Episode 34: Medical Discussions
Early the next day, Phoenix is still sleeping in her bed with Kyuubi sleeping close by on his small bed on Phoenix's bed. Phoenix lets out a grunt and groans as she begins to walk up from her sleep. She stretches her arms and yawns to feel the pain in her body. Even though her body has healed, she still feels sore from the training and the fight.
She sits up and looks around to see Grace and Conan are still asleep. She calmly smiles to see they're okay, but concerned they end up getting hurt.
Suddenly, she hears a grunt and groan, "Fuck... my head..."
Phoenix turns her head to see the Hellhound, known as Loona is sleeping a short distance away across the room and has her claw hands on her head, feeling the pain on it. Soon, she sits up as she rubs her eyes, and gives her body a stretch.
"Fuck, can't believe I got myself into another hang over. And it's worse than the last one," The Hellhound mutters to herself.
"Are you okay?" Phoenix asks, concerned.
The Hellhound turns her head to reveal her red eyes with white in the center.
Loona glares at Phoenix and demands, "Who the fuck are you?!"
Phoenix coils herself back a bit from Loona's hostility.
"Uh I'm Phoenix. It's uh nice to meet you," Phoenix says, trying to remain calm and yet, feeling nervous.
Loona lays down and says, "Oh, I remember you. You're that hybrid girl that Octavia told me about. I've also seen you on the news. You really know how to kick ass."
"Uh really now..." Phoenix replies.
Then Loona turns to Phoenix and asks, "So, mind telling me where the fuck are we?"
"We're actually in the infirmary of Charlie's home," Phoenix says.
Loona turns her head, "So we're actually at the home of Hell's head honcho, huh."
"Um yeah," Phoenix replies with a nod.
Then calmly says, "Listen, I need you to answer a few questions?
Loona narrows her eyes, giving Phoenix a suspicious look, "Why do you want to know?"
"You mean... you don't remember what happened?" Phoenix asks.
"Remember what?" Loona asks, getting hostile again.
Phoenix sighs, "Well... it's like this..."
Phoenix then explains to Loona everything about what happened. To Phoenix's training, to having been attacked by Dark Sombras, and how Loona remains after the attack. After explaining the situation, Loona is rather shocked and not happy about being used, but actually able to calm herself down.
Loona calmly shrugs her shoulders and says, "Okay, I guess I have no reason not to believe you. And you're acquainted with Octavia, so I'll take your word for it."
"Still, do you remember anything that happened before the incident? Anything at all?" Phoenix asks.
Loona thinks for a bit and says, "Well, my memory is shitty at this point. I was drinking late last night and began to have the worst hangover."
"Okay," Phoenix replies.
Then Loona says, "And I remember sleeping in my room, trying to sleep it off and..."
The night before the Phoenix and her friends are attacked by the Dark Sombras, in an apartment room, Loona is sleeping on her bed as she lets out a sore and has bottles of alcohol on the bed. Suddenly, Loona's right ear twitches to hear the sound of something breaking and crashing.
Loona groans as she wakes up and sits up, "What the fuck is that noise?"
She then rubs her eyes and asks feeling tired, "Blitz, if that's you, shut the fuck up? I've had the worst hangover ever!"
Loona rubs her eyes and feels tired still. As she tiredly looks around, she isn't aware that a glowing floating mask appears behind her.
"Blitz, shut off the fuckin lights before..." Loona tiredly says, turning around.
Before she can answer, the mask slams itself on Loona's face and over her eyes, and she falls off the bed with a thud. Before she can react any further, the mask glows, causing her to become petrified. Soon, the black aura begins to surround Loona as the girl falls unconscious.
Flashback Ends:
"That kind of all I can remember," Loona says, scratching the back of her ear.
"Yikes, are you going to be okay?" Phoenix asks, concerned.
"I'll be fine. I think I still have a bit of a hangover," Loona groans.
She then lays down and says, "Fuck, my head hurts."
"I'm sure you'll be okay after some more rest. We're going to be here for a little while," Phoenix says.
"Whatever. I just know Blitz is going to fuckin freak when he find out about this," Loona says.
"You mean your dad?" Phoenix asks, curious.
"First off, he is not really my dad. He adopted me when I was almost eighteen. Even though he acts like a dad, he can be fuckin annoying. And second, I know going to have another hissy fit when he finds out," Loona says.
