Episode 25: A Striking Encounter

In the Hazbin Hotel, Phoenix is reading one of her mangas while Kyuubi is sleeping on the bed and Zǐ Māo is watching television. Phoenix has been busy with some training for the past few weeks, and as of now, she's on a break. Still, Phoenix knows that this guy Sirius is still out there and has been sending a few Dark Sombras after her, and yet, she is able to defeat them every time. However, for the past week, there hasn't been much signs of the Dark Sombras or even an attack. She has been thinking about it for some time now.

Suddenly, her thoughts are cut off when she hears the ringtone of her hellphone. Phoenix picks up her hellphone, and to her surprise, the name on her phone is 'Octavia Goetia.'

"Octavia?" Phoenix says, confused, and interested.

She picks up the hellphone and answers, "Hello."

On the other line, Octavia says, "Hello Phoenix. It's me, Octavia. How are you doing?"

"I'm done fine. Just reading some of my mangas and relaxing a bit," Phoenix says.

"I see. So how's your training going?" Octavia replies.

"It's doing great. I've been doing very well with my fire powers and using my sword," Phoenix says.

"That sounds good. Anyway, the reason why I'm calling is because, well, I want to know if you like to come to my place and hang out. And well, you know, talk to each other. Get to know each other better," Octavia says.

"Hmm, I don't see why not. Besides, I actually like to get to know you a little more. Plus, it will be nice to hang out with you," Phoenix says.

"Great. Do you wanna hang out this Friday?" Octavia asks.

"Sure. I have some time for a visit, but I'm not sure where you live to be honest," Phoenix says.

"I'm sure Charlie can help you with that," Octavia says.

"That's true. I'll let Charlie know and see if it's okay for me to go. I'll let you know if I can go," Phoenix says.

"Sure. I hope to see you this Friday," Octavia says.

"Bye," Phoenix says, and hangs up the phone.

Phoenix then decides to meet Charlie who she knows is in her room at this time.

She knocks on the door and calls out, "Charlie, are you there?"

"Come in," Charlie says.

Phoenix opens the door, walks in, and closes the door. There, she sees Charlie sitting at her desk and seems to be drawing, probably more posters for the hotel.

"Hey Charlie, can I ask you something?" Phoenix asks.

Charlie turns around, "Sure. What is it?"

"Well, Octavia called me and asked if it's alright if I can hang out at her place. So I like to know if I can go," Phoenix says.

"Octavia? Huh?" Charlie replies.

She smiles and says, "Of course you can. I do think it's good for you to hang out with those who are around the same age. Besides, I'm sure Octavia would love to see you again."

"Thanks Charlie. Octavia likes to hang out with me this Friday, so I'll let her know. I just need a ride to get there," Phoenix says.

"Well, we can help you with that," Charlie happily says.

Days later:

Phoenix is in the limo with Charlie and Vaggie and are heading to Octavia's home, which according to Charlie, Octavia's place is a mansion which makes sense because she is basically a princess.

"I'm actually kind of excited to see Octavia again. I actually have a few things to show her," Phoenix says, holding her backpack.

"I'm sure you two will have a good time. And if you need anything, you can call us and we'll be right over," Charlie happily says.

"I'm sure it won't be too much of a problem. They're going to be at the Geotia estate, and it will have a few guards and such. So I doubt they'll have trouble," Vaggie says.

"I just hope we don't," Phoenix says.

A little while later, the limo stops in front of Goetia mansion. The mansion is a regal burgundy colored building with elegant and tall pink stained glass windows. It also seems to have a kind of Goetia symbol on the upper wall of the mansion that is two or three stories tall.

Phoenix walks out of the limo and turns to Charlie, "Bye guys, I'll see you later."

"Bye Phoenix, have a good time," Charlie happily says.

"And stay out of trouble too," Vaggie says.

Charlie giggles, "Vaggie."

"Okay, see you guys later," Phoenix says.

"Bye," Charlie and Vaggie reply and Phoenix closes the door to the limo.

The limo drives off and Phoenix walks towards the door of the estate. She then presses the button that appears to be the doorbell. It makes a rather loud ringing of the bell. Phoenix waits for a moment until the door opens to reveal an Imp. He has red skin and red and white striped horns curled up. He is also wearing a dark blue jacket, black pants, white gloves, and a yellow bow tie.

