Episode 38: I.M.P Crazy Day Out

Along the road of Hell, Charlie, Vaggie, and Phoenix are in the limo, driving to a city in Hell known as Imp City. Phoenix is all dressed and has her bag and Kyuubi the fox with her. Charlie is sitting as she looks at her phone with a smile, while Vaggie has her arms crossed with a frown.

Vaggie turns to Phoenix and asks, "Phoenix, are you sure you want to go see uh, them?"

"I don't see why not. Loona text if I can hang out with her and I agreed," Phoenix says.

"I know, but you know that she's with a group of mercenaries who goes on earth killing humans," Vaggie says.

"I know it sounds bad, but Loona can be pretty cool at times," Phoenix says.

"We shouldn't worry too much, she and Loona have stayed in touch since the little incident, but it's nice that Phoenix made another friend," Charlie says.

"A hellhound of all demons," Vaggie replies, rolling her eyes.

"I understand the kind of class Hellhound and Imps are, but Loona seems like a decent Hellhound, except when she loses her temper. And Moxxie and Millie will be there so there shouldn't be too much trouble," Phoenix explains.

"Alright, I'll trust you, but the minute something happen and you want to be picked up, call me and Charlie immediately," Vaggie says.

"I'll be fine, don't worry," Phoenix says.

Charlie sighs and says, "I don't know why, but now when you told me not to worry is when I worry the most."

Phoenix looks at the window and says, "This should be the building over there."

Charlie and Vaggie turn their heads to see the building where Loona is working at for I.M.P. The limo drive and park in front of the building close to the sidewalk. The door opens and Phoenix and Kyuubi climb out of the car. Kyuubi looks at the building with a curious look and wags his tail slowly.

Charlie calls out, "Okay Phoenix, we'll be picking you up in a few houses, but call if you feel like leaving early, and let me know if anything happens."

"I will. See you guys later," Phoenix says, and closes the door.

"Bye Phoenix," Charlie says.

"Bye," Vaggie says.

Then the limo drives off.

Phoenix turns to Kyuubi and says, "Come on Kyuubi, let's go."

Kyuubi happily barks in reply.

The two walk to the building to meet up with Loona.

In the I.M.P office, Loona is sitting at the receptionist desk as she reads a magazine and drinks some coffee. Loona then puts down the magazine and begins to type on stuff with her phone. The others however are already out on an assignment on Earth so she's bored all by herself.

Just then, Loona hears the door knocking and she calls out, "Yeah. Who is it?"

"Loona. it's me, Phoenix," Phoenix's voice calls out from the other side of the door.

Hearing Phoenix's voice, Loona calls out, "Come in."

Door opens and Phoenix steps into the lounge with Kyuubi walking beside her.

"Hey Loona, how have you been?" Phoenix asks.

"Eh, doing the same old, same old. How about you?" Loona replies.

"Doing fine. Continue doing some training, trying to help Charlie with the program and help her and Niffty clean the hotel, and trying to prevent fights among the others, especially with Vaggie and Angel Dust," Phoenix answers.

"Sounds like being at the hotel is fuckin crazy," Loona says.

Phoenix chuckles and says, "Oh, you have no idea."

Then Kyuubi walks to where Loona is, sits down as he wags his tail, and barks towards her.

Loona looks down over the receptionist desk to see the fox, "Hey, see she decided to bring you with her."

Kyuubi barks in reply.

"Yeah. Thought it would be nice to bring Kyuubi along. Besides, it's nice for him to get to a different environment," Phoenix says.

Then asks, "So, what do you wanna do?"

"Not sure, but I could use the company from all the boredom I have," Loona says.

"Where are Blitz and the others?" Phoenix asks.

"They're hired to kill some arrogant and perverted teacher, who was responsible for harassing, blackmalling, and raping both male and female students," Loona says.

"Urgh, that is so disgusting. Teachers like them shouldn't be teachers," Phoenix says, disgusted.

"Trust me, it shows that humans can be full of secret nasties as Millie puts it, and why so many end up here," Loona says.

Phoenix sighs and says, "You're right. I couldn't agree with you more."

"I know. I think the teacher's name was Adachi something..." Loona says.

