Episode 48: Spark of Courage and Redemption
Phoenix lets out a small grunt and groans as she slowly opens her eyes to regain consciousness.
And suddenly, she hears a voice, "Doin okay there, kid?"
"I... I think so... but I feel like I've got a bunch of rattles in my head," Phoenix says, still dizzy.
"Not exactly, princess," The voice says with a chuckle.
When Phoenix, vision clears, and to her shock, she finds herself face to face with a familiar cowboy Imp she has run into before.
"Striker?!" Phoenix cries out in shock.
"Good guess, I figured you remember," Striker says with a smirk.
Phoenix glares at him, "You attacked me while I was at my friend's house, and shot me with an angelic gun. And you attacked me again while I was trying to buy groceries. Not to mention that I've heard that you've tried to kill my friend's dad and got him sent to the hospital!"
"So you heard, huh," Striker says in remark. "Then again, a badly injured royal would grab anyone's attention.
Phoenix growls in anger and she tries to use her powers, but for some reason, "What the... why... why aren't my powers working?"
Striker chuckles, "Good to know that these ropes aren't going to let you do anything."
"What?" Phoenix says, confused.
She soon looks down to see glowing rope tied around her. Her arms are tied behind her back and around her body, even tied around her knees and ankles. What's more, she finds herself tied up to the train tracks. Phoenix struggles to break free, but the ropes have tied her tight.
"I guess even though you're half human, those ropes made sure to leave your powers limited," Striker says.
Phoenix soon realizes, "So these are the blessed ropes. The kind that leaves high class demons' powers limited. I guess because I'm half, it makes me more limited from using my powers."
"Sounds like you've done your research," Striker says.
"Wait a minute, where's Zǐ Māo?" Phoenix questions, looking around.
She then glares Striker, "Where's Zǐ Māo?! What did you do to him?! If you dare hurt him, I'll..."
"Relax, the little cat sinner is alright," Striker says, and turns his eyes to a different direction, "However, he's still out cold from your crash."
Phoenix turns to where Striker is looking to see Zǐ Māo is lying on the ground unconscious and tied by Blessed rope and is tied to a pole of the train tracks. She then looks around to see a few structures in the cavern with multiple train tracks and mining cars. She also notices a crumbling statue nearby. From the looks of it, it consists of rivers of molten lava, a kill-count sign, part of a saloon with a bed inside of it.
"What is this place?" Phoenix asks.
"My hideout in one of the mining shafts," Striker answers.
"I see," Phoenix says, and continues to look at the hideout. "But seriously, why did you tie me up to train tracks? I can't decide if this is supposed to be clique or classic."
"I sure think it's a classic," Striker says.
Phoenix rolls her eyes, "Suit yourself." Then struggles to break free, "Now let me and Zǐ Māo out of here! You let us go!"
"Sorry kid, but I can't let you and your little friend go so easily. After all, you did find one of my tunnels," Striker says.
"Like we actually did it on purpose! We were trying to get away from those buffaloes that stampeded a rodeo!" Phoenix shouts.
"Not my problem, kid," Striker says, and approaches Phoenix.
He then gently grabs her by the chin and lifts her for her eyes to look into Striker's.
"It still doesn't change that you two have intruded in my hideout, especially some princess. So you two will be staying here for a while," Striker says with an evil grin.
Phoenix is stunned to see the look in his eyes. She then frowns and turns her head away in disgust.
"Despite you being disdainful, you sure have a lot of guts. I suggest you stay tight and not try anything. Otherwise, I'll be givin' you the royal treatment," Striker says and walks away.
Phoenix looks around as she says in thought, "I've gotta break free from these ropes somehow. Zǐ Māo must also be hurt from the crash." Phoenix struggles to break free from the ropes, "And it's worse to have these blessed ropes keep me restrained and I can't use my powers. If I don't do something before Striker comes back, Zǐ Māo and I will be finished."
Meanwhile, reaching the Bad Man Lands, Charlie and the others are searching for Phoenix and Zǐ Māo.
Charlie calls out, "Phoenix! Zǐ Māo!"
"Phoenix!" Momiji calls out.
And Momoko calls out, "Zǐ Māo!"
Satan looks around, "The buffalos probably already run down this way, and it's bad if they ended up in a place like this."