"Good morning ma'am, I assume you're Ms. Phoenix," The servant Imp says.

"Um yes. I'm Phoenix and I'm here to visit Octavia," Phoenix calmly says.

The Imp servant then says, "Follow me Ms Phoenix."

Phoenix walks inside the mansion and follows the Imp servant down the halls of the castle. There, she sees a lot of stained glass windows, along with various different plants, looking a lot like carnivorous plants. On the ceiling, there are different sun, moon, and star-like designs. Soon enough, they both arrived in front of a bedroom door. After the servant leaves, Phoenix knocks on the door.

Soon Octavia opens the door and says, "Hey Phoenix, glad you could make it."

"Glad that I can come," Phoenix says.

Then Octavia says, "Come on in. I like to show you my room."

"Sure," Phoenix says.

Phoenix walks into Octavia's room to see a large bed with a dark purple canopy with white dots that look like stars, and a dark purple blanket with crescent moons on it. There are also some different color pillows, with a large lounge chair, a chest in front of his bed, There is a large mobile of the planets on top, and a telescope. There is also a little furniture with a chair in front of a mirror in front of one.

"Your room looks very nice," Phoenix says.

"Thanks. I kind of like it too," Octavia says.

With that, the two girls sit on the beds.

"So Phoenix, how are things going back at the hotel?" Octavia asks.

"I've been doing good. Even though I had trouble with the Dark Sombras, dealing with other demons, and other stuff," Phoenix says.

"Sounds like you've been having a hand full," Octavia says.

"You don't know the half of it. I also ended up meeting with Angel Dust's boss and that didn't seem to help," Phoenix says.

"That... doesn't sound good," Octavia says, sounding concerned.

"It really isn't. It if wasn't for my friends, I wouldn't be able to get out of there," Phoenix says.

"At least you were able to get away from them," Octavia says.

"Me too," Phoenix says.

Then asks, "So Octavia, how are things going here?"

"Well..." Octavia says, sounding skeptical.

Suddenly, they hear a loud screaming, "YOU SLEPT WITH THAT IMP AGAIN!" followed by the sound of crashing and breaking glass.

That startles the girls and turns to the door.

"What in the world was that?" Phoenix asks, surprised.

"Who is more like it. My mom," Octavia says, and lets out a sigh.

Confused, Phoenix says, "Your mom?"

"Yeah..." Octavia says.

She groans and says, "And of course it's the same thing."

Phoenix becomes confused and turns to hear Octavia's mom is screaming and it's very loud like she's screaming at the top of her lungs. Then she hears another voice, and it's very familiar.

Recognizing it, Phoenix asks, "Is that your dad?"

"Yes. And they're having another argument," Octavia says.

Just then, she hears more screaming and stuff shattering and breaking.

"What is that all about?" Phoenix asks.

Octavia sighs, "I was afraid you were going to ask, but it's a long story. But in short, my mom found out my dad is having an affair with an Imp, which are the lowest class of demons. She did not like that at all."

"An affair?" How long has that been going on?" Phoenix asks.

"A while now. The Imp he's having an affair with is the boss of this assassin company called I.M.P," Octavia says.

Hearing the company name, Octavia asks, "Wait? The Boss of I.M.P? His name wouldn't happen to be Blitz, right?"

"That's him. You actually saw him when he and my dad picked me up from Lu Lu World," Octavia says.

"I remember. He's the guy that actually tried to spy on Moxxie and Millie on their date when I was with Kuroi," Phoenix says.

She chuckles and says, "I might have also used my karate moves on him."

Octavia chuckles with a grin, "You really did that?"

"Yep. Didn't see it coming either," Phoenix says.

Just then, they hear a scream of rage followed by crashing and shattering.

"Do you think she'll ever stop?" Phoenix asks.

"No," Octavia answers.

Then sighs, "I'm sorry you had to hear this. I'm hoping you don't have to hear this."

"It's okay. It's not your fault," Phoenix says.

Then turns to the door, "But, do you think it's better that we take our hang out somewhere else?"

"I couldn't agree more," Octavia says.

Then stands up, "I actually have an idea where we can go where we can get some peace and quiet."

"Where?" Phoenix asks.

"I actually have a treehouse in the woods near Pentagram City. We can take our conversation there," Octavia says.

"Think we should let your parents know?" Phoenix asks.

"Well, it's probably good to let my dad know," Octavia says.

