Episode 4: Demon Cousins Meeting

Back at the studio, the battle of Charlie Magne vs. Katie Killjoy is still going on. The demons standing by watching the fight as they chant.

Suddenly, the TV turns on and announces, "Breaking news viewers! Shadow creatures have attacked the West side of Pentagram City during the Turf War that almost crushed Cherri Bomb and Angel Dust! But coming to their rescue, a human demon hybrid with fire hair, wing, and powers torch the shadow creature to ashes! And to prove it. We got an exclusive clip from her epic battle. Sadly, we don't have any sound, but who cares! That battle was fuckin' EPIC!"

The battle and the chanting come to a stop to see the clip of Phoenix who has transformed and is fighting the shadow creatures. Every Demon all over Hell is in shock, especially Charlie.

"I was right... that is Phoenix." Charlie whispers shocked.

She then kicks Katie away and hurries out of the spotlight. She grabs Vaggie and the two small demons and hurry out of the studio as fast as possible.

As they reach the limo, Vaggie says, "I guess we found your cousin."

"Yeah. And Angel and that young demon are with her, and his friend, Cherri Bomb," Charlie says.

"Leave it to Angel to get himself and your cousin into trouble," Vaggie says.

"We don't fully know what happened, but right now, we need to find them before any demon tries to come after her.

In the streets of the west side Pentagram City, Angel Dust, Phoenix and Zǐ Māo say goodbye to Cherri Bomb and begin to make their way to who knows where. Phoenix is able to change back to her original form and along with the others, trying to find the Happy Hotel. The group is walking down the alley to take a shortcut.

Phoenix asks as she pulls her suitcase, "Hey Angel, you said you know how to get to the hotel?"

"Yeah. I know how. It's kind of a long way, but we'll get there by nightfall," Angel says.

Zǐ Māo yawns, "I'm getting a little tired.

"Angel, maybe we should go find a taxi or something?" Phoenix suggests.

"Yeah. Whatever," Angel says.

Angel Dust walks out of the alley and to the sidewalk. He holds out four of his fingers from his four fingers to hitch a ride.

In the white limo, Charlie and Vaggie look out the window from different sides to find Phoenix and Angel Dust along with the other two demons.

"Do you see them, Vaggie?" Charlie asks, concerned.

"No. I don't. You think a Spider and a girl with fire hair will stick out," Vaggie says.

"I know. Maybe they're hiding after the fight," Charlie says.

Vaggie rolls her eye, "Yeah. Thanks for Angel getting her involved in that Turf War."

"Now Vaggie, let's not jump to conclusions yet. For all we know, they might have got to the war by accident," Charlie says.

"Angel Dust no. Your cousin and those other two demons, yes," Vaggie says.

Charlie says, worried, "I hope we find them."

Back at the sidewalk, Phoenix and the others are waiting to get a ride, but the cars drive past them.

"I guess we're not going to get a ride," Zǐ Māo replies.

"We'll wait for a few more minutes. If not, then we'll have to walk to the hotel," Angel says.

"That does seem like the only option we have. I really don't feel like walking around with other demons," Phoenix says, looking around to see demons walking around.

"Don't worry, just stay close and don't say a word to anyone," Angel says.

Still searching on the road in the limo, Charlie and Vaggie are still looking out for Phoenix and the others.

Charlie happily points out, "Look! There they are!"

"Driver! Stop the limo!" Charlie calls out.

The limo begins to come to a stop next to the sidewalk where Angel is. Angel steps back to see the white limo stopping in its tracks.

"It's about time," Angel says.

The door to the limo opens and Charlie is the first to walk out. Vaggie walks out behind her.

"There you are. We've been looking all over for you," Charlie says.

"Yeah, but here we are. We're all in one piece," Angel says.

Vaggie glares at Angel, "You're in trouble mister!"

"What?" Angel asks, shrugging his shoulders.

Phoenix with Kyuubi on her shoulder and Zǐ Māo walk to see Charlie.

"Hey Charlie, it's nice to finally meet you," Phoenix says.

Charlie hugs Phoenix and says, "I'm so happy to meet you too. You're even prettier in person."

"Uh thanks," Phoenix says.

Then Charlie takes Phoenix's suitcase, "I'll help get your suitcase in the trunk."

Phoenix decides to help and put the suitcase in the trunk. Phoenix turns to see Angel and Vaggie entering the limo. Zǐ Māo looks concerned and doesn't say a word.

