Episode 28: Izanami
Early the next day in the Hazbin Hotel, Charlie wakes up early and makes herself some hot coffee in the kitchen. In fact, she hasn't had much sleep the night before and has been worried about Phoenix since what Kuroi has told her.
Charlie lets out a yawn as she drinks her coffee from her mug. Suddenly, she hears knocking at the door.
Confused, Charlie wonders, "Who could that be, this early in the morning."
Charlie walks to the door and opens it to reveal the Imp servant who has arrived before.
"Hello," Charlie says.
"Good morning your highness," The servant says.
He then brings out three envelopes.
Charlie takes it and says, "Thank you."
The servant bows his head and walks away.
Charlie is confused as she looks at the envelopes, "Hmm, I wonder what these are for?"
She looks at the envelopes and notices that one of them is addressed to her, the other two are for Alastor and Cloud.
"Huh. Wonder what this is about?" Charlie says, confused.
Charlie walks down the lobby and sits at the table where her coffee is and places the other two letters on the table. She then looks at her own envelope. She opens it, and takes the letter outside of the envelope.
She reads it and gasps in shock, "What?"
She reads it again more carefully to see if she's even reading it right.
She sadly sighs and says, "Well, it's only going to be a matter of time, but... I didn't expect it to happen during the Hellfire Conference, and it's a very important conference."
"There you are Charlie," Vaggie's voice answers.
Charlie turns her head to see Vaggie walking down the stairs and towards the table where she's sitting.
"Oh, morning Vaggie. Didn't know you were up," Charlie replies.
"I could say the same about you, since you didn't get much sleep last night," Vaggie says, and sits down next to Charlie.
"Yeah. I'm just worried about Phoenix because of the stuff she's been through. This Sirius is becoming a real problem," Charlie says.
"I know things have gotten very bad, but I'm sure we'll figure something out. And that's saying something coming from me," Vaggie says.
Charlie giggles and says, "Yeah. Cause, that's kind of my line."
The two girls giggle and Charlie kisses Vaggie on the cheek.
Curious, Vaggie asks, "So what's with the letter you got? Is it from your dad?"
"It's from dad alright, but it's well... It's serious, and it's also from Uncle Satan. Alastor and Cloud even got similar letters sent here," Charlie says.
"What the letter say?" Vaggie asks.
Charlie sighs and explains, "Dad wrote that Uncle Satan is calling a Hellfire Conference, the one where all high class demons attend. Overlords, Goetia Demons, Demons Elites, even other Demon Royalty."
"Oooooh," Vaggie says.
Then asks, "But isn't that conference for very very important discussions about highly important matters."
"Yes. According to Uncle Satan and dad, they are going to have an important discussion about Sirius, since the Dark Sombras have been showing up a lot, and the mark he has placed on Phoenix and well..." Charlie says, becoming reluctant on the last part.
"You're right. It has become a problem. And it's bad that Phoenix seems to be the only one who could stop them with that sword of hers," Vaggie says.
Then asks, "So why are you reluctant all of the sudden?"
"Well... you see... the thing is..." Charlie says, being skeptical and worried.
She takes a deep breath and says, "Uncle Satan wrote a part about it in his letter and wants me to testify on Phoenix's existence, and said I can have you come along."
"For what?" Vaggie asks.
She sighs and says, "Uncle Satan is going to tell the entire high class demon, demon royals and Goetia, about Phoenix. He's going to confess to them about everything. About Phoenix being his daughter, and Sirius is after her."
"What?!" Vaggie asks, shocked.
"I know. There Are just too many high demons who are starting to know who Phoenix is. Alastor is the first to know, Coral Mars knows Prince Stolas. And just recently, Asmodeus knows about Phoenix being his daughter too and about the mark she has on her shoulder," Charlie explains.
Vaggie blinks her yes and asks in concern, "Did you just say Asmodueus knows about it?"
"Yes. I did," Charlie says.
