Episode 21: Getting to Know a Father

Flashback: 18 Years Ago

In the human world, when Satan and Momiji are still together, they are in the nursery where their newborn daughter, Phoenix is happily sleeping in her little crib. She is tucked in a red small baby blanket and with a toy female kimono doll. A music box is open in a drawer nearby and it's playing music. Momiji is sitting on the rocking chair as Satan sits on the chair to have an important talk.

"Are you sure you have to leave?" Momoji asks.

"Yes. I'm afraid that I must return to hell to fulfill my duties. Also, I can't really allow myself to be away from Hell for too long otherwise the demons and sinners will grow suspicious," Satan says.

"I know. I just wish there was another way that we can still be a family. I know you want to protect our daughter. I only wish we can go with you," Momiji says.

Satan places his hand on Momoji's hand and shows some sadness in his eyes, "I know, but it must be done for her safety. When she's eighteen, her demonic powers will fully be exposed and only then she'll be able to enter Hell as she begins to see the dangers of it."

"I know. Phoenix is still very young, I worried about being exposed to such danger, especially what you told me about the abilities that half breed humans could possess," Momiji says.

"Indeed. Depending on their abilities, they could possess great demonic powers. I wouldn't be surprised that Phoenix's power will be as strong as the power of an Overlord, maybe even close to Lucifer's powers and my own. Until Phoenix is eighteen, I have to keep my distance and must remain hidden from her. It will be a hardship that you and I will have to endure," Satan says.

Momiji then hugs Satan and sadly says, "I'll miss you dear. Please be safe."

"I will. I promise to be back for you and our daughter," Satan says.

After letting go of the embrace, Satan then walks to the crib and picks up the sleeping baby Phoenix in his arms.

He hugs her and says, "Oh Phoenix, my beautiful daughter. It pains me to see you grow up and unable to be fully a part of it, but it must be done for her safety. Until you are eighteen, I'll be sure you and your mother will be safe while living in the Damned world of Hell and will help teach you everything I know. Live a long and happy life, and know that I will always love you."

He then gives Phoenix a gentle kiss, making the baby show a small sweet smile. Satan turns to Momiji and they both give each other a passionate kiss on the lip as they hug each other. After the romantic kiss and embrace, Satan leaves the nursery, and returns to Hell to continue his royal duties and forces himself to keep his distance from his wife and daughter.

Flashback Ends: Present Day

Phoenix is happily embracing her father who she hasn't seen in a long time, mainly cause he has to leave her when she's a baby, and barely comes out of the shadows. To Phoenix, the first hug and the first time hearing her father's voice is the best moment of her life. Soon enough, the two stop their embrace to look at each other with calm smiles on their faces.

Satan chuckles and says, "Look at you. You've really grown since I last saw you."

"Um yeah. I kind of have," Phoenix says.

"Yes. Considering that display you performed on News 666," Momiji says.

Phoenix blushes and says, "Huh?! You actually saw that?!"

Satan chuckles and says, "Yes we did. Lucifer and Lilith saw it as well."

Phoenix groans as her cheeks begin to turn red. Then covers her face with complete embarrassment.

"It... it's okay Phoenix. You did save me and Angel, and Cherri after all. And well, you did transform and defeated that Dark Sombras," Zǐ Māo says.

'Yeah. I know, but I never expect my parents to see it," Phoenix says.

Satan then turns to see the young sinner. Zǐ Māo flinches to notice Satan is looking at him and quickly hide behind Phoenix and hugging her legs.

"I have to assume this is Zǐ Māo," Satan replies.

"Yeah. He's actually the first sinner I've met in this world, and well, our first meeting was a bit startling, or rather, a complete shock," Phoenix says.

"You mean when you stop an Exterminator from taking the kid's soul life," Satan speaks up.

Phoenix is in shock, "Huh, how did you know about it?"

"Your cousin Charlie told us about it, and we were shocked," Momiji says, concerned.

Then asks, "I was extremely worried, I don't know where you get such a reckless streak."

"Well, you did tell me that you can get reckless yourself so I think I might have gotten it from you," Phoenix says.

Momiji then kneels to the young cat demon and says, "It's very nice to meet you Zǐ Māo. My name is Momiji. It's nice to meet you."

"Um, it's nice to meet you, Mo-Mo-Momiji," Zǐ Māo answers, a little nervous.

Then presses his face against Phoenix's legs.

