Episode 44: Hellfire Crossfire

The Annual Ball begins and Phoenix along with her mother have been presented to all of Hell and the other royals in Hell. However, things take an unexpected turn when Phoenix and Kyuubi find themselves separated from the party, and distance away from the castle. What's more, they find themselves standing face to face with the demon who's been trying to capture her.

"Sirius...?!" Phoenix softly says in shock.

Then narrows her eyes, "So you're the one who's been sending those monsters after me, and the one my father told me about."

Sirius chuckles with a grin, "I have to assume your father told me about, which saves me quite the trouble of telling you about me. However, if you would be so kind, how would you like to come with me."

"No way. I'm not going anywhere with you," Phoenix refuses.

Kyuubi simply growls in anger and feels like his fur is standing on end.

"Well then, it looks like we're going to have to do things the hard way, my dear. After all, how else am I going to take your powers," Sirius says, and then brings out a staff that has a dark crimson red glowing orb on the top.

"My what...?!" Phoenix asks, shocked and begins to run away despite her wearing a dress and heel shoes.

Sirius then raises the staff and sends a strong swift of magic to surround the area, causing Phoenix and Kyuubi to be knocked down from their feet and crash to the ground. Then Sirius uses his staff to make sure the area is surrounded with large black crystal walls and thorns surrounding them. Phoenix and Kyuubi sit up and turn to see Sirius walking towards them.

"Now then my dear. Perhaps you shall be so kind as to come with me. That way, I can have your unique abilities. Of course, a hybrid of a human that has a demon, fallen angel, or even an angel's blood makes them very unique and powerful. In your case, you have the blood of a powerful fallen Angel, a Sin, the second of the most powerful in Hell" Sirius says.

"Why do you want my powers? And why a hybrid?" Phoenix asks, shocked.

"Because my dear child, half demon children like you have both spiritual powers and demonic powers. Normally, humans and demons weren't meant to meet or able to have full interactions with humans unless they have permission, disguised, or other circumstances. However, every so often, a demon hybrid with human blood is born. You're the first to ever be born in a long time, and because you're the daughter of the second most powerful demon in Hell, that would allow your demonic and spiritual powers to be extremely powerful," Sirius says.

Phoenix narrows her eyes, "So then, that's why you want me, because of the powers I have?"

"That is correct. It's not really you I am after, but the powers you've possessed within you. I wanted to have imaginable powers being placed within the orb, The Dark Crimson Orb is the only thing that can get it for me, but it requires the life energy and powers of a hybrid of both demon and human," Sirius says.

Then the orb is presented to Phoenix and it begins to release a powerful energy, "Believe it or not, this orb is what gave me the powers I have, and allowed me to create the ones you've seen. After my defeat, I've been trying my hardest to increase my powers and find a way to get my revenge on King Lucifer and Lord Satan, and Satan has ended up mating with a human, allowing her to give birth to the only thing that will increase my power ten fold. I should thank him and your mother for giving me the means to have my revenge and to increase my powers."

Hearing this makes Phoenix furious, "Alright, that does it!" and soon both her hands begin emitting powerful flames.

She lifts her hand to reveal her bracelet. She then places the hand with her bracelet on her chest as she creates fire around her body. Soon her bracelet begins to glow bright and disappears. Soon, Phoenix begins to transform once more.

Phoenix's body begins to glow red. Then coming out of her right hand is burning fire. She raises her hand in the air and controls the fire to fly around like a large, long ribbon. The fire then begins to coil around her upper body, her arms, and legs. The flames on her upper body transform into a red sleeveless kimono top up to her knees with a black emon and lace. It has a silhouette of a flaming bird on the left side and fire on the right side. Then a bright orange ribbon wraps around her waist and forms an obi ribbon on the back, a gold string buckle appears around the ribbon, and black tights that also cover her ankles.

And then, fire patterned gloves appear on Phoenix's arms that go up to her elbows. Instead of covering the hands, they only cover the backhands and have a band attached that is around the middle finger. The flames around her legs transform into orange ballet flats. The yellow ribbons are wrapped around red leg warmers.

