That's Angelic Miracle in the Forest
Once upon a time, in a beautiful glowing city protected by golden gates, known as Heaven, there was an angel named Arianna Fairchild who lived in Heaven with the other angels. She was known for her pure heart and kindness throughout Heaven, but she was also known for her entertainment and dreams, and has a sense of creativity. She was best friends with Lucifer Morningstar, as she loves to listens to many of his dreams and ideas, and do their own entertainment to the other angels, and even though the elder angels looked down upon him, Arianna was always there by his side and always listens to his dreams.
But then when Lucifer and Lilith met and fell in love, while offering the fruit of knowledge to Eve, they were both banished to Hell as punishment for their reckless behavior. Arianna was devastated and tried to reason with them, but they wouldn't listen as they continued to expand Earth in their own way. But Arianna never stop believing in Lucifer's dreams and ideas, and decided to prove the elders wrong, for she knows that Lucifer's dreams can actually work. So one fateful day, Arianna Fairchild decided to go down to Earth to find a way to make Lucifer's dreams and ideas come true, as she arrived, she somehow met a woman named Esmeralda McClain, who dreams of performing and bringing happiness to everyone who are different and unique. She was amazed at how she is similar to Lucifer, that she granted Esmeralda a very special gift that will help her see the beauty within others, that she used her angelic powers to create a special amulet, and gave it to Esmeralda. Once Esmeralda accept the amulet, she received special angelic powers and became the very first Angelic Altean Hybrid on Earth and was gifted with the amulet as well. And during that time, Arianna began to see how Esmeralda shows her creativity and entertainment, that soon enough many people began joining her, and they also became Angelic Altean Hybrid as well. Arianna became happy that she was able to prove Lucifer's ideas and dreams can come true. However she was called by the elders as they seem to figure out what she has been doing.
When she arrived, the elders as Arianna what she was doing and why has she done it. With so much confidence and independence, Arianna explained that she always believed Lucifer's dreams and ideas, and that it can let mortals see that free will has many positivity while there are some negativity but as long as they learn from it, they can choose they want to go down. Seeing how so determined and pure hearted Arianna is, the elder angels realize she is correct that they appointed her as a Seraphim Angel. Arianna was shocked at this but is happy to finally show the elder angels that Lucifer's dreams and ideas can work.
However one fateful day, an angel named Zarkon, went to Arianna with so much jealously inside him, and confronted her of being a Seraphim Angel. Before when Arianna became a Seraphim, Zarkon was a strong angel who is known for his warrior skills to protect Heaven, it was never enough for him. For years he was trained to become the next Seraphim, however the Elders saw darkness in his heart, and so they refused. So when Zarkon confronted Arianna, he demanded her to step down as Seraphim Angel and give him the title. But Arianna refused to do so, as she believed that Zarkon is not a true angel. Zarkon became furious that one day, he did something that goes against everything the Angels believe in. He secretly went to Hell and killed a demon, collecting its blood and began experimenting the blood with alchemy, and use it on himself. After he injected the demons blood with his angels blood, he suddenly began to grow powerful than he ever felt, and he gain power beyond angels and demons, believing he will finally have the opportunity to become the next Seraphim Angel.
However knowing that he couldn't do this alone, Zarkon decided to take his plans a step further. So during the years, Zarkon began to gained many followers who also believed in his cause, and use the power within his alchemy to give them power and it was a success. However instead of created Angelic Altean's, Zarkon created demonic angels known as the Demonic Galra and he became known as "The Father of Galra." He gave life to the foulest of demonic creature and his followers, and allowed them to run wild, taking what they wanted and destroying the rest. His reign was a glorious, fear-soaked epoch of darkness throughout Earth. For centuries, Zarkon ruled a small part of his domain with an iron fist, creating several terrible Demonic Galra and believing it was time to take down the elders and be the rightful ruler of all Heaven. However he believed that he should gain more power then ever before, so one fateful day, Zarkon and his followers went down to Earth to steal the amulet and use it powers, but he was confronted by Arianna and her Angelic Altean warriors. Zarkon along with Demonic Galra followers were cornered by them, and when Arianna saw what Zarkon has done, she was beyond shock and furious.