Phoenix giggles, "Sorry, Zǐ Māo could be a little shy. He was even scared when Alastor got close to him. Kyuubi even barked at him."

Kyuubi barks in reply.

"It's good to know Kyuubi is doing good to help you," Satan says.

"By the way Phoenix, how are you doing at the hotel? I hope some of the sinners of the sinners over there have been treating you well," Satan asks.

"It's been doing fine. Charlie and Vaggie were very nice to me. Angel is nice as well. In fact, Kyuubi and his pig, Fat Nuggets are getting along with each other. Alastor is well, he hasn't given me any trouble, neither are his employees Niffty and Husk. And Cloud, Grace, and Conan have been helping me with my training and I've learned some free tricks from them," Phoenix explains.

"I'm glad to hear you're doing fine, I was a little worried when Satan told me the Radio Demon is staying at the hotel. Lucifer and Lilith shared some well, 'interesting' stories about him," Momiji says.

"Yeah. Vaggie told me about the kind of demon Alastor is. I was even worried he was going to give me a problem. Luckily, he didn't give us or the hotel any problems. Then again, I think Charlie would kick him out if he did anything to the hotel, or any of the guests... if we have any more guests," Phoenix explains.

"Uh huh, haven't gotten any guests since Angel Dust," Satan says with a smirk.

Phoenix sighs, "Not exactly, but Charlie isn't planning on giving up so easily. And I plan on helping her."

Then turns to Zǐ Māo, "You see, Zǐ Māo is also a guest at the hotel, since well, it's a bit of a personal topic for him."

"Yeah. I rather not talk about it," Zǐ Māo nervously says.

Then Kyuubi climbs on Phoenix's shoulder and snuggles her cheek.

"Now then, I believe it's time we go find Charlie and the others, I have to assume they're not with you," Satan says.

Before they can leave, they soon hear a knock on the door. Follow by Charlie's voice, "Phoenix, are you, Zǐ Māo, and Kyuubi in there?"

"It's Charlie," Zǐ Māo replies.

Phoenix calls out, "Yes."

The door opens with Charlie and Vaggie first to enter.

"There you are. You had us worried for a minute," Vaggie says.

"Sorry, but Charlie and her dad were having a uh, personal conversation," Phoenix says.

"Yeah. Sorry about that, but we're done with the conversation now and we decide to see if we can find you," Charlie says.

Then waves to the couple, "Hi Aunt Momiji and Uncle Satan."

"Hello Charlie, you sure have grown since I last saw you," Momiji says.

"Hello Charlotte, how are you doing at the hotel?" Satan asks.

"It's doing okay. Although, we haven't had any sinners come to check in yet, but we're working on it," Charlie says.

"I'm sure you'll come up with something," Momiji says.

"I know I will. I believe that I can make a difference down here," Charlie happily says.

Just then, Momji asks, "By the way Phoenix, what happened during that Turf War you were involved with?"

"It's kind of a long story," Phoenix says, blushing.

Just then, Lucifer steps in, "Well then, perhaps we could discuss this more during dinner. It's just about ready."

'Um, the food won't do anything uh, weird to me, will it?" Phoenix asks.

"Trust me, it won't give you any side effects or anything like that," Vaggie says.

"That's good," Phoenix says.

A little time later, everyone is at a very large dinner table, having dinner. Surprisingly, the food seems a lot more... normal. She was worried that the meat might be made from demons or something that would stare at her face, or something that has a lot of blood. Although, some of the food Phoenix has eaten at the hotel seems more normal. During the time, everyone does like to hear about what happened at the Turf War.

"So yeah, after I transformed, I was able to fight back against this Dark Sombra and was able to slice its mask in half. Then it somehow dissolved and a pearl released it on the ground," Phoenix explains.

"Yeah. When Vaggie and I saw on the news, I knew it had to be Phoenix and that I needed to find her fast. Luckily, she was still with Angel at the time, so we were able to find them," Charlie says.

Phoenix then adds, "Then Vaggie scolded him for the Turf War he took part in and in a way got us involved."

"Can you blame me?! Angel is supposed to represent the hotel, and he goes off during drugs and Turf Wars! His little stunt, made us look like a fuckin joke!" Vaggie angrily says.

"And I guess it didn't help that we got ourselves involved in the Turf Away. Sir Pentious tried to capture Phoenix a few times after that incident," Zǐ Māo adds.

"Especially when the Dark Sombra attacked us. It nearly destroyed the place," Phoenix says.

