Episode 35: Meeting the Von Eldritch

Still at the royal palace, after another two days, Phoenix and the others are feeling a lot better now, and all their wounds have been healed. Loona has already headed home with Blitz and Stolas. Everyone else is able to heal fun and are back to perfect health.

On the last day in the palace, Phoenix walks inside the bedroom as she holds Kyuubi in her arms. Walking beside them is little Zǐ Māo who is staying close to Phoenix. There she sees Charlie sitting on the bed with her hands on her face and her elbows on her knees. What really surprises Phoenix is that she has a frown on her face.

Phoenix walks over and asks, "Hey Charlie, what's wrong? You don't look so happy."

"It's kind of a surprise because I hardly see you get upset before, "Zǐ Māo replies.

"To be honest, I'm not. It's because the Von Eldritch are coming over today and will be here at any minute," Charlie says with a frown on her face.

Phoenix and Zǐ Māo turn to each other with confused looks.

Then turn to Charlie and reply, "Who?"

Charlie sighs, "The Von Eldritch. They're acquaintances of my parents, and they're also one of the handful who already knows about you since you were born. And yet, they never actually met you. They decided to come to talk about their royal duties with my parents and they want to meet you and your mom."

"That doesn't seem so bad, but why do you seem upset?" Phoenix asks, confused.

Charlie groans as she covers her face and lays on the bed, "Because Seviathan and Helsa are going to be with them to meet you?"

"Helsa? Seviathan?" Phoenix says, confused.

Then replies, "I'm getting the feeling that they're not friends of yours."

"That's one way to put it. Helsa is a girl I know because of my parents and we're what we call bitter rivals. She's like one of those rich mean girl types," Charlie explains.

"Yikes," Phoenix says.

"And then there's Seviathan. He's well..." Charlie says, sounding reluctant.

She sighs and says, "He's my ex-boyfriend."

This leaves Phoenix and Zǐ Māo in shock,

Phoenix replies, "Your ex-boyfriend?"

Charlie nods her head as she groans and covers her face.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend," Phoenix says, surprised.

"I did. He and I broke up a long time ago, and he and I haven't been on much good terms since," Charlie says.

"Let me guess, he's one of those arrogant types," Phoenix says.

Charlie rolls her eyes, "You have no idea."

Phoenix sits on Charlie's bed, "I suspect it's not good to see them here, but it seems that they're here because of their parents and that they want to meet me. As long as you remain calm around them, I'm sure we won't have any trouble."

"Trust me, ignoring them is not as easy as it looks," Charlie says and lets out another frown sigh on her face.

Phoenix then says, "Anyway, Zǐ Māo, Kyuubi, and I are going to head to the backyard, you wanna come?"

"Thanks, but maybe later," Charlie says.

"Okay," Phoenix says.

Then walks to the door, "We'll see you later."

With that, Phoenix, Zǐ Māo, and Kyuubi leave the room and Phoenix closes the door.

Charlie sighs and says, "I just hope this visit is short. Then I would have to put up with them. And hope those two don't give Phoenix a hard time."

In the hallway, Phoenix and Zǐ Māo are walking down the hall and Kyuubi is on Phoenix's left shoulder.

"Charlie doesn't seem too happy for them coming over today," Zǐ Māo says.

"Yeah. I have to suspect that they're not on good terms, even though their parents' are acquaintances with one another," Phoenix says.

She places her hand under her chin, "It makes me wonder what kind of person they are."

"Charlie made it sound like they're pretty mean," Zǐ Māo replies.

"Yeah. And it seems that her ex-boyfriend is on bad terms," Phoenix says.

She shrugs her shoulders, "Oh well."

Then says, "Anyway, let's go ask Conan, Grace, and Vaggie to see if they want to head outside to play."

Kyuuib barks in reply and hops off of Phoenix's shoulder and to the floor.

"Okay," Zǐ Māo says.

The two friends and the little fox walk down the hall to find the others. Just as Phoenix turns left, she ends up bumping into someone and stumbles back. Luckily, she's able to keep on her feet.

"Sorry. I didn't see you," Phoenix apologizes.

Then mutters, "I need to be careful walking down these halls."

