Episode 6: Settling In At the Hotel
The next day in one of the hotel rooms. It seems normal, but it has blood red color walls with strange symbols on it. The room has a queen size canopy bed. It's covered with red blankets and black pillows on it. Next to the window is a desk that has a lamp and a chair. There are some dressers and a smaller one with a lamp on it next to the bed. Sleeping in the bed is Phoenix with Kyuubi sleeping next to her.
As Phoenix sleeps, the doors burst open to reveal Angel Dust, a spider demon and Porn Star.
He shouts, "Good morning Phoenix! Rise and shine! We have a big day ahead of you!"
"Angel, I told you to wake her up calmly," Charlie, Princess of Hell, walks to the room.
"Well, you can't have her sleeping all day. It's already late in the morning," Angel Dust.
Vaggie, a Moth Demon and Charlie's girlfriend walk into the room as well.
She sternly says to Angel, "That maybe, but she had a long day yesterday. She must still be tired after everything she's been through."
"If you say so, toots," Angel says.
Charlie walks to Phoenix to see her sleeping in bed.
She gently places her hand on Phoenix's shoulder and shakes her. She calmly says, "Phoenix, it's time to wake up. It's already past 10:30. You don't want to spend your day sleeping."
Phoenix begins to groan and turns her body to face Charlie. She then slowly opens her eyes as Kyuubi opens his eyes as he yawns. He then stands and stretches his legs and shakes his head to his tail. Phoenix sits up and lets out a yawn in reply. Her vision clears as her eyes open and blinks a few times. Soon, she sees Charlie.
"Morning Charlie," Phoenix says.
"Morning Phoenix. I'm glad you're feeling better after what happened," Charlie says.
"I guess. I still feel rather tired. I feel like I can sleep forever," Phoenix says, as she sits up with the covers close to her.
Vaggie walks over and says, "Morning Phoenix."
"Glad to see you're up kid, you've been sleeping for a while," Angel says.
Phoenix says, "Oh, morning Vaggie. Angel. What are you doing here?"
"Getting your ass up that's what. You've been sleeping almost all morning," Angel says.
Phoenix yawns and says, "Sorry, but I was just so tired. I felt that I couldn't wake up at all."
"After what you've been through I'm not surprised," Vaggie says, taking Phoenix's right arm.
"What are you doing, Vaggie?" Phoenix asks.
"Checking on how that scratch you have. It's not everyday a demon escapes an Exterminator. Of course, you didn't get away unscathed," Vaggie answers and pushes the sleeve to see a cut that is barely noticeable now.
"Looks better to me. The scratch is almost gone," Phoenix says.
"True, but it's best to make sure. I do admit, I was pretty scared when Zǐ Māo told us you saved him from an Exterminator and got cut by one too," Charlie says.
"I know it sounds bad, but we're still alive and it's just a scratch," Phoenix says.
"If you say so, but we need to head downstairs to meet the others," Vaggie says.
"Okay. Let me get dressed first," Phoenix says.
Phoenix turns her head to notice the gold handle with a red cloth wrapped around it, and it has an orange, red, and yellow lanyard. She then picks it up and wonders what it is and wonders if her dad has given her it.
Sometime later, Phoenix gets dressed and brushes her hair and walks with the others downstairs. She is wearing a black shirt with a silhouette of a red spider lily, black jeans, and black and red sneakers. Her hair is in a high ponytail braid. She also has her backpack with some of her things, including the strange handle. Kyuubi is also sitting on Phoenix's shoulder. They walk into the parlor to see Niffty cleaning up, Husker at the desk drinking his Booze, Zǐ Māo is simply sitting on the sofa.
Charlie happily says, "Morning everyone."
"Morning," Phoenix says.
Zǐ Māo turns with a smile to see Phoenix and runs to her. Then he wraps his arms around her for a hug.
Phoenix giggles and says, "Morning Zǐ Māo, you slept good."
Zǐ Māo looks up and nods his head with a smile. Phoenix smiles and picks him up in her arms and walks to the sofa to sit down and place him there. Zǐ Māo hugs Phoenix by wrapping his arms around her waist with a smile. Phoenix smiles and pets him on his head. Kyuubi ends up licking Phoenix on the cheek, making her giggle.