Vaggie facepalm her forehead and asks, "You've got to be fuckin kidding?"
"I'm afraid not," Charlie says.
"Oh great, just what we need. The Ruler of Lust find out about your cousin," Vaggie says, annoyed.
Confused, Vaggie asks, "How did he find that mark on her shoulder anyway."
"Well, Uncle Satan didn't press too much for it, but apparently, Valentino is the one who found it," Charlie nervously says.
Vaggie opens her eyes wide in shock, "VALENTINO?!"
Then narrows her eyes, "Angel Dust's boss!"
"Yeah. Apparently he was at Ozzie's, and luckily Kuroi is able to get Phoenix back to his place," Charlie says.
Confused, Vaggie says, confused, "Okay... But still, how did Phoenix get Sirius' mark? And when were you going to tell me about it?"
"Well, I was a little concerned about telling you, but I feel it's a good time while no one is around. Remember the incident with Striker..." Charlie says.
"Uh huh," Vaggie replies with a nod.
"From what I can figure and what Kuroi told me, it's possible that Sirius enchanted the bullets of the angelic gun Striker had, and one the spell is cast, it can't be removed even if you removed the bullet. Kuroi is taking Phoenix to a friend of his dad, who is coming with him to assist," Charlie says.
Vaggie sighs, "Seems reasonable, I just hope whoever the friend of his dad can break the spell on her."
"So do I, Vaggie. So do I," Charlie says, showing concern.
Vaggie grows saddened to see the concerned look on Charlie's face. She can tell that Charlie is very worried about Phoenix, and to be honest with herself, Vaggie is worried about Phoenix too, especially for all the trouble she's been put through. She can only hope that whoever is the friend of Kuroi's father, is able to help remove the mark from Phoenix.
Meanwhile, Kuori and his father, Fujin are still waiting as the limo drives them to their destination. Kuroi turns to see Phoenix asleep from the incident. He knows that Phoenix has been given Sirius' mark by force, and it's already taking effect in obeying his command. Kuroi sadly sighs to see Phoenix like this and its upsetting knowing Amara is being hurt.
Kuroi turns to his father, "Dad, do you think Izanami will be able to help her?"
"I believe she may have just the thing we need to break the spell," Fujin says.
"I really hope she can help us. I hate to think of what Sirius might do if mother's spell wears off," Kuroi says.
The limo continues to drive down the road, and soon, it comes to a stop.
Then the driver says, "Sir, we're here."
"Thank you, Kyo," Fujin says.
Fujin opens the limo's door and climbs out of the limo. Kuroi picks up Phoenix in a bridal arms, and walks out of the limo.
They arrive at a large Japanese shrine under a red sky that looks like it's in the middle of nowhere. The shrine is made of large black wooden walls with black wooden outdoor patio, and with a dark brown roof. There are also some Japanese style sliding paper doors, and windows. Outside of the shrine there are many different monstrous Japanese statues, and skeletons, and there is a large red shinto in front of the pathway of the shrine.
"So this is Izanami's shrine. It seems kind of creepy," Kuroi says.
"It might be, but she is a very good sorceress and she will be able to help us with this," Fujin says.
"Right. I just hope she can help her," Kuroi says.
The father and son walk down the path of the shrine to walk over to the shrine entrance to see if Izanami is home. The two walk down the path and soon walking over to them is a creature that looks like a creature that is part dragon and part deer with antlers, fish scales and an ox's tail known as Kirin. Along with a creature that looks like a fox demon that has a lot of similarities to Phoenix's pet fox, Kyuubi, but has fluffy white fur around the neck, and its nine tails are huge.
The two creatures gesture at the two demons to follow them, and walk away. Kuroi and Fujin follow them and walk on the stairs to the shrine. They then walk to the side of the shrine and towards a paper door.
Fujin knocks on the door and hears the voice of a woman calmly asks, "Who is it?"
