Episode 40: Beach Concert
Day two of the little vacation by the beach, Charlie, Phoenix, and the others are doing what they can to beat the heat. Inside Charlie's family home, the group are sitting inside doing what they can to relax and stay cool. Everyone is practically doing their own thing. Phoenix however, is a little distracted as she thinks about the poster Angel Dust has shown her the other day.
Momoko walks over and sits next to Phoenix on the couch and asks, "What's wrong?"
"Oh it's nothing, just a bit surprised about Verosika is having a concert here of all places today," Phoenix says.
"Why?" Momoko asks, confused.
"Well, I ended up meeting her when I went to the Lust Ring to help Mimzy. Mimzy is actually kind of nice, but since she's a demon, I have to wonder about her dark side," Phoenix says.
"You're not worried about seeing her again?" Angel asks.
"Of course not. I'm just wondering what she's up to besides a concert. And maybe I'm a bit concerned if she ends up seeing me there," Phoenix says.
"I'm sure Verosika wouldn't hurt you. If anything, she might want to see you since you only saw her once," Charlie says.
"You're right," Phoenix replies.
Then Momoko says, "Still, it sounds like fun. A concert at the beach, and a party. Maybe we should go?"
"I'm not sure. It might be a little late to get tickets. The concert is tonight," Phoenix says.
"You're right. There's no way we can get in," Momoko says, disappointed.
"We can always sneak in," Angel says.
"We're not going to sneak in there. From what I read, Verosika is a very popular pop star, there will be a lot of security," Phoenix says.
"Besides, it's really mean, we'll be gatecrashing," Charlie says.
"This is Hell, Phoenix, people gatecrash a lot," Conan says.
"Maybe so but I'm no gatecrasher," Phoenix says.
"Neither am I," Grace says.
"Yeah. You never want to gatecrash," Conan says.
Grace sternly glares at Conan, "And you never gatecrash before either."
"That's true," Conan says, rolling his eyes.
"Still, a concert seems kind of fun. Maybe we should go," Charlie says.
"I don't know Charlie. We might not be able to get tickets, and well, I don't feel comfortable about letting Phoenix getting near a Succubus, famous or not," Vaggie says.
"I say we go," Angel says.
"Me too," Momoko says.
"I don't mind going," Grace says.
"Eh, why not," Conan says, shrugging his shoulders.
"I wanna go," Nifty happily says.
Vaggie sighs, "Fine, we'll go to this concert."
"Okay," Phoenix says.
Then turns to Alastor and Cloud who are reading.
"Hey Alastor, do you and Cloud want to go?" Phoenix asks.
"No thank you my dear. I'm not into what you call pop genre music," Alastor answers.
Then Cloud says, "I'll pass too."
"You can count me out," Husk says.
Zǐ Māo replies, "I don't know. It might be a bit much for me."
"I think it's for you to stay in the house. Knowing Verosika, it's going to be adult rated and all that shit," Angel says.
"Okay," Zǐ Māo replies with a nod.
After discussing the idea, Phoenix, Charlie, and the others walk to the beach area where the concert and beach party is going to be at. There is a post barrier across part of the beach and a few security guards. There are a few tables with bottles of beer, alcohol, wine, and other beverages, along with some food, and a large stage on the beach.
"So this is where the concert is going to be?" Charlie asks.
"It looks like the concert is going to be interesting," Phoenix says.
"And it's going to be a big concert," Niffty says.
Vaggie looks around and wonders, "Hmm, I don't see a place where we can get tickets."
"Maybe we can ask someone if they're still selling tickets," Phoenix says.
Momoko notices someone, "Maybe we can ask him?"
Vortex is a lupine Hellhound with a monotone dark gray color scheme. He also has red sclera with white iris with his right eye. He is extremely muscular and has a scar on his left eye with slightly tattered ears. He also has a black fur pattern on his left arm, in the shape of a wolf's head. He wears a ripped jacket with glowing red spikes and a black undershirt, as well as ripped gray pants.
"A Hellhound, huh? He kind of reminds me of Loona," Phoenix says.
"Loona?" Momoko asks.
"She's a Hellhound I met, and we stayed in touch. We kind of became friends," Phoenix says.
Charlie steps forward, "Better let me ask. Some Hellhounds aren't the friendliest types."
Charlie then walks towards the Hellhound and remains calm.
"Hello, I'm Charlie and um, I would like to know if you are still selling tickets for Verosika Mayday's concert today?" Charlie asks, and gives him a sheepish smile.
"Sorry girl, there are no more tickets. And I'm only acting as security," The Hellhound says.
