Episode 39: Hellish Beach
One day in Hell, 'Hot as Hell' that is usually a saying that Humans say when it's hot outside during the summer. However in Hell, it's 'Hot as Hell,' it's more literal. It's very hot outside in Hell that many demons prefer to be inside a building or a shaded place as possible.
In the Hazbin Hotel, the place is just as hot as well. Everyone is practically wearing light colored clothes. They wear clothes like shorts, skirts, sleeveless shirts or tank tops, and other kinds of clothes in order to stay cool. However, they're still sweating bullets and barely able to move.
Phoenix fans herself with a fan, "It's so hot."
"I know. I feel like I'm going to melt," Momoko says.
Angel grunts in frustration, "Shit. I'm fuckin cooking in here."
Then turns to Charlie, "Hey Charlie, can you turn on the fuckin air conditioner or something."
"I'm sorry guys, but the air conditioner's broken. It overheated," Charlie says, regretfully.
Angel sighs in frustration, "Forget it, I'm too fuckin hot to many any arguments."
"I know. And I'm too hot and tired to think of scolding you," Vaggie says, annoyed.
"It's too hot to do anything," Conan replies, lying on the ground.
Then turns to see the fox and pig lying on the ground and are too tired to move.
"Even Fat Nuggets and Kyuubi are too hot and tired to do anything," Grace says and lets out a sigh.
"So does Niffty," Phoenix says and turns to see Niffty lying on the other couch and sweating bullets.
"You're right. Niffty is not being her energetic self," Conan says.
Niffty sighs, "It's too hot to clean up. Plus, everytime I try using a cleaning spray, it shoots fire."
"That's ridiculous Niffty. Cleaning supplies don't do that," Conan says.
"Are you sure about that?" Phoenix questions, "It's Hell. And everyone says the same about demons and magic until they end up here."
"Touche," Conan replies.
"Still, it can't be that bad, is it?" Charlie replies.
"I'll show you," Nifty says.
Nifty brings out a cleaning spray and aims it to the window. She tries to spray, fire instantly comes out of it like a flamethrower, catching everyone by surprise and shock. Even the animals become startled by the sudden burst of flames.
"I see what you mean," Vaggie says, dumbfounded.
Phoenix groans and says, "Man, this is hot. I know people exaggerate when they say it's 'Hot as Hell,' but this is ridiculous. It's too bad there isn't a beach here, then we won't have to worry about being burned alive here."
This ends up giving Charlie an idea and happily says, "Hey, I have an idea. Maybe we can go to my family's vacation home. What do you think?"
"A vacation home?" Phoenix says, confused.
"Um yeah. Well, it's more like a small mansion if anything, but either way, it's a great place to go to. And it's actually a beach with an ocean and everything," Charlie says with a big grin on her face.
"Wait, there's an actual beach in Hell?" Phoenix asks, confused.
"Um yeah. I understand the confusion because Hell doesn't seem like it's a place for beaches if you read the books in the human world. Either way, there's a beach and other fun places to go to. So what do you all think? Wanna go to the beach?" Charlie asks.
Niffty happily cheers, "Yaaaaay! The beeeeeaaaaach!"
"I suppose so," Vaggie says, shrugging her shoulders.
"Sounds cool," Conan says.
"Yeah. Sounds like a good idea. It's been too hot to work at the studio," Angel says.
Then Phoenix turns to Husk, "Hey Husk, you wanna go to the beach?"
Husk sighs and says, "If you guys are planning on going, I'm guessing there's no stopping me from not going. Besides, I know a certain annoying red deer would pester me if I didn't."
"Did somebody mention me?" A certain radio voice questions.
The group turns to see Alastor and to their surprise, he isn't wearing his usual red coat. Well, he's wearing his red short sleeve shirt, with red slacks, and his usual shoes.
"Hey Alastor, we're planning to go to the beach. You wanna come?" Phoenix asks.
Alastor laughs and says, "Why of course my dear. It has been a long while since I've gone. In fact, reports say that it's going to be quite hot for the past few days."
"Now that's settled. We can have a vacation at the beach for a few days. Let's get our things together so we can leave right away," Charlie says.
Then brings out her phone, "I just need to let my parents know that we'll be using the summer house."
And so after making the call and gathering some of their things, the Hazbin Hotel crew head off to the beach. Luckily the limo has air conditioning so they'll be cooled off until they get there.
Angel relaxes and sighs, "At least your car has some air conditioning."
"At least we get to cool off for a little while," Conan says.
"So have any of you guys even been to a beach here before?" Phoenix asks.
