Episode 9: Sick in the Hotel
It has been days since the incident at the dance hall Phoenix and her friends have gone to. Turns out, Phoenix's display has become big news. In fact, Phoenix has become big news since her transformation has defeated the Dark Sombras. On the TV, it shows Katie Killjoy along with Tom Trench to talk about the news of today.
"Good morning, I'm Katie Killjoy," Katie says.
"And I'm Tome Trench. We continue with our mysterious story about a fire wielding half demon that has arrived to Hell around a week ago," Tom adds.
"The mysterious hybrid arrives in Hell as a total unknown, and was involved in a Turf War after the recent Extermination. And the same Half demon also made another appearance against the nefarious Black Nights Gang at a nightclub a few nights, and rescued a demon that is revealed to be Famous Singer and Model, Aquamarina. Many demons all over Hell like to get their hands on this new hybrid demon," Katie says.
The T.V then shows clips of Phoenix fighting against the Shadow Creatures in the Turf War and then shows the fight the Black Nights in the night club. Even about the part that Phoenix protected the mermaid demon from not long ago.
"Looks like that Hybrid girl really knows how to fight hard," Tom says.
"It looks to me that Demon hybrid girl is real hot stuff," Katie says.
"She sure is hot stuff other than her fire abilities," Tom says. Then chuckles that gives Phoenix a disturbed chill down her back.
Katie says, "You sure are a limpdick jackass, Tom, or should I say..."
Then dumps her coffee on his dick, "No dick."
"Not again!" Tom screams and grabs his personal spot.
Katie then continues, "Demons all over Hell wonder who is this mysterious hybrid that can control fire? Where did she come from? And will she make another appearance? Well be back, after the break."
Charlie then turns off the television and lets out a sigh. She turns her head to see Vaggie and everyone else in one small room, Phoenix room.
Conan groans, "So much for making sure Phoenix is kept a low profile. First with what happened at the Turf War with Cherri Bomb and Sir Pentious, then what happened to us and the Black Nights..."
Vaggie and Charlie firmly glare at Conan. Angel Dust is reading a book, Alastor and Cloud are simply standing looking at the event, and Husk is drinking his Booze. Zǐ Māo, Kyuubi, and Fat Nuggets are sitting on the bed while Grace and Niffty are tending to Phoenix.
"And now Phoenix is sick with the flu!" Conan adds, irritated.
Phoenix lets out a sneeze and then coughs.
She groans and says, "I'm sorry."
Nifty then soaks the cloth in water. She then wrings out the extra water, folds it, and places it on Phoenix's forehead.
Grace sternly says to her brother, "Will you leave her alone? It's not like she caught the flu on purpose, you know."
"Yeah. I know," Conan says, annoyed.
Then Phoenix continues to cough some more.
Zǐ Māo asks, "Are you going to be okay?"
"Not really," Phoenix says, feeling weak.
"Hmm, you know, I didn't think I could get this badly sick. I mean, I remember getting a cold or a hangover, but I never have the flu since I've ended up here," Angel questions.
Charlie walks over and says, "Angel, Phoenix is a half demon so her system probably works differently than we do. Even though she is a demon like us, that doesn't change the fact that Phoenix is also human. So she could still get sick like any other human."
Then places her hand on Phoenix's head, "And it seems like a bad flu."
"I'm sorry," Phoenix groans. Then coughs.
"It's okay Phoenix. We can use this time to have a bit of a get together, now that we're all here. I think a good session between us will help lift your spirit," Charlie says.
"Yeah. We can play some games, watch movies, and for Charlie ideas, do these silly redemption activities. I mean, isn't this one of these redeeming qualities, helping friends when they need it," Angel says.
"And Conan and I can come up with ideas on how to help you with your flight and combat skills," Grace says.
Then Cloud says, "What they're saying is that your flu is a blessing in disguise."
"Maybe so, but this is taking time out of her training! She's never going to stand up to demons in her condition! So hurry up and get better!" Conan says, frustrated
Then suddenly gets hit on the head with a microphone. Conan angrily turns his head and glares at Alastor holding his microphone.
"What was that for?!" Conan yells.
"You know you are being very rude to our little hybrid friend. Don't try to blame the poor dear that she's sick," Alastor says.
"As much as I hate to say this, but I agree with Alastor on this one," Vaggie sternly says.
"Yes," Zǐ Māo says.
Fat Nuggets walks over to Phoenix and licks her on her cheek, making her show a small smile.
