Episode 42: Hell Ball Preparations
In Phoenix's room, the young hybrid is getting dressed and is trying to do better with her disguise. She brushes her hair and puts it in a ponytail braid. Then let it down. She then puts on a red long sleeve blouse and dark blue jeans. She is also wearing red and white color sneakers. She then grabs her backpack and places her wallet, phone, and other essentials in there.
Phoenix calls out, "Kyuubi!"
Kyuubi barks, "Arf!" and runs to Phoenix with glee.
"Come on Kyuubi, we're heading to the mall to find clothes for the ball next week," Phoenix says.
She then sighs and says, "I'm still rather nervous about this. Mainly because my mom and I will be introduced to all of Hell and I'll meet a few demons I'm familiar with and lots I'll be meeting for the first time."
Then thinks, "Although, since a lot of demon royals and elites, and other class of demons will come, I'll be able to see Octavia, and Kuroi,"
Phoenix blushes at the thought of Kurori, since it's been a while since she's seen him. And the thought of dancing with him is making her heart flutter. Kyuubi becomes confused by her owner's expression and tilts his head in response.
Phoenix's thoughts are cut off when she hears a knock on the door, and Angel's voice, "Yo Phoenix, you ready to go?! We're all ready to hit the mall."
"Oh, um, coming," Phoenix says.
Then turns to Kyuubi, "Let's go, boy."
"Arf!" Kyuubi happily replies.
Then Phoenix and Kyuubi leave the room so they can go shopping for the ball next week.
Sometime later, everyone arrives at Pentagram City Mall. The group who decide to come are Phoenix, Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Conan, Grace, Zǐ Māo, Niffty and Momoko, along with little Kyuubi and Fat Nuggets. Phoenix is amazed to see how big the mall is. What's more, the place seems to have a lot of clothing stores, electronic stores, make up stores, and stores with guns, daggers, and other forms of weaponry. Plus, there's a lot of demons who are walking around the mall.
"The mall is pretty big and there are a lot of demons," Phoenix says.
"That's right. And I'm sure we'll find the perfect outfit for you to wear to the ball," Charlie says.
"I suppose. As long as it's not anything too flashy or revealing," Phoenix.
Angel chuckles with a grin, "What's wrong with that? It will give some demons a look at your body."
"It's easy for you to say because you work where you show off your body," Phoenix says.
"Besides, Phoenix is not the type of girl to do stuff like that," Momoko says.
"Whatever you say," Angel Dust says, shrugging his shoulders.
Zǐ Māo asks, "So Charlie, which store are we going first?"
"I know just the place. Come on," Charlie happily says.
Charlie takes Phoenix's hand and drags her to the store in excitement. The others follow after them so they won't list them, especially with Charlie's excitement. The group soon looks around for the outfits that are in the store, more specifically with formal clothes.
"Wow. There sure are a lot of clothes here," Phoenix says.
"I know. I'm sure there's at least one that you like," Charlie says.
"Maybe," Phoenix says.
Then Phoenix kneels to Zǐ Māo, "Of course we need to get you an outfit as well."
"I agree, you'll look so cute in a tuxedo," Niffty happily says and pinches the little cat demon's cheek.
Zǐ Māo blushes a bit to have his cheek pinched.
"How come Alastor, Cloud, and Husk aren't coming?" Grace asks.
"Well, Alastor likes to get his clothes from somewhere else. He like his outfit that fits with his time. And Husk well, he usually doesn't bother with these kind of stuff. At least from what I know," Niffty answers.
"Were you able to ask him if he wanted to come?" Grace asks.
Niffty nods her head, "I sure did. He said to not bother him and he'll just use a suit he had in his closet."
"Wouldn't it be decent for him to have a freshly new outfit for the ball?" Momoko asks.
"Try telling that lazy cat that," Vaggie says, rolling her eye.
Then Grace says, "And Cloud is having a meeting with King Lucifer and Lord Satan. After all, he's one of the top members of the royal guards so they have to discuss security. You won't believe how many Imps and low class demons try to sneak in."
"I know. The last time a group of demons decided to crash the party, there were a lot of deaths among the servants and injuries among some of the royal classes," Charlie says.
"What happened to the demons who sneaked in?" Phoenix asks, curious.
Charlie sheepishly smiles and explains, "Well, I kind of got hurt from that incident when I was little and my dad really didn't like it. Let's just say, that by the time my dad is done with them, they wish they would be exterminated by an Exorcist."
Phoenix, Grace, Angel, and Conan stare at Charlie with disbelief, and for some reason, a little worried.
"So in other words, your dad practically decided to punish them with possibly the worst thing possible," Angel says.