Charlie walks with Phoenix to the limo, "Okay, we'll head back to the hotel and we'll get a room ready for you."

"Wait, can he come with us," Phoenix asks, turning to the young cat demon.

Charlie turns to see the little cat demon and smiles, "Awww! You're so cute. Who are you?"

"I... I... I'm Zǐ Māo, it's nice to meet you... you're highness. Phoenix told me you are doing a Rehabilitation Project and I, um, want to take part... if it's okay," Zǐ Māo says, nervously.

Charlie smiles and says, "Of course we can. We'll have a room set up when we get to the hotel."

"Thank you," Zǐ Māo says, shly

After that, everyone is in the limo as it drives them to the hotel. Charlie sadly lets out a sigh as Zǐ Māo is laying his had on Phoenix's lap. Phoenix pets the little cat on his head as Kyuubi is sitting next to her. Charlie then turns her head to see Vaggie giving Angel Dust a vicious glare and her eye twitch. On the other side, Angel Dust is pushing the switch up and down to open and close the window connection to the front seat. Angel then stops to see everyone looking at her and Vaggie narrows her eyes with a vicious glare.

Angel asks, "What?"

Vaggie questions in rage, "What? What?!"

"What were you doing?!" Vaggie screams and pulls pieces of her hair off.

Angel sighs, "I owed my girl buddy a solid!"

"Isn't that a 'redeeming quality'? Helping friends with stuff?" Angel adds in sarcasm.

"Not with turf wars that result in territorial genocide!" Vaggie angrily scolds.

Angel, who doesn't seem to care, leans his head back to the closed window with his upper hands behind.

"Eh, you win some, you lose a few hundred," Angel says with a snicker.

Then adds, "It wasn't that bad anyway."

He then continues to play with the switch for the window.

"How can you be so calm after what happened?" Phoenix asks, confused.

The next moment, Vaggie throws a dagger at the switch, breaking it and causing Angel to jump back. Then turns to see Vaggie narrowing her eyes at him.

"Aw come on, I had to! My credibility was on the line!" Angel says, brushing his hair back.

He sighs and says, "I mean, what kind of reputation would I have if people found out I was trying to go clean?"

"It just throws out my entire persona," Angel adds as he fluffs up his furry chest.

Not convinced, Vaggie angrily says, "Your credibility? What about the hotel? Your little stunt made us look like a fuckiing joke!"

"No no no, babe. Jokes are funny! I made you look... uh, sad! And pathetic!" Angel says, as he changes his position on the chair.

Then Angel continues, "Like an orphan, with no arms, or legs..."

However, every time Angel opens his mouth, Charlie holds her hair and feels bad.

"Uh... oh, with progeria!" Angel adds, making Charlie feel worse with a whimper and hides her face behind her air.

Phoenix glares at Angel, "Angel Dust, you're not making this any better for her."

"Great! Now I'm bummed thinking about it!" Angel replies, laying the chair.

Then begins to look around, "This thing have any liquor?"

Angel soon begins to look around for anything he can drink.

Vaggie asks, "Can you please just try to take this seriously?"

"Fine, I'll try, just don't get your taco in a twist, baby," Angel says, laying on the chair and snaps his finger towards Vaggie.

Offended, Vaggie stands up and demands, "Was that you trying to be sexist or racist?"

"Whatever pisses you off more," Angel says with a groan.

Then complains, "Is there seriously no liquor in here?"

"How can you think about liquor after everything that has happened?" Phoenix asks.

Vaggie sits down next to Charlie with her arms crossed, "I'm gonna kill him."

"Too late, toots," Angel says.

Then Angel thinks out loud, "Wait, would that make me double dead?"

He slightly laughs and says, "And where exactly do I go, to double Hell?"

That cause Vaggie to glare at him, like she is ready to kill him.

Angel continues to laugh and says, "Sorry, you're stuck with me, bitch."

"Get used to it," And concludes with his arms crossed.

Vaggie grits her teeth in rage as she swears, "Come mierda malparido!"

Phoenix and Charlie lean back with concern on their faces. They fear Vaggie is about ready to explode.

"Listen, who cares if some jagoffs got hurt? Most of them are ugly freaks. Look around! Got a bunch of fuckin' harlequin babies down here," Angel says, and leans towards the window. Then begins to laugh.