Phoenix then says, "Thank you."
Then coughs some more. Suddenly, Angel hears his phone vibrating and takes it out of his pocket.
Charlie places her hand on Phoenix's forehead and says, "You have a terrible fever."
"Hmm, what can we do? There aren't many doctors in Hell and well, not that anyone thinks there's a need for one," Grace says.
"You're right," Charlie says.
Then Charlie has an idea, "I know, maybe Uncle Satan and Aunt Momiji can help us out."
"Momiji? That's Phoenix's mom, right?" Angel asks. Then looks at his phone to see he has received a message and begins texting.
"Yeah. I'm sure she has some knowledge of some remedies," Charlie says.
"And she'll have better ideas for medications," Grace says.
Phoenix sits up and says, "I'm sure it's not that bad. I just need to get some sleep, medicine, and maybe some soup."
Then begins to get out of bed, "I could use something to eeeaaa-"
Phoenix begins to feel dizzy and about to collapse, if Alastor hasn't caught her by the shoulder and allows her to lean against him.
"Sorry my dear, but it will be best for you to remain in bed and try not to move around. It's important that you get some rest." Alastor says.
"But I..." Phoenix says.
The next moment, Alastor places Phoenix on the bed and uses his thumb and forefinger to be placed under Phoenix chin and lifts it up for her to face him. Of course, Vaggie and Conan want to destroy him if he does anything to hurt her.
However, Alastor calmly says, "You're not listening. Please, just get some sleep and the rest will take care of you."
"Um... okay," Phoenix says, giving in to Alastor.
Phoenix then lays down and Alastor tucks her into bed.
"Now that is settled. We're all going to help Phoenix get better until she recovers," Charlie says.
"Sounds fine. Sadly, I'm needed at the castle for a meeting with your father, but I should be back by the end of the day," Cloud says.
"Yeah, I'm not going to be free either," Angel says.
"Why? You're hoping to go out during a Turf War with your Bomb Happy throwing friend, or you're going to have sex with someone at a club?" Vaggie questions.
Annoyed, Angel says, "No on the sex thing and I wish on hanging out with Cherri. My boss needs me to be at work this afternoon so I won't be back till tonight and he doesn't want me to be late."
"Work huh. I guess it can't be helped," Grace calmly says.
"Why couldn't you just ditch?" Conan asks.
"Regretfully no. So you guys don't mind if Fat Nuggets stays with Phoenix in her room. I'm sure he can keep her company, and it seems that he and Kyuubi are getting along," Angel says.
"I don't mind if he stays here," Zǐ Māo says.
Phoenix weakly says, "I don't mind too. I could use some company."
Then she turns her head to see Kyuubi and Fat Nuggets are sleeping together on the bed.
"Aww, that's cute," Grace says.
Zǐ Māo then yawns and begins to lay down on the bed too.
"Uh oh, looks like someone is tried too," Charlie calmly says.
Vaggie tucks the little cat demon into bed and the young demon falls asleep.
"I think it's time for us to leave the room and let them sleep," Cloud says.
With that, everyone leaves the room so Phoenix, Zǐ Māo, the fox and the pig can sleep.
Downstairs in the dining room, Conan and Grace are reading some books that are in the hotel library and Charlie is on the phone with her uncle and aunt. Angel leaves for work and Cloud leaves to handle his guard duties. Meanwhile everyone else is doing the same business they always do.
Charlie talks on the phone, "Yes. I'm afraid Phoenix is very sick. I think part of it might be a little stress or is trying to get used to being in Hell's atmosphere, or just under the weather."
On the other line, it's Momiji, Phoenix's mother, "I see. It will be best if you can give Phoneix some medicine and something to eat that will help settle her stomach. She can be very picky with her food when she's sick, but she does love leek soup."
"Leek soup huh. We can go to the store and stuff for it, but what are they made up, besides leek?" Charlie replies.
"I'll send you a list of what you need. I'm glad to hear that Phoenix is getting along with everyone. I was, you know, worried of what happened to her, but glad to know she is okay and is getting along with everyone in the hotel," Momiji says.
"You have nothing to worry about. Sure there has been a few bumps so far, but Phoneix is doing fine. I just hope we can keep her hiding place a secret from the rest of the demons," Charlie says.
"I hope so as well. My husband told me that he plans on making an announcement about Phoenix sooner or later, hopefully that will at least calm down the crowd or so," Mojiji says.
"Right. Well, I hope to see you again. Bye," Charlie says, and hangs up the phone.
