Episode 20: Invite to the Magne Home
One afternoon in the kitchen of the Hazbin Hotel, there's a little cooking activity going on for the Hotel's activity. It's mainly Charlie's idea for the Rehabilitation activity. Today, everyone is making some cookies.
Vaggie then walks to the oven and says, "I'm going to check to see if the cookies are done."
Vaggie then reaches her hand out to open the oven, but ends up getting slapped on the hand by a wooden spoon. Vaggie yelps and quickly takes her hand away. She angrily turns to see the one who has slapped her hand is Angel Dust.
"What the fuck was that for, Angel. I'm just checking to see if they're done!" Vaggie shouts in rage.
"Yeah, but I heard that your cooking is shit. I trust the recipe book, not you!" Angel Dust sternly says.
Vaggie leans to Angel in rage, "You Slutty Spider!"
"You Skanky EyePatch!" Angel says, gritting his teeth and leaning towards Vaggie.
Soon, the two are having a stare down and it looks like a fight is about to break out. (They just can't be in one room without getting into an argument.)
Phoenix walks over and says, "I'll take a look."
She looks at the oven to check on the cookies.
"Looks like they'll need to be in the oven a little longer. You have to wait until it's golden brown around the edges before taking them out of the oven," Phoenix says.
Angel Dust smirks towards Vaggie, "See, I told you."
Vaggie growls in rage that her eye shows a skull on it.
On the table, Niffty, Charlie, and Grace are flattening the cookie dough with rolling pins. Conan and Husk are mixing ingredients in separate bowls.
Husk mixes the bowl and complains, "I don't see why I have to be part of this stupid acitivty. I don't bake. This dough is so hard, my fuckin' arm is going to fall off."
Grace looks in the batter and says, "Husk, you're supposed to put the sugar in the battle a little at a time. It became hard because you put all of the sugar in at once."
"This is fuckin' stupid anyway. I don't see why I have to be a part of this," Husk complains.
Zǐ Māo pushes the cookie cutters on Charlie's flattened dough and pulls them away to see different shapes.
"Really? I think this is kind of fun," Zǐ Māo says with a smile.
Niffty rolls her rolling pin, "Yeah. Cooking can get messy, but cooking and baking is a lot of fun. Of course, I'll have fun cleaning once we're done."
"I have to agree with Husk. Cooking and baking is stupid. I can't believe Charlie talked us into this," Conan complains.
Conan then turns his head to notice Phoenix is doing hers rather differently. She has papers that are already in different shapes. Then use a small knife to shape the cookie like the paper.
"That looks great Phoenix," Charlie says, amazed.
Angel looks at the cookie shapes herself, "What are you making there?"
"It's supposed to be a Fire Flower," Phoenix says.
"A what?" Angel asks.
"A Fire Flower. It's from a video game I played when I was a kid. If it touches the character in the game, then it will give them fire powers," Phoenix says.
Grace giggles and days, "Wow. I had no idea you were an Otaku."
"I don't know about that, but I do like watching Anime and someone dressing up as the characters with my friends," Phoenix says.
"That sounds like fun," Charlie says, curious.
"It is. I wish I could take you to the Conventions my friends and I go to. You get to go there and dress in costumes, have food, hang out with friends, and anything else goes on at the conventions, but they can be pretty tense," Phoenix says.
"How so?" Charlie asks.
"People like going to conventions, and well, there's going to be a lot of lines, crowds, and well, some of the fans can get a little crazy," Phoenix says.
"Oh," Charlie replies.
But smiles and says, "But I still like to see a convention like it. It sounds a lot more fun than my High School Reunions."
"High School? They have schools for demons?" Phoenix asks.
"You could say that. Mainly, the schools are for Hellborns, demons like me, including Imps and other Hellborn have their well, unique education," Charlie says.
Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door.
"I'll get it," Phoenix says and leaves the kitchen.
She walks to the front door of the hotel and opens it to see who is knocking. When Phoenix opens the door, she sees a well dressed Imp, almost like a butler or so. Judging by the appearance, the Imp appears to be male.
The Imp then presents Phoenix an envelope and says, "For you, Ms. Phoenix."
"Um, thank you," Phoenix says, and takes the letter.
The Imp bows his head and walks away.
