Episode 27: Spellbound Secrets
Somewhere in Hell, Kuroi is able to rescue Phoenix from being trapped in Valentino's grasp when they're in Ozzie's, where Asmodeus, One of the Seven Princes of Hell, and a King of Lust, and one of the Ars Goetia.
Soon enough, Kuroi arrives at his family's home which also has a shrine and is able to get Phoenix inside and into bed. Phoenix is sleeping in the bed with Miu watching over her as Kuroi talks to his parents.
His mother, Corina has a light shade of black and gray feathers with black arms and legs with claws, and black wings. She is wearing a dark purple kimono with a light purple obi. She also has long beautiful hair in a bun and has an accessory of cherry blossoms and gold earrings. She has a pale colored face with pink colored eyes.
The father, Fujin, has a strong resemblance to Kuroi. Pale color skin, dark red eyes, dark black hair, black wings. He is also wearing a blue and dark blue color montsuki, with a sword on the sash around his waist.
"Wiat, Sirius left his mark on your friend?" The father, Fujin asks, shocked.
"Yes. I'm afraid so. It must have happened when Striker attacked her and shot her with that angelic weapon. Phoenix told me that he attacked her when she was visiting Octavia," Kuroi says.
"I feared that we would have a terrible situation. With that mark, Sirius will be able to control her. He must have used the angelic weapon he gave to this Striker to place the spell on her, and remains there even if the bullet's removed," Corina says.
"That sounds about right. When I saw it, I knew I had to bring her here, especially your mother. Since you and your family were able to handle spells and curses," Kuroi says.
"You've done the right thing for your friend. It's still hard to believe that the hybrid on the news is the daughter of Lord Satan," Corina says.
"Yeah. It was a surprise when Cloud told me. I just hope it doesn't become a habit of having to save her when she gets into trouble," Kuroi says.
"Let's hope not," Fujin says with a smile.
But frowns with a serious expression, "But the situation has become dire. Sirius was able to curse her with his mark which will allow him to have complete control over her. And judging by the mark, it's a pretty strong spell."
"You're right, we need to remove the spell, and we must do it soon," Corina replies.
"I know. I'm worried about what might happen if we don't get that mark removed," Kuroi says.
Then asks, "Is there someone who can remove it?"
His parents begin to think of any idea on how to have the mark removed.
Meanwhile, in the room, Phoenix is still fast asleep as a candle is emitting purple smoke and a scent around the room. The purple smoke is similar to the one Kuroi has used to help Phoenix before when she's first been exposed by Valentino's red smoke. Miu is sitting on the bed and watches her as she sleeps.
Miu says worried, "Phoenix, please wake up. Kuroi is worried about you. Please wake up."
Phoenix continues to sleep as the scent of the purple smoke is exposed in the room.
In her sleep, Phoenix looks to find herself in some black abyss. She looks around and sees no source of life or any of her friends.
"What... What is this place? Where am I?" Phoenix asks herself.
She then walks around and searches for any of her friends and family.
Phoenix calls out, "Mimzy...? Charlie...? Vaggie...? Angel...? Guys...?"
Suddenly, he begins to hear heavily breathing, making her a little frightened.
She looks around and asks herself, frightened, "Hello..."
She then turns her head, "Who... who's there?"
Suddenly, Phoenix feels a sharp pain on the shoulder where she's been shot. She clutches it and falls to her knees in pain. She screams in agony and has her eyes shut in pain. Unknown to her, a pair of glowing demonic crimson red color eyes appear behind her.
In the real world, the mark on Phoenix's shoulder begins to glow and begins to give her pain. Phoenix grunts and groans in pain and begins to clutch her shoulder.
Miu notices and says in concern, "I need to get Kuroi."
She then leaves the room to find Kuroi and her parents to let her know that Phoenix needs help. Phoenix continues to clutch in pain as the march on her shoulder begins to glow and change.