After that, her small gold crown with a pentagram gem appears over her head. She puts it on and her hair begins to glow red. A black choker with a phoenix feather appears on her neck, a red star earring appears on her left ear while a black crescent moon earring appears on her right ears. Then her hair becomes covered in fire. And soon, her hair turns into a glowing color of flames and slightly moves.

Phoenix then lands on the ground, and enchanting wings of a fire bird appear on her back. The feathers of the wings are the colors of fire. She then opens her eyes, her sclera are red with gold yellow pupils in the middle. At a split second, fire flashes in her eyes. Lastly, a red lined pentagram a black crescent moon having two circles and symbols around it appear on her forehead.

Phoenix announces as she moves her hands around, "A Courageous and Majestic Bird that Soars through the Flames of Hell!"

Then fire appears from her hands.

Phoenix spins around in a circle, and announces, "Blazing Phoenix!"

Soon, Phoenix finishes with her transformation and viciously glares at the demon with his eyes glowing red.

"Sirius, it's about time that you pay for everything you've done! I swore that I will stop and destroy you!" Phoenix declares with anger.

Kyuubi remains back near the crystal and thorns and barks in anger.

Phoenix then brings out her sword as she spreads her wings and flies towards Sirius. Sirius then spreads his wings and flies towards Phoenix as waves his staff that channels his powers. He then cast a powerful crimson magic at Phoenix. Phoenix stops flying and uses her blade to deflect the attack, but is barely able to do so.

Sirius then unleashes a powerful flaming dragon as Phoenix creates a large and powerful shuriken and throws it at the dragon. Both attacks collide and cause a huge explosion in the area.

Meanwhile, Kuroi decides to take to the sky in order to search for Phoenix. He isn't able to find her in the castle garden, so he wonders where she could have disappeared to.

Kuroi calls out, "Phoenix! Phoenix, where are you?!"

Suddenly, something bright and loud catches his attention, causing Kuroi to stop in mid air and turn to what looks like an explosion.

"What the?" Kuroi questions.

He soon has a bad feeling, "Phoenix..."

Kuroin then begins to fly towards the source of the explosion, worrying that Phoenix might be there. And judging by that explosion, Phoenix might be in the middle of a fight.

Back to the fight, Phoenix fights against Sirius. Phoenix charges with a battle cry and clashes her sword against Siriru, but he's using his staff to block the attack. Then Sirius uses his powers to push the hybrid back. Phoenix then takes to the sky and begins to use her own powers to throw fireballs. Sirius uses his staff to create a protective shield to block the attack. He then uses his claws that begin to glow and creates an energized slash at Phoenix. Phoenix gasps and quickly creates a fireshield to protect herself, but is soon pushed back and falls to the ground.

Phoenix sits up and looks up in shock to see Sirius flying in the air and dives down to slash her with his tail. Phoenix quickly dodges the attack as she dodges to the left. She dodges to the right. And then dodges to the left again. Then Sirius swings his tail and strikes Phoenix in the face, causing her to skid on the concrete and crash into the black crystal wall. Kyuubi rushes to Phoenix in concern, barking and whimpering.

Phoenix soon regains herself and looks to see her little fox, "It's okay little guy. I'm okay," and slowly stands up on her feet as she lets out a grunt and groan.

Phoenix slowly stands up and brings out her sword. She glares viciously to see Sirius approaching her with an evil smile and holds the staff in his left hand.

"I must admit, you really are the daughter of Lord Satan. Your powers are even more magnificent than I can imagine. I can't wait to take that and your life source," Sirius evilly says.

"If you want it so badly, you'll have to fuckin kill me to get it," Phoneix angrily says.

"Whether I kill you first, or drain your powers and life energy, you'll die when I'm through with you," Sirius says.

Sirius then raises his staff and launches red lighting at Phoenix, electrocuting her and pushes her back against the crystal wall. Phoenix struggles to get up, but feels like her body is becoming paralyzed. Sirius tries to launch another attack, but Kyuubi charges towards Sirius and bites on his arm where the staff is. Kyuubi bites so hard that Sirius screams in pain. He manages to grab Kyuubi and tosses him aside. Then uses his powers to create a small dragon and send it to attack Kyuubi. The little fox fights off the small dragon as Sirius turns to Phoenix.

