Episode 33: Powerful Healing. Hellhound Saved
Not long ago, Phoenix along with Grace, Conan, and her pet fox, Kyuubi have been attacked by the Dark Sombras, they're able to defeat four, the Wolf Dark Sombra is able to overpower them, leaving Conan, Grace, and Kyuubi badly injured, Phoenix tries to fight back, but the dark Sombra continues to cause more injuries.
Suddenly, Phoenix's sword begins to be engulfed by fire as it transforms into a snake that makes a hissing sound.
Just then, Phoenix swings her sword and calls out, "Serpentine... HELLFIRE!"
And battle against the Dark Sombra with this new attack from her sword.
And then, Phoenix opens her eyes to reveal the glowing red in her eyes.
Then Phoenix calls out, "Thousand Phoenix Cries..."
She then let out, "SONIC SHRIEKS!"
Then lets out a shrieking sound of a Phoenix's cry, seining sonic waves at the Dark Sombra, getting it off her. Then the Dark Sombra falls to the ground, and struggles to get up.
Before the Wolf Dark Sombra can attack, Phoenix is able to charge at the Dark Sombra and swings her power charged katana and strikes it at the side of the Dark Sombra's mask, leaving it stunned.
Phoenix calls out, "I'm going to do whatever it takes to protect my friends and my family! I won't let Sirius take any of them away! Not now! NOT EVER!"
Phoenix then swings her sword with the Serpentine Hellfire sword and is not only able to cut the mask in half, but also sends the two pieces flying, as a vortex of flaming red Hellfire surrounds them.
The mask of the Dark Sombra breaks off and soon shatters into pieces after being cut in half. Then the remaining body of the Dark Sombra collapses on the ground.
And not long after that, Phoenix collapses on the ground as well. Her body is bleeding and aching all over.
Struggling to keep her strength, she says, "I... I did it..I got it... and it appears that... I've learned some new moves..."
"Than-thank you... dad..." Phoenix softly says.
Phoenix continues to heavily breath as she is on the verge of unconsciousness. She looks at the dissolving Wolf Dark Sombra, and to her shock, there's something off about it. As the Dark Sombra disappears, it's leaving what appears to be a body in its place. Soon enough, the Dark Sonbra is gone and in its place is what looks like a Hellhound.
The body left behind is a Hellhound. Judging by the appearance, she seems to be female, and has a wolf-like appearance. She has a dog-like muzzle, sharp and pointy teeth and a dark gray nose, white fur with gray patches on her shoulders, a big white and gray bushy tail and voluminous white hair swept to the side to reveal her ear. Her outfit features a black choker that has white spikes. Her gray crop top has strings shaped like a star to resemble an inverted pentagram to hold it up. Loona wears fingerless gloves and shorts with a crescent moon on the right side and both are top and shorts are slightly torn at the edges. She also wears black toeless stockings and is barefoot, due to her digitigrade stance. She has a piercing on her right eyebrow and two piercings in her left ear - in addition, her right ear is torn.
Phoenix says in thought, "What... what the fuck? Did the Dark Sombra change to a different demon... and she looks so familiar..."
Phoenix thinks and tries to remember where she has seen the Hellhound. Suddenly, she remembers where she sees her.
When Phoenix and Kuroi are on a date and end up meeting Moxxie and Millie. There, he shows them a picture of Blitz along with the Hellhound in question on his Hellphone.
"Loona?" Phoenix says, confused.
"Yeah. She's considered Blitz's adopted daughter. And he kind of considers us a family," Moxxie explains.
"Sounds kind of sweet," Phoenix says.
"If you know how Loona is, you wouldn't think she's sweet. And I keep telling Blitz that we aren't a family. He is the boss, Millie and I are employees. He treats Loona like she's some troubled teenager. She's more like a meth-addicted homeless woman who lets man the phones!" Moxxie says.
"Come on sweetie, she wasn't that bad.... Okay, she is a little rough around the edges, but she at least is doing her job," Millie says.
Flashback Ends:
"It's Loona. She's from the I.M.P. And she's kind of considered Moxxie and Millie's boss' adopted daughter. But how, she's not even a sinner. Unless Sirius must have found a way to do this to Hellborns too," Phoenix says in thought.
Phoenix then reaches her hand out to the Hellhound's hand and gently places her hand on the Hellhound's.
Then says to herself, "At least... I was able to save her... and save the others..."
Soon, Phoenix falls into unconsciousness.
However, the last thing she hears is a familiar voice, almost like Charlie's voice, "Phoenix!"
Moments Ago:
Phoenix has just defeated the Wolf Dark Sombra and has collapsed to the ground. Just then, a portal appears in the area and the first one to come out is Charlie.
Charlie happily calls out, "Phoenix, we're here to pick you up!"
"Phoenix?" Charlie calls out.
