Episode 41: Hell's Scary Stories

A couple of days later, Mew and her friends are supposed to be heading back to the hotel. However, there is one little problem. There is a massive storm going on in Hell. The storm is so bad that it's best for them to stay inside. Phoenix, Zǐ Māo, Kyuubi, Angel Dust, and Fat Nuggets are watching the rain go down.

"Fuck, it looks like real shit out there," Angel Dust says.

"I know what you mean, I don't like the rain either," Phoenix says.

"Yeah, but it looks like a fuckin' typhon or something," Conan says.

"I guess it means that we might not be able to get back to Pentagram City right away. It looks like it will take days," Grace says.

"No shit," Angel says.

He grunts and says, "Man, I hate rainy days. They're fuckin boring."

Sitting on the couch, Charlie says, "Come on guys. I'm sure there's something we can do during the storm. In fact, rainy days are a perfect day for playing board games."

"Boring. That's why they're called board games, they're boring," Conan says.

"They're not boring. They're actually kind of fun," Vaggie says.

"Nah. I rather take a nap," Angel says.

He lets out a yawn and says, "All that rain is making me sleepy."

Soon, Fat Nuggets and Kyuubi soon begin to yawn and are looking very sleepy.

"I'm with you on that guys," Angel says.

Conan, and Grace soon begin to yawn as well.

"I'm feeling a little sleepy too," Grace says.

Phoenix yawns as well, "I'm feeling tired too."

Vaggie then lets out a yawn as well.

Charlie giggles, "It looks like we're all feeling tired from the rain."

"And a certain someone is already fast asleep," Phoenix says.

Everyone looks to see Husk is fast asleep on the reclining chair as he holds an empty bottle of booze.

Niffty giggles, "Looks like Husker is already having a cat nap."

"Husk is practically sleeping most of the time," Phoenix says.

"Which is why it's not easy for us to have an clients wanting to rehabilitate," Vaggie mutters.

"Well well, it looks like the rain is causing those to become a little drowsy," A familiar radio voice says, much to Vaggie's dismay.

The group turns to see Alastor.

"Hi Alastor," Charlie says.

"So what are you all doing?" Alastor asks.

"So far, we haven't come up with anything to do," Conan says.

"And a lot of us are starting to get tired," Phoenix adds.

"Looks to me like you all can use a little entertainment. I'll be more than happy to provide," Alastor says.

"No thanks. Anything that might sound entertaining might only be entertaining for you," Vaggie quickly denies.

"And you better not tell any of your dumb jokes," Conan says.

Then Charlie has an idea, "I know, perhaps we can take this opportunity to do some rehabilitation activities. Like telling each other stories, baking some cookies, or other fun stuff that can help turn our lives around."

"How about something that's not going to make me bore myself to tears," Angel says.

Vaggie growls in anger.

Then Phoenix suggests, "How about we tell some stories?"

"What kind of stories?" Grace asks.

"Know any good ghost stories?" Phoenix asks.

"Ghost stories? Isn't that little kids stuff?" Angel questions.

"Not really. Adults can tell scary stories, too. My friends and I do it all the time with our teachers, and some of our friends and relatives. It kind of sets the mood with the weather we're having," Phoenix explains.

"That might actually be an interesting idea. I'm curious to know the kind of scary stories you all have from the living world. I read that you all have urban legends, myths and frightening stories like uh, BigFoot," Charlie says.

"BigFoot? No one really believes in that stuff anymore," Angel Dust says, rolling his eyes.

"Maybe, but some people still believe in him," Phoenix says.

Then asks, "Anyway, is anyone up for telling scary stories?"

Everyone thinks about it, and at the end, they decide to give the story telling a try. Might as well because they have nothing better to do. So then, everyone gathers in the living room with some food, drinks, and other essentials. They have a few lamps on to have a good setting for telling scary stories. Of course a few of them don't really want to tell stories, mainly Husk and Cloud, and also Vaggie.