"Oh okay," Charlie says.
Then turns to the others, "Sorry, I guess the place is sold out."
"I knew it," Vaggie mutters.
"That's cool. We can still listen to the music from our side of the beach," Phoenix says.
"Still, it sucks that we can't go check out the concert," Angel says.
Then Phoenix says, "Come on, let's go."
And the group begins to walk away.
The Hellhound notices Phoenix among the group, "Hmm..."
And says in thought, "So, that's the hybrid girl that Verosika told us about."
Suddenly, someone says, "Well hello, the concert hasn't started and we already got attendees."
The group stop and turn around to see Two Succubi demons. One of them is rather short with black brush side hair wearing gray jeans, a dark shirt, and black boots. The other is tall with black hair, black wings, a black tail and is wearing jean shorts, a red sleeveless hoodie, and boots.
"And it looks like we have a few cuties," The male Incubus says.
Vaggie quickly gets in front of Chalie to protect her as Momoko hides behind Phoenix.
"Uh, who are you two supposed to be?" Phoenix asks.
"My name is Milky, and this is Kat," The Succubus says.
"What's up?" Kat asks.
"Um hello," Momoko replies.
"Um hello. Is there something you need?" Charlie asks, sheepishly.
"Oh nothing, we just happened to notice you and decided to see what it's about," Milky says.
Then turns her Phoenix towards, "And we couldn't help but notice the young hybrid girl being here. Phoenix, correct?"
"Um yes, but how do you know?" Phoenix asks, confused.
"We're acquainted with Verosika, and she told us a bit about you after your small trip at Ozzie's," Kat says.
"Oh is that so?" Phoenix replies.
Then says in thought, "Of course Verosika would tell other demons about this, especially those she associates with."
"Amyway, I'm guessing you're here to see the show, huh?" Kat asks.
"Well, we did hear a concert is going to happen today, but unfortunately, we weren't able to get any tickets because he only heard about it yesterday," Phoenix says.
"Hmm, well that won't do," A familiar voice says.
Everyone looks to see Verosika Mayday walking towards them and is wearing a bikini, and has a bottle of her signature alcohol.
"I'm sure I can pull some strings to get you in," Verosika says.
She then drinks her juice and says, "It's been a while, huh Phoenix."
"Um yeah, Verosika. It has been a while since we met at the Lust Ring," Phoenix says.
"It has," Verosika says.
Then asks, "So what brings you here?"
"We came here to get away from the heat in Pentagram City. It was really hot there," Phoenix says.
"That's not too surprising since it can be hot as hell," Verosika says.
Then mutters, "No pun intended."
"Anyway, hope you have fun at your concert. We gotta get going," Charlie says.
Before they can leave, Verosika says, "Oh, you don't have to worry about a thing. I'll allow you to see my concert."
"Really?" Momoko asks, confused.
Verosika nods her head and says, "Of course, but the group can come if Phoenix attends, and help me with a little something."
"And what will that be?" Phoenix asks.
"Well, all allow you and your little friends to attend my concert, if you're willing to hang out with me and my crew for a short while," Verosika says.
"That's it?" Phoenix asks.
Verosika nods her head in reply.
"I suppose I don't mind hanging out with you for a while, but you and your uh, posse better not do anything weird," Phoenix says.
"Deal," Verosika says.
After agreeing to the deal, Phoenix and the others return to the summer house and talk about the arrangements Phoenix has made with Verosika.
"I can't believe that you agreed to hang out with Verosika and her crew to get us in a concert," Conan says, frustrated.
"I know, but it doesn't seem that bad if I think about it. Besides, I made Verosika promise that she and her little crew wouldn't do anything weird and awkward to me," Phoenix says.
"Yeah, but I don't like the fact that you're going to hang out with a bunch of Succubus," Conan says.
"I have to agree. I'm not comfortable about this, and you did it so we can watch the concert," Charlie replies.
"I understand what you mean, but it will only be for tonight," Phoenix says.
Then shrugs her shoulders, "How bad can it be?"
"That depends on that popstar and her posse's actions. To be honest, I'm a little concerned about you going to her concert, especially you, Phoenix," Cloud says.
"Me? Why?" Phoenix says.
"Because a lot of Succubi and Incubi have an ability called Sexual Inducment," Cloud says.
This makes Phoenix sweating bullets, "Uh, Sexual Inducment? You mean like they trigger uh.." she blushes a bit and says, "You know."
"No, we don't. You don't mind if you finish that sentence," Angel says with a smirk on his face.