However, she becomes shocked to see the damage that has happened. There's a hole in the small house, Grace and Phoenix are on the floor and are also bleeding.
Charlie panics, "Oh no! What could have happened?!"
Just then, Cloud and Stolas walk out of the portal as well, and they are shocked to see the condition of the training grounds.
"Oh my, what could have happened here?" Stolas asks.
"I don't know, but I sense we're not alone here," Cloud says.
Charlie looks around in shock and becomes devastated to notice a familiar figure on the ground.
"Phoenix!" Charlie panics.
Charlie hurries to Phoenix who has transformed, but when she arrives, Phoenix has transformed back to her original form. What really has her shocked and upset is to see so many deep scratches on her body and her clothes end up being torn.
Charlie shakes Phoenix by the shoulder, "Phoenix, are you okay? Say something?"
Conan walks over and touches her neck with two of his fingers, "She's still alive, but it appears she's badly wounded."
"And it appears that two of your students were wounded as well," Stolas says, walking towards them.
Then looks to see the Hellhound unconscious next to the hybrid girl.
Confused, Stolas wonders, "Huh? What's Loona doing here?"
"You know her?" Cloud questions.
"Yes. She's actually the adopted daughter of my darling, Blitzy. But I wonder why she's here? Blitz told me that she disappeared and hasn't heard from her all day, and is very worried," Stolas answers.
"I like to know about it myself," Cloud says.
Just then, Cloud senses something as he is moving his ears a bit and turns his eyes to the right. He then brings out a knife and throws it, making the knife hit a tree. Then Larry, the dog demon, comes to a stop in fear. That causes the three to turn their heads to see the frightened dog demon.
"I believe he can tell us the answer," Cloud says.
"I believe he does," Stolas says.
He lifts his hand with a blue aura surrounding it. Larry becomes frightened and tries to run away, but is captured by the blue spacy aura and carried towards Stolas and Cloud.
As he's being carried to them, Larry struggles in a panic and screams, "No, please! Let me go! Don't kill me!"
"Oh don't worry, we won't kill you. We just want to have some answers," Cloud says.
Larry gulps nervously and says, "O-okay."
"Good," Cloud says, walking towards the frightened Larry.
Then asks, "So then, what's your name?"
"L-Larry," The dog demon nervously says.
"And if I have to guess, you're one of the demons that works for Sirius, correct?" Cloud questions.
"Um... yes... sort of..." Larry answers, frightened.
Then explains, "Yes... I kind of did. He told me to spy on the hybrid girl, and I uh... I did tell him... He... He knows that you four are going to be here for a few weeks. A-and that you have left to attend the Hellfire Conference. He.. He thinks it will be the op-opportunity to ca-capture Satan's daughter while you were away by sending five Dark Sombras after her."
"Is that so," Cloud says.
Then calmly says, "We'll discuss this more when we get to the palace. Consider that you'll be 'well taken care of' and under my custody for a while."
"Um okay," Larry says, really scared.
Charlie is still shocked to see Phoenix has been badly hurt. Suddenly, she hears whimpering and turns to see the hole in the tree along with a familiar orange bundle of fur. Charlie walks over and looks in the hole in the tree and is shocked to see the little fox demon is laying in the tree and also has bad scratch wounds as well.
"Kyuubi!" Charlie says, shocked.
Charlie then takes off her jacket and uses it to wrap it up.
She picks herself up with the fox and says, "We need to get them medical care."
"You're right. And this Hellhound needs to be checked as well," Cloud says.
"I'll have to let Blitz know that we found her. Although, he's not going to like what I have to tell him," Stolas says.
Charlie sighs as she walks back to Phoenix and kneels down to her in deep concern.
"I'm more worried about what I have to tell her father," Charlie says.
Cloud calmly says, "For now, we must get them all to the medical unit in the palace."
Charlie nods her head in reply.
Moment's later in the Hellfire Conference, all the high class demons along with Satan, Lucifer, and Lilith are waiting patiently for Phoenix's arrival. Meanwhile, they continue to discuss what to do about Sirius.
Just then, one of the Imp servants walks into the room and whispers, "Your majesties, we may have a word."
Satan turns to the servant, "What is it?"
The Imp whispers to Satan to his ear to explain to him the situation. Lucifer and Lilith turn to see Satan's expression has come from a serious to a shocked and concerned expression.
"Is this true?" Satan questions.
The Imp nods his head in reply.
Satan groans and says, "This has gotten from bad to worse."
"What's wrong, Satan?" Lilith asks.
Satan sighs and says, "I'm afraid we have a very serious situation."
"What kind of situation?" Lucifer asks, interested.
"My daughter and her friends. They were attacked by a group of Dark Sombras and are now in the medical unit. Cloud has the demon who is claimed to be Sirius' subordinate," Satan says.