Conan groans and lays his head on the table, "Why in Hell will a stupid dang leek will help cure anything. They're nasty."
"Well, that's what her mom said," Charlie says.
"And some of the medical books said that soup is a good medicine for colds and flues," Grace says.
Then Charlie asks, "Why? Don't you like leeks?"
"Are you crazy?! I hate leeks!" Conan angrily says.
"Let's not forget zucchini, celery, radish, horseradish, tartar sauce, miso... am I forgetting anything," Grace says.
Conan quickly says, "Hey, miso is good as long as it's soup."
"And you're a very picky eater," Grace comments.
Charlie looks at her message and says, "Okay, I got the list and recipe for the soup, so Vaggie, Niffty, and I will go to the store to get the stuff we need."
"Right. Conan and I can keep an eye on things from here, and I'm sure Husk and Alastor would too," Grace says.
"Yeah. I don't know about letting Alastor be around Phoenix, especially when she's sick," Vaggie says, sounding concern.
"Don't worry, Alastor promised he wouldn't do anything. Try to relax Vaggie, I'm sure things will be okay while we're gone," Charlie says.
Outside of the hotel, someone is spying on from a pair of binoculars from a short distance. They see Charlie and Vaggie leaving the door as the limo driver at front. When the three girls enter the limo, it drives away. A hissing chuckles is heard from inside the trash can across the street from the hotel. The head is lifted up with the lid to reveal Sir Pentious and some of his Egg Bois from either behind or in the other trash cans and dumpster.
"So the little princess and two of her girl buddiesss are heading out, and the strange new dog demon and the stripped freak have left the hotel as well. Now that they're gone, I think the place doesn't have that many demons who can stop me from taking the hybrid from under their noses," Pentious says with a sinister grin.
One of the Egg Bois asks, "But Boss, what are we going to do about the Radio Demon? We haven't seen him come out yet?"
Another one then asks, "And what if there's more demons and sinners in there?"
"Who could be in there. That sssssilly little princess project isn't skyrocketing so we shouldn't be finding more demons... except for that little cat demon and fox demon that was with the hybrid. We can have them as henchmen," Pentious says.
"But what about Alastor? How are we supposed to get her while he might still be in there?" Another Egg Bois asks.
"We'll worry about him later. As of now, I have come up with a surefire plan to capture the hybrid girl and then make her obey my every will. Then, use her to destroy the Radio Demon and any sinners and demons who dare to cross my path. Hell will be mine, and everyone will know the name of Sir Pentious," Pentious announces and maniacally laughs.
Suddenly, he loses his balance with the trash can and falls flat on his face.
Back inside Phoenix's room, Grace checks on Phoenix who is up and still feeling under the weather. Grace brings Phoenix some warm broth and some hot tea.
"Here Phoenix, I brought some hot broth and some hot tea and honey to make you feel better," Grace says.
"Thank you, Grace," Phoenix says, and begins to cough.
Down in the lobby, Conan practicing his fighting skills and making sure he doesn't break anything. He is rather annoyed that Phoenix ends up getting sick, but he knows that he can't blame her for it. Conan sighs as he finishes with his training and decides to sit down on the couch close by. Suddenly, he is offered a cup of hot tea. He turns his head to notice Niffty.
Nifty smiles and says, "I have some tea if you want."
"Sure," Conan says, and takes the cup.
Just then, Grace walks down the stairs with the tray of empty cups.
"How is she?" Conan asks.
"Phoenix is doing okay. She fell asleep after drinking the broth and tea," Grace says.
"That's good. Glad to know she is relaxing. She hasn't been in Hell very long and already has to deal with the craziness going on," Conan says.
"You're right," Grace says.
Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door. Husk, who has been sleeping awakes from the sound.
He groans and asks, "Who the fuck is that?"
"I wonder if anyone decides to come for Rehabilitation?" Grace asks.
Conan rolls his eyes, "You think anyone is actually going to buy this Rehabilitation junk."
"It's not junk. I happen to think it's a good idea for demons like us who actually still have some goodness," Grace firmly says.
"Yeah yeah, like that many of us sinners have good in us," Conan says.
"Conan, you can be such a grouch," Grace comments.
Then Grace walks to the door as she hears the door knocking, "Coming."
Grace then opens the door and says, "Hello. Welcome to the Happy Hotel, can I..."
Grace soon notices that she doesn't see anyone. She looks at the left, and then to the right. Finally, she looks down to see the tree Egg Bois at the door, and they dressed like plumbers.
