Episode 26: A Trip to the Lust Ring

One afternoon at Pentagram City, everything seems like it's at its normal self. However, there are loud crashing sounds and sounds of gunshots coming from an alley. Then the sound of a fight is breaking out. Close to the alley is a rundown old warehouse that looks like it hasn't been used in years. Just then, a fireball breaks through the wall of the old warehouse and the sound of gunshots appear in the building.

Inside the warehouse, Phoenix quickly lands on the ground and quickly dodges the bullets. Phoenix then quickly lifts her hands and creates fireballs with her hands and throws them at the one firing the bullets. That attacker is Striker.

"You sure are difficult to deal with," Striker says.

"I can say the same about you. I can't go to a store without fuckin headaches like you," Phoenix says, and throws the fireballs at Striker.

Striker quickly dodges the firearms and aims the opening to throw a punch at Phoenix's back and sends her stumbling forward.

He smirks and says, "It's Hell, kid. You'll have to be alert for when some demon is going to attack."

Striker and Phoenix soon begin to get physical with their fight. Phoenix uses her karate moves to get an upper hand, but Striker is proven to be strong. He soon gets the upper hand on Phoenix, and is able to push her back and falls to the floor. Luckily, Phoenix is able to get up right away.

Phoenix glares at Striker and asks, "That's all you got?"

"Have to admit, you are quite the challenge. Never met that many who can get the upper hand, let alone a half demon who is also a human," Striker says.

"Oh really," Phoenix says, sternly.

Unknown to Phoenix, a Dark Sombra that is hidden in the shadows is secretly sneaking up on Phoenix from behind.

When it is close enough, it says in a different language, "Dormi o virgo." (Sleep of maiden.)

Then, something begins glowing under the sleeve of Phoenix's shoulder. The symbol on her shoulder is a strange mark that is a large thin crescent and a smaller one facing the opposite direction in the inner crescent. It has a large line overlapping both, and the upper part of the crescent. Then two small lines horizontal on the bottom of the line.

It then changes to a long curve line with a swirl, with a different curve line going up with a swirl. It has a line spike from behind, and a slight curve line overlaps the larger one. Then two arrows pointing right in front of the upper curve.

As the mark glows, Phoenix's eyes have changed to a hazy blue color. The next moment, she falls to the ground and falls asleep instantly. Striker is a little confused to see Phoenix has collapsed all of the sudden. He then kneels to her and pulls the right side of the collar of her shirt to see the glowing mark.

He smirks and says, "Well, so that's what Sririus' spell did."

He chuckles and says, "It's best I get her to him. She'll be asleep for a while."

Striker then brings out a rope and grabs hold of her wrists. Then he ties her wrists together with the rope and ties her ankles together just in case. Then he is about to pick her up to take her to Sirius. Suddenly, he hears the sound of howling, catching his attention.

Striker stands up and looks around, "What the fuck is that?"

Striker then looks around as he hears growling and snarling sounds. Coming out of the shadows are a pack of wolves: Five of them to be exact. They all have dark gray and black fur with red glowing eyes.

"Where the fuck did they..." But before Striker can finish, one of the wolves pounces on him and attacks him.

Striker struggles and is able to kick the wolf off of him. Then, another wolf pounces on him. Striker then begins to fight three of the five wolves that have arrived. As Striker is fighting the wolves, two of the wolves sniffs Phoenix who is knocked out. One of the wolves picks up Phoenix and puts her on the other wolf's back. Then the two wolves leave with the unconscious Phoenix while Striker is still fighting off the remaining wolves. Soon, one the wolves counter Striker and pounces on him to the ground.

Striker slowly lifts his head up and mutters, "Shit."

Just then, the three wolves quickly leave after Striker is on the ground. Striker gets up to find himself all alone and Phoenix is not around.

"Fuck," Striker mutters, seeing that his target is gone.

He then hurries out to see the demons and sinners walking around, and has no clue where the wolves could have taken her.

Sometime later, Phoenix is unconscious from collapsing all of the sudden. Soon, she begins to wake up due to an odd smell she is sensing. She slowly opens her eyes to see a small woman looking at her with a calm smile, more like a sinner from her appearance, but seems to also look human.

The woman is short and chubby with thick thighs, wide hips, and plump breasts. Her eyes are pitch black and the pupils are hot pink, she has sharp teeth and wears makeup. Her hair is short and blonde, and Mimzy wears a typical 1920's flapper-like pink dazzling dress and a pink headband with pink feathers. She wears a pink necklace.

"Hello dearie, how are you feeling?" Mimzy asks.

"I uh, I think I'm okay..." Phoenix answers, tiredly.

She then begins to sit up but still feels a bit dizzy and lays back down what feels like a bed of some kind.

"Easy dearie, you were knocked out and you were restrained," The woman says.

"How... How did I even get here? And... who are you?" Phoenix asks, calmly, regaining her focus.