"Lady Izanami, it's me, Fujin Tsubasa. I come because we have an important matter that we need your assistance," Fujin says.
"Come in," The voice says.
Just then, the paper doors open apart and they walk inside. The Kirin then escorts the pair inside as the fox demon stays out and returns to guarding the shrine. The two then walk into the shrine and they follow the Kirin to see a larger sliding door which opens. The two walk over inside the room to see the room that seems like a meeting room or the main chamber. There are a few furniture with red, black, and white colored Japanese lanterns hanging on the ceiling, some Japanese like beds, along with a low kotatsu table with a pillow on all sides of the table.
They look over to see an elegant and beautiful demonic woman that has long black hair with pale white skin, and red color eyes. It has a darkish white color kimono with a gray obi and red marking all over that looks like it's covered in blood, white socks, and Japanese Sandals.
The woman calmly smiles and says, "Hello Fujin, it's been such a long time hasn't it."
"Indeed it was. However, we're here on an important matter. Sirius placed his mark on my son's friend who was also the daughter of Satan," Fujin says.
"Satan, huh," Izanami says, interested.
Then looks to see the young hybrid girl in Kuroi's arms.
"Hmm, I see, so this is the hybrid that has been talked about throughout Hell. Even her stories have been reached towards me and my minions," Izanami calmly says.
"Yes. It has. A hybrid is still pretty rare," Fujin says.
Then Kuroi asks, "Um Lady Izanami, do you think you can help Phoenix? My mother was able to place a neutralizing spell to cancel out the spell for a while, but I fear Sirius would try to control her once the spell wears off. Can you help remember his spell?"
Izanami walks over to the two teenagers, and kneels down to see the young unconscious hybrid girl. She lifts her hand up and uses some kind of magic to show the spell Corina has placed on her, and a mysterious red glow on Phoenix's right shoulder. Izanami gently pushes the kimono off his right arm to see Sirius' mark.
Izanami nods her head and says, "Indeed, Sirius' mark has been placed on the young princess. I think I know the way to break the spell."
"Really? Can you help her?" Kuroi asks, feeling relieved.
"I think I'm able to. It will take a little time, but I think I know just how to break Sirius' spell," Izanami says, calmly.
"Okay," Kuroi replies with a nod.
Then Izanami asks, "May I..."
"Um of course," Kuroi answers.
Izanami then picks up Phoenix in her arms and begins to take her out of the room.
She turns to the two and says, "Please wait here. The removal spell I'm going to perform will take concentration."
"Of course," Fujin says.
"Uh sure," Kuroi replies.
Izanami nods her head and takes the girl out of the room and closes the door.
Kuroi turns to his father, "I sure hope Izanami knows what she's doing, and hope my mom's spell doesn't wear off."
"We can only hope, my son. We can only hope," Fujin says.
Kuroi slowly nods his head and turns to the door where Izanami has taken Phoenix.
Meanwhile, Izanami soon uses her magic to open the sliding paper door and walks inside the chamber. Then the door closes behind her. Inside the room, there are Japanese candles in a row, each row is on opposite sides of the shrine. At the third wall away from Izanmani, there is a large chest and twelve statues of animals: a cat, dog, rat, rabbit, dragon, and a snake. In the middle, there is a Japanese symbol '作成' meaning Create. And another symbol '死' means death, and they're both in two large circles. Around the circles are symbols of air '空気', fire '火', water '水', and earth '地球'.
Izanami lays Phoenix down in the center of the room, and adjusts her body so she'll be laying down stiff.
Izanami gently places her hand on Phoenix's forehead, "Do not worry, little one. I promise everything will be alright. And I do apologize for the pain you'll soon be enduring."
Izanami walks towards the side of the room with the chest and statue. She opens it up and brings out a large glass bottle with glowing dark purple color potion. And a bright black star shaped crystal. She then places them on the ground next to her. She then picks up a chest and opens it to see black ink and has a Japanese style paint brush.