"Adachi?" Phoenix questions, hearing the name.

Then asks, "Do you mean? Mr. Adachi Kai?"

"Uh yeah. Do you know him or something ?" Loona asks, confused.

She sighs, "I know him. He was a teacher at the high school I go to, but it happened before I attended. I hear rumors that he likes to hit on high school girls and boys. You know Bisexual and such. Anyway, I heard that he forces his students to go out with him, both boys and girls, to make them part of some creepy harem or something."

"So what happened?" Loona asks, curiously.

"Well, I heard that he tried to rape some girl in his class. She refused, and the teacher tried to stab her with a hot object. Fearing for her life, she jumped off the building of the school and almost lost her life. When her parents, the other teachers, and principal find out what's been happening, he was fired and was banned from teaching at any tried to play innocent, but all the students he harassed came clean and showed the principal and their parents everything they did. He was shamed, and the school sent the info to the school board and passed it to other schools in the country, so he may never be a teacher again. I heard that he became a creepy stalker and a lunatic now and keeps getting in trouble with the police at the schools," Phoenix says.

"What a fuckin lunatic," Loona says.

"I know, it's sick. I'm surprised he hasn't died and was sent here a long time ago or was put in jail," Phoenix says.

"Well, I'm sure once Blitz and the others kill him, he'll end up in Hell," Loona says.

Just then, Loona hears her phone vibrating, and looks to see the message, "Looks like they got the job done. Time to open the portal."

Loona then brings out the blue grimoire, opens it, and performs the spell on it. Then the portal opens, and Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie, and they look pretty tired.

"Fuck, for a porky teacher, he sure knows how to beat the shit out of us," Blitz says.

"I'm just glad that was over," Moxxie says, dropping his gun to the floor.

"Yeah. I'm plum tuckered out," Millie says and lies on the couch.

Phoenix slowly lifts her hand and waves, "Uh, hi guys."

Blitz turns to Phoenix, "Oh, hi Phoenix. Didn't know you were dropping in?"

"Uh Blitz, I told you Phoenix was coming over since yesterday," Loona says.

"Oh right. Anyway, welcome to I.M.P, or the Immediate Murder Professionals," Blitz says.

"Yeah. the place seems okay, and now I know that you kill humans. Then again, humans die almost everyday and such," Phoenix says.

"Exactly," Millie says, tired.

Suddenly, Millie feels something pulling on her tail, and turns to see Kyuubi has the triangle end of her tail in his mouth as he gently pulls.

"Hey, that's my tail you silly fox, "Millie says and laughs.

Phoenix laughs and says, "Kyuubi, let go of Millie's tail."

Kyuubi lets go of Phoenix's tail with a bark then runs back to his caretaker.

"So then, what are you and Loonie planning on doing today?" Blitz asks.

"Not much, just hanging out here since it gets fuckin' boring being by myself all the time," Loona says.

"Oh fuck that shit, now that we have the hybrid girl and the little fox here, how about we head out for some fun," Blitz says.

"But don't you have work to do, and clients to see," Phoenix says.

"Oh fuck our clients. Today's been rather slow anyway, so we took Loonie's new friends for some fun. I knew a few places to head to," Blitz says.

"Are you talking about that Horse Store you loved so much?" Loona questions.

"Horse Store?" Phoenix says, confused.

Moxxie rolls his eyes, "Our boss loves horses... a lot."

"Well I like horses too, but I don't ride on them much, I'm more into foxes," Phoenix says.

Then presents Kyuubi to Moxxie, "Especially this cute little guy."

Kyuubi barks in reply.

"You know, he's actually kind of cute. Surprisingly because he's a demon fox and such, and some demon animals can be more aggressive than others," Moxxie says.

He then pats Kyuubi on the head, "But Kyuubi is actually very sweet."

"He can be really sweet, but can get pretty aggressive. My dad told me he can get pretty aggressive around other demons. He ends up barking at Alastor a few times, but I manage to calm him down since we know he isn't threatening as of now," Phoenix says.

Blitz questions, "Remind me to ask you later as to why your cousin decided to let the Radio Demon stay at her hotel?"

Then says, "Alright guys, let's head out for some fun."

Moments later...