She then walks to her desk and writes a note and leaves it on her desk. Then grabs her bag and wears it on her back.

She then opens her window and says, "Come on, we can go get some lunch and snacks and other stuff on the way."

"Sounds good to me," Phoenix says.

Octaiva turns to Phoenix and asks, "You can fly right?"

"I can. Just let me change. It will take a minute," Phoenix says, and lifts her bracelet up as it begins to glow.

With that, Phoenix begins to transform.

Phoenix's body begins to glow red. Then coming out of her right hand is burning fire. She raises her hand in the air and controls the fire to fly around like a large, long ribbon. The fire then begins to coil around her upper body, her arms, and legs. The flames on her upper body transform into a red sleeveless kimono top up to her knees with a black emon and lace. It has a silhouette of a flaming bird on the left side and fire on the right side. Then a bright orange ribbon wraps around her waist and forms an obi ribbon on the back, a gold string buckle appears around the ribbon, and black tights that also cover her ankles.

And then, fire patterned gloves appear on Phoenix's arms that go up to her elbows. Instead of covering the hands, they only cover the backhands and have a band attached that is around the middle finger. The flames around her legs transform into orange ballet flats. The yellow ribbons are wrapped around red leg warmers.

After that, her small gold crown with a pentagram gem appears over her head. She puts it on and her hair begins to glow red. A black choker with a phoenix feather appears on her neck, a red star earring appears on her left ear while a black crescent moon earring appears on her right ears. Then her hair becomes covered in fire. And soon, her hair turns into a glowing color of flames and slightly moves.

Phoenix then lands on the ground, and enchanting wings of a fire bird appear on her back. The feathers of the wings are the colors of fire. She then opens her eyes, her sclera are red with gold yellow pupils in the middle. At a split second, fire flashes in her eyes. Lastly, a red lined pentagram a black crescent moon having two circles and symbols around it appear on her forehead.

Phoenix announces as she moves her hands around, "A Courageous and Majestic Bird that Soars through the Flames of Hell!"

Then fire appears from her hands.

Phoenix spins around in a circle, and announces, "Blazing Phoenix!"

Octavia says, "Wow. You still look pretty cool dressed like that."

"Thank you," Phoenix says.

With that, Octavia spreads her arms and they turn into wings. With that both girls fly out the window and Octavia closes the window. With that, the girls fly away from the Goetia estate and head towards the woods outside of Pentagram City.

Sometime later, after getting some food, supplies, and other stuff, Octavia and Phoenix are able to reach the edge of the woods just outside of Pentagram City. Phoenix then changes out of her demonic form to her more human form.

"So, which way is the treehouse?" Phoenix asks.

"It's this way," Octavia says.

Soon, Octavia and Phoenix head into the woods to get to the tree house. Suddenly, Phoenix hears a hissing sound and turns her head to see nothing is around. She shrugs her shoulders and follows. Unaware that someone else is around, making the strange hissing sound.

A short walk in the woods later, Octava and Phoenix continue walking on the path.

"So Octavia, are we there yet?" Phoenix asks.

"We're almost there," Octavai answers.

Then she pushes a leaf-like curtain away from the tree and walks through. Phoenix walks after her.

Octavia turns to Phoenix and says, "Well, here we are."

Phoenix looks astonished to see a very large tree with a large house, even if it is one story tall, in the woods, and it's made of wood with glass windows, and even a tiled roof. The house seems to blend in with the trees so it has the same colors.

"Wow. This place looks very nice," Phoenix says.

"Thanks. I think it's nice too. There's a staircase in the trunk of the tree, so it's like a secret passage," Octavia says.

"Cool," Phoenix says.

Octavia leads Phoenix to a door that lifts up to reveal a ladder in the tree. Octavia fist climbs up and Phoenix follows after her. They both climb the ladder until Otavia reaches the hatch. She opens the hatch and climbs inside. Phoenix climbs in after her, and closes the hatch. Phoenix looks around and is surprised to see the tree house looks more like a miniaturized mansion than a normal tree house. There is a couch, a few furniture with a lamp, there's even a miniaturized fridge, even a small table in front of the couch.

"Wow. I've never seen a tree house like this. This looks more like a glamp house than a tree house," Phoenix says.

Octavia chuckles, "Thanks. My dad wanted to make it comfortable for me. Although, I think he might have gotten overboard when he built this for me."

