Episode 2: My Life Turned into Hell

In the city known as Pentagram City, the streets are almost empty. However, there are a few demons running away, and some are hidden in different places. In the large mansion in the darkness, there are a few demons deep in the shadows of one of the rooms. Two of them are Lucifer and Lilith, Charlie's parents. Lucifer and Lilith are the first to sense something off.

Lucifer thinks, "This feeling. I've recognized this aura since the day she was born. Something isn't right."

Lucifer takes his wife's hand and suddenly begins to talk to her telepathically, "Lilith, I sense something amiss."

"You sensed it too my love. It must be our niece, but why is she in Hell alone and during the Extermination," Lilith thinks.

"I'm afraid I have an idea. I can sense Dark Sombras as well. Something must have happened that led to this event. My brother said she has received a message from Momiji, so he'll see what has happened," Lucifer thinks.

"Yes dear, but the Extermination has already started," Lilith says, concerned.

"Do not worry. The Angels are also aware of Phoenix and have also been watched over for years. Once they see her, they'll know that she must not be harmed," Lucifer says.

"Charlotte will be having her interview after the Extermination. I'll send a message to begin searching as soon as she's finished and to see if Phoenix arrives at the News Station," Lilith says.

"Agree," Lucifer says.

"Do you have her location?" Lilith thinks.

"Yes. She's in Pentagram City," Lucifer answers in thought.

In one of the alleys of Pentagram City, Phoenix along with Kyuubi are laying on the ground and laying on the suitcase, unconscious. Phoenix groans as she opens her eyes. Phoenix sits up and rubs her head in pain. Kyuubi wakes up and stretches her body.

Phoenix rubs her head, "My head."

Phoenix looks around to see the place seems red. What's more, the sky is red and has a line making a star in circles.

"Well Kyuubi, it looks like we didn't have to wait till tomorrow to get to Hell," Phoenix says.

Kyuubi barks in reply. Kyuubi then points to the pocket of the suitcase. Phoenix unzips the pocket and takes out her bracelet. The gold cuff with the red pentagram and black crescent moon with two large circles and symbols around it. Then places it on her right wrist. Phoenix looks down to realize that she is still wearing her bright red nightgown.

Phoenix sighs, "I need to find a place to change. I can't stay in my pajamas."

She then looks around and asks, "I wonder where I am. I think I'm in Hell, but I don't know where. I'm not sure if I should ask around for my father or Uncle Lucifer's home..."

Then has an idea, ,"But I can ask where the Happy Hotel is. Charlie should be there and might be able to help."

Suddenly, Phoenix hears someone screaming and crying out, "HELP!"

"What?" Phoenix asks, softly.

Phoenix hurries to the exit of the alley to see a shocking sight. She sees some kind of purple cat with pointed black ears, dark purple hair, and a long tail, and green eyes. The cat is wearing some kind of blue sweater with a purple shirt under it, black pants, and red shoes. From the size of it, the cat seems to be a child. The cat is being chased by some strange gray creatures. The creature has large wings, black horns, and has some strange spiked halo over the head. The creature is holding a very sharp dagger.

The cat screams, "Please! Somebody help me! Help!"

The cat tries to get away, but the strange angel grabs a hold of the back collar of his sweater. The fallen angel creature raises the dagger up and dives down to strike the cat. Blood spreads out on the Fallen Angel, but shocked to see an unexpected sight. The Fallen Angel sees Phoenix holding the young feline with her lift arm and close to her chest and shields the attack with her right, cutting her pajama sleeve and skin. Blood stains the sleeve and drips to the ground.

Phoenix demands, "What the fuck is going on?! Who are you?!"

The Fallen Angel is shocked to see the girl preventing the attack. He then notices Phoenix's bracelet with the crest on it. The angel then kneels on one knee, causing Phoenix's confusion.

"Forgive me, Miss," The angel says.

"Huh?" Phoenix says, confused.

"I hope that you and Lord Satan can forgive me. I shall take my leave," The angel says. Then flies off without another word.

