Episode 3: The Power of the Flame Awakens
In a large studio known as 666 News, a breaking report is about to take place. Sitting in front of the camera is a tall woman with short blond hair, pale face and red eyes and thick black eyeshadow. She wears a red long sleeve dress with a pearl necklace. The one sitting next to her looks like a man wearing a blue suit and has white hair, but wears a gas mask.
"Good after noon I'm Katie Killjoy," The news woman introduces.
"And, I'm Tom Trench," The male reporter adds
Then Tom announces, "Chaos in Pentagram city today as a turf war raging on the west side between notable kingpins Sir Pentious and self-proclaimed spunky powerhouse Cherri Bomb."
"That's right Tom. After the recent extermination, many areas are now up for grabs." Katie says.
Then the screen snows the event of Cherri bomb vs. Sir Oentious and his Egg Bois.
Katie continues. "Demons all over hell are already duking it out to gain new territory."
"Those two seem to really be going at it, huh?" Tom asks.
Katie says bringing out a tooth and nail from her cup, "Looks like they're fighting tooth and nail for that hot spot!" Then eat them.
"And I'd sure like to nail her hot spot," Tom says, giving a pervert look.
"You are a lipdick jackass Tom. Or should I say?" Katie says. Then holds out her cup and purposely drops coffee on his private spot.
"No dick?" Katie concludes.
"N-not again..." Tom moans in pain and has his head flop on the table.
Yet Katie continues with the broadcast, "Coming up next, we have an exclusive interview with the daughter of hell's own head honcho who's here to discuss her brand-new passion project. All that and more, after the break!" as she crushes her cup to pieces.
She turns to her colleague who is in pain and angrily says, "Suck it up your little bitch!"
The TV changes to color and beeps. Backstage, Vaggie is straightening Charlie's bowtie for her big interview.
"Okay you remember what to say," Vaggie asks.
Charlie takes a deep breath and says, "Yes, Let's do this."
Charlie is not only wearing a black-bowtie, but also a white shirt underneath her pink tuxedo, paired with aubergine trousers and long black suspenders. Her name was Charlie.
"Just listen and I'll it to you-" Vaggie says, causing Charlie to deflate.
Charlie groans, "Come on, Vaggie I know what to say. I just feel like we need to..."
"I don't know... make things sound more exciting," Charlie adds, walking to the table to pick up a donut and tosses it away.
Charlie gasps as an idea reaches her, "OH!"
Then leans to Vaggie with a smile, "What if I-"
"Sing a song about it," Vaggie concludes.
"You knew I was gonna say that?" Charlie asks with a smile on her face and taps Vaggie's nose causing her to smile.
"Because I know you," Vaggie says tighten her tie.
But grabs her arms in a serious tone, "But please don't sing. This is serious,"
"Well you know, I'm better at expressing myself and my goal through song," Charlie says as she climbs on the table.
"But life isn't a musical hon," Vaggie says to her.
"Fine but I have these other ideas of what to say the highlighted bits are the best board," Charlie says, eagerly taking out a paper.
Vaggie takes the paper and says, "Uh, it's all highlighted."
Then notice something at the bottom, "Is this a drawing?"
"Yes! That's the happy endings," Charlie happily says.
The picture on the bottom shows the demons having halos, and a rainbow with clouds around them with hearts with smiley faces.
"Everyone's smiling and happy in heaven," Charlie answers wrapping her arms around Vaggie with sparkles in her eyes.
But Vaggie says, "I don't think it's that simple."
Then gives Charlie back her paper, as she says while Charlie looks over, "Just please follow the talking points we went over."
Then drags Charlie over to face her saying in a serious tone, "And do not sing!"
"Okay fine. All just half the results of my impeccable improv skills," Charlie says in a strange accent.
Then walks over to Katie Killjoy. Vaggie can't help but has her arms crossed with a worried expression on her face, especially the message Charlie has received from her father.
Charlie takes a deep breath and looks to see the reporters. Before she comes up to them, she checks her phone to see the latest message her father has sent.