"BLITZ! SLOW DOWN!" Phoenix shouts, freaking out.

Blitz is driving the company van with everyone in the car, and he's driving past stop lights, taking a lot of sharp turns, and marking illegal turns, U-turns, and driving super fast. Phoenix and Kyuubi are being jerked around as Blitz makes a few sharp turns, and starts to feel a bit sick and uneasy about the ride. Moxxie, Millie, and Loona don't seem to be bothered by it, because they're used to it.

Blitz shouts in excitement, "I love this song!" And begins to sing the song poorly.

Blitz and the Radio:

You were the spicy little-


Demon with the-


bleach blonde hair!

Loona is sitting at the passenger side next to Blitz and looks rather annoyed as she tries to blast out the music with her headphones.

Blitz and the Radio:

Fiendin' for that semen when I caught your stare...

In the back seat, Moxxie, Phoenix, and Kyuubi are covering their ears from the music Blitz is playing. Millie rolls down the window and looks at the view.

Blitz and the Radio:

Thought it might be love, but you went-

Phoenix turns to Moxxie and shouts, "Does Blitz always like to play with his music this loud?! And drive this crazy?!"

"He does this, A LOT!" Moxxie shouts.

Phoenix turns and leans to Blitz, "Blitz, can you turn down the music?! It's too loud!"

"It's what now?!" Blitz asks.

Phoenix screams on the top of her lungs, "LOUD!"

"You're saying it's loud?!" Blitz questions.

"MAYBE JUST A LITTLE!" Phoenix shouts out.

"Come on, this music fuckin' rocks!" Blitz says, and practically ignores her.

Phoenix leans back to her seat and lets out a groan. She knows that this trip is going to take a while.

A little time later, Phoenix notices that the I.M.P Van is driving in front of the outlet as he makes a lot of sharp turns and isn't slowing the car. The van then drives to the back and parks at a parking lot. Blitz turns off the car and the radio turns off.

Phoenix mutters, "Finally..."

After that, the group hops out of the car. Phoenix feels a bit dizzy and sick to her stomach.

"You okay there, Phoenix?" Millie asks.

"I'm alright. I'm just feeling a bit queasy," Phoenix says, feeling dizzy. "I have never been in a car with a crazy driver before. It feels like I was on a crazy roller coaster."

"Eh, you get used to it," Loona replies.

"Here we go, this place has some good places to shop and eat for Imp City," Blitz says.

Then walks off, "Now come only, there's a great store with great horses you just gotta see."

Phoenix whispers to Loona, "Your adopted dad really loves horses."

"Yes. Yes he does," Loona says, "Come on, let's go before he decided to go fuckin crazy."

The group begins to follow Blitz to the outlet and end up arriving at the first store Blitz wants to see. The store is called Howdy Pony. Inside there are a lot of different kinds of horses, including strong looking Hellhorse figures, stuffed Hellpony toys, horse like products and other horse based clothes, toys, and figures. Everyone wakes outside as they watch Blitz going a little horse crazy for the horse projects.

"That guy must really love horses," Phoenix says.

"Yeah, but it's kind of funny to see him loving the horses," Millie says.

"I see," Phoenix says.

Then turns to Loona, "Are there any good stores around here? Hmm, there's a Stylish Occult close by. We can go there."

"Sure," Phoenix replies.

Then turns to Moxxie and Millie, "We're going to head out on our own, we'll be right back."

"Sure Phoenix, just remember to call if you need us," Millie says.

"Don't worry we'll..." Phoenix says.

But someone shouts, "Just leave me alone!"

"Come on little birdie, it's just asking you to join me for some coffee," A raspy male voice says.

And it sounds very familiar. Without hesitation, Phoenix rushes over to see what's going on. To her shock, she sees Octavia, and it appears to be having trouble with a larger demon. The demon looks like a turtle, with a hard shell and sharp jagged teeth.

"Come on, don't be scared little bird," the turtle demon says.

He then grabs Octavia by her wrist and tries to pull her away.

Octavia tries to break free from the turtle's restraint, "I told you to let go of me!"

Suddenly, the turtle demon ends up receiving a hard kick to the face, and the one who has done it is Phoenix, trying to defend Octavia.

