Episode 32: The Serpentine Hellfire and Sonic Shriek of the Phoenix
Finding themselves in a very difficult situation, Phoenix, Conan, Grace, and little Kyuubi have found themselves surrounded by five different Dark Sombras: A Snake Dark Sombra, a Bird Dark Sombra, A female Dark Sombra with glowing red balls, A pair of Dark Sombras with their tail attached to each other, and lastly, a large wolf like Dark Sombra which seems to be the leader. All of them are glaring at the three students and the small little fox demon.
Phoenix holds her sword as Conan positions himself in a fight, and Grace holds her fan. Kyuubi raises all nine of his tails as he growls in anger and shows his teeth and his fur stands on end.
Just then, the giant snake Dark Somrba pounces towards Conan. Conan quickly uses his speed to dodge the attack, but the Snake Dark Sombra turns and begins to open its mouth to show it's sharp fangs to bite Conan.
Before Grace can attack, the giant bird Dark Sombra lets out a large sound wave of shrieks, The girls and the little fox quickly dodge the attack. Just then, the pair of Dark Sombra begin to swing each other towards Phoenix to kick her, but Phoenix dodges the attack, but soon, they use their tail to tie around her ankle and throw her to the ground.
"Phoenix!" Conan cries out.
Phoenix gets up, "I'm okay."
She looks up in shock to see the giant wolf Dark Sombra coming at her. Phoenix quickly uses her speed to dodge the attack. Then dodges the claws of the Wolf Dark Sombra as it slashing its claws towards her.
The Wolf Dark Sombra tries to bite her, but Phoenix quickly uses her katana to block the attack.
Up in the air, Grace tries to dodge the attack of the Bird Dark Sombra. The Bird Dark Sombra flaps its wings to create a powerful gust. Grace quickly lifts her fan and creates a powerful wind. Both of the winds collide with each other, and it's enough to push each other back.
Down below, Conan continues to dodge the large snake Dark Somrba that tries to sink its teeth into him. Just then, the girl Dark Somrba throws her toy balls at Conan, but the Wolf Demon hears it and dodge the attack.
Conan calls out, "Where the fuck did these Dark Sombras came from?"
Just then, the Snake Dark Sombra is about to attack Conan, but Kyuubi jumps and sinks his teeth on the side of the Dark Sombra.
Phoenix punches the wolf Dark Sombra, "Nice job, Kyuubi."
Kyuubi happily barks in reply. Then turns his head and growls at the Snake Dark Sombra. Then the Snake Dark Sombra tries to strike at Kyuubi for an attack. Kyuubi quickly dodge the attacks.
Above, Grace and the bird Dark Sombra continue to fight and fly at each other. Grace flaps her fan and creates a tornado wind, and towards the Bird Dark Sombra. The Bird quickly flies past the atack and tries to claw at Grace and her wings with its sharp claws. Grace quickly flies down and the Bird Dark Sombra gives chase. Seeing Grace is being chased, Phoenix is able to push the Wolf Dark Sombra away and uses her fire power to strike at the Bird Dark Sombra on the stomach, making it almost lose its flight.
Grace flies to Phoenix and says, "Thanks Phoenix."
"No problem," Phoenix says.
Just then, the pair of Dark Sombras swing towards Phoenix, but Grace quickly gives it a kick on the head.
"How did the Dark Sombras know to come here?" Grace asks.
"I don't know, but the best we can do is fight them," Phoenix says, able to take out her bracelet from her pocket.
"I say it's time we even the odds..." Phoenix then puts on her bracelet on her wrist, lifts it up and soon it begins to glow and it disappears. Soon, she begins to transform once more.
Phoenix's body begins to glow red. Then coming out of her right hand is burning fire. She raises her hand in the air and controls the fire to fly around like a large, long ribbon. The fire then begins to coil around her upper body, her arms, and legs. The flames on her upper body transform into a red sleeveless kimono top up to her knees with a black emon and lace. It has a silhouette of a flaming bird on the left side and fire on the right side. Then a bright orange ribbon wraps around her waist and forms an obi ribbon on the back, a gold string buckle appears around the ribbon, and black tights that also cover her ankles.