"I actually did to be honest. Did a couple of shoots and scenes at the beach before," Angel says.
Phoenix is sweating bullets, "I don't think I want to know what kind of photos and scenes you do on the beach."
"Relax, it's just some swimsuit wear modeling, kissing scenes, and some bondage scenes, nothing too serious," Angel says.
"I sometimes wonder how you can handle all that, especially with Valentino as your boss," Conan replies.
Angel sighs, "Believe me, I sometimes wonder about that myself."
Then Zǐ Māo shyly asks, "Are we at the beach yet?"
"Not yet, but we're almost there," Charlie says.
"If you don't mind me asking, what is the beach in Hell like?" Phoenix asks.
"I'm curious about it too. I've actually never been to a beach before. Not even when I was alive," Zǐ Māo replies.
"Don't worry, I'm sure we're going to have a lot of fun at the beach," Phoenix says.
"I sure hope so," Zǐ Māo replies, feeling unsure.
Sometime later, the group arrives in Charlie's summer house. Well, it looks more like a small mansion. The building is two stories tall, and it's wide enough to fit a small party inside the building. It's actually made of sturdy material, including wood. The building is red with a black roof, and it also has a porch. It's also perfect because it's next to the beach. To Phoenix's surprise, the beach is actually made of yellow sand, except the ocean here is a rather red color.
"Hmm, the beach seems to look pretty normal," Phoenix says.
"Well, not exactly, some demons do live under water, including Hell like sea beast," Charlie says.
"Really? Is there a Kraken or something?" Phoenix asks.
"Not exactly," Conan replies.
"What's a Kraken?" Angel asks, arching an eyebrow.
"A legendary squid monster," Momoko answers.
"Oh," Angel replies.
"Well then, let's get ourselves settled and head to the beach," Charlie happily says.
Moments later, the group head inside Charlie's family summer house and are able to place their things in their rooms. Once settled, the group changes into their swimsuits and head out to the beach to have some fun. Of course, the group set up the beach spot by placing their towels, large umbrellas, and other supplies on the sandy beach, along with getting themselves ready. Luckily, it's not long, so some of them decide to go have some fun.
Phoenix walks to Charlie, Vaggie, Momoko, and Zǐ Māo with Kyuubi by her side.
She then asks, "Hey guys, you wanna go play in the water?"
"Sure," Charlie happily says.
"Eh, okay," Vaggie says.
"I don't mind. I think it will be fun," Momoko says.
Zǐ Māo however, feels a little nervous, "I don't know. I have never been swimming before."
"Don't worry, we won't go too far in, and I'll stay with you the whole time," Phoenix says.
"Um okay," Zǐ Māo shyly replies with a nod.
Phoenix turns to see Angel, Grace, Conan, and Cloud are staying either under the umbrella or just lying on the beach towels. Well, mainly Angel is lying down on the town and wearing sunglasses, and Fat Nuggets is sleeping next to him, and wearing matching sunglasses.
Phoenix walks over and asks, "Hey guys, aren't you going in the water with us?"
"Sorry, but my wings can't really handle being wet," Grace says.
"Sorry toots, but the only soaking this body is going to get is some sun rays," Angel says.
"Nah," Conan says.
"I'll pass too," Cloud says.
Then Vaggie notices, "Wait, where's Alastor, Niffty, and Husk."
"As usual, Husk is drinking his booze in the house," Conan says.
"I think Alastor is reading a book in the house," Cloud says.
"I think Niffty is grabbing something," Grace says.
Suddenly, they hear Niffty's voice, "I'm here."
The group look to see Niffty rushing down the stairs and to the area with a box that has a picture of a volleyball set and a volleyball. And places it down next to the towel Angel Dust is laying on.
"I just got the volleyball set. Think we can all play?" Niffty happily replies.
"Sure, but we're going out for a swim first," Phoenix says.
Then Charlie asks, "You wanna come with us?"
"Sure. I love to go for a swim," Niffty says.
Soon, the group begins to have some fun in the water. Phoenix is also staying close to the shore with Zǐ Māo, who is wearing some water wings for kids. Kyuubi runs and barks at the waves, and then runs away from the waves as it gets close to him.
Phoenix asks Zǐ Māo, "Are you doing okay?"
"I guess so. I'm just unsure about going in the water," Zǐ Māo says as a little bit of the wave splash on him.
"Don't worry, we're in shallow waters so you don't need to worry," Phoenix says.
"Okay," Zǐ Māo replies.
Charlie walks to Phoenix and asks, "Hey Phoenix, what kind of fun do you and your friends have at the beach?"
