a fucking joke!"

"No no no, babe. Jokes are funny! I made you look... uh, sad! And pathetic!" Angel says, as he changes his position on the chair. "Like an orphan, with no arms, or legs..."

However, every time Angel opens his mouth, Charlie holds her hair and feels bad.

"Uh... oh, with progeria!" Angel adds, making Charlie feel worse with a whimper and hides her face behind her air.

Zelda then covers Angel's mouth, "Not helping," and then removes her hand.

And Angel says, "Well, that's just great! Now I'm bummed thinking about it!" Then begins to look around, "This thing have any liquor?"

Angel soon begins to look around for anything he can drink.

Vaggie asks, frustrated, "Can you please just try to take this seriously?"

"Fine, I'll try, just don't get your taco in a twist, baby," Angel says, laying on the chair and snaps his finger towards Vaggie.

Offended, Vaggie stands up and demands, "Was that you trying to be sexist or racist?"

"Whatever pisses you off more," Angel says with a groan. Then complains, "Is there seriously no liquor in here?"

"How can you think of drinking after what we just went through," Zelda questions.

Angel shrugs his shoulders in response.

Vaggie sits down next to Charlie with her arms crossed, "I'm gonna kill him."

"Too late, toots," Angel says.

Then Angel thinks out loud, "Wait, would that make me double dead?" He slightly laughs and says, "And where exactly do I go, to double Hell?"

That cause Vaggie to glare at him, like she is ready to kill him.

Angel continues to laugh and says, "Sorry, you're stuck with me, bitch. Get used to it," And concludes with his arms crossed.

Vaggie grits her teeth in rage as she swears, "Come mierda malparido!" (Eat shit you bastard)

Charlie leans back with concern on their faces. Zelda is worried that Vaggie is going to explode and kill Angel in the limo at any moment.

"Listen, who cares if some jagoffs got hurt? Most of them are ugly freaks. Look around! Got a bunch of fuckin' harlequin babies down here," Angel says, and leans towards the window. Then begins to laugh.

"You're one to talk," Vaggie mutters.

Which is enough for Angel to hear and get offended, "Hey!"

"This body is flawless!" Angel says, placing his hand on his leg. "Everyone wants some of me, and I've got the creepy fan letters to prove it!" And then Angel fluffs up his chest and takes out a letter.

The letter simply says, 'Show Me You FEET!" -Bryrin #1 FANCRITC.' Next to the message is a photo of a man without his face shown, and hugging a body pillow that has Angel Dust on it. Vaggie growls in anger.

"Yeah. The way you say it, sounds bad. Like really bad. Plus, I suggest you get a restraining order for whoever sent you that," Zelda says, blushing a bit, "In fact, I'm positive."

Vaggie ends up growling in anger, and very much agrees with Zelda.

"That was really uncool y'know, Angel," Charlie says.

"Uncool?!" Vaggie questions in rage. Then shouts in anger, "After that trainwreck, there is no way anyone is gonna wanna stay at the hotel! Worst of all, every demon in Hell knows that there is a human that has powers in Hell! All thanks to you and your selfish bullshit!" and blaming Angel.

"Does that mean I don't have a free room anymore?" Angel asks.

Vaggie simply gives him an 'Are you Serious?' expression on her face.

Angel sighs with a mocking tone, "Ah, well, shucks." and snaps his fingers.

"Hey, come on, we don't know if things are over yet," Charlie says, taking off her jacket.

Then places her hand on Vaggie's shoulder, "Try to relax, Vaggie. It'll be okay!"

"I think Charlie's right. Although, I'm still confused about what you guys are talking about," Zelda says.

"Oh right, you didn't know, huh," Charlie says. "You see, a short while ago, I've decided to repurpose one of my family's buildings for a Rehabilitation Center for Sinners."

"Rehabilitation?" Zelda says, confused.

"That's right. My project is to help demons redeem themselves so they can go up to Heaven," Charlie says.

"You want to help demons by redeeming them so they can ascend to Heaven?" Zelda asks, a little surprised, "Is that even possible?"

"That's what we're trying to do. Our goal is to get a damned soul into Heaven. At least one," Vaggie says. Then glares at Angel, "And this fucker here was supposed to be the first patrion to do so."

Zelda sheepishly says, "I guess we messed up by getting involved in that Turf War."

"To correct you on the matter, Angel is the one who messed up big time, especially for getting you involved," Vaggie says.

"Curious, why do you want to redeem demons?" Zelda asks, taking an interest.