"Somehow I'm not surprised. After all, whatever the King of Hell could do, has to be 100 times worse than anything anyone could have come up with for a punishment," Phoenix says.
"Yeah. Dad kind of told me that he made sure they regretted crashing his party when I got home from the doctor. Luckily, it was mainly a sprained ankle that healed in a few days, otherwise my dad would have done something really bad," Phoenix says.
Charlie and Vaggie nod their heads in reply.
"Now then, enough talking about what happened at a ball, let's go find some outfits for it," Angel says.
Sometime later, after looking for a few clothes and fancy outfits to try on. In Angel's case, more on the sexy side. The group are in separate changing rooms. As they're inside the changing room, the group are having a chat. However, Phoenix has concerns about the ball, and she told the others about it.
"I guess it's understandable why you're worried. You'll be introducing yourself to a lot of demons, especially since the meeting, many of the demon royals are eager to meet you," Charlie says.
"I suppose you're right. I actually got a text from Kuroi and he actually likes to introduce me to his grandfather. I already met his parents and his little sister during one of my incidents involving Sirius, but he asked if I could meet his grandfather," Phoenix explains as she puts on one of the dress options.
"Really? He wants you to meet the Great Earl?" Grace asks, surprised and putting on the dress.
"Um yeah. And I'm rather nervous about it," Phoenix says.
"Don't be, Kuroi will be with you during this time, and The Great Rumin is, well, kind of the quiet type. However, he can be good to chat with," Charlie says.
"I sure hope so," Phoenix says.
"As long as you're calm and with Kuroi is with you, I'm sure you'll do fine," Vaggie says.
Suddenly, Phoenix asks, "Do you think I look good with this?"
The girls look to see Phoenix is wearing a strange cyan blue and dark purple dress with feathers, and laces.
Grace says, "Ugh, I think you should take it off and throw that thing away. You look like a bird."
Phoenix walks into the changing room and takes off the dress, "You're right about that. I thought it wouldn't hurt."
She then puts on a dark blood red dress, "Maybe it would be best for me to look in the closet and wear one of my kimonos or formal dresses."
"Not for the ball," Grace says.
"Well, she has very nice dresses. Meanwhile, I don't think I look very good in some dresses," Momoko says, trying on a light yellow dress.
"I think you'll look fine, Momo," Phoenix says.
"Sorry. I'm still having a lack of confidence with myself, especially with large gatherings," Momoko says.
"I remember. You were reluctant to go to the Halloween party unless my and the others came, which we were so happy to do," Phoenix says.
Momoko smiles, "Thanks."
Then Phoenix and Momoko walk out to show their dresses.
"I think you look cute in yellow, Momo," Phoenix says.
Momoko blushes and says, "Thanks."
Phoenix then looks at herself,"I know I like wearing red, but this one seems too dark."
"Do you have other options?" Vaggie asks.
"Well, the only one I was able to find is this one," Phoenix says.
The dress is a beautiful red color with a split on the right side that goes to the upper thigh with two long cloths of transparent fabric hanging from the back up to the ankle area of the dress. Both of the fabric sparkles.
"Wow. It looks really pretty, Phoenix," Momoko says.
"I think you should get this one," Charlie says.
"You think so? I was mainly going for this dress, but I wasn't sure at the time," Phoenix says.
"Yeah. The dress looks good for you. All you need is white or black gloves with some jewelry and there you go," Grace says.
"Okay then, let me try it on," Phoenix says, and walks into the fitting room.
Meanwhile, in the different part of the store, Octavia is sitting on the bench close by and lets out a sigh as she watches both her parents, her father, Stolas, and her mother Stella arguing. Octavia sighs as she watches her parents argue about Stolas still having an affair with Blitz, and now arguing on what Octavia should wear to the ball. Annoyed by this, Octavia plugs her headphones, stands up from the bench, and walks away to get some space.
Octavia sighs and says, "I just wish those two wouldn't argue for one single day. It feels like they argue all the time and can't be in the same place without arguing about something."
Suddenly, Octavia looks ahead to notice the fitting room to see Angel Dust and the boys walk out. She remembers them from the hotel and friends with Phoenix.
Angel calls out to the girl's dressing room, "Hey girls, are you all finished in there?"
"We are. We're heading out right now," Charlie's voice calls out.
Soon, Charlie, Phoenix, and the others walk out. Octavia smiles to see at least one of her friends is here, which gives her an excuse to keep her distance from her parents. Octavia soon walks over to see Phoenix and the others.
Seeing Phoenix's dress, Angel says, "That's a nice looking dress you're wearing. You should definitely buy it."