"Now then, shall I drain your energy now, or bring you to my place in the lower rings," Sirius evilly says.

Phoenix growls in rage that her eyes begin to turn glowing red in hurry. Phoenix then charges towards Sirius and uses her sharp nailed hand to viciously scratch Sirius in the face, making him scream in pain and agony. Sirius touches his face and looks to see the blood he has that spills from his face. Sirius turns to see Phoenix and there is something different about her. Her eyes have turned bright red with gold yellow in the middle. Her teeth and her fingernails have sharpened and she is growling with rage. Phoenix's hair is moving like it's fire pouring from her head. These are the same symptoms as what happened when Phoenix and Angel have been attacked by a Dark Sombra from back then.

"I'd rather die fighting, than to allow you to take me to where you're at! If you really have a fucking beef with me, then get ready for a death wish," Phoneix says with pure rage and is like a real demon.

And with that Phoenix ends up charging at Sirius as she lets out a battle cry, and successfully punches Sirius in the face, sending him back and skids on the ground. Sirius grunts and groans in pain and tries to collect his thoughts on just what happened. He looks ahead to see the young hybrid girl in front of him in full rage.

He smirks sinisterly and says, "I see. So her demonic self has awakened. It was enough to take down one of my Dark Sombras."

He then stands up, "I must admit, it looks like the wrath within you is making you look rather, savage."

Phoenix speed towards Sirius at top speed with full rage. Sirius soon begins to fight back as Phoenix throws slashes, fists and kicks with full rage and continues to cry and roar in pure anger. She throws slash after slash, but Sirius uses his staff to deflect the attack. Then throws a hard punch in Sirius' face. And then kicks him in the stomach. Then speeds behind and throws multiple punches at his back. Then performs a swing kick at Sirius and sends him flying and crashes to the ground. Phoenix then speeds towards Sirius with a battle cry and about to throw a punch, but Sirius grabs her fist.

"You... I must admit, you sure are stronger than you appear to be. You don't just have powers, but have incredible strength," Sirius says.

He then grabs Phoenix by her wrist and begins to have a strong grip that could be enough to make the bone within her crack. Phoenix screams in agony and still full or rage. She then uses her sharp teeth fangs to bite down Sirius' arm.

"Urgh! You... you little brat!" Sirius angrily says, and punches her in the stomach, forcing her to let go.

Then Sirius charges a powerful flaming energy from his fist and slams it in Phoenix's face, sending her flying and skids to the ground.

However, Phoenix soon gets up and soon lets out flaming fire around her body. She then grabs her sword and her wings even turn to burning red.

She then cries out, "SERPENTINE HELLFIRE!"

Phoenix then charges as the fire around her transfers into her sword has turned into a fire snake making hissing sounds.

"Looks like you got some new tricks up your sleeve!" Sirius says, and uses his staff to create a fire dragon and has it charging at Phoenix. Both the fire dragon and fire snake collide with another. However, the fire snake counters the fire dragon and Phoenix charges to Sirius with her sword, still in a monstrous demon state.

Sirius charges up his full power with his staff as he slams the end to the ground, "That is... ENOUGH!"

With that, the power of the staff surrounds the ground, and releases sharp black thorny vines rises from the ground and begins to coil around Phoenix. The vines tie down her arms, legs, waist, neck, and other ways to restrain her. Phoenix continues to growl, hiss, and cry out in anger as the vines clenches her and makes her drop her sword.

"I must admit, you've become stronger since I've last seen you, but it all ends here. You have beaten a lot out of me, and managed to have me use a large amount of my power and strength. It's even taken this much to hold you down," Sirius says.

He then holds out the staff and the orb begins to glow a dark demonic aura, "Now then, it's about time that your life energy and your powers become my own. And I will finally have my revenge and rule all of Hell!"