Phoenix closes the door and looks at the letter with a curious look. She notices the paper seems expensive. Then turns to notice a wax seal on the envelope. It seems to have the same seal/emblem as the one of her bracelet. She also notices that the letter is for Charlie and Phoenix.
In the kitchen, Vaggie and Angel Dust have gotten into another argument while Conan and Husk decide that 'the Hell with cooking,' and decide to leave. Before they can, Phoenix enters the room looking at the envelope.
Grace asks, "Who was at the door?"
"I'm not sure. It was an Imp who delivered a letter. It's for me and Charlie," Phoenix says.
Curious, Charlie looks at the letter and is shocked to see who it's from.
"What is it, Charlie?" Vaggie asks.
Charlie turns to Vaggie, "It's from my parents."
"Your parents? You mean Aunt Lilith and Uncle Lucifer?" Phoenix asks.
Then calmly says, "And I'm still surprised about calling the ruler of hell uncle for some odd reason, even if he's supposed to be my father's older brother."
"I'm sure you'll get used to it. I do have to wonder why they sent us a letter. They usually send something like this when it's important, and when they're too busy," Charlie says.
"I can imagine, being the ruler of Hell must not be easy, especially how well... eccentric some of the sinners act," Phoenix says.
"Still, I have to wonder why my parents write a letter to us," Charlie says.
"You won't find out until we open it," Phoenix says.
Charlie nods her head and opens the letter. She then takes out the letter inside the envelope and unfolds it.
Soon, she begins to read it, "
Dear Charlotte,
How are you doing? I trust you and your cousin, Phoenix, are getting along. Even though I know it's still a waste of your time and efforts, how are you and Vaggie doing at the hotel? Heard the Radio Demon is there, so I wonder if he was giving you problems. And wonder if any sinners who are staying there have given you trouble. Then again, you would have kicked them if you did, cause remember what I always tell you, 'You don't take shit from other demons.'"
Charlie sighs, "Oh dad."
"Wow. He doesn't seem supportive of your Rehabilitation idea," Phoenix says.
"No kidding," Charlie says.
Then Charlie continues reading the letter, "
Anyway, your mother and I decided to invite you and Phoenix for a little family dinner and spend the night at our place. Of course, your girlfriend can come with you. I look forward to finally meeting my niece and seeing how she is getting along with you and the others. I'll be seeing you at home tomorrow.
Mom and dad.
P.S Tell Phoenix that her parents are going to be there as well."
"I guess we're going to have dinner at my place tomorrow," Charlie sheepishly says.
"Seems so," Vaggie says.
"My mom is going to be there?" Phoenix asks, looking a little shocked.
"Yeah. And it looks like you're finally going to meet your dad too," Charlie happily says.
"Um yeah. I'm just feeling a bit surprised. I haven't seen my mom since the incident, and I never really got to know my dad, so yeah," Phoenix says.
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get along with your dad and we'll have fun," Charlie happily says.
Phoenix camly smiles and answers, "Sure."
"But what about the hotel?" Vaggie asks.
Charlie already has an idea, "Cloud can watch over the hotel while we're gone, and will keep a few certain someones out of trouble."
"You bitches better not be talking about me?" Angel asks.
Vaggie glares at Angel, "Who else would she be talking about? And that goes double for Alastor."
Phoenix sighs to see the two begin fighting again.
The next day, Charlie, Vaggie, Phoenix, and Kyuubi are in the white limo to head to Charlie's home. While Cloud and Alastor are placed in charge. Of course, Cloud will be the one to make sure there aren't any troubles.
Phoenix looks out the window to see they're already at the outskirts of Pentagram City and are heading to where Charlie's family home is.
"I've never been outside of the city before. Since this is Hello, I'm guessing there are some wastelands with rocky areas, and lava, or something like it," Phoenix says.
"You're not too far off the mark, but it's more for the Wrath Ring. As of now, we're in the Pride Ring, so the sky here is always red," Charlie says.
"So what are the other Rings like?" Phoenix asks.
"Well, you're familiar with the Seven Rings of Hell, right?" Vaggie akss.
"Yes," Phoenix says.
"I'm not to be honest," Zǐ Māo's voice replies.
Charlie and Vaggie turns to see little Zǐ Māo having a grip on Phoenix's arm as Kyuubi is sleeping on her lap.
"Remind me why you decided to bring him?" Vaggie asks.