"Hello Charlie. I know you are at the interview for your Rehabilitation Project, but I need you to do something of great importances. Your cousin Phoenix, has been abducted by the Dark Sombras, ancient creatures who were exiled for centuries and bright to Hell. Your mother and I sensed her presence in Pentagram City alone. As soon as you're done. You need to find her and bring her to your hotel as soon as you can. She will be safe there for the time being. We suspect that someone has been waiting for her to reach her eighteenth birthday to use her newly developed powers for something dastardly. You must keep her safe and never let her out of your sight. Meanwhile, your uncle and I must investigate. Your mother sends her regards."
Charlie sighs and thinks, "Dad is right, if I don't find Phoenix, her life can be in terrible danger. I just need to finish this interview and find Phoenix as soon as possible. I just hope I can find out where she is before something terrible happens."
Then Charlie puts her phone away and heads off to meet Katie Killjoy for the interview.
Watch Hazbin Hotel Plot to see the Interview
Meanwhile, Zǐ Māo, and Kyuubi are hiding close to the building. They watch as Angel Dust and his friend, Cherri Bomb are fighting an evil snake demon and his walking egg minions. Phoenix stays close to them in order to protect them from the demons.
Phoenix sees the Egg Bois walking close. She creates fire from her hands and fire at them. She then uses her martial arts skills to fight against them. She moves around as she swats, punches, kicks, and throws, like she's dancing in the flames.
"Whoa! It's almost like she's dancing with fire torches or something, " Zǐ Māo thinks. Then his cheeks begin to blush.
Phoenix continues to fight against the Egg Bois that are coming her way. She then turns around to see more of them heading towards her.
Phoenix turns her head, "Hey Cherri! Got any of those bombs I can use!"
"Sure," Cherri says, showing a smile.
Cherri tosses Phoenix a four bomb. Phoenix catches them. She then tosses them in the air. Then uses her fire to light up their fuses. She then kicks them like soccer balls. The bombs fly right towards the Egg Bois. Then the bombs explode sending the Egg Bois packing.
Cherri says, "Nice shot."
"Thanks. I used to play soccer in elementary school. Uh, back when I well... never mind," Phoenix says.
Angel Dust laughs, "Yeah. You are pretty good. You should hang out with us more often, new kid."
"I don't know. I don't think Zǐ Māo and Kyuubi can agree with you," Phoenix says.
Just then, the Egg Bois fire the guns blast at Phoenix. Phoenix dodges the blast and runs off. Then she ducks behind a debris of the building as the Egg Bois fire the guns.
Phoenix calls out, "Hey! You jerks against just one person! Talk about cheap tactics!"
Angel Dust says, "It's Hell kid, no one really plays by the rules."
"Sounds kind of like real life to be honest. Not many can play fair," Phoenix says.
Then mutters, "Especially Ino. She never wants to play fair."
Phoenix turns her head to see more of the Egg Bois. Phoenix jumps up and gives them kicks. She then fires her fire power and fires them.
Phoenix asks, "How many of these Egg Minions does one Snake Demon have?"
"A lot if we're being fuckinin' honest," Cherri says.
Phoenix then notices, "Cherri, behind you!"
Cherri turns around, but ends up getting a smack from a snake tail. She then falls to the ground.
"Cherri!" Phoenix exclaims.
Suddenly, Phoenix hears the sound of rattling sounds. She looks up in shock to see Sir Pentious looking down at her with a sinister look.
"Well, it looks like we have a hooded being on the scene," Sir Pentious says.
Phoenix nervously gulps, "Uh oh."
Phoenix then steps back to see the evil serpent staring down at her.
"Tell me, young one, what brings a hooded figure to these parts with the two whores?" Sir Pentious asks.
"Um well uh, I just happen to meet them and have a bit of a chat. I do appreciate that you stop with the violence before there will be nothing left for you to uh, conquer and such," Phoenix says.
Then thinks feeling deflated, "Smooth move, Phoenix."
Sir Pentious laughs as rattling sounds appear, "While I do appreciate your show of manners, I will have to decline on it."
Sir Pentious slithers down as Phoenix begins to take a few steps back. The girl is very frightened to see the snake demon looking at her with an evil grin.
"Do not be afraid, little one. I just want to have a look at you," The snake demon says.
He spreads his hood open and the eyes of the hood and especially his own begins to glow red. Phoenix stares in shock to see the snake's eyes on both his face and hood. The more she stares, the more captivated she becomes. Soon, Phoenix begins to fall into a daze. Her eyes turn red and her body stands completely still.