Vaggie smacks Angel on the back of his head.
Angel rubs the pain on the back of his head and glares at Vaggie, "What the fuck wat that for?"
"Not helping, Angel," Vaggie sternly says.
"Come on you two, now isn't the time to get in a fight," Grace says.
Then Phoenix turns to Cloud, "So what do you think I should do about their inducement?"
"Well, considering that you have demon blood, so you might have some immunity to Veorsika and her posse spell, but it's also best to not let your guard down around them. Consider this a bit of a trainer to not give in to the temptation," Cloud says.
"Right," Phoenix says.
Charlie then says, "Phoenix, you don't need to do this."
"I know, but I don't mind it. Besides, it's just a little hang out together, right?" Phoenix replies.
But Husk says, "Knowing those kinds of Hellborn demons, it's best to not let your guard down. It will be like going into a den of lions with those kinds of demons."
Phoenix feels a bit deflated, "I just hope it doesn't go that far."
Suddenly, the group hears a knock on the door.
"Who could that be?" Momoko says, confused.
"I have a feeling who it might be," Phoenix says.
Phoenix walks to the door and opens to reveal two Succubi, but those two are different from the ones they have met earlier.
One of them is a darkish red color, with dark red eyes. She also has dark reddish brown curly hair. She will have black wings and a lanky tail. She is wearing a bikini, along with a tank top and fishnet leggings and black boots.
Another has a light red color with dark red eyes. She also has dirty blonde hair in a ponytail, and black wings. She is wearing a sleeveless bikini top and bottom, and high heels. She also has a tattoo on the bottom area of her left leg.
"Hello. Is there something I can do for you?" Phoenix asks.
The curly haired Succubus, says, "Yes. Your name is Phoenix, right?
"Yes," Phoenix says.
"I'm Coco and this is my girl, Apple," The Succubus, Coco says. "Verosika sent us here to see if you like to hang out with her before the show, and to give the others these tickets."
The dirty blonde haired Succubus, Apple brings out the tickets and says, "Yeah. she pulled a few things and was able to get the tickets for you and your friends."
"Um thank you," Phoenix says, and about to take the tickets from Apple.
But Coco says, "But you'll have to come with us. We'll give it to the princess."
"Alright," Phoenix replies with a sigh.
Phoenix turns her head and calls out, "Charlie, can you come here?!"
"Okay," Charlie says.
Charlie walks over to notice the two Succubi at the door.
"Hello. Is there anything I can do for you?" Charlie asks.
Apple presents the tickets to Charlie, making her confused.
Phoenix explains, "Yeah. They're here to give us the tickets, but they want me to hang out with her before the show, so I'll be leaving."
"Oh," Charlie replies. Then becomes a little concerned, "I see."
"Don't worry Charlie, I'll be fine," Phoenix says.
"Okay, but remember to take your phone and your things, in case we need to get in contact with you," Charlie says.
"Alright," Phoenix says.
Then turns to the two Succubi, "Let me get my things."
The two nod their heads.
Moments later, after getting the tickets and Phoenix getting her things, she leaves with Coco and Apple.
Phoenix waves goodbye and says, "I'll see you at the concert."
"Bye," Charlie says.
Then softly says, "Be safe."
Sometime later, Phoenix arrives at the beach where the concert is going to take place. They walk over to the back of the stage to see a few large tents. They walk inside to see Verosika Mayday, along with Kat and Milky, and the other Succubus, Kiki. Along with two other Incubi.
One of them has white hair with black on the back of the head, yellow sclera, black wings and horns, and red skin. He is wearing a choker that has an upside down cross, a black t-shirt and black shorts.
The second has dark hair, bright skin, and a built body. He has yellow sclera with red irises, red and black tail with horns. He is wearing a ripped tank top and black shorts.
Verosika notices Phoenix, much to her delight, "Hello Phoenix, glad you come to join us."
"Yeah. I'm here to hang out," Phoenix says.
Verosika then gestures to Phoenix with her hand and says, "Have a seat so we can have a chat?"
Phoenix sighs and walks inside the tent with Coco and Apple and sits down next to Verosika.
"So Phoenix, how was your life in Hell? I suspected that you lived on earth for most of your life," Verosika says.
"How do you know that?" Phoenix asks.
"Well, you became a well known hybrid, but you were never talked about before until the end of the extermination. Now you became a celebrity after fighting with a Porn Star and a well known sinner, and heard that you fought a monster," Verosika says.
Then turns to Phoenix with a smirk, "That powerful demon that's been battling these shadowy creatures was you, correct?"