"It's quite alright, my dear I have to guess your name is Phoenix, correct?" A voice says.

"Um yes. I am," Phoenix answers.

She then looks up to find herself standing in front of a tall male demon. He has dark bluish gray skin and dark green hair with gray roots. He has dull red eyes with neon green irises. He has thick eyebrows and his mouth is filled with neon green colored sharp teeth. In a portrait, he is seen wearing a green coat with neon green trimmings, green pinstripe pants and a green hat with a light green trim that has eyes and a toothed brim. His suit is accompanied by a neon green ascot and undershirt.

Zǐ Māo hides behind Phoenix in fright as Kyuubi quickly gets in front of Phoenix and begins growling with his fur and tails on end.

"Well, you sure have a threatening looking fox," The demon says.

"Sorry about that, Kyuubi can be a bit on edge sometimes, especially with trying to protect me from what it thinks are powerful or threatening demons," Phoenix says.

"I see," The demon says.

He then shows a large grin on his face and says, "Well I should introduce myself. I'm Seviathan von Eldritch. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Phoenix Magne."

"Von Eldritch? And did he said Seviathan? Isn't that the name of Charlie's ex-boyfriend?" Phoenix asks in thought.

Phoenix remains calm and says, "Um it's nice to meet you."

Then introduces the others, "This is my friend, Zǐ Māo. And this is my pet fox, Kyuubi."

"Charmed," Seviathan says.

"Anyway, my friends and I were going to find my other friends and I'm sure you must be busy," Phoenix says.

"Oh, I'm not that busy. Besides, I think we can take this opportunity to get to know each other a little better," Seviathan says and wrap his arm around Phoenix.

"Oh I uh, don't know. I was going to do things with my friend and..." Phoenix explains.

But Seviathan interrupts her, "Oh you'll have plenty of time to play with your little pets. Come now, I'm sure your little 'friends' won't mind if we have a little chat."

"Uh okay," Phoenix replies, seeing that the guy is not going to give in easily.

She then turns to Zǐ Māo and says, "Zǐ Māo, how about you and Kyuubi see if you can find Conan and Grace and I'll meet you outside."

"Okay," Zǐ Māo replies with a nod.

Then turns to Kyuubi, "Come on Kyuubi, let's go find the others."

Kyuubi lowers his ears, looking sad.

Phoenix kneels down to Kyuubi, "It's okay Kyuubi, I'm sure I won't be gone for too long."

Kyuubi barks in reply. And with that, Zǐ Māo and Kyuubi walk off leaving Phoenix along with Seviathan.

Phoenix turns to Seviathan and asks, "So where are we going?"

"I thought it would be a good idea to introduce you to my sister and my parents. They're in the meeting room with Lucifer and Lilith, along with Satan," Seviathan says.

Phoenix sighs and says, "Fine."

With that, Phoenix follows Seviathan to where their parents and Charlie's parents are. Still, Phoenix is a little uncomfortable about being this close to Charlie's ex-boyfriend.

"So Phoenix, I've heard you've been staying at the hotel Charlie has been running," Seviathan says.

"Yeah. I've been there for sometime now. It's actually a nice hotel, and I've been able to hang out with my cousin there," Phoenix says.

"I see. It's such a shame that you're hanging around with some sinners at that pathetic hotel," Seviathan says.

Phoenix crosses her arms and questions, "Why do you say that?"

"Well, a Hotel for Rehabilitation sinner is a ridiculous goal Charlie came up with," Seviathan says.

"It may sound ridiculous for well, a lot of demons here, but I happen to think it's worth a try. Charlie is trying to solve the extermination problem, because of the overpopulation Hell has been experiencing," Phoenix says.

"Still a shitty project," Seviathan says.

"At least Charlie is trying her best to help the demons who are being slaughtered, and maybe it can help those who ended up in Hell through hard situations," Phoenix calmly says.

Yet deep inside, Phoenix is not liking this demon's attitude at all.

"Maybe, bit it's still a stupid idea. I wonder why Charlie would think it's a good idea to begin with, especially after that disaster with her interview," Seviathan says in a mocking tone.

Phoenix sternly says, "Charlie surely believes it would work. We're not sure if it's going to work, but it's definitely worth a try. I do believe that the hotel could be good for those who deserve a second chance."