Vaggie sighs, "I suppose telling stories is a lot better than doing nothing."

"I think it sounds kind of fun," Charlie says.

She then happily asks, "So, who wants to go first?"

Everyone tries to think and none really speaks up.

Then Phoenix says, "Well, Momoko and I actually know one story."

"Which one?" Momoko asks.

"The one with the abandoned hospital and about the vengeful spirit of a former patient," Phoenix says.

"A vengeful spirit huh? I sure like to hear it," Angel says.

"Yeah. Tell us," Conan says.

"You wanna tell Phoenix, or should I?" Phoenix asks.

"I think you're better at explaining it than I am. I'm too scared to talk about it," Momoko says.

"Alright then. I'll go first," Phoenix says.

With that, everyone sits back and listens to Phoenix who is going to tell the story.

"Okay. The legend actually started when Momoko and I were in middle school, and a kid from our class told this to us," Phoenix says.

She then tells the story, "There was this hospital that seems to have a good reputation, however, there was this female doctor who was known for having a bad reputation, harassing the employees and patients, and there were a lot of rumors when he botched surgeries and operations. Rumor has it that during one late night operation, the doctor botches an operation that ultimately leads to the female patient's death. Further investigation, it turns out the female doctor was having an affair with a female patient's husband and botched the operation on purpose. When the husband confronts her and asks about the rumors, she says, 'And what if it wasn't dearie, I just don't want her to get in the way of our happiness.' The husband was so shocked that he ran away from the house, saying that he never wants to see her again because she is a psycho. The female doctor has no remorse, even when she's being sued. Then one day strange things begin to happen. She finds her clothes shredded, objects begin to nearly fall on her, and she's been seeing the female patient she killed. There's also times when her bed shakes, she is almost pushed on the streets, pushed out of the window of her work, and even almost falls down the stairs."

Everyone begins to grow uneasy and some are actually starting to get scared.

Phoenix continues, "Then one day, two employees decided to come to her house, because she hadn't shown up for the hearing to discuss her punishment. When they entered the house and looked in her room, she found dad. Hanging on the ceiling in her room. Many believe that the spirit has been causing these accidents and showing herself to the doctor to haunt her for eternity, or end up killing her. Others say that the doctor was driven insane and that she committed suicide. No one knows the truth because there was no clues in her room of any suicide. It remains a mystery to this day."

Charlie screams in fear as she hugs Vaggie tightly.

"Oh shit. That actually sounds scary," Conans says.

"Yeah. That's fuckin creepy," Angel says, sweating a bit.

"I have to agree. Sometimes, the scariest thing is the unknown,"Grace says.

"I agree. I think I actually heard of that on the news once. When I was a live anyway," Vaggie says.

Momoko shakes in fear, "It's scarier than I remembered."

Then asks, "By the way, what happened to the hospital?"

"Well, after everything has happened, the hospital was forced to shut down. That place has already been torn down," Phoenix says.

"Really?" Momoko asks.

"Yeah. I remember it happened two years ago. As of now, it's just an empty lot. I heard they're going to put a hotel or a restaurant in its place," Phoenix says.

"Well, at least we don't need to worry about going there, huh," Charlie says, nervously and hugging Vaggie close like a teddy bear.

Vaggie calmly smiles, "Hon, I appreciate that you're looking for me for comfort, but you're giving me a strong bear hug."

"Oops," Charlie says and lets go of Vaggie.

"It's no problem," Vaggie says.

"Anyway, that's actually a good start. I was getting goosebumps," Angel says.

"Who wants to go next?" Momoko asks.

Then Niffty speaks up, "I know one. This is a story of one of my friends when I was alive, who bought the property that had an old vacation home.."

"Yeah? Did something happen?" Grace asks.

"Well, the place was very old, so my friend hired a construction company to have it torn down. However, they had no idea what awaited them. They had no idea something else was in the house at the time," Niffty says as he face starts to get scary.

"Yeah. What happened after that?" Phoenix asks.