Phoenix nervously giggles, "I guess the secret is kind of out. Yep, that's me."
"Thought so," Verosika says.
She drinks her bottle and asks, "So what are you doing hanging out with the princess at her little hotel for her silly project."
"Well, it's a bit of a long story that will be difficult to say, nor that I could say it. And her project isn't as silly. I mean, there isn't proof that demons can get into Heaven, but I don't think it's that impossible. Even though they say being sent to Hell is permanent," Phoenix says.
"Aww how sweet. You're standing up to the princess," The Succubus, Kiki says.
"Is she your lover?" Apple asks.
Phoenix blushes red and exclaims, "What?!" And panics, "No no no no! You got it all wrong! She's well uh, she's actually my, well..."
"She's your cousin, right?" Verosika asks with a mischievous grin on her face.
This shocked Phoenix.
Then slowly turns to Verosika, "How... how did you know that?"
"Oh, Ozzie kind of told me and Fizzarolli about it. Plus, I'll be appearing at the ball as well so it will be best for me to know about it sooner or later," Verosika answers.
"He what?!" Phoenix exclaims in shock.
Then says, "That's something he should do on his own."
"Oh, demons, royals, overlord, elites, and other demons will be spreading this information all over Hell. You're already a celebrity already, but it will be quite the shocker to find out you're the niece of the head ruler of Hell himself," Verosika says.
Phoenix sighs, "Yeah. I suppose you're right. I don't think I'm going to get used to demons treating me like a princess."
"Not everyone is going to care, but you are quite a cute girl," Coco says.
"Especially with that fiery hair," Apple says.
Phoenix blushes and says, "Uh thanks, believe it or not, but it's really natural. It came from my father."
Then the Incubus, Kar leans to Phoenix and asks, "You wanna have a little little kiss, cute?"
"That's kind, but um, I'm already seeing someone," Phoenix says, embarrassed.
"Aww, you're seeing someone. I envy the lucky one who manages to score a date with you," Verosika says.
Phoenix tries to remain calm to avoid her embarrassment and says in thought, "Keep calm Phoenix, keep calm. Just relax, you're just hanging out with her."
"What's wrong? Are you embarrassed?" Verosiak asks, and leans to Phoenix with seductive eyes.
Phoenix tries to answer, "I uh, no. Not at all."
"Aww, look at her. She's so cute when she's embarrassed," Coco says.
"No. Shut up," Phoenix says, trying to remain calm.
She takes a deep breath and says, "Please."
Verosika and the group laugh and chuckle to see Phoenix is embarrassed.
"Oh come now, don't be so nervous. We won't bite, much," Verosika says.
Then leans really close to Phoenix, making her cheeks turn red.
"I-I-I-I..." Phoenix says, and practically lies down on the couch with her face turning red.
Verosika chuckles and says, "Oh dear, I think the girl is about ready to faint." she and the others chuckle with grins on their faces.
Phoenix sits up and shakes her head as her face is no longer red.
She sighs and says, "I think I need to get going. Your concert will be starting soon, right?"
"Actually, my concert will be starting in a few hours," Verosika says, looking at her phone.
Phoenix mutters, "Crap."
She then slumps on the couch and asks herself in the open, "How Blitz managed to date a Succubus and a popstar is beyond me."
"Blitz? You mean, Blitzo?" Veoriska questions.
"Yeah. I met him a few times. I kind of started to become friends with his daughter Loona," Phoenix says.
"Really. However, I guess you try to stay clear of Blitzo," Veorsika says, sounding frustrated.
"Why? I mean, I know he was a bit annoying, but he seems okay. Kind of," Phoenix sighs.
Then mutters, "Alright, maybe he is annoying."
"You don't know the half of it, but let's not bring him into it," Verosika says.
Phoenix sighs, "Alright. I can sense a bit of bad vibes coming from you. From what I remember from meeting up with Loona and the others, You and Blitz had a bit of a falling out."
"Girl you have no idea," Verosika says, rolling her eyes.
Sometime later, Charlie, along with Vaggie, Conan, Grace, Momoko, and nifty arrive at the beach where the concert is. They look to see so many different Sinners and Hellborn demons are already there, and excited to see the concert at the beach.
"Looks like a lot has already shown up," Charlie says.
"Fuck. There are so many who are going to the concert. Then again, Verosika is a popstar big shot," Angel says.
"We better get in line before it gets too big," Charlie says.
The group then begins to walk towards the line, but then someone calls out, "Hey, you're the princess with the hybrid girl, right?"