Just then, fire patterned gloves appear on Phoenix's arms that go up to her elbows. Instead of covering the hands, they only cover the backhands and have a band attached that is around the middle finger. The flames around her legs transform into orange ballet flats. The yellow ribbons are wrapped around red leg warmers.
Just then, a small gold crown with a pentagram gem appears over her head. She puts it on and her hair begins to glow red. A black choker with a phoenix feather appears on her neck, a red star earring appears on her left ear while a black crescent moon earring appears on her right ears. Then her hair becomes covered in fire. Then hair turns into a glowing color of flames and slightly moves.
Phoenix then lands on the ground, and enchanting wings of a fire bird appear on her back. The feathers of the wings are the colors of fire. She then opens her eyes, her sclera are red with gold yellow pupils in the middle. At a split second, fire flashes in her eyes. Lastly, a red lined pentagram a black crescent moon having two circles and symbols around it appear on her forehead.
Phoenix announces as she moves her hand around."A Courageous and Majestic Bird that Soars through the Flames of Hell!"
Then fire appears from her hands.
Phoenix spins around in a circle, and announces, "Blazing Phoenix!"
She then finishes with a pose. Her left knee is bent while her right leg is at a forty degree angle. She has her right hand with the palm down across her body while her left arm is presented forward with the palm facing front.
Just then, the pair of Dark Sombra jump in the air. The one on the left, uses the tail to swing the other towards Phoenix, but the girl spreads her wings and quickly dodge the attack. Just then, the Bird Dark Sombra flies and attacks Phoenix. Then Grace flies up and uses her fan to create a tornado, sending the Bird Dark Sombra spinning.
On the ground, Conan continues to dodge Dark Somrba's attack. She continues to throw the ball as they spin very fast. Conan then is able to kick one of the balls, and barely able to kick it away from them. The girl Dark Sombra then catches the ball, but then the giant Wolf Dark Sombra pounces at him.
Seeing Conan in trouble, Phoenix tries to run to him, but then the pair of Dark Sombra use their attached tail to tie around Phoenix and lift her up. Phoenix struggles as she tries to break free from Dark Sombra's grasp.
"Phoenix!" Grace panics.
Grace flies over to help her, but the Wolf Dark Sombra pounces on Grace and pins her to the ground.
"Fuck!" Conan shouts, before he gets slammed on the back with the Slithering Dark Somrba's tail, and it slithers it's head towards her.
Conan struggles to get up as he mutters, "Shit..."
Kyuubi barks as he looks to see Phoenix, Grace, and Conan have been pinned down by the Dark Sombras. Just then, the girl, one, begins to throw her red balls at Kyuubi, which the fox demon senses and hears. Then quickly dodges the attack. He runs left, right, and around.
Phoenix struggles and is able to slip one of her arms out, the one with the katana.
She grits her teeth and says, "Fuck, there's too many of them. We need to get out of this somehow."
Meanwhile at the Hellfire Conference, the truth of Satan having a child that is also a hybrid of both demon and human, something that can cause a major uproar, which is kind of has in the Conference room.
"So then, you're telling us that you have a child and kept all of this hidden for over eighteen years?" Vox questions took an interest.
"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying, Vox. Of course, you along with your two friends have already met her, including some of you other Overlords and other demons may have met and figured out her identity," Satan says.
"Well, it took some of us some time, and many are surprised to find that she has a unique transformation," Coral says.
Satan calmly says, "Yes. She does."
"I'm surprised you didn't have her at the conference today. I'm sure a lot of us would want to meet her," A female Goeita Demon, Stella says.
She is a tall, white avian demon with curvaceous proportions. Stella has long, hair-like feathers that have gray tips and a large gray stripe on her head. She has a short pink beak, and long curved eyelashes. She has gray markings underneath her eyes, which themselves have red sclera with light pupils. She also wears a white dress with puffed sleeves and feather trimming, along with black accents. She is seen wearing a crown, and has painted nails underneath her black gloves.
Just then, someone speaks up, "Then maybe we can have her brought here. I live to see this daughter and that wife of yours for myself."