Charlie giggle and whispers to Vaggie, "I think little Zǐ Māo has taken a liking to Phoenix."
"I have to agree. I remember you telling me that they're both an only child, but seeing them like this it's almost like they're siblings," Vaggie says, showing a small smile.
"Yeah," Charlie says with a soft smile.
Suddenly, Alastor walks in and says, "Good morning everyone! Glad to see everyone is up and running today!"
Vaggie mutters with a scowl look on her face. Phoenix can't hear it, but she figures she is saying something bad about Alastor. Of course, after what Vaggie explains to her about the Radio Demon, she does have the right to be cautious. Phoenix decides to at least keep an eye on him, in case he decides to cause trouble.
Alastor walks over to Phoenix and says, "And hello to you, my dear?"
"Morning Alastor, how are you doing?" Phoenix asks with a sheepish smile, and feels Zǐ Māo pressing his face against her back.
"Doing wonderful, my dear. And glad to see the sweet smile on your face," Alastor says.
"Um thank," Phoenix says, feeling embarrassed.
Suddenly, Phoenix hears growling and looks down to see Kyuubi standing in front of her and growling at Alastor. He then begins to bark to make sure Alastor stays back from her.
Husk asks, "So does your fox have rabies."
"Uh, no. He doesn't have any rabies. He never really acts like this towards anyone," Phoenix says.
"Really? This is like the second time that he barked at Alastor and that was yesterday," Angel says.
"I think Kyuubi feels a bit threatened because Alastor is close to me. I think he can tell Alastor is a powerful demon and worries that he might cause me harm," Phoenix says.
She then picks up Kyuubi and holds him in her arms.
Then pets him as she says with a comforting smile, "It's okay Kyuubi, I know you just wanted to make sure I'm safe, but you don't need to worry. I'm sure Alastor isn't going to hurt me."
Then softly says, "I hope."
"Dear, if I want to cause harm to you, I would have done so when we first met," Alastor says.
"Um, thanks," Phoenix says, sounding unsure and Kyuubi is still growling at him.
Charlie and Vaggie walk over to see Phoenix holding the growling fox.
"What's wrong with Kyuubi?" Charlie asks.
Phoenix whispers to Charlie, "I don't think Kyuubi like Alastor very much and he did the same thing yesterday."
"I see. Well, your dad wanted to make sure you have a special companion by your side. I'm guessing making sure Alastor doesn't give you problems is one of them," Charlie says.
"Make sense. Alastor is a mystery and that's why Kyuubi doesn't trust him, and neither do I," Vaggie says.
Kyuubi barks in reply.
"Looks like Kyuubi agrees," Phoenix says.
Vaggie then pets the little fox on the head, "He's actually kind of cute. But why did you name him Kyuubi."
"Kyuubi means 'nine tails' and Kyuubi has nine tails," Phoenix says.
Zǐ Māo then says, "Kyuubi also means Fox Spirit. From what I remember slightly, Kyuubi is also known as a fox spirit from Chinese Folktales."
"That's right," Phoenix says.
"Well, this little fox really loves you, Phoenix. I can see why he wants to protect you," Charlie says.
Kyuubi sniffs Charlie when he is close and then licks her cheek.
"And I can see Kyuubi likes you too. I'm sure Kyuubi will love all of you and want to become friends. And maybe with some time, I'm sure Kyuubi will get used to being around Alastor," Phoenix says.
"Speaking of Alastor, have any clue where this Radio Demon went off to?" Angel says, looking around.
Charlie, Vaggie, and Phoenix look around to notice Alastor is not around.
"Uh... where is Alastor?" Charlie asks.
Meanwhile, at an unknown location, there is a tall building somewhere far from the city and has a balcony that is on the higher floors, Satan is standing at the balcony as he looks at the red sky and is deeply concerned.
Satan thinks, "Phoenix... you have become strong and your powers have reached to its full power. However, I never expected you to transform the way you did."