"On the day the old house is supposed to be torn down, the construction workers use one of those wrecking balls to tear the house apart and smash it to pieces. And then, they came out of the wrecked out," Niffty says, in a scary tone.

Everyone is soon in suspense.

"What do you mean 'they'?"

"Who?" Phoenix asks.

"Or what?" Zǐ Māo asks.

"It's enormous army of cockroaches," Niffty says.

"An army? Really?" Angel asks, arching an eyebrow.

"Yeah. The cockroaches are like around the size of a baseball, imagine a whole army of them," Niffty says.

"That... is actually creepy," Phoenix says, kind of grossed out.

Momoko sticks her tongue out, "I know. I don't even like cockroaches."

"Neither did my friend. When the cockroach scattered, it was like a giant stampede of horses. The cockroaches even scatter towards the construction workers and my friend and they run away. My friend ends up tripping and falling to the ground, and cockroaches scatter on her, and she lets out a scream in terror. And some of them even cover some of the construction equipment and machines. And it feels like a giant blanket of them cover the entire area," Niffty adds to her story.

Phoenix, Momoko, and Vaggie feel shivers going up their spines.

Angel is really disgusted, "That is really gross. It's more gross than scary."

"You can say that again," Phoenix says.

"That is super gross," Grace says.

"I feel like I'm going to be sick," Conan says, feeling disgusted.

"Well, I'll admit, it's more gross than scary, but you be scared too if you see a whole swarm of cockroaches too," Niffty says.

"I have to agree. If I was this friend of yours, I would have hurried to get the land of the house disinfected. And fast," Phoenix says.

"That's actually what she did exactly. But after that experience, she didn't want to keep the land anymore and decided to sell it. And then moved to a one room apartment. After that, she makes her her apartment and workplace is especially sanitized and clean ever since that experience," Niffty says.

"I don't blame her," Momoko says.

"Well, despite how uh, unpleasant that story was, it was okay all the same," Charlie says, and giggles sheepishly.

She then asks, "So, who wants to go next?"

"Hmm, I wouldn't mind sharing a story or two. If you know what I mean," Angel says with a smirk on his face.

"What are you getting at, Angel?" Phoenix asks.

"Well, since we told a few scary stories, how about I tell you a few stories of my own," Angel says.

Then leans to Conan, "If you understand what I mean, hot stuff."

Conan blushes and grits his teeth with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Open your big mouth about what you're going to tell, I will not hesitate to punch you in the face," Conan angrily says.

"What? I'm sure some of us would like to hear a dirty story or two, especially some of the stories I've done," Angel says.

Momoko quickly covers her ears, "Please, no dirty stories! Please no!" And sings out, "La la la la la la la la...!"

"Relax Momo, we're all too stunned to even consider it," Phoenix replies.

"None of us want to hear about any of your one night stands," Vaggie angrily says.

"I advise against it," Zǐ Māo replies.

"Who the fuck want to hear about your sex stories?" Husk questions and drinks his booze.

"Not me," Grace replies.

"Neither do I. Who want to hear of all the fuckin' shit you do at your work? Save it for your boss. I'm sure he'll be more interested than we are," Conan says.

"He actually sees some of it, dumbass," Angel says.

"And you just proved my point," Conan says.

"Okay okay, enough with the annoying sex and all that junk. How about we try to tell one more story, it's already starting to get a little later," Phoenix says.

Just then, Kyuubi and Fat Nuggets let out a yawn and both begin to feel very sleepy.

Phoenix picks up Kyuubi and places him on her lap. Angel does the same, but rocks the little piggy in his lower arms.

"Maybe now will be a good time to turn in for the night," Charlie says.

"Maybe we can hear just one more story?" Phoenix asks.

"I may be a little scared, but I wouldn't mind one more," Momoko says.

"Sure, whatever," Conan says.

"I don't see why not," Angel says.

"I would like to hear one more," Grace says.

Even Niffty happily nods her head

Then Charlie suggests, "Well, perhaps we still have time for one more story."