"I'm already thinking of it. It looks really nice, huh," Phoenix says.
"It's really nice. I think you'll look great," Vaggie says.
"So any of you found your dresses?" Conan asks.
"We sure did. They all look great. I did have trouble whether to wear a suit or a dress. I figure since it's a special night, I should go for a dress," Charlie says.
"I say it's time we find some accessories to go with our dresses," Grace says.
"I hear that," Angel says.
"That's actually a nice dress you got, Angel," Phoenix says.
She giggles and asks, "Are you sure you're not secretly a girl?"
"I sure am not, and I can tell you're saying it with sarcasm," Angel says.
"Sorry, just teasing you," Phoenix says.
"Then Grace asks, "So Conan, were you able to find something to wear with Zǐ Māo?"
"We did. It was actually difficult to find a good size for him, especially one that will allow him to get his tail through the hole," Conan answers.
"Can we see it?" Phoenix asks.
Zǐ Māo blushes a bit and holds out a dark purple color suit with a small button up shirt and a black bow tie, and dark purple pants.
"Aww, it looks very cute," Charlie gushes with a smile.
"It looks adorable," Grace says.
"I think it would look very nice on you," Phoenix says.
Zǐ Māo shyly smiles and says, "Thank you."
"Now we just need to find some good shoes to go with it," Angel says.
"So then, let's go look around and find some accessories and shoes to go along with our new outfits," Grace says.
Suddenly, Octavia speaks up, "Phoenix."
Phoenix turns her head to see Octavia walking towards them.
"Hey Octavia, I didn't know you were here," Phoenix says.
"It's not really my choice, both my parents are well, trying to help me figure out what to wear for the ball. And as a Goetia, we have to attend," Octavia says.
"I see. I'm guessing your dad told you about..." Phoenix says.
"That's right. I'm glad that you're going to be there, but I know some of my relatives will be surprised to hear you're one of my friends and really want to meet you," Octavia says.
"Why?" Phoenix asks.
"Because you're part of the royal family. It involves connections and all that. They are even more surprised to find out you're more close with Kuroi," Octavia says.
"Sounds rough," Phoenix replies.
Then asks, "But why Kuroi? I mean, I know his grandfather is a Goeita, but what does that have to do with it?"
"You mean, you didn't know? I thought Kuroi or Octavia might have mentioned it," Charlie says.
"Mention what?" Phoenix asks.
"Well, to tell you the truth, Kuroi and I are actually cousins," Octavia sheepishly says.
Phoenix eyes wide in surprise, "You're... you're kidding me, you're related?!"
"Yeah. I guess we both never mentioned this to you, did we," Octavia says.
"No. Kuroi never mentions it either," Phoenix says.
"I see. I'm sure he'll come around to it eventually, but I guess none of us even told you. It's kind of hard to explain. You see, Kuroi's grandfather, Raum and my grandfather Paimon are brothers. Therefore, he's actually part of the Goeita family by birth, even though he's in a different class than the Goetias," Octavia explains.
"How did that work?" Phoenix asks, confused, "And Kuroi, and his sister, and his parents are Tengus, how does that work?"
"That's easy, Grandfather Raum met a female Tengu, fell in love, got married, and had kids. There are 4 Goetias children, and 2 Tengu children, one of them is Kuroi's mother. Of course, they can have the same magical abilities as both. Kuroi's mother met Fujin, and had Kuroi and Miu," Octavia explains.
"That's a lot to take in," Phoenix says.
"I know. I felt the same way when my dad and Uncle Fujin explained it to me, even grandfather Raum explained it to me," Octavia says.
"I see. I just hope I can actually walk to them or hold a conversation with them," Phoenix says.
"It's not as bad as it sounds. It can get a little boring, but you'll learn a few things from them, maybe," Octavia says.
"Well then, since you're here, you wanna hang out with us?" Phoenix asks.
"Might as well, my parents are in their own world once they start arguing so I wouldn't mind," Octavia says.
Then Octavia notices the young rabbit demon, "Who might you be?"
"Oh right," Phoenix says.
Then presents Momoko to Octavia, "Octavia, this is my childhood friend from the living world, Momoko Fujikawa. Momko, this is my friend, Octavia Goetia."
"Hello, it's um, nice to meet you," Momoko shyly says.
"Hi," Octavia replies with a wave.
"Now that all is settled, we need to look for a few things for the ball. Are you fine with joining us?" Phoenix says.
Octavia shrugs her shoulders, "Might as well. My parents will be like this for a while."