Lucifer chuckles and says, "I must admit, seeing you take on a Dark Sombra caught me and my wife by surprise, but you were able to handle it quite well."

"I suppose. However, a few of them continue to show up. And from the most recent one, I... I actually thought I was going to die," Phoenix says, feeling concern about the last encounter.

"Sounds to me like you had quite an ordeal," Lilith says.

"It was. And I don't feel like what happened after that fiasco, except for when I suddenly transformed and practically destroyed the Dark Sombra with my bare hands, and I somehow was able to heal Angel Dust's wounds," Phoenix says, still embarrassed.

"Hmm, that's quite unusual. Not many differences can perform healing techniques," Satan says.

"I kind of get it. What really confuses me are the strange red and white pearls I keep finding every time I've defeated those Dark Sombras," Phoenix says.

She then takes the small pearls from her bag and places them on the table. This peaks the three grown demons' interest.

"Oh my, I've never seen them before," Lilith says, picking up one of the white pearls.

"Either have we, that's actually one of the reasons we want to ask you," Charlie says.

Satan picks up one of the red pears and says, "And it's a good thing you sis. Truth is your father and I have actually seen these kinds of pearls before."

"You have?" Phoenix asks.

"Yes. It happened centuries ago. During one of the worst wars in Hell," Satan says.

"Indeed, it was a war that led to the Dark Sombra's exile along with their master," Lucifer said.

"Their master?" Charlie asks.

"Yes. I've never told you how the Dark Sombras were exiled because... we actually almost lost that war if Satan hadn't been able to defeat him, and had to use the Grimoire to exile them and his master," Lucifer says.

Hearing this, shocked Charlie, Phoenix, and the others.

"Did that... really happen?" Zǐ Māo asks, shocked.

"That's... that's impossible," Vaggie replies, stunned.

Charlie asks, "You almost lost the way. How... How did it happen?"

"It's understandable that it came out as a shock, but it actually happened. Of course, that all happened before you were born, Charlie," Lilith says.

"Oh," Charlie replies.

Phoenix then asks, "What happened in that way that led to the Dark Sombra's exile?"

"That happened a very long time ago, over 300 years ago," Lucifer explains.

"300?' Phoenix softly says, shocked.

Lucifer continues, "Yes. It was utter chaos when Heaven and Hell were at war with each other, and it didn't help that there were multiple disappearances of Angels, demons, and Sinners alike."

Yes. During the time, other than Cloud, we had another demon in the war who we thought of as an ally. His name was Sirius," Satan says.

"Sirius?" Phoenix says confused.

"Yes. Back then, we had a very powerful Mage, and like all sinners, Sirius was born human and died in the human world. He was proven to have unique and unusual magic. We were grateful to have the help in our favor, but unknown to us, Sirius had his own objective to carry out," Satan says.

"His objective? And did that have something to do with the Dark Sombras?" Charlie asks, worried and skeptical.

"Yes. It was well known by many of the soldiers including Cloud, Lilith, Lucifer, and myself that he was a powerful Mage that can cast magic and was able to create his own. His magic is perfected and knows a lot about protein making and spells. But years in the war have gone by and the lack of soldiers on both sides has raised skepticism among us," Lucifer says.

Then turns to Satan, "That is when Satan decided to take it upon himself to investigate the matter, but undercover."

"You did?" Zǐ Māo, curiously.

"Yes. As Lord, it's part of my duties to inspect the demons and sinners Lucifer has employed. That includes Sirius. After months of investigating, I realize that Sirius was responsible for the disappearances of the demons and angels. Regretfully, when I discovered it, the edamame had already been done," Satan says.

"What damage?" Phoenix asks.

Lilith then takes it from here, "Yes. As it turns out, Sirius has been capturing the souls of humans who have passed on to Heaven or Hell to and used them for his own ambitions. With his magic and a powerful potion he had worked on and written in his book, he was able to turn the souls into shadow like beings and the masks placed on them acted as controls. They became known as the Dark Sombras, you know."

Everyone gasps in shock to hear this statement. Someone who is supposed to be close to Lucifer and Satan has been the one responsible for the Dark Sombra's creations.

"Sirius was the one who created the Dark Sombras out of souls? Why would he do that?" Phoenix asks, shocked.

"And is he the one who's been sending the Dark Sombras?" Charlie asks.

Lucifer takes a sip of his tea and answers, "Let us continue, then your questions will be answered."

"I guess," Charlie says, sounding concerned.

