Episode 23: Heating out from Freezing

Outside of Coral Mars' building, Angel Dust and the others are looking at it and suspect this is where Phoenix and Aquamarina are at.

"So this is where Coral Mars lives, huh. Definitely have the ocean theme. Well, with her being an octopus demon," Grace says.

"Yeah, and Phoenix is in that building with her. I just hope she doesn't do anything to Phoenix," Conan says.

"Come on Cona, Coral Mars may be a lesbian, but she's not that kind of demon who would fuck with any kind of demon. She knows her grounds," Angel says.

"How do you know?" Zǐ Māo asks.

"Well, she helps Velvet with some of the clothes they make for me, and I actually did a few modeling jobs with her. Well, Coral is not as associated as Val, Vel, and Vox are, but you could say they kind of are on business terms," Angel says.

"I see. I just hope we don't run into them," Grace says.

"Let's just go get Phoenix and get the heck out of here. We don't want any more problems," Conan says.

With that, Angel Dust and the others walk into Coral Mars' building to find Phoenix. Unknown to the group, Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois have been secretly following them and peek out to see them walking into the building. They turn to each other and Pentious makes an evil smirk on his face.

In the building, the group soon meet up with a male sinner that looks a lot like a demon shark of some kind. Only he wears a well dressed button up shirt with a dark blue tie, black slacks, and well dressed shoes. They are typing on the receptionist desk and typing on the computer.

Angel walks forward and says, "Hey Bruno, pleasure to be seeing you again."

The shark demon looks and calmly says, "Hello Angel Dust, have you been called to do another modeling job."

"Not this time, Bruno. My friend is staying in this building and we're here to pick her up. If you don't believe me, you can call your boss. We made sure to call her," Angel says.

"I'm well aware that you and your group will be coming over. The boss informs me of your group's arrival," Bruno the Shark Demon says.

Then says, "Let me inform her of your arrival."

"Yeah, sure," Angel says, shrugging his shoulders.

Grace calmly whispers, "That was easy."

"I just hope Coral doesn't call the guards on us," Conan whispers.

Back in her office, Coral Mars is sitting on the couch doing some other paperwork, using her tentacles and handles to help with some of the world. She trunks her head with a smile to see Phoenix is next to her. She also has two of her tentacles wrapped around Phoenix. One is wrapped around her waist while the other is wrapped around her shoulders.

"Hmm, the little darling is so sweet when she's asleep. I just wish you could stay a little longer. Maybe I can ask her father if I can make her some royal attire," Coral says with a smile.

Suddenly, she hears a beeping sound and turns to see on her desk the light on her communication box.

She uses her tentacle to press on it, and asks, "Yes Bruno."

"Coral Mars, Angel Dust and his party are here to see you," Bruno says over the small speaker.

"Of course. Send them to my office please. Thank you," Coral says.

Back at the receptionist desk, Bruno turns to the group, "Alright, Coral said to go to her office. I assume you remember how to get there Angel."

"Yeah. I remember how to get there. Thanks for letting us in," Angel says, and winks at him.

With that, Angel Dust and the others begin to walk into the building to get to Coral Mars' office.

Zǐ Māo asks in concern, "Are you sure we won't get lost here?"

"Of course not, kid. You worry too much," Angel says, as he pets Fat Nuggets in his arms.

"I know, but I'm also worried about Phoenix. She would be hurt," Zǐ Māo says.

Kyuubi then barks in concern.

"I think Kyuubi is worried about Phoenix too," Grace says.

Kyuubi barks in reply.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Phoenix is fine and she won't have problems with Coral Mars. you heard her on the phone, and she's fine," Angel says.

"I suppose, but I'm worried about Phoenix being in the same room with another Overlord," Grace says.

"Especially one that is into girls like Coral Mars is," Conan says, gritting his teeth.

"Relax, Coral Mars may be a lesbian and have large tentacles, but I'm sure that she won't hurt her, "Angel says.

