Episode 22: The Mermaid Singer and the Octopus Designer
One day in the Happy Hotel, Phoenix is in the gym having some training from Cloud. Phoenix and Cloud clash their swords for practice. They both clash their swords at one another as they dodges each other's attacks and fighting skills. Soon, the two come to a stop and take deep breaths and have sweat drops on their faces.
Cloud says, "That will be enough for today. You're doing very well with your swordsmanship. However, you still have plenty to learn."
"Right," Phoenix says.
A little while later, after bathing and changing to new clothes, Phoenix is with Charlie, Vaggie, Niffty, and Grace.
"So how was your training?" Charlie asks Phoenix.
"It went okay, but I'm a little tired and still have more to learn about wielding this sword," Phoenix says.
"It's good to see you're getting stronger and have some improvements," Vaggie says.
"Thanks, but I've been doing a lot of training in the past few weeks and well, I feel that my time feels a bit limited especially since I spent most of my time in Pentagram City," Phoenix says.
"I guess that could get boring after some time," Charlie says.
"Yeah. I actually like to see what else Hell has. You know the kind of cities, location, and other places to do behind being in Pentagram City," Phoenix says.
"I suppose that is understanding. There's still a lot of Hell that you haven't seen yet, and well, a lot of different demons you haven't seen either. However, you know the kind of... uh, risks you will have to deal with," Charlie says.
"I don't think you need to worry. I've been working better on defending myself, especially after the mess Angel and I got ourselves into," Phoenix says.
"I don't know. The last time you got in trouble, we weren't sure if we were able to get you out of that tight spot. If it wasn't for Cloud recommending Kuroi finding you..." Vaggie says, concern.
She sighs and says, "I don't even want to think what Valentino might have done."
"I know what you mean, but I don't think it's good to isolate Phoenix. Beides, she's bound to know about the kind of creatures, cities, and well, the kind of dangers it has. It will be best for her to get more experience with it," Grace says.
Charlie nods her head, "I agree. It's best to take this one at a time."
"Okay, but do you know any other cities in the area?" Phoenix asks.
Nifty happily speaks up, "Imp City is the closest here. It's a city inhabited by Imps. There is also the I.M.P which is an assination group, you'll have to be careful. And while we're on the subject, you should also be careful of Hellhounds, they'll tear you to shreds if you're not careful. And we can't forget about Succubus and Incubus. They will try to seduce you in order to have sex, and since you're a virgin, you'll really want to get on with you. However, I know as long as you have your weapons, bracelet, knowledge and skills, you should have nothing to worry about. Of course, there are still plenty of places n Pentagram City you've haven't seen yet. Like you have to visit Mimzy's Club, she's a great singer, and of course, there is also...." Niffty explains, and is still talking.
The group simply stare as they listen to Niffty's ranting.
Phoenix giggles and says, "I think Niffty is going to be at this for quite a while."
"I suppose you're right," Charlie says.
Then Charlie turns her head to Phoenix, "But still, if you do want to see other places in Hell, you need to be extra careful. You're already getting too much attention from the Dark Sombra, attacks you had to deal with. And make sure you have your bracelet and weapons with you."
"Right," Phoenix replies with a nod.
"And remember to text us or answer our text every often, so we can stay in touch," Vaggie says.
"Got it," Phoenix says.
"And make sure you remember to be careful around Imps, Succubi, and Hellhounds, they can give you some problems if you mess with the wrong crowd," Grace says.
"I'll be fine. Don't worry. And if anything does happen, I wouldn't hesitate to punch someone in the face," Phoenix says.
"Still, I think it will be a good idea for someone to come with you," Charlie says.
Conan walks over and says, "Maybe Grace and I can go with her. We already finished with some training and we could use some air being stuck here most of the time."
"I'll come too. No work for me today. We can also have some quality time with our pets," Angel says, walking with Conan with a grin.
Grace stands, "You can go, but you'll be under my supervision. So, no getting into Turf War, Bar Fights, or have sex with weirdos while Phoenix is around. Otherwise, I'll be sure you wear a leash when we go out."
"Oooh, getting a bit kinky, eh, Grace," Angel says with a smirk on his face.
Grace sternly says, "Don't make me smite you."