"Hello. We come to fix your plumbing. We got a call saying there is trouble in one of the restrooms of your hotel room," One Egg Bois says.
Grace calmly says, "Are you sure? We didn't call any plumber, nor do we have any trouble with our plumbing."
"Um. Actually, we're actually coming to fix your sink too," The second Egg Bois says.
Grace calmly says, "Sorry, but we can't let you in. WE don't have any problems, so you must have received a call somewhere else. Good day."
Grace then closes the door and locks it as soon as possible.
"Who was at the door?" Nifty asks.
"It's a couple of Eggs who said they're here to fix the plumbing. I can tell right away it was a lie," Grace says.
"Eggs? You don't think those two are part of Sir Pentious gang, do you?" Conan questions.
"It's possible," Grace answers.
"I guess it would, but I thought Alastor blew him and his Egg Bois up. Then again, it is possible he could have survived and might be trying something else to blast us to pieces. And well, he did also tried to kidnap Phoenix, but we manage to save her and Alastor blew his Zephillin in no time at all. Of course, that happened before you and your brother came alone," Niffty says with a smile.
"Did that really happen?" Conan asks.
Husk groans and says, "It did. You think he wouldn't try to attack with Alastor around."
"Something tells me he's not planning on giving up," Niffty says happily.
Outside, Pentious is not pleased that his first plan hasn't worked at all.
"Drats! So much for that plan! No matter, I have another plan. This time, we're taking the most direct approach," Pentious says.
Then turns to his minions, "You all are going to charge into that hotel and distract whoever is in there. Meanwhile, I'll find the Hybrid girl and take her to the lair."
In the lobby, Conan says, "Unless those dumb eggs wants to get their asses kicked by us, I doubt they want to risk it."
"Their Egg Bois who are lowly class sinners, I think they will be stupid enough, even to throw themselves through the window," Husk replies.
And just like that, an Egg Bois crashes through the window and lands on the ground. The Egg Boi stands up and is holding a sledge hammer.
"You're right. This one is stupid enough to come here, with a sledge hammer no less," Conan firmly says.
Suddenly, the doors slam open to reveal seven more of them, and each of them is holding a weapon.
Grace sighs, "I think we just jinxed it." and brings out her fan.
"Sounds good to me. It will be good to scramble these eggs," Conan says, cracking his knuckles.
Nifty giggles and says, "This is going to be so much fun."
"Whatever. I'm staying here," Husk says, bored.
With that, Conan, Grace, and Niffty are soon attacking the Egg Bois and vice versa. The fight is causing a big mess in the hotel as they use their combat and abilities to battle against each other. While the fight is going on, Sir Pentious sees the plan is working and slowly slither into the lobby and up the stairs before anyone can notice.
Conan punches and kicks the eggs, "Where did they come from anyway?"
"I don't know, but we need to get rid of them and clean this mess before Charlie and Vaggie get back," Grace says, and creates wind with her fan.
Nifty giggles and says, "At least we'll be able to have some fun."
"Right, fun," Grace says, annoyed.
Grace then swings her fan again and creates powerful winds, enough to get all the Egg Bois and broken pieces of them out of the hotel. Grace closes the door and locks it.
"There. Now we have a messy lobby to clean," Grace says.
Niffty brings out her duster, "Just leave everything to me."
Nifty then begins to clean up the room in the matter of seconds.
Conan turns to Grace, "That girl can really clean."
"You can say that again," Grace replies.
Meanwhile, Charlie and Vaggie are able to gather the groceries they need and are in the limo back to the hotel.
"Well, that was a good trip to the store... despite us being harassed by a few demons," Charlie says, and nervously laughs.
Vaggie sighs, "It wasn't the best trip to the store, but glad we were able to get the groceries, medications, and other supplies and got out of there."
"Yeah. I just hope the soup will help Phoenix feel better," Charlie says.
"I think the soup will be able to help. I just hope there hasn't been trouble in the hotel," Vaggie says.
"Why do you say that?" Charlie asks.
"I don't know. I do trust Conan and Grace, but worried about Alastor being in the hotel," Vaggie says.
"I know you're still worried about Alastor, but he didn't promise that he wouldn't cause any trouble at the hotel, and I made him promise not to give Phoenix any problems with his trickster, voodoo, strings attached," Charlie says.
"If you say so. I just hope we don't find the hotel a mess while we're gone," Vaggie says.
"Relax Vaggie, we're just going to the store. What kind of trouble could they get to while we're gone?" Charlie replies.