"Hey, maybe he's kind of annoying, but Moxxie and Millie told me that he at least cares about you guys. He just seems to have a weird way of showing," Phoenix says.
"Whatever," Loona says.
"Yeah. I actually did in a way meet Blitz, twice," Phoenix says.
"Well, he did tell me about the incident with Octavia," Loona says.
Phoenix nervously rubs her head, "Yeah... I also met him when he kind of spied on Moxxie and Millie on their night out."
"How do you know that?" Loona asks, arching her eyebrow.
"Because Kuroi and I met Moxxie and Millie at the restaurant his family owns while we were on a date. And I had a weird feeling someone's following us. Not realizing what's going on, I kind of flipped him over, pinned him to the ground, and held his arm behind his back with myself on him.
Loona blinks her eyes in shock, "You're shittin me, right?"
"It's true," Phoenix replies with a smile.
Loona chuckles and covers her mouth trying her hardest not to laugh.
Then asks, "That was you?"
"Me what?" Phoenix asks, confused.
"Millie told me about this girl who is half human/half demon and gave Blitz the karate expedition. Blitz told me that he was completely off guard and never expected to be attacked like that by a human girl, let alone a hybrid," Loona says, and begins laughing.
"Yeah. I'm guessing Blitz was not happy about that," Phoenix says, embarrassed as she rubs the back of her head.
"Yeah. He was pissed and his arm was kind of sore when he got back home," Loona says.
She chuckles and says, "I still can't believe someone attacked him like that."
"Yeah. I don't think he'll let me live it down," Phoenix says.
"No shit," Loona says.
Just then, Phoenix hears a yawn and looks at her bed to see Kyuubi is starting to wake up. Kyuubi stretches his front legs as he lets out a yawn in exhaustion. Soon, Kyuubi opens his eyes and looks around with a confused expression on his face.
Phoenix says in relief, "Kyuubi."
Kyuubi's ear moves a bit and turns around to see his owner. He happily stands up, despite his injuries and slowly walks to Phoenix. Phoenix sits up and picks up Kyuubi gently.
Phoenix hugs him in relief, "I'm so glad you're okay, Kyuubi."
"I take it that fox is yours?" Loona asks.
"Yeah. This is Kyuubi, he's my sweet little fox," Phoenix says.
Then turns to Kyuuby, "Say hi, Kyuubi."
Kyuubi turns to see Loona and happily barks in reply.
"Uh hey, little fox. I guess," Loona says, a little skeptic about saying hi to a small animal.
Suddenly, a groan and grunt appears, "Can you two keep the voice down? My head is fuckin' killin me!"
Phoenix turns her head to see Conan has woken up from his sleep.
"Conan, you're awake," Phoenix says, relieved.
Grace soon wakes up as well, "Morning. How is everyone doing?" She yawns and stretches her arms in exhaustion, and is careful with her wings.
"Morning Grace, how are you feeling?" Phoenix asks.
Grace yawns and answers, "A little better, but my wing still needs some time to heal."
"Well then, now that we're all up. Grace, Conan, this is Loona. And Loona, these are my friends, Conan and his sister, Grace. She and I have been talking since we woke up," Phoenix says.
Grace turns to see Loona, "Hello."
"Yo," Conan replies.
"Hi," Loona says in a monotone voice.
Just then, the door opens and Charlie is the first to enter the room.
"Good morning!" Charlie happily says.
"Hi Charlie," Phoenix says, waving towards Charlie.
"How are you all feeling?" Charlie asks, happily.
"I feel a lot better," Phoenix says.
"Somewhat a little better," Conan says.
"I'm fine, but still need some time to rest," Grace says.
"Still feeling like shit," Loona answers.
Charlie turns to see Loona, "Oh hello, I see you're awake. Do you need anything?"
"All I need is something to drink. Got any liquor or something?" Loona answers, and lays back down on the bed.
"Didn't you say you were just in a hangover?" Phoenix questions.
"Still hungover from having a mask on my face, dumbass," Loona says, glaring at Phoenix.
Phoenix grins and says, "Still, you should try to lay off the alcohol until your dad comes."
"Why you..." Loona says, glaring at Phoenix who is sticking her tongue out at her.
Charlie giggles, "Sorry about that, Loona. My cousin can be a bit of a handful, but she's a very sweet girl."