"That's a good girl," Pentious says.
He then slithers over to see the dazed girl who has her face hidden in the hood.
He then reaches his hand up and places his claw under her chin. Then slightly tilts it up.
"I have to wonder, why are you hiding your face under that hood?" Pentious says.
He then reaches his claws to her hood, "I am curious to know."
Suddenly, someone shouts, "Not if I have anything to say about it!"
Sir Pentious turns his head to find a black boot kicking his face and is kicked away. The source of the foot who lands on the ground is Angel Dust.
"And don't go manipulating my new friend with your creepy hypno mumbo jumbo," Angel says, annoyed.
Angel turns to Phoenix to see her eyes glowing red and is in a daze.
Angel Dust waves his hand in front of her face, "Phoenix? Phoenix?"
Angel then grabs her shoulder and shakes her, "Come on kid, wake up! Say something?"
The next moment, Phoenix shakes her head and her eyes change back to a golden yellow again. She feels a bit dizzy and places her left hand on the side of her head.
"Angel? Wha-what happened?" Phoenix asks.
"Uh. Yeah. Mister Victorian dressed Bastard decided to use his creepy eyes to control you," Angel says.
"Thanks Angel. I really owe you for this," Phoenix says.
"Well. How about we head to the bar and you buy me a drink?" Angel says.
"Um okay, but uh, I don't think the money I have might work. I do have some wine in my suitcase and I can treat you," Phoenix says.
"That works too," Angel says.
Unknown to the pair, Sir Pentious is able to stand and glares at the two. He then notices the young feline and the small fox. She then creates a sinister grin and slithers over without the two even noticing.
Phoenix says, "I better go check on Zǐ Māo and Kyuubi. I need to be sure they're alright."
Phoenix heads out and hurries over to the building Zǐ Māo and Kyuubi are hiding. Phoenix becomes shocked to see the evil snake demon has Zǐ Māo wrapped in his coils while has the fox by his tail.
Phoenix gasps, "Zǐ Māo! Kyuubi!"
Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb hurry to see the snake demon having the cat and fox captive.
"Are you shitting me?! You're using a small fox and cat for a hostage!" Angel says.
Cherri then brings out her missile launcher, "You better let those two go before I blast your ass!"
"I think not. If you fire me then you'll fire this little kid and the shrimpy fox," The Snake Demon says.
Angel says, "That is fuckin' low, even for you."
"Very low," Cherri says.
Phoenix isn't paying attention to a word anyone is saying. Seeing Zǐ Māo frightened and Kyuubi being grabbed by the tail, it's starting to tick her off. She clutches her fist in anger unaware that is causing a bright orange aura.
Back in Studio 666, Charlie's interview hasn't gone so well. Charlie talks and sings about her idea to open a hotel so she can help demons change for the better so they can send to heaven. Sadly, all of the Demons around Hell begin laughing. They all think Charlie's ideal to Rehabilitate Demons so they can be sent to Heaven is a complete joke.
Katie says being a smart mouth, "Wow, you have no proof at this little experiment even works. You want people to be good just pretty good."
"Oh well. We actually do have someone staying at the hotel. To uh give it a test run. I think it seems to be working," Charlie says.
"And who would that be?" Katie asks.
"Someone who goes by the name of Angel Dust. I think," Charlie says, feeling a bit embarrassed.
"The Porn Star?" Katie says, confused.
"I believe so. I might also have someone else staying in the hotel. But the demon in question is still deciding," Charlie says.
Suddenly, the TV turns on and shows what is happening on the Turf War for all of Hell to see. They see Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb. Along with Phoenix who is wearing her cloak. Because of her cloak and hood, no one on TV can see her face. They also see Sir Pentious holding the young feline child demon and the fox demon.
The snake demon says, "Now then. Are you going to fight me or will I be able to leave quietly?"
"Listen. Angel and I were involved with Cherri in this fight you both are having not Zǐ Māo or Kyuubi, so just leave them alone," Phoenix angrily says.
"Have to agree with the kid on that one. You should be messing with us stronger demons than small ones. That's just cheap to pick on the weak," Angel remarks.
"We'll see how cheap it is when these two will be crushed under my constricted grasp," The snake demon says.
