Chapter 1 - Out Of Breath
"Ugh, this is such ass. I can't believe it took me three days to be done with it all..." I walked into my local gym as usual, wearing a pair of basic black pants with Shenron from DBZ on one leg and Japanese text scrawling down the other and a faded red shirt with a large spider consuming the chest.
(This but faded)
This was a shirt I'd had for a long time. It was actually because of this that I filled it out so much. Over the several years I had spent in the gym, I'd become quite muscular. Well, more than I had been before. The events that lead to this first step into my transformation from the lanky young boy I used to be into the brick shithouse I'd turned myself into were... actually lets not talk about that just yet. I simply scanned my tag and walked straight towards an empty bench press. The bags under my eyes and two energy drinks in hand painted a pretty clear picture. Like normal, I loaded the bar up with two twenty-five (that's two hundred and twenty-five pounds for you who are unfamiliar with the gym shorthand) and laid down. Five reps later I stood back up and loaded on another one seventy-five and slid back under, this time adding some clamps to keep the weight from shifting. I didn't want to tear a pec. It happens and it's rarely fully recovered from.
"Wait, why are we going over this again?" the muscular humanoid asked, rubbing his eyes before tiredly looking at the pale-skinned demon sitting across from him. Her red eyes had been locked onto him since he started talking.
"Well, I figured that if we worked through how you died and what happened since that we could understand why you're here in Hell if you weren't a bad person in life," she said, trying to reassure him there were no ulterior motives. She nervously pulled at the collar of her suit as he sighed again.
"IF you actually told us the truth. Charlie, I told you not to just take in strangers off the street, even if they offer to help us!" the gray skinned demon glared, her arms crossed in suspicion. Both demons listening to the story sat on a love seat opposite to the 'Sinner'.
"Like I have any reason to lie to you, (entirely)." The muscular demon ran a hand through his hair, definitely not excited to relive his death.
Once I had the bar clear from the rack, some shots rang out and I jumped. The sudden twitch caused the bar to roll over my fingers and slam down on his neck. There was a crunch as blood spurted from my mouth and everything went black.
After what felt like an instant, I awoke to several, er, malformed... things standing over me and ready to loot my body.
"Get the fuck away from me!" I barked, getting onto my feet. The gang of demons surrounding me lunged at me like wolves at an elk. So, I just grabbed the first one by the throat and lifted him up, recreating an iconic video game poster before choke slamming the poor demon into the concrete. Realizing that I was much stronger and had far more fight in me than they were okay with, the others took off as fast as they could. I was able to at least get a vague understanding of my surroundings and decided that just standing there in shock wasn't a good idea and began walking. After a few minutes, I took a seat at what I could only guess was a small coffee shop. I got several stares but tried my best to ignore them. However, one demon had the confidence to approach me and took a seat.
She had pink and purple, two-tone hair with two tufts sticking up almost like ears. After all I'd seen so far, I wouldn't have been surprised if they were. She also had a nice dress suit and a monocle.
"Wait wait wait wait! You met Alison?! The Radio Demon?! Tell me you didn't make a deal with her!" the gray skinned demon hissed.
"Calm down, Vaggie! I'm sure he was suspicious of her enough to know not to trust her immediately," the sharply dressed demon calmly said.
"Weeeeeeeeeeell..." the muscular demon nervously rubbed the back of his neck and avoided eye contact.
"Well hello my muscular fellow! You wouldn't happen to be new in Hell, would you?" the demon asked in her transatlantic accent, flashing a sharp-toothed smile.
"I... I am, yeah. I'm sorry, your name is...?" I asked, leaning forward slightly.
"Oh where are my manners?! I'm Alison! Pleasure to meet you my friend! What would your name be?" I sighed in relief.
"I'm F/N. It's nice to meet someone who won't immediately attack me or try to rob me," I chuckled. Alison chuckled as well, looking out into the street.
"Yes, well, that's Hell for you! Say, you could use someone who knows the place wouldn't you? I can fill that role, if you'll agree to do me a favor," she said, extending her hand. I just put my elbow on the table, hand outstretched.
"Let's make it interesting then. You beat me at arm wrestling, fair and square, I'll do you that favor. I win, and you'll have to show me around and we just go on as friends. Real. Friends. I could use someone knowledgeable down here but I can't be quite sure you're strong enough." Alison grinned wickedly, grabbing his hand.
"You sure seem sure of yourself! How can you know I'm stronger than I appear?~" she asked, a green energy swirling around our hands.
"Oh, I had a feeling. You can do anything it takes to get my arm to move outside of hurting, distracting, or interrupting me. Any outside interruptions will be dealt with and we'll start again. Don't lift your elbow, and may the best win. Acceptable?" I asked, smirking myself. Oh I can't resist a little friendly competition. Though in hindsight it probably wasn't as friendly as it seemed. Eh. Alison nodded and the we began arm wrestling. Demons around us began recording, only for their phones to freak and glitch out. Alison struggled to even get me to budge, bringing out these black, almost glowing, tentacles to help pull my arm down. To her surprise, although it began moving, it didn't move very far before I pulled himself back to our starting position.
"I'm... impressed!" I grunted, sweating a little. Our struggle lasted for almost seven minutes, gathering a massive crowd around them. Everyone was trying any trick they could to get the spectacle on video. It finally ended when I was able to pin Alison's hand to the table, gently, causing a massive freak out by spectators and videographers who had managed to upload or livestream it to all of Hell. Alison looked surprised, but smiled and shrugged.
"Well I suppose I have to keep my end of the bargain, don't I? Come with me, friend!" Alison sounded... slightly different. I just assumed she was a sore loser or was oddly pleased by being beat.
"After that, she took me around the city and clung to my arm like we were on some kind of date, but I'm sure she was just trying to make it seem that way so no one would mess with me. After all, she did explain she was one of the most powerful overlords in Hell." Charlie and Vaggie just stared, stunned into silence.
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