"Oh silly me, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Mimzy, and you're in one of the rooms of my Club. You see, I was on my way to my night club when I heard the ruckus and decided to check it out. Soon I see you got into another quite a fight and suddenly knocked out. So I've Sent my wolves to bring you here to safety. I soon started making a tonic that gives off a special smell that can wake anyone no matter how strong the spell is. It also does wonders for those with hangovers. I gave them to my customers who are completely drunk," Mimzy says.

"Oh, um, thank you," Phoenix says.

Then Mimzy asks, "So dearie, how did you get yourself in that nasty fight with the Imp."

"You mean, Striker? I was shopping for groceries, until Striker pulled me away to the alley and tried to abduct me again. I tried to fight back, but I suddenly fell unconscious. I don't really know why," Phoenix says.

"Well, what matters is that you're safe here. This Imp would never find you here," Mimzy says, cheerfully.

"But, why did you decide to help me? Not that I don't appreciate it, but this is Hell and I doubt you would help a stranger," Phoenix asks.

"Oh, it's because I've known you from Alastor," Mimzy says.

"Huh?" Phoenix says, confused.

Mimzy giggles and says, "Alastor told me about this pretty young girl with fiery hair and I asked him a few questions like if you're the same demon on the news and said you are."

"So is Alastor a friend of yours?" Phoenix asks.

"He sure is sweetie. Alastor and I go way back, and he comes to my club from time to time. You sure are lucky to be with a charming man like Alastor. Plus, I'm also close friends with Niffty," Mimzy says.

"Oh. So your friends with both Alastor and Niffty?" Phoenix asks, interested.

"Sure am. And Niffty also loves talking about you too," Mimzy says happily.

Phoenix blushes and says, "Wow. I never thought they would mention me."

"They told me a lot on how you all are staying at the princess' hotel for rehabilitation. I think it's cute, and kind of silly. I also remember Niffty told me that you used to work in a bar before you ended up in Hell. Well, not exactly because you're still alive," Mimzy says.

"Um yeah. I actually did. Anyway, thank you for helping me," Phoenix says.

"No trouble sweetie," Mimzy happily says.

Then says, "Of course, it will be safe if you stay here. You never know when that Imp comes back to try and abduct you. Of course, I'm not too surprised because you are so pretty and quite powerful. You've been the talk of the town, and even I can tell that a lot of demons would want to get their hands on you."

"Uh yeah," Phoenix replies.

Then Mimzy asks, "So Phoenix, do you want to stay here for a while. Maybe you can also help me work a bit at my club."

"Um, work here" Phoenix says, confused.

"Of course, dearie. You will be paid for your services of course and you'll be protected here. I can give your friends a call to let them know you're here," Mimzy says.

Phoenix then thinks a bit and answers, "Sure. I don't mind assisting you, and I might be able to meet some new demons and get some experience that way."

"Thank you dearie. I'll make sure to give Alastor a call and let her know you'll be here for a while until someone can pick you up," Mimzy says, and giggles.

Phoenix smiles and giggles with her.

Back at the Happy Hotel, Charlie is starting to get worried. She checks her Hellphone to see the time and it has been a while since Phoenix has left for the store. Grace, Conan, Angel, Zǐ Māo, and Vaggie watch to see Charlie very concerned and anxious.

Charlie sighs, "Where is she? She should have been back by now."

"I'm sure Phoenix will be fine. I know that she's your cousin and all, but you shouldn't worry so much," Angel says, lounging on the couch.

Grace turns to Angel, "You could, we could just go find Phoenix and see why she isn't back. I just hope she didn't get herself into trouble with another Overlord."

"Well, perhaps she ran into Cheri Bomb or Aquamarina and Coral and they got into a conversation," Zǐ Māo suggests.

"Well, it's probably not Cheri Bomb because she texted me that she's buying more gunpowder and other supplies for her bombs and other shit," Angel says.

"And Aquamarina and Coral are probably busy too. I just hope she didn't run into your boss and his annoying friend again," Conan says.

"Nah. Phoenix knows not to get involved with him again," Angel says.

Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door.

"Maybe that's Phoenix now," Vaggie says.

"I hope so," Charlie says, worried.

Charlie walks to the door and opens it. She first hopes it's Phoenix, but it's not. The one who is at the door is Kuroi.

"Hi Charlie, how are you today?" Kuroi asks.

"I'm doing fine," Charlie says, though the sound of her voice seems disappointed.

She quickly smiles and asks, "So, what brings you here?"

"Well, I've decided to come visit to see you guys and Phoenix. Is she here?" Kuroi says.

"I'm sorry Kuroi, but Phoenix isn't here. We sent her to get groceries a while ago and haven't come back. I'm worried. Maybe I should have Vaggie or even Alastor go with her," Charlie says, concerned.

"I see. If you want, I can go find her," Kuroi says.

"Oh that won't be necessary," A radio speaking voice answers.

The group turns to see Alastor walking down the stairs.

"What are you doing here, Alastor?" Conan sternly asks.