Phoenix looks to see the creature flying away with a confused look. She then feels clutching from her gown and looks down to remember the demon child. She then hurries back to the alley where her suitcase is. She then notices Kyuubi with a door open. Then he runs inside. Phoenix grabs her suitcase and takes it and the cat inside. Kyuubi closes the door and Phoenix sits down with the cat in her arms.

Phoenix looks at the small bow and asks, "Are you okay?"

"Y-y-yes," The cat says in the sound of a young boy.

He then hugs Phoenix and says, "Th-thank you f-for s-saving me."

"You're welcome. My name is Phoenix. What's your name?" Phoenix replies.

The cat boy says, "I'm Zǐ Māo. It's nice to meet you."

"Why was that weird looking angel chasing you?" Phoenix asks, concerned.

"That's an Exterminator. Every year they're sent from Heaven to kill a portal of Hell's population since there's been too many of us," Zǐ Māo says, in tears

Phoenix thinks, "That's an Exterminator, the one Charlie told me about. I pictured it to be a lot different. Then again, Charlie did mention that they change shape when they travel to Hell. And I just come face to face with one."

Phoenix then unzips her suitcase and brings out a first aid kit. She then opens it and begins to tend to her wounds. She grits her teeth as she feels the pain from her cut. Then places bandages and a wrap around her arm.

"Are you going to be okay?" Zǐ Māo asks.

"I'll be fine. The cut wasn't deep. I think it's best we stay here until this extermination is over," Phoenix says.

Zǐ Māo nods his head.

Phoenix then brings out a box that has a label 'Pocky,' and presents it to the little cat demon, "Want some?"

"Sure," Zǐ Māo answers.

Zǐ Māo takes the box and opens the box to see the snack inside. Then begins to eat it. Phoenix then takes out another box of the snack and eats it. She then takes out two water bottles and gives one to Zǐ Māo. Phoenix also takes out some treats for Kyuubi and begins to eat.

"Thanks Phoenix, you're very nice," Zǐ Māo says.

"You're welcome," Phoenix says.

Then asks, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but how did you end up here. From your appearance, you look like a child."

"I had a feeling you would ask me that. It's a long story, but in short... I... I killed my parents... and then... I killed myself," Zǐ Māo sadly answers.

"Murder-suicide?" Phoenix thinks, shocked.

"What happened?" Phoenix asks.

"Well. Ever since I was born, my parents never liked me. When I got older, they treated me like dirt. They would, beat me, slap me, and torture me, even with fire. They would also starve me," Zǐ Māo explains.

"That's awful," Phoenix says.

"One day, my parents decided that they didn't want a worthless thing like me, so they decided to kill me. I was so afraid that I ended up killing them with the same knife they planned to use on me. After that, I felt that I had no place on earth, so I stabbed myself and died. I was only eight when it happened," Zǐ Māo answers.

"You're eight years old?" Phoenix whispers.

"Yes. I've been here for three years now. I tried my best to live in Hell, and I learned it was hard. Earlier, I just finished doing an errand when the Exterminator found me. I ran, but it was still after me. I would have died if you hadn't come along.," Zǐ Māo adds, and begins to shed tears.

Phoenix then hugs Zǐ Māo and rubs his back, causing him to purr.

"I'm sorry you went through something that awful. I know you killing your parents isn't right, but I don't think you belong here," Phoenix says.

Zǐ Māo sighs, "Thanks, but I still committed crimes for me to be sent here. I don't know if I could go to Heaven."

Phoenix then has an idea, "I think I might have a way to help you. It hasn't been proven and it will take some work. But if it does, you might be able to go to Heaven."

"Really?" Zǐ Māo asks, curiously.

Phoenix nods her head, "Yes. My cousin is using one of the family's buildings for a Rehabilitation project. The goal is for Demons to redeem themselves so they can go to Heaven. They're not sure if it will work or not, but I can ask if it's alright for you to stay."