Suddenly, hears a ghastly and sinister voice, "Surgit. Surgit. Impetum. Impetum. Veni ad me. Veni ad me, virgo!" (Wake up. Wake up. Attack. Attack. Come to me. Come to me, maiden.)
Suddenly, Phoenix opens her eyes to reveal a hazy blue color once more and begins to get into a sitting position, and she is still wearing the same clothes that Verosika has given her to wear. She begins to climb out of bed and begins to head towards the door.
Outside of the room, Miu explains what is happening to Phoenix to her brother and parents.
"Phoenix is feeling pain on her shoulder?" Kuori asks.
Miu nods her head, "Yes. I think Phoenix is badly hurt..."
"I don't think she is..." Corina says.
Fujin says, "You're right, this must be Sirius' doing."
"If so, then what is he trying to..." Kuroi asks, but stops to hear the sound of the door opening.
Kuroi looks ahead to see the door to the guest room open, and Phoenix begins to step out of it.
"Phoenix?" Kuroi says, confused.
But Phoenix isn't answering and continues to walk forward.
Confused, Kuroi asks again, "Kuroi, are you okay?"
But Phoenix continues to walk until she is facing Kuroi and his family. Phoenix lifts her head up to see the dazed hazy blue color in her eyes.
Miu becomes nervous and hides behind her brother, "Big brother..."
"I know. I got a bad feeling about this," Kuroi says in a serious tone.
Phoenix stares at them as he hears the voice once more, "Veni ad me, virgo. Occidere eos. Occidere eos." (Come to me, maiden. Kill them. Kill them.)
Phoenix suddenly lifts her hand and makes it egnite into a fireball. Kuroi senses something wrong as Phoenix throws the fireball at them. Kuroi reacts fast and uses his powers to create a protective shield that protects them from the fire ball. The fireball hits the protective shield and disappears.
Miu asks frightened, "Kuroi, why did she attack us?"
"I don't think Phoenix is acting on her own. I think Sirius is taking control of her," Kuroi says.
Seeing that, Phoenix charges and tackles Kuroi to the ground. Kuroi is able to push her back with his black talon legs and she lands on the ground. Kuroi then stands up and sees her coming back. Still under control, Phoenix begins to throw punches and kicks with her karate moves, and other fighting techniques. Kuroi then uses his own fighting techniques to fight back against her own.
Kuroi is able to kick her to the stomach and has her pinned down to the ground. Phoenix struggles harshly and tries to push Kuroi off of her.
"Fuck, this girl is a lot stronger than she looks," Kuroi says.
Corina says worried, "Kuroi, be careful."
"I'll be fine mom, but I'm worried about Phoenix right now," Kuroi says, having Phoenix pinned down.
Fujin turns to Corina, "Corina..."
"Do not worry, I know what to do with this," Corina says.
Corina walks over to Phoenix being pinned down by her son and kneels down to her. She raises the palm of her hand towards her. Suddenly, she is able to break free from Kuroi and uses her hands to try and scratch Corina, but she quickly dodges it. Phoenix suddenly begins to change to her other form and tries to scratch Corina like crazy.
"Hmm, so it appears she has a different form than the one appeared on the news, "Fujin says.
Corina dodges it and says, "Indeed, and she deeply needs help."
"Indeed," Fujin says.
He then gets behind Phoenix and uses his claw hand to strike her on the side of her neck, causing her to fall into unconsciousness.
Kuroi sits up and sighs, "Alright, that was too close."
"Yes. I'll use this spell to neutralize Sirius' spell just in case," Corina says, and raises the palm of her hand to neutralize Sirius's spell over her.
The spell creates a light blue aura around Phoenix, and a small symbol of a feather appears on her forehead. Then it disappears in a matter of seconds.
"The spell is now taking effect, but I can sense Sirius's spell is a strong one, and will not be easy to remove," Corina says.
"But what can we do?" Kuroi asks.