"How come?" Momoko asks.
"There are a lot of outlaws in the Bad Man Lands, some are very dangerous, especially since there's a familiar outlaw that I've been trying to track down, but he always manages to escape," Satan says.
"What do you mean?" Momoko asks.
Charlie soon remembers, "That's right, this happened before you came to the hotel. Phoenix had a run in with an Imp assassin named Striker, from what I heard, he attacked Phoenix while she was visiting Octavia. He tried to kill Stolas at the Harvest Moon Festival, and abducted him weeks ago."
"Wait, is he the same one who hurt Octavia's father and is now in critical condition in the hospital?" Momoko asks, worried.
"Yes," Charlie says with a sad nod," Charlie sadly says.
Flashback: A Week Ago.
After hearing that Stolas is at the hospital, Phoenix decides to visit him at the St. An Hospital in the Sloth Ring. She along with Zǐ Māo, Momoko, Charlie, and Vaggie. Phoenix is holding a large amount of paper cranes of green, yellow, pink, white, and red while Charlie is holding a bouquet of yellow roses and pink tulips. Zǐ Māo is also holding a get well card. Soon, the group stops in front of the room.
"Here, this should be the room," Momoko says.
Phoenix knocks on the door, and hears Octavia's voice, "Come in."
Phoenix opens the door and the group walk inside. There, they see Octavia sitting next to her father, Stolas in a hospital bed, recovering from his injuries. A heart monitor was beeping and he is surrounded by many plants; have an IV bag next to him showing blood being transferred into him. Stolas has bandages wrapped around his chest and right arm in a big cast and sling. His left leg is in a cast and propped up in a sling and right thigh is bandaged up.
What's more, Kuroi and his family are there as well.
"Hey Phoenix, Octaiva says.
"Hi Via, we came to see your dad. How's he doing?" Phoenix replies.
"He's doing okay, however, he's going to be in the hospital for a while," Octavia says.
Charlie walks to Stolas and asks, "How are you feeling?"
"A little better, but still feeling sore," Stolas says.
"Don't worry, we got you presents and hope they'll cheer you right up," Phoenix says, and presents the cranes.
"Uh, why are you giving him folded paper?" Octavia asks.
Phoenix giggles, "They're paper cranes, it's traditional in Japan to give people paper cranes to get well presents. Paper Cranes are the symbol of healing and hope during challenges."
"And they also symbolize honor and good fortune too. Phoenix and I made them all by hand," Momoko says.
"That's really sweet," Octavia says.
"Thanks, I hope that your dad makes a good recovery," Phoenix says with a smile.
Flashback Ends:
"After that, according to Stolas, the Imp Striker is the one who kidnapped him and hurt him using a Blessed Knife and had him restrained with Blessed rope," Charlie adds.
"I remember Phoenix telling me about him. He's the same Imp who attacked her back then. And if what you say is true, then Striker must be very dangerous," Momoko says worriedly.
"Then we'll have to find them and fast. We'll cover more ground if we split up," Satan says.
The girls nod in reply, even Kyuubi barks in reply. Charlie, Momoko, and Kyuubi head off in one direction. Satan and Momiji head off in another direction.
Back in Striker's lair, Zǐ Māo soon regains consciousness and has a headache.
"Wha-what happened?" Zǐ Māo asks, dizzy.
"Zǐ Māo!" Phoenix calls out.
The little cat sinner turns to see Phoenix tied up.
"Phoenix!" Zǐ Māo calls out, "Are you okay? What happened to us?"
"I'm glad you're okay, but we've got big trouble. We're being held prisoner by a dangerous assassin," Phoenix says.
"Huh?" Zǐ Māo says, confused.
Suddenly, Zǐ Māo is suddenly picked up by the collar of his vest, causing the hybrid to gasp to see that Striker is the one who is holding him.
"Well kid, if you like to know, you and the little Wrath Princess are my prisoners for infiltrating my lair. Kind of bold, don't you think?" Striker says.
"Like we wanted to come here!" Phoenix shouts angrily. "If you don't want us to be here then untie us and let us go you, you, Impish Serpent Outlaw!"
Zǐ Māo looks around the lair to notice something off, "So what happened to here? And that statue?"
