Incorrect Quotes pt. 6/7

Incorrect Quote #61

Vaggie: Please keep an eye on Charlie, she's going to say something and might get punched.

Husk: Good, I would like to see her get punched.

Vaggie: Try again.

Husk: I will stop Charlie from getting punched.

Vaggie: Better.

Incorrect Quote #62

Charlie: If Nifty and I were drowning, who would you save?

Vaggie: I don't know, both of you?

Charlie: No, you can only save one of us.

Vaggie: I would probably save Nifty, she can't swim and I know you can swim very well.

Charlie: Suppose I was holding onto an anchor. Who would you save then?

Vaggie: Why don't you let go of the anchor?

Charlie: ...It's an object that my family cherishes with all their hearts?

Vaggie: *sigh*

Incorrect Quote #63

Angel: This date is boring.

Husk: This isn't a date, I said I was going to the store.

Angel: Well, why did you invite me?

Husk: I didn't, I said "I'm going to the store, don't come with me." and you said, "Fuck you Husk, I do what I want!" and followed me here.

Incorrect Quote #64

Angel: Why are you laying on the floor?

Vaggie: I'm depressed.

Vaggie: I was also stabbed, could you get Charlie?

Incorrect Quote #65

Charlie: SIX MONTHS-

Vaggie: What's wrong?

Alastor: *supressing giggles* It's nothing, really...


Incorrect Quote #66

Lucifer: Hello, demons that don't live here!

Charlie: Hi, dad!

Angel: Hey.

Vaggie: Hello.

Lucifer: I gave you the key to my house for emergencies only.

Vaggie: We were out of Reeses.

Incorrect Quote #67

Vaggie: Really, it's nothing.

Charlie: You got stabbed!

Vaggie: It'll be fine, I've been stabbed before!

Charlie: You can't build up an imunity to stab wounds!

Incorrect Quote #68

Charlie: *wedged into a cuboard* You may be asking, "Charlie, how did you do this to yourself?"

Charlie: *baffled and trying to get out* Well, Charlie doesn't know either.

Incorrect Quote #69

Angel: I sleep with a dagger under my pillow.

Alastor: Weak, I sleep with a harpoon.

Cherri: I sleep with a shit load of bombs.

Vaggie: You're all weak.

Angel: Yeah? What do you sleep with?

Vaggie: A Charlie.

Incorrect Quote #70

Charlie: I may have impulsivly bought a snake, what do I name him?

Lucifer: You did what?!!

Vaggie: Severus Snek.

Incorrect Quote #71

Cherri: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.

Charlie: Wasn't Angel with you?

Angel: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.

Incorrect Quote #71

Sign: Don't touch the glass.

Vaggie: *punches glass, shatters it* No fucking sign tells me what to do!

Charlie: Vaggie, you're bleeding.

Vaggie: Yes, but with freedom!

Incorrect Quote #72

Charlie: Just be yourself!

Vaggie: Charlie, I have one day to win over your father. How long did it take you guys to like me?

Husk: Couple of weeks.

Sir Pentious: Ssssssix monthsssssss.

Alastor: Still haven't decided.

Vaggie: See Charlie? "Be myself", what kind of advice is that?

Incorrect Quote #73

Lucifer, Charlie, Vaggie, and Husk: *tied up in room w/bomb*

Lucifer: Okay, if we're all gonna die, I have a few things I want to get off my chest. Vaggie, for the last 6 months, I thought your name was Maggie, with an M. WTF??!! No one corrected me!

Charlie: I only love some of my stuffed animals and the guilt is KILLING ME!!!!

Vaggie: I sometimes use military terms when I don't accually know what they mean. I mean, I'm supposed to be the fighty one, if I'm not the fighty one, who am I?

Husk: Okay, I'm not accually laid back, I'm stressed 24/7. HAVE YOU SEEN MY BOSS??!!

Incorrect Quote #74

Vox: Is Val still getting ready? It's been 3 hours!

Velvette: I'll go get him.

Velvette: *marches to his door* VALENTINO!!!!

Valentino: *putting on more makeup, taking forever*


Incorrect Quote #75

Vaggie: I'm not that easily jealous!

Charlie: Vags, you glared at a toaster for a solid 10 minutes because I said thanks to it!

Vaggie: Why would you say thanks to a fucking toaster!

Charlie: He made good toast, Vaggie!

Incorrect Quote #76

Charlie: I have an army!

Vaggie: We have a Lucifer.

Angel: I got a jar of diiiirt!

Lucifer: I have crippling depression!

Cherri: I've got the high ground!

Sir Pentious: I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, deedee la deedee.

Incorrect Quote #77

*Begining of Ep. 5*

Alastor: *piano*

Charlie: *sings* I'm sleep deprived and I'm always in pain!

Alastor: *more piano*

Charlie: How will I ever learn to be sane!

Alastor: *even more piano*

Charlie: Are you for real?

Alastor: *piano*

Charlie: Where's the Advil?

Alastor: *piano*

Charlie: Goodness gracious, I need a nap! *falls over*

Incorrect Quote #78

Charlie: I control fire!

Alastor: I can summon the dead!

Sir Pentious: I can hypnotise people!

Lucifer: I can shapeshift!

Vaggie: I can fly!

Husk: I can turn dice and cards into weapons!

Nifty: I killed Adam!

Angel: I have eight limbs!

Cherri: I....... have bombs. Yay.

Incorrect Quote #79

Angel: You're so dramatic!

Charlie: *in suit, laying on a piano, rose in teeth* I have no idea what you're talking about.

Incorrect Quote #80

Vaggie: I've left you all a set of instructions while we're out.

Angel: Mine just says, 'Angel No'

Vaggie: I want you to apply that to every possible situation

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