Just then Fujin says, "I think I know who is willing to help us remove the spell upon the young princess."
"Who's daddy?" Miu asks.
Corina then asks, "Dear, do you mean?"
"Yes. We have to go see Izanami," Fujin answers.
Meanwhile, At the royal palace, Satan is doing some of his royal documents and other official duties Mainly investigating Sirius' actions not just at Pentagram City, but mainly the actions that were against his own daughter. Satan sighs and feels a bit frustrated about the situation his daughter is in, and the many calls he has received from those who have found out this little fact.
Flashback: Few Days Ago
Satan has received a call from Stolas and explains to him about what Charlie has already told him.
"I see. Are the girls okay?" Satan asks.
"Yes. The girls are fine, but Phoenix was badly hurt from that shot. It's unfortunate that it didn't hit her any dangerous spots, but it badly hurt her shoulder," Stolas says, over his phone.
"Indeed. Charlie explains most of the details and what Phoenix has explained to her about what this Striker character wanted with her," Satan says.
"I see. It seems that we have quite the predicament. I've been seeing on the news about the incidents with the hybrid girl and those creatures," Stolas says.
"Yes. It has been quite the talk lately. Any reason why you've decided to bring these up. I understand your daughter's safety, but..." Satan says.
But Stolas says, "It's not just my daughter's safety I'm worried about. I'm also worried about Phoenix considering what I've been hearing on the news. And even though you don't act like it, I can tell you're worried about your own daughter's safety."
Satan eyes wide to hear Stolas' statement.
He calmly sighs and says, "So you found out huh?"
"I did. I found out when I saw her at Lu Lu World. The fire colored hair is a big giveaway. I'm kind of surprised to put the pieces together that you're married to a human, and that you have a nice daughter," Stolas says.
"Yeah. Sadly, because of my position and the fact of her being a hybrid, I thought it would be best to keep my distance until she's grown up. Regretfully, things didn't go as planned," Satan says.
"I do have to agree. What I saw, she's staying at Charlotte's hotel and not with you. Any reason why?" Stolas questions.
Satan sighs and says, "It's rather difficult, but I need to have more information before I can explain it to you. Either way, I do hope you and your daughter will be alright."
"Same to you, Satan," Stolas says.
With that, they both hang up the phone.
Flashback Ends:
Satan sighs and says, "I wonder just how much longer I can keep this secret before too many demons figure out what the hell is going on."
Just then, the door knocks.
Satan turns to the door, "Come in."
The door opens to reveal Sabrina, the servant of the castle.
Sabrina says, "Your majesty. Asmodeus is here to see you."
"Asmodeus?" Satan says, confused.
He then calmly says, "Let him in."
Sabrina opens the door wide and the Demon of Lust walks in.
The demon of Lust says, "Hello Satan, it's been a long time hasn't it."
"Maybe not long enough," Satan mutters with an annoyed look on his face.
"Oh don't be so cold towards me. For someone who is always on fire, especially in Wrath, you can act rather cold," Asmodeus says.
Satan is already getting ticked off, "You didn't come here just to tell me that."
"Actually, it's more serious business than that. One that might end up causing another war," Asmodeus says.
Satan turns to the Lust Demon, "And what do you mean?"
Asmodeus then brings out his phone and shows it to Satan, "Because of Sirius, and you know him better than anyone."
Satan looks at his phone and is in shock to see the symbol.
Satan says softly in shock, "That symbol... it's Sirius'"
Then asks, "Where did you see that mark?"
"Valentino actually found it. He saw it on a rather unique demon, or should I say, hybrid demon," Asmodeus says.
Hearing the statement makes Satan have a shocked expression on his face.
"Asmodeus, are you saying that..." Satan asks, frantically.
"Right. It's the hybrid girl that's been all over the news right now. I ended up with the chance of meeting the girl myself. Have to admit, it surely is a rare opportunity. From what I hear, she hasn't traveled to another Ring of Hell quite yet. All the more reason knowing she is born a demon and human and not a normal sinner," Asmodeus says.