Agreeing to the terms, and have a disguise ready, Phoenix along with Angel Dust, Grace, Conan, Zǐ Māo, along with the pets: Fat Nuggets and Kyuubi are having a walk around the city. And soon, they arrived at a park. Phoenix and Angel watch to see Fat Nuggets and Kyuubi playing with a toy rope as Grace, Conan, and Zǐ Māo are playing with a toy ball.
"Catch little guy," Conan says, and passes Zǐ Māo the ball.
Zǐ Māo reaches his hand up for the ball as he steps back, "I got it. I got it."
Then the little cat jumps up and catches the ball. He then falls and rolls over a little. Then lands on the ground.
"Nice catch, Zǐ Māo," Grace says.
Zǐ Māo sits up and says, "Thanks." and passes the ball to Grace.
Grace then catches the ball and passes it to Conan. Then Conan passes the ball to Zǐ Māo. Angel and Phoenix continue to sit on the bench as they watch everyone relaxing and having a good time.
Angel sighs in boredom, "As much as I like relaxing and shit, but this is boring. I wish we could go to a bar or at least do something fun."
"Well, we did promise Charlie and Vaggie that we don't get ourselves involved in anything that's going to get us in deep trouble, especially about what happened when the Dark Sombras attacked us," Phoenix says.
Angel groans and says, "Don't remind me. It was intense. I thought we weren't going to get out of that mess in one piece."
"Yeah. At least now we get to relax. At least, as calm and quiet as Hell can get," Phoenix says.
"Yeah. It's actually kind of nice for a change," Angel says.
Phoenix watches the little pig and fox continue to play tug a war. Suddenly, Phoenix hears something that catches her attention. She listens carefully to notice someone seems to be singing 'Aaaaaah.'
"Is that singing?" Phoenix softly says to herself.
Phoenix then gets up from the bench and walks away to find the sound, and Angel doesn't seem to notice. Phoenix continues to walk down the path to following the singing voice someone is playing. When she turns right and sees a demon girl singing the song, the sinner looks very familiar. She has a human-like body, but parts of her skin like her legs, arms, and face are covered in light green scales. She has fin-like ears and her hands have webs that are light green and light yellow. Her hair is also an ocean green color with ocean blue eyes. She is also wearing a aquamarine color dress decorated with seashell and seahorses designs, and wears a shell necklace with a pearl.
Phoenix watches as the familiar mermaid-like demon sings a song. She decides to walk over to have a closer look at the girl. Seeing her appearance close up, Phoenix realizes why she looks family.
Phoenix gasps in shock and in her thoughts, "That's the same demon girl who was that that night club when the Black Nights attacked. I think she's called Aquamarina, a singer and a model. I wonder what she's doing here of all places."
Phoenix continues to remain hidden as she watches the mermaid demon sing her music. The singing voice is sweet, and it sounds like singing to the blue color sea. Soon enough, the demon girl stops singing and shows a smile on her face. She turns her head, but becomes a bit surprised to have turned in Phoenix's direction. Knowing she's been spotted, Phoenix quickly fixes herself and tries to remain calm.
Phoenix quickly says, "Oh, um, hello. I'm sorry for eavesdropping on you like that, but I just happened to hear you singing and it sounded beautiful."
The demon girl is a little surprised, but then gives her a calm and honest smile, "Thank you."
The mermaid girl walks to Phoenix and says, "My name is Aquamarina, but my friends call me Marina. Who are you?"
"My name is Phoenix, it's a pleasure to meet you. So what brings you here?" Phoenix replies.
"It's my day off so I like to sing a little in the park. I didn't expect to have a little audience," Aquamarina says.
"Yeah. My friends and I are hanging around at the park. They're not far from here," Phoenix says.
"How nice. You think I could meet them," Aquamarina says.
"Sure. Follow me," Phoenix says.
With that, the two girls head down the park to meet the others. Unknown to them, a familiar sinner with his minions notices Phoenix in the park and has plans. Coming out of the bushes are Sir Pentious and three of his Egg Bois.
Pentious evilly chuckles and says, "There ssshe isssss. So the little Hybrid made a little friend. And she'ssss doesn't sseem to be with the Radio Demon or any of her other annoying friends."
"So Boss, what do we do?" One of Egg Bois asks.