"After his abominations were created, he unleashed all of them at Heaven and Hell. It became a devastating event, he had them either destroy many demons and angels, and have them captured to continue with his experiments. We weren't able to find a way to destroy them. Satan however, was able to use his powers to at least petrify them, enough for us to use the Grimoire to banish them to the farthest part of Hell," Lucifer explains.

Satan sighs and says, "Of course, defeating Sirius was not an easy feat. Yet, once I was able to defeat him, I was able to have him banished to the darkest part of Hell. One where I hope his magic would be lost. However, after hearing this, I come to realize that he is somehow able to have a few of his Dark Sombras seep through the barrier that prevents him from leaving somehow."

"And when we saw they were after you, we can see what is going on," Lucifer adds.

Charlie sighs and says, "Now I get it, this demon Sirius is the one who sent those Dark Sombras after Phoenix, but for what purpose?"

"If I have to guess, this has to be some kind of revenge. He wants to control all of Hell and wants to use Phoenix for whatever plan he can benefit from," Satan says.

"Well, I'm not going to let that creep give me any problems. I've already been able to beat many of his Dark Sombras he sent at me. If this is Sirius who is giving us the trouble, then he better prepare to meet his maker when. I'm going to destroy every Dark Sombra she sends and put a stop to his antics, " Phoenix says. Then slams her fist on the table with a thud.

Lucifer chuckles and turns to Satan, "She's definitely your daughter."

"She sure is," Satan says.

Charlie turns to Phoenix, "I may not be into your idea, but it does seem like the best option. Beside the point, you don't actually know where to find him, nor that anyone is permitted to go to the lower depths of Hell."

"I'm guessing you know about it," Zǐ Māo says.

"I do. My parents made me aware so that I will stay away from that place," Charlie says.

"Really?" Phoenix asks.

"I heard a bit about it myself, and surprisingly, not even the Hellborns ever go there. With all good reasons," Vaggie says.

"I see," Phoenix replies.

Then turns to her head, "But still, what do you think of those strange pearls that came out when I defeated the Dark Sombras, and how was I able to do so?"

"That is something that had us confused. Lucifer and I tried to strike their masks before, but our ability didn't seem to do anything. I have to suspect that since you're human, whatever protective Sirius used doesn't seem to have an effect," Satan answers.

Then Lucifer says, "As for those pearls, that is another mystery.

Then asks, "And if you don't mind, perhaps you can leave them here with us so we can take a look at them, and see what we can find."

"I don't see why not, and if it will help figure more about them, sure," Phoenix says.

Phoenix then gives Lucifer some of the pearls so he can figure out what they are and why they appear after defeating the Dark Sombras.

Sometime later, after dinner, and actually late in the night, everyone in the castle is fast asleep. Charlie and Vaggie are sleeping in the same bed together while Phoenix, Kyuubi, and Zǐ Māo sleep in another room. Unable to remain asleep, Phoenix wakes up and pushes herself to a sitting position. She then puts on her slippers and robe and leaves the room to have a walk. The young hybrid walks down the hall as she looks around. She soon walks to the kitchen to grab herself a drink. But as she walks inside, she finds out that Phoenix is not the only one in the kitchen, her father, Satan.

Satan turns to see Phoenix and says, "Hello Phoenix, it's rather late, huh."

"Um yeah. It is. I just wanted to grab something to drink," Phoenix says.

"Yes. Of course," Satan says.

Phoenix then grabs a cup and fills it up with water.

"So, uh dad, how are you doing in Hell?" Phoenix asks, a little flustered.

Satan chuckles, "Seems rather the same. Always have to watch over the sinners of Hell and make sure none of them has stepped out of line. Also hear about Turf Wars and slaughtering of sinners and other demons. It's like a battlefield all the time."

"Yeah. I've kind of experienced it first hand," Phoenix says.

"Indeed. I've been kept up to date by Cloud on how your training is going. You've been learning rather quickly, and the form you've gained has strengthened," Satan says, making Phoenix rather surprised.

But Satan firmly says, "However, you need to be more careful while going out in public. I've heard from Cloud the little mishap you and your friend got yourself into, including having his boss and his friends involved."

"Cloud and Charlie told you about that... didn't they?" Phoenix asks, embarrassed.

"They did. And Charlie kind of put you and Angel on house arrest," Satan says and chuckles.