So Arianna demanded Zarkon why he was doing all of this, having no fear within him, Zarkon said that he was furious with Arianna becoming a Seraphim Angel when he should've been chosen, so he explained that he was secretly stealing a few demons from Hell, using his alchemy skills to create something powerful with demons blood, and use it to make himself and Galra followers powerful so they can prove to the elders wrong and take his rightful place as the High Seraphim. Hearing that, Arianna was furious by his actions, that she demanded Zarkon to stop his reign of terror, but when Zarkon refused to, Arianna decided to sentence Zarkon to death for his actions. So the Angelic Alteans and Demonic Glara began to fought while Arianna and Zarkon fought. The battle went on, and Arianna wasn't able to stop Zarkon by herself, but suddenly just Zarkon was about overthrow Arianna, suddenly Lucifer and the Seven Deadly Sins appeared and block the attack. Recently they have discovered that demons have recently disappeared and discovered where they taken from, and with that, the Seven Deadly Sins along with Arianna began fighting Zarkon that they combine their powers, however Zarkon was a bit too powerful that he barely defeat most of the Seven Deadly Sin, and just as Zarkon was about to finish off Arianna and Lucifer, Esmeralda step forward and with all that power she have inside of her along with the amulet, and she finish off Zarkon once and for all.
And as for some of Zarkon's followers who survive during the battle, Arianna sentence them to Hell for all the crimes they and Zarkon have done throughout the years. Everyone was happy that they are safe and that all humanity is safe. However Arianna discovered that Esmeralda had died for using all her powers to defeat Zarkon and all that was left was the amulet Arianna gave to her. The Angelic Alteans were grateful that Esmeralda have did everything she can to protect all of humanity, along with Angel and Demon beings, from the evil of Zarkon, that they vow they will protect the amulet in honor of Esmeralda. They also create a celebration in the honor of Esmeralda's pure heart and honor, even the Arianna Fairchild take a part of the celebration as she was very grateful that she made the right decision when she first met Esmeralda.
During the time, everything went back to normal, but Arianna began to worry for she know that Zarkon's remaining followers in Hell will continue to do Zarkon's work and invade Heaven and Earth one day, despite that Lucifer and the other Sins will do anything to prevent that, she still couldn't help but worried, and one day she discovered something during the celebration of Esmeralda's sacrifice. You see, what people never knew was that after when Esmeralda died, her remaining angelic magic and spirit went inside the amulet. When Arianna grabbed the amulet, she saw a prophecy within it that she believed will help bring peace and unity to both Demon and Angel:
A demon or a angel
Born by love and not by blood
And have a pure heart
Become one with the Rosary
He or she will unleash a power
Greater than Hell and Heaven
When the heart pledged love
To another soul
And have the same love return
The power in their heart
Will vanquish the evil
That has been defeated
The prophecy explained that if someone could understand the true power of the Amulet, and embrace the power within it with hope and love inside their hearts, then he or she will finally defeat Zarkon's followers once and for all. But if one of Zarkon's followers were to get his hands on the amulet, then all of Heaven, along Earth and Hell, would be doom from the Demonic Galra's reign for all eternity. As the years pass, everything was in peace, for the demons and angels have seem to have forgotten Zarkon and his followers as he had became a legend and have no fear of him, however Arianna still believes that one day Zarkon's followers will rise up and they all wonder who will be the demon or angel who can defeat him once and for all. But Arianna's hope still remains, as her dreams are passed down to her descendants believing that one day, one of them will protect their love ones and defeat Zarkon's followers once and for all.
On a snowy winter night in a forest, a small little boy stands aimlessly in the snow as he tried to keep himself warm while he stares at his hands, as the snow falls down to the ground and the wind blows roughly.
The boy seems to have crimson red skin with a short tail that has a triangular point and has a black spot at the tip. He has fairly broad forearms and hands, a narrow head that extends short curved black and white striped horns. His irises are red and he has a heart-shaped skull symbol on the center of his forehead.
He wears a light pink shirt with two different purple color overalls, and black boots. He also seems to have a dark red coat over him to keep himself warm. He looks at his hands while he seems to be a bit dazed.
"It's cold. . ." Said the boy softly.
"Pure white snow. . ." Said a soft female voice in his head.
"What is pure white? What is snow?" Asked the boy softly while looking at his hands.
"It is known for its purity, innocence, and tranquility. It's also known for new beginnings and transformation." Said the female voice softly.