"Because Zǐ Māo asked if he can come and Charlie said it's okay. Plus, he doesn't feel comfortable being around Alastor," Phoenix calmly answers.
"Wouldn't really blame him, I don't trust him," Vaggie says.
"I just hope Alastor doesn't do anything bad while we're gone," Phoenix says.
"I'm not too worried. Alastor promised to make sure nothing happens to the hotel while we're gone, and Cloud along with Conan and Grace will help make sure of it," Charlie says.
"I hope you're right," Vaggie says.
And so, the limo continues to drive down the road of Hell. Sometime later, the limo reaches a large gate. The gate opens and the limo drives inside it. The limo drives down a trail until it reaches the destination. A large and dark mansion with red and white markings. It's mainly dark color. Razzle then walks out of the limo and opens the door for the others to exist. Charlie and Vaggie are the first to come out. Kyuubi jumps out with glee. Phoenix and little Zǐ Māo are the last to exist the limo, and are surprised to see the large mansion like castle in front of them.
"So, this is your place. It's like a castle," Phoenix says.
"Yep. This is home sweet home. Come on, knowing my parents, they don't want to be kept waiting," Charlie says.
"Right," Phoenix replies.
Vaggie then whispers to Phoenix, "You're nervous about this aren't you?"
"Really now. I mean, not only am I able to see my mom again, but I'll be meeting my dad and my aunt and uncle for the first time. I'm excited and yet nervous. Do you think they'll like me," Phoenix replies.
"I'm sure they will. You just need to remain calm, and be yourself okay," Vaggie says.
"Okay," Phoenix says.
Then says to herself in thought, "I hope that doing this is a good idea. Even though I'm doing my best to remain calm, my heart is racing at top speed. They are right, I just need to remain calm and just focus on being myself. I also need to make sure I made a good impression. They are the rulers of hell after all, even if one of the royals is my dad."
Phoenix then follows Charlie and the others as Zǐ Māo remains close behind and has Phoenix's hand. She can tell that he's nervous as well. The group continues to walk down the path until they reach a pair of large doors that have an apple symbol on each door. Charlie then presses the doorbell and it lets out a loud ringing sound, enough for everyone else, excluding Charlie to cover their ears. Soon enough, the doors to the mansion opens to reveal a female snake demon. The top looks human with sharp white teeth, and the bottom she has the tail of a snake. She has a black tail with red and white patterns, and has black hair with red highlights. She also has pale white skin and red eyes. She is wearing a black and white color maid outfit.
"Hello Ms. Charlie, it's a pleasure to see you again," The snake demon says.
"Hello Sabrina, it's nice to see you again. It's been a while," Charlie says.
"Yes, it has," The snake girl, Sabrina says.
Then turns to Vaggie, "And to you too, Vaggie."
"Hey Sabrina," Vaggie says.
Then turns to Phoenix, "Hello. You must be my Lord's child, it's very nice to finally meet your acquaintance. My name is Sabrina, I'm in service to your father Lord Satan."
"Hello. My anime is Phoenix, and the little cat demon with me is Zǐ Māo," Phoenix says.
"Hello," Zǐ Māo nervously replies.
Then Kyuubi barks happily.
Phoenix giggles and says, "And this is my little fox, Kyuubi."
Kyuubi happily barks in reply.
"A pleasure to meet you. Please, come in and I'll take you to see King Lucifer and Queen Lilith," Sabrina says.
Then the group walks inside. Once inside, Sabrina closes the door. Soon, the group is walking down the hall as they follow Sabrina. Phoenix and Zǐ Māo look around to see the long hall with the tall walls. Some even have statues of Lucifer and some potted plants, and other decor. Phoenix is surprised cause she has never been to places like Charlie's home before and her anxiety is able to decrease a little.
Suddenly, she hears Sabrina say, "We're here."
Phoenix and the others stop to see another pair of double doors. Phoenix feels like her concern and anxiety is rising again and worried about the relatives she's about to meet.
Sabrina knocks on the door and hears a calm male's voice, "Come on."
Sabrina opens the door and says, "Your majesty, Princess Charlotte and party hare here."
"Bring them in," The voice says.
Sabrina opens the door fully and allows Charlie and the others entry. The party soon walks into the room to see the place looks like a large living room. There are a few chairs and a large couch, a fireplace, a television, a desk close by, and other essentials for a living room to have.