"Well, I've just received a call from my friend, Mimzy, the club owner in the city, and she told me something quite interesting," Alastor says.

"What? Did she ask you out on a date or something?" Angel asks in remark.

Alastor laughs, "Ha! No."

"Just get to the point, Alastor," Vaggie says, annoyed.

"Well, Mimzy has our little hybrid girl at her club," Alastor says.

"Wait, Phoenix is with her?" Charlie asks, confused.

"What the fuck is she doing there?" Conan asks.

"Well, it's an interesting story Mimzy told me. It appears our little fiery friend was nearly abducted by the serpent Imp from the time before," Alastor says.

Charlie gasps and covers her mouth, "Oh no! Striker's back!"

"Fuck! I knew that hillbilly asshole would be back!" Vaggie says.

"Yes, unfortunately. But not to worry, Mimzy was able to rescue her just in time, and informed me that she'll be staying at her club until one of us can pick her up," Alastor says.

"I'm glad to hear she's safe," Grace says, relieved.

"Yeah, but now, we have to go get her," Conan says, annoyed.

Vaggie glares at Conan, "No one said you have to."

Kuroi says, "I can go pick her up."

"Thank you Kuroi, I really appreciate it," Charlie says.

"No problem. I think I know where Mimzy's club is, so I'll be back with Phoenix too," Kuroi says.

"Oh there's no need to rush young fellow. Mimzy has been taking a liking to Phoenix. In fact, she's having Phoenix help her out at her club, and from what she explains, Phoenix is a natural as a waitress," Alastor says.

"Well, she did say she worked for her uncle who owns a bar, so she served people all the time," Conan says.

"Eve if she is used to working at a bar, I'm concern about serving to demons and sinners who can be fuckin retards," Vaggie says.

"Still, it wouldn't hurt for me to go pick her up and see how she's doing," Kuroi says.

"I think it will be a good idea for you to go. If Striker is still around, I feel comfortable that someone can stay over there to keep an eye on her," Kuroi says.

"I'll head over there right away," Kuroi says.

Kuroi then quickly flies off to get to Niffty's club to pick up Phoenix.

Meanwhile at Mimzy's club, Phoenix is really a natural working as a waitress. Phoenix has been waiting tables to different sinners, hellborn demons, and Imps who are having wine and beers.

Phoenix walks to the table with two male sinners, "One glass of champagne, and one glass of beer."

"Here toota," A dog sinner says.

Phoenix then places the two glasses on the table and leaves to serve the next table. She continues to serve the different wine, beer, and alcohol to the different demons and sinners there.

Phoenix sits down and sighs, " I've worked at my uncle's bar during the day, but even it isn't this busy during the day."

"I think you're doing a mighty fine job, Phoenix," Mimzy says, walking towards her with a smile.

"Thanks. So did you call Alastor?" Phoenix says.

"I sure did, and he was impressed by my little rescue earlier. He sure is the bee's knees," Mimzy says.

"I see. I have to admit, Alastor is really something," Phoenix says.

"Anyway, I have a quick favor to ask you," Mimzy says.

"What is it?" Phoenix asks.

"Well, I have to make an important delivery. I need to deliver some wine and beer to a restaurant in the Lust Ring, and I don't have anyone to accompany me. Do you mind if you come with me?" Mimzy says.

"Well, I don't know. To be honest, I've never traveled to the other rings of Hell before," Phoenix says.

"Well now, why not take this as an opportunity to explore more of Hell. The Lust Ring is lots to see, and Ozzie's is the place to be. You'll love it," Mimzy says.

"Ozzies, huh?" Phoenix says, thinking.

Then says, "Sure, I don't mind helping you out."

"Thank you Phoenix. You're a real sweetheart," Mimzy happily says.

Agreeing to help with the delivery, Phoenix helps some of the employees load the bottles of wine and beer into a van. Soon enough, the employee places the last box in the van and closes the doors.

The feline sinner turns to Mimzy and says, "Alright, we're good to go."

Splendid. We're making good timing," Mimzy says, then walks into the driver seat. Phoenix climbs inside the passenger side.

"Are you ready, dearie?" Mimzy asks.

"Yes. Ready as I'll ever be," Phoenix replies, and buckles her seat belt.

"Alright, let's go," Mimzy says.

Mimzy then starts the van, and drives away from the club and heads to the Lust Ring.

Sometime later, the van is driving towards a gold walled area. Where there are many cars, vans, trucks, and other vehicles go to.

Phoenix is amazed to see it, "Wow. What is this place?"

"This is the Elevator system. Though back on earth we use roads and boats to get around to other states, but here, we mostly use the elevators to the different rings of Hell. With the Pride Ring being the top and going down to Sloth which is the lowest Ring," Mimzy explains.

"Really? This is so cool," Phoenix says, amazed.

"If you think this is cool. Wait till you see once we get to Lust," Mimzy happily says.