Zǐ Māo smiles and hugs Phoenix, "Thanks Phoenix, I... I really like that."

Phoenix smiles and pets Zǐ Māo on his head.

Zǐ Māo closes his eyes and says, "I'm glad you found me, Phoenix. I-I always wanted a big sister or big brother."

Phoenix smiles softly as she softly rubs his head. Kyuubi lays beside Zǐ Māo. Soon after, Zǐ Māo falls asleep with Kyuubi. Phoenix takes her cloak from her suitcase and uses it as a blanket for Zǐ Māo and Kyuubi. Phoenix then falls asleep with her back against the wall.

Phoenix thinks, "Mom. Dad. I hope you both are okay. I hope that we'll find each other in this world."

Phoenix soon shuts her eyes and falls asleep. They stay in the old building until the Extermination is over.

In the human world at Tadashi's bar, Satan hugs Momiji who is crying. She has told her husband about what happened. Satan is not happy to hear this, but is sad to see his wife in this state.

"It's alright dear. It's okay," Satan says, trying to comfort his wife.

"But Satan, our daughter was taken by the creatures who were stalking her for some time. We need to find her. You know what those creatures will do," Momiji says.

"Especially their master," Satan says, bitter.

Then says with reassurance, "Don't worry, I promise to find her and be sure she's safe. I'll teleport us to the family villa where you will be safe. I'll send some of my soldiers to find her."

Momiji simply nods her head and hugs Satan. Satan then teleports himself, Momiji and her along with Phoenix's things from the house. He thinks it will be safe for Momiji if she stays in the villa since it's protected. Then he and his soldiers will head out to find his daughter.

Back in Hell, Phoenix, Zǐ Māo, and Kyuubi are sleeping in the building. Unknown to them, someone begins to sing.


At the end of the rainbow there's happiness

And to find it, how often I've tried

The three continue to sleep in the building as the Extermination is happening.


But my life is a race

Just a wild goose chase

And my dreams have all been denied

In a room, it's dark and it shows a bed. There is also a silhouette that someone is lying down on the bed.


Why have I always been a failure

What can the reason be

The silhouette walks to the mirror to show the figure of a girl and sounds sad.


I wonder if the world's to blame

I wonder if it could be me

The being walks to the mirror and it reveals to be Charlie, the Princess of Hell. She is very sad and turns her head to see the block at a tower. It shows the number '0' under the clock. And she is the one who is singing.

Charlie Magne:

I'm always chasing rainbows

Watching clouds drifting by

In the city, some of the places are deserted and no one is on the street. And some have poles that are covered in blood and a demon is stabbed by a spear.

Charlie Magne:

My schemes are just like all my dreams

Ending in the sky

On the balcony, Charlie walks out and places one of her arms on the railing. She then raises her other arm up in the sky and fires some kind of fireball. It explodes into the sky as multi colored fireworks.

Charlie Magne:

Some fellows look and find the sunshine

When the fireworks ignite in the sky, many of the demons begin to come out. In the building, Phoenix wakes up from her sleep and walks to the window. She opens it to reveal the firework display in the sky.

Charlie Magne:

I always look and find the rain

In a dark building, a tall gray woman with black and white colored haired walks to the curtains and opens it with her long fingers. There is another gray male demon wearing a black top hat with a red and green feather drinking a glass, while two more are in the darkness.

Charlie Magne:

Some fellows make a winning sometime

At a different part of the city, there is a large purple colored building with pink windows. It has a sign that reads 'Porn Studios' with red lips in the middle. The sign also has a red female demon wearing a black jumper and black hair.

In one of the floors of the building, there are three demons. The first one is wearing a black and red color suit and outfit with a television for a head. The demon next to him is a female. She has long dark red, and bright hair in pigtails, and wears a red, white and black dress. She smiles happily and takes out a cellphone to take a selfie, much to the TV headed demon's dismay. Then send the message on the phone.