Unknown to trouble, there is trouble. Back somewhere on the floors of the hotel, Sir Pentious is looking around for Phoenix's room. He's been searching in different rooms and so far, no luck.
Pentious hisses with an annoyed look, "She's not in these rooms. How hard can it be to find a girl's room."
Suddenly, Sir Pentious notices one of the doors in the hall is slightly open. He becomes curious and slightly opens the door and takes a peek inside. There, he sees his target, Phoenix, who is sleeping in bed with the young cat demon and two animal pets.
Pentious' eyes begin to glow, "Found you."
Conan then turns to Grace, "Still, what do you think the Egg Bois are doing here, crashing in the hotel?"
"I know, and I'm surprised that their boss isn't with them," Grace says.
Conan then realizes, "Wait, you don't think he's after Phoenix..."
"And the Egg Bois might be a distraction, and with Vaggie, Charlie, and Angel out..." Grace says, worried.
"Phoenix is in danger. And with her being sick, she can't fight back." Conan says, shocked.
Suddenly, Charlie's voice says, "We're back."
The twins turn their heads to see Charlie and Vaggie with the groceries.
"Sorry it took a little long, but there was a line, and us being harassed, and the usual. Anyway, we can now make some leek soup for Phoenix," Charlie happily says.
Vaggie notice the distressed look on the twins faces, "What's wrong? Your face is saying something is up."
"Well," The twins answer.
In the room, Sir Pentious slithers quietly as Phoenix is fast asleep in the room with her flu. He finally reaches Phoenix and shows an evil grin on his face.
"Soon my dear, you will not be able to escape my constricted grasp. Along with your little friends," Pentious says.
"Now then, I'll have to do is wake her and use my hypnotic spell so she will do my bidding," Pentious says, and reaches his sharp claws towards Phoenix.
Unknown to Pentious, red glowing dialing eyes appears in the darkness of the corner of the room. Running up the stairs and to Phoenix's room, Charlie and the others are hurrying to the rescue before it's too late.
"I can't believe Pentious survived after the last time he came to the hotel," Charlie panics.
"And never though he try this stunt after what Alastor did," Vaggie adds.
"What matters is that we stop Pentious from kidnapping Phoenix and kick him out," Grace says.
"I say exterminating him is necessary," Conan says.
"Save Phoenix first. Punishing Pentious after," Charlie says.
"Right. Let's hurry," Vaggie says.
The group hurries as fast as they can and Charlie quickly opens the door to Phoenix's room.
"Phoenix are you okay?" Charlie asks.
Charlie, Vaggie, and the twins become confused to see Pentious is tied up by a black tentacle and is struggling to break free. Phoenix and the others are still sleeping in the bed with the smaller demons. What's shocking, the tentacle is from Alastor.
"Sorry about me intruding in Phoenix's room, but I happened to find our little uninvited guest intended to abduct the poor girl. But not to worry, I'll be showing him out," Alastor says.
With a snap of his fingers, Alastor teleports Pentious away and makes the tentacle disappear as well.
"Um, thank you Alastor," Charlie says, and lets out a sheepish smile.
Just then, Phoenix lets out a yawn and softly asks, "What's going on?"
Charlie walks over, "Hi Phoenix, how are you feeling?"
Sometime later, Charlie and Grace have made leek soup for Phoenix, and Phoenix is able to eat it with no problem, and Phoenix feels a lot better, but still needs to be in bed for the night.
When Conan explains to her what happened, Phoenix says, "Really? I thought Pentious was blown to pieces."
"That what we thought, but it seems he was able to survive Alastor's wrath," Vaggie says.
"Yeah. I have to agree about it myself, and I can't believe he snuck into the hotel," Zǐ Māo says, and rubs Nuggs on his head.
"No kidding, I can't believe he outsmarted us," Conan says.
"It was actually a good thing Alastor was able to stop him," Grace says.
"How did you know, he was here anyway?" Phoenix asks, turning to the Radio Demon
"Hmm, I have my ways," Alastor says.
Zǐ Māo says, "I'm glad' you're feeling a lot better."
"Me too. I really hate being sick and it's a good thing Pentious didn't notice I was sick. However, I don't think he'll stop there," Phoenix says.
"You can say that again," Vaggie says.
Phoenix lays down in bed, "If I ever see that creep and his meddling Egg Minions after what happened at the Turf War, it will be too soon.
Phoenix sighs a little and closes her eyes.
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