Then begins to squeeze Zǐ Māo with his tail, causing the poor demon to scream in agony.
Phoenix screams, "Zǐ Māo!"
Phoenix tries to reach Zǐ Māo and rescue him, but the Egg Bois stand in front of her with guns and drills.
"Move!" Phoenix demands in rage.
"Sorry girl, your little kitty cat is finished!" Pentious says.
This makes Phoenix really mad, "No he isn't!"
"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Phoenix screams in rage clutching her fast.
The next moment, fire begins to egnite from her hands causing the snake demon and the eggs to get scared. Even Angel and Cherri are shocked to see what is happening. At the studio, everyone is shocked to see what is happening. The girl begins to glow red and expose fire from her hand. Charlie squints her eyes to see the cloaked girl exposing fire. She then notices an exotic tan skin and a bit of fire colored hair.
Charlie eyes wide and thinks in shock, "Phoenix?!"
The reporter with the camera says, "Whoa! This is getting tense!"
Phoenix clasp her hands together and place her index fingers together.
"Flaming FireBird!" Phoenix chants.
Then fire begins to egnite from her finger.
Then she screams "Ignite!"
Just then fire begins to shoot out from her finger in the form of a small speeding firebird. Before he can reach, Sir Pentious ends up getting hit and pushed back by the firebird and let go of his hostages. Angel stretches his arms and catches the two in the neck of time and pulls them back to them. Zǐ Māo quickly comes to Phoenix with a hug.
Suddenly, the camera is knocked out and the picture is lost. The demons are confused and yet complaining. They want to know what happened. Among the crowd, there is a silhouette of a tall demon with pointed ears like a deer. The eyes glow red to reveal some kind of monocle, and a large Cheshire cat smile revealing sharp yellow teeth. The demon has been watching the broadcast and becomes interested in Charlie's project, but now becomes fully interested in the girl... since he first sees her.
Back at the studio, every demon is still in shock at what they witnessed. Too bad they weren't able to see the mysterious cloak figure's face.
Katie simply says, "Wow! Talk about an unexpected turn in this Turf War! A Mysterious demon saved two smaller one! Yet Angel Dust along with Cherri Bomb and the mysterious figure are in the Turf War! What do you think, Charlotte?!"
Charlie however isn't paying attention to Katie at all. She is too focused on what she has seen. She can tell who the girl is and where she is right now.
Charlie quickly says, "Uh listen, I... I really need to get going. I'm sorry to cut the interview short."
Charlie then begins to leave.
However, Katie decides to open her mouth, "Why? It's easy to tell that your little project is dead on arrival. Tell us how does it feel to be such a total failure."
Then begins laughing. However, that really ticked Charlie off.
Charlie then walks back to Katie and says, "Y-yeah, well..."
Then swipes her pen away, "How does it feel that I got your pen uh bitch!"
That cause everyone to be dead shocked. In fact, that ends up being Charlie's mistake. Soon, Tom Trench runs away disturbed and frightened. Katie glares at Charlie and becomes so angry with her.
Charlie laughs nervously, "Oops!"
Then drops the pen to the ground. Katie becomes so enraged that she begins to grow what looks like spider legs on her side.
Back at the Turf War, Angel Dust, Phoenix, Kyuubi, and Zǐ Māo are hiding behind the large debris. Cherri Bomb is firing at the enemy with a rocket missile. Angel Dust then throws a bomb at the enemy.
"Hey, thanks for the backup, Angie!" Cherri says.
Angel Dust laughs and throws a bomb, "You kiddin'? This is the best action I've seen in ages."
Then the bomb Angel Dust has thrown explodes laying back.
Phoenix asks, "How do you demons live like this?"
"It's all about survival toots," Angel Dust says.
"And mayhem along with it," Phoenix mutters.
Then says, "Mostly, I can't believe I did that."
"Yeah. Really really made lizard lips mad," Angel says.
Then Cherri says, "Yeah. you really did."
"Either way, where've you been anyway, Angel? I thought you up and died or some shit," Cherri asks, pulling a small plug from the bomb.
"Oh I wish!" Angel Dust answers, lighting up the bomb.
He then passes it to Cherri, "I've been staying at this crappy hotel on the other side of town."