He remembers seeing Phoenix has shown herself being able to beat Sir Pentious with one shot and save that young feline demon. Then sees the newly transformed demon Phoenix has formed into when defeating the shadow creatures.
"And... I got word from him that the feline Phoenix saved... was the same feline that she saved from being Exterminated. I wouldn't be too surprised for her to interfere. Phoenix always has a kind heart, despite her being a demon. It's no wonder she rushed in to save the young demon to save him without thinking, and he's a complete stranger. Of course, with the Exterminator seeing the family crest, it allowed my daughter and that young demon to be left in peace without another fight," Satan says.
He sighs and says, "Phoenix, you have no idea how proud I am to be able to fully develop your powers and to defend yourself from danger. However, that won't last unless you have someone to help you control your powers."
"Indeed you should," Another male's voice says.
Satan turns to see Lucifer, his older brother and Ruler of Hell.
"Hello Lucifer, I didn't hear you come in," Satan says.
"Yes. I thought you might be here, considering what happened," Lucifer says.
"Indeed. This has turned into a mess. First my daughter was abducted and ended up being in Pentagram City alone. Then she was attacked by an Exterminator and ended up in a Turf War, and the shadow attacked her in the city. Not to mention, she has been shown up all over the news," Satan says.
"I must admit, this has been troubling, but it's fortunate that my daughter was able to get to her when she did. She sent a message to her mother and Phoenix is fine. She was tired and the cut she had is being healed properly," Lucifer says.
"I'm relieved to hear it. However, it seems that my daughter's new transformation is part of her fully developed powers. It shows that she might have the same powers as I do," Satan says.
"Yes. She definitely does. And of course, that is why you already sent him off to get to the Hotel. So that Phoenix can start training her abilities," Lucifer says.
"Indeed. I know that one of the most skillful demons in my force, he should be able to train her. My daughter will need to work hard to fully develop her powers to be ready to fight this threat," Satan says.
Then asks, "Have you discovered anything about it?"
"Not yet. My men are searching for any about the Dark Sombras. I'm having trouble making sense of it, they were exiled for centuries," Lucifer says.
"Yes. I still wonder how they have access to the human world. They never went through the portal we've known of. It can tell which of those are permitted to enter," Satan says.
"We'll find them and put a stop to them. Whoever is doing it has taken a new low to attack those of the Magne family," Lucifer says.
Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door.
Satan turns to the door and says, "Come in."
Entering the room is a female snake demon. The top looks human with sharp white teeth, and the bottom she has the tail of a snake. She has a black tail with red and white patterns, and has black hair with red highlights. She also has pale white skin and red eyes. She is wearing a black and white color maid outfit.
Satan says, "Hello Sabrina."
"Lord Satan. Alastor the Radio Demon has come by. He said that he needed to speak to you. It regards the Hybrid girl," The snake demon, Sabrina says.
Lucifer and Satan are quite surprised to hear the Radio Demon is here of all places. What's more, he has knowledge about Phoenix.
"Yes. Send him in," Satan says.
Sabrina bows her head and says, "Yes sir."
She then opens the door to reveal the Radio Demon. Then he walks inside the room to see the Ruler and the Lord of Hell.
"Hello Lucifer and of course, Satan... it has been a while has it?" Alaster says.
Satan smirks, "Indeed it has... Alastor."
Back at the hotel, Phoenix and the others are having lunch together, since there isn't much going on. Phoenix is able to find a few things to make some Rice Balls.
Charlie smiles and says, "These rice balls are really good."
"Yeah. I have to admit, they do taste good," Angel says.
"I'm glad you like it," Phoenix says.
She then looks around as she wonders, "Still, I have to wonder where Alastor went off to."
"He said that he needed to take care of things, but never told me what it is," Husker says.
Vaggie mutters, "What is that creepy, grinning, talk show deer shitlord is doing this time?"
"I'm sure whatever he's doing, we don't need to worry about it," Charlie says.
"I don't know Charlie. I haven't been here long and I have a share of rumors about him," Zǐ Māo says, concern. Then eats the Rice Ball.
