Episode 29: Secrets Unable to Keep Long, Special Hybrid Training Begins
Time has gone by since the incident with Sirius' mark and today is the day that Phoenix along with Grace, Conan, and Cloud are going on a special training trip. All three of the students have a backpack full of supplies with their weapons, spare clothes, and other essentials they need.
Conan turns to Phoenix and asks, "So Phoenix, are you ready for our training camp?"
"Yeah," Phoenix says.
"You might actually like the training camp we're going to. It will also be very difficult," Grace says.
"How difficult are we talking about?" Phoenix asks.
"The training camp is deep in the forest outside of Pentagram City. There are dangerous creatures as well, as many dark trees, mountains, poisonous stuff, and did I mention dangerous creatures," Conan explains.
"You did, and it sounds like I'm in for one Hell of a training," Phoenix says.
"Well, with Sirius giving you that creepy mark, almost made you attack Kuroi, and had Izanami remove it. And it appears that Sirius is also having mercenaries and who knows what else trying to capture you," Grace says.
Phoenix sighs, "Yea. I figured as much. I just wish this creep will just leave me alone."
"Well, he's not going to stop until we make him. Hoping this trip will help sharpen up your skills," Conan says.
"I sure hope so," Phoenix says, and places her backpack on her back.
"Don't worry, Conan, Cloud, and I will be with you," Grace says.
They hear Kyuubi barking and turn to see Kyuubi running towards Phoenix. Kyuubi then jumps into Phoenix's arms, allowing him to lick her cheek.
"I guess you want to come with you on the trip as well," Phoenix says.
Kyuubi happily barks in reply.
"Well, I don't know. I'll have to ask Cloud if it's alright," Phoenix says.
Just then, Cloud walks over and says, "Well, I don't see any trouble having Kyuubi coming with us, as long as he doesn't get in our way and stays out of trouble," Cloud says.
"Yeah. I know," Phoenix replies.
Kyuubi then climbs on Phoenix's shoulders and remains quiet. Before leaving, Charlie, Vaggie, and Zǐ Māo, even Niffty is here to see Phoenix and the others off to their training camp.
"Bye Phoenix, I hope your training goes well," Charlie happily says.
Then bring out some boxes, "I made a bunch of snacks and food just in case you get hungry." and passes the boxes to Phoenix.
"Uh thanks. You didn't have to do that," Phoenix says.
"I don't mind at all. Now you all better get going. The sooner you train, the stronger you can get," Charlie happily says.
Phoenix giggles and says, "Okay. We'll see you in a while."
"Technically, we'll be away for three weeks, so we'll see you in three weeks," Conan says.
Niffty happily waves goodbye, "Bye everyone, hope your training goes well."
"Bye," The young cat demon says.
"Bye Phoenix," Charlie happily says.
"See you," Vaggie says.
Phoenix and the others walk outside and head out to the training camp. Once they're outside, Cloud then brings out a Japanese paint brush covered in black ink. He then makes a large circle in front of him and creates a portal to the woods.
Phoenix is amazed, "Wow."
"Yeah. It's pretty cool, huh," Conan says.
Cloud turns to Phoenix and the siblings, "Come on, we better get going."
Cloud then walks through the portal. Conan goes through the portal next. Followed by Grace. Finally, Phoenix and Kyuubi walk through the portal. Once they're all through, the portal closes behind them.
Charlie watches as Phoenix walks through the portal and it disappears. Charlie sighs and does show some deep concern, but is glad that PhoenixHmm, will be away for a while, because of what's going to happen very soon.
Charlie turns to Vaggie, "Alright Vaggie, now that Phoenix and the others will be gone for a while. We should get ready to leave for my parent's place and discuss with them more about the Hellfire Conference."
Zǐ Māo asks, "Do I need to come?"
"Well, I don't want you to be at the hotel alone, but I'm going to see if Angel can watch you while we're gone," Charlie says.
Then looks around and wonders, "Where is Angel Dust?
"Didn't he say that he has work today and will be back before it gets dark?" Zǐ Māo asks.
"Oh right. He did say that. He said that he has a few scenes and photo shoots to work with, and that it's a short day today," Charlie says.
Vaggie groans in annoyance, "Knowing Angel, it's going to involve sex, and all that shit."
"I know, but since this is work related, there isn't much we can do," Charlie says.
"I suppose," Vaggie says.
Then turns to Niffty, "Anyway, where the Radio Demon disappeared to?"
"He went out on his walk," Niffty says.