"There, I believe that is everything I need to break the spell upon her," Izanami says, and turns to Phoenix.
Her eyes begin to glow and soon it turns liquid black, "It's time to break the spell."
Izanami then begins to work. She opens the jar of black ink, dips the paintbrush in it, and begins to crawl a large circle around Phoenix. Then begins to draw over the symbols of the water, fire, earth, and air. Soon, the marks and the round circle begin to glow. Izanami then takes a handful of ashes and blows a bit onto the black ink, making them shimmer a demonic black and red glow. Soon, black ink begins to form into a thick stripe and wraps it around Phoenix's arms, legs, waist, and chest. Then, Izanami then places the necklace around her neck and it glows as Izanami begins to enhance her powers.
The glow is so bright that young Phoenix is slowly opening her eyes.
A little weak and tired, Phoenix groans and softly says, "Huh... uhh... what...?"
Izanami kneels down as she opens the bottle of potion and pours it into a small glass. Then, closes the lid on the glass bottle, and uses her magic to put everything, excluding the cup inside the chest.
Izanami places her long black nailed hand on Phoenix's head.
Phoenix turns her head to notice her and asks, "Wh-who... who are you?"
"Hello little princess, it's nice to finally meet you," Izanami softly says.
"Um yeah," Phoenix softly says.
Then asks, "Uh, who are you?"
"Shh... no need to fret little one. Your friend has brought you to me to assist you from Sirius's mark he had cast on your," Izanami softly says.
"His... mark...?" Phoenix asks, feeling tired.
"Yes, but no not worry. I know how to break the spell off of you," Izanami says as she removes a bit of the kimono off of Phoenix's sleeve.
She then pours the liquid on Phoenix's shoulder, "I truly apologize, the removal potion and spell is going to hurt."
"What do you mean it's gonna..." Phoenix is about to asks.
Suddenly, the liquid begins to glow and begins to sting in pain. Phoenix lets out a scream of pain as she grits her teeth. Izanami then places her hand on the burning mark as she whispers an incantation. Phoenix grits her teeth in pain as she is trying her best not to scream.
Meanwhile, back at the hotel, Charlie has given Alastor and Cloud their letters. They both read their letters and it has taken them by surprise.
Alastor simply grins like he always does, "Oh, so Satan is going to finally present a confession to all us high class demons about the child that he's been hiding."
"Yes. Apparently, the Hellfire Conference is going to take place at the end of this month, and it's going to take place at the royal palace," Charlie explains.
"Yes. The situation has gotten serious," Cloud says.
He sighs, "Somehow, I figure with all that's been happening, it won't be for much longer before more demons find out about who Phoenix really is."
"You're right. I'm just worried about what the other demons might think of her. I mean, you know that a human hybrid demon is rare, and well..." Charlie says, reluctant.
"You're also worried about what others think because she's the daughter of your uncle, Lord Satan," Cloud says.
"Yes," Charlie sadly says.
She sadly sighs and says, "I really hope Phoenix will be okay. Now she's going to have to accept the demons knowing about who she really is and such."
Then turns to Cloud, "Probably makes me glad my dad and Uncle Satan arrange for you, Grace, Conan, and Phoenix on a special training trip."
"Indeed. I think it's for the best. Phoenix has been doing well with her training, even if the Dark Sombras were giving her trouble, but it's difficult that she keeps getting caught in some crazy mess or another, and to be more careful around demons with angel's weapons," Cloud says.
"Yes indeed. I think it will be best for the girl to get some more training to perfect more of her powers," Alastor says.
"I'm sure Phoenix will be glad to focus on training after getting the mark removed. I have to wonder how she's doing with it," Charlie says, concerned.
"I'm sure the young girl is fine," Alastor says.
Then says, "And before I forget, I've received a call from Mimzy, and she explained to me that young Phoenix has disappeared. I explained to her what has happened to the girl and is relieved to hear she is alright, but is worried about what happened. I reassure her that wherever the young hybrid is with her Crew Tengu savior, she will be fine."