Then the staff point the orb at where Phoenix is being restrained as the girl struggles to break free in pure rage and wants to attack Sirius. Soon, a beam of light comes out of the orb and aims at Phoenix's heart. The young hybrid begins to scream in agony as her powers and life energy is being forced out of her body and being transferred into the orb.

Back in the Magne Family home, Charlie and Vagge have been looking around for Phoenix, but can't seem to find her.

"Where could Phoenix have disappeared to?" Charlie wonders.

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen her in a while," Vaggie says.

Soon, Momoku and the others walk over to the couple.

"Did you find her?" Momoko asks.

"No," Charlie answers.

"We looked all over," Vaggie says.

"That's weird. Where could Phoenix go? What's more, her little fox is missing too," Angel Dust says.

"That's weird," Charlie says, starting to grow concerned.

"Charlie," Someone calls out.

The group turns to see Kuroi's parents, Corina, with little Miu, Fujin, along with another demon. Along with another demon. This demon is a rather tall Raven like demon with red eyes, night black feathers and black arms and legs similar to Stolas' limbs.

He is wearing a long sleeve dark purple tunic with silver buttons down the breast, and black breeches. He has a long black cloak on the outside, and inside, it's glittering purple on the inner cloak that has a collar on the top. He is also wearing a small crown on his head, decorated with silver and red gems. He is also holding a black cane with a silver handle, decorated with a red gemstone.

"Oh hello Fujin, Corina, and Earl Raum. How are you enjoying your evening?" Charlie asks.

"We're doing fine, Charlie," Corina says. "But have you seen Kuroi around? We can't seem to find him?"

"Huh? Kuroi's gone too?" Momoko asks, confused.

"What do you mean?" Fujin asks.

"Well, Phoenix and Kyuubi seems to have disappeared," Vaggie says.

"Where could they have disappeared too?" Charlie asks.

"They went outside," Andrealphus answers.

The group turns to see Andrealphus walking towards them.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I had to see the young princess running out to chase her little fox. I told Kuroi the same thing," Andrealphus says.

"So they went outside?" Momoko questions.

"They have. I haven't seen either one of them come back in for some time. I assume the two are having a get together just the two of them," Andrealphus says.

Soon enough, Stolas and his family, Lucifer, Lilith, Satan, Momiji, and some of the others Phoenix now have gathered.

"Wait, Phoenix is gone?" Aquamarina questions.

"And Kuroi's gone too?" Octavia asks, confused.

"Oh, I don't think there's anything you need to be concerned about. I'm sure the two are having a nice chat. After all, the two are getting along quite well," Andrealphus says.

"Don't you think you should have said something?" Stella questions.

"I better go out and see if they're there," Charlie says.

Suddenly, Blitz, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona rush over.

"Hey guys, something's weird going outside!" Millie says.

"Weird?" Vaggie questions.

"Yeah. I'm not sure, but there are some explosions and some weird thorny and rock wall distance away outside," Blitz says. "It's actually pretty cool, almost like a fight is going down."

"I think the most important thing to worry about is that something seems to be happening near the palace property," Moxxie says.

Satan walks over, "How about you show us what you all are referring to?"

"Um of course, your highness," Moxxie says.

Everyone involved hurries outside and soon sees something a distance away. There is a rocky crystal like wall with torn fines, and there are signs of fire, explosions, electricity and other events.

"What's happening?" Momiji asks.

"I'm not sure, but it seems very familiar," Satan says, narrowing his eyes, bitterly.

Lucifer uses his abilities to have his eyes glow so his vision will be more clear, and sees the situation.

Lucifer glares bitterly, "Sirius."

Back at the battle, Sirius continues to use the mysterious powerful orb to siphon Phoenix's powers and life energy. The hybrid continues to scream in agony as her life energy and power are being drained away.

Sirius evilly smirks, "Yes... YES. It's working. I can feel this girl's powers."

Phoenix continues to cry out as Kyuubi tries to bite on the vines to get Phoenix down. The siphoning is painful because the young girl is screaming and shedding tears in agony, and feels that half of her life has already been drained.

"No one will be able to save you!" Sirius evilly says.

"Wanna bet!" Kuroi's voice shouts.