Then another asks, "Yeah. Do you want us to capture her?"
"Of course we capture her you egg headsss! That is why I brought my latesssst invention with me! It will put our little birdie on ice! Or in ice to be precise!" Pentious says, and maniacally laughs.
Then whispers to his minions, "We'll head her off."
Phoenix and Aquamarina continue to walk down the trail of the park as they talk.
"So Marina, if you don't mind me asking, what was your uh, life was like when you were alive?" Phoenix asks.
"It's okay. There's no reason to be nervous. Well, back when I was alive, I was a famous swimmer. In fact, I actually won a medal at the Olympics for America," Aquamarina says.
"Wow. That's so cool. I have a friend who wants to compete in the Olympics himself, someday. I heard you have to train hard to be in it," Phoenix says.
"You do. I've been practicing for a while. Of course, I actually learn how to swim before I can walk, at least that's what my dad told me," Aquamarina says.
"That's cool. Anything else?" Phoenix replies.
"Well, I was a normal student. Of course, I used to be in some plays, and I like singing. I was also a swimsuit model in a few magazines," Aquamarina says.
"Hmm, so you're even famous when you were alive, huh?" Phoenix replies.
"I was. Of course, that was well, before I got myself involved with the wrong people," Aquamarina says, sounding a bit depressed.
"What happened?" Phoenix asks.
Aquamarina sighs, "Well, it's still difficult to say, but I became desperate for money so I ended up getting involved in a drug smuggling ring. I helped them smuggle drugs to where I have my swimming performances and races. When I decided to quit, they didn't take too kindly to it. And unfortunately, that led to my death and I ended up murdering someone in the process."
"Let me guess, the people who were involved with the smuggling decided to kill you in the hope of shutting you up," Phoenix suspects.
"Yes. I was twenty three when it happened, and that happened thirty years ago," Aquamarina says.
"How sad," Phoenix replies.
"Yes. Hell was a bit difficult at first, but I managed to make it work, especially now that I'm working with Coral Mars," Aquamarina says.
"Coral Mars?" Phoenix says, confused.
"She's a human octopus demon, and she's an Overlord as well. She knows her music and her fashion a lot. She told me that she was a fashion designer when she was alive and a good one, which us one she's one of the best designers so she hired me as a model and helped with my singing career," Aquamrina says.
"Sounds like you went through a lot," Phoenix says.
"I did, but one of the things I learned is that it's important to be strong and to have alleys while being here. Those who are alone, don't last long in this place," Aquamarina says.
"I see," Phoenix says.
Aquamarina then asks, "But enough about me, tell me a bit about yourself? How did you come to live in Hell? Do you have any friends or allies? Where do you live?"
"Well, you see I..." Phoenix speaks, but soon interrupted when the Egg Bois appear in front of them.
"Oh no. Not them," Phoenix mutters to herself.
"Those are the Egg Bois, which means..." Aquamarina says, concern.
Suddenly a hissing voice appears behind them, and turns around to see Sir Pentious holding an evil grin on his face.
"Hello my little Hybrid, aren't you happy to sssssee me again," Pentious says with an evil grin.
"Hybrid?" Aquamarina softly says to herself.
"Honest, I'm not. You tried to blow me and my friends up, tried to hypnotize me, and you tried to kidnap me," Phoenix sternly says and crosses her arms.
"Oh, don't worry about what has transsspired in the passsst. What matters is that I would like you to come with me," Pentious says.
Phoenix firmly asks, "What are you even doing here?"
"Like I sssaid you will be coming with me my dear, or I will have to use force to bring you to my lair," Pentious says.
Aquamrina turns to Phoenix and asks, "Is he serious?"
"I think he is," Phoenix says.
Then turns to Pentious, "I'm afraid I will have to decline that office. How do you plan on getting me by force?"
"With that!" Pentious says, and brings out his invention.
It looks like a gun, it's black with gray, blue, and ice blue markings on it. It's not even that big.
"That's your invention?" Aquamarina says, confused.
"Isn't that a water gun?" Phoenix says, confused.
"It is not a water gun. This is my latest invention, the Portable Freezing Heat Fay," Pentious says.
Seeing the object in Pentious hand, and the name, the two girls end up laughing at it.