"Well, the reason why is because I want to help my people. I'm really sick and tired of watching them suffer. For years, I watched them die on the same day over and over again. After a while, I just got sick of it at this point," Charlie says.

"Die on the very same day?" Zelda asks, confused.

"She means the Extermination, kid," Angel says, "It's a yearly purge of when Angel Exorcists come down and kill any demon in sight to keep the overpopulation here. It's chaotic. The angels kill any thing and any one, and they won't stop until the Bell rings to an end. But as long as you stay indoors, they'll leave you alone."

"That's terrible," Zelda says, shocked.

"It was," Charlie says, worried.

Zelda sighs, "I don't blame you for having enough of it."

"Yeah. In fact, it just ended earlier today," Charlie says.

"That would explain why the streets were deserted when I first arrived. There was no one on the streets until the fireworks appeared in the sky and a lot of demons came out," Zelda says.

"Woah woah woah," Angel says, shocked, "That's when you came here?"

Zelda nods in response.

"Oh shit, talk about being lucked out. Otherwise you would have been Exterminated by an Exorcist," Angel says with a grin on his face.

"Yes. You were certainly lucky," Charlie says, "But for now, I think it's best we hear about your side of the story."

"Charlie's right. I mean, a Human in Hell is practically unheard of, especially one that was able to transform with wings and use fire the way you did," Vaggie says.

"Oh right..." Zelda says, "Well, the thing is..."

Around 15 minutes later...

"And that leads us all here now..." Zelda says.

"Oh my gosh, that must be awful," Charlie says, shocked and worried.

"It was. It was really scary when it happened. I'm just glad I somehow managed to get through this alive. Both me and Kai," Zelda says.

"By the way, where is this pet snake of yours," Vaggie asks.

"He's in my backpack," Zelda says, turning to her backpack.

She then picks it up, opens it and presents it to them.

Zelda says, "Kai, wake up. Someone wants to meet you."

Soon, Kai sticks his head out of the backpack after being woken up and looks to see the two women. Zelda expects Kai to react and tries to scare them off. However, Kai is as calm as he can be. He then slithers out of the backpack, on Zelda's arm, down on the seat of the limo, slithers down, and begins to slither up Charlie's leg, and climbs up all the way to her face. Soon, Kai is facing Charlie and gives her a lick on the nose.

Charlie giggles, "Aww, what a sweetheart."

Then Kai slithers his head towards Vaggie and gives her a lick on the cheek.

Vaggie chuckles, "Well, isn't he an affectionate little snake."

"I'm glad too," Zelda says, "He usually gets concerned around strange things that he hisses, extends his fangs and has his fork tongue out. He mainly does that to try to scare strangers away until he gets to know them. However, if someone tries to cause harm to me, he would bite them, which rarely happens."

"Is his bite poisonous?" Charlie asks.

"No, but his bite hurts," Zelda says.

"Makes me wish he could bite Pentious when he grabbed ya," Angel says.

"True, but he usually shows his fangs and hisses them as a warning, before he actually bites them. It's his way of saying 'Stay away from my owner or you'll get bitten badly,'" Zelda says.

Angel snickers, "That's one tough snake. I heard that snakes are usually dumb."

"Not Kai. He's pretty smart, but sometimes has a big appetite," Zelda says.

Charlie and Vaggie giggle.

Zelda then turns to the girls and asks, "Still, do you think you can help me find a way to get back home? Or maybe find out how I was able to transform the way I did?"

"Don't worry Zelda, I promise to help you in any way I can," Charlie says, "And I'm sure Vaggie and Angel can help too."

"Well, I might as well, I've already helped you already. Besides, I kind of owed you after you practically saved my and Cherri's asses. Actually, you've saved mine twice," Angel says.

"If Charlie's willing to help, then I'll help too. Besides, you seem like a nice girl. Plus, you're going to need all the help you're going to get, especially when Social Media got wind of this," Vaggie says.

"What do you mean?" Angel asks, confused.

Vaggie brings out her phone and shows it to Angel and Zelda, "The news broadcast of Zelda almost getting killed, transforming, and fighting before and after the transformation has gone viral."

Angel and Zelda look to see the videos of Zelda during the Turf War. What's shocking is that it's gotten so many likes and comments already.

"Oh no..." Zelda says and slumps on the seat.

"Don't worry Zelda, we'll figure something out. For now, we think it's best you stay in the hotel until the whole thing dies down." Charlie says with a smile, "But first, let's head back to the hotel and get you settled in."

"Okay Charlie," Zelda says.

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