Leviathan chuckles with a devilish grin on his face.

"What's so funny?" Phoenix asks, displeased.

"You of course. The way you talk reminds me how Charlie talks. Of course, with you being human, you certainly have the same morals as those humans have,"Seviathan says.

Phoenix glares at Seviathan and explains, "So what? I'm still human, and Charlie has shared with me about her project. I do think her project on rehabilitating demons is a good idea. I lived on earth and read about the kinds of sins that people committed are not only done by anger, but also done by fear and depression. If the hotel can help those who have gone through hard times that caused them to commit sins, maybe there's a chance that they can redeem themselves, or at least try to make themselves do better with their lives."

"I still find it pointless. There is no undoing on what's been done. As you know from living in the human world, once you commit sin and hard crimes, you are forever condemned to Hell, with no way out or redemption. The goal that Charlie has is due to failure, nothing but a cheap ass joke that no one is interested in," Sevianthan says.

Phoenix then says, "Whether or not, I believe that people still have time to be redeemed, whether they end up in heaven or not."

"You sure have some spirit for a demon who is half human," Seviathan says with a grin on his face.

Then walks away as he says, "Now, let's head to the meeting room to meet up with our parents."

"Alright," Phoenix says, and follows him

Phoenix is still steamed at Seviathan about talking about Charlie's project like this. It may sound pointless for other demons, but Vaggie and herself do support it, and plan to do what they can to help her.

Meanwhile, in the meeting room, Lucifer, along with Lilith, and Satan are discussing with two other demons.

The first demon has somewhat the same appearance as Seviathan, but taller. He also has gray skin and bright green color eyes, a black mustache over his lips. He wears a black suit above a white shirt,with black pants and shoes. His hair is while with gray underneath, representing tentacle appendages. Also, his shoulders feature spikes shooting out from them.

The one next to him is a female demon. She has gray-skinned demon with bright green, pupil-less eyes and long, flowing white hair with dark spots underneath, akin to a cephalopod's tentacles. She has black eyelids with long eyelashes, black lips, bright green claws. She has a bright green, sharp-toothed moth on the left side of her mid-section that is always open. She wears a long, black gown with a slit down the length, black evening gloves, and wears black fish-net stockings under her dress. The lower part and underside of her gown is decorated with black dots, giving it the appearance of tentacles.

"And so Fredrick, Bethesda, we'll be holding the ball at the end of the month, which is going to be three weeks from today. And there, I will properly introduce my wife and daughter to the other demon royals," Satan says.

The male demon, Fredrick grins and says, "Of course. I must say, it's about time you decide to give your family a proper introduction."

"Indeed. I would like to meet your wife and daughter beforehand. I remember you showing me their pictures, and I've seen your daughter on the news," The female demon, Bethesda replies.

"Yes. She's been quite the talk around Hell, especially showing off her powers. And yet, she is still quite human and can easily be vulnerable to other demons," Frederick says.

Satan sighs, "Yes. I've been having the situation with that, especially what my niece has been telling me."

"And the fact that Sirius was involved," Lucifer says.

"I have to agree. He's been quite troublesome, despite him being exiled to the darkest parts of Hell," Lilith says.

"Yes. It's shocking that Sirius decided to make a move on a young woman. However, it is to be expected he did hold a grudge against you and decided to take this out of your daughter. Plus, a hybrid with human blood has strong qualities depending on the demon parent," Betesda replies.

"Yes. And it was more difficult to keep all this a secret until the timing was right to show you all my child," Satan says.

Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Lilith calls out.

Then Seviathan voice says, "It's Saviathan von Eldritch. Mind if I come in."

Satan sighs and says, "Okay,"

The door opens and Seviathan walks inside with Phoenix from close behind.

Phoenix waves and says, "Hi dad."

"Oh Phoenix, I didn't expect to see you here, and with Seviathan," Satan says.

"Um yeah. I kind of bump into him while we're in the hall," Phoenix says, rubbing the back of her head.

Bethesda calmly smiles and asks, "Is that your daughter? I must say, she sure is a pretty little girl."