"Might as well, so who's going to be the last one to tell a scary story?" Angel replies.

Everyone remains silent because some already told their story, but others simply don't want to.

Suddenly, Alastor speaks up, "I'll tell this last story."

Everyone turns to Alastor with surprised looks on their faces.

"Really? You wanna tell a story?" Grace asks.

"Of course. Hearing some of your stories, I thought it couldn't hurt to tell you one of my own," Alastor says.

"What kind of story do you have in mind, Smiles?" Angel asks.

"Oh, I have this one particular story I would like to share. However, I must advise that what I'm to tell you, is extremely frightening," Alastor says.

"Okay, we'll listen to your story and we'll keep that in mind," Charlie says.

Vaggie sighs, "Just tell us what it is."

"Very well. This story took place around 20 years after I fell into Hell. It's mainly about me and some troubling individuals who have made a brutal and foolish mistake. " Alastor says.

"Um, what kind of mistake," Zǐ Māo asks.

"A few groups of ruffians had the nerve to steal my microphone," Alastor answers.

"Wait, you mean that microphone you always carry around? Someone actually stole it, from you of all people?" Conan asks, shocked.

"Indeed. As I said, it's a foolish mistake on their end," Alastor says, showing a wide devilish grin on their faces.

Chills run in a few of the group's spines. Momoko nervously gulps in reply

Then Alastor explains, "I was in the park and was simply looking around and decided to place my microphone down. Not looking, a sinner foolishly stole it. I was able to catch up with no trouble, little did I realize that they were waiting for an ambush, and one foolish man hit me on my head rather hard..."

As Alastor explains his story, his aura changes and his eyes change with an evil and dark aura and everyone begins to look very nervous. Alastor also mentions how he brutally ends the foolish group and describes what he has done to them in full detail

Sometime later,

Alastor grins and concludes, "And after all that I simply grab my microphone and walk away, with a small bag of tasty meat I might have had. It's not venison, but it will have to do for my appetite."

"So then, what do you all think?" Alastor asks with a smile.

Everyone, including Husk, but excluding Cloud are bundled together as they hug each other in fear.

They all scream in terror, "THAT'S... TERRIFYING!"

"Why thank you," Alastor says.

"Man Al, your scary story is off the charts creepy," Angel says, shaking

"I feel like I'm going to turn white as a sheet," Momomko says, shaking in fear.

Zǐ Māo looks like he's about ready to cry.

"I have to admit, you can be very scary when you need to, Al," Phoenix says, shaking like a leaf.

Hugging Vaggie, Charlie nervously says, "I have to agree. That has to be one of the scariest things I've ever heard.

"Not to mention full of gore and a lot of dead bodies," Conan says, feeling sick to his stomach.

"Why thank you. I must admit, I don't think my story would be that scary. You see dead corpses around Hell every single day," Alastor says.

"Maybe so, but you really describe your carnage towards that group who were foolish enough to rob you," Cloud says.

Vaggie takes a deep breath and calms down, "I think we had enough scary stories. We should probably head to bed."

"Um sure, okay Vaggie," Charlie says.

"Yeah. I think it's a good opportunity to get some shut eyes," Grace says.

"Agree," Angel says.

Agreeing to the idea, everyone decides to head to bed for the night.

Later in the night, Vaggie eyes are wide open with Charlie sleeping next to her, and practically has her arms and legs wrapped around her like a stuffed animal.

Vaggie sighs, "Alright, I agreed when I said that I don't mind Charlie sleeping with me."

Then grows irritated, "But Why did I agree to let you all sleep here?!"

As it turns out, Phoenix, Zǐ Māo, Kyuubi, Momoko, Niffty, Husk, Conan, Grace, and even Angel Dust with Fat Nuggets are sleeping on the same bed as the others. Let's just say that Alastor's story has given them the fright of a lifetime.

Vaggie sighs, "This is going to be a long night."

Vaggie then tries her best to go to sleep, but it's a slow progress.

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