"He kind of did," Phoenix says.

Soon, the two girls begin laughing.

Meanwhile, outside of the tree house, someone riding a dark color Hellhorse with a flaming mane has found its way to the treehouse. The rider makes a kissing sound and evilly grins with a gold tooth that begins to shine.

Inside the treehouse, Phoenix and Octavia are sitting on the couch with the food on the table.

Octavia asks, "So Phoenix, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing good," Phoenix replies.

Then asks, "So Octavia, what's like living in Hell? What's your life like?"

"Well my life is rather complicated. I mean, when I was younger I was very close with my dad. My parents also had a few scuffles growing up, but it became a lot worse since my dad decided to have an affair," Octavia explains.

Phoenix says concern, "That really doesn't sound good."

Then reassures, "But I'm sure despite that I can tell that your dad still loves you, and I doubt he'll leave you or anything"

"You know, my dad told me the same thing. At first, I was worried that dad would run away with the Imp and I'll be left all alone, but dad reassured me that he would never do that," Octavia says.

"That's good," Phoenix says.

Then asks, "So what is it you like to do during your spare times?"

"Hmm, I like to collect taxidermy, reading books, listening to music, and going to the Stylish Occult. It's where I get the weird taxidermy," Octavia says.

"Interesting hobby," Phoenix says.

Then asks, "Anything you don't like?"

"Well, my parents are arguing, and when my dad is flirting with the Imp. And... I really hate that fuckin clown, the Robotic Fizzarolli," Octavia says.

"Fizza-who?" Phoenix says, confused.

"He's a robotic jester at the shameless rip off of Lu Lu Land called Loo Loo Land," Octavia says.

"I see," Phoenix replies.

Then Octavia says, "But enough about me, I actually like to know a lot about you, especially after that transformation. And figuring out you're the human/hybrid everyone in Hell has been talking about."

"Oh, so you saw the news, huh?" Phoenix asks.

"That's right. And I have to admit, what you did was very impressive," Octavia says.

"Thanks," Phoenix says.

"I do have a few questions though. I've never seen you around Hell before and yet, your powers and the fact you're a hybrid is rare. So where exactly were you up until now?" Octavia asks.

"Well, back when I actually used to live with my mom in the human world. My dad, who is a demon, had to leave because of his royal duties and for my protection," Phoenix says.

"Really now? And exactly who is your dad?" Octavia asks.

That makes Phoenix look rather reluctant. However, seeing that she already knows a bit, and believes that she'll figure it out later, she feels it will be best to explain it.

Phoenix then asks, "Okay Octavia, can you promise to keep this a secret because we're trying to keep this private until it's officially announced."

"Okay," Octavia answers with a nod.

Phoenix brings out her Hellphone and shows her a picture of herself with Charlie, Vaggie, Zǐ Māo, Kyuubi, along with Charlie and Phoenix's parents.

Then Phoenix points out to her parents, "This is my mom and this is my dad. And you can understand why we're keeping this confidential for now."

Octavia looks at the picture and notices that both Phoenix and her dad have the same hair color, and that she has the same eye color and skin color as her mom.

But Octavia realizes, "Wait, Satan Magne is your dad?!"

"Uh, yeah. And of course, you can piece together as to why we keep this a secret and such, plus, it's a bit embarrassing too," Phoenix says.

"I can understand. Satan Magne is Lucifer's younger brother and in a way, he's a lord, or rather a prince. So in other words, you're the hybrid daughter of the second most powerful demon in Hell and part of the Magne family which is the ruler of all Hell. And with you being a human hybrid, you must have incredible powers. I guess it's understandable why you want to keep this a secret, especially your parents," Octavia says, and surprisingly calm, but still surprised.

"Yeah. It will draw too much attention to every demon in hell, especially those who will become interested in a human hybrid, and that me being Satan's kid will add more problems," Phoenix says.

"I can imagine, especially since you're actually a princess," Octavia says.

"I don't think of myself as that. Mainly because I've been living my life as a normal girl, and go to school like any other human girl. If Ino ever found out I'm a daughter of a demon, a very powerful and royal demon, and about me being a princess, I would never hear the end of it. I think she would actually explode with jealousy," Phoenix says.

Octavia laughs, "Sounds like this Ino must be really jealous of you?"

"You have no idea," Phoenix says.

Then Octavia asks, "So what's your life like?"