"Oh, we play volleyball, make sand castles, look for shells, depending if there's a summer festival nearby we attend, and even Suikawari," Phoenix answers.
"Suikawari?" Charlie says, confused.
Even Vaggie walks over with a confused look, "What's that?"
"Suikawari. I love that game. I haven't played it in a while," Momoko happily says.
"I know right," Phoenix says.
"What is Suikawari?" Charlie says.
"Maybe it will be best to show you. Lucky for us, we got ourselves a few watermelons back at the house," Phoenix says.
"Watermelons?" Charlie and Vaggie reply, confused.
Phoenix giggles and says, "I think it's best to show you."
Moments later, Phoenix has placed a large towel on the sandy beach and places the watermelon right in the center.
"So what are we all doing?" Angel asks.
"We're playing Suikawari, or how we say it in english, Watermelon Splitting," Phoenix says.
"Watermelon Splitting?" Grace says, interested.
"How do we play?" Angel asks.
"It's kind of like playing a game of pinata, but with a few differences. The game is that you use a baseball bat or a wooden sword, or even a wooden stick to smash the watermelon. The trick is, you need to be blindfolded and spin around three times. They try to find the watermelon and try to hit it. Other participants can also help give the player some hints to help reach the melon. The first to crack open the watermelon wins," Phoenix explains.
"Sounds like fun," Angel says.
"It kind of sounds messy," Nifty says.
Then Vaggie says, "I have to agree. Plus, it's kind of wasting food."
"That's what the large towel is for. That way, the chunks of the watermelon can fall on the towel and not in the sand. That way, we can eat whatever lands on the towel. I remember playing it with Phoenix and the others on earth, and it's important to have a large towel for the game," Momoko adds.
Conan says, "Seems odd that we're using a watermelon to play a game."
"I understand, but that's the game we play back in Japan," Phoenix says.
"Yes," Momoko replies with a nod.
"I think it sounds fun," Grace says.
"I have to agree. It does sound like fun. And it will be a test of teamwork and trust. Perfect for rehabilitation," Charlie happily says.
"Can you not use your hotel moral shit while we're at the beach?" Angel questions.
Vaggie viciously glares at Angel and growls at him.
"Seriously Angel," Grace says, annoyed.
"Alright guys, let's not get into another argument. Let's start playing," Phoenix says.
"I agree," Charlie says. And soon asks, "But um, who's going to go first?"
"I already got that idea," Phoenix says, and pulls out a glass jar with some folded paper inside along with a pencil.
Then asks, "But first, how many of us are going to play?"
"I want to play. Although, I'm not too good with this game," Momoko says.
"Well, I'm definitely in," Angel says.
"I wanna play," Niffty happily says.
"Me too," Grace says.
"Sure. I'll take a whack at it," Conan says.
"I don't mind playing," Charlie says.
Then turns to Vaggie, "What about you, Vaggie?"
"I suppose so," Vaggie replies.
Zǐ Māo shyly asks, "Can I play too?"
"Sure, the more the merrier," Phoenix says.
Then Charlie turns her head, "Alastor, do you wanna play too?"
"Hmm," Alator replies, thinking a bit.
Then answers, "No thank you."
"I'll pass too," Cloud replies.
Then Angel asks, "Where's Husky anyway?"
"I think he's still in the house. Stuffing his face with alcohol," Conan says.
"Should have known," Phoenix replies.
Angel then grabs the bat and says, "We can have fun without those three. Let's decide who gets to go first."
Then Phoenix brings out the jar of folded paper, "Alright then, let's see who gets to go first."
Moments later.
"Yay! I'm up first!" Nifty happily cheers.
Then Zǐ Māo says, "I got second."
"I got third," Angel says.
"Fourth for me," Phoenix says.
"I got fifth," Vaggie says.
"Sixth for me," Conan says.
Then Grace says, "Seventh."
"I'm Eighth," Momoko says.
"Well, then I guess I'm last," Charlie says.
"Alright then let's play," Phoenix says.
And soon, the group is about to start the game. Unknown to them, a different demon spots Phoenix and the others. The demon is a succubus. She has light red skin with light yellow sclera and red eyes. She has thin horns, black on the top, and red on the bottom close to her head. She also has black wings, she also has a thin tail with black at the end with the triangular end Along with long light gray hair. She seems to be wearing upside cross earrings, and a black bikini that has fishnets.
"Hmm, so that's the hybrid Verosika has told us about. Never expected to see her of all places. I'm sure the others would like to hear about this," The Succubus says, and walks off.