Mimzy drives the van to the elevator for the vehicle and they go down to the other Ring of Hell. Once they reach the floor of the Lust Ring, the van drives out of the parkway and the elevator. To Phoenix's surprise, she sees what the Lust Ring is like for the first time, and it's very different from the Pride Ring.

The Lust Ring has a dark blue color sky, with many different buildings that have different lights. There are many different demons going to bars, casinos, restaurants, and other places.

"Wow. The Lust Ring is just as lively as the Pride Ring," Phoenix says.

"It sure is. And here is our destination," Mimzy says, looking ahead.

Phoenix turns to see the restaurant called Ozzie's. To Phoenix astonishment, the place, Ozzie's has to be the biggest restaurant she has ever seen. It has many lights, and large walls with window roofs, and such. It has purple, red, pink colors, and such. There is also what seems like a circus tent on top of it.

"This is Ozzie's? It's really big," Phoenix says.

Then she notices a large line in front of the restaurant, "And it's very popular."

"It sure is popular. It's practically impossible to get a reservation there," Mimzy says.

"Practically impossible for reservations? That does sound popular," Phoenix says.

"Indeed. And it's rather exclusive. It's mainly for couples," Mimzy says.

"Couples? You mean, you need a date to get in besides a reservation?" Phoenix asks.

Mimzy happily nods her head in reply.

"I see," Phoenix says, blushing a bit.

The van then drives to the back of the restaurant to a loading area. Soon, the van drives back a little and comes to a stop. Mimzy and Phoenix climb out of the van and meet up at the window where there is someone at the window.

"Hello dearie, we're here for Ozzie's delivery," Mimzy says.

"Yes. You're right on time, Mimzy," A voice says.

Just then, the door rises up to reveal a rather peculiar demon. This demon is a tall male Imp with a jester getup. His eyes have lime sclera and pink irises, with an Imp tail with black stripes. He also has black dots at the ends of his mouth. His tongue is forked and has a couple black stripes on it as well. His arms and legs appear to be robotic and are retractable His face is white, but with the "nose" area above his mouth kept red. He wears a bright red and blue jester cap with bells, a white ruffle, and a black collar with bells located below it.

The front side of his outfit is bright red with yellow trim at the bottom with yellow hearts, while the back is bright blue with white trim at the bottom and black hearts. He is also wearing white and purple striped pants and white-striped purple sleeves with bright red cuffs and yellow trim edging, and yellow balls on his shoulders with light red hearts. He also wears black, heeled shoes with yellow hearts on the front and black gloves with yellow cuffs. The jester hat has black and red stripes on one side and black and blue on the other. The under hat has blue and light blue stripes.

"Hello ladies, welcome to Ozzies! Glad to see you got our delivery in a hurry. You won't believe how many demons like to have their drinks. They'll go tipsy if they don't get it," The Imp says.

"Um yes," Phoenix says, confused.

The Imp leans over to Phoenix and says, "Well well, looks like we got a new pretty little face here. I am the one and only Fizzarolli! It's a pleasure to meet you Miss..."

"Uh Phoenix. It's Phoenix," Phoenix nervously says.

"Phoenix, quite an interesting name. Though, it will go great with that fiery hair of yours," Fizzarolli says.

"Now now Fizz, quit bothering the dearie," Mimzy says with her arms crossed.

"It's okay, Mimzy. I'm just a little caught off guard," Phoenix says.

"Well alright then," Mimzy says.

Then turns to Fizzarolli, "Now, where is your boss? Isn't he supposed to be here too?"

"Right here, Miss Mimzy," A voice says.

Phoenix turns her head and becomes shocked to see the demon walking towards her is gigantic, probably around twenty feet tall. He is also a vibrant-colored, burly demon of a staggering posture. He has long arms and digitigrade legs, a broad upper chest and narrow waist, and three rooster-like tail feathers colored red, black and ivory-white. His head is colored dark blue and has large feathers running to his chest. He has a mane of thick cyan hair, in which are two additional faces of a ram and a bull on the right and left sides, respectively, which react to what he says and can speak and sing along with him. He has glowing green eyes and mouth on his main head. He wears a navy-blue vest and a red undershirt with blue cuffs that have red heart-shaped cufflinks. The torso is covered with two pairs of glowing white stripes down the chest to a heart clasp on the abdomen. On his main head is a top-hat with red and white head feathers sticking out from its red-colored band. On his legs are jagged high-heel shoes that have red-colored tips.

"He's... gigantic... Phoenix says, in thought.

"Oh hi Ozzie, we brought your delivery. Two times of your last delivery right," Mimzy happily says.

"Well you know how customers are with their drinks. They can't get enough of it," The demon, Ozzie says.

"I can imagine. Demons love their alcohol," Mimzy says, and giggles.

Ozzie then turns his head to notice Phoenix, causing her to flinch in reply, but tries to remain calm, and quickly hides behind Mimzy.

"Aww, ain't that cute. Where did you find this delightful little gem, Mimzy," The demon says.