The young boy look at the snow while it falls gently on his hand, as the boy look at his hands, he felt very confused.
"What am I?" Asked the boy to himself.
"You are something special, my dear boy." Said the female voice softly.
"Special. . . How am I special? I don't what I am or who I am?" Said the boy in confusion.
"Your name is Blitzo, my dear boy. You are here because you are destined to be something special." Said the female voice.
"I don't understand." Said the boy, known as Blitzo, looking confused.
"You'll know soon enough, my sweet boy. For now, you should take shelter and get warm." Said the female voice softly.
Soon enough, Blitzo was getting really cold and looks around for shelter to get warm. Suddenly, a beautiful white ball of light appeared in front of Blitzo, shocking the confused boy, then the bright light began guiding him to a small cave for shelter, and Blitzo goes there and gather some wood to make a fire. Then the bright light started a fire as Blitzo began to warm himself.
The he took off his long coat to use it as a blanket to sleep for the night, then as he did that, two items fall out of the pocket and he picked them up.
The first item was a black choker with a red skull and the second item was a beautiful sterling silver necklace with a unique red gem that has a blue star at the center. Blitzo felt like this items are very precious and important to him that he held them close to his heart, then he cover himself with the coat, and finally he went to sleep while the fire lit and the bright light stays by his side for company.
The next morning, the sun have risen up and it's now early in the day. The snow on the ground was clear white and not to deep to walk, the glittering icicles hang on the trees as the snow sparkles as the sun shines down on it. The trees also sparkle with a little snow on the branches, despite not having leaves.
Somewhere in the woods, a woman is walking down the path of the forest as she admired the snow and trees with a dog beside her. The woman is beautiful with beautiful light-skin, long black hair with two pure white streaks, a slender figure, white markings on her cheeks, and sapphire blue eyes. She looks like she is in her early twenties. She is wearing a long red snow coat that covers her feet, she has red snow gloves, a dark blue scarf around her neck, and dark red snow boots on, she also seems to have a sterling white necklace with a white pearl around her neck. The woman's name is Estella and she's also known as an Angelic Altean.
The dog beside her is a purebred husky with a red and white fur, has dark red fur on her ears, back, the upper parts of her legs, and the upside of her tail, and white on her facial, chest, and underside areas. She has small black markings on the tips of her ears and amber eyes. And she wears a crimson red bandanna around her neck. Her name is Aurora and she's Estella's dog.
Esmeralda looks around to see the trees and bushes. She looks around to see the snow blew gently through the wind and the sun shines down on them showing their true beauty.
"What a beautiful day to walk in the forest. It's so beautiful with the sun shining and the wind gently blowing through me, and the snow is so pure white." Said Estella smiling at the sight. "What do you think, Aurora?"
Aurora barks in happiness as Estella pets her gently with a smile. As Estella continues to walk across the forest seeing the beautiful scenery, Aurora suddenly stop walking as her ears went up as if she begin to hear a strange sound, and Estella look at her dog.
"What's the matter, Aurora?" Asked Estella looking at her dog and suddenly Aurora began to run somewhere. "Aurora, where are you going?"
Then Estella began to follow her dog to wherever she's going. Estella was confused to where her Aurora is going as she run as fast as she could to follow her dog. As Estella began to pick up the pace the same as Aurora, soon enough she comes across a small, where her dog suddenly stopped.
"Aurora, what's the matter girl, why did you suddenly came here?" Asked Estella looking at her dog.
However Aurora was just staring at something with wide eyes, confusing Estella till she turns to see what was catching her dog attention. Inside the cave, she saw Blitzo sleeping while trying to keep himself warm. Estella was shocked that she walk slowly and kneels down as she place her hand softly on Blitzo.
"Oh my, you poor thing. Are you okay?" Said Estella shaking Blitzo gently. "You'll catch a cold if you keep sleeping like that, wake up."
Aurora slowly walk towards Blitzo as she lean her head close to his forehead and she gently licks him. Soon, Blitzo begins to wake up and soon opens his eyes. Blitzo looks up to see Estella gentle smile.
"Hello there, are you okay?" Asked Estella softly at Blitzo.
"I think so." Said Blitzo yawning a bit and rub his eyes.
Then Aurora walks slowly to Blitzo while looking curious, at first Blitzo got a bit scared at the sight of the dog at first, but Aurora gently licks Blitzo's face gently, causing him to giggle as he pets Aurora gently.