Back at the training camp, the three trainees and the little fox demon struggle to escape the grasps of the Dark Sombras. Conan and Grace are now being surrounded by the other four Dark Sombras as they have them both pinned to the ground. Phoenix is still trapped in the rope tail of the pair of the Dark Sombras.
Phoenix struggles and says, "I... I need to get out of here before those creeps in masks hurt them, or they'll take me to Sirius. Either way, I don't plan on letting them take me this easily."
Just then, the two Dark Sombras begin to pull her up with their tails and plan to drag her away.
"Crap," Phoenix mutters, gritting her teeth.
Just then, Kyuubi jumps with all his might and is able to sink his teeth into the Dark Sombra's tail. That causes both of them to screech in pain, and let Phoenix go, making her drop to the ground. Phoenix sits up as Kyuubi walks up to her.
She pets her fox and says, "Thanks Kyuubi."
Kyuubi happily barks in reply.
Suddenly, Phoenix looks up to see the two Dark Sombras holding their tail and rubbing the pain.
Phoenix stands up and says, "Alright, I think I have just about enough with them. It's time we take those creeps down!"
Kyuubi barks, agreeing to the idea.
Just then, the pair of Dark Sombras glare at Phoenix with her dog, and they jump down for an attack. They both swing their tail to catch Phoenix, but the hybrid dodges the attack. Then, one of Dark Sombras swings the other and throws it's partner at Phoenix. Phoenix quickly dodges the attack. Then the Dark Sombra begins to throw punches and kicks at her, but Phoenix quickly anticipates the action, and counter attacks. Phoenix then jumps and gives it a spin kick. Quickly, Phoenix brings out her special katana from her father. She channels her power to create the sword's blade.
Phoenix then jumps up and spreads her wings as she begins to fly into the air. The two Dark Sombra see her taking her fight. The Dark Sombras jump in and try to attack her, but Phoneix is able to kick one of them in the face. Then punches in the other one. Phoenix then quickly brings out her katana and slashes her kanata on one of the Dark Sombra's heads, cutting it's mask in half. Then the mask breaks off. When that happens, the other one feels the same pain and it breaks in half and falls apart. Soon, both of the Dark Sombras fall to the ground and collapse. Then they both begin disappearing into thin air. Phoenix and Kyuubi look at them.
"I guess when one of them is destroyed, the other isn't able to support each other. So they both broke," Phoenix says.
"Uh Phoenix!" Grace calls out.
Phoenix and Kyuubi turn their heads to see Grace and Conan are still pinned down.
"We can use some help over here," Conan calls out.
"Oh right," Phoenix replies.
Then she then puts her katana away for a minute and lifts her hand. She holds her hands together except for two index fingers, one for each hand, are up.
"Flaming FireBird!" Phoenix chants.
Then fire begins to egnite from her finger.
Then she screams "Ignite!"
Just then fire begins to shoot out from her finger in the form of a small speeding fire bird.
With that, the small speeding bird is able to strike on the Snake Dark Sombra and pushes it off of Conan. Then the attack slams the Dark Sombra into the tree. Just then, it looks to see Phoenix having her katana in her hands, and slashes it with her blade. That causes the Dark Sombra to be destroyed.
Conan gets up, "Nice work."
"Thanks. We got two down, and three more to go," Phoenix says.
"Then let's help Grace," Conan says.
Phoenix, Conan, and Grace hurry over to see that the Wolf Dark Sombra has Grace pinned down and the other two are preparing for another attack.
Conan speeds and is able to kick the Wolf Dark Sombra off of her. The Wolf Dark Sombra skids on the ground and is close to the house.
Phoenix then helps Grace up, "Are you alright, Grace?"
"I'm fine. Thank you," Grace says, getting back on her feet.
Conan rushes to Grace and asks, "Are you okay, Grace?"
"I'm okay Conan, don't worry," Grace says.
Then the three notices the Girl Dark Sombra brings out multiple red balls and throws them as fast as them. They quickly dodge the attack as the balls skids hard into the ground, creating steep paths.
"Those Dark Sombras are tougher than the last few we've seen," Grace says.
"And they're stronger than the last one that Angel Dust and I faced, and there are multiple ones," Phoenix says.
"At least you got rid of two, but I think the wolf is the strongest among them," Conan says.
"I'm thinking the same thing," Phoenix says.