Lucifer and Lilith are in shock to hear this.
Satan sighs, "I must be going. You can explain the rest from here."
With that, Satan leaves with the servant and leaves the two royal couples to handle the rest of the meeting.
In one of the medical rooms, Conan grunts and groans as he begins to slowly wake up. She turns his head to notice a feline demon dressed in a medical uniform is lacing bandages on the wounds where the Wolf Dark Sombra attacked. He soon feels the pain as he grunts and grits his teeth.
He mutters, "Fuck."
Just then, he remembers and mutters, "Grace... Ph-Phoenix..."
In a different medical room, a gray skinned dark purple hair female demon has the palm on Grace's wounds and uses the power to heal her. There is a spider-like demon that has the upper part of a human with six arms, and the bottom is a black spider body. She's using the web silk from her to sew the deep scratches, and the cuts she has on her wing.
In another room, Kyuubi, the little fox demon is resting on a soft Japanese style pillow and is surrounded by four small Fox demons that look alot like him. The foxes raise their tails and create small flames that circle around the little fox and begin to heal its wounds. Behind the group, there is a large fox demon that is sitting on its knees, and wears a male Japanese kimono of red white, and black. He also reveals his red glowing eyes to help use their power to heal the young fox.
In the other room, the Hellhound, Loona is resting inside one of the guest room beds. From the looks of it, Loona hasn't received any serious injuries, but has signs of exhaustion so it will take some time for her to wake up and testify what happened to her.
Lastly, Phoenix has been placed in a dark room as she is laying in a pool of water. In the room, there is an Angel fish like demon, and judging by the appearance, it appears to be female, and is using the magic to make the water glow and able to heal her wounds and other kinds of injuries she has.
Sometime later, after the treatments are handled, Phoenix, the two siblings, the little fox demon, and the Hellhound are in a shared medical bay after their treatment. Momiji is sitting on a chair next to her daughter. She sadly sighs and places her hand on Phoenix's forehead and gently rubs it. It really hurts to see her daughter badly hurt, but is relieved that she has received medical treatment in time.
Satan along with Cloud, Vaggie, Charlie, Zǐ Māo, Cloud, Stolas, along with Lucifer and Lilith arrive to the medical room to discuss about the situation Phoenix and her friends have been in with the Dark Sombras and about the Dog demon they have captive.
Meanwhile, Phoenix groans and grunts in pain as she slowly opens her eyes. She has difficulties opening them, but she soon can hear voices. She begins to hear murmurs in the background and it sounds almost like her dad. Then she hears murmurs that seem like Charlie, Vaggie, and Lucifer.
Then hears Charlie's voice, "All we were able to get was that the Dark Sombras attacked them while the Conference was happening. All of them were badly hurt, including Kyuubi and... I think Phoenix suffered the most damanages."
Suddenly, she hears another voice, "We were able to have all their wounds and injuries treated and it doesn't seem that they've suffered any life threatening situations, but they are also clearly exhausted. It will be best to give them a few days to a week for them to get some rest. It will take some time for them to get their strength back."
Then she hears her father's voice, "Please take care of them doctor."
"Yes your majesty," The voice says.
Then hears the sound of the door closing. Phoenix slowly opens her eyes and turns her head to see her mom, sitting next to her on a chair close by.
Phoenix softly mutters, "M-mom..."
Momiji turns to see Phoenix has her eyes halfway open and is still rather dazed.
"Hello sweetie, how are you feeling?" Momiji asks, concerned
"I'm... I'm okay... my body is feeling... so sore.... I'm feeling a bit... numb..." Phoenix softly says, feeling in pain.
Then looks around as she tilts her head, "Wha-what happened?"
"You're in the medical bay after having all your injuries treated," Momiji says.
Phoenix softly asks, "C-Conan... Gr-Grace... Ky-Kyuubi... Lo-Loona... Where... Where are they?"
"They're all resting as well," Momiji softly says.
Seeing her awake, Zǐ Māo walks over and asks in concern, "Are you okay, Phoenix?"
"I'm... I'm feeling okay..." Phoenix softly answers. She grunts and groans in pain, "My body is still aching."
She sighs, "I can't believe the mess we were in."
Suddenly, she hears grunts and groans close to her. She turns to see Conan is gritting his teeth and slightly moves his head a bit. Conan is able to wake up a little and turns his head to Phoenix to see her.
Conan grits his teeth and says, "Fuck... my back feels like shit."
"Conan..." Phoenix softly says.
Phoenix slowly uses her arms to help support herself and sit up. Momiji helps her sit up.
Then Momiji says, "You should lay down."
"But... the others. They're badly hurt. Those Dark Sombras were..." Phoenix says, struggling from the body she has endured.
Charlie walks over, "Phoenix, are you okay?"
"I'm... I'm okay..." Phoenix says, tried.