The first to catch their attention is a tall female demon. She has pale skin, long blonde hair and silverish eyes. She is also wearing a long black dress that goes up to her ankles, a pearl necklace around her neck, and black gloves. She also has big eyelashes and black lips. She also appears to be wearing a spiky crown and has large red horns on her head.
The woman walks over with a calm smile and says, "Hello Charlotte, it's good to see you again."
"Hi mom, it has been a while. It's great to see you. And, it sure is a surprise you invite us for dinner," Charlie says with a sheepish smile.
"I know, but your father and I do like to meet our niece and we've been wanting to see her for some time," Lilith says.
Then turns to Vaggie, "And it's good to see you again Vagatha."
"Um yes, it's nice to see you again, your majesty," Vaggie says.
He then notices Phoenix standing with the young cat demon behind her as he shakes in fear.
"And you must be Phoenix, it's nice to finally meet you," Lilith says with a calm smile.
A little nervous and holding a smile on her face, Phoenix says, "Hello um my name is Phoenix Magne, it's nice to finally meet you uh, your majesty."
Lilith chuckles with a smile and says, "There's no need to be formal. We're family after all."
She then places her hands on Phoenix's cheek and rubs her hands against it, "You look very beautiful like your mother."
"And I can tell you're strong like your father, and have his fiery hair," Lilith adds, and brushes Phoenix's hair with her hand.
"Um thank you," Phoenix says.
Lilith then notices the little cat demon who is hiding and clutching his paws around Phoenix's and presses his face against it.
"And who is this little feline," Lilith asks.
"Oh, this is Zǐ Māo," Phoenix says.
Zǐ Māo peeks out and softly says, "Um hello."
"I must admit, it's quite unusual to see a child here in Hell, but he must have committed a sin to be sent down here. How did you become acquainted with him the way he looks, he became quite attached to you," Lilith replies.
"Oh um, it's a bit of a story, and well... you see... something happened that involved an Angel Exterminator and well..." Charlie says, concerned and trying to explain the situation.
Phoenix sighs and says, "I ended up saving Zǐ Māo from an Exterminator when we first met, and well... I ended up getting cut by its weapon."
But quickly, "But don't worry, when it saw my bracelet, it decided to leave us alone. Everything is fine now. Of course, I ended up getting myself into trouble and well...."
"An Exterminator, huh," The sound of a man speaks up.
Whoever it is, makes Phoenix and Zǐ Māo surprised, while Charlie and Vaggie know it's very familiar. Kyuubbi barks calmly in reply and stays close to Phoenix.
Coming out of the shadows close by is a demon that resembles a human man, but has pure white skin, blonde hair, thick black eyebrows, black lips and a mouth full of sharp teeth. He also has red cheeks, and purple eyelids. He wears a white high collar suit, a black bowtie, and a red undershirt with white stripes. He also wears a wide-brimmed white top hat, with a purple snake and red apple over a red band. He carries an apple-topped black cane that matches his hat. His eyes are yellow, with black slit pupils resembling those of a snake. If any, he does have some resemblance to Charlie.
The man chuckles and says, "That is a surprise. Of course, it's not as surprising as your full demon transformation during the Turf War, and that form appeared all over the news. You've become quite the talk of Hell."
He then laughs, "You sure know how to liven things up, huh my dear."
Phoenix is a bit surprised and yet, petrified at the same time. There is some strange aura around him that gives her a sense of warning, but knowing he is her uncle, kind of eases it a bit.
Before Phoenix can react, the man, Lucifer hugs Phoenix and says, "It's nice to finally meet my little hybrid niece. I haven't seen you since you were a little human baby. You were so tiny at the time."
"Um yes. It's nice to meet you, Uncle Lucifer, or do I need to be more formal with you," Phoenix says, feeling crushed.
"No need for formality my dear, we're family after all. We have so much to talk about," Lucifer says, embracing Phoenix into a tight hug.
Charlie says, "Dad, could you let Phoenix go? You're squeezing her."
Lucifer turns to see Charlie and holds a grin on his face.
"Hello Charlotte, how are you doing at that silly little hotel of yours?" Lucifer asks.
Remaining calm, Charlie answers, "It's doing fine. We manage to have a couple of clients, and little Zǐ Māo is actually one of them."
Lucifer chuckles and says, "The way he is clinging on to Phoenix, it might take a long time before that can happen."