"Aw, Aurora seems to like you." Said Estella smiling at Blitzo. "She can sense that you're a good person."
"She's really sweet." Said Blitzo smiling at Aurora.
Then Estella got up slowly to look around to find any other people who might be with Blitzo. However she only saw that Blitzo is the only one by himself.
"Um sweetie, where is your family?" Asked Estella looking at Blitzo.
"I. . . I don't know." Said Blitzo looking around a bit confused. "I don't even know how I got here."
"Oh dear." Said Estella looking concerned and look at Blitzo's appearance in curiosity. "Um, do you know what you are?"
Blitzo looks at his hands and was a bit confused about his appearance and he doesn't seem to know what he is at all.
"I. . . I don't know what I am, I'm not even sure where I come from." Said Blitzo looking anxious.
"Oh you poor dear." Said Estella feeling sorry for Blitzo and takes his hands gently. "Well, do you remember anything?"
"I. . . I don't remember anything, I don't understand what my purpose is." Said Blitzo looking confused.
'Oh dear, the poor little one must have amnesia.' Thought Estella feeling sorry for Blitzo. "Well, do you remember your name?"
"Um, Blitzo. . . My name is Blitzo." Said Blitzo introducing himself.
"Blitzo. . . That's a very unique name you have." Said Estella smiling at Blitzo. "Since we are doing introductions, let me introduce myself. I'm Estella Fairchild, and the dog here is Aurora."
"Those are pretty names." Said Blitzo smiling softly.
"Thank you sweetie. So, do you remember how you got here?" Asked Estella looking curious.
"Well. . . All I remember last night I was in the forest feeling really cold, and was trying to find a place to get warm." Said Blitzo remembering last night. "And suddenly a small ball of light appeared and led me to this cave to keep warm."
"A ball of bright light?" Asked Estella in a surprise tone.
"Yeah." Said Blitzo nodding softly.
"Well, you seem to have much spirit inside you to keep yourself warm." Said Estella smiling at Blitzo, and notice the necklace and choker. "Oh, are these yours?"
"Oh, yes they are." Said Blitzo grabbing the necklace and choker, holding them close to his chest. "I don't remember how or why, but looking at them, it feels like they are very precious to me."
"I have a feeling that they are the only things you have left of your family." Said Estella smiling at Blitzo.
Blitzo smile at Estella while looking at the necklace and choker. Suddenly, the white ball of light from last night, appeared right in front of Blitzo, shocking him and Estella.
"Oh my, what is that?" Asked Estella in shock.
"It's the bright light I explain, it helped me seek shelter last night when I was lost." Said Blitzo smiling softly at the ball of white light.
As the bright light got closer to Blitzo, he let out both his hands to the light, like he was holding it, suddenly the light transforms into a light silhouette of a angel, making Blitzo smile and giggle softly at it. However Estella was shocked and amazed at the sight she is seeing, as if she knew what the bright light is. Then the silhouette Angel flew up to Blitzo's face and pressed against his forehead, like it's giving him a kiss, then it shine brightly at Blitz before it disappeared.
"Wow, I feel so warm." Said Blitzo smiling softly.
Then Estella smiled at Blitzo as she gently got up and picks Blitzo up gently and held him in her arms, shocking Blitzo as he looks at her.
"You must be very special little one. Would you like to come home with me?" Asked Estella smiling at Blitzo.
"Yes, I would like that." Said Blitzo smiling softly.
"Where we are going my dear, I believe that you would be amazed." Said Estella smiling at Blitzo.
And with that, Estella starts heading back home with Blitzo in her arms, while Aurora follows them back home.
After walking through the forest, Estella, along with Blitzo and Aurora, arrived at a path that has two big oak trees at each side. Blitzo was confused at first as all he saw was just a plain field in front of them. However, Estella brought out a small sterling silver necklace and suddenly a portal appeared in front of them.
Blitzo was shocked at the sight of it, then he along with Estella and Aurora walk through the portal, and through it, instead of a plain field, right in front of them was a beautiful city that reflect in a golden light, crystal blue lakes, and there were many people walk by.