Conan steps forward, "I'll take care of that wolf and that weird girl and you two can take care of that bird."
"Are you sure?" Grace asks.
"It's best you two can take him in the air since you both can fly," Conan says.
Phoenix sighs, "Fine, but once we beat that Bird, we're going to help take care of the other two. Be careful of that large Wolf Dark Sombra."
"Got it," Conan says.
Then turns to Kyuubi, "Kyuubi, help Conan in any way you can."
Kyuubi barks in reply.
Conan then speeds towards the two Dark Sombras on the ground with Kyuubi following after them, while Grace and Phoenix fly into the air.
Conan uses his speed to dodge the red balls the Girl Dark Sombra is throwing at them. Kyuubi quickly dodge the attack as well. The Wolf Dark Sombra charges to attack, but Conan dodge and is able to kick the Wolf Dark Sombra in the face.
Kyuubi is soon able to bite on the Wolf Dark Sombra's tail, making it yelp in surprise.
Up in the sky, Grace and Phoenix are flying in the air. Grace quickly brings out her fan and swifts it to create a tornado and is able to fly towards the Bird Dark Sombra. But then, it flaps its wings and destroys the tornado. Phoenix then creates fireballs and begins to throw it at the Bird Dark Sombra. The Bird Dark Sombra lets out a shriek that puts out her fire balls.
Phoenix then says, "Alright, let's try this..."
Then calls out, "Volcanic Shuriken!"
She then throws the shuriken at the shadows. The shuriken enlarges and flies towards the Bird Dark Sombra. But the Bird Dark Sombra flaps its wings to repel the attack.
"Not this time!" Grace says.
And creates powerful winds with her wings. That actually increases the spinning of the shuriken and is able to strike at the mask of the Bird Dark Sombra. Then Phoenix is able to fly with her sword and is able to slash the Bird Dark Sombra's mask, causing it to be cut in half and the Dark Sombra dissolves like the others.
"That was close," Grace says.
"Yes, but right now, we need to help Conan and Kyuubi," Phoenix says.
They both fly down to help their friends with the assistance.
Down below, Conan and Kyuubi continue to dodge the attacks from the two Dark Sombras. Conan is able to kick one of the balls and strikes it at the Girl Dark Sombra.
"I got it, Conan!" Grace calls out.
Grace then swings her fan to create a powerful force that sends the Girl Dark Sombra into the air.
Phoenix then swings her katana as she shouts, "Take this!"
She then makes a slash at the Girl Dark Sombra and it destroys her mask, causing it to shatter, and the Dark Sombra to dissolve and disappear into thin air.
Conan and Kyuubi turn to see Phoenix and Grace land on the ground.
"You okay there?" Phoenix asks.
"I'm okay, just a little worn out," Conan says.
Kyuubi barks in reply.
Then Grace looks around, "Wait, wasn't there one more Dark Sombra?"
"You're right. Where did it go?" Phoenix asks, looking around.
Suddenly, Conan and Kyuubi begin to move their ears as they begin to hear something.
"Hold on, I think it's still here," Conan says.
Just then, the Wolf Dark Sombra comes out and ends up attacking Grace. Grace is able to kick the Wolf Dark Sombra at it, but then the wolf swipes its claws at Grace, leaving a bad scratch on her right arm and part of her right wing.
"Grace!" Phoenix panics.
Just then, the Wolf Dark Sombra then charges at Conan, and sinks its teeth into his left arm. Conan screams in pain, and is able to use the sharp nails to leave a scratch. On its nose, making it yelp. The Wolf Dark Sombra growls in anger and is able to scratch it in rage, and leaves a bad wound in it's left leg. Then uses, it's big tail to swat Conan, having him slam through the training home.
"Conan!" Phoenix cries out.
Just then, the Wolf Dark Sombra turns towards her and begins to growl in pure anger. Just then, the Dark Sombra begins to enlarge. It's eyes glow a crimson blood red, teeth and claws of its feet sharp, and the Wolf Dark Sombra gains six large tails. Phoenix and Kyuubi are in shock to see how large and dangerous the Dark Sombra is. Just then, it begins to charge towards Phoenix, intending on hurting her, and it's running so fast for her not being able to dodge in time.