As Asmodeus talks, Satan is in shock to hear that Sirius has placed his mark on Phoenix. He grits his teeth as he clutches his hands on fists in anger.
But his thoughts are interrupted when Asmodeus says, "You know, I also couldn't help but notice that the dear hybrid, Phoenix, looks very familiar."
"Oh, and what of it?" Satan questions.
"Well, I have to admit, meeting her is a chance I couldn't pass up. She sure has a pretty little face, and has quite beautiful fiery hair," Asmodeus says.
Then turns to Satan, "Just like your unique hair color."
Satan turns his head and is looking frustrated, bitter, and rather upset.
"You can guess where I'm going with this, but I think it will be good to hear this from your mouth. You're actually the hybrid girl's father... aren't you...?" Asmodeus suspects.
Satan turns to Asmodeus with a bitter and yet, worried expression on his face.
Satan sighs and questions, "Guess you found out as well, haven't you?"
Asmodues simply shows his lustful smile and says, "Indeed I have."
Satan sternly glares at Asmodeus, knowing that another high class demon is now aware of Phoenix's true identity, and that his daughter has been marked by Sirius. He knows that there's no hiding this any longer.
Back in Kuroi's family home and shrine, Kuroi is shocked to hear the name.
Shocked, Kuroi asks, "Izanami? Are you sure she'll be able to help us?"
"We don't have too many options. Izanami might be the only one who can help at this point," Fujin says.
Kuroi sighs and says, "You're right. Mom's spell can last for so long and we need to get that mark and spell off of Phoenix before Sirius tries to use her again."
"Then it will be best to start with preparation because it's going to be a while before we arrive at Izanami's place," Fujin says.
"You're right. I'll get Phoenix back to bed," Kuroi says, and picks her up.
He then takes her back to the guest room and tucks her back into the bed.
He gently kisses Phoenix on the forehead and whispers, "Don't worry Phoenix, I won't let anything happen to you. I promise to have Sirius's spell removed and you'll be okay. I promise."
He then walks out of the room and closes the door behind him.
As Kuroi walks down the hall, Kuroi says in his thoughts, "I better call Charlie and let her and the others know what's going on. I'm afraid this is going to take a while before Phoenix can go back to the hotel, and without any more danger."
At the Hazbin Hotel, everyone, especially Charlie, is starting to grow worried about Phoenix. Well, it's really hard to tell with Alastor making a big grin on his face.
Grace turns to Charlie, Charlie, you need to stop pacing around, you're going to create a hole through the floor."
"I know, but I'm so nervous. Kuroi hasn't come back yet, and I haven't heard from Phoenix either. I knew we should have gone to the store with her," Charlie says.
"I know what you mean. I wish we could have gone with her," Vaggie says.
Then turns to Charlie, "But we aren't going to do much by just standing here. We should go out and look for her."
"I think we should too. Let's go out and find her alright," Conan says.
"But isn't Ozzie's hard to get into unless you have a reservation?" Grace asks.
"She's right. I actually performed there once, it's always packed. It's impossible to get a reservation there," Angel says.
"I'm sure they'll let us in if we have Charlie with us. Maybe she will get us in and find Mimzy," Grace replies.
"Maybe," Charlie says.
Suddenly, they hear the phone on the front desk ringing.
Charlie quickly picks up the phone and answers, "Hello."
"Hello Charlie, it's Kuroi," Kuroi answers on the phone.
"Oh Kuroi, did you find Phoenix?" Charlie says, sounding relieved.
"Oh I found her alright, but we have a serious problem..." Kuroi says.
"What kind of problem?" Charlie asks.
Kuroi then says, "Well, it's going to be difficult to explain, and it will be the best if you explain this to Cloud, and Cloud alone. I don't want the others to freak out over this."
"Promise," Charlie says.