Moxxie gasps in shock, "Oh my crumbs!"

Loona smirks seeing the little display.

Millie laughs, "Ha ha!"

The Turtle demon crashes to the ground. He struggles to stand up to see Phoenix standing in front of Octavia, planning to defend her if he tries anything. The turtle demon angrily glares at Phoenix, but the hybrid girl gives him a fiery glare, and refuses to back down. Then the Turtle demon rubs his cheek and simply walks away without another word. Phoenix sighs and is glad to get away without a fight.

She turns to Octavia and asks, "You okay, Octavia?"

"I'm fine now. Thanks to you," Octavia says, relieved.

Just then, she hears barking and looks down to see Kyuubi standing in front of him, wagging his tail with a smile.

Octavia kneels down and rubs Kyuubi on his head and says, "Hi Kyuubi, didn't expect to see you here."

Then turns to Phoenix, "Or you for that matter? Is Charlie with you?"

"Nah. I'm hanging out with Loona today, and end up hanging Blitz, Moxxie and Millie as well

Loona walks over and asks, "So what are you doing here? And without any guard and escort, or your parents?"

"Actually, my parents didn't know that I'm here. They were uh, fighting again, and it got worse..." Octavia tries to explain.

"Let me guess, you didn't want to deal with it so you decided to leave to get away from it," Phoenix suspects.

"Yes," Octavia bluntly replies.

"It's cool. You just want to get a break from the arguing. You wanna hang out with us?" Phoenix replies.

"Sure," Octvia says, "I was heading to the Stylish Occults. They always sell taxidermy there."

"Really? We were just heading there ourselves," Loona replies.

"Yeah. We can go there together," Phoenix says.

Octavia nods her head in reply.

Loona, Phoenix, and Kyuubi head off to go to the store Loona is talking about. Phoenix and Kyuubi look to see so many black clothes. Well, some of the clothes are gray, red, white, some even combined, and other colors. Most of the clothes they have involve with black. There are also a few figures that look a lot like animals, make up, and some jewelry. Octavia shows Phoenix some of the taxidermy. Stuffed demon-like animals: racoons, and other small animals.

"These are interesting figures, even though they're stuffed animals," Phoenix says.

Kyuubi looks to notice a few fox taxidermy and comes to a panic. He quickly runs to Phoenix as he jumps into her arms. Kyuubi is shaking a bit.

"It's okay Kyuuib," Phoenix ays, gently stroking her fox's back, "Don't worry, nothing is going to happen to you."

Octavia asks, "You wanna look at the clothes?"

"Sure. I think this taxidermy is making Kyuubi uncomfortable," Phoenix says.

The group decide to leave the stuffed animal figures and decide to look at the clothes. She notices some of the clothes have stars on them, even some that are upside down. There are also some clothes and accessories including a robotic clown's face and such, which Octavia doesn't seem to like.

Sometime later, the group leaves the store and ends up buying a few things from there. They soon meet Moxxie and Millie in front of the horse store.

"Hey guys, is Blitz still in there?" Phoenix replies.

"He is, but he should be out now," Millie says.

Just then, Blitz walks out and is holding a stuffed horse with a grin on his face.

"Enjoy your little shopping?" Millie asks.

"Sure did, but only had enough to get this little guy," Blitz says and pats the stuffed horse on the head.

Then snuggles the horse on the cheek, "Isn't it a cute little horse."

Phoenix chuckles as she covers her mouth.

Then whispers to Loona, "He's almost like a little kid."

"You have no idea," Loona says, rolling her eyes.

Then Octiava mutters, "I sometimes wonder what my dad ever saw in him."

"I have to wonder about that myself when you first told me about his little affair with your dad," Phoenix replies.

"It's best not to think about it," Loona replies, typing on her phone.

Phoenix and Octavia turn to Loona. Then they look at each other and shrug their shoulders.

After that, the group end up walking down the hall of the outlet together.

And curious Phoenix devices to ask questions, "So guys, since you come to earth for your hitman company, I have to suspect you're behind the mysterious deaths that's been happening."

"Pretty much," Blitz says, shrugging his shoulders.