Back in the Hellfire Conference, Cloud explains, "Phoenix is currently training with two of my students at my secret training grounds, and no I will not tell you where it is."
"Well then, why not bring her over for us to see her," The jester-like demon, Mammon says.
"Excuse me," Satan calmly questions.
"Indeed, I'm interested to see the young hybrid girl myself, considering that my husband and I were informed of her existence beforehand," A female demon with long white hair similar to Hellsa, and with dark gray skin, green eyes and wears a black dress says.
The husband that also has gray skin, green eyes, and green teeth, and wears a gray suit says, "I have to agree. I've yet to be introduced to the young child myself. Why not bring her to the Conference for us to see her for ourselves.
Satan says in thought, "Somehow, I knew that they would want to see her. Problem is, I haven't told her about the conference, and asked the others to do the same."
Charlie looks at her uncle in concern and thinks, "I can understand why he's hesitant about presenting Phoenix to the high class demons, especially since she isn't aware of the conference and the high class."
Satan sighs, "As Cloud said Phoenix is in the middle of her training, but since you all seem eager to meet her. I guess I don't have any other choice."
Then turns to Cloud, "Cloud, is it alright for you to bring my daughter and your students here."
"Yes your majesty," Cloud says.
Charlie turns to her parents, "Mom. Dad. Is it alright if I go with Cloud."
"Of course dear," Lilith says.
Lucifer simply nods his head in reply.
With that, Charlie and Cloud both head off to retrieve Phoenix and get her to the conference. Unknown to them, Stolas watches them leave, and decides to get up and leave the conference as well.
In the hall, Charlie sighs and says, "I feel really bad about this. Phoenix is not going to be happy to find out we kept the conference from her."
"I know, but Phoenix is very understanding, and with the secret keeps getting blown, so she'll understand," Cloud says.
"Right. I'm glad to see her again after she's been gone from her training," Charlie says.
"Well then, you don't mind if I accompany you," A familiar voice says.
Just then, Cloud and Charlie turn to see Prince Stolas walking towards her.
"Oh, hello Stolas, we're going to pick up Phoenix. I'm guessing you want to come," Charlie replies.
"Certainly," Stolas says with a calm smile.
Back at the training camp, Phoenix is left in shock to see Kyuubi has taken a bad blow from it, and it scratches really badly on it's side. Kyuubi falls to the ground.
Phoenix cries out in tears, "Kyuubi!"
Phoenix runs to Kyuubi to see the wound on the fox demon's side.
"Kyuubi, are you okay? Kyuubi!" Phoenix says, upset and picks up her little friend in her arms.
Just then, Kyuubi lets out a yelp, making Phoenix look down to see Kyuubi is alive, but is badly hurt.
"Thank goodness," Phoenix says, relieved.
She turns her head to see the Dark Sombra coming at them. Phoenix quickly dodge out of the way and distance towards a tree. Phoenix turns to see a hole in the tree and quickly places Kyuubi there.
Phoenix then brings out her sword, "Alright, it's time to finish this!"
Phoenix. then charges towards the Wolf Dark Sombra. Phoenix swings her sword at the Dark Sombra, but it dodges the attack. Then it tries to slash its claw at Phoenix, but she dodgs, but she ends up getting a cut on her right wing. The Wolf Dark Sombra pounces and tries to sink its teeth at Phoenix, but she acts and quickly uses her sword to repel the attack, but falls to the ground. The Wolf Dark Sombra growls and tries to use it's teeth. Then it begins to slash at her with its claws. It manages to scratch the right side of her face and then her left shoulder.
Phoenix then quickly kicks the Dark Sombra off of her. Then the girl quickly gets back on her feet. The Dark Sombra begins to slash at her, but Phoenix quicklys uses her sword to slash at the Wolf Dark Sombra. Then, one of them is able to strike a swipe of its claw on Phoenix's right side. Phoenix stops and looks to see she has large wounds on her right side. Including from her other wounds, Phoenix is practically bleeding all over. The Wolf Dark Sombra begins to go after her, it tries to sink it's teeth and swipe it's claws at Phoenix, Phoenix uses her sword to deflect the attack, and then uses her fire powers to attack it. Just then, the Dark Sombra gets behind Phoenix and swings its tail at her, making her get pushed away. Then swipes it's claws at Phoenix's back and makes her bleed hard. The hybrid girl soon falls to the ground. She struggles to get up as she turns to see the Dark Wolf Sombra ready to attack.