Another demon sitting next to them has muted blue skin, and red eyes covered by pink and gold heart shaped glasses. He is wearing a red coat with white fur-line covered with pink hearts on the collar with zebra print underneath the coat, and black hangs. His top hat matches the coat color and the zebra print. He shows a grin showing his sharp red teeth and has one gold tooth as he holds a pink phone. He then frowns to see the message.

The message reads.

[ Did you get my money, Angie baby?

"I'm wittha John now. I don't get why this needed to happen so soon after the extermination tho. Boss.

Just do it. No sass k sugar.

Yes. Val. ]

Charlie Magne:

I never even make the game

Believe me

In a different part of town, a female demon wearing a light peach dress and light color hat has been killed by two others. The one with dark hair with black clothes holds a spear while the other wears red glasses and a white lab coat checks off the checklist in her hand. Then black round creatures jump on the corpse and begin to eat it.

Above the building, there is another female demon wearing a large black and red hat and matching dress. The sign reads 'Franklin and Rosie Emporium.' The demon uses a black paint brush to cross off the name 'Franklin' on the sign.

Charlie Magne:

I'm always chasing rainbows

Down on the street, all the demons and sinners go on with their lives in Hell. Some also pick up the remaining corpses of those who are exterminated. Some also walk around the town, smoke, drink, and such.

Charlie Magne:

Waiting to find a little bluebird

Charlie begins to shed tears and again turns to the clock tower. When she turns her head, her eyes turn red and the pupils turn yellow.

Charlie Magne:

In vain

At the streets of Hell where the clock tower is, all the demons and sinners are walking. The clock that shows the time continues to tick. The sign below says 'Next Cleanse 0 Days.' Then changes to 'Next Cleanse 365 Days' and it begins to ring.

In a room at an unknown location, Larry the Dog demon is standing in front of his master with the report.

"Escaped?! What do you mean she escaped?!" The demon bellowed in rage.

"I-I-I'm not sure. One of your shadows was caught on fire when he arrived and he didn't have the girl," Larry says, scared.

The demon master clutches his claws and slams it on the armchair.

Then turns to the mirror and demands, "The girl! Where is the girl?!"

The mirror glows and on the glass shows Phoenix Magne wearing her cloak and is with Zǐ Māo and Kyuubi. They are both still in the building where they hide from the Exterminators.

"There she is. She's in Pentagram City," The demon says.

Larry nervously asks, "What... what should we do boss?"

He then grabs Larry by the hood and lifts him up, "Go to Pentagram City and find Phoenix Magne. I'll be sending my shadows to capture her! She will not escape my grasp!"

"Um y-yes boss. Right away," Larry says, frightened.

The master then drops Larry to the ground with a flop. Larry quickly stands up and runs off to get to the city to find one girl. The demon then creates shadows with a wave of his hand.

"My Dark Sombras! Search far and wide across Pentagram City! Find a human maiden of eighteen with exotic tan skin, eyes shining golden yellow, and hair as fire! Now go and bring her to me!" The demon commands.

The shadows then fly out the window to search for the girl.

Sometime later, Phoenix is able to change her clothes and changes the bandages on her cut. She wears a black shirt with white cherry blossom petals on it, dark blue years, and black boots, and wears her cloak. Soon, she along with Kyuubi and Zǐ Māo are walking down the streets of the city for some time. Soon, they hear a loud ringing sound.

Phoenix asks, "What was that?"

"Here comes another one," Zǐ Māo replies.

"Another what?" Phoenix asks.

Suddenly, a demon crashes to the ground and wakes up to see that he is alive.

The small demon says with cheer, "Oh, I'm alive. I'm alive!"

However, it's short lived when a black car drives over him and blood spreads on the street. Phoenix and Zǐ Māo shield their eyes from the event. Phoenix drags Zǐ Māo, Kyuubi and the suitcase to hide at the wall of a Drug Store. They see the reddish black car pulling over in the middle of the street. Coming out of the car leaves Phoenix surprise.