"Tha-that has to be the stupidest name ever!" Phoenix says laughing.
"And the gun is so small that it's name is not helping make it sound serious," Aquamarina says, laughing as well.
The two girls continue laughing as Pentious and his minions stand looking dumbfounded.
Pentious growls in anger and shouts, "Stop laughing! You're supposed to be cowering in terror!"
"It's hard to take it seriously about your weapon that looks like a toy," Phoenix says.
"It's not a toy! Allow me to demonstrate and prepare to chills down your spinesss! Starting by turning your little fish friend into a fish stick!" Sir Pentious angrily says.
He then turns the dial on the gun and aims it towards Aquamarina. Phoenix gasps to see that Pentious is not joking.
"Look out!" Phoenix panics as Pentious fires his weapon at them.
Meanwhile, Angel Dust and the others are looking for Phoenix since she has disappeared all of the sudden. Angel looks in the bushes while Conan and the others look around the area.
"Where the fuck could Phoenix gone off to?!" Conan complains.
Then turns to Angel, "You're supposed to be watching her!"
"Hey, it's not my fault Phoenix decided to walk off. She should have remembered that Charlie wanted her to stay close to us," Angel says.
"Well, you should have noticed that Phoenix is gone!" Conan angrily says.
"Will you two be quiet?! We're never going to find Phoenix with you two arguing!" Grace firmly says.
The two then cross with their arms and turn away from each other with a huff.
Grace then wonders, "Where could Phoenix disappear off to?"
Back at the different area of the park, Aquamarina opens her eyes to notice Phoenix is laying on her as the young girl pushes herself up to a sitting position.
"Are you okay?" Aquamarina asks, sitting herself up.
"I'm fine, but why does it feel like my body is getting the chills," Phoenix replies, feeling an odd chill all of the sudden.
Aquamarina looks down and gasps in shock as she covers her mouth. Phoenix is confused at first, but when she looks down, she is shocked to see that her left foot and her right arm with her bracelet have been frozen in ice.
"My foot! My arm! They're... they're frozen!" Phoenix says shocked.
"I thought that gun is nothing but a toy," Aquamarina says, shocked.
They soon hear Pentious laughing and turn to see him with his minions, and for some reason more of them appear.
"That's right. My Freezing Heat Ray can freeze things, but it can also burn them as well. Now that your foot and arm are frozen, there is no possible way you will be able to escape from my constricted grasp," Sir Pentious says.
"I don't think so. I'll just..." Phoenix says, but stops to realize that the arm that's been frozen, is the one her special bracelet is in.
She says in her thoughts, "Fuck! My bracelet has been frozen with my arm! Without it, I can't transform!"
"What's the matter, you getting a little 'cold feet'," Pentious remarks with an evil grin.
Dumbfounded Phoenix asks, "Cold feet? Really? I think you need to cut the crap and take a hike."
She then raises her other hand to create a fire ball with her hand and throws it to the ground. Just then, the fireball explodes into a big flaming circle, trapping Sir Pentious and his minions within the walls.
Shocked, Aquamarina asks, "How did you do that?"
"Now isn't the time to talk. We need to get out, but I don't think I can walk like this," Phoenix says, and turns to her frozen foot.
Aquamarina then picks up Phoenix in bridal style and says, "I can carry you. I know where we can lay low for a while."
"Um okay," Phoenix says.
With that, Aquamarina carries Phoenix away from Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois and out of the park. Pentious turns to see his target is being carried away as the Egg Bois are hurdle together in fear of the burning flames. Then the snake demon makes a furious look on his face and begins to hiss in rage.
After their escape, Aquamarina continues to carry Phoenix down the sidewalk as most of the demons are not giving a care. However, they do receive a few stares, especially since Aquamarina is a celebrity around here.
"Sorry about you having to carry me like this," Phoenix apologizes
But Aquamarina says, "It's no trouble at all. I'm just glad I get to return the favor."
"Huh?" Phoenix says, confused.
Aquamarina says, "Sorry about that, but when I saw your amazing fire power, I realized you're the special hybrid human that has Hell in an uproar."
"Uh yeah. That's me. I recognize you as the girl I saved from these Demon bats, the Black Nights," Phoenix says.