Phoenix struggles to get up and says in thought, "That Wolf Dark Sombra is strong... very strong... My... My body is hurting like crazy. And these Dark Sombras are not giving me a break."
Phoenix begins to cough and actually spits out some blood.
Then thinks, "Conan. Grace. Kyuubi. They're hurt because the Dark Sombras are after me. I... I need to stop that Dark Sombra, or the others are going to be torn apart, and I'll be taken to Sirius and he'll do whatever he has planned for me... I need to beat it... I need to be strong... I... I just want to live my life with my friends... I need to stop this... I need a way... to be free from this..."
Just then, the Wolf Dark Sombra begins to lift it's six tails and fires multiple spirits of wolves with sharp teeth, preparing to attack Phoenix. Still injured, Phoenix isn't able to get away in time, and closes her eyes for the attack.
Just then, Phoenix's mind flashes back to when she's still a child. She is playing with her friends from the human world, with a smile on her of them are running and playing. But known to her, her father, Satan has been watching her.
Satan calmly smiles, "Phoenix... my beloved child. Someday, you will master your power of Hellfire, and will one day find your rightful place in Hell."
Suddenly, Phoenix opens her eyes in shock to hear her father's voice.
Me wo tojite omoi dasu
(I close my eyes and remember)
Just then, Phoenix's mind flashbacks to when she's in middle school, after the fire incident at Aokigahara. Phoenix is in her bedroom resting as her mother, Momiji is sitting next to her.
Sugisarishi ano koro no
(That time which has passed by)
Momiji says to Phoenix, "Phoenix, I'm glad you're alright, but you must remember what happened in the fire, how the fire was able to protect you... respect you."
Phoenix nods her head.
Modorenai kaerenai
(I can't turn back, I can't return home)
Hirogatta fukai yami
(There's a deep, yawning darkness)
Momiji continues, "Your father has suspected that you will be able to control fire one of these days. With this power of fire, comes responsibilities. As he believes that someday, like your father did, you'll be able to control the Hellfires one living in Hell..."
Phoenix blinks for a little with interest.
Then asks, "Um mom, dad is a powerful demon right, so he can control fire better than anyone. I'm not sure if I'll be in the same league as he is, even when I'm older. But... I'm willing to do my best to control these powers."
Momji calmly nods her head with a smile.
Soon, another flashback occurs sometime ago, when Phoenix has a visit with her father during their visit to the castle. Satan likes to discuss something important.
"Hellfire is a kind of fire that exists only in Hell that I'm able to control, and one day you'll be able to have full control of. Therefore, you'll be able to learn a new technique with your sword," Satan says.
"Really?" Phoenix asks.
"If you can master this technique, it will show you will have full control of the Hellfire, and have respect from the flames," Satan says.
He then gently rubs her head and says, "Phoenix, the sword I've given you, the technique, and the power of Hellfire, I wished for them to be passed down to you... That is my gift."
Out of the flashbacks, Phoenix becomes serious and begins to use her energy into her sword.
Modorenai kaerenai
(I can't turn back, I can't return home)
Just then, her sword begins to be engulfed by fire as it transforms into a snake that makes a hissing sound.
Just then, Phoenix swings her sword and calls out, "Serpentine... HELLFIRE!"
Hirogatta fukai yami
(There's a deep, yawning darkness)
As she spins and swings her sword, they destroy the Wolf Dark Sombra's attack.
Seeing Phoenix has destroyed the attack, the Wolf Dark Sombra lets out a howl as it lifts its tail, creating more of the same attack, and launches it.
Nakitaku naru youna yasashii oto
(A tender sound that makes you want to cry)
Phoenix continues to charge towards the Dark Sombra, and gets badly scratched from the attack.
Phoenix says in her thoughts, "Don't stop... keep running... I need to keep control of the fire in my sword. I've never felt this kind of power before."