Then as Estella walks into the city with Aurora by her side and holding Blitzo in her arms. Blitzo look around the city, amazed how beautiful it is, seeing many Angelic Altean walking by, however he saw something unique in them. They appeared to have white marks on their cheeks, white streaks on their hair, and they seem to be wearing sterling white jewelry that shine in beautiful white light, the same as Estella.
Then the three of them were standing in front of a city hall building, that seems to have beautiful marking on it, which amazed Blitzo at the sight. As they enter the building, they were in a big room that had a big beautiful white throne at the center. Sitting on the throne is a beautiful woman in her fifty's.
The woman has long silver hair with white streaks, dark blue eyes, she has fair skin, has white markings on her cheek, she appeared to have white eyeshadow on her face, has a white sterling circlet on her head, she wears a white long straight gown with sapphire blue trimmings, gold hoop earrings, a sterling necklace around her neck, and has white strap heels on. The woman's name is Angelica McClain, and she's the High Priestess of the city.
"Ah, Estella Fairchild, my finest pupil." Said Estella smiling at them. "I see you return from your walk with Aurora."
"High Priestess Angelica, I see that you are great as well!" Said Estella smiling at Angelica and the High Priestess notice Blitzo in Estella's arms.
"Estella, who do you have there in your arms?" Asked Angelica looking curious.
"I've found him in the woods during my walk." Said Estella showing Blitzo to Angelica.
Angelica became shock and surprised to see the Blitzo's appearance as Estella place him down on the floor gently, then Angelica got up from her throne and walk towards Blitzo gently. Blitzo was nervous at first, but Aurora lick him gently and telling him everything is alright, and Angelica stand in front of Blitzo and kneels in front of him, as she place her hand gently on Blitzo's cheek.
"What a very unique boy you are." Said Angelica softly at Blitzo. "What are you called?"
"My name is Blitzo." Said Blitzo softly introduced himself.
"What are you exactly, my child?" Asked Angelica softly at Blitzo.
"I'm. . . I don't know what I am, I'm not even sure where I came from." Said Blitzo looking confused as well.
"Oh you poor thing." Said Angelica and looks at Estella. "Estella, where did you find this boy?"
So Estella began to explain to Angelica how she found the Blitzo in the forest and somehow explain about the bright light that appeared, saying that it must be a sign, shocking and surprising Angelica.
"I don't believe this, the poor dear." Said Angelica feeling bad for Blitzo. "So, he doesn't remember who are his parents or how he got in the forest?"
"I'm afraid not, it appears that he seems to have amnesia, so that's why I decided to adopt him as my own son." Said Estella smiling at Blitzo who had a surprise look on his face.
"Estella, as much as I admired how pure hearted and kind you are, are you sure about this?" Asked Angelica looking at Estella. "I mean, this isn't some dollar that is found on the sidewalk, this is a living breathing boy you have found."
"I don't care where he came from, High Priestess. All I know is that he needs me, he was all alone and he could've died in the forest if I didn't find him." Said Estella placing her hand on Blitzo's shoulders gently.
Blitzo looks at Estella and he smiles at her showing his pointy teeth. Angelica look at Blitzo with so much curiosity and smile at Blitzo gently.
"I must admit, he actually has a sweet smile, even though he has sharp teeth." Said Angelica smiling at the baby
"Does that mean I can keep him?" Asked Estella with a smile on her face.
"You've already decided to adopt him, haven't you?" Asked Angelica smiling at Estella.
"Yes. I want to, High Priestess Angelica." Said Estella smiling at Angelica.
"Does that mean I can call you my mom, Estella?" Asked Blitzo looking at Estella.
"Of course Blitzo, cause from this day forward, you are my son." Said Estella smiling at Blitzo. "And I promise we will have a great time together."
"Welcome to your new home Blitzo, from this day forward, you are one of us in Altea, and I believe that you are destined for greatness here." Said Angelica smiling at Blitzo.
Blitzo smile gently at Estella and Angelica, even though he doesn't know where his birth family is or what he is exactly, he was happy to be adopted and have a new family.
Later in the night, Estella had taken Blitzo back to her home with Aurora following them, during their walk back home, there were many Angelic Alteans seeing Blitzo with Estella, they were shock at first, but were very amazed by Blitzo's unique appearance. A few minutes later, they arrived at Estella's home, it was a small white manor that have fancy looking windows. There is a white fancy door front, with a porch on the side next to a lake and river.