"You're one to talk," Vaggie mutters.

Which is enough for Angel to hear, "Hey!"

"This body is flawless!" Angel says, placing his hand on his leg.

"Everyone wants some of me, and I've got the creepy fan letters to prove it!" Angel adds as he fluffs up his chest and takes out a letter.

The letter simply says, 'Show Me You FEET!" -Bryrin #1 FANCRITC.' Next to the message is a photo of a man without his face shown, and hugging a body pillow that has Angel Dust on it. Vaggie growls in anger.

"Yeah. That is creepy," Zǐ Māo says, dumbfounded.

Phoenix nervously says, "I think you should have a restraining order. In fact, I'm positive."

"That was really uncool y'know, Angel," Charlie says.

"Uncool?!" Vaggie questions in rage.

Then shouts in anger, "After that trainwreck, there is no way anyone is gonna wanna stay at the hotel! Worst of all, every demon in Hell knows that there is a human/demon hybrid in hell!"

"All thanks to you and your selfish bullshit!" Vaggie shouting, blaming Angel.

"Does that mean I don't have a free room anymore?" Angel asks.

Vaggie simply gives him an 'Are you Serious' expression on her face.

Angel sighs with a mocking tone, "Ah, well, shucks." and snaps his fingers.

"Hey, come on, we don't know if things are over yet," Charlie says, taking off her jacket.

Then places her hand on Vaggie's shoulder, "Try to relax, Vaggie. It'll be okay!"

"I sure hope so," Vaggie says.

Phoenix turns to Vaggie, "So you're Vaggie. Charlie told me a lot about you. You're actually very sweet for a sinner."

"Thanks. And it's nice to meet you. I have to say, I'm surprised that Charlie told me she has a Human hybrid as a cousin," Vaggie says.

"Wait, you and Charlie are related?" Angel asks.

"Yes. I am. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I didn't want you to make a big fuss," Phoenix says.

"So if you're related to Charlie, does that make you a princess?" Zǐ Māo asks.

"I don't know about that?" Phoenix asks, embarrassed.

"Well, Uncle Satan is your dad after all," Charlie says.

"Satan? You mean Lord Satan is your dad?" Zǐ Māo asks, surprised.

"He is," Phoenix says.

"I heard of him, isn't he supposed to be a big hot shot. I heard he's almost as powerful as your dad," Angel replies.

"That's right. And Phoenix his daughter. As for her mom, she's a human woman named Momiji Jeno," Charlie says.

"What kind of name is that?" Angel asks, confused.

"I believe it's Japanese," Zǐ Māo replies.

"That's right," Phoenix says.

Angel then asks, "So what's so bad about Phoenix being a hybrid? You saw one, you see them all."

"Well Angel, a Hybrid of human and demon blood hasn't been seen in centuries. Depending on their abilities they receive from both parents, age, and raw power, they can become very powerful demons, or in some cases, powerful weapons," Charlie says, sounding concerned.

"Yeah. Any demon will want that kind of power, and will do what it takes to their claws, tentacles, and hands on that kind of power," Vaggie says.

"So in other words, I'll be a walking target," Phoenix says, with a groan.

"Sadly it's true. If any demon or even an Overlord finds you. They... they'll keep you for themselves. You'll be worth more than anything for their eyes. And that is what your father doesn't want. He wants you to have a normal life, that's one of the reasons why he wanted to wait until you're the right age to gain your powers, to make sure you had a normal life," Charlie says.

"I guess it makes a lot more sense. I know my mom said he wanted to protect me and her, but I never expected him to want to give me a normal life on earth before coming here. I guess living in Hell will become the new normal," Phoenix says.

"Define normal," Angel says.

"I'm sure we'll try our best to help Phoenix live as normal as possible, and to keep her away from any demon or Overlord," Vaggie says.

"And I'll be sure you have the best time. Cherri and I know the best places to hang out," Angel says.

"Just don't let us get involved in another Turf War," Phoenix says.

"Yeah. We don't need another problem on our hands," Vaggie says.

"Whatever," Angel replies.

The hotel door opens and everyone begins to walk inside. They walk inside the hotel. There is a welcome sign with balloons and streamers on the ground. Vaggie groans as she sits on the chair. Zǐ Māo sighs in exhaustion and sits on the other couch, and Phoenix sits next to him with Kyuubi sitting on her lap.