Meanwhile, Phoenix and the others are now ready to play.
Phoenix ties the blindfold over Niffty's large eye," Alright Niffty, got hold of the bat."
"I sure do," Niffty says, holding the bat.
Once she's finished tying the blindfold, Phoenix says, "Alright then, now to spin you around three times." And with that, Phoenix spins Niffty around in a circle three times.
Then has her facing the area where the watermelon is around 15 feet away.
"Alright, Niffty, go!" Phoenix says.
"Alright then, let's get smashing!" Niffty cheers with excitement and laughs.
However, when Niffty charges, she ends up jumping in the air and heads towards Charlie.
"Charlie, look out!" Vaggie cries out and pushes her out of the way.
Then Niffty slams the bat to the ground. Nifty then charges towards Angel, Phoenix, and Conan.
"Incoming!" Conan calls out.
Angel, Phoenix, and Conan quickly dodge the attack as Niffty runs around and swings her bat.
Niffty rapidly looks around, "Where's the melon?! Where's the melon?!"
"What the fuck were you aiming at?!" Angel shouts in anger.
"Do you think our heads were watermelons or something?" Conan asks in anger.
Niffty takes off the blindfold and asks, "So I guess I lost?"
Angel then takes the bat away, "Big time!"
And now its Zǐ Māo turn. Phoenix gently ties the blindfold over his eyes and Charlie gives him the bat.
"Alright then," Phoenix says, then spins Zǐ Māo around three time.
Then has him facing the watermelon.
"Alright Zǐ Māo, ready?" Phoenix asks.
"Um ready," Zǐ Māo says.
"Ready... and go," Phoenix says.
Soon, Zǐ Māo begins to walk forward.
Charlie calls out, "Alright Zǐ Māo, you're doing great."
"Just keep going forward," Grace says.
Zǐ Māo continues to move forward with a nervous expression.
"Just keep going, you're almost there," Conana says.
"Just a little to the left," Angel says.
Zǐ Māo continues to walk until he reaches the watermelon, and is now in front of it.
"Alright then, smack that watermelon!" Conan shouts.
"You can do it!" Vaggie says.
"Okay," Zǐ Māo shyly replies.
Zǐ Māo then raises the bat up a little and slams the bat on the watermelon, but it's not breaking.
"Uh, try to do it a little harder," Grace says.
"Okay," Zǐ Māo replies.
Zǐ Māo tries harder, but can't seem to break the watermelon.
Zǐ Māo sighs in defeat, "I'm not strong enough so I can't break it."
Phoenix helps remove the blindfold, "It's okay. You did your best."
"She's right," Angel says.
Then takes the bat from Zǐ Māo and says, "Now then, let me show you how it's really done."
"Take your best shot, Angel," Phoenix says.
Soon, it's Angel Dust's turn. He already has a blindfold over his eyes and has been spinned three times. Angel is already walking towards the watermelon without having any help from the others. In a matter of seconds, Angel Dust slams the bat on the watermelon and it splits right through the middle.
Angel removes the blindfold to see the results, "Alright! Split right in half!"
The group claps their hands.
"That was great, Angel," Charlie says.
"You smashed that watermelon in one try," Momoko says, impressed.
"How were you able to find the watermelon that fast? Are you sure you didn't cheat?" Vaggie asks, looking at Angel suspiciously.
Angel angrily shouts, "Hey! I did not cheat! I know how to smack something with the baseball bat!"
"I suspect that because you're able to smack Pentious head with a bat," Phoenix says.
"That's right. And I know how to do things with blindfolds. During some of might shots I sometimes wear blindfolds during a few bondage and sex scenes," Angel says.
Some become shocked and rather disturbed, or even blushes.
"Yeah. When you put it like that, it sounds bad, like really bad," Phoenix says, dumbfounded.
"What? That's just how the film I was rolling in goes," Angel says, shrugging his shoulders.
Vaggie facepalms her face as she groans in frustration.
"Your boss makes you do some very weird and inappropriate stuff, you know that?" Phoenix replies.
"It's just porn," Angel replies.
"Hey!" Conan shouts in shock.
Everyone turns their heads and notices that they are looking surprised. They turn to see Fat Nuggets and Kyuubi are already eating one of the halves of the watermelon. They also have their faces covered in watermelon juice.
Angel cackles with a grin, "Fat Nuggets!"
Phoenix chuckles and says, "Oh Kyuubi."
Gracey laughs a bit, "They're eating the watermelon."
"Aww, that's cute," Charlie gushes with sparkles in her eyes.
"Even though it supposed to be for us," Vaggie says, annoyed.