"I have to agree with Vaggie and Zǐ Māo, Charlie. That guy is kind of mysterious, and very hard to read with that grin on his face, especially since he's decided to help you with the hotel just so he can get a laugh if it fails. Even Kyuubi is having um, tension towards Alastor," Phoenix says.
"That's true," Charlie says, sadly to admit.
"I'm sure Alastor isn't doing anything bad at the moment. Other than being a powerful demon, I'm sure he has other hobbies and such," Phoenix says.
"Maybe," Vaggie says, rolling her eyes.
"But just so you know Charlie, the first moment he decides to cause trouble, he is so out of here," Phoenix says.
Vaggie smirks, "I couldn't agree more."
Angel says, "I got a better idea. Let's change from talking about Alastor and talk about you Phoenix?"
"What about me?" Phoenix says, confused.
"You know: What your life is like back on earth? What is your mom like since we already know your about your dad? Technically, anything we like to know about you, family, friends, your life, and you get the picture." Angel says.
"I guess I haven't really explained to you guys about me. Well, besides Charlie," Phoenix says.
"I think it will be nice for you guys to get to know you," Charlie says.
"For starters, you can tell us how you learned how to fight the way you did?" Angel says.
"I like to know about your mom. How how did she and your dad first met," Vaggie says.
"Me too. I haven't seen Momiji in a long time. Of course, my parents had to change my form to a little girl when I met her during my uncle Satan's wedding. She was so pretty," Charlie says.
"Okay. Well, I guess I can start what I can from the beginning. My mom met my dad when she was in high school. Back then, my mother was actually a legend in our hometown," Phoenix says.
"What do you mean by legend?" Zǐ Māo asks.
"Before she had me and met dad, she was the leader of a gang called the Silent Voices. Some of my friends' mothers were actually her friends and gang members. They tell me that when she rides on her motorbike, the highlight in her hair and the lights from her bike flies through the sky and through the mist. Even though she was a delinquent, she was actually very intelligent," Phoenix says.
"I was surprised when Phoenix wrote to me about it, especially since Phoenix never joined a gang herself," Charlie says.
Vaggie turns to Phoenix, "That does sound surprising, considering who your parents are."
"True. When my parents met, my mom decided to head off into Aokigahara forest on her own and she ended up getting her foot caught under a tree when it fell. My mom told me that at the time, dad somehow got to the human world and that's where they met. He helped her get out of that mess and since then, my dad went to see her whenever he could. She told me that love blossomed between them, got married, and then had me," Phoenix says.
"Awww! That sounds romantic!" Charlie says, and lets out a squeal.
"It sounds sappy," Husker mutters.
"Aww Husk, don't be like that," Nifty replies with a smile.
Angel then asks, "Alright, we got to your parents, but what about you?"
"Well. My life seems normal as it is. Of course, me being the daughter of an actual demon is a bit of a surprise and will one day gain powers like my dad. Of course, my life seems normal enough, I go to school, make friends there, and hang out with them. We have some laughs, adventures, and our problems with Ino who is a classmate of mine," Phoenix says.
"Is she a pain in the ass?" Angel asks.
"She's kind of a pain... She and her friends. She always challenges me in almost everything. I guess it's because I'm very smart and athletic, that I do good with sports festivals at my school and other events," Phoenix says.
"Talk about major jealous issue," Vaggie says.
"You have no idea. Still, things have been good, except for the shadow creature that came to my high school and I had to fight back," Phoenix says.
"You mean those creatures that attacked us yesterday?" Angel asks.
"That's them. It's a good thing I also practiced Martial Arts. Not to mention, Kendo, Judo, Ninjutsu, and Karate. Of course, I also play soccer, baseball, and a bit of gymnastics, and a little dancing," Phoenix says.
"With you being smart and athletic, you probably come from a rich family or something," Angel says.
"Oh no, it's nothing like that. My mom and I actually live with my Uncle who is the owner of a bar. When I was in my high school years, I sometimes helped them wait tables and cook as well," Phoenix says.
"That would explain you said you can cooking and wait tables when Alastor asked you on how you can help with the hotel," Zǐ Māo replies.