"Though so, I heard rumors back at home about some weird creatures that have been seen in the United States. There's even odd rumors about some kind of fish monster attacking one of the beaches in Florida. There were a few photos online about that monster, and someone recorded some creature beating the shit out of it. I mean, it got cut off and everyone was running screaming that it was hard to get a clear video of it," Phoenix explains.

This makes the Hellhound and the three Imps sweating bullets.

Confused, Phoenix asks, "Uh, what's wrong?"

"Uh, we kind of know about the little B-movie scene you're referring to... well... we know who beat the shit out of that fish monster," Blitz says.

"Uh, who?" Phoenix asks.

Millie chuckles with a grin, "You're looking at her."

"That was you?!" Phoenix asks, shocked.

"Yep. And I'm not ashamed of doing it. It tried to have my husband as dinner so I had to rescue my Moxxie," Millie says, and hugs her husband.

Moxxie smiles and says, "And I really love her."

Soon the two begin hugging and kissing each other.

Loona turns away, "Ugh, can they not."

Blitz whispers to Phoenix, "Just a heads up, Mills totally pegs Mox at times."

"Uh thanks. Though I don't need to know that," Phoenix replies, dumbfounded.

Then asks, "So you guys were there? What exactly happened that caused that fish monster to attack the beach?"

"Blitz made a stupid bet with Verosika Mayday. all because she stole the company van's parking place for a week. You might have already heard of her since living here. She's a Succubus Popstar, very famous and all that shit, and she's also Blitz's Ex-girlfriend," Loona says.

Hearing the name, Phoenix says, "I actually met Veorsika Mayday while I ended up traveling to Ozzie's in the Lust Ring with Mimzy. Not to mention a cyborg clown named Fizzarolli and the owner of Asmodeus."

"You met them?" Millie asks.

"What were you doing with Veoriska?! She isn't trying to fuck you or anything?!" Blitz demands, sounding upset. "And what were you doing with that fucking clown while you're add it?!"

Phoenix blushes so much that her face turns red, "What?! No! No! Of course not! I met her and Fizzarolli while Mimzy took me to Ozzies for a delivery and Asmodeus asked her to get me a new outfit and..."

Suddenly, Phoenix stops and says with a confused look, "Ex-girlfriend?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. We dated," Blitz answers with a frown and crosses his arms.

"Oh, I'm guessing this is a personal thing, huh?" Phoenix asks.

"Yeah. And I like to keep it that way. Thank you very much," Blitz replies,

"Um okay," Phoenix replies, arching an eyebrow.

"Well, how about we go grab some lunch and," Blitz speaks.

"Well well, look who I finally found," The familiar voice says.

The group turns to see the turtle demon from before along with two other demons. One of them is a Hellhound and the other is an Incubus.

The turtle demon cracks his knuckles and says, "Looks like I found the bitch who strike me in the face."

"Oh great, it's the overgrown turtle and I see you've decided to bring some friends," Phoenix says, annoyed.

"Don't get cocky with us, bitch!" The Hellhound demon says.

"It's not my fault that the reptile decided to hit on a teenager, it's clearly that he's an adult, and a creep to be hitting on a seventeen year old girl," Phoenix sternly says.

"Well well, talk about having a fiery personality," The Incubus says.

"Yeah. And the Hellhound girl is cute, along with the little owl princess," The Hellhound says.

Blitz growls in anger and grits his teeth, "Watch it!"

Then the turtle demon says, "So then, how about you and your friends hang out with us. I'm sure we can show you a good time, and I'll forgive you for the kick you did to my face."

"How about no. I've got places to be," Phoenix says.

Just then, the turtle demon grapes Phoenix's wrist, "Come on, babe. I'm sure we'll have some fun."

Phoenix yanks her wrist away, "I told you no. I've already had enough to deal with."

"Well, we'll give you more to deal with," The turtle demon angrily says.

Just then, the Hellhound and Incubus are now standing next to Loona and Octavia.

The Hellhound says, "Yeah. I'm sure we can have some real fun."

"We know a cool club to go to," The Incubus says.

Suddenly, a gunshot has been fired and it ends up injuring the turtle demon in the air. Then, the Hellhound and Incubus are hit on the shoulders as well. The three viciously glare to see Blitz holding a gun that has a little smoke coming out of it. It also means that Blitz is the one who has short them.