Loona's ear witch and she looks at Phoenix and Charlie with a confused look, "Your... Your cousin?"
Charlie quickly covers her mouth and muffles, "Oops."
"It's okay Charlie. A lot of demons already know who I am, so I'm not too bothered about it anymore," Phoenix says with a sigh.
Then turns to Loona, "And yes. Charlie is really my cousin. It's a long story, but in short, My uncle Lucifer's younger brother, Satan, is my dad, and my mother, who was human, is named Momiji. I lived in the human world with my mom, until I ended up living here because I was kidnapped and brought to Hell. Now I live with Charlie at her hotel."
Loona looks at Phoenix with a shocked expression.
All Loona is able to say is, "Aw shit."
Meanwhile, in the guest room, Stolas has made a call to Blitz and has explained to him about Loona, and what has happened to her.
Over the phone Blitz's voice is practically blowing from his end, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN LOONA IS IN THE PALACE UNCONSCIOUS?! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BABY!"
"Blitzy, you need to calm down. I know you're worried, but..." Stolas says, trying to remain calm.
But Blitz shouts in rage, " I DON'T FUCKIN CARE! I JUST WANT TO SEE MY LOONIE!"
"I'm sure she's doing fine. She actually didn't receive any injuries. She just feels tired and will need to rest for a short while. Now try to remain calm," Stolas says.
Blitz sighs, "Fine. I'll try to remain calm. I'll go to the palace of Hell's king, and see how she's doing."
"Oh, you don't need to worry. I have a faster way for you to get there," Stolas says.
He then creates an aura around his claws and uses it to create a portal that goes right to the location of Blitz. Stolas walks through to find himself in the I.M.P office, where Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie are.
Blitz looks at Stolas and says, "That's quick."
Then turns to Moxxie and Millie, "Come on, let's go find my Loonie."
Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie walk through the portal and into the guest room.
In the medical unit, after being able to calm Loona down a bit, after her sudden shock, Charlie is able to have the servants bring some breakfast to them as they have a chat.
"So you're saying that you can transform into that demon girl that first appeared during the Turf War, and you're the one to beat the shit out of the Black Nights?" Loona asks, taking an interest in Phoenix's story and drinking coffee.
"Yeah. That's what they get for trashing the dance club we were at. And I had to save Marina," Phoenix says.
"Huh. You're not like other demons, but you got a good head on your shoulders. Anyone who can beat the crap out of demons the way you do, it's okay with me," Loona says.
"Uh thanks," Phoenix replies.
Conan says, "Don't forget, we helped you kick those overgrown rats with wings, and Alastor is the one who scared them away."
"I'm surprised you're able to stay in the same building as the Radion Demon of all demons," Loona says.
"I know, but we were able to get along with him. Even if he does think of us as part of his entertainment," Phoenix says.
"Yeah... I think I'll keep my distance from him," Loona says.
Grace says, "You act like Vaggie when she talks about Alastor. She really doesn't like having him around."
"By the way, where is Vaggie?" Phoenix asks.
"Sleeping with Zǐ Māo. Vaggie is still tired from yesterday. I'm planning on going to check on her after seeing how you all been doing," Charlie says
Suddenly, the door kicks open, startling the group. Everyone turns their heads to see Blitz has used his foot to kick the door open.
He then hollers, "LOONIE!"
"What the fuck Da..." Loona says, shocked, but then calms herself down after the fright and says, "Ugh. Blitz!"
"LOONIE!" Blitz cries out in relief and the possibility of tears coming down his face.
He runs to Loona and quickly gives her a big bear hug, almost enough for Loona to suffocate.
"Oh Loonie, daddy's been worried about you! Are you hurt? You've eaten right?" Blitz asks, worried.
Crushed, Loona answers, "Bl-Blitz... you're... you're crushing me..."
"Sorry Loonie, I'm just glad you're alright," Blitz says, and gives Loona a kiss on the cheek.
Phoenix giggles and says, "Aww. That is so sweet. I never knew your dad was so devoted."
"Don't encourage him!" Loona says, glaring at Phoenix and still feeling crushed from the hard embrace.
Just then, the doors open again, but more calmly. Moxie, Millie, and Stolas enter the room.
"Sir, you should really consider not to barge into another room," Moxxie says.