Soon, Angel Dust stops in front of the door that leads to the office, "This is it. Coral Mars' office.

He then knocks on the door.

"Who is it?" Coral Mars' voice call out.

Angel calls out, "Yo Coral, it's me Angel. You have our friend in there."

"Come in darling," Coral says.

Angel turns to the others and says, "Brace yourself."

"Brace ourselves for what?" Grace asks.

Angel opens the door and ends up getting coiled by tentacles and pulls into the room before a word can escape his mouth and with Fat Nuggets in his arms

"Angel!" Zǐ Māo panics.

The group hurry after him to see Coral Mara has Angel in her tentacles and looking at him with a smile.

"Angel darling, it's great to see you again. You're still as pretty as usual," Coral says.

"Yeah Coral, it's good to see you too," Angel says.

Coral leans to the little pig in her arms, "And hello to you two, Nuggy. He is so cute and adorable I can just hug him. I have something cute for you to wear."

The little pig oinks in reply and sniffs a bit.

"Cutie," Coral Mars says and taps Fat Nuggets on his snout.

Grace, Conan, and Zǐ Māo look rather dumbfounded.

"That woman is very weird," Conan says.

"At least we know she's kind of friendly," Zǐ Māo replies.

"Maybe, but she's an Overlord, so she can't be too friendly, and with her tentacles, she can be aggressive and brutal towards us if we rub her the wrong way," Conan says.

Kyuubi then sniffs a bit and barks happily. He then jumps off of Zǐ Māo shoulder and runs past Coral and Angel. Soon, he jumps out the couch to see Phoenix sleeping on it, with her arm and leg still soaked in the small bowls of water. The little fox demon climbs on to Phoenix's lap and climbs on her shoulder. Then begins to lick her on her left cheek. Soon, Phoenix begins to grunt and groan as she begins to open her eyes. The young hybrid begins to regain consciousness and opens her eyes to see the little fox demon.

Phoenix giggles as Kyuubi continues to lick her. Then she says, "Hi Kyuubi."

Kyuubi happily barks in reply. Then snuggles his cheek against Phoenix. Coral Mars giggles as she places Angel Dust on the ground.

"Isn't that sweet. The cute little fox demon really misses you," Coral says.

"Um yeah," Phoenix says. She yawns and says, "I don't know why I feel a little tired. I don't remember falling asleep."

"Oh that. I put a little sleeping spell on you. I figure you can use some rest after the ordeal you were put through. And it will pass the time for your arm and leg to thaw out," Coral answers.

Conan glares at the Octopus demon, "You did what?! I better not find out that you did something to Phoenix in her sleep. Otherwise I'll turn you into sushi!"

Coral huffs with a stern expression, "Hmph. Of course, I didn't do anything in her sleep. I may be a lesbian and a sinner, but even I have principal. I mean, who do you think I am, Angel Dust's boss."

"Yeah. I'd be careful to say that when Val's around," Angel says.

Phoenix looks to see Angel Dust and the others, "Hey guys, did you just get here?"

"Yeah, we did. And we were fuckin worried about you when you disappeared! Then we heard that Pentious froze your arm and leg and became defenseless! And now we found you were brought to another Overlord's building!" Conan says, glaring at Phoenix.

"Will you cut that out?! It's not like Phoenix meant for this to happen," Grace says, glaring at Conan.

Then calmly says, "I'm surprised that Sir Pentious is still after her."

"No surprises there after she helped me and Cherri kicked his ass," Angel says.

"Yeah, but he didn't see you did he?" Phoenix asks.

"I don't think he did," Angel says.

Zǐ Māo to Phoenix and hugs her, "We're glad that you're okay."

"Thank you, Zǐ Māo. I'm sorry I made you guys worry," Phoenix says.

"Are you sure? From what Angel told us when you called, Pentious had a new device that froze your arm and leg. How are you feeling?" Grace replies, expressing her concern.

"I think I'm okay now. I haven't checked my arm and leg for some time now," Phoenix says.