"Got a bad run in with the stupid Imps from I.M.P," Striker says, irritated.
Phoenix smirks, "Yeah. Millie told me and she and Moxxie totally kicked your ass."
Striker growls in anger, "Are you seriously disrespecting me right now?" and drops the cat demon to the ground
"I'm just saying that you didn't have any problems kidnapping and taking down a Goetia and attacking and leaving a hybrid of a human, demon and fallen angel, so how did you get beaten by two Imps?" Phoenix says with a smirk on her face.
But then Phoenix feels a strong stinging pain and looks to see Striker has used a Blessed Knife to stab her on her right shoulder. Then Striker uses his tail to coil around her neck and begins to choke her hard before releasing the pressure.
"You sure have a lot of balls to talk to me like that. You clearly have no idea the kind of position you're in," Striker says angrily.
And with a slash of the knife, Phoenix feels a small cut on her left cheek, making her feel pain.
"Still got anything else to say, princess?" Striker says and puts more pressure on his tail around Phoenix's neck.
Zǐ Māo gasps in shock and fight his restraints, wanting to help her. Phoenix struggles to breath until Striker uncoils his tail from her neck.
Despite being weakened, Phoenix says, "I've dealt with a lot more pain from those Dark Sombras and Sirius than being captured by you."
Striker hisses bitterly and uses the knife to cut the ropes, causing her to fall and hit the ground on her head, causing her to have a gash that makes her head bleed a bit.
He then grabs her by her hair, "Well then, how about I show you just how dangerous I can get."
Back at the canyon, Charlie and Momoko are searching on their end.
"Phoenix!" Charlie calls out.
"Zǐ Māo!" Momoko calls out.
Kyuubi barks around as he tries to get Phoenix's scent.
"Where can they be?" Charlie asks, concerned.
Momoko soon looks up to notice a tunnel, "Charlie, look up there."
Charlie looks up to see a tunnel on the canyon.
"Maybe they went inside," Momoko says.
Charlie looks on the ground, "You're right. There are buffalo footprints on the ground, and there are some of Phoenix's feathers from her wings."
Charlie then picks up Momoko and Kyuubi and flies up into the cave. They soon land and begin to walk down the tunnel of the cave.
Momoko says worried, "I'm a little nervous. I'm not too good with caves."
"Don't worry, the sooner we find Phoenix and Zǐ Māo the sooner we can get out of here," Charlie says.
"I hope they're okay," Momoko says, worried.
Kyuubi sniffs on the tracks nearby and soon catches a good scent. He turns to the girls and barks.
"What's up, Kyuubi?" Charlie asks.
"Bark Bark Bark!" Kyuubi says and runs down the tunnel with the tracks.
"Kyuubi must have picked up Phoenix's scent," Momoko says.
"Then let's hurry," Phoenix says.
Then the girls follow the fox demon down the path to find their friends.
Back in the lair, Zǐ Māo continues to struggle to break free from his restraint and manages to at least free one of his arms, and begins to use his claws to try and break free of the ropes. Meanwhile, Striker ends up tossing Phoenix after already hurting her. Phoenix coughs and struggles to sit up, but she barely has the strength to do so. She continues to lie on the floor as she heavily breaths.
Striker lets out a dark chuckle, "Well, not so tough now aren't you princess. It looks like even you can have weaknesses."
"You bastard...!" Phoenix angrily says, weakly.
"Still have the guts to talk huh. Despite you being one of these fancy ass royals, you don't act like normal royals, our last few encounters definitely proves it," Striker says as he circles around the hybrid, "You sure are a very unique demon, and even managed to steal the heart of a Goetia, and has Lucifer's kid as a cousin."
"Don't you dare bring Kuroi and Charlie into this," Phoenix glares, angrily.
Striker kneels to Phoenix and says, "Huh, that royal blue blood Stolas, had that same reaction when his kid was involved."
"You..." Phoenix angrily says, "Coniving Fuckin SNAKE!" She then raises her legs into Striker's face, knocking him down.
That makes Striker furious as he brings out his Blessed revolver and kicks Phoenix in the stomach, making her skid into the distance.
"You are really starting to get on my nerves you little brat," Striker says and points the revolver at her.