"Moxxie? Millie?" Phoenix says, a little surprised.
Millie turns to see the hybrid girl and happily waves, "Hi Phoenix, didn't expect to see you here?"
"Well, I didn't expect to end up in a hospital bed, or at least a bed close to one," Phoenix says.
"What happened and the others for that matter?" Moxxie adds.
"Well, it's like this..." Phoenix says, feeling concerned and skeptical.
With that, Phoenix begins to explain to everyone about what has happened to herself, along with her friends, and from what Loona has told her.
Meanwhile, Satan, Momiji, Lucifer, and Lilith have already woken up, due to the noise that's been going on in the palace. And so, they decide to check on Phoenix and the others to see how they're doing.
"I wonder how Phoenix and the others are doing," Lilith replies.
"I'm sure they're doing fine. They were able to rest for the night so I'm sure they'll feel good to talk to us more about the incident," Lucifer says.
Then Lilith turns to Satan, "So how was the prisoner?"
"If you mean that dog demon that Cloud captured, he should still be in the containment room. Cloud plans to question him this afternoon, and plans to get information out of him," Satan answers.
Then narrows his eyes as they begin to glow, "No matter what it takes. I plan to find Sirius and destroy him once and for all for everything he has done."
"Now dear, you haven't started the search and he already has you upset," Momiji says, calming her husband down.
"I'm sorry, but Sirius seems to have new tricks up his sleeve from what Phoenix explained about what happened, and I fear that he'll put other demons under his control with this new power," Satan says, still feeling frustrated.
"Indeed. We'll have to keep a watchful eye out in case Sirirus decides to pull another one of his tricks up his sleeve," Lucifer says.
Then Lilith asks, "And how do you plan on presenting your daughter to the other demons, especially since so many demons, including Overlords and Goetia demons already met her? Plus, the Von Eldritch wants to meet her as well."
"I know. I'm still trying to figure it out. It will be best to set up another Hellfire Conference," Satan says.
But Lucifer suggests, "What about we held our annual ball?"
"You mean, that ball?" Satan questions.
"Indeed. It will be a perfect way to introduce your daughter to our hellish subjects," Lucifer says.
"Hmm, I'll think about it," Satan says, still unsure of the idea.
Back in the palace, Phoenix and the others have finished explaining to the I.M.P Crewe what has happened to Loona, and the kind of mess they have at the training camp. And since Loona has been told about Phoenix, they have to confess about Phoenix being Satan's daughter as well.
Millie asks, surprised, "So... Satan, Lord Satan is really your dad. And you're actually Princess Charlotte's cousin?"
"Yeah. Sorry for not telling you about it sooner, but we try to keep this a secret, but too many demons and sinners already figured it out and we had to tell. In fact, my dad even announced it to all high class demons about it," Phoenix explains.
"Shit, so we're practically been in the presence of royalty," Blitz comments.
Then mutters as he grits his teeth, "And can't believe I got my ass whooped by a princess."
"I heard that. Just because I'm technically a princess because of who my dad's side of the family is, I'm not exactly a prissy princess who has everything done for me. I can handle my own stuff," Phoenix says.
Then turns to Charlie, "No offense Charlie."
"None taken," Charlie replies with a smile.
"So, what do we do now? You're going to let this go, are you?" Loona asks.
"Of course not. Sirius and his Dark Sombra or anyone he sent has been nothing but a pain in the air, "Phoenix says. But soon says, "Actually, it's a lot worse. He keeps sending his Dark Sombras at me, they attack my friends, and nearly kill Angel for that matter. He sent a snake like Imp after me that shot me with a gun, using some odd spell on the bullet to control me. Now he used a Hellhound to attack me and my friends against their will with some creepy magic mask."
"Yeah. That guy is a piece of shit. Son of a bitch," Loona says.
"Yeah. He sure sounds like one,"Blitz says.
Millie turns to Phoenix, "Hey Phoenix, maybe you have let us help you kill that bastard."
"Yeah. That's a great idea. We can help you take care of your business with that guy," Blitz says.
"No way1" Phoenix says, in fright.
Charlie says, "I have to agree. Sirius is too powerful against three Imps. You won't stand a chance against him."
"I'm afraid she's right, sir. From what Phoenix explained, Sirius will be too much for us to handle," Moxxie says.