"Pretty much. Still, it was a bit hard to leave all that behind when I turned eighteen, and now all the trouble with those shadow creatures taking me from home, and being attacked by demons a few times. But I'm actually glad I get to meet you guys," Phoenix says.
Angel says, "Glad to meet you too. You really made a big turn around for us when Cherry was fighting against Sir Edgelord."
"Yeah. I still think it's funny how you told me that his hat is the top and he was actually the bottom," Phoenix says and begins to chuckle.
Zǐ Māo covers his mouth as he snickers with a grin.
"And I'm guessing that really ticked him off," Vaggie mutters.
"True, but I think he's more ticked off that Phoenix whooped his sorry ass," Angel says, and begins laughing.
Vaggie groans, "Alright Rule 1: Phoenix can't go to Turf Wars or hang out with you or Cherri."
"What? No way! Phoenix was awesome during that Turf War. I'm sure we can have someone like her on the team," Angel says, annoyed.
"How about no because we don't want her getting caught by demons, overlords, or get killed for that matter!" Vaggie angrily says.
Soon, the two begin to bicker among themselves again about whether to have Phoenix go out or to remain inside.
Phoenix sighs, "They're at it again."
"Seem that those two argue almost about anything, they disagree on," Zǐ Māo says.
"I'm sure they'll get along... eventually," Charlie says, looking deflated.
Kyuubi sits on Phoenix's lap and begins to sleep on it. Phoenix can't help, but smile and pet him on the head.
"Before I forget, I got you three presents. I know it's a little late, but I want to wish you a happy birthday. I also got one for Kyuubi too," Charlie says, holding out four boxes.
"What are they?" Phoenix asks.
"Open up and see. Vaggie also got you one too," Charlie happily says.
Vaggie then holds out a black box with a calm smile.
"Well then, Happy Birthday," Angel says.
"I wish I knew. I could have got you a present," Nifty says with glee.
Just then, Husk says, "Here kid."
Phoenix turns and catches a bottle of green Soju, Chum Churum Apple.
"Thanks Husk," Phoenix says.
"It's not much, but might as well," Husk says, annoyed.
Vaggie presents the box, "This one's from me."
"Thanks Vaggie," Phoenix says.
Phoenix takes the box and opens it to reveal a kind of dagger and an Artemis Rod.
"When Charlie told me, I figure it will be a good idea for you to have weapons of defence," Vaggie says.
"Don't forget all of mine," Charlie says, holding out the four boxes.
Phoenix opens each present and one of them is also for Kyuubi. Charlie has given her a Hellphone, figures it will be good for her to have one. The second present is a red, orange, and yellow dress with a white gemstone shape of a flower on the chest and a ribbon on the back, and black flats. The last one is actually from Charlie's parents. Inside, it shows a gun and the other is a necklace.
"Thanks for the presents, guys," Phoenix says.
"It's no trouble, but I am a little worried about my dad giving you a gun," Charlie says.
"True, but I was able to use a gun a bit," Phoenix says.
"That's good to know," Charlie says.
"You know. Maybe we can throw a little party in the hotel, and the rest can give her presents," Angel says.
Zǐ Māo says with a small smile, "I think it's a good idea."
"That sounds like a fun idea. And maybe Alastor can give you a present too. Wonder where he is," Charlie says.
"Who knows," Vaggie mutters.
Back at the building, where Satan and Lucifer are, Alastor explains to them that he has seen Phoenix before the Turf War, and he immediately knows that she's Satan's daughter. Then seen her on the news during the Turf War and the Dark Sombras attacked her, Angel, and the others. And then he ends up meeting her at the Hotel. At first, Satan and Lucifer are confused as to why Alastor wants to help Charlie with her project, but Alastor explains he's doing it so that he can see the demons try to reform, but only to fail at the end.
"I must admit, hearing that you decided to take part in Charlie's rehabilitation project is a bit of a surprise. Of course, you mostly plan to help them for kicks," Satan says.
Alastor laughs and says, "Oh, you know me all too well."