Phoenix turns to Vaggie, "Don't worry, we still have plenty of watermelons so maybe we can continue playing."
Then grabs the bat, "And it's my turn to smash a watermelon."
And so the group continued to play Watermelon Smashing. Phoenix and the others have their turn smashing the melons. So far, Phoenix, Conan, and Vagge are able to smash theirs. Grace and Momoko kind of missed it. And now it's Charlie's turn.
"You can do it Charlie!" Phoenix calls out.
"We're rooting for you!" Grace calls out.
Charlie however, is a bit nervous, "I don't know. Is it really okay?"
"Don't worry hon, you're just splitting a watermelon. Just be careful," Vaggie says.
"Um okay," Charlie says.
Charlie then begins to walk slowly on the beach.
"Alright Charlie, you're doing great," Vaggie says.
"Just keep morning forward," Phoenix says.
Charlie continues to walk to the lemon and stumbles a little from the direction.
"Now just go to the left," Nifty calls out.
Then Angel says, "Too far, go right."
"Continue to move forward," Conan says.
"You're almost there," Grace says.
"You're doing it," Momoko says.
Charlie continues to walk and wobble on the sand. And soon, she reaches the watermelon.
"Alright Charlie, now smash that melon!" Angel shouts.
"Okay. Here goes," Charlie says.
Charlie raises the bat over head and then slams it down on the melon. In fact, Charlie slams the bat at the watermelon so hard and fast and the watermelon splatters all over the place.
"Did I do it?" Charlie asks.
"You did it alright," Angel says.
Charlie removes the blindfold and turns to the others and gasps in surprise. She looks to see that everyone ends up either getting covered in watermelon juice or chunks.
Charlie blushes a bit and says, "Oops."
Soon, everyone begins laughing. Charlie soon begins laughing as well.
"Well, I have to admit, this game is kind of fun," Vaggie says.
"Yeah. I'm sure Cherri would live this," Angel says.
"I think she would," Phoenix says.
Then Grace says, "Come on, let's go get the juice and chunks off of us."
"Hey guys, can we um, have something to eat? I'm getting kind of hungry," Zǐ Māo shyly asks.
"Yeah. We've been having fun for some time," Phoenix says.
"I have to agree. Let's go get something to eat," Charlie says.
"Good idea," Vaggie says.
Sometime later, in Charlie's vacation home, the group are sitting at the tables on the porch having some lunch, along with the watermelon that's been smashed by the game.
"I have to admit, I had a great time at the beach," Angel says.
"Yeah," Conan says.
"It was really fun," Grace says.
"So what do you think we should do tomorrow?" Charlie asks.
"We can play volleyball tomorrow and walk along the beach," Phoenix says.
"I want to continue swimming," Niffty happily says.
"How about we go to some party instead," Angel says, looking at his phone.
"Party?" Phoenix says, confused.
"It's not going to be one of those brothel parties or one of those sex clubs or something like that?" Vaggie sternly asks.
"Actually, there's going to be a real party at the beach tomorrow," Angel says.
"Really?" Charlie asks, interested.
"Yeah. According to what I found, apparently there's going to be a concert party tomorrow and anyone is welcome to attend, as long as you pay for it at the door. There's going to be a few bands playing there, and guess who's the star attraction," Angel says.
"Really? There's going to be a concert?" Momoko asks, taking an interest.
"I think it will be fun to go to a concert at the beach," Charlie says.
"So who's the star attraction for this concert?" Phoenix asks.
"Verosika Mayday," Angel answers.
This leaves everyone in shock.
"You mean the Succubus popstar?" Grace asks, surprised.
"The Verosika Mayday?" Momoko asks, surprised.
"That's right. There's going to be a concert tomorrow, and she's going to be there," Angel says.
Then Angel shows the group the post on his hellphone. What they see is a flier that says a concert is taking place at tomorrow's date. What's more, Verosika and a few other bands are shown and listed on the poster. The group is surprised, especially Phoenix, to see that Verosika is going to be in the area. It's been a while since Phoenix has last seen her, and not sure how this is going to turn out.
Meanwhile, at a different part of the beach, the Succubus from before has explained what she has seen to other groups of Succubi and Incubi, along with Verosika Mayday, who is among them.
"Hmm, so the hybrid girl is here?" Verosika questions.
Then Succubus, Kiki says, "Yes. I saw her along with the princess and others who were staying at the hotel."
"Hmm, never expected to see her," Verosika says with a calm and seductive smile on her face.
Then says, "Well, this concert is about to get interesting."
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