"Well, that creep made things personal in using my Loonie for his fuckin dirty work," Blitz says.
Then brings out is gun and expresses his rage, "I'm going to find that fucker and show him what it really means to be dangerous."
Phoenix turns to Loona, "He's serious about this, isn't he?"
"Yep. That's Blitz for ya. He doesn't give a shit about his actions until he fucked up by something," Loona says.
Stolas then picks up Blitz and says, "But Blitz, I've met Sirius before, and he's much too powerful and dangerous for you to deal with. Even Satan, myself, and others who have faced him had struggles."
"Uh, you're serious about this, aren't you?" Blitz asks, sounding a little surprised.
"I'm very serious. You can get hurt, or even killed if you try to fight him. Beides, Sirius hadn't been seen or heard for centuries. No one really knows where he is now," Stolas says.
Blitz sighs, "Fine. I won't do anything stupid until other wise."
Then mutters, "Still like to off that fucker for messing with my Loonie."
"Oh Blitzy, you can be so cute when you get angry," Stolas says and hugs Blitz.
Blitz groans and says, "Alright Stolas, you can put me down now. Don't act like a perverted bird brain in front of the kids."
Loona groans and says, "You both need to get a fuckin room."
"Uh yeah. How about you take your little love affair somewhere else," Phoenix says.
"Yeah. I don't plan on seeing any mushy display while resting here," Conan says.
Then turns his head away in disgust, "Gross."
Just then, the doors open and this time, Satan, Momiji, along with Lucifer and Lilith arrive.
"Hey Phoenix, I see you all are up and feeling better," Satan says.
"Yeah. I'm feeling a lot better. My friends are too, but still sore from what happened," Phoenix says.
"It sure looks kind of lively here," Momiji says.
Loona then asks, "I have to assume, that's your mom. She actually looks kind of like you, except for the fiery hair, you got that for your dad."
"That she is. This is my mom, Momji," Phoenix says.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet the sperm and egg factory who popped this little hybrid. You both raised a sturdy bitch," Blitz says.
Phoenix blinks her eyes with a confused expression, "I don't know if that is supposed to be a complement or not."
"Eh, you get used to hearing how Blitz talks," Loona says.
Moxie glares at Blitz, "Sir, you're in front of royalty. At least show some respect."
"Oh don't be such a puss," Blitz says, scoffing it off.
"Is he always like this?" Phoenix asks.
Loona sighs and says, "Yes... yes he is. Like I said, you'll get used to it.
Satan then turns to Phoenix and everyone in the room, "Anyway, we've got something important to discuss. It regards you meeting the other demons and interrogating the dog demon that Cloud captured."
"Like what?" Phoenix asks.
Lucifer then says, "After a little talking and thinking, we've decided to announce to you all of Hell at the Annual Ball."
"A ball?" Phoenix asks.
Charlie asks, sounding concerned, "Uh, do you mean that ball where many demons, especially those of high class, attend. You want Phoenix to meet them there."
"Indeed, we've also decided to hell the conference during the ball, and Phoenix will be presented to everyone in Hell. It's an extravagant ball that will be broadcasted throughout hell," Lilith says.
Then turns to Satan and Lilith, "And with that, we'll introduce you along with your mother to all of Hell, to let them know who you are and part of the Magne family.
Phoenix expresses her concern, "Oh my."
Meanwhile, in the dark area of his secret hideout, the monstrous being known as Sirius, who is always hidden in the shadows, yet revealing his dark blue scales, and glowing crimson eyes is displeased that his plan has failed.
He grits his teeth as he clutches his sharp claws, "Fuck. That little hybrid was able to stop all the Dark Sombras I've sent, and they were able to capture Larry as well! If that stupid mutt opens his big fat ass mouth, then he might end up revealing where I am, and my plans will be ruined."
Sirius then punches part of the wall in full rage.
He then mutters to himself, "I have to do something before my plans will be ruined for sure. Then everything I've done so far will be for nothing. I need to buy myself some time and capture that girl..."
Sirius' eyes glows to a darker red color as he expresses in full rag.
He then has an idea in mind, "I'll have to capture the brat myself in person. And will make it clear that she will be part of my plans, whether she wants to or not. Then, my plan will begin."
Then maniacally laughs that surrounds the area, and he plans to capture Phoenix no matter what it takes.
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