"All too well, I might add. However, I still have to be concerned about how you manage to put the facts together about her being my daughter," Satan says.
"True, but she does have some of your resemblance, especially that transformation of hers. Fire like hair, red eyes, and fire color wings. It didn't take too long for me to put the pieces together. However, to find out she actually has a human for a mother it's quite surprising, and that you have one for a wife," Alastor says.
"Surprising as it sounds, it did happen. However, I can't stop but wonder who is after my daughter. How she ended up in Hell was no accident. Someone is definitely after my daughter, and I plan to find out who," Satan says.
"And we will. Whoever is doing this has planned all of it. The first attempt on her was a complete failure when Phoenix was still a high school student. Satan's wife told us about it and asked us to investigate. We were able to confirm that the Dark Sombras were the ones who attacked and spied on Phoenix for three years until she was eighteen. That is when those Shadows abducted her later that night after her birthday," Lucifer says.
Alastor simply grins and says, "I see. However, seeing that Phoenix isn't with those Shadow, it showed that she escaped. Probably used the powers that have been fully awakened."
"Yes. And the proof shown is when Phoenix transformed and her powers have taken it full force and seen her used it on the news. However, I suspected since she used so much of her abilities and that new transformation at that Turf War, and after everything she's been through," Satan says.
Then asks, "Is that all?"
"That will be all. I suspect things will be very entertaining with this little project. And I suspect your daughter is going to make things even more entertaining." Alastor says.
"I suppose. I'm having a colleague of mine come over to the hotel to help Phoenix control her powers and he'll be accompanied with his two apprentices. And be warned, if you dare harm Charlie or my daughter..." Satan says, glaring at Alastor.
Alastor cuts in and says, "Wouldn't dream of it. I must be on my way, I'm sure the group will be wondering where I am by now."
"I suspect so," Lucifer says.
Satan walks up and says, "I'll escort you out... and before I forget, be careful in case Valentino ever arrives at the Hotel or runs into Phoenix when she goes out. She was also seen with Angel Dust at the Turf War, and I don't want him to give her any problems. This is the sort of thing he likes."
"Indeed I shall," Alastor says with a big and yet sinister grin on his face.
Late in the night, Phoenix is sleeping in her bed of the hotel room with Kyuubi sleeping next to her on the other pillow. She is so deeply asleep that she doesn't notice the familiar shadow of the Radio Demon entering the room. Alastor walks over gently to see Phoenix is sleeping in bed.
Alastor grins and says, "So I was right. You really are Satan's daughter. I say we're going to be in for real entertainment in Hell."
He then leaves the room and says, "Goodnight and Welcome to Hell. Phoenix Magne."
He then leaves the room and closes the door behind him.
Outside the hotel, Larry the Dog Demon is watching the situation from outside. He sees the large hole in front of the hotel. Larry holds a pair of binoculars to spy on Phoenix, Charlie, and the others in the hotel. As of now, everyone is fast asleep for the night. He also holds a cell phone.
Larry says, "Yes sir. Phoenix Magne is staying in the Hotel with Princess Charlotte."
"Excellent," The voice says.
"Yes, but the Radio Demon is there as well. How can we get to her with him around? H-h-how can we..." Larry asks, panicking.
"Capture her. Oh, we'll find a way somehow, Larry. You do promise to be sure the girl is brought to me," The eerie voice says.
Larry nods his head, "Yes. I promise to capture her when we get the chance."
"I do hope you will keep that promise, Larry," The demon says, holding the phone.
He then places his sharp claws at the wall and roughly slides it down making a screeching sound, "Or what I have planned for little Phoenix Magne..."
Then maniacally laughs.
Holding the phone is being held by a large demon. The demon wears a dark red jacket, and wears a brown shirt underneath it. His face shows his yellow teeth and dark red glowing crimson eyes, and dark magenta hair. The demon's face resembles one of a kind of dark blue dragon, and has a long scaly tail.
The demon says, "Will happen... to you."
His eyes show a dark crimson color as he snarls and shows his yellow sharp teeth. He has plans for Phoenix and is planning to get her no matter what.
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