Phoenix sees a tall and slim person with fluffy white hair and pink details on his body and four arms. He wears a notable eyeshadow and eyeliner. His left eye has a dark sclera and no pupils, and what fluff chest. He has sharp white teeth and one gold tooth. He wears a pink and white striped suit with a black and white bow tie, black choker, pink gloves, black miniskirt, and long black thigh high heel boots.

"He... he looks like a kind of spider or something," Phoenix thinks.

Just then, a voice appears in the car, "Heh. Thanks for the fun time, hot stuff."

"Yeah, yeah, listen," The spider demon says, leaning inside the car.

He then comes out and closes it.

He brushes off his hair and says, "Keep this discreet, hear me?"

Then leans to the open window of the car, "I can't let it get out that I'm offering my services to randos on the street. It was a quick cash grab, ya got it?"

He then snaps four of his fingers to the demon in the car. In the car is some kind of black own demon. He has his hand with black claws on the steering wheel. He has buttons on his torso, a gray fedora, and a black a bow tie. His face appears lighter shade of gray with his left eye having a black sclera with a red iris in the shape of a heart.

The driver scoffs and says, "Whatever you say, slut!" then laughs.

The spider demon places his hands on his cheeks and dramatically says, "Ouch, ooh, such an insult!"

Then turns to his lower pairs of arms crossed while one arm is on the shoulder and the other on the upper shoulder.

The spider demon approaches the car causing the owl demon to lower his ears, "Let me know when you come up with something creative to call me..."

"You sack of poorly packaged horse shit," The spider demon adds, pointing all four fingers at the spider demon. Then has one pointing to his face.

He then grabs the owl demon's tie, "Tell the missus I said hi."

And gives him a smooch, "Schnookums."

The spider demon then leaves the car.

Annoyed the demon mutters, "Pack of poor-"

When the car is gone, there is a loud sound of a car squealing. Follow by crashing noises.

Phoenix thinks in her thought, "What was that all about?"

The spider demon looks at the road with a straight look. He then turns his head and arches his eyebrow to see a Drug Machine. The spider demon walks to the machine to see the different names of drugs. He presses the button that reads, 'Angel Dust.' The spider demon then grabs a small bag filled with white powder and smiles eagerly to have come.

Before the demon can open the bag, another demon wearing a black hood runs by, "Yoink!" And takes the bag of drugs.

The spider demon shouts in anger, "Hey!"

"Up yours, drag show!" The black hooded demon cries out, holding the bag.

Suddenly, a large boulder lands on the ground, crushing the demon.

The spider demon gasps and screams, "Oh my god!"

He then picks up the ripped up bag, "My drugs! Damn it!"

Phoenix asks, "Where did that come from?"

Hearing the voice, the spider demon turns around to see Phoenix wearing the hooded cloak and the young feline.

"Hey! What are you two doing here?" The spider demon asks.

Phoenix blushes a little under the hood, "Uh sightseeing."

"If you say so. As long as you're not spying on. Course, I wouldn't blame you," The spider demon says.

Then flungs up his fluffy chest, "I'm quite a sight.

Phoenix blushes like crazy and panics, ""I.. I would never spy on anyone. I just heard your conversation and well. I uh, I mean you uh, handsome and all that, but..."

The spider demon laughs, "I was just joking! No need to get your hood in a knot."

"Right. I'm Phoenix. It's nice to meet you. And this is my pet Fox, Kyuubi," Phoenix says.

Then the fox barks in reply.

"And I'm Zǐ Māo," The young feline says.

"Names Angel Dust, the Porn Star. I'm kind of famous here, so probably heard of me," The spider demon says with a smirk.

Phoenix shakes her head, "No actually. I'm kind of new here."

"I do know you, but into Porn and stuff," Zǐ Māo says.

Then next moment, Angel Dust flips off Phoenix's hood to see her exotic tan face and long fire hair.

"You know. You're actually kind of hot. I mean like literally. Your hair looks like it's on fire," Angel Dust says with a smirk and places his hand under the girl's chin.