Sirius turns to see Kuroi and the young Tengu Demon punches Sirius in the face and knocks him down and drops his staff. The orb hits the ground and causes a strange pulse that causes the vines to dissolve and drops Phoenix, and the siphoning has been canceled out.

"Phoenix!" Kuroi cries out.

Kurio then jumps up and catches Phoenix in the nick of time. Then he lands on the ground as he falls on his tail feathers.

Kuroi holds Phoenix, "Phoenix, are you okay? Phoenix?!"

Phoenix slowly opens her eyes with tears coming out, and ends up de-transformation to her original state and shows signs of bruises, cuts, and her dress has been torn and damaged.

"Ku-Kuroi...?" Phoenix softly asks.

"Phoenix, are you okay?" Kuroi asks.

"It.. it's Sirius..." Phoenix softly says.

Soon, Kyuubi rushes to Kuroi, holding Phoenix with Phoenix's sword in his mouth.

"Sirius..." Kuroi questions.

"Sirius... he's... he's here. He wanted my powers and life energy," Phoenix says, feeling in pain.

"What?!" Kuroi asks, shocked.

He turns his head to see Sirius using his staff to help himself stand up and feels the hard punch from his face.

Sirius chuckles, "Well well, I didn't expect the hybrid's little boyfriend to come here and defy me." He then points his staff at them, "I'm warning you boy, just leave the girl here and leave this area, or I'll have to take drastic measures."

"I'm not going to allow you to hurt her!" Kuroi says, angrily

He then uses his powers to create a tornado as Kyuubi jumps on Kuroi's shoulder and Kuroi uses his magic to levitate Phoenix's sword. Sirius is shielding his eyes from the strong wing, and soon dies down. Moments later, he looks to see Kurio, Phoenix, and Kyuubi are gone.

"Blast!" Kurio angrily says.

He then spreads his wings, "I'll find them and destroy that Goetia boy, and then I'll make that girl's powers my own."

He then notices the orb is emitting a strange glow, and looks to notice a flame within it.

He evilly grins and says, "Looks like I've already got plenty of that hybrid's power. But I need all of it, in order to increase my power."

Then flies off from the scene and searches for the two teens and the little fox, and claims Phoenix's power and life for his own.

Somewhere in a quiet location, there is a small lake with a waterfall, along with a small Japanese style house. There are also a few trees and grass areas around. Soon enough, after a strong gust of wind. And a moments later from a tornado, Kurio appears with Kyuubi on his shoulder and Phoenix in his arms. Kurio also has Phoenix's sword attached to the belt to make sure it doesn't fall off. Kurio then rushes to the house, opens the slide door, and rushes inside, closing the door behind him. Moments later, Kurio takes Phoenix to one of the rooms and lies her down in the bed.

Phoenix regains consciousness again and softly asks, "Where... where am I?"

"It's okay, Phoenix. This is a small house that my family owns. I used to come here when I was little," Kuroi says.

"Thank you, Kuroi," Phoenix sadly says.

Kyuubi walks to Phoenix and licks him with a smile, making Phoenix smile.

Sometime later, Kuroi helps Phoenix with her injuries and has her tucked into bed.

"How are you feeling, Phoenix?" Kuroi asks.

"A little better. Thank you," Phoenix says.

"You're welcome," Kuroi says, and lies next to Phoenix.

Then asks, "So, you met Sirius yourself?"

"Yes. He was too strong. I tried my hardest to fight him, but he was too strong. He said that he wanted my powers and my life energy because of what I am. He wants to use it to get revenge on my dad and uncle and to rule Hell," Phoenix explains, "And yet, I couldn't beat him and started to drain me of my powers. He might have done so if you hadn't come."

"Shit. Talk about heavy," Kuroi says.

"Yeah. It sure was," Phoenix says.

Kuroi tucks Phoenix into bed and says, "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe, but it will be best to hide here until you regain your strength."

Then gently rubs her hair, "Let's get some sleep, and we'll head back home in the morning."

"Okay," Phoenix says.

The two and Kyuubi soon lie down and fall asleep for the night. Kuroi gently kisses Phoenix on the forehead and falls asleep once more.

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