She grunts and groans and soon falls back onto the bed.
"You don't seem fine," Charlie says, worried.
Phoenix sighs, "This is going to take a while for us to heal."
"I know. I'm so glad you're okay. I was so... so worried when you got hurt. You and the others were badly injured," Charlie says, worried.
"Ugh. Those Dark Sombras came out of nowhere. We had no idea how they found the place," Phoenix says, feeling sore.
Then Grace's voice says, "We barely stood a chance against them."
Phoenix turns to the otherside to see Grace has woken up as well, but she is laying on her stomach, with her head facing her.
"Grace, you're alright," Phoenix says, relieved.
"Yeah, barely," Grace says.
Then turns to her injured wing, "But it looks like I won't be flying for a while."
"Urgh, my back is sore. I was slammed through the shack really hard," Conan says.
Phoenix asks as she looks around, "Where's Kyuubi?"
"Right over there," Vaggie says, turning her head.
Phoenix turns to see that Kyuubi is sleeping and does have a few bandages, especially around his waist.
"Luckily, Kyūbiko was able to heal him with some help but is recommended to wear the bandages to be on the safe side," Charlie says.
"We're just glad you all are okay, especially after the little mess we got into," Cloud says.
"I'm glad to hear," Phoenix says.
Then asks in concern, "But about Loona?"
"Loona?" Grace says confused.
"You mean the Hellhound. We were hoping you could tell us about it," A familiar voice says.
Phoenix turns her head to see Prince Stolas walking towards her.
"Stolas...? Um hello... hold on... what are you doing here?" Phoenix stammers, looking very surprised.
Stolas chuckles, "Let's just say I was needed to be here, considering that Bliz's little Hellhound is here as well."
"But is she okay?" Phoenix asks.
"She's fine. Luckily, she didn't receive any serious injuries, but exhaustion, but we like to know what happened. We understand from a... 'special' source that a group of Dark Sombras attacked you," Charlie says.
"Yeah. There were like five of them and they ambushed us. We were barely able to defeat four, but the last one, that seemed like a wolf, nearly brutally crushed us," Phoenix says.
"That explains the claw marks you four got on you," Charlie says.
"But I was able to beat it, and well... it's going to sound very weird... but Loona was... for some reason, when I cut the mask off and disappeared, Loona was left in its place." Phoenix explains.
Hearing this explanation leaves everyone in shock.
"What? Is this true?" Satan asks.
"Yes. Before I lost consciousness, I was able to see and recognize her. I'm glad to hear she's okay, but Sirius must have been able to use his strange magic to change her into a Dark Sombra," Phoenix adds to her explanation.
Satan and Charlie's parents look at each other with deep concern.
Then Phoenix asks, "And now what's going to happen?"
Satan sighs and says, "Nothing good I have to admit. It looks like I'll have something else to discuss. Depending on the information we can gather and when we can continue the conference."
"What conference?" Phoenix asks.
Everyone turns to each other, and Cloud turns to Satan and vice versa. Then Cloud gives Satan a nod in reply. Satan then walks to his daughter's bed and sits down.
Satan calmly explains, "I'm sorry Phoenix, but things have become complicated. As much as I want to wait for the appropriate time, the situation changed completely, especially after Sirius has casted his mark on you."
"What kind of changes?" Phoenix asks.
"I had to call an important meeting called the Hellfire Conference where high class demons like Overlords, Demon Royals and Elites, Goeitas, any royal rulers of Hell gather to discuss important matters that go on at Hell. I had to tell them everything. About Sirius' attacks, what we discovered," Satan explains.
He sighs and adds, "I even had to tell them about you and your mother."
Phoenix is in shock, "So... you had no choice but to tell them everything. About my life, mom, about the secret of my existence."
"Yes. Too many demons have found out about you being my daughter, and Asmodeus showed me the mark he placed on you. Kuroi and his father informed me that you had the mark removed. Therefore, there isn't any way to keep this secret any longer," Satan explains.
Phoenix sighs and says, "I'm... I'm sorry dad."
"I know. Don't worry, I promise not to let anything happen to you. Even if the news spread about it, I swore that any demon would try to harm you or your mother... well, let's just say, they'll be wishing an Exterminator has erased them," Satan says, and his eyes glow red.
Then Phoenix gently places down on the bed and says, "It's best you and the others get some rest, and we'll discuss this more in the morning."
"Okay," Phoenix says.
Later in the night, Conan, Grace, and Kyuubi are fast asleep. All except Phoenix. She still can't stop thinking of what her dad has told her. According to her dad, because of the incident, the Conference has to be postponed until she feels better. However, many of the demons want to meet Phoenix and some won't take no for an answer. She keeps thinking of what might happen, and if her life will change even further with now high class and demon royals knows her at this point. The best she can do is sleep her troubles away for the time being.
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