Blitz twirls the gun and says, "And no one messes with my Loonie."

"Isn't that going a bit overboard?" Phoenix questions.

"Nope," Blitz says.

Loona rolls her eyes and says, "You know, I could have taken care of them myself, especially Phoenix. She would have beaten the crap out of them with her karate skills and fire powers."

"Yeah. I'll be able to handle this myself," Phoenix says.

"Whatever you say," Blitz says.

"Are you all okay?" Moxxie asks, concerned.

"Don't worry, I think we're all fine. Was a bit unexpected, but we're fine," Phoenix says.

Octavia calmly says, "I have to agree, but it's okay to have a little help."

Suddenly, the turtle demon angrily says, "Why you fuckin'...?" as he and his friends begins to charge towards them.

Suddenly, Kyuubi gets in front of the others and begins to growl in full rage as his hairs stands on end, including his tail. All of his tails rises up and a flaming red aura surrounding his body.

"Kyuubi?" Phoenix softly says, confused and shocked.

The three demons are actually timid to see the fury in the fox's eyes and shows his sharp teeth. Just then, Kyuubi lets out a loud and raring bark, and the three run away with their tails between their legs. Once they're gone, Kyuubi reverts back to normal, and happily jumps into Phoenix's arms. Then licks her face.

Shocked, Loona says, "Shit, I didn't know your fox can do that?"

"Honestly, this is the first time he actually did that," Phoenix replies, surprised.

"Still, that little fox was pretty brave," Octavia says, and pets Kyuubi on the head.

"Yeah. He's very brave, and very sweet," Phoenix says.

Suddenly, Octavia hears her phone vibrating and takes it out to see who is calling.

"Who's that?" Phoenix asks.

"My dad. He probably noticed I'm gone. Let me take this," Octavia says.

She answers the phone and begins to talk to her dad, "Hi dad... Yes. I'm okay, do you don't need to worry... Actually, I'm with Phoenix who is hanging out with Loona... Yes, the same Hellhound from his company... Okay..." Octavia sighs and says. "Alright, I'll meet you at the office, but let me see if he's okay with it."

"What's up?" Loona asks.

Octavia turns to the others, "My dad knows I'm with you guys and asks if you can drive me to the office."

"Sure we don't mind. We gotta head back to the office for Phoenix's ride anyway," Millie says.

Sometime later, after a little more time at the mall and the wild ride from the van, the group are now in front of the building where the I.M.P. Office is.

"Well, I have to admit, I did have a good time, despite some of the hitches we had," Phoenix says.

"Glad to have you around Phoenix. Sorry about some of the craziness," Millie says.

"It's cool. This actually been calmer than what I've been through," Phoenix says.

"That's kind of good," Loona says.

"Um yeah. Kind of wished we can hang out more," Phoenix says.

"Yeah. Only, let's try to hang out with just us girls," Loona says.

"Yeah," Phoenix says.

Then turns to Octavia, "Maybe you can hang out with us too, Octavia."

"Hmm, maybe I will," Octavia replies.

Suddenly, the group hears honking and Charlie's family limo drives by.

"Well, here's my ride. I'll see you guys around," Phoenix says.

"Kay, see you later," Loona says.

"Bye," Octavia replies.

Once the limo arrives, Phoenix and Kyuubi climb inside and the limo drives away. Phoenix waves to the others and turns to see Charlie and Vaggie sitting as Kyuubi makes himself comfortable and falls asleep on the seat.

Charlie gives Phoenix a big smile and asks, "Sooooo, how was your day?"

"Those Impos didn't give you any trouble did they?" Vaggie asks with a frown on her face.

Phoenix calmly smiles and says, "To be honest, despite a few hitches... I actually had a good time with them."

"That's good," Charlie happily says.

Vaggie rolls her eyes, "I guess it's good to hear, but if I hear they give you any trouble, they're going to get it."

"Is there anyone you do trust, other than me, Charlie, and little Zǐ Māo?" Phoenix questions.

"Not much for Angel Dust, but I really don't trust that that Radio Talk Show Shit Lord," Vaggie bluntly answers.

Charlie and Phoneix begin laughing with grins on their faces.

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