"Well, my mom and myself actually live with my Uncle Tadashi who owns a bar and my Aunt Tsubaki who works there. When I got older I helped wait tables and sometimes helped my mom cook since she works as a chef in the kitchen, so I can help work at Charlie's hotel," Phoenix says.

"I see. What are your hobbies?" Octavia asks.

"Well, I like singing, dancing, and my friends and I like to make costumes for anime conventions. I think you can go there with no problem. People like dressing up as characters including demons so you or others can go where and no one will suspect," Phoenix says.

"I don't know about that," Octavia replies.

Then Phoenix says, "I also like doing a few sports. Like Martial Arts, Kendo, Judo, Ninjutsu, and Karate. I also play soccer, baseball, and a bit of gymnastics."

"Sounds like you're quite the athlete," Octavia says.

"Yeah. A lot of students and teachers say how smart and athletic I am, and Ino has always been jealous and kept challenging me. She has major jealous issues. Maybe she'll cool off now that I'm not living on earth anymore," Phoenix says.

"Maybe, so , but it seems that you had an okay life," Octavia says.

"Not exactly," Phoenix replies.

Suddenly, the lights in the treehouse have gone off, making the girls look up with confused expressions.

"What happened to the lights?" Phoenix asks.

"I don't know," Octavia replies.

She walks to the light switch and tries to switch it on, but the lights are not working.

"Hmm, I'll check the backup generator," Octavia says, walking to a small balcony close by.

Phoenix follows, "I'll come with you."

The girls walk on to the small wooden balcony to find the backup generator.

"Hold on, the generator is slightly open," Phoenix says.

She then opens it and to her shock, some of the wires in the backup generator have been cut and a few small sparks come out of it.

"It's been cut," Octavia says, shocked.

Then Phoenix sees the main cord, "So is the main cord. It looks like it's been cut by some kind of knife."

"I hope no one has gotten to the backup power box. It's in the shed close next to the tree house," Octavia says.

Phoenix says, "I'll go see if I can get it fixed up, you stay here."

"Okay," Octavia replies.

Phoenix then heads back to the house, climbs down the ladder of the secret hatch, and walks to the shed that is right next to the tree house.

"There it is," Phoenix says.

Phoenix then walks towards the shed to notice that the door is slightly open. Confused and suspicious, Phoenix slowly opens the door all the way and walks inside. There, she sees the power box, but the lid is slightly open. Phoenix opens the lid to the power box and is shocked to see that the wires in the power box have been cut as well.

"Here too? Something up," Phoenix says.

Suddenly, she hears the sound of the door being slammed shut and the sound of the door being locked.

Phoenix turns around to see glowing yellow and green ring luminescent Eyes. Thanks to a small light from the window, she can see the appearance of the other being in the room. The being is a fairly tall Imp, probably a little taller than Blitz, and judging by the black and white striped jagged horns, this Imp is male. He possesses a Serpentine/lizard-like face with a large gold tooth in his sharp-toothed mouth. He has pale red skin, a small black mustache, ivory white hair with a pair of horns striped black and white. His tail has four black stripes at the base, with 8 spines lined up on them, and one on his tail fork. His attire resembles that of a southern cowboy, with a stereotypical large grey sun hat, cowboy boots, and a light red scarf around his neck. He wears a black turtleneck shirt accompanied by a dark grey vest, over it is a light gray jacket with dark gray cuffs and black tassels below. He wears black fingerless gloves and ivory white pants with ripped thighs. He is also holding a straw of wheat in his mouth.

The imp smirks and says, "Well howdy, little lady."

Phoenix becomes stunned to see the Imp before her, but there's something off about this one.

Outside on the balcony of the tree house, Octavia has been waiting for Phoenix, and has been waiting a little bit.

"What could be taking Phoenix this long?" Octavia wonders.

Then says, "I better go down and check on her."

Octavia uses her wings to fly down and lands to where the shed is. Octavia is about to walk to the shed, but something catches the corner of her eye. She turns her head to see a large Hellhorse. The hell hose is a dark gray horse with black stripes on his body and a flaming mane and tail. He has two pairs of orange glowing eyes, a set of glowing fangs, and what appears to be orange horseshoes. His lower body possesses a lava-like appearance.

"What's a Hellhorse doing here?" Octavia wonders.

But seeing the horse triggers something, "Wait a minute."