Zǐ Māo is shocked and struggles and able to break free from his restraints after slipping his arms out of the blessed ropes and quickly pushes the ropes off of him.
Striker evilly smirks, "I have to wonder, if I shoot and kill you, will you come back as a sinner, or will you just die and not have a second life. Let's find out, shall we."
Right at the moment, Charlie, Momoko, and Kyuubi rush out of the cave and rush on one of the train tracks. The girls gasp to see Striker pointing a blessed revolver at Phoenix, and they're not going to make it. Phoenix closes her eyes and waits for the gunfire and Striker pulls the trigger.
Phoenix soon looks up and her eyes wide open in shock and dismay as she cries out, Zǐ Māo!"
What Phoenix sees that causes tears to fall from her face is Zǐ Māo has taken the shot of Striker's gun. Even Striker is shocked to see this. Charlie and Momoko gasp in shock from their position to see Zǐ Māo has been hit in the stomach by the holy bullet, and falls to the ground as he wraps his arms around his stomach.
"Zǐ Māo! Zǐ Māo!" Phoenix cries out in tears, "You've.... You protected me... didn't you?"
"Well, ain't that sweet, a little Sinner is willing to protect a daughter of a Sin," Striker says with an evil smirk.
"You... you rotten... backstabbing..." Phoenix angrily says in tears.
"Don't look so upset, you'll be joining him soon enough," Striker says.
Suddenly, he senses something and turns to see fireballs flying at him. Striker dodges the attacks with ease and none of the fireballs has hit him. Striker turns to see Momoko, Kyuubi, and Charlie, whose form has changed. She now has a pair of dark-reddish horns protruding from her head and her eyes' sclera turn bright red with slit pupils, and her hair is practically flowing.
Charlie angrily says, "I recommend that you step away from them, or I'll make sure to have you burn in the pits of Hell. I dare you to choose your next words wisely."
Striker glares at Charlie as his tail rattle like a rattle snake and hisses in anger.
He smirks and says, "Fine then, I was planning on giving the two back, too bad they'll have to be in the state." And with that, Striker throws pellets on the ground, creating a large amount of smoke.
The smoke fogs everyone in the cave as they cough. When the smoke clears, they see that Striker has disappeared. Soon, Kyuubi runs over and begins to chew on the ropes to free her.
"Phoenix!" Charlie rushes over and helps Kyuubi unties Phoenix's rope.
"Phoenix, are you okay?!" Charlie asks, worried.
"I'm... I'm okay..." Phoenix says in tears.
Finally, Charlie and Kyuubi have freed Phoenix from her restraints. Phoenix look to see Momoko kneels to Zǐ Māo who is still on the ground holding his stomach, and blood leaves his body.
"Zǐ Māo..." Phoenix says in tears and walks towards her, despite her injuries.
She kneels down to him and holds him in her arms, "Zǐ Māo... Zǐ Māo, wake up... Please say something..." as tears continue to fall from her face.
Soon, Zǐ Māo slowly opens his eyes and looks up towards Phoenix.
"Zǐ Māo... thank goodness. Are you okay?" Phoenix asks.
"I'm... I'm okay... what about you... are you okay...?" Zǐ Māo replies, weakened.
"I'm okay, but that bullet," Phoenix says, worried. "You protected me.... Didn't you..."
Zǐ Māo shows a sad smile, "I... I wanted to... you've been so nice to me, despite what we did... You showed us how.... How wrong I was... the mistakes I've made..."
"What do you mean?" Phoenix asks.
Still weakened and bleeding, Zǐ Māo explains, "I remember the first day we've met. We were practically strangers, and you've saved me from those Exterminators. And even though I told you that I killed my abusive parents and myself, you were still willing to help me, even go so far as to take me to the hotel to join Charlie's program. You even told me I don't deserve to be here despite what I did. I'm very grateful to have met you, that I've met a good friend like you, and made me realize that I still had a life to live, and maybe if I had told someone that I needed help. I'm glad that you've helped me and are my friend.
"Zǐ Māo..." Phoenix says, distressed.