She then lifts the arm with her bracelet and her leg out of the water. She sees that her arm and leg are no longer frozen in ice. But when she tries to move them, her body movement shows signs of numbness and can feel slightly from it.

"I guess it's going to take some time for my arm and leg to heal from being frozen," Phoenix says.

"Don't worry, sugar. It will take a little more time until you are back to full strength. After all, you are Satan's little girl, and I'm happy to have you in my humble abode," Coral Mars says.

The group becomes stunned to hear it.

"How the fuck did you know that?!" Conan demands, glaring at the octopus demon again.

"As you should know, he and I were old friends. The moment I saw young Phoenix on the news defeating the Dark Sombras, the Black Nights, and the Turf War. Not to mention seeing her powers and movements, I just knew she is Satan's child. She even has his fiery color hair," Coral says.

Then Coral sits next to Phoenix, "So darling, I do hope you and I can chat a little more, and hope maybe I can invite you to dinner."

"That actually seems kind of nice," Phoenix says.

Grace then steps in, "It sounds nice, but for the safe side, you should ask Charlie if it's okay. She doesn't want anyone to give Phoenix any problems."

"Of course. She is part of the royal family, so it's important to treat her like a princess. Of course, many don't really give a fuck about royalty, and all that," Coral says.

"I guess in Hell, not many people actually care about things like this," Phoenix calmly says.

"Yeah. I remember seeing Katie Killjoy interviewing Charlie and she didn't give a shit that she's a princess, or her hotel," Conan says.

"I remember. I think it's amazing that Charlie was able to get into a fight with Katie Killjoy. She surely gave her a hard beating," Coral Mars says and begins laughing.

"Yeah," Phoenix replies.

Then says in her thought, "Although, Charlie felt very embarrassed after that. Even if she did kick that woman's ass."

Suddenly, she feels Kyuubi licking her right hand and snuggling her hand, trying to warm it up. It does appear to be working and it begins to warm up a little. Soon, she is able to move her arm and leg a little bit.

Phoenix pets Kyuubi's head with her other hand, "It's okay Kyuubi, it might take some time, but I'm sure my arm and leg will heal in time."

Kyuubi barks with glee.

Just then, they hear a loud explosion that startled everyone in the office, and in the building for that matter. Even Aquamarina became startled and some of her coworkers became startled during a photo shoot.

"What the fuck?!" Angel exclaims.

Phoenix asks, shocked, "What in the world was that?!"

"I think there's trouble," Grace says.

"But trouble," Conan says, moving his ears.

"I can hear explosions from outside," Conan says.

With that, Phoenix, Angel, and the others hurry out along with Coral. Aquamarina hurries outside to meet up with the others.

"Ms. Coral, what's going on?" Aquamarina asks, concerned.

Coral looks up, "It looks like we have an intruder at our mist."

Everyone looks up to see Sir Pwntious Zeppelin and it begins to fire on the streets close to Coral Mars' building.

"Damnit, that stupid snake freak found out you're here," Angel says.

"And I don't think he's willing to talk," Phoenix says.

Just then, the hatch opens and Sir Pentious comes out with a, "HA!"

Then says, "I knew I would find you here, little flaming hybrid! And you're with the striped freak, the butterfly, mutt, and the little cat. Now then, why not be a good little girl and come with me in my zeppelin."

"Is he serious about just asking you to come and expect to come along with it?" Aquamarina asks, looking dumbfounded.

"I think he's serious," Phoenix replies, rolling her eyes.

Then calls out, "Hate to break it to you, but I would rather be with my friends."

"Beides, Phoenix has already told us and we heard that you freeze her arm and leg. She doesn't want to go with you anyway," Conan says.

"Alright then, if you don't want to come with me willingly, then I'll use my latest invention so you will have to come. Hope you'll like my newest surprise," Pentious says, and pulls the lever.

With that, he pulls out a larger version of his Freezing Heat Ray. It's practically eight times its size and aims towards the group.

"I don't think he's messing around here," Aquamarina says, worried.