Phoenix gulps a little in reply.

"Um yeah. Believe it or not, it's actually naturally this color, of course back on earth, people had trouble believing," Phoenix says, stepping back.

"Relax, I won't bite," Angel asks.

Then Phoenix says, confused, "Wait, Angel Dust, like the drug? And you're a demon named Angel."

"Pretty much. A bit Ironic. So what brings you here?" Angel replies.

"Well uh, well, we're kind of lost and so uh, we're trying to find the Happy Hotel. Have you heard of it, or is it even in the city," Phoenix asks.

"The Happy Hotel? I know where it is, but that's actually on the other side of town," Angel says.

"Um thanks. How do we get there from here?" Phoenix asks.

"I can do better. I can show you there. I'm actually staying there," Angel says.

"Really? That would be a great help," Phoenix says.

"Glad you think so," Angel says.

Suddenly, exploding and crashing sounds begin to be heard around the area.

"What in the world was that?" Phoenix asks.

"I'm guessing it's the Zeppelin over there, " Angel says, pointing to the sky.

The group looked up to the sky to see some black, yellow and reddish-pink color Zeppelin flying over the city. The airship has guns and other machinery that is blasting everywhere in sight.

"What is that?" Phoenix asks.

"Trouble," Angel Dust and Zǐ Māo answer.

Inside the airship, maniacal laughter is surrounding it. In the ship there are multiple white eggs with small black limbs, and yellow eyes and mouth inside the shell. The eggs wear black top hats, yellow suits with gray coats with yellow vertical stripes, and a black tie, and each egg has a number on their back.

The source of the maniacal laughter is a large snake demon with eyes that have pink sclera with black narrow pupils. His hood is yellow with the tips being black, 4 pink eye patterns on the hood, a long neck. His tail is black with thick, yellow stripes, many pink eyes on it. He also has a fork tongue and sharp yellow fangs. He is wearing a gray and yellow vertical striped coat, a black top hat that has sharp teeth and a large pink eye the same as his appearance. He also has black hands with yellow dots on it and red claws. He is known as Sir Pentious.

He grabs the controls and says in pride, Those other cowardly sinners dare not hinder my territorial takeover! A wise decision. The power of my machines are unmatched!"

Then pushes the levers forward with his claws.

"No other demon can compare to the likes of I!" Sir Pentious says with pride.

The Egg Bois, #23 says, "Gee, that was pretty swell, boss!"

"Yeah!" Another Egg Boi cheers.

A third appears in front of the controls, You really showed them what for!" and points his thumb to the window.

Then says, "I liked when you shot them with your ray gun-"

Annoyed, Sir Pentious swats the egg away.

Egg Boi #23 says, depressed, "I wish he'd shoot me with his ray gun."

Then his comrade pats him on the head, much to the snake demon's annoyed expression.

"At this rate, I will seize control of the entire west side of the pentagram by day's end!" Sir Pentious says,"

He then pushes forward the levers, "And nothing, not a single beast in this inferno of suffering will be able to take back."

"This empire from my constrictive grasp!" The snake demon adds, having an Egg Boi in his coil and squeezing him.

Suddenly, noise makers appear in the airship.

And Egg Boi cheers, "Whoo!"

Then pops a cork from a bottle and it hits his boss' face. The snake demon then throws the Egg boi from his coil while he uses his hand to swat away the other one.

Another Egg Boi cheers, "Oh boy!"

"Hell will be mine, and everybody will know the name of Sir Pe-" Sir Pentious says with pride.

But suddenly, someone calls out in a remark, "Edgelord!" interrupting the snake demon.

He isn't pleased at all, "Pardon? Who said that?!"

He then looks around to find the source.

He then glared at two of his minions, "What did you just say to me you fried chicken fetuses?!"

He then hisses with rattling sounds, and demands, "Sssspeak up!"

"That wasn't us, mister boss man," One of the Egg Bois speaks up.