Vaggie rolls her eye, "Of course he did."
"Anyway, we better get our things together, and head to the castle when Angel gets back," Charlie says.
Then picks up, "I'll send a text to Angel to ask him and let him know we'll be leaving soon."
Vaggie nods her head.
Zǐ Māo then asks, "So when is the Conference?"
"The Hellfire Conference is next week, so I suspect many of the high class demons already got their invites," Charlie says.
"Okay," Zǐ Māo with a nod.
With that, Charlie, Vaggie, and Zǐ Māo head upstairs to get their things packed. Charlie suggest that Zǐ Māo should pack a few clothes and stuff just in case Angel is too busy to watch over him.
In the Porn Studios, Angel is doing a photo shoot with some of the other employees for a magazine. They had to wear different and revealing outfits. The photographer continues to take pictures of them as they do all kinds of poses. Soon enough, the photo shoot is finished.
The photographer says, "Alright, that's it for the day."
Hearing that, Angel and the other models leave their position. Angel then grabs his bag and brings out his Hellphone. Soon, he sees a message has been sent. Angel Dust opens his Hellphone to see that it's from Charlie.
Charlie: Hi Angel, how are you doing at work? I just want to know what your schedule is like this week before and after the conference. Mainly because Vaggie and I are going to be leaving for the palace and i want to make sure if you have time to watch Zǐ Māo. If not, we plan on taking him with us. Just let us know when you get the chance.
Angel sighs and begins to text Charlie the message.
Angel Dust: Hey Charlie, I actually have a tight schedule at the studio this week, so I can't watch the squirt. And I can probably guess your girlfriend doesn't trust Alastor to watch over Zǐ Māo.
Then Charlie texts: That's okay. We did agree to take him if you're too busy, and Vaggie really doesn't trust Alastor to watch over him. We're going to be leaving for my parents' place and Phoenix already left with Cloud and the others on their three weeks of special training.
Angel Dust texts: Cool. I'll see you in a week. And are you sure you want Al to handle the hotel.
Charlie texts: I know, but Alastor said that he'll keep a close eye on it. And don't worry, Husk is making sure Alastor doesn't do anything with Fat Nuggets.
Angel Dust texts: He better not. Anyway, I'll only be doing a few more scenes, and Val wants me in his office. Then I can get going.
Charlie texts: Okay. See you next week after the conference. Bye.
Angel Dust texts: Yeah. See ya when you get back.
Once finishing texting, Angel Dust puts his phone away in his bag and heads off to his dressing room. Once there, he begins to get himself dressed up and fix his make-up for the film scene for a Porn Film. Just then, the door begins to open as Angel sets his makeup.
"I'll be ready in a minute," Angel says, annoyed.
"Oh, I think you can spare a little time," Valentino's voice answers.
Angel stops putting on his makeup and turns in shock to see Valentino standing right behind him.
"Oh uh, hey, Val..." Angel says, having a slight fear in his voice as he remains calm.
"Oh, what's the matter, Angel? You look a little nervous," Val says, holding his light up cigarette.
"Oh, it's nothing, just feeling a little tired from the work and all that shit," Angel says, trying to keep up with his persona.
"Right. Listen, I need to 'talk' to you about something," Valentino says, then drags his cigarette.
"About what?" Angel says, confused.
Valentino then blows the red smoke and it begins to fog up the room a little with red smoke. Some even get to Angel's face, causing him to cough a bit. However, some of the smoke reaches the inside of his mouth.
Valentino says, "It's about that friend of yours, Phoenix."
"Phoenix?" Angel says, confused and coughing smoke. "What is it you wanna know about her?"
"Oh, nothing in particular, just curious about what she's been doing. And if you happen to know what she's up to," Valentino says, leaning towards Angel.
Angel says, weary, "Uh yeah. She's doing fine, just doing the same old stuff at the hotel. Nothing in particular."
Of course, he's making sure to keep Phoenix's little special training retreat a secret.
Then asks, "Why do you wanna know about her? She hasn't really forgotten about her uh, encounters with you."
"Oh, it wasn't so bad. I just wanted to have a little talk with her," Valentino says.
He smiles evilly and says, "Also, I have figured something special about our little hybrid friend."
"Oh, really. And what will that be?" Angel asks with a nervous smile.
Valentino takes another drag of smoke and blows some at Angel's face, causing him to cough, but some goes into his mouth and nostril. That causes him to become dizzy, and soon becomes rather dazed. That allows Valentino to take Angel by his arm and pulls him over, causing him to lean on him. Val lifts Angel by the chin with his hand, in order for the spider demon to face him.