Don'nani kurushikute mo
(No matter the pain)
Phoenix continues in her thought, "Hellfire's power is amazing, but I can't worry about that now. I need to stop this Dark Sombra and protect my friends."
Mae e (mae e) mae e (mae e)
(Go forward 'Go forward' Go forward 'Go Forward')
"I need to protect all I care for, I need to keep moving forward, and destroy Sirius' and his plans once and for all," Phoenix says.
Susume (susume)
(Keeping going ahead "Keeping going ahead")
Phoenix lets out a battle cry as she swings her flaming snake sword, destroying the Dark Sombra's attack.
Zetsubou tachi
(Cut away the despair)
Phoenix continues to swing her sword and destroys the attack and comes close to the Wolf Dark Sombra.
The Wolf Dark Sobra growls in anger and charges towards Phoenix.
Ushinattemo ushinatte mo
(Even with all I've lost, even with all I've lost)
Ikite iku shika nai
(I have no choice but to keep living)
With that, Phoenix and the Dark Sombra begin to collide their attacks at one another, neither one of them is giving an inch.
Don'nani uchinomesarete mo
(Even if I am beaten down)
Phoenix says in thought as she fights, "I need to cut the Dark Sombra's mask. I need to take it down now."
Mamoru mono ga aru
(There is something that one must protect)
Phoenix thinks, "Even if I get slashed in the process.
Just then, the Dark Sombra pounces on Phoenix to the ground, and lands it's paws on her chest. The Dark Sombra tries to sink it's teeth in it, but Phoenix uses her own arm to block the attack and it really has a hold on her and blood begins to drip from her arm.
Suddenly, she hears Charlie's voice, "Phoenix... Phoenix... You need to be strong. I know you're capable of doing so, but I worry about you getting hurt. I know you are."
Phoenix grits her teeth to feel the pain in her arm.
Then hears Charlie's voice, "Promise me that you'll be safe. I don't want to lose you, after getting to know my cousin. I don't want you to lose your life.
Ushinattemo ushinatte mo
(Even with all I've lost, even with all I've lost)
Just then, Phoenix opens her eyes to reveal the glowing red in her eyes.
Then Phoenix calls out, "Thousand Phoenix Cries..."
Ikite iku shika nai
(I have no choice but to keep living)
Then let out, "SONIC SHRIEKS!"
Then lets out a shrieking sound of a Phoenix's cry, seining sonic waves at the Dark Sombra, getting it off her. Then the Dark Sombra falls to the ground, and struggles to get up.
Don'nani uchinomesarete mo
(Even if I am beaten down)
Before the Wolf Dark Sombra can attack, Phoenix is able to charge at the Dark Sombra and swings her power charged katana and strikes it at the side of the Dark Sombra's mask, laing it stunned.
Mamoru mono ga aru
(There is something that one must protect)
Phoenix calls out, "I'm going to do whatever it takes to protect my friends and my family! I won't let Sirius take any of them away! Not now! NOT EVER!"
Phoenix then swings her sword with the Serpentine Hellfire sword and is not only able to cut the mask in half, but also sends the two pieces flying, as a vortex of flaming red Hellfire surrounds them.
Ware ni kasu itaku
(If there is nothing but this fate for me)
Wo unmei to kakugo suru
(I will be prepared for it)
Doro wo name agaitemo
(Even if I struggle and claw through the mud)
Ne ni mienu hosoi ito
(There's a thin thread that can't be seen)
Nakitaku naru youna yasashii oto
(And a tender sound that makes you want to cry)
Don'nani kuyashikute mo
(No matter the pain)
Mae e (mae e) mae e (mae e)
(Go forward 'Go forward' Go forward 'Go forward')
Mukae (mukae)
(Keep facing forward)
Zetsubou tachi
(Cut away the despair)
Kizutsuite mo kizutsuite mo
(Even with all the pain, Even with all the pain)
Tachiagaru shika nai
(I have no choice but to stand up again)
Don'nani uchinomesarete mo
(Even if I am beaten down)
Mamoru mono ga aru
(There is something that one must protect)
Mamoru mono ga aru
(There is something that one must protect)
Kamado Tanjiro no Uta: Demon Slayer Episode 19
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