"Um, thank you. I'm Phoenix Magne. It's a pleasure to meet you," Phoenix says, and gently bows in respect.

Frederick grin says, "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Phoenix. I must say, you are a lovely little lady. She definitely looks like her mother, and has your father's hair color."

"Thank you," Phoenix replies, blushing a bit.

Then turns to her dad, "So dad, what are you all up to?"

"We were discussing the ball I explained to you about. The one that's going to be held in a few weeks," Satan explains.

"Oh right, that," Phoenix says, feeling skeptical about the ball.

"I understand you're feeling a little uneasy about it, but I promise that everything will be okay," Satan says.

"I sure hope so," Phoenix says.

Then says, "Well, I better get going. I'm sure the others are wondering where I am."

Then turns to the Von Eldritch, "It'a a nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Von Eldritch. And you too Seviathan."

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Phoenix. I do hope to see you at the ball," Bethesda says.

"Of course," Phoenix says.

Then walks out, "See you later, dad."

"By Phoenix," Satan says.

Phoenix then leaves the meeting room and closes the door behind her.

Seviathan chuckles and says, "I must admit Satan, your daughter, Phoenix is quite an odd girl, but you can tell she is has strong powers."

After meeting with the Von Eldritch, Phoenix walks outside of the mansion to the backyard. There, they see Charlie, Vaggie, Conan, Grace, and Zǐ Māo kicking a soccer ball around while Kyuubi is chasing after the ball. Phoenix walks down the stairs and to the yard to see them having a little fun.

Phoenix calls out, "Hey guys."

Charlie turns to see Phoenix and hurries to her in relief.

"Phoenix, I'm glad you're here. Zǐ Māo told me that you ran into Seviathan. Are you okay? Did he say anything to you?" Charlie asks, concerned.

Phoenix sighs, "Nothing much, but he did talk trash about your hotel. He kind of told me about what I think and I'm not sure if he took my explanation too well, but he acts like I'm naive or something."

"I was worried he'll say something about that," Charlie says with a sad expression.

"It's okay. Honestly, the way he talks about you, I can understand why your relationship with him didn't work out," Phoenix says.

"Yeah, but I'm glad to see that you're okay," Charlie says.

"Thanks for worrying, but there wasn't much. I did meet his parents though and they seem decent. I haven't met his sister yet," Phoenix says.

"I hope it will stay that way. I don't want you to meet Helsa of all demons," Charlie says.

But luck is not on her side as a voice calls out, "Oh really, Charlie. And I thought I would get a chance to meet your so-called human cousin with demon DNA."

The group turn their heads as they stop playing with the ball to see a young female demon walking down the stairs with a smirk on her face. She has dark gray skin and long white hair with dark spots underneath, similar to that of a cephalopod's tentacles. Her eyes have dark teal sclerae and neon green irises with slit pupils. The right side of her face is covered with bangs from her hair. She has sharp neon green teeth and black lips. She also wears a hot pink coat with neon green fur collar, cuffs and buttons and a dark gray pencil skirt with matching neon green fur trim.

Charlie groans in frustration and says in a bitter tone, "Helsa. So it's not nice to see you again."

"I could say the same about you, Charlie. And don't think I've forgotten that comment you said to me during your pathetic interview," The female demon Helsa says, with a scowl look on her face.

Phoenix turns to Vaggie and whispers, "I have to assume she's Helsa."

"She is. And that bitch is always getting on Charlie's nerves, and so are mine," Vaggie whispers back.

Charlie then crosses her arms and sternly says, "Well, I can see that you're still the self-centered arrogant evil girl back at school."

"And you are still the annoying goody goody pathetic excuse of a princess," Helsa says, angrily.

The two bitterly glare at each other, almost like the sparks of rivalry between them begin to ignite. Zǐ Māo and Kyuibi hurry to Phoenix and look from behind to see the two girls are about ready to maul each other.

Phoenix gets between them and says, "Alright you two, that's enough. The last thing we need is for you two to get into a cat fight."

Helsa turns to notice Phoenix and gives her a devilish grin, "Well well, so you're the human/demon hybrid that the news has been talking about. And you're Charlie's cousin."

"Yes. And I also have a name. My name is Phoenix, Magne," Phoenix says.