"Now then, there are a few things I want to discuss. Regards to your hybrid friend," Valentino says.
Meanwhile, Conan, Grace, Phoenix, and Cloud are walking up the hill, following the trail to their destination. Phoenix looks around to notice that the tall trees seem to be black, even the leaves are practically dark green colors.
"This place looks pretty spooky. Kind of reminds me of the forest back in Japan," Phoenix says..
"You mean the forest that is called the Suicide Forest?" Grace questions.
"That's right," Phoenix says.
Kyuubi barks in reply.
Then asks, "So how much farther do we have until we get to the camp?"
"We still have ways to go before getting to the camp," Conan says.
Cloud says, "That's correct, so we need to pick up the pace. We still have ways to go before we get to the training ground."
"Right sensei," The siblings answer.
Phoenix nods his head, "Right."
Kyubi barks in reply.
Throughout the trouble, Phoenix has to climb over fallen trees, walk on the rocks of a strange river. Phoenix has also heard some strange noises, like growling, snarling, and other uneasy noises. She has to wonder what kind of creature can make those noises. She wonders if they are demons, or Hellanimals. Phoenix decides to not pay any mind, knowing she has important training to do. Phoenix continues to walk and follow the teacher and two two students. Phoenix is feeling tired, but knows that she needs to keep moving.
Cloud continues to lead the three up a hill and stops in his tracks. Soon, Conan, Grace, Phoenix, and Kyuubi stop to see something over them. What they see is an old fashioned Japanese shack. The shack only has two windows, and a sliding door, along with a small porch at front.
"Interesting place," Phoenix replies.
"This is where we're staying," Cloud says.
"I see," Phoenix replies, a little confused.
The three students, including the fox demon walk down the hill, following their teacher. Unknown to them, Larry the Lynx demon and Sirius' henchman has been secretly following them, and is able to follow them to the woods where the shake is. Cloud then opens the shack to reveal that even the inside is the same as an old style Japanese house.
Cloud removes his shoes and walks inside, Then turns to the others, "Remove your shoes and enter."
Hearing that, Phoenix, and the siblings remove their shoes and place them in front of the house. Then all four of them enter the house. Soon, Cloud opens one of the sliding doors to reveal a room.
Cloud turns his head and says, "Grace, you and Phoenix will be sharing this room."
Then walks to the other side of the small hall, "Conan and I will be sleeping here."
Grace and Phoenix enter the room while Conan and Cloud enter the other. Kyuubi continues to follow Phoenix from close behind. Grace closes the door and places her backpack on the ground. Phoenix then places her backpack on the ground as well. Then, both girls begin to unpack their things.
She looks to see, "I can understand why you didn't want me to bring my Hellphone with me."
"Yeah. The place doesn't have any wireless connection. It's so we can have better concentration with our training," Grace says.
"Make sense," Phoenix replies.
Phoenix and Grace have their sleeping mats, blankets, and other supplies set up in the room.
Grace then asks, "So Phoenix, how are you feeling about the special training we're doing?"
"To be honest, I'm kind of excited and a little uneasy about it," Phoenix answers.
She sighs, "I just hope this training can help me keep my mind off of what's been happening."
"You mean about the incidents and situations you keep getting into, or the news cast is still talking about you?" Grace asks.
"Both," Phoenix answers, "And I feel that I'm putting you all in danger because Sirius and those Black Sombras are after me."
"It's not your fault. Sirius is trying to use you for his insane plan to take control of you in Hell and get revenge on your dad," Grace says.
Then says, "And once you finish with your training, you'll be able to kick that pompous, dark magic wielding bastard in the ass, and slice him into pieces."
Phoenix chuckles, "Wow. Didn't think you could say stuff like that. You are usually calm and graceful."
"Thanks. Trust me, just because I'm a butterfly demon, doesn't mean I can't be tough and know how to defend myself," Grace says.
"Right," Phoenix replies.
With that, the girls begin giggling and continue organizing their room.
Meanwhile, Conan and Cloud do the same in their room.
Conan turns to Cloud and asks, "Cloud, do you think Phoenix is able to handle the kind of training here. I know she has the potential to get through her training. I'm hoping she can handle the training I have in mind for her."
"Right." Conan says.
Then asks, "What kind of training do you have for Phoenix?"
"You'll have to wait and see. The training I have planned will have multiple obstacles. She'll need to be trained on her swordsmanship, where I'll be instructing her. Grace will be helping her with her flying skills and maneuvering. You Conan, will be in charge of her combat skills," Cloud says.