"Don't worry, I think I can handle it," Phoenix says.

She lifts her bracelet and it soon begins to glow. With that, Phoenix begins to transform.

Phoenix's body begins to glow red. Then coming out of her right hand is burning fire. She raises her hand in the air and controls the fire to fly around like a large, long ribbon. The fire then begins to coil around her upper body, her arms, and legs. The flames on her upper body transform into a red sleeveless kimono top up to her knees with a black emon and lace. It has a silhouette of a flaming bird on the left side and fire on the right side. Then a bright orange ribbon wraps around her waist and forms an obi ribbon on the back, a gold string buckle appears around the ribbon, and black tights that also cover her ankles.

And then, fire patterned gloves appear on Phoenix's arms that go up to her elbows. Instead of covering the hands, they only cover the backhands and have a band attached that is around the middle finger. The flames around her legs transform into orange ballet flats. The yellow ribbons are wrapped around red leg warmers.

After that, her small gold crown with a pentagram gem appears over her head. She puts it on and her hair begins to glow red. A black choker with a phoenix feather appears on her neck, a red star earring appears on her left ear while a black crescent moon earring appears on her right ears. Then her hair becomes covered in fire. And soon, her hair turns into a glowing color of flames and slightly moves.

Phoenix then lands on the ground, and enchanting wings of a fire bird appear on her back. The feathers of the wings are the colors of fire. She then opens her eyes, her sclera are red with gold yellow pupils in the middle. At a split second, fire flashes in her eyes. Lastly, a red lined pentagram a black crescent moon having two circles and symbols around it appear on her forehead.

Phoenix announces as she moves her hands around, "A Courageous and Majestic Bird that Soars through the Flames of Hell!"

Then fire appears from her hands.

Phoenix spins around in a circle, and announces, "Blazing Phoenix!"

After transforming, Coral Mars and Aquamarine are astonished to see Phoenix has transformed into a different powerful demon. Aquamarina remembers seeing her from the incident with the Black Nights, and knows for sure she is the demon that has rescued her. Phoenix begins to spread her wings and fly up in the air.

Angel shouts, "Kick that guy's ass, Phoenix!" YEAH!"

"Go get him, Phoenix!" Grace and Conan shout with excitement.

Seeing Phoenix flying towards him and plans to attack, he growls and hisses in anger and begins to pull the switch. With that, other ray guns come out of his flying machine and aim towards Phoenix.

"Alright, bird girl, you really want to go all out. Well then, I'll be happy to oblige," Pentious says, and pulls the switch.

With that, the Freezing Heat Ray along with the other ray guns and machines begin to fire at Phoenix. Phoenix quickly acts fast as her hands begin to glow. Then it creates a fire like forcefield and it repels the attacks.

She then brings out her flaming shuriken, "Volcanic Shuriken!"

She then throws the shuriken at the guns and they end up getting cut off. So far, three of the guns on Pentious zeppelin have been cut off from his ship. Seeing them about to fall, Phoenix quickly uses her ability to create feathers to capture the large guns and gently place them on the ground. Pentious continues to fire his guns at Phoenix, but she continues to fly and dodge the attacks.

Then Pentious pulls the switch, "Let's see how the freezing beam of my Freezing Heat Ray will freeze your wings."

With that, the ice beam of the Freezing Heat Ray begins to fire at Phoenix. Phoenix doesn't plan on getting her wings frozen again, and tries to dodge the attack. The hybrid girls continues to dodge the icy beam of the Freezing Heat Ray and fly away as fast as she can away from the attack.

"This ice beam of the Freezing Heat Ray is beginning to become troublesome. At least he won't be doing the heat part of the ray gun," Phoenix says.

Then has an idea and an idea comes in her thoughts, "Wait, if this thing can produce heat. Maybe there's a way I can use that heat of the gun against him."

Phoenix then flies over and shouts, "Hey Snake bit, it seems that you can't freeze me with your silly gun. Now you just made a large toy gun."