"That's right. I'm actually glad you remember me. My boss actually wanted to meet you for sometime now, since I told her that you rescued me. And that is where we're heading," Aquamarina says.
Then look ahead, "Look over there."
Phoenix looks ahead to see a six story tall building with multiple windows, and some has actually water with fishes inside it along with a revolving door at front.
"What is that place, an Aquarium?" Phoenix asks.
Aquamarina laughs and says, "No. It's my boss' building. It's where she mostly does her fashion creations and even her fashion shows. We sometimes make music videos."
"Cool. But still..." Phoenix says, and looks at her arm and leg, "I need to defrost my body before Sir Snake bite and his sack of eggs come back."
"Well, maybe Coral can come up with something," Aquamarina says.
"I hope so. What kind of demon is she like anyway?" Phoenix asks.
Aquamarina walks through the revolving door as she blushes a bit with a nervous laugh.
Confused, Phoenix asks, "What's up?"
"Well, besides being a great fashion designer, and a powerful Overlord, she is kind of... into women. You know, a lesbian" Aquamarina says.
Moments later, the two females show up in front of a double side door, and it's decorated with seashells, seaweed, and aquatic features.
"This is her office. You might want to brace yourself," Aquamarina says, putting Phoenix down on her feet.
"Brace myself for what?" Phoenix asks.
"You'll see..." Aquamarina says, then knocks on the door.
"Come in," A woman's voice answers.
Aquamarina opens the door and is suddenly coiled by coral red tentacles and instantly pulled inside.
"Marina?!" Phoenix replies in shock.
She soon looks inside to see a woman who has the upper body of a human being, but the lower half are octopus tentacles. She has light skin with purple blue eyes, and long coral red hair with a small braid on the left side of her head. She is wearing an ocean blue strapless dress white spiral shell on a black necklace, and pearl earrings. Her bottle half are coral tentacles with black and gold pattern bracelets on each tentacle.
"Marina darling, so glad you returned. When you haven't shown up for your dress rehearsal, I was about to send the boys to fetch you. You're a few minutes late, darling," The woman says.
"Sorry Coral, I was caught up in something," Aquamarina says, as the tentacles touch her face.
"With what? You know that we have a deadline to meet for a fashion show soon. We can't be late with small details you know," The Octopus woman, Coral firmly says.
"Right. I'm sorry, but I have someone for you to meet," Aquamarina says.
Then turns her head, "You can come in, Phoenix?"
"Phoenix?" Coral says, confused.
She looks at the door as Phoenix walks inside. Seeing her, the Octopus woman, Coral, shows a calm and yet mischievous smile on her face.
"Well well, what a lovely little creature you have brought," Coral says with a grin.
Before Phoenix can say a word, Coral catches Phoenix coiled in her tentacles and pulls her towards her.
"Hello darling, I'm Coral Mars, Overlord and head of the building here. As well as one of the head designers of Hell," Coral introduces herself.
She then places her hand with red painted nails under Phoenix' chin and rubs it.
"You sure are a pretty little thing. Hair as bright as fire, eyes shine like gold, and lovely tan skin. And quiet a lovely figure you have," Coral says, giving a lustful tone.
That makes Phoenix feel alert and nervously says, "I... well... uh, thank you. But um, can you put me down... please..."
"Of course. What's your name?" Coral replies.
"Phoenix," The hybrid girl answers.
"Phoenix. The majestic bird that spread its fiery wings, and majestic. Must say, it's suitable for you," Coral says, and places both Phoenix and Aquamarina down.
"Um thank you," Phoenix says, feeling a bit embarrassed.
Coral then notices her right arm and left leg are frozen, "Hmm, what happened to you. You look like you fell in cold ice."
"Pentious has this odd device that froze part of her body. From the looks of it, we thought it was a toy," Aquamarina says.
"Hmph. That arrogant serpent again. He is always troubled and is also annoying," Coral says.
"He is annoying, even Cherri Bomb, Angel Dust, and Alastor had problems with him," Phoenix says.
"You know Alastor and Angel Dust?" Coral asks, interested.
"Um yeah. Angel Dust is staying at the Happy Hotel, or rather the Hazbin Hotel as a guest, to try out Charlie's Rehabilitation program. We're making slow progress. As for Alastor, he decided to help out for his own entertainment," Phoenix says.