Phoenix blushes and pancis, "Dad! It was only a week or so! I mean, sure I did end up meeting Vox, Valentino, and Velvet, but they didn't do anything unreasonable, or well, anything that's well, their level."

"I know, but you will need to be careful, not all demons are going to be showing much hospitality. Some of them will be willing to abduct you, or attack you the first chance they have. Including when Sir Pentious is after you as well," Satan calmly says.

Phoenix sighs and says, "Yes sir."

Then says in though, "I barely got to spend time with my dad and I'm already being lectured by him."

Satan then ruffles Phoenix's hair with a grin and chuckles, "No need for that. How would you like to have a little snack. The chef made some apple pie and vanilla ice cream."

"Um yes... please," Phoenix answers, seeming pleased.

Soon enough, Phoenix and Satan are actually beginning to spend some quality time together. They have some apple pie with some vanilla ice cream. At the same time, Phoenix shares with her father about her time in school, with her friends, and her old home. Satan is impressed to hear that she is able to beat Ino in anything Ino can think of. It doesn't please him that Phoenix has already had trouble with the Dark Sombras before the incident, but glad she was able to handle it.

After that, Phoenix has transformed and shows her father the abilities she is able to perform like the volcanic shuriken, her fiery inferno, the powers she performs with her blade, and other moves and attacks from karate. In fact, they both also get into a spar to test out their strength and abilities. Of course, Satan has proven to be stronger and more powerful than Phoenix and is able to beat her. That's when Phoenix learns that she still has ways to go about learning about her powers and reaches the same level as her dad.

Later on, Phoenix and her dad are sitting on the balcony of the high tough to talk a little more.

"And so Ino decided to chat by tripping my leg, and we both ended up falling on top of each other. We kind of ended up losing the race in the 100 meter dash because of it, and I broke my leg," Phoenix says.

"Sounds to me like this Ino is some bitch," Satan says.

"She knows that everyone at school knows it. They try their best to ignore it, including myself, but she always finds ways to get on everyone's nerves," Phoenix says.

"I know. She acts like a little kid," Phoenix says.

Then chuckles, "I remember this one time, she tried to convince me to do a drinking contest, and I had to drink alcohol. I decline because I have my limits with those kinds of drinks. She didn't take it well, and drank the bottle herself."

"That surely wasn't smart," Satan says.

"Her parents agreed. She got sick from drinking too much, "Phoenix says.

Soon the two begin laughing.

Sometime later, Phoenix ends up falling asleep on the seat she is sitting on. Satan chuckles to see her asleep and picks her up in his arms. He then uses his powers to teleport himself and Phoenix to the bedroom and tucks her into bed. He smiles as he gently tucks her in the bed and rubs her forehead.

He softly says, "Goodnight, Phoenix."

He then leaves the room before Phoenix could wake up. And so for the rest of the night, Phoenix is fast asleep with little Zǐ Māo and Kyuubi.

The next day, Charlie, Phoenix, and the others are ready to head back to the hotel. Phoenix hugs her parents with smiles as they hug her back.

"We'll miss you, darling," Momiji says.

"I'll miss you too," Phoenix says.

"And remember to continue your training," Satan says.

"I will," Phoenix says.

Meanwhile, Lilith hugs Charlie, "Goodbye Charlotte, we hope you and your cousin could come back and visit soon."

"We will," Charlie says.

"Do have fun with your hotel, even though it's still a waste of time with those sinners," Lucifer remarks with a grin.

Charlie remains calm and says, "Sorry dad, but I still plan on working with the hotel."

"Couldn't blame me for saying do," Lucifer says.

"Dad," Charlie mutters.

After the farewells, Charlie, Phoenix, and the others are in the limo as the driver takes them back to the hotel.

"That actually was a normal visit huh," Charlie says.

"Even though you and your dad are still on well, not in the best of terms," Vaggie says.

"Yeah, but I still plan on making the hotel a success, I still believe that I can help make their lives better and I don't plan on giving up," Charlie says.

"That's good to hear," Phoenix says.

Charlie asks, "So Phoenix, what do you think of our visit?"

"It... it was actually great. I get to see my mom again and finally get to spend some time with my dad. I do hope I get to see them again soon" Phoenix says.

"I'm sure you will," Charlie happily says.

Charlie and Phoenix smile and hug each other with a smile. Meanwhile, Satan, Momiji, Lucifer, and Lilith watch as they see the limo leave. Satan shows a calm smile to see his daughter has grown up since his departure and watches her from the distance and plans to spend time with her the best he can.

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