Back in Izanami's shrine, the demonic being continues to perform the incantation as Phoenix struggles to feel the pain of the potion and the removing spell. Phoenix is practically shaking in pain as Japanese demoness continues to whisper the removal spell as she focuses her magic on the spell. Unable to hold it anymore, Phoenix screams in agony and in pain.
In the waiting room, Kuroi and Fujin are sitting and waiting, until they hear the loud scream in pain.
"What the fuck? What's happening?" Kuori asks, stunned and concerned.
"It seems that Izanami is already proceeding in the removal spell. Of course, I suspect that the spell must be strong, and well... I didn't tell you it wasn't going to be painful," Fujin says.
Kuroi turns to his dad in shock, "What? You mean it could be hurting her..."
"Yes. Unfortunately. Not all removal spells are going to be easy to remove," Fujin says.
Kuroi sadly sighs, "I suppose so. I remember the removal spell mom was able to do after I was poisoned as a kid. It wasn't pleasant."
Back in the shrine chamber, Izanami continues to perform the removal spell as Phoenix screams in agony and struggles from left to right in pain. She continues to scream as the liquid absorbs into her shoulder, and soon, the mark begins to glow purple from underneath. Izanami continues to say the incantation as she slowly removes her hand from Phoenix's shoulder. Soon, on the palm of her hand, is Sirius's mark. On her shoulder, the potion disappears into thin air.
Soon, Izanami lifts her other arm up and has Sirius' mark between them. She then continues the last part of the incantation, and when she concludes it, she slams her hands together, crushing the mark between it. When she removes it, the mark dissolves and is gone. She looks down on Phoenix's shoulder to see the mark is no more and her shoulder is clean. Phoenix happily breathes after the pain she endures. She looks up as tears fall from her eyes and is sweating, and looks up to see Izanami.
Izanami places her hand on Phoenix's shoulder, "There there. You did a good job. Again, I apologize that it was painful, but it was the only way to remove Sirius' mark from your shoulder. My name is Izanami. I am relieved I'm able to help you, Phoenix Magne, correct?"
"Um yes... but how did...?" Phoenix asks.
Izanami says, "I've remembered meeting Satan a few times, and sensed that one of the Japanese Children of the living have entered Hell. I met your mother, Momiji and your father, Satan. They often spoke to their daughter, who is currently living in the hotel Princess Charlotte has opened. I do hope that one day I could meet you, young princess. One of the Japanese blood from the world I've watched over from above and below.
Phoenix looks up to see the woman and looks at her.
She soon opened her eyes and was surprised, "I... I don't believe it. No wonder you look familiar, you're the Izanami who was once the wife of um... you know."
"You mean Izanagi-no-Mikoto?" Izanami questions.
"Um yes," Phoenix says, and slowly nods her head.
"Yes. I am pleased to hear that you've heard my tale," Izanami says.
She then picks Phoenix up and says, "And now, I shall return you to your friend, Kuroi must be worried after hearing you scream."
"Kuroi?" Phoenix asks, a little surprised.
"Yes. He and your father are the ones who brought you to me. I'm also an old form of his fathers," Izanami says as she carries Phoenix out of the chamber.
Back in the room, Kuroi and Fujin are waiting patiently for Phoenix and Izanami. Just then, the door opens to reveal Izanami with Phoenix in her arms.
Kuori stands up in relief and walks over, "Hi Phoenix, how are you feeling?"
"Well, I did feel a lot of pain, but I'm actually glad to get this problem off of my shoulder," Phoenix says.
Then mutters, "No pun intended."
"I'm glad you're feeling alright. The others are going to be glad to see you," Kuroi says.
"Me too," Phoenix says.
Izanami then helps Phoenix back on her feet, and is able to stand, but Kuroi decides to help her on her feet.
"There you go. Glad to see you getting your strength back," Kuroi says.
"Yeah," Phoenix says.