Blitzo was amazed at how beautiful the manor is, as Estella took him inside with Aurora following them. During the evening, they had dinner and Estella shows Blitzo to his new room, he was amazed at room, then he look out the windows to see many stars in the night sky.
"Wow, the stars are beautiful tonight." Said Blitzo looking amazed at the night sky.
"Well, it's true that they say that stars symbolize destiny and fate for everyone." Said Estella smiling at the night sky.
Blitzo smile at Estella while Aurora appeared between them and bark happily. Then Blitzo look at the night sky and to his amazement, he suddenly saw a beautiful crimson red star shining above the night sky, and his eyes sparkle at the sight of it.
"Woah, look at the red star." Said Blitzo in amazement.
"My. . . I believe that is your special star." Said Estella smile in amazement.
"My special star?" Asked Blitzo looking confused.
"Yes my dear, let me tell you something that my mother told me: you see, the night star's in the sky don't just represent the beauty of the night." Said Estella smiling at the night sky. "Our ancestors from our past look down on us on those stars, and so do our family whether they are gone are far away from us."
"Really?" Asked Blitzo in amazement.
"Yes my dear, so whenever you feel alone or you don't know where to go, just remember that those ancestors will always be there to guide you, along with your family. . . And so will I when my time comes." Said Estella smiling at Blitzo. "But you know, these stars don't just shine in the night sky. Some say if you make a wish on your special, it will surely come true."
"Really?" Asked Blitzo smiling really big.
"That's right, you wish and you dream with all your little heart. But you remember Blitzo, that your special star can only take you part of a way. You got to put in some hard work of your own. And then you can do anything you said you mind to." Said Estella smiling at Blitzo. "Just promise your Daddy one thing? That you'll never, ever lose sign what is really important. Okay?"
"Okay." Said Blitzo smiling a bit and he began to yawn.
"Well it's getting late and we should get ready for bed. Why don't I sing you my lullaby, my mother use to sing to me when I was little." Said Estella smiling at Blitzo.
"Yes please!" Said Blitzo smiling at his adopted mother.
So Estella lay Blitzo gently on his bed while Aurora got up on the bed and lay next to Blitzo, then Estella sat on the edge of the bed as she clear her throat, and she began to sing.
Estella Fairchild:
Constant as the stars above
Always know that you are loved
And my love shining in you
Will help you make your dreams come true
Will help your dreams come true
Soon Blitzo begin to calm down as he looks at Estella and smiles softly, while Aurora snuggles close to Blitzo.
Estella Fairchild:
The lamb lies down and rests it's head
On its mother's downy bed
Dolphin plays in the moonlight's glow
And butterfly dreams of a violet rose
Dreams of a violet rose
Suddenly the moon starts to shine through the window as the moonlight shine above Blitzo, and his eyes sparkle at the light as Estella smile at her adopted son.
Estella Fairchild:
I'll cradle you in my arms tonight
As sun embraces the moonlight
The clouds will carry us off tonight
Our dreams will run deep like the sea
Our dreams will run deep like the sea
Suddenly Blitzo began to yawn as he began to feel sleepy, and his eyes began to close.
Estella Fairchild:
Constant as the stars above
Always know that you are loved
And my love shining in you
Will help you make your dreams come true
Will help your dreams come true
Soon enough, after Estella finish singing her lullaby, Blitzo begin to fall asleep in the bed, while Aurora sleeps nexts to him for comfort, and Esmeralda kiss her children on their foreheads and smile at them.
"Goodnight, my lovely so ." Said Estella smiling and leaves the bedroom as her new adopted son sleep peacefully.
Constant as the Stars Above belongs to Barbie as Rapunzel
Helluva Boss belongs to Vivziepop
So this is my new Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss crossover story. I know some people are waiting for new chapters in my "The Pure Hearted Imp" Story, but recently I've lost interest, so I've decided to make a new story based on the Hazbin Hotel Pilot and Episodes after the Hazbin Hotel series came out, even some episodes of the Helluva Boss Series. In this story, Blitzo is adopted from the age of nine and had amnesia, and also received angelic powers, and he adopted my oc, Clary Morningstar, who was sent to Earth when she was a baby, and named her Annika. The first part will the Pilot of Hazbin Hotel and the second part will be the series based on Hazbin Hotel, please don't judge me and enjoy reading.
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