Octavia pulls out her phone and finds the picture that's been sent from Loona, the Hellhound from I.M.P. She remembers receiving a text that the horse is the same one that's owned by an Imp that tried to kill her dad with a Carmine Crafted Blessing-Tipped Rifle, a weapon that an Imp shouldn't have.

"Oh fuck!" Octavia says, worried.

She rushes to the door and tries to open the shed, but it's locked.

"This is bad," Octavia mutters.

Octavia realizes that she needs help. She then begins to make two important calls.

Somewhere in a town called Imp City, there is an office called I.M.P. There, the Hellhound, Loona is sitting at the receptionist desk. Just then, Loona's Hellphone begins ringing.

Loona picks up, "I.M.P speaking."

Then continues the conversation to know who it is, "Oh, hey Octavia, I thought you were hanging out with that friend of yours?"

Just then, Loona's eyes wide in shock, and says, "Right Octavia, got it. I'll let the others know. Just stay there."

Loona quickly hangs up the phone then hurries to the office and calls out, "Blitz!"

Shortly later, Charlie is doing some paperwork in her office with Baggie and trying to come up with new hotel activities and ideas.

She then hears her phone ringing and picks it up. She happily says, "Hi Octavia, how are you doing? Are you and Phoenix having a good time?"

Soon Charlie becomes confused and asks, "Okay Octavia calm down and tell me what's..."

Suddenly Carlie becomes frighteningly concerned, "What?! Are you sure?!" Right, we'll be there as soon as we can, just stay there!"

Charlie quickly hangs up as Vaggie asks, "What's wrong?"

"Phoenix is in trouble. We need to go now," Charlie says.

Vaggie quickly brings out her spear, "Got it. I'll get Cloud, Conan, and Grace."

"Right. I'll get the limo ready, and get Alastor. He might be able to help," Charlie says.

Vaggie sighs, "Fine."

The two girls leave the office and head off in different directions.

Back in the shed, Phoenix is shocked to find herself face to face with an Imp,

"Wh-who... who are you?" Phoenix asks, still a little shocked.

"The name is Striker. I've heard a lot about you, little lady," Striker says, and winks at Phoenix.

Striker says in thought, "Have to admit, for a half human she is quite beautiful and she definitely strong."

Phoenix narrows her eyes, "Sorry to say the feeling is not mutual. I have to assume that you're the one who cut the power. What are you doing here?"

Striker chuckles with a grin and says, "Straight to the point, huh. You see, you've caught my interest when I saw you on the news. You've become quite the celebrity around here, and been hunting you here for two reasons. One: I've got a recent client who wants you alive. And two: I needed a good challenge."

Phoenix looks at Striker with a displaced face the Imp adds, "Now then, I suggest you come with me quietly. Unless, you prefer to do this the hard way."

"Here's the answer I have for you," Phoenix says, making a fireball with her hand and throwing it at Striker.

Striker quickly dodges and says with a smirk, "Hard way it is."

With that, Striker begins to attack Phoenix, but the girl begins fighting back.

Outside of the shed, Octavia tries her best to get the door open, but she isn't able to break in. She soon hears a lot of sounds like crashing and booming. She suspects that Phoenix has gotten into some kind of fight.

Octavia turns her head and wonders, "Come on, where are they?"

Just then, she sees the limo arrive and Charlie, Vaggie, Cloud, Conan, Grace, and Alastor leave the limo. The I.M.P company van arrives and Blitz, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona quickly jump out with their weapons. They all seem to notice the different groups.

"Blitz?" Conan says confused.

"And Moxxie and Millie? What are you guys doing here?" Grace adds.

"I suspect the same you are, especially when Striker is involved," Blitz says.

"Wait, you know who the Imp that's attacking Phoenix?" Vaggie asks.

"Yes. It's a long story, you see..." Moxxie explains.

But Charlie interrupts them, "We'll worry about that later. Right now, Phoenix is in trouble, and needs help."

The group soon hurry down the trail and soon find the tree house. But suddenly, Blitz, Moxie, Millie, Conan, and Vaggie hit something that is like a wall.

"What? What rhe fuck?!" Blitz exclaims, feeling a strange wall preventing entry.

Cloud touches the wall and says, "It's a barrier, and a very powerful one."

Charlie calls out, "Octavia!"

"Octavia, can you hear us!" Loona calls out.