She then turns to Izanami and bows to her in respect, "Thank you for helping me, Izanami."
"You're welcome my dear. It's a pleasure to assist," Izanami says.
But soon her expression becomes serious, "However, the situation has become dire. I know Sirius' mark and it's a very difficult spell to remove. I must say, I find it awfully disturbing that Sirius is having his sights on you. No fact to get revenge on Satan for banishing him."
Then says, "You have a difficult task ahead of you. You must become stronger if Sirius makes his next move, and prepare to face him if he shows himself."
Phoenix nods her head, "You're right. I can't let him get away with not hurting me, but hurting others who were involved. One of them almost killed my friend."
"I see. Sounds like Sirius and his Dark Sombras are getting more dangerous, and the action he performs is considered a tremendous calamity. And to think that he once meant your father," Izanami says.
"Right. I understand," Phoenix says.
Fujin says, "Well then, it's best if we are heading to the hotel. I'm sure Charlie and the others will be relieved to know you're okay."
"Right," Phoenix says.
Sometime later, after saying goodbye to Izanamai, Phoenix, Kuroi, and Fujin are in the limo as they are safely driving away from her shrine. Izanami with her spirit animals watch as the limo leaves with the two Crow Tengus and hybrid.
Izanami smiles and says, "Goodbye, do hope to meet you again, young Phoenix."
After a long drive, the limo arrives at the Hazbin Hotel and drops Phoenix off. Phoenix walks out of the limo with whatever she has and turns to them.
Phoenix says, "Thank you Kuroi and Mr. Tsubasa. I really appreciate the help."
"You're welcome. I hope we can see you again," Kuroi says.
Then Fujin says, "Indeed. We would like to visit you soon."
"Thanks," Phoenix says.
Then says, "Bye."
"Bye," Kuroi says.
The limo doors close and it drives away. Phoenix then turns to the hotel, and walks to the front door. She opens it, walks inside, and closes behind her. As she begins to make her way to the lobby, she ends up being greeted by the Princess of Hell, and gives her a big bear hug.
Charlie happily says, "Oh Phoenix, I'm so glad you're back. You made us worried when Mimzy and Kuroi told me what happened. I'll be sure to never let this happen again," and hugs her harder.
Feeling a little crushed, "Uh Charlie... you're squishing me."
"Oh, sorry about that. I'm just so glad you're okay," Charlie happily says.
Then asks in concern, "You are okay, right?"
"I'm fine. I had some, well, bumps, but everything is fine now. I just need to train harder and find a way to stop Sirius before things get out of hand," Phoenix says.
"Couldn't agree more," Cloud says, entering the room.
The two girls see Cloud along with the others. Kyuubi happily runs over with glee.
"Hey Kyuubi," Phoenix happily says, kneeling down.
That allows Kyuubi to jump into Phoenix's arms with glee. Then begins to lick her face.
Zǐ Māo, rushes over and says, "We're glad you're okay."
"I'm glad to see you too, Zǐ Māo," Phoenix says.
Conan says, "Crazy, you fuckin' scared us."
"We were very worried," Grace says.
"I know. And sorry to make you worry," Phoenix says.
"What matters is that you're alright and I suspect you don't have any problems," Vaggie says.
"As of now, I'm glad I don't have any problems," Phoenix says.
"Good, because we have much to do," Cloud says.
"What do you mean?" Phoenix asks.
Cloud walks to Phoenix and says, "Sirius' desire to have you captured has become dire. And now he is gathering others to do his dirty work. I believe it's time to take your training to the next level. And we need to prepare for what Sirius' next move is."
Phoenix nods her head with a serious tone, "Yes Sensei."
If what Cloud says is true, Phoenix will need to go through special training after the stunt Sirius has pulled. Unknown to Phoenix, the Lynx demon, known as Larry, has his phone close to the window and has heard everything from the conversation, and plans to give it to Sirius so he can plan his next move.
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