"Right," Conan says with a nod.
Then asks, "Do you think we should have told Phoenix about the conference her dad and Uncle Lucifer are planning on setting for all the high class demons?"
"Unfortunately, the king and lord specifically explained to me in their letter about the conference that we mustn't tell her about it at this time. We don't want her to grow worried about high class demons knowing and asking for her whereabouts. It will also make her lose focus of her training," Cloud says.
"Yeah. you're right. Phoenix already feels anxious about the attention she's getting from the Overlord and the news cast," Conan says.
"Indeed," Cloud says.
Then thinks, "I just hope the conference will go off without any unnecessary hitches."
Back in Angel Dust's dressing room of the Porn Studio, Angel is now being under the influence of Valentino's red smoke from his cigarette. Valentino sits down on the bed close by and has Angel leaning against the white collar on his coat. The red smoke seems stronger than normal, so Angel is unable to fight it.
Valentino rubs the back of Angel's head and asks in a seductive tone, "Now Angel, about your friend Phoenix. I couldn't help but notice that I've seen that face before. Seeing through the reports that Vox showed me, I figured out why she seems so familiar, and why she has that bracelet with the Magne family crest..."
Angel Dust grunts and groans, "Oh, uh, really... and uh, why is that? And why are you interested in Phoenix..." And feels very dazed.
"Oh, maybe it's because I already found the answer to a question I asked her. The question she was trying her best to avoid when I first had that discussion with her," Valentino says.
Then lifts Angel's head by his chin," And I suspect you know it too..."
"Wha..." Angel asks, tired.
Just then, with an evil smile, Valentino asks, "Phoenix is actually the daughter of Satan Mange, isn't she?"
Hearing the question makes Angel shocked under the daze, and hears his boss' voice, "Therefore, she is part of the Magne family."
Despite being dazed, Angel Dust is deeply worried, it seems that even Valentino has also figured out about Phoenix's family.
"Well Angel Cakes..." Valentino questions.
Then has a strung grip on Angel's chin with one hand, and the rest on his arms, "Is she really Satan Magne's daughter..."
"She... well... uh... she's is... I mean..." Angel tries to answer, but tries to avoid it.
But Valentino uses a little more force, and wraps his hand around Angel's neck to put pressure around it, "And I suspect you knew about it, and agree to keep this a secret. Of course, the hybrid daughter of Lord Satan would draw a lot of attention. The Radio Demon also knows about her being Satan's did." and the red smoke is making it harder for Angel to resist.
Unable to whistand the smoke's effects and the grip Valentino has around his neck, he is forced to slowly nod his head in reply, giving him the answer he wants. That makes Valentino give an evil smile in reply. Now he knows about Phoenix's being Satan Magne's daughter as well.
Val let's go of Angel's neck and rubs his cheek, "Good. That is all I need to know. That wasn't so hard."
Valentino then places Angel on the bed and begins to walk towards the door.
Before leaving, he turns to Angel and says, "I do hope to meet up with your friend soon."
Valentino leaves the room and closes the door. Angel is able to sit up and feels a bit dazed, and slowly gains focus, but is clearly upset about what happened, especially with himself. He's been forced to tell his boss about Phoenix's dad and her connection to Charlie.
Sometime later in the training camp of the woods, Phoenix is wearing a Japanese kimono outfit that is perfect for his training, it's white on the top and red pants, Japanese socks, and appropriate shoes. Conana and Grace are wearing similar outfits, but Grace's pants are purple, and Conan's is a clue. Cloud is wearing a white kimono with black Japanese pants.
"Alright Phoenix, today we'll be starting with the first step of your training," Cloud says.
He brings out the paint brush and draws a circle and creates a portal. Cloud steps forward to the portal.
Cloud turns to see Phoenix, "Step through the portal, Phoenix. The first part of your training starts here."
Phoenix nods his head and walks through the portal. Phoenix becomes confused to find herself in a different part of the forest. Phoenix looks around to see that the fog seems very thick here, it's hard to see anything. What's more, it feels that there's less oxygen here.
Cloud turns to Phoenix, "Phoenix, this is where your training begins. We are miles away from the shack. First, you must find your way back, rely on your instincts. Of course, the path back to the shack is not going to be an easy task."
Cloud then steps through the portal and says, "Good luck."
With that, the portal closes behind Cloud, leaving Phoenix all alone in the woods. Phoenix's training is now beginning.
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