Luckily, Octavia is able to hurry to them, "Charlie! Loona! Thank goodness!"

But soon notices the barrier around the treehouse area.

She touches it and can't seem to get out, "What is this?"

"It's a barrier. And from the looks of it, it must be a powerful one that no demon can enter," Cloud says.

"You mean. You guys can't get through?" Octavia asks, shocked.

"No. The only way to remove the barrier is to find the source of it. Usually, the barrier has to be controlled by a stone and has to be close by. I suggest that you need to find the source, suspecting that it's within the barrier on your side.

Octavia suddenly realizes and turns to the Hellhorse, and suspects this must be where the barrier is.

Suddenly, the sound of a gun fire brings out their concern.

"This doesn't sound good!" Grace says.

Charlie begs, "Octavia, hurry!"

"Right," Octavia says with a nod, and hurries towards the Hellhorse to see if the barrier is within its position.

Back in the shed, Phoenix clutches her right shoulder to feel a sharp pain as she falls to her knees in pain. She clutches her right shoulder as blood begins staining her shirt, and grits her teeth. She looks up and glares at Striker who is holding a cimarron firearm, but this one is a different color and appearance. It's body's dark purple or burgundy in color with many light pink engravings with white outlines.

Striker chuckles and says, "Never expected to have one of these weapons, huh little fireball."

"You bastard!" Phoenix angrily says, and tries to fire her flames with her left arm.

But she isn't releasing any fire, much to her confusion. She then tries it again, but no flames are coming out.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Phoenix mutters.

"Guess you wouldn't know it, huh." Striker says, in remark.

Phoenix glares at Striker and demands, "What the fuck did you do? And... where did you even get a gun like that? You are aware this kind of weapon can actually kill..."

"Demon royalty," Striker interrupts with a smirk.

"Yeah... that..." Phoenix says, still clutching her shoulder.

"No shit," Striker says, putting his gun away. "It's usually the point, but it works differently in your case."

"What?" Phoenix asks, confused.

"Well, normally, these kinds of angelic weapons are well used for killing high class demons, like that Pompous Goetia at the Harvest Moon Festival. Perfect for assassination. However, for a human demon hybrid like yourself has a different effect than a demon royal. When aimed specifically at a non harmful part of the target's body, the bullet will act like a neutralizing agent. It will make you vulnerable as the human you truly are," Striker says,

Phoenix grits her teeth in anger, but soon feels a sharp pain that it's hard for her to bear, and collapses on the ground. She feels like passing out and isn't able to lift herself up. Striker evilly chuckles as he has a rattling sound from his tail and approaches the girl on the verge of unconsciousness.

Outside of the shed, Octavia is able to reach the Hellhorse and searches through the saddle bags.

"Come on. Come on. Where is it?" as Octavia searches frantically.

Finally, "Found it."

Octavia pulls out a bluish gray color stone with a pentagram pattern on it and it;s glowing red. She suspects this is the stone. Octavia quickly throws it at the tree of the treehouse and it shatters to pieces. As soon as the rock shatters, the barrier disappears.

"Finally," Blitz says, annoyed.

Everyone hurries to the door shed and Millie tries to turn the knob.

"It's locked!" Millie says.

Alastor steps forward, "Allow me."

In the shed, Phoenix is now laying on the ground and continues to feel the pain on her shoulder. She can barely remain conscious as Striker approaches her. He kneels down to her and cuffs her chin with an evil smirk on his face and plans to take her right there and there. Before he can get the chance, the door bursts open and a tentacle grabs Striker on the waist. It lifts him up and throws him across the shed and away from Phoenix. Striker is able to get up, but becomes surprised that the gun has been fired and close to his head. He turns his head to see the I.M.P Crew, Alastor, Vaggie, Conan, and Grace surrounding Striker.

"We got you surrounded, Striker," Blitz says.

"You might as well give up," Conan says

Octavia, Charlie, and Cloud hurry to Phoenix and kneel down towards her.

Charlie says in concern, "Phoenix, wake up. Are you okay? You're safe now."

Then Millie demands holding her axe, "What do you want with Phoenix?"

Striker evilly smirks, and takes out small black balls, "That's something you won't be finding out."

Just then, Striker throws the small black balls to the ground and smoke surrounds the area. Just then, they hear footsteps like they're running. When the smoke clears, they can see that the serpent like Imp has disappeared.