Coral sighs as she shakes her head, "Honestly, that Alastor. He always thinks we're part of his entertainment. However, he can be quite the gentleman."
"You know him?" Phoenix asks.
"Well, as a fellow Overlord, we meet up from time to time as a gathering, and we see each other around town. As for Angel, I actually helped Velvet design some of his designs. I may be into girls, and women, but Angel is one of the best models," Coral says.
Then hugs Aquamarina, "Of course, no one is better than my cute little mermaid."
"Coral," Aquamarina says, blushing.
Then says, "I better get to work."
"Right. You're needed on the runway on the third floor," Coral says.
"Right. I'll see you later. Bye Phoenix," Aquamarina says.
"Bye," Phoenix says.
As Aquamarina leaves, Coral says, "Don't you worry sweetie, I'll watch over your friend, and help with her little problem."
Aquamarina nods her head and leaves the office. When the door is closed, Phoenix feels a bit uneasy that she's alone with another Overlord, especially after her little incident with the Three V crew.
Coral turns to Phoenix and says, "Now then, let's see if we can do anything about that arm and leg of yours."
Then Coral picks Phoenix up with her tentacles and carries her away.
Meanwhile, Angel Dust, and the others continue to search for Phoenix.
Grace flies in the air as she calls out, "Phoenix! Phoenix!"
"Phoenix where the hell did you go?!" Angel calls out, walking with Fat Nuggets and Kyuubi in the park.
Conan and Zǐ Māo look around at a different part of the park.
Zǐ Māo calls out, "Phoenix!"
"Phoenix, where are you?!" Conan calls out.
Then grits his teeth and angrily says, "Fuck, we're supposed to be watching her, and Phoenix told her to stay close to us. Where the hell did she run off to?"
Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, "We were ssssso close!"
Conan and Zǐ Māo recognizes the voice and hide behind the bushes close by to see Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois. The Eggs are still a little stocked, while Pentious is angry.
"We would have had that hybrid if it wasn't for that ssstupid mermaid pop star," Pentious angrily says.
"But Boss, the Hybrid girl also used her fire powers on us," One of the Egg Bois says.
"I am fully aware. I could have frozen that brat's entire body if I had the chance," Pentious angrily says.
Then turns to her minions, "Come on, the mermaid demon and the hybrid brat couldn't have gotten far."
Then Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois leave the scene unaware that Conan and Zǐ Māo eavesdropped on the conversation. They realized that the Hybrid Pentious is talking about is Phoenix. They also have a guess who she is with. With that, Conan and Zǐ Māo sneak off to find Angel and the others to tell them what they found.
Back in Coral Mars' office, Coral is able to help Phoenix defrost some arm using some lukewarm water in two separate pools as she sits on the couch. One for her right arm that is on the table, and the other for her left leg which is on the floor. Phoenix feels a little better, but knows it will take some time for her body to defrost.
"There you go darling, that should help with your frozen body," Coral says.
"Um thank you, ma'am," Phoenix says.
"Please, none of that ma'am stuff, just call me Coral," Coral says, and sits next to Phoenix.
Then asks, "So darling, what brings you to Hello. It's rare to see a human. I haven't seen one since I was alive."
"I see, but it's kind of a long story, but I can't share all the details," Phoenix says.
"I suppose so. I suspect since you are a hybrid, there is some information that you aren't able to share," Coral says.
Then smiles, "Of course, being Satan's little girl, I wouldn't be surprised why he would keep your existence a secret from us demons."
"How did... How did you know?!" Phoenix asks, shocked by the statement.
Coral chuckles and says, "My dear, he and I were old friends. We've been friends for around a hundred and fifty years. So I know a lot about Satan. The moment I saw you on TV and how much you have some resemblance to Satan, especially in that form, I knew you were his daughter. And I must say, he has such a beautiful child like yourself. I would love to have you model for me."
"Thanks, but I don't know if modeling is my thing," Phoenix says, embarrassed.
"Aww, don't be so shy, I think you can pull it off," Coral says, leaving towards Phoenix.
"Maybe," Phoenix says.
Then suddenly remembers, "Oh my gosh, I forgot. With everything that has happened, Angel and the others have no clue where I am. I need to let them know."
Phoenix quickly takes out her Hellphone and begins to call the others.