Zǐ Māo continues, "I understand what I've done, I let our fear, sadness, and anger get the better of me, and not only taking the lives of others, but also taking my own life through negative emotions. You remind me that we still have a chance, and that I want to make amends from the mistakes I've done, and even if I can never get to Heaven, I have a chance to turn my life around. I really want to thank you for everything you've done for me. You were always there for me, to protect me, and even help me redeem, that I wanted to protect you now. That's kind of why I took that shot, you have your life to live for as well, and I didn't want that being taken away from you," Zǐ Māo says.
Zǐ Māo begin coughing as blood come out of his mouths a bit.
Phoenix begs in tears, "Please stay. Don't go."
But Zǐ Māo says, "I'm afraid I don't have much longer here, but at least I can remember what love feels like, and know what your friendship really means to me. Please, continue to live your life, and don't make the same mistake that I did. You've always been a good friend and I will always have you in my heart." and soon closes his eyes.
Phoenix begins to shed tears even more, knowing that the little cat's soul is dying and there isn't anything she can do about it.
She shed tears as she cries, "No Zǐ Māo, you can't leave... please... you... you don't deserve this..."
Phoenix continues to hug Zǐ Māo in her arms as tears fall from her face. Charlie and Momoko begin to shed tears, seeing that Zǐ Māo is now dying, and there isn't anything they can do to save them.
In tears, Phoenix says, "Thank you... for being my friends, and I promise...I promise..."
Suddenly, an opening begins to appear over the cavern and a bright shining light begins to shine down from it, and onto Phoenix holding the appeared lifeless Zǐ Māo, earning Charlie and Momoko's attention.
Out somewhere in the Bad Man Lands, Satan and Momiji are still trying to find Phoenix and Zǐ Māo, but soon notice the beaming light.
"Satan, what's that?" Momiji asks.
"I'm not sure, but I... I can sense an angelic aura coming from that light," Satan says.
Meanwhile, in the Pride Ring, Lucifer walks out to notice a small speck of light coming from the distance. He narrows his eyes and senses a familiar aura
Lilith walks over and asks, "Lucifer, what's happening?"
"I'm not sure, but... I can sense my father's presence coming from that beam of light," Lucifer says.
Lilith is shocked to hear it.
Back in the cave, Charlie and Momoko are shocked to see the light shining down on Phoenix and Zǐ Māo. And soon, the light heals all their injuries from the incident, and Zǐ Māo begins to regain consciousness.
"What's happening? What's going on?" Zǐ Māo asks, surprised.
"Zǐ Māo! You're okay!" Phoenix says, relieved.
"Phoenix!" Zǐ Māo say happily. But soon look up to ask, "But what's going on?"
"I don't know," Phoenix asks.
Momoko turns to Charlie, "Charlie, what's going on?"
"I have no idea," Charlie says. She then looks up towards the light, "Look up there."
Soon, the group of friends look up to see three small creatures flying down towards them. All three have wings on their backs and glowing halos on their heads.
One of them looks like a bee, wearing a striped shirt, black skirt, lavender gloves and dark purple boots.
The second looks like a sheep, with white fleece, a pink face, arms, and legs, and wears light purple or light periwinkle vest, a pale blue blouse underneath, and wears a cross around her neck.
The last one is a somewhat tall anthropomorphic fawn covered in light honey brown fur with lemon yellow accents, along with light coral pinkish-red hair and ears which are pale pink on the inside with orchid purple tips. She also has a dark slate blue-purple nose that could almost match her eyes, which are nearly the same color, albeit a little lighter. Her thin eyebrows and long eyelashes are both indigo and so are her hooves, and she has a pair of pale gold feathered wings. There's also a yellowish white glow around her form that matches her halo, and all of her outlines are done in purple. She wears a blue shirt, overalls and a pink bow.
Phoenix quickly gets in front of Zǐ Māo in concern for her friend as the three creatures descend in front of them. As the three reaches to their level, they notice Zǐ Māo in Phoenix's arms in surprise as the hybrid is embracing him tight but caring to protect him.
The fawn says, "Your determination and love to protect your friends is strong, I can tell. However, you have nothing to fear, we mean you and your friends do no harm."
"Who... or what... are you?" Phoenix asks, a little surprised.
"We're Cherubs, we're a form of angels," The fawn says. Then introduces herself, "I'm Deerie. The sheep is Rachel, and the cute little bee is Honey."