"Um, Uncle Lucifer, can you uh let me go. Also, you uh, never know, it might happen. Oh, it's hard to know if it will work or not, but we could at least uh, try to help turn sinner's lives around. I mean, you never know," Phoenix says, feeling crushed.
Lucifer chuckles, "Isn't it cute. Of course, you're still human so you think a little differently than we do."
Then let's Phoenix go. She feels a bit crushed after receiving a hug from him.
"Are you okay?" Vaggie asks.
"I'm fine, just feeling a bit squashed from that hug. Is her dad this strong?" Phoenix asks.
"Well, he is the ruler of Hell, so yeah," Vaggie says.
Kyuubi barks and places his paws on Phoenix's leg.
Phoenix picks him up and says, "I'm okay boy. I was a bit surprised and uh a little crushed."
"So dad, how is ruling Hell and handling your other world?" Charlie firmly asks.
"It's the same as always. Of course, your hotel has become a bit lively, but it's still rather pointless about anyone getting into Heaven," Lucifer says.
Charlie crosses her arms with a huff, "I don't plan on giving up that easily. It was difficult, but I know I can handle it. It's also about trial and error."
"Really now? I heard the Radio Demon is actually staying at your hotel. I'm surprised he hasn't destroyed it by now," Lucifer says.
"I made sure he doesn't do any of that. I would have kicked him out if he started causing trouble. As you told me 'You don't take shit from other demons.'" Charlie says.
"Damn right," Lucifer comments with a grin.
Phoenix simply sighs to see Charlie and her dad are still talking. It feels like Charlie's dad is kind of belittling her about the Hotel.
Phoenix whispers to Zǐ Māo, "How about we go somewhere else to explore?"
Zǐ Māo nods his head in reply. Soon, Phoenix and Zǐ Māo secretly sneak past the group and leave the room without much trouble. Kyuubi follows after them. The three soon walk down the hall of the castle and are looking around.
Zǐ Māo turns to Phoenix, "This kind of turned into an awkward conversation."
"Yeah. I think it's good we decided to sneak away from that. Plus, I'm itching to explore around the castle," Phoenix says.
"Yeah," Zǐ Māo replies.
Phoenix looks around as she wonders, "What rooms does this place have?"
Phoenix decides to open the first door to see that the room has large bookshelves on two sides of the room with a large desk and chair. Almost like a study room or something. The decor seems to have apples and snakes.
"Wow. It looks like a library," Zǐ Māo says.
"More like a study book," Phoenix says.
Then they check in another room, and it has a swimming pool with a diving board, even a water slide. There are at least two shallow pools.
"Hmm, they have a pool," Phoenix says.
Zǐ Māo says, "I'm not good at swimming. Never learned how."
"Don't worry, we don't need to worry about that," Phoenix replies.
Then they head to another room to see a large meeting room. There's a large oval table with multiple chairs.
"This must be where Lucifer holds his meetings," Phoenix replies.
They soon come across a large bedroom that has a canopy bed, a desk with chair, and a glass door that leads to a balcony.
"This must be one of the bedrooms," Zǐ Māo replies as Phoenix nods.
Soon, Phoenix and Zǐ Māo look into different rooms to see more bedrooms or guest rooms. They also find a kitchen, a dining room, a ballroom, and other rooms this mansion can hold.
Meanwhile, Charlie and her father, Lucifer continue on their calm and yet serious conversation as Vaggie and Lilith watch.
"You know dad, Phoenix has been very supportive of my idea. She said that demons and sinners can become better and there's more to them than what they are now," Charlie says.
"Of course she said that. She has experienced Earth herself. She might also know some of the difficulties that the planet has than just rainbows and all that shit. However, she still has to learn that Hell is not to be taken lightly, and so will you" Lucifer says with a grin.
"Maybe so, but no matter what you say, I refuse to give up. I may not know if sinners can get to Heaven or not, but I believe they have a chance to redeem themselves so they could descend to Heaven. And there is nothing anyone will say or do to stop me from it," Charlie says.
"Charlotte, you can be too positive sometimes. Positive enough for everyone to treat your idea like garbage," Lucifer says.
Charlie puffs her cheeks with her arms crossed and lets out a huff.
Lilith chuckles and says, "Alright you two, how about we discuss this more over dinner. Besides, we should be finding out where Phoenix and little Zǐ Māo went off to."