Cherri then throws it and she and Angel Dust cover their ears. Phoenix, Kyuubi, and Zǐ Māo quickly do the same.
"Some broads are lettin' me stay rent-free if I play nice," Angel Dust answers.
Then the bomb explodes creating green fire. With smiles showing their teeth, Angel and Cherri jump out and continue to attack. Phoenix join the fight while protecting Zǐ Māo and Kyuubi. Angel brings out a rifle and fires at the Egg Bois.
Angel Dust sighs annoyed, "Y'know, no fights, no pranks, no 'problematic language.' Her words, not mine."
Angel Dust steps on the ground lifting a debris to launch the Egg Boi in the air.
"These crazy bitches are no fun!" Angel Dust says as he blasts the Egg Boi.
Then says, frustrated with a part of his face covered in egg, "I've been clean for two weeks!"
Cherri lands on the ground as an explosion occurred, and comments, "Holy shit."
"Well, sorta clean," Angel says, wiping a part of the yolk from his face.
He then smashes one of the Egg Boi with a grin, "As clean as you can get with a shitoad of Bolivian marching powder."
Phoenix glares at Angel, "Hey! My cousin's hotel isn't shit! She's trying to make a difference to help you demons!"
"Wait... cousin?" Angel says confused.
Phoenix covers her mouth to realize what she says, then exclaims to notice, "Angel Look out!"
Just then, a long chain wrapped Angel and drags him away. Cherri and Phoenix turn their heads to see Sir Pentious swings Angel across the street and to the ground. The snake demon then approaches them to prepare to attack him.
"Oh, harder daddy!" Angel dust says.
The Snake demon gasps, "Son?!"
Angel arches his eyebrows with a confused look on his face. Suddenly, Cherri kicks the snake demon and sends him flying. Phoenix hurries over and helps Angel with the chains.
Sir Pentious growls in anger and stands up, in anger, "You whores have no class! In war, the side remembered is the side with the most..."
The pulls on his bow tie, "Style."
"Or the side that ain't dead," Cherri says, spitting the Egg Boi in half.
Angel is able to get out of his chain and remarks, "Speaking of style, is your hat like, alive or somethin'?"
"Oh, well," Pentious speaks.
But angrily says with hissing, "That's none of your goddamn business, now is it?"
"Would that make your hat the top and you the bottom?" Angel remarks.
Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb smile and on the verge of laughing. Phoenix is also on the verge of laughing and covers her mouth.
The Egg Boi replies, "Ooooh!"
But the snake demon is not amused and throws a rock at his minion.
He then glares at the three, "I'm going to blow you to bits!"
"Hm! Kinky!" Angel Dust says.
"Oh, not like that! Pervert!" Sir Pentious angrily says, pointing his finger at them.
From behind, an Egg Boi brings out a gun. Hearing the cocks of the gun, Angel turns his head to see trouble, and pushes the girls out of the way. The gun fires four black hands and grabs all Angel Dust's wrists. He then pulls the arms.
The snake demon slithers over and says, "Not so cocky now, are we?"
Y'know, you really gotta watch what comes out of your mouth. I've been making these sex jokes the whole..." Angel says.
But his arms pull causes him to yelp, "TIME!"
Suddenly, a drill appears behind the snake demon and begins to drill.
"And it's obvious ya ain't catchin' on," Angel says, then creates a third pair of arms with a gun.
Then Angel says, "I mean, it's just SAD!"
Then fires his gun at Sir Pentious and his minion, causing them to lose their hats. He then shows a middle finger at the demons.
Cherri walks by and asks, "So think you're gonna get in a lot of trouble for this?"
Angel shrugs his shoulders, "Eh, what's one little brawl gonna cause?"
Back at the Studio, the little 'brawl' has caused a lot of problems. Charlie is pinned down by Katie, but she bends her body so she can kick her head and escape. Then pounces at her.
Tom Trench runs out screaming as he's on fire, "Why won't anyone help me?!"
Back at the Turf War, the Egg Bois are still coming at them.
Phoenix sighs, "There's no end to them. How many do we have to fight?"
"As long as it takes to get them off of my Turf," Cherri says.