"Hello. My name is Phoenix Magne, and these are my friends, Momoko Fujikawa and Zǐ Māo Li, and my cousin, Charlie Magne, and my pet fox, Kyuubi," Phoenix says.
Kyuubi barks happily in reply.
"We know. God, your grandfather, knows all about you, your friends, and pretty much a lot of things, practically everything," Dearie says.
"I see. I must admit, you all look so cute," Phoenix says.
"And you're so adorable, especially the bee, she reminds me of my Beetrice," Momoko happily says.
The bee Cherub, Honey, giggles, "Thank you."
"But what are you doing here?" Charlie asks, "Isn't it a bit, um, dangerous for angels to be here?"
"Yeeeeaaaah, but we're here on official business," Deerie says, "More specifically to your little cat friend, Zǐ Māo."
"Me?" Zǐ Māo replies, confused.
"About what?" Momoko asks.
Deerie then brings out his glasses and places them on. He then brings out what seems like a profile.
He then reads, "Zǐ Māo Li, we be happy to let you know that you have repent for your sins and have was able to realize your past sins and mistakes, and so Rachel, Honey, and I have come here personally on behalf of Micheal to ascend you to Heaven."
"What?!" The group exclaimed in shock.
Momoko also asks in shock and begins to shed tears of joy, "Really? Is that true?"
"Are you really sure?" Zǐ Māo asks, shocked.
The three nod their heads in reply.
Honey happily says, "Yes. And we're here personally to escort you to Heaven because you have repented for your sins and are welcomed to Heaven."
"So you mean..." Charlie asks, surprised.
Phoenix is just as surprised, "Zǐ Māo is really going to go to Heaven?"
The three Cherubs nod their heads in reply.
Charlie then hugs Zǐ Māo with glee, "That's great to hear. I'm so happy for you."
Momoko is happy, "I can't believe it."
Zǐ Māo is still shocked, but soon shed tears of joy, "I... I can't believe it... I'm... I'm actually going to go to Heaven." And he is very happy.
But saddens and turns to Phoenix, "But that also means, I won't be able to hang out together anymore."
Phoenix gives them a gentle smile and says, "It's okay Zǐ Māo. I know it won't be the same without you, but this seems like the chance of a lifetime."
"That is true," Momoko says.
"I guess so," Zǐ Māo, and hugs Phoenix, "I'm going to miss you, Phoenix."
"I'll miss you too, you're the best," Phoenix says and gives the young cat demon both a hug. "I hope you'll be alright in Heaven."
"Me too," Zǐ Māo says.
Charlie and Momoko hug Zǐ Māo with Phoenix with tears and smiles. Kyuubi also climbs on Phoenix's shoulder and gives Zǐ Māo a few licks.
After the hugs, Phoenix places Zǐ Māo down, and the little cat demon walks towards the Cherubs. Soon, The light shines bright and a beam of light shines down upon them. Soon, Zǐ Māo transform. He receives wings and halos, and he also changes to their human forms. He has light skin, black hair, and light blue eyes, and is now wearing a robe.
Rachel flies to Phoenix and brings out a small present box, "Before we forget, we got a present for you from Micheal and Gabriel, your uncles."
"Oh, thank you," Phoenix says, and takes the present box.
Soon, the three Cherubs take the young sinner, who is now angels up the beam of light. Zǐ Māo turn to Phoenix and the others, and wave their last goodbye to Phoenix. In tears of joy, Phoenix waves goodbye to her friends as they ascend to Heaven after repenting their sins and able to change for the better.
"Thank you," Phoenix says softly. "I hope you're happy, Zǐ Māo."
She then opens the small present and is astonished to see a dream catcher that has beautiful white feathers like angel feathers, and the light red rings seem to glow like halos, and the threats are also glowing.
"It's beautiful," Phoenix says.
She looks up at the sky and says, "Thank you Uncle Michel. Uncle Gabriel."
Sometime later, Satan and Momiji have found Phoenix and the others and they all head back to the Wrath Palace together. Of course, explaining what has happened that lead to Zǐ Māo being ascended to Heaven is a real shock, even Charlie's parents are shocked when they arrive to sense God's essence.