Angel Dust walks to the fridge and opens it to take a box of posies. Charlie then sits on a wooden box close by.

Angel Dust takes a popsie out and begins to eat it, "It's probably a good idea to get some actual food in this place. Y'know, to feed all the wayward souls ya got in here."

He laughs, but becomes nervous to see Charlie having a frown on her face. He shrugs and walks away to finish his dessert. Charlie sadly turns to the door and decides to head outside.

Phoenix notices Charlie walking outside and wonders "Where she's going?"

Charlie walks outside and closes the door. Phoenix walks to the door and leans to the door to listen in on the conversation. Outside, Charlie takes out her phone and presses the button that has the word 'Mom' on it. Sadly, she hears the voice mail tone.

Charlie says, "Hey Mom. Um, I know I keep calling, and you must be busy. Really busy.

But um, the interview didn't go well and..."

She then sits down, "I don't know if I'm going to make a difference."

She rubs her eyes, "I don't know what I'm doing. I could really use some advice, Mom."

She then sadly says, "I think Dad was right about me."

Charlie stands up, "A-anyway, I'll stop talking before this gets long. Love you! Bye."

She then presses the button on the phone and hangs up. She then walks inside the hotel and closes the door. She leans her head back and shuts her eyes in sadness.

Phoenix sits down next to Charlie, "Hey Charlie, you feeling okay?"

"No. Not really," Charlie admits, sadly.

"I heard what you said and I'm sorry the interview didn't go well," Phoenix says.

"Thanks," Charlie says.

"You're welcome. You remember how I supported your idea to start the Hotel for Demons," Phoenix says.

"Yes. I remember. I'm glad that you believe in my dream to help demons, but none of them seem interested," Charlie says.

"I'm sure there are some who are interested. Sure most of them don't seem like they don't want to change, but that's their loss. You just need to remember to have faith that your idea is going to work and I promise to help you in any way I can," Phoenix says.

"Thanks, but you've already been seen on the news. You'll be a walking target. And if anyone were to find out you're my uncle's daughter" Charlie says.

"I'm not scared. I took on Sir Pentious and his eggs, and I transformed and defeated the shadow creatures. I think I can handle those other demons," Phoenix says.

"I suppose," Charlie says.

Charlie then looks at Phoenix to notice the bandage wrapped around Phoenix's wrist.

Charlie asks, "So, what happened to your wrist?"

Phoenix looks at her wrist, "Oh that... I kind of got myself into a little trouble when I first came here."

"What happened?" Charlie asks.

"Well, I got the scratch when I stop some strange looking angel or something with an x over one eye, and horns on its head who was trying to take Zǐ Māo's life..." Phoenix says.

"What?!" Charlie and Vaggie exclaim in shock.

"Uh, what's wrong?" Phoenix asks.

"That Angel... I... I think it was an Exterminator," Charlie says, concerned.

Angel says surprised and yet, interested, "Whoa ho ho, an Exterminator. You actually stop an Exterminator from taking the kid's life."

"I did. I had no idea he was an Exterminator, I thought he was another demon trying to hurt him. Charlie told me about them, but I never knew what they look like. But when they saw my bracelet, they seem to know my dad and left me alone, and didn't bother with Zǐ Māo anymore," Phoenix says.

Vaggie groans and lays on the couch, "You sure are one strange human, well also a demon."

"I was trying to help, even though it does get me hurt a few times," Phoenix says.

"You got guts, kid," Angel says, and begins to suck on his treat.

Charlie turns to Phoenix, "Well, enough about that. How about we start by getting a room set up for you and Zǐ Māo room and he can start with his Rehabilitation."

Suddenly, they hear the sound of knocking. They turn around to hear someone knocking on the door. Charlie and Phoenix are worried to know who is at the door. Phoenix steps back a bit as Charlie grabs the knob and opens the door.

The one who answers is a very tall and thin being that looks like a man. He is wearing a bright red dress shirt with two black marks that crossed each other, a dark red pinstripe coat along with burgundy pants, a red-knotted bow tie, and black shoes. He is holding a can with a sentient vintage style microphone attached to it. He is showing a large grin showing sharp teeth.

He opens his eyes to show them glowing with the microphone and shows to be wearing a monocle. His skin is gray and his hair is red and black tufts that resemble ears of a deer and small black antlers.

Charlie and Phoenix are stunned to see the unexpected visitor. Especially Charlie because she knows who he really is.

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