Suddenly, they hear a strange sound and something crashes through the window and bounce off the floor as it makes a fusing sound. A closer look, Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois are stunned to see the object is a red bomb with a black skull on it. Before they can do anything, the bomb explodes leaving our sparkles and red smoke. The snake demon coughs out the smoke and sparkles that has got from his mouth.

Suddenly, a female's voice asks "You looking for a fight..."

Just then, a red boot stomps on the ground.

"Old man?" The female voice finishes her sentence with a grin and holds a bomb in her hand.

The one who crashed the ship is a tall woman. She has one eye with a yellow x in the middle. She has blonde hair with pink and white accents in a ponytail, and wears a large amount of mascara. Her skin is mostly white with pink freckles on her face and right shoulder. She wears a red off shoulder crop top, black bra, a reddish torn up miniskirt with two white buttons at the front, and black, ripped leggings, a black long sleeve fingerless glove on her left arm, and a gray ripped up fingerless glove on the right. She wears a red and white boot on her left, and a white and red sock on the right.

"Why don't you get that tinker toy bullshit off my turf before I smash it!" The woman says, tossing the bomb in her hand.

Then a piece of large pipe classes to the ground.

"...more," The woman adds.

"Oh, you wanna go, missy?" Sir Pentious questions.

He brushes his upper hand under his chin with an evil grin, "Well I'm happy to oblige!"

He laughs evilly as all of his eyes begin to glow red and his minions are ready to fight. Well, one is holding a flamethrower of some kind while the other holds a wrench.

Back on the streets of the city, Phoenix is shocked to see the strange airship in the sky and blasting everything in sight.

"Uh Zǐ Māo, what the hell is that?" Phoenix asks, shocked.

Zǐ Māo says, weary, "It's Sir Pentious' Zeppelin. Looks like another Turf War."

"A what?" Phoenix says, confused.

"Yeah, Because of the Extermination, demons have been trying to gain new territory. Sir Pentious along with another named Cherri Bomb have been at it for a while," Zǐ Māo says.

"Who" Phoenix asks.

"He's a slithering demon who is trying to take over Hell. He is most likely trying to claim new territory," Angel says.

"This is going to get us killed is it?" Phoenix asks.

Angel Dust simply answers, "Pretty much."

then asks, "Wanna help her Cherri with winning some Turf?"

"Who's Cherri? And do we have a choice?" Phoenix asks.

Zǐ Māo looks ahead and panics, "Not at this point!"

The group turns their heads to see a beaming blast is heading right towards them.

Zǐ Māo screams, "Watch out!"

Phoenix grabs Zǐ Māo and Kyuubi as she and Angel dodge out of the way. Phoenix rolls over as she holds the two with her might. She then finds herself on them. She lifts himself up and turns her head to see something she never thinks to see.

"Please tell me that's not walking eggs heading towards us?" Phoenix asks.

"Yep. Those are Sir Edgelord's Egg Bois. If you want to live in this world. Then you're going to fight," Angel Dust says and brings out a Thompson Gun.

"This is already hell," Phoenix mutters.

She then notices and screams, "Get down."

Phoenix gets in front of Angel and creates a fire field that prevents missiles hitting them.

Suddenly, someone whistles, "Hot stuff kid."

Phoenix lets down her fire wall and turns her head to see the bomb throwing chick.

"Hey Cherri, nice to see you're blowing Sir Edgelord," Angel says.

"That's what he gets for not getting is bull shit off my turf. So, who are these two?" Cherri replies.

"Um, I'm Phoenix and this is Zǐ Māo and my fox, Kyuubi," Phoenix introduces.

"Ha. Nice to meet you. Wanna help me with getting lizard lips packing?" Cherri asks with a smirk.

"Uh," Phoenix and Zǐ Māo hesitate.

Angel answers, "Sounds good to me. And it's best for you two to take part cause here he comes."

The others turn their heads to see Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois are heading right towards them.

Phoenix mutters, "Yep. This is definitely going to be hell... major hell."

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