Of course, Charlie is ecstatic to see what she has seen, "I am so HAPPY!" That means it is possible for demons to rehabilitate and be able to ascend to Heaven. And we end up helping Zǐ Māo redeem and make their lives better, and I get to see it with my own eyes! OOOOOOOH! We have to tell everyone! I'm going to call the others right away!" and with that, she dashes out of the room so she can spread the word.
"Well, she's pretty quick to act on it," Phoenix sheepishly says.
Momoko giggles, "Well Charlie is very glad to hear that the hotel actually works in its way," Then turns to Phoenix, "But I think you also play a part in redeeming him."
"Probably, but the truth is, Zǐ Māo were never bad person to begin with. I think he just needed to realize his mistakes and understand what he's done has affected others. In a way, he's been able to redeem himself, they just needed help to find the right direction," Phoenix explains.
Lucifer chuckles, "What are you? A Psychiatrist or a Therapist?"
"Maybe. To be honest, I still haven't thought too much on what to do with my life, but part of the role that I have to do is to help my father rule the Wrath Ring," Phoenix says.
"That's true, but it wouldn't hurt for you to have another career path in mind," Momoko says.
"Maybe, to be honest, part of me actually does think about medical practice, something to help with Charlie's hotel. I've been thinking of involving myself with medicine and health since I was young, but don't really talk too much about, maybe even psychiatry," Phoenix explains.
"Well, you are good with this. Maybe you could practice," Satan says. Then takes her hand, "I think you can do it."
"Thanks dad, and thanks for helping me, again," Phoenix says.
Then turns to the window to see the sky, "Still, I hope Zǐ Māo is happy up there.
7 Years Later: In Heaven
"Zǐ Māo is in the home, along with Momoko, who is able to redeem and ascend to heaven a few years later, And thanks for permission from the ArchAngels, they are looking through a special portal in their home.
Momoko happily smiles and says, "It was really nice for Gabriel and the others to allow us to watch this special occasion."
"I agree. After all, Phoenix and Kuroi are our friend and we wanted to at least see their special day," Zǐ Māo says.
"But you have to admit, it was bound to happen. It's too bad we couldn't go down there to attend the wedding, but at least we know that they'll be very happy," Momoko says.
"Yes. Phoenix really helped us, and that ended up being enough to realize that we could turn our lives around, and could have more to live for. I hope Phoenix will be happy with the beginning of the new part of her life," Zǐ Māo says.
Momoko shushes Zǐ Māo with a smile, "It's about to start."
In Hell:
A celebration is taking place in the palace of King Lucifer. It's a very special day happening in Hell that it even happens in Hell. Today, Phoenix Jeno Magne and Kuroi Goetia Tsubasa are getting married.
In the palace ballroom, many demons, including those who are close to Phoenix and Kuroi, have attended the ceremony, and they couldn't be happier. They suspect that things will turn out well for the two loves.
Kuroi and Phoenix are both wearing traditional Japanese Wedding outfits. Kuroi is wearing a black and gray Montsuki-hakama, and Phoenix is wearing a beautiful white 'Uchikake with a white headdress on her head.
They've both said their vows for all to hear, and give each other a kiss to declare their marriage. May clap and some cheer happily to see the newly weds. Charlie and Vaggie, who have already gotten married, are happy for the two loves. Charlie is practically crying waterfalls. Of course, both of the families of the couple couldn't be happier and wish for their children to live their lives together.
Over a Year Later:
The Hazbin Hotel is actually doing a little better than before. Sure, not all demons are keen to the idea, but there are some who have been given hope to redeem themselves after hearing what happened with Zǐ Māo, the first sinner to ever ascends into Heaven, and Charlie is very happy. On a side note, even though she has been redeemed, Vaggie has decided to stay in Hell with the woman she loves, and to help her run the Hotel to help others as well.
Meanwhile, in the Wrath Palace, on the balcony as they watch the Hell's sun set, Kuroi and Phoenix are having a relaxing time. Phoenix then places her hand on her stomach, which has gotten a little bigger since the marriage. Kuroi does the same, as he and his wife smile. The reason why is because right now, in Phoenix's stomach, the bond of their love is giving a new life inside. Phoenix and Kuroi will soon be blessed with their very first child. And they in a way, live Happily Ever After.
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