" This is Phoenix, she's actually an acquaintance of a friend of mine back at the pride ring. Phoenix, this is Asmodeus, owner of Ozzie's, and is actually the head of the Lust Ring himself," Mimzy says.

"Um hello, my name is Phoenix. It's uh... it's nice to meet you," Phoenix calmly says.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Phoenix. I must say, we don't get cute demons like you these days," Asmodeus says, and places his large finger under Phoenix's chin and lifts it so she has to see her face.

Phoenix begins to blush and feel rather uneasy about this.

"Um, uh thank you," Phoenix says, feeling embarrassed.

Fizzarolli laughs and says, "Hey Ozzie, how about we let Mimzy and her pretty new friend stay for dinner and a show. Consider it as a thank you for delivering the drinks."

He wraps his robotic arm around Phoenix and says, "And get to know this little cutie."

"I think that's a great idea, Fizzie," Asmodeus says.

Then turns to Mimzy, "Would it be alright with you?"

"I don't mind at all. Will you know alright Phoenix?" Mimzy says, turning to Phoenix.

"Um okay," Phoenix replies.

"Good. I'll have the employee come and unload the van. Follow me ladies," Asomodeus says.

Asmodeus walks inside with Fizzarolli close behind. Phoenix and Mimzy follow after them. The group walks down the hall as Phoenix is a little uncertain about being here.

Asmodeus turns around and says, "Fizz, can you escort Ms. Mimzy to her seat. I think it will be nice to have this little gem dressed appropriately for the occasion."

"Uh, you don't need to do that..." Phoenix says.

"Aww, you don't need to worry. I insist," Asmodeus says.

Then leans to Phoenix, "I think I pretty gem should dress apart."

Phoenix looks at her outfit, the outfit is mainly the same one Angel has given to her during the drug deal she has to participate in, but has some differences, like it's a darker red color, and the shoes are more well dressed.

"Well, um, okay," Phoenix replies.

"Good," Asmodeus says with a grin, a grin that makes Phoenix concerned.

He then calls out, "Verosika!"

"Yes Ozzie," A seductive female voice replies.

Phoenix looks to see the source of the voice walking towards them. The demon is a tall female demon, a succubus no less.

She has an hourglass figure, hot pink skin and a barbed tail with a black tip. She has two black tipped horns (the left horn is taller than the other), with two black stars on each side. Her eyes are hot pink with yellow sclera and she has a black heart under her right eye. She has long ombre-white hair with pink undertones, from lighter to darker towards the tips, and a darker pink streak down the length and across the bangs. Her hair matches her accessorized pink fur coat, under which she wears a tightly-fitted white and black mini dress. The dress features a prominent contrasting 'X' and 'O' pattern on the chest, as well as a star design on the abdomen. She wears long black thigh-highs with black high heels that have a heart motif and three X-shaped cutouts down the sides. She has a pair of round shades with pink heart designs in the lenses.

Ozzie then places his land hand on Phoenix' back, "Please take Miss Phoenix to the dressing room to get properly dressed."

"Sure," The Succubus Verosika says.

She then takes Phoenix's wrist and walks her away, "Right this way."

"Um okay," Phoenix says.

Mimzy giggles in reply.

Sometime later, Verosika took Phoenix to a rather extravagant dressing room. The dressing room has many different draws, closet spaces, full of different kinds of clothes and mirrors attached to some of the doors. The dressing room is decorated with lights in the shape of hearts, and a rather unique wallpaper.

During the time, Verosika has finished putting the finishing touches on the outfit Phoenix is wearing.

"There, it's all done. I have to say, you look beautiful and sexy in that outfit," Verosika says.

Phoenix looks at herself in the mirror to find herself dressed in a black kimono with laces on it. and a light red and light pink obi belt with a ribbon on the back. The black kimono goes down to her thighs. Her hair has some curls and has a yellow fox head accessory with a red tie and a yellow bell. She is also wearing two different white socks with gold decorated leaves on it. The sock on her right leg goes up to her thigh while the other is only a few inches covering her ankles. She also has thick light brown soled shoes, with red straps and with yellow bells attached to it. She is also wearing a little makeup like blush, red lipsticks, black mascara, and yellow eyeshadow to bring out her gold yellow eyes.

"Um thank you" Phoenix says.

Then Verosika then drags Phoenix by her wrist, "Now let's go. I'm sure Mimzy is waiting for you."

A little while later, Verosika and Phoenix go to the restaurant so she can join Mimzy. Phoenix looks around to see the restaurant is a dinner theater kind, with tables for the guests and a stage in front, showcasing the establishment's name in lights, for the performances. The interior is lit by a large chandelier of blue flames with a floral design, along with other blue floral lanterns on the walls and at least one chimney out of glass in which blue fire burns. On top of the chimney are lounge seatings. Tied to the room's ceilings are cages that glow blue, which are used to confine performers for presumably sexual reasons. With all the sexual tone of the venue, the pink tone and the blue contrast, it bears a resemblance to modern-day clubs with the same lighting and types of entertainment. The lighting of the venue can also change into multiple color schemes including purple with orange, green with pink and deep blue with violet and cyan. The Bar has 4 elevated stools and is made up of a round table with a green table top and pink edges. Behind the Bartender is a rack with bottles, carafes and glasses.