With that, Kuroi then begins to explain the situation to Charlie about the problem Phoenix is in.
Back at the royal palace, Satan is still glaring at Asmodeus who simply stares at him with a sinister and lustful smile.
"Who would have thought that the great Lord Satan would have gotten married to a human, let a load have a child with someone. And quite a pretty little thing," Asmodeus says.
Then says, "I do wish I could have met her sooner. She sure is a sweet, adorable girl. She must have got the beauty from the woman you got married to."
Satan says in thought with irritation, "Just once I want to punch him right through the roof."
He calmly sighs and says, "Listen Asmodeus, I'm going to make this clear. You better not tell anyone about who Phoenix really is and the kind of danger she is to anyone. Or you're going to find yourself in an ugly position."
"Oh really," Asmodeus says with a grin.
Satan grits his teeth with frustration.
"Don't get your hair in a knot. I won't tell anyone otherwise. Also..." Asmodues say.
Then leans to Satan, "You're still quite cute when you get angry."
"Stick to being with that annoying Jester of yours," Satan says.
"Oh don't be like that," Asmodues says.
Then questions, "So what do you plan to do about Sirius, especially since what happened the last time he caused trouble, and the fact that your daughter, the hybrid girl, is involved."
Satan sighs and says, "I think it will be best to hold an important conference, and you know which one is right."
"Ah, I see. You're talking about 'that' conference, where all the high level and demon royalty gather and discuss highly important situations in Hell. And Sirirus is that matter," Asmodeus says.
"What else.. And... I think it's about time I tell them about everything... about the daughter that I have and the danger she is in," Satan says.
Back at the Hazbin Hotel, after Kuroi explains to Charlie about what has happened to Phoenix at Ozzie's, and at his home.
"I see. Right. I hope everything will turn out okay, and tell Phoenix I said hi," Charlie says.
"Thanks. We'll try to get that mark removed as soon as we can, and dad said we're going to his friend to help us," Kuroi says.
"Hm right. Tell your parents I said hi and tell Miu I said hi too," Charlie says.
"Right. See you later," Kuroi says.
"Bye," Charlie says, and hangs up the phone.
Vaggie asks, "So what did Kuroi say?"
"Well, he said that Phoenix will have to be with Kuroi for a while. She's tired and needs some rest, and will bring her to the hotel once she's rested," Charlie says.
"Uh sure," Vaggie says.
Charlie yawns and says, "I think it's best we get some sleep for the night."
"Yeah. I'm sleepy," Nifty says.
"So are the rest of us," Conan says.
Cloud then says, "Then let's head to bed for the night."
Grace turns to see Zǐ Māo and Kyuubi are fast asleep on the couch.
Grace picks then both up and says, "I'll take them to bed. They must be tired."
"Night guys," Conan says.
"Well, I have to go to work tonight, so see you guys in the morning," Angel says.
"Alright, but remember not to get yourself into trouble," Charlie says.
Angel rolls his eyes and says,"Whatever."
Soon, everyone begins to walk up stairs to their rooms to get to sleep for the night.
Just then, Charlie walks to Cloud and whispers, "Um Cloud, can I talk to you, in private."
"Of course, your highness," Cloud says.
Charlie escorts Cloud to her office, and there, she explains to him what Kuroi has explained to her.
Cloud is rather shocked, but makes a serious expression.
"Indeed, it seems that the matter is starting to become dire," Cloud says.
"Yes. And Kuroi said that he and his father are going to take her to see Izanami to help them remove the spell on Phoenix," Charlie explains.
"Yes. I heard of Izanami before. I know that she'll have a solution before Sirius can cause any more trouble for her," Cloud says.
"Yeah. I just hope nothing else happens before everyone in Hell finds out about Phoenix's situation," Charlie says.
Charlie and Cloud then decide to head upstairs to bed for the night, and Charlie really hopes Phoenix is okay.