"Phoenix, huh? Kind of an unusual name, but it's suitable for that long and wils hair of yours," Helsa says.

He then leans to Phoenix and says, "I even hear you've been staying at Charlie's stupid little Rehabilitation hotel. It's more like a cheap ass joke if you ask me."

"Hey! Charlie's hotel is not pathetic! I happen to think it's actually a good idea," Phoenix says.

Hela laughs and questions, "Are you serious? The hole Rehabilitation idea so sinners can go to the Heaven is the most stupid ass idea I have ever heard, and it actually failed before it even got started. Thanks to the news report from her first patient. And you surly upstage her when your broadcast appears about you fighting the Dark Sombras."

"First of all, Helsa, it's not my fault that the Dark Sombras attacked me and tried to hurt anyone else in sight. Second, I wasn't trying to upstage her. And third, Charlie's idea isn't fuckin stupid, maube it does to a lot of demons, but I think it's a good idea that is worth a try. Sure we don't know fully if it's possible to get a sinner into heaven, but maybe it can help some demons become better and go over some of the problems they have. And also, why are you acting so mean to Charlie?" Phoenix says angrily, and her hair begins to move like fire and her eyes begin glowing red.

"Oh, because she is a goody two-shows and a fuckin failure as a demon," Helsa says.

"She is not. She is a great girl who has her own place in this world," Phoenix angrily says.

"Call it if you like, but she is still hopeless," Helsa comments.

"You bully," Phoenix says, glaring at Helsa and performs a raspberry at her as she sticks her tongue out.

Helsa scoffs, "Hmph. Humorous."

Then walks away, "Well, at least I get to have a small opportunity to speak to the famous hybrid that is causing such a ruckus. It's a shame that you're related to Charlie of all people. Ta-ta."

And with that, Helsa walks away, unaware that Phoenix is full of rage and wants to punch Helsa's lights out.

Phoenix sighs as she turns to Charlie and asks, "Is she always like this?"

"Yes. Yes she is. And I really hate to see her at the ball in a few weeks," Charlie says.

Time has gone by since the Von Eldritch has left and now it's time for Charlie, Phoenix, and the others to head back to the hotel.

"Alright guys, it's time for us to head back to the hotel. And don't worry, we'll be back for the ball," Charlie says.

Lilith calmly smiles and nods her head, "Yes. We hope to see you again soon."

Satan and Momiji hug Phoenix to wish her goodbye.

"Goodbye darling, I hope to see you soon," Momiji says.

"Me too. You don't need to worry," Phoenix says.

Satan ruffles Phoenix's hair and says, "I know you will, and hope you can stay out of trouble until the ball."

"I'll try, but you know it's not going to be easy, and it's never a dull moment," Phoenix says.

Satan chuckles with a grin on his face.

Soon, Charlie, Phoenix, and the others are in the limo, driving away from the mansion and back to the Hazbin Hotel.

Phoenix sighs and lays on the chair, "I'm so glad to be back at the hotel."

"Yeah. It's nice to get back and finally relax after what we've been through," Vaggie says, feeling tired.

Phoenix sadly sighs and says, "I kind of feel bad about what happened, and making you all worry."

"It's okay, you didn't mean any harm. We just need to be more careful when the Dark Sombras come back, especially now that Sirius was able to create new Dark Sombras with his creepy mask," Charlie says.

Phoenix sits up and looks at her bracelet, "Yeah. And I need to be ready when he does. I just wish there's a way to stop him once and for all."

"I know what you mean," Charlie says and sighs.

She places her hand on Phoenix's shoulder and says, "For now, it's best we leave Sirius to our fathers and we can head back to the hotel and relax a little."

She then happily says, "And then, we can get ready for the ball. You're going to love it."

"I hope I feel the same way with you all, but knowing the fact I'll be introduced to so many royal demons, I'm not so sure," Phoenix says.

"I know it will be hard, but your parents, me, Vaggie, and my parents will be there," Charlie says.

"Thanks. You're a great cousin, Charlie," Phoenix says.

"You're great yourself, especially for standing up for me," Charlie says.

Phoenix and Charlie hug each other and smile as the limo continues to drive them to the hotel.

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