The group turn their heads to see the Hellhound from before.
"Um yes. That's us," Charlie says.
Then asks, "So what's your name?"
"Vortex," The Hellhound says.
"It's nice to meet you. So, is there something you need?" Charlie replies.
"Yes. I was asked by Verosika to let you in through," Vortex then, and show open the barrier to allow them in.
"Oh thank you," Charlie says.
The group walk in and show Vortex their tickets. They walk inside to see demons are listening to music that is already dancing, having goods and drinks, and kind of going crazy with so much alcohol.
Charlie and the others walk past the crowd and soon reach in front of the stage.
"I actually can't wait for the show to start," Momoko says.
"Yeah. I kind of can't wait for the concert to start too," Charlie says.
Vaggie then says, "I hope Phoenix is alright with being with Verosika before the show starts."
"Me too, but I'm sure she's okay," Charlie says.
Suddenly, they also hear Phoenix's voice, "Charlie! Vaggie! Guys!"
Everyone turns to see Phoenix walking towards them.
"Hi Phoenix, how are you doing? Momoko asks.
"How did things go with Verosika?" Angel asks.
"It went alright, although it was blushing a bit like crazy," Phoenix says.
"Did something happen?" Charlie asks.
"A few things, but nothing too serious," Phoenix answers.
"That's a relief. I was worried that they might have done something," Momoko says in relief.
Phoenix sighs, "If everything is a lot smoother, I wouldn't worry too much about it."
"Why's that?" Charlie asks.
"They know you and I are related. Apparently Ozzie told them about it," Phoenix says.
She sighs, "I don't care anymore. Everyone is going to find out eventually."
"I suppose it's bound to happen," Charlie says.
"Yeah. Even my boss learned about it. So much for keeping all this a secret," Angel says.
"I know," Phoenix says.
Then Charlie says, "Don't worry, I'm sure everything will turn out fine. Remember, the ball will be coming up so everything will be over with very soon."
"I hope you're right," Phoenix replies.
Suddenly, Verosika comes on the stage, "Alright, sinners and demons!" and walks on the stage holding a microphone and holds her beverage, "Y'all ready to get fucked up and make some BITCHIN' BAD CHOICES?!"
Soon, all the sinners and Hellborn demons from Imps and other Hellborns cheer and scream in excitement.
Verosika then says through the microphone, "This is your final boarding call, All aboard..."
Phoenix and the others watch to see Verosika's performance.
Verosika Mayday:
Pack your bags.
Sun's out.
Take a vacay, babe.
Take it straight to bone town.
Verosika then drinks her beverage on the stage.
Verosika Mayday:
V-time, free time, baby relax.
Self care, no hair, Brazilian wax.
Hornt up succu-bus to the beach.
Catch some rays while catching some D.
All the demons and sinners are excited and dance to the music. Some of the couples even start making out.
Verosika Mayday:
Pack your bags.
Sun's out.
Phoenix says, "Verosika sure has interesting lyrics."
"You have no idea," Vaggie says.
Verosika Mayday:
Take a vacay, babe.
Take it straight to bone town.
"Yeah, but that's kind of a thing in Hell," Charlie says.
Then Angel says, "Especially with Succubus. They do stuff involve sex and such."
"Like what you do," Conan says.
Verosika Mayday:
Hot dog, hot bod, sausage and buns
Threesome, fivesome, having some fun
"Oh ha ha. Very funny," Angel says, annoyed.
"Now now, let's not get into a fight," Momoko nervously says.
"She's right we're here to have a good time," Chalice says.
Verosika Mayday:
Back to my place, welcome to Hell
Souls out, hormones out, how does it smell?
Phoenix looks at the stage to see Verosika singing and performing. Verosika looks at her and winks her right eye at her. Phoenix ends up blushing in reply.
Verosika Mayday:
Pack your bags.
Sun's out.
Take a vacay, babe.
Take it straight to bone town.
Late in the night, practically around midnight, Phoenix and the others return to the summer house after having time at the concert. Everyone walks inside and is tired.
Grace yawns, "I'm so tired."
"I know. That concert was good, but rather... extreme," Phoenix says.
"Try being around horny demons everytime you go out," Conan says.
"I don't see what the big issue is, at last we had a good time at the concert," Angel says.
"Yeah. We should get to sleep. We still have one day at the beach and we'll be heading back to the hotel the day after tomorrow," Charlie says.
"Yeah. Night everyone," Phoenix says.
"Goodnight," Everyone replies.
Soon, everyone heads to their rooms and turns in for the night.
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