Suddenly, shadows with sharp black claws with glowing white eyes and mouth rise from the surface and knock the Egg Bois out of the way. The next second, Sir Pentious is buried under his minions. Suddenly, Phoenix hears Zǐ Māo scream and turns her head to see the Shadow slams his hand on the ground making the young cat and fox demon jump out of the hiding spot.
"Zǐ Māo! Kyuubi!" Phoenix panics.
Suddenly, he hears Cherri scream.
She quickly turns her head to see Cherri has been captured by the shadow that changes into a demon wearing a white kabuki mask and shark claws for hands.
"Cherri!" Phoenix exclaims and runs to her.
Angel panics, "Kid, what are you doing!"
The shadow wearing the mask turns to see Phoenix as she is creating fire with her hands. The monster swats her and she falls to the ground.
Phoenix groans as she tries to stand up, "Cherri..."
The shadow sees her and says, "I found you!"
The monster is about to reach for Phoenix when it's shot and lets go of Cherri. The source of the shot is front Angel and Phoenix catching Cherri.
"Cherri, are you okay?" Phoenix asks.
"I'm okay. That was an insane stunt you tried to pull," Cherri answers.
Angel then rushes over with the young cat demon and little fox behind them.
"You okay?" Zǐ Māo asks.
"We're fine," Phoenix says.
"Whatever... that thing is coming to attack us," Angel says.
The group turns to see the monster heading towards them. Phoenix sees the monster heading towards them. She realizes that the shadow is after her and is going to attack anyone to get to her. She feels that everything will be her fault if Zǐ Māo, Angel, Cherri, and Kyuubi either get hurt or dead.
Phoenix then runs to the monster as Cherri screams, "Don't do it!"
Phoenix doesn't listen and faces the monster with anger.
She then says, "Hey, you fucking coward! Quit attacking others! It's me you're after not them! I will not allow you to hurt any of my friends! Now fight me one on one you ugly bastard!"
The monster then begins to throw its hand at Phoenix, but she uses her fire at a shield. Then swats Phoenix until she has fallen to the ground.
"Phoenix!" Zǐ Māo panics and tries to reach her.
But Angel grabs him and holds the cat in his arms, "Sorry kid, but you can't put yourself in danger. Not if she wants to protect you."
"But we have to do something," Zǐ Māo says.
"Um guys," Cherri says, concerned.
The group looks up in shock to see the Shadow creature looking at them and licks its lips on its tongue. Then it begins to reach its claw to them, and the demons don't have time to escape.
Zǐ Māo screams, "Phoenix!"
Before the monster can reach them, something blasts them with a burst of flames. The group of demons look to see Phoenix and her body is emitting fire with her hood off, revealing her fire color hair that is moving like the flames.
Phoenix asks, "Are you all okay?"
The others say nothing and nod their heads.
Then Phoenix says, "Just leave everything to me."
Phoenix walks forward and faces the demon, "You shadows are nothing but a bunch of fuckin' bullies. Attacking those who weren't involved. I refuse to be beaten by the likes of you or any demon."
Just then, Phoenix' bracelet begins to glow, as she says, "You are all just wasting your time. I refuse to die here or anywhere in Hell."
Phoenix says, "Not until I see my mother again... and until I finally get to meet my father."
Phoenix then remembers her mother and her talking about her father. The next moment, Phoenix is being engulfed by the fire.
Phoenix then says in her thoughts, "My name is Phoenix Jeno Magne, daughter of Satan Magne and Momiji Jeno. A being born of human and demon blood. A being born with powers I never thought I could imagine. I will use it to save the demons of this world and stop the demons who want to hurt others. I will... protect everyone!"
Phoenix who is in the flame places her hand on her chest. Phoenix's bracelet begins to glow bright and disappears. With that Phoenix's eyes open. Suddenly, Phoenix begins to transform.
Phoenix's body begins to glow red. Then coming out of her right hand is burning fire. She raises her hand in the air and controls the fire to fly around like a large, long ribbon. The fire then begins to coil around her upper body, her arms, and legs. The flames on her upper body transform into a red sleeveless kimono top up to her knees with a black emon and lace. It has a silhouette of a flaming bird on the left side and fire on the right side. Then a bright orange ribbon wraps around her waist and forms an obi ribbon on the back, a gold string buckle appears around the ribbon, and black tights that also cover her ankles.