Meanwhile, in a large T.V station tower, Vox is in his office as he continues to look at the news report of when Phoenix has been fighting against the Dark Sombras and other demons all over the television and social media. Even from the Turf War with Sir Pentious fight against Cherri Bomb and Angel Dust.
"Hmm, that Phoenix girl, I can't shake this feeling that I've seen her before. But where... and who does she look so family... the same with her powers... and those wings..." Vox says to himself.
Just then, the door opens and someone walks into the room.
Just then, Velvet happily says, "Hi Vox!"
Vox groans and says, "Velvet. What a surprise."
"Aww, don't be like that. I just want to say hi and wonder what you're doing," Velvet replies.
"Well if you must know, I'm still looking at that hybrid girl. I can't shake this feeling that I've seen someone similar to her before. She has fiery powers, fire like wings, and that fire like hair," Vox says.
"Well, she is pretty and powerful," Velvet happily says.
"Maybe so, but it's kind of strange that we've never heard of this hybrid girl before, not since after the Extermination," Vox says.
"I have to admit, I haven't heard of her either. Not even on all the social media and such. She doesn't even have an account," Velvet says.
"Yeah. It's very frustrating. And on top of that from what Val told me, she seems to be connected to the royal family," Vox says.
"Why's that?" Velvet asks.
"Because the bracelet she was wearing has the family crest on it," Vox says.
"You mean the pretty bracelet she has?" Velvet asks.
"Exactly. Still, despite all that, that girl seems very familiar," Vox says.
Suddenly, he hears a familiar voice, "Vox. Velvet."
Vox and Velvet turn their heads to see Valentino walking into Vox's office.
"Hi Val, welcome back. How was your trip to Ozzie's at the Lust Ring go?" Velvet questions with a grin on her face.
"It was alright, I suppose. I actually got to see our little hybrid friend while I was there," Valentino says.
"Aww, you saw Phoenix at Ozzie's," Velvet whines and pouts, "No fair."
"Well, we didn't really have much to discuss. I've found a rather strange symbol on her and showed it to Ozzie. He seems rather shocked to see the mark," Valentino says, and drags the cigarette in his mouth, and blows out red smoke.
Then wonders, "And what are you two up to?"
"Vox is still looking over the media about Phoenix. Not that I blame him, she's pretty pretty and awesome the way she fights," Velvet happily says.
"Maybe so, but she's still a mystery, and I can't shake this thought that she looks very familiar," Vox says.
Velvet looks at the newscast on the T.V, "Hmm, you know, she actually looks very familiar, especially since she's with Charlie."
Valentino looks at the television broadcast himself and looks to see Phoenix on the T.V as she uses her powers. He has to admit, does wonder what his connection with Charlie and if she has connection to the Royal Family. Also, it's very strange how she has never made any kind of appearance with the powers she possesses, and the connection she has to Charlie and her family. Suddenly, something sparks in Valentino and he shows an evil smirk on his face.
Then says, "Oh I see, that's why she looks so familiar."
"You know something, Val?" Velvet asks, curiously.
"Oh I know something, and let's just say the girl is not just a hybrid. And I have a feeling we'll be seeing her again soon," Valentino says.
Back in Kuroi's home, Kuroi and his father have the items they need and place them in a protective black limo. Kuroi has Phoenix laying down next to her as she has a silk blanket tucking her in.
Miu waves, "Bye Kuroi. Bye daddy."
"Bye sweetie. Bye darling," Fujin says.
"Bye mom. Bye sis," Kuroi says.
"Goodbye, be safe," Corina says.
"Well, be back as soon as well. We can only hope Izanami could help her," Kuroi says, turning to Phoenix in concern.
"I'm sure he will," Fujin says, reassuring his son.
Kuroi nods his head.
With that, the limo drives away with the boys and the young hybrid inside. Kuroi then places his hand on Phoenix's sleeping hand and hopes they can make it to their destination before Phoenix wakes up.
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