"Huh?!" Charlie and Vaggie reply confused.
They soon notice that Phoenix, Zǐ Māo, and Kyuubi are gone.
"Where the fuck did they go?!" Vaggie exclaims.
"They must have been uncomfortable about the conversation that they decided to explore. But don't worry, they'll be fine," Lilith says.
"How can you be sure mom?" Charlie asks.
Lucifer says, "Because, Phoenix will be finding where her parents are staying eventually, or her parents will find her. I wrote that her parents are here so Phoenix will be rather pleased to see them. Don't you think, Charlotte."
Vaggie and Charlie turn to each other and think the rulers of Hell are right about it, especially about when Phoenix will be seeing her parents.
Somewhere in the mansion, Phoenix, Zǐ Māo, and Kyuubi are still looking around and see different rooms with all kinds of stuff. However, they feel concerned about one detail.
"Wow. There are so many different rooms, there doesn't seem to be an end to it," Zǐ Māo says.
"Yeah. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to leave the others. I... I don't think I remember how to find our way back," Phoenix says.
"Yeah. I'm starting to get a little scared," Zǐ Māo says, nervously.
Phoenix looks ahead to notice one of the rooms on the left side is a little open.
"Look the door is open," Phoenix replies.
Zǐ Māo asks, "Do you think someone's in there?"
"Maybe," Phoenix says.
She then walks towards the door as she says, "Maybe someone can help us find our way back."
Phoenix then knocks on the door and a voice Phoenix never thought she hears answers, "Come in.
Phoenix becomes stunned to recognize the voice. This voice is far too familiar for her to not notice. Phoenix slowly opens the door to see it's another room, and big enough to belong to two people. The first to catch her attention, entering from the glass door is a face Phoenix hasn't seen in a while. Not since the abduction.
The being is a familiar grown woman with tan skin and is dressed in a black gown. Her long black hair with red highlights is in a bun with some hair down from the middle, and has the same gold yellow eyes. She turns to see Phoenix and she is surprised and yet, very happy.
She says with a smile, "Phoenix."
Phoenix stares for the longest time and her face feels like it's filled with joy.
"Mo-mom," Phoenix softly says.
She then slowly walks over, "Mommy..." then picks up the pace, "Mommy..."
Then runs towards her as she cries out in tears, "MOM!" She then jumps into her mother's arms for a hug.
Kyuubi happily runs to her and snuggles his head against her leg.
"Oh Phoenix, I'm... I'm so glad you're safe. And I can tell you've grown since I saw you," Phoenix's mother, Momiji says.
She then turns to Kyuubi and happily says, "And Kyuubi, you've grown as well."
Kyuubi happily barks in reply.
Unable to keep it in, Phoenix begins to cry over her mother's shoulders as tears fall down her face. Momiji looks at Phoenix to notice her crying.
She pats her on the back to comfort her, "It's okay sweetie. It's okay. I'm here now."
"S-s-sorry mom. I just. I miss you so very much," Phoenix says in tears.
"I know darling. It's been hard for the both of us. But I'm happy I'm able to see you now. Your father will be happy to see you too," Momiji says, with a calm smile comforting her daughter.
Phoenix looks up with tears down her face, "My dad?"
"Yes. He's been very happy about you coming here. In fact, he's here now," Momiji says.
Right in cue, footsteps come close from outside of the room. And steps inside the room. The one coming in is a grown man, and has a similar body type to Lucifer. He is a white skinned man that has short hair like fire: red, orange, and yellow shades, and red eyes. He is wearing a white shirt with a red and yellow colored coat, black pants, and black shoes. Phoenix is astonished to see the grown man who has the same hair color as he does.
Phoenix calmly says in surprise, "D-Dad."
The demon man smiles with a nod and says, "Hello Phoenix, it's nice to finally see you."
Phoenix then leaves her mother's embrace and walks towards her father. Her father, Satan places his white gloves hand on Phoenix, cheek with a warm smile.
"Phoenix. My little Phoenix," Satan says.
Phoenix smiles and says, "Dad."
She then hugs her dad as her father hugs her back. Zǐ Māo, Kyuubi, and Momiji smile to see Phoenix is so happy to finally meet her father for the first time in years, since she's a baby. It's basically a special moment to Phoenix. To finally be in contact with her father, after practically eighteen long years.
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