With that, the group begin to head off to go look for the accessories, and other essentials they need for the ball. Of course, thanks to Grace, Angel, and Charlie, they are able to find some good accessories and shoes to go well with the clothes they have. Octavia, Phoenix, and Momoko also chat with Vaggie, Charlie, Grace, and Niffty. The girls are having a wonderful time, even the boys join the group.
Sometime later, the group is in the food court having lunch as they have a good chat together.
"So Octavia, you sure you didn't want to buy new clothes for the ball?" Phoenix asks.
"I'm sure. I did got some new clothes to wear in public anyway. Still, I have to wonder how long my parents are going to argue," Octavia says.
"I remember hearing them arguing at your house. It seems that the two will argue all week if possible," Phoenix says.
"So Phoenix, how have you been doing? It's been awhile since I last saw you," Octavia asks.
"Things have been going well. And it's surprising that Sirius or any of his minions haven't made a single appearance," Phoenix says.
"That's good to hear," Octavia says.
"Maybe, but it's still suspicious to think about what Sirius could be up to," Phoenix says.
"Yeah. That is very worrisome. Who knows what he might do next, which has me worried," Charlie says.
"And it's one of the reasons why Cloud and Satan are talking with high security. Well, besides having to deal with the party crashers," Conan says.
"I have to agree it's true. Remember when the Black Nights gang attacked us at the dance club? It was a mess, Phoenix says.
"I remember. It was very scary. I was afraid they were going to kill us," Zǐ Māo worriedly says.
"And let's not forget the Imps at Lu Lu World," Conan says.
"I remember, talk about a mess," Octavia says.
Then says, "I remember dad telling me that you, Conan, and Grace got badly hurt."
"Yeah. Sirius and his minions really did a number on us," Grace says.
"Don't remind me, they beat the fuckin shit out of us. Not to mention that apparently they used Loona against us. If Phoenix hadn't used her powers at the last second, Loona would have finished us and taken Phoenix to Sirius," Conan says.
"It was awful, even Kyuuibi got hurt," Charlie says.
"And aster learning that Asmodeus, the VVV's, and other demons learn about Phoenix, Satan couldn't have the secret hidden any longer. That's why we're the Magne family is making a formal introduction of Phoenix and her mother Momiji, to everyone in Hell," Vaggie adds.
"And next week, everything is going to be revealed to others who haven't know about me yet. Even Coral and Aquamarina knew. Well, I ended up telling her and Coral knew because she knew my father," Phoneix says.
"Sounds like things have been very rough," Octavia says.
Phoenix sighs and says, "You have no idea."
Suddenly, they hear Stolas' voice, "Octavia!"
The group soon turn their heads to see Stolas walking around looking for her. Stella is calmly looking around. Although, she looks like she still has some anger within her.
"It looks like your parents have finished arguing," Phoenix says.
"Yeah," Octavia says, and lets out a sigh.
Then stands up, "Well, it's best that I get going. Knowing my dad, the moment he sees me, he'll..."
"Via!" Stolas happily cries out.
And in the matter of seconds, Stolas gives Octavia a big hug, which is kind of crushing her.
"Oh Via, I was worried when you disappeared, I've been looking for you when I found out you were gone," Stolas says, hugging her tightly.
Phoenix then taps Stolas on the shoulder and says, "Easy there Stolas, your daughter's suffocating."
"Oh," Stolas replies and lets go of Octavia, "Sorry Via, I was just worried when you walked off."
"I'm fine dad, I was just with Phoenix and the others," Octavia says.
Then Stolas turns to see Phoenix, "Oh, hello Phoenix, how have you been?"
"We're doing fine. We're all shopping for the ball next week. Octavia told me that you're going to be there," Phoenix says.
"We certainly are. We hope to see you there that night," Stolas says.
"Sure," Phoenix says.
Then waves goodbye, "I'll see you at the ball."
"Bye Phoenix. I'll see you there," Octavia says.
"Bye," Phoenix says.
Then Stolas and Octavia take their leave. They soon meet up with Stella and head off together. Although, it looks like it will take a matter of time before they get into another fight, with Octavia caught in the middle.
Sometime later, after getting home, Phoenix has put her dress and other stuff she bought neatly away from next week. Phoenix sighs as she lies down as she thinks about what might happen at the ball. All of hell is going to be formally introduced to both her and her mother, and it's making her anxious. Kyuubi walks to Phoenix and licks her on the cheek.
Phoenix giggles and gives him a hug, "It's okay Kyuubi. I know you're worried about me, but I'm just worried about how the other demons are going to react when they see me. I mean, multiple of them have already seen me on the news, and the demon royals are already well aware of my existence." She then sighs as she looks up at the ceiling, "I guess I'll just have to wait until next week to see what happens."
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