Phoenix looks around and notices Mimzy is sitting at the seat close by.

Seeing Phoenix, Mimzy calls out, "Phoenix, over here!"

Phoenix decides to walk over to the table where Mimzy is while Verosika heads to the bar. Once at the table, Phoenix takes her seat.

"Oh my, Phoenix, you look beautiful," Mimzy happily says.

"Thanks," Phoenix says, embarrassed.

"Aww, you are the bee's knees. A real beauty," Mimzy says.

Phoenix blushes, "I don't know about that."

Then asks, "Still, you should have let the others know where we went. I'm sure they'll be worried."

"Don't worry sweetie, I'm sure your friends won't mind at all," Mimzy happily says.

"I hope so," Phoenix says.

Just then, the waitress walks over and asks, "Can I start you two off with some drinks?"

"Of course, I'll have champagne," Mimzy says.

"Um, I guess I'll have some red wine," Phoenix says.

The waitress writes down the order and walks away.

"I have to admit, the place really does look packed," Phoenix says.

"Oh trust me, Ozzie's is the most popular restaurant in the Lust Ring, and you'll love the entertainment," Mimzy says.

"Okay," Phoenix says.

Just then, music begins to take place and the dancer cages move a bit.

Then a familiar voice announces, "Ladies and gentlemen! I see some sexy faces around here tonight!"

Soon, poles with a small platform attached to them descend from the ceiling and each of them has a dancer on it. Then the platforms on the poles turn to two stages connected to the center stage.

With that, Fizzarolli slithers down the pole with his robotic limbs and announces, "Welcome, welcome, to Ozzie's..."

He then stands on the platform and does a little performance on it, "Lust ring's number 1 place for all kinds of sick twisted fantasies." Then spins and stretches to a table Mimzy and Phoenix are.

"Put on display for all you 'Sleaze' and 'Sleazettes'" Then retracts himself.

Then spins on the stage, and faces the audience, "The gem joint of Asmodeus himself! C'mon, give him some LOVE!" Then makes a heart shape with his robotic arms.

Soon, everyone begins clapping and cheering.

"He sure is an interesting character," Phoenix replies.

"I am the one and only Fizzarolli!" The Imp says, stretches his robotic arms to reveal a long poster, "Some of you may recognize this dashing clown face from my numerous toy-botic replicas across the rings of Hell." Then shows a poster of the Robotic Fizzarolli of Loo Loo Land.

Then makes a microphone appear in his hand, "Gloriously designed by the big man himself and '' and rolls up his sleeve to reveal a cybernetic arm, "ribbed for your pleasure tonight."

During Fizzarolli's talk show host routine, Phoenix looks around and notices Asmodeus is on the balcony at a distance. He actually looks rather different in this form. Asmodeus wears a lined purple coat with pointed shoulder pads and collar that has a pink inner lining. The coat also contained a dark fur collar obscuring his head. Then notices him leaving the balcony into the room behind it.

"But as everyone's warming up," Fizzarolli says, and has his drink.

He puts it away and says, "I got an interesting one for y'all: Did any of you hear about the mysterious demon human hybrid that is somewhere in the Pride Ring?"

Soon everyone begins talking and taking an interest. Phoenix however, uses the menu to hide her face behind it, realizing Fizzarolli is talking about her.

She mutters, "Oh no..."

"Yeah. I sure love to meet the fiery bird who's been seen roaming around the Pride Ring. Of course, it's hard to find since no one really knows where she came from. I have to admit, the hybrid girl sure is hot stuff, and I don't just mean her appearance," Fizzarolli says.

Phoenix continues to cover herself with the menu as her face feels like turning red. Unknown to Phoenix, Asmodeus is watching the girl from a window view inside what seems to be a meeting room. There also seems to be red smoke in the room, thick enough to be like ribbons.

"So, you're saying that you had a run in with the hybrid girl, Phoenix, correct?" Asmodeus asks.

"Yes. She sure is a pretty little thing, fiery color hair, and gold yellow eyes. I would have been able to get more information, if it weren't for some inconvenience," The familiar voice says, and blows red smoke into the shape of a heart.

"Hmm, you don't say? Would that be her over there," Asmodeus says, looking through the window.

The figure walks over and looks to see Phoenix sitting with Mimzy as they have drinks.

Then the figure lets out an evil smirk with a familiar gold tooth and glowing red eye.

"Indeed she is," The demon says.

He turns to Asmodeus, You don't mind if I borrow one of your VIP Rooms. I would like to continue my little conversation with her."

"With pleasure," Asmodeus says.

Back at the table, Mimzy and Phoenix continue discussing with them and are having a good time.