Just then, fire patterned gloves appear on Phoenix's arms that go up to her elbows. Instead of covering the hands, they only cover the backhands and have a band attached that is around the middle finger. The flames around her legs transform into orange ballet flats. The yellow ribbons are wrapped around red leg warmers.
Just then, a small gold crown with a pentagram gem appears over her head. She puts it on and her hair begins to glow red. A black choker with a phoenix feather appears on her neck, a red star earring appears on her left ear while a black crescent moon earring appears on her right ears. Then her hair becomes covered in fire. Then hair turns into a glowing color of flames and slightly moves.
Phoenix then lands on the ground, and enchanting wings of a fire bird appear on her back. The feathers of the wings are the colors of fire. She then opens her eyes, her sclera are red with gold yellow pupils in the middle. At a split second, fire flashes in her eyes. Lastly, a red lined pentagram a black crescent moon having two circles and symbols around it appear on her forehead.
Phoenix announces as she moves her hand around."A Courageous and Majestic Bird that Soars through the Flames of Hell!"
Then fire appears from her hands.
Phoenix spins around in a circle, and announces, "Blazing Phoenix!"
She then finishes with a pose. Her left knee is bent while her right leg is in a forty degree angle. She has her right hand with the palm down across her body while her left arm is presented forward with the palm facing front.
The flames outside disappears to reveal Phoenix that has taken a brand new form, leaving Angel, Cherri, and Zǐ Māo in shock.
"That... that's Phoenix?!" Zǐ Māo softly asks, shocked.
Kyuubi is amazed to see his owner in this form
"Holy shit, I never knew the kid could do that," Cherri says.
"Me either. She's really on fire now," Angel says.
The shadow creatures stare at Phoenix to see her new form. Then they begin to fly down to attack her. Seeing them close, Phoenix raises her arm up and moves her arm down while moving the other up. She then begins to swat the shadows away in a matter of seconds. She then spins around and kicks the shadows. She creates fire from her hands and strikes two more in front of her. She then creates a tornado of fire that destroys the shadow creatures. The fire tornado disappears as she lands on the ground.
Then calls out, "Volcanic Shuriken!"
She then throws the shuriken at the shadows. When they strike, the weapons explode and the shadows are turned to ashes.
Phoenix then turns her head to see one more shadow, the Large one wearing the Kabuki mask. Phoenix then brings out the tsuka. Soon begins to glow and engulfed with the flames. Then Phoenix's other hand begins to glow. The young hybrid is surprised to see this, but at instinct, she knows what to do. Phoenix then uses her other hand to place it at the upper end of the handle. Then with a swift of her hand, create a fire that has turned into a large, white, sharp, and powerful blade. With a swing of her blade, she is able to cut one of the monster's arms off. This leaves the small group of demons shocked.
"Holy shit! That is a large sword!" Angel says, shocked.
"How can she do that?" Cherri asks.
They soon hear Phoenix says, "This ends now!"
Cherri thinks, "What kind of demon is she?"
Phoenix then begins to fly in the air as she uses her fire to the monster.
Zǐ Māo, "Phoenix... Phoenix looks like a human girl, and yet, she also has the appearance of a demon with incredible power to control fire. Her power is the same level as an Overlord."
The monster tries to attack with it's other arm, but Phoenix dodges and cuts the other arm off.
"And yet, despite how much she has been beaten, she is still able to stand and fight that monster. And she did all this to protect us," Angel adds in thought.
Phoenix then uses her fire powers to circle around the demon and traps him in a wall of fire. Phoenix raises her sword as she runs on her feet.
Cherri adds, "And... I have never seen a demon to wield such a huge sword and enhance that incredible power at this age."
When Phoenix comes close to the monster, the Shadow tries to stomp on her. Phoenix dodges and cuts off it's foot. The monster continues to roar and scream in agony.
Phoenix glares at the monster and says, "You will pay the price for trying to hurt my friends, you shadow scum! FEEL THE WRATH OF MY BLADE!"
Phoenix then swings her blade as she dives from the air and strikes at the mask of the monster with full force. With that, the monster turns to ashes and then disappears into thin air. Suddenly, a strange small black pearl falls out of the monster and lands on the ground. Then the black pearl changes it's color to white. Phoenix looks at the battle to see she has defeated the beast.
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