Meanwhile, Conan and Zǐ Māo explains to Grace and Angel about what happened.
"Sir Pentious was trying to capture Phoenix again?" Grace asks, shocked.
"Yeah. From what we were able to understand, we think Pentious used some device to freeze her, and another demon was with her," Zǐ Māo says.
"And we think it's Aquamarina, she's the only mermaid demon we know," Conan says.
"Then we need to find her. Hopefully Phoenix is still with her. We just need to know where they went," Grace says.
Just then, Angel hears his phone ringing and picks it up. He looks at the screen and says, "Oh, here Phoenix now."
Angel picks up the phone and says, "Hey Phoenix, where the fuck are you?! We were looking for you!"
Over the phone Phoenix says, "Sorry about that, Pentious and his Egg Bois caught me and Aquamarina off guard when I heard her singing, and Pentious used this weird device to freeze my arm and leg. I couldn't transform cause my arm with my bracelet was frozen. Anyway, I'm with Coral Mars in her office cause Aquamarina thinks it's the best place to hide from Snake bite."
"Right. Got it. You just stay there and we'll go pick you up. Just make sure Ms. Octopus doesn't do anything fishy," Angel says.
"Really Angel... Well, okay I'll stay here. I can't do much since Coral is helping to defrost my body," Phoenix answers.
"Okay. We're heading there now," Angel says, and hangs up the phone.
Angel turns to the others, "Turns out Aquamarina took her to her boss."
Conan and Grace are shocked.
"Coral Mars? You mean the Octopus demon, and a total lesbian?" Conan asks, shocked.
"That's the one. Don't worry, I know where her building is. Let's go," Angel says.
With that, the group takes leave to find Phoenix and hope she is okay. Unknown to them, someone else has heard their conversation and decided to follow them and that someone is Pentious and some of his Egg Bois.
Back in Coral Mars' office, Phoenix hangs up the phone and looks at her arm and leg to notice them defrosting, but still feels a little numb from the frozen ice.
"Okay, Angel and the others are coming over to pick me up. Until then, I'll have to remain here and get my arm and leg healed. This is a pain in the ass. I should have done something when I had the chance," Phoenix says.
Coral Mars then shows a calm and yet, lustful smile and says, "I see. So until then you'll have to stay with me for a while."
"Um yeah," Phoenix says, feeling a little uneasy.
Coral then places her hand on Phoenix's right cheek, having her head turn to face her. Then rubs it a bit as Coral stares at her with lustful eyes.
"Uh... what's wrong?" Phoenix asks, nervously.
With that, coral Mars lifts her tentacle and wraps around her waist pinning her unfrozen arm, her knees, pinning her legs together, and wraps one tentacle around her shoulders.
"Oh, it's nothing. You're just very beautiful, you sweet little thing," Coral says.
Phoenix begins to feel really uncomfortable.
"Do not worry, I will never harm such a beautiful face. You remind me of my Marina when I first found her. She felt the same way when I met her. Filled with skepticism and uncertainty. It took some time, but she feels comfortable with my tentacles wrapped around her. I'm sure you will as well," Coral says, rubbing her hand on Phoenix's cheek, causing her to blush that her face turns red.
Blushing like crazy, Phoenix says, "Uh wait, I... I don't want to be uh, well... I'm not sure about this."
"Do not worry, I'm not that kind of demon who decided to take the jump to have sex or anything like that. For now, I want you to relax and let my tentacles comfort you until you're healed and your friends come to pick you up. Just relax and let Coral look after you," Coral says, continuing to comfort Phoenix.
For some reason, she doesn't show the lustful expression anymore. She seems calm, kind, and sincere. Coral continues to rub Phoenix's cheek and suddenly, her hand shows a strange purple aura around her. Soon, Phoenix begins to feel more relaxed until she falls asleep.
"There, you just rest. You had a bit of an ordeal, but don't worry I'm sure your body will feel at ease once it defrost and when you're rested," Coral says.
Meanwhile, Angel dust and the others hurry to get to Phoenix and hope nothing bad has happened to her. Unknown to them, Pentious and his Egg Bois are secretly following them from a small flying craft that is not his zeppelin. They all are trying to reach Phoenix as Coral simply watches over her.
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