Just then, a male Imp waiter comes over and says, "Excuse me miss, will you please follow me."

"Um, okay," Phoenix says, confused.

Phoenix then leaves her seat and follows the waiter, leaving Mimzy confused. Phoenix looks around to find herself in the hallway, though she doesn't know why. Just then, Asmodeus walks over to them in his true form.

"Oh, hello Asmodeus," Phoenix says.

"Call me, Ozzie, dear. My, you look smashing in that outfit. Verosika, definitely picked the right one for you. Now then, why not I escort you the rest of the way," Asmodeus says.

"Uh, okay," Phoenix says, but in her thought, "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

And so Phoenix allows Asmodeus to escort her down the hall.

"So, what do you think?" Asmodeus asks.

"You mean your restaurant, I think it's great. Of course, it's definitely a place I've never been before, but I actually do like it here," Phoenix says, a little embarrassed.

"Aww, you are cute the way you blush like that," Asmodeus comments.

Then asks, "So, I have to assume you came from the Pride Ring?"

"Um yeah. I came from the Pride Ring," Phoenix says.

"So, where are you staying?" Asmodeus asks.

"Well, um, I don't know if I could share this information with you. I mean..." Phoenix says.

"Don't be scared. It's not like I'm going to eat you or anything, and won't leak out any information," Asmoedus says.

"I suppose. I'm actually staying at Charlie's hotel. And that's all I can tell you," Phoenix answers.

Asmodeus chuckles and says, "You're staying at the princess' shitty hotel?"

"What's wrong with that?" Phoenix asks, looking displeased.

"Looks like I strike a small nerve," Asmodeus says and simply laughs.

Phoenix groans in reply and continues following the owner.

Back at Mimzy's club, Kuroi is able to land in front of the club and looks at the club to notice that it's not that busy right now. Kuroi then walks inside to see many different sinners and demons, but he doesn't see Phoenix, nor the club owner.

He then notices a waiter and walks over, "Um excuse me, have you seen a girl with fiery hair and gold yellow eyes. She's actually a friend of mine."

The worker then hands Kuroi a note.

Kuroi takes the note and reads, "Sorry, but I'm not available as of now. Making an important delivery to Ozzie's in the Lust Ring be back in a while. P.S, if you're a friend of Phoenix, she's coming with me to Ozzie's to help with my delivery."

"Ozzie's?!" Kuroi says, shocked.

Then groans and facepalm his hand on his face, "Oh no! I hate to think of what will happen when she meets the owner and the host of that place!"

With that, Kuroi hurries outside of the building and quickly flies off to get to the Lust Ring.

Back at Ozzie's, Asmodeus and Phoenix soon walk towards a pink color door that has V.I.P on it.

"Here we are," Asmodeus says, and opens the door.

"Um, why did you take me here?" Phoenix asks.

"Oh, some big shot wants to get acquainted with you," Asmodeus says.

Before Phoenix can ask, Asmodeus gently pushes Phoenix into the room and quickly shuts the door. Phoenix turns around to see the door closed. She then begins to walk around the room while keeping her guard up. She then notices a window and looks over to see the lounge and the stage. She is amazed that she can also see the stage from this point of view.

Just then, red smoke begins to surround the room. Phoenix turns around to see the red smoke and begins coughing as she covers her mouth. Then, the strange odor coming from the smoke begins to enter inside her nose, and the smoke enters her mouth.

"What is this... Why does it seem so..." Phoenix asks herself.

But comes into shock. The red smoke and the odor is very familiar and Asmodeus also said about her getting acquainted with someone, Phoenix realizes who it is. She quickly runs towards the door and tries to leave the room, but the door won't budge.

Suddenly, she then hears a familiar voice, "No need to be afraid."

Phoenix soon recognizes the voice and tries her best to open the door, but the door still won't budge. The smoke begins to get to her, and at the last resort, she tries to use her fire powers to burn the door, but she isn't able to activate it. Phoenix coughs and begins to feel very dizzy from the smoke and its smell, and feels it snaking around her body, including under her chin and around her neck. Soon, the smoke becomes too much for her and begins to fall back and on the verge of unconsciousness, but is soon caught in the arms of the familiar moth demon in the red coat: Valentino.

Meanwhile, Kuroi is able to reach the outside of Ozzie's without too much trouble.

"Finally made it. Now I just need to sneak in, find Phoenix and Mimzy, and get them out of here," Kuroi says.

He then uses his powers that allow him to blend in the darkness and be able to sneak into the restaurant from the back. Luckily, he is able to get into the restaurant without getting caught. He soon finds himself inside and looks around to notice Mimzy.

He soon walks towards Mimzy from behind and calmly says, "Excuse me."

Mimzy turns around to see no one is there, but then, Kuroi appears from the shadows.

"Oh, hello, who are you dear?" Mimzy asks.

"My name is Kuroi Tsubasa. It's nice to meet you. Were you with a girl named Phoenix?" Kuroi asks.