"Fuck! He's gone!" Loona angrily says, gritting her teeth.

Suddenly, she hears Octavia asks in concern, "Phoenix, are you okay? Phoenix?! Phoenix?!"

Loona and the others turn their heads to see Octavia shaking Phoenix on her shoulder as Charlie holds the hybrid in her arms.

Barely conscious Phoenix softly says in pain, "My... shoulder... my right shoulder..."

Octavia looks to notice the right shoulder is covered in blood and so is her shirt. Seen by everyone in the room, they suspect that Striker has shot her. Soon, Phoenix has lost consciousness.

Sometime later, Phoenix slowly opens her eyes and lets out a groan as she notices everyone who has been involved is in the room with her.

Phoenix groans and still feels the pain on her shoulder, making her grit her teeth.

She then hears Charlie's voice, "Phoenix..."

Phoenix slowly turns her head to see Charlie and Octavia with worried looks on their faces.

Phoenix softly says, "Octavia? Charlie? What... what happened?"

"You were badly hurt from that angelic gun Striker had," Charlie says.

"And you passed out. You've been sleeping all day," Octavia says, concerned.

"All day?" Phoenix softly says, confused.

"Afraid so. Luckily the bullet was able to be removed before it caused any more damages," Vaggie says.

Suddenly, she hears Zǐ Māo's voice, "I'm glad you're okay,"

Phoenix turns to see the small cat demon who is sitting next to her with a kind smile.

"Thank you, Zǐ Māo. I'm sorry if I worry you so much," Phoenix says.

"It's not your fault Phoenix. Blitz gave us some information about Striker and he's very dangerous," Grace says.

Just then Blitz says, "Dangerous isn't the first word to come to mind. That fucker has angelic weapons for pete's sake."

"You guys met him before?" Phoenix asks.

"Yeah. He was working as a Farm hand for my parents who lived in the Wrath Ring and we met him while he's at the Harvest Moon Festival. He seems like good help, and got along with us, well, except for Moxxie," Millie says.

"What did he do?" Phoenix asks.

"He was trying to assassinate Stolas at the Harvest Moon Festival! We managed to stop him and took away the weapon he was planning to use," Blitz says, angrily.

"Oh... yeah, that's very bad," Phoenix says.

Octavia then asks in concern, "Do you think he'll try to go after Phoenix again?"

"If he was hired by Sirius, I wouldn't be surprised that he'll be back," Charlie says.

"Sirius? You don't mean... that Sirius... do you?" Octavia asks, concerned.

"I'm afraid so. He's the one who's been sending those Dark Sombras after Phoenix, now he's been sending other Imps and any help he can get," Cloud says.

"So what do we do?" Millie asks.

"It will be best if we keep an eye out for Striker, and make sure he doesn't try to go after her. He might already know she's staying here," Moxxie says.

Phoenix sighs as she lays down in bed, "Feels like my life is going to get a lot harder. And I'm feeling very sleepy as well."

Charlie tucks Phoenix in, "You just get some rest. You might still be drained from being shot at the angelic gun."

Then turns to Octavia, "I've already called your dad, and he said it's okay for you to spend the night here."

"Thanks Charlie," Octaiva says.

Then Charlie says, "Come on guys, it's best we let Phoenix get some sleep."

Charlie has everyone leave the room, including herself. Once everyone is gone and the door closes. Phoenix falls into a deep sleep.

Hiding in the motel, at the edge of the woods, far from the city. He is on the phone as he sits on the bed and holds the angelic weapon in the other hand.

Striker says, "I failed to capture the target, but don't worry, it won't happen again."

On the other line, the demon that has been after Phoenix, Sirius asks, "Did you at least get her with the angelic weapon I've provided to you."

"Sure did. I have to say, it's interesting to see this for myself. A human demon hybrid can have their powers neutralized by these, if you hit them in the right spot," Striker says.

"Then it wasn't a total failure for you see, the weapon I've provided to you were enhanced with bullets that are enchanted. When it shot at the target, it will leave a spell on where it's been shot, even if it was removed," Sirius says

"What kind of spell was it?" Striker asks, interested.

The demon lets out a demonic chuckle and says, "Oh you'll see once it takes effect."

In the middle of the night, Phoenix is sleeping in her bed peacefully. Suddenly a strange symbol of some kind begins to appear on her right shoulder, where she has been shot.

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