"Are you disrespecting my invention?!" Pentious exclaims, shocked.

Phoenix chuckles and mutters, "Maybe..."

"I'll show you about disrespecting my invention. Since you appear to like through fire. Let's see how much you can handle with my heat ray!" Pentious says, and pulls the switch.

The Freezing Heat Ray switches to a heat ray and begins to fire at Phoenix. Phoenix begins to dodge the attacks, and begins to bring out her sword. She then uses her sword to repel the attacks. When the beam strikes at Phoenix's sword, the heat of the beam seems to cause the sword to act strange. The sword begins to glow and feel that the sword is growing bigger. Phoenix looks at her sword to see it glowing red and how big it's starting to get.

"Well, this is new," Phoenix says.

Then smirks, "I can use this."

Suddenly, Pentious shouts, "Alright, little girl, get ready to feel the full blast of my ray gun."

He then pushes the button and pulls the switch, "Let's see if you can handle ice and fire."

"We'll see about that," Phoenix says.

With that, both the ray guns fire at the same time and aim towards Phoenix.

"Let's see if you can handle this!" Phoenix says, raising her sword in the air.

With that, both beams hit the sword, and they bounce off of the sword. With that, the beams of the attack fly towards Pentious and his Egg Boise. When they both hit the zeppelin, they either become frozen popsicles or fire balls. With that, the zeppelin explodes and Pentious is sent flying with loud screams of pain and agony.

He then screams, "I'll be back!"

Once Pentious is gone, Phoenix lands on the ground and changes back to her original form.

Angel laughs and says, "You sure show him!"

"You were amazing," Zǐ Māo says with a smile.

"Pentious sure didn't know what hit him," Conan says.

Coral smiles and nods her head, "That was very impressive. You are definitely Satan's daughter."

"Um yeah," Phoenix says, embarrassed and is blushing.

"Come on Phoenix, we better get going. Charlie and Vaggie might be having a field day when they hear Pentious attacked you again," Grace says.

"Yeah, but the others will be impressed when they hear you kicked Pentious' ass," Angel says.

Aquamarina asks, "Do you really have to leave?"

"Yeah. I already had enough crazy excitement for one day, and we did have a good time, even if it was a short while," Phoenix says.

"I suppose. Do you think we can hang out again?" Aquamarina asks.

"Sure," Phoenix says.

Coral says, "I don't see why not, but as long as you don't mind I join your little group of friends. I suspect you're staying at the Happy Hotel."

"Um yeah," Phoenix replies.

"Well then, Aquamarina and I will be sure to visit you some time. Anyway, Marina and I need to get back to work," Coral says.

Then waves goodbye, "Goodbye Phoenix."

"Bye Phoenix," Aquamarina says.

"Bye Marina. By Coral," Phoenix says.

After returning to the hotel, Charlie does make sure Phoenix's arm and leg are healing and they seem to be a lot better now. Both of them are in Phoenix's bed room as Kyuubi and Zǐ Māo are sleeping.

"Are you sure you're okay, Phoenix?" Charlie asks, concerned.

"I'm fine. My arm and leg are feeling a lot better now. I guess my transformation helps with the healing process," Phoenix says.

"Still, I'm surprised that Coral Mars actually knows your dad and that she seems to want to get to know you," Charlie says.

"Yeah. I was surprised when she found out that she's a friend of my dad. She was able to recognize me right away. Still, I hope that I get to see Aquamarina and Coral again. Aquamarina is actually very nice once we get to know her," Phoenix says.

"Well, I hope you two can become good friends," Charlie says.

"Me too," Phoenix says.

Then Charlie says, "By the way Phoenix, I got a letter for you. It's from Kuroi." Then takes out the envelope.

Phoenix blushes and takes the envelope. The Envelope seems to be Japanese style, decorated with pink cherry blossoms. It's also tied with red and white color ribbons. It also has Kuroi's name on it. She is practically blushing like crazy and that her world begins spinning like crazy. She wants to open it, but wonders what the letter says.

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