"Yes. I was. Are you one of her friends?" Mimzy asks.

"I am. Can you tell me where she is?" Kuroi asks.

"I'm sorry, but one of the servants asks her to come with him and I haven't seen her. Maybe she's with Asmodeus?" Mimzy replies.

"Thank you. I'll take it from here," Kuroi says.

Then disappears into the shadows and begins his search to find Phoenix.

Back in the VIP room, Phoenix is barely conscious and is being held by Valentino who has used his smoke to prevent Phoenix from fighting back. He then picks Phoenix up in his arms and gives Phoenix an evil smirk.

He then walks Phoenix towards a large couch as he says with an evil smirk, "Oh Phoenix, I'm so pleased to see you again. I must admit, I was surprised when you suddenly disappeared before we could finish our little conversation. How about we pick up where we left off?"

He then sits down on the couch and lays Phoenix close to him. As he stares at her, he notices the warmth of Phoenix' body and gives off a pleasant scent. Something sets him on and eyes begin to glow with a lustful expression.

"Hmm, aren't you a sweet little thing," Valentino says, and places his lower hands on Phoenix's shoulder and massages it a bit.

Barely conscious, Phoenix lets out a sigh and continues to feel sleepy. He then leans towards the side of Phoenix's head and lowers his lower arms down on the couch. And places his black hand on his upper arm on Phoenix's cheek and calmly rubs it. He then uses his lower arm to wrap around his waist. Then uses the other hand of his upper arm to gently rub her neck. He then tilts Phoenix's head towards him so she will face him, and leans close to her. He then places his other lower hand on Phoenix's leg and gently rubs it. Valentino has Phoenix and leans close to her more.

Before he can do anything, he notices something unusual on Phoenix's shoulder. He gently slides a bit of the kimono off her right shoulder to reveal the mark. He finds it very strange because the mark is an unusual design and suspects it doesn't appear naturally. He then brings out his Hellphone and takes a photo of the strange mark.

"Hmm, this mark seems odd and there's something... off about it..." Valentino says to himself.

He then places his phone away, and gently lays Phoenix down on the couch.

Valentino then places his hand on her cheek and says, "Now then, you get some sleep. I need to show Ozzie this."

Valentino walks out of the VIP room and leaves to find Asmodeus to see if he knows it. While Valentino is a short distance away, the door to the room opens and closes it, like it's been open on his own. Inside the room, Phoenix is sleeping on the couch and suddenly, Kuroi appears from the shadows. Kuroi soon looks and is able to quickly find Phoenix asleep on the couch.

He huffs a smile with a chuckle and says, "I hope this won't become a constant routine for us."

He then walks over to pick up Phoenix to pick her up, but notices the sleeve to her kimono is slanted, revealing a part of her skin on the shoulder. Kuroi remains calm, but inside, he is full of anger and wonders what Valentino is planning for her.

"What did that creep try to do?" Kuroi mutters.

He stops his furious thought to the mark on Phoenix's shoulder.

Kuroi eyes wide in shock, "Fuck... this is not good."

He then picks up Phoenix and hides in the shadows with Phoenix and secretly sneaks out of the building through the back without the employees knowing. Once he is a short distance away from the restaurant, he looks at the sleeping Phoenix in concern.

"This is not good. I need to get Phoenix back to my place. I need to get that mark off of her before Sirius does something else with this mark," Kuroi says.

He then spreads his wings and flies off carrying Phoenix with her.

Meanwhile, back in Ozzie's, Asmodeus is watching the show from the balcony and one of the acts is coming to an end. He is also enjoying his drink as we watch Fizzarolli begin to step on the stage.

Suddenly, he hears Valentino's voice, "Asmodeus..."

Asmodeus turns to see Valentino walking into the room. He then leaves the balcony and walks into the room as he closes the curtains.

"Yes Valentino," Asmodeus replies.

"I need to ask you something. Something odd has come up," Valentino says.

"And what will that be?" Asmodeus asks, and takes a sip of his drink.

Valentino takes out his Hellphone and shows him the photo, "Have you seen this mark before?"

When Asmodeus sees the mark, his eyes widen in shock and spits out the drink he is drinking.

"Where in the fuck did you find that mark?" Asmodeus asks, shocked.

Confused, Valentino asks, "Uh, I actually found it on Phoenix's right shoulder? Why?"

Asmodeus takes Valentino's phone and looks at the mark with a serious look.

He then returns the phone to Valentino and asks, "Send me the copy of the photo. I want to show this to someone."

"Uh sure," Valentino says, looking confused.

Valentino begins to do just that, but Asmodeus turns away with a serious look.

"I know that mark anywhere. It has to be his work, and he is making his move. Question is, why is he after Phoenix," Asmodeus says in thought.

Meanwhile, Kuroi continues to carry Phoenix out of the Lust Ring and take her to his family home and somewhere where he can help her with the strange mark on Phoenix's shoulder, he just hopes he can get it removed in time.

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