Chapter 2 - Shopping Spree

"YOU WERE ABLE TO BEAT ALISON?!" Vaggie shouted, causing F/N to cover his ears.

"Christ, Vaggie! Don't blow out my eardrums!" the gym rat groaned, curling up on himself in pain. F/N rubbed his ears before sitting up properly.

"Yes, I did, technically. Why is it such a big deal? I mean, sure, she's attractive- if a little creepy- and kinda strong, but it's not like that's unusual down here, right?" F/N asked, confused. Speak of the devil, she had just walked into the lobby as he spoke, tilting her head at the confusion.

"How incorrect you are, good sir! While you may have a right to your opinions about my appearance- thank you for your compliment, by the way- that is not what has people so wary of making deals with me! I don't normally make a deal where I'm at a disadvantage from the beginning, but I figured you were overconfident and your strength would be useful! You have impressed me, though. Not many people possess such a strength and I'm quite intrigued by your story! It's going to be fun with you around! A demon without the baggage? Unheard of!" she laughed. F/N just looked away and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. This didn't go unnoticed by Alison, although Charlie and Vaggie were preoccupied with the concerned looks they were giving each other.

"So, what can I do to help around here? Oh, do you have a chef?" F/N asked, quickly moving on from the conversation. Charlie stood up, excited. Alison smiled as well, wider and somehow a little less sinisterly.

"You know how to cook?!" she asked.

"It takes more than just hard work to get this big," he joked, flexing his bicep. He momentarily glared at Vaggie and shut her down before she could make a comment he was expecting.

"And no, I was not on steroids. I'm natural through and through. I just very heavily tracked my calories, protein, vitamins, and shit. (and maybe more than a little bit of genetic lottery...) You'll be eating the most nutritious, protein dense food you've ever had." Charlie jumped for joy and grabbed F/N's hand, shaking it up and down.

"Whoa, chill! it's no big deal! I'm just happy to help." Charlie hugged the newest staff member of her hotel before pulling away.

"Oh gosh! I completely forgot! I need to go get supplies for the banner! Vaggie, could you show F/N around for me?! Thankyouthankyouthankyouuuuu!" she said as she ran off, causing Vaggie to sigh and shake her head. As the moth-like demon lead the new chef to the hotel kitchen, she sat up on the counter top.

"I still don't trust you. I know you're hiding something and I'm gonna figure out what it is," she said, still distrusting of him.

"And you have every right to be. I am hiding things. The worst parts of myself I wish I could just.... cut off and throw away. Everyone's got their dark sides they don't wanna show. I'm sure you're familiar." Vaggie (STOP CORRECTING TO VEGGIETALES GOD DAMNIT!) looked down, realizing that there were some similarities.

"I just met you guys, and I'm sure you're... mostly good people, but..." F/N trailed off, but Vaggie already understood.

"Then, when you feel comfortable. We're here for you," she said, standing up and putting a hand on F/N's shoulder. Not even an hour together and Vaggie was having a genuine moment with him. Maybe... her distrust isn't entirely warranted.

"Thanks... now, let's see what we're working with!" he said, his mood shifting.


"Ugh! I can't believe all they had was candy, cake mix, and pastries! They didn't even have enough supplies to actually bake a cake!" the muscular man groaned in frustration. Vaggie had kindly given him plenty of money and a run down on how much typical foods actually cost. Now armed with fame and fortune, F/N went out grocery shopping. While he had gotten most of the things he needed, there were still several things he had on his list that he had no idea where to get them. He was glaring down at his directions to figure out where to go when he bumped into someone.

"Hey watch it haaaaaaaa..."

It was Angel Dust, Hell's most sought after adult actress and... 'lady of the night'. Judging by the way she was looking at him, Angel was more than happy with what she saw.

"Well you're a new face, and quite the handsome one at that. What's a big guy like you doing in this kinda area?" she cooed, linking arms with him.

"Oh, perfect timing. I want to ask everyone what their favorite foods are to get some ideas but I don't know a lot about you. Actually, if you could help me get the last few things I need we could go back to the Hotel and I can finally put my cooking skills to use," F/N said, a little relieved for someone who he at least knew was staying at the same hotel.

"If that's your idea of flirting or foreplay, you've got to be the kinkiest mother fucker I've ever met!" Angel laughed, starting to lead him towards the nearest off brand food-mart before being stopped.

"Angel, I appreciate that you're even remotely attracted to me, but I'm hungry, Alison's hungry, the whole hotel is hungry. I'm not here to fuck you. I really need to get the shit on my list and get back so I can eat. Now, do you want to eat or not?"

"Oh shit... did those two broads send you out here to get me?" Angel asked with a hint of annoyance.

"Were you not listening to me just now? Ugh, fine! Get back to the Hotel whenever! I'm not making you any food until you either apologize, or at least tell me your favorite food!" the muscular demon growled in frustration. He gently, yet effortlessly, pulled himself out of Angel Dust's grasp and stormed down the street, trying to figure out where to go. Angel, self-aware enough to realize the mistake, chased him down.

"Muscles! Hey, big guy! Wait up!" She huffed. F/N had gotten pretty far, being a nine foot tall behemoth.

"Look man, I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't take my frustration out on you and you're just trying to be nice. And to answer your question, it's lasagna and ravioli," Angel sighed. Now that she was tagging along, their shopping had taken much longer than F/N had anticipated, the two getting back at nearly midnight and the big man was quick to get to work putting things away. 

"You know muscles, you're a pretty good guy," Angel said, almost whispering. She had to turn herself away and help put away spices to hide the giant blush on her face when she realized he'd stopped to turn to her. Her eyes were wide with embarrassment as she thought how stupid it was to let it slip when they were in a quiet room.

"Oh, uh, thanks... I... don't normally get many compliments any more. Sorry for kinda blowing up at you earlier. It's... been a long day..." Both nodded and smiled at each other. Long day didn't even begin to fully encapsulate how it's been for them.

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