Episode 19: The Guardian Crow Tengu

In an unknown location, Phoenix is still fast asleep after being rescued by a young boy who goes by Kuroi who is also an acquaintance of Cloud. Phoenix continues to remain asleep until she gently moves her head and slowly begins to open her eyes. She lets out a groan and grunt to feel dizzy from the earlier event, and opens her eyes to see a dim light. Phoenix then begins to slowly sit up on the bed, and feels a bit tired. She yawns as she stretches her arms.

She says, tiredly, "I'm still so tired. The inside of my body still feels like it's going to collapse."

And flops on the bed, but remains awake. She turns her head to find herself no longer in Valentino's office. Instead, she finds herself in what looks like a bedroom, and it appears to be Japanese style. The furniture, decorations, and even the floor are similar to that of a Japanese house. The door is also a Japanese slide door and Phoenix finds herself laying on a tatami mattress with cherry blossom pattern covers on her.

"Where in Hell did I end up now?" Phoenix questions herself.

She removes the covers to find that she is wearing different clothes. It's a Japanese style kimono like pajama that is red with the patterns of white and orange flowers on black branches. She sighs and feels that the same thing that has happened before, she finds herself in an unknown room and is wearing different clothes.

She looks around the room, "The room seems more... normal. And it's in a Japanese style. Kind of reminds me of Kanna's house."

Just then, the door slide opens slowly to reveal the black Crow Tengu demon that appears to also look like a human boy, around her age or even older, but also has the appearance of a Crow Tengu. He is also holding a tray that has a bowl on it with something hot, and a drink with a brown bottle of some kind.

The boy says, "Ah good morning, I see you're awake now. How are you feeling?"

"A little better, but still a little tired after what happened," Phoenix says.

"That's good to hear. The elixir seems to be working, but you still need some rest," The boy says.

And adds, "I'm not sure if you remember, but my name is Kuroi Tsubasa."

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Phoenix Magne," Phoenix says with a small smile.

"I know. Cloud told me a bit of information about you when you and Angel Dust disappeared from the hotel," Kuroi says.

"Ooooooh..." Phoenix replies, realizing what he meant.

She groans and says, "We're in deep shit when we get back to the hotel, and we're going to get such an earful from Vaggie as well."

"I don't think you'll be in too much trouble. I've explained to them what happened, but I would also like to hear about the incident from you. Could you remember anything?" Kuroi says.

Phoenix is able to sit up as she tries to remember.

Kuroi then places the tray on the table and says, "I've also brought some Leek Soup, some tea, and more of my elixir."

"Um thank you," Phoenix says, and her cheeks become a little blush.

Suddenly, she hears her stomach growl a bit, "Well, I am kind of hungry."

Phoenix then takes the spoon and begins to have the sip of the leek soup.

She says, "The soup tastes good."

"I'm glad you like it," Kuroi says.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you figure out where Angel Dust and I were?" Phoenix replies.

"I actually have a special ability that can allow me to see past events, so I saw what happened to you both at the warehouse and how you ended up in the Three V's clutches. Angel Dust fills me in that Valentino had you brought to his office," Kuroi says.

"Is Angel Dust okay?" Phoenix asks.

"He's fine, but unlike you, he works at the Porn Studio so he should be okay. We were more worried about getting you to safety," Kuroi says.

"But where are we?" Phoenix asks.

"You're actually at my home. Don't worry, Valentino and his allies won't think to look for you here," Kuroi says.

"I see. Well to answer your question, a lot that has happened was a bit of a blur. You seem to know most of it, so you don't need to worry about those details," Phoenix replies.

Then explains, "However, after meeting Velvet, she dressed me up in those clothes and took me to Valentino's office. When I went in there, well, there was an eerie atmosphere, but it might be the weird red smoke. I've felt so tired and dizzy after breathing in that red smoke. The smoke seems to have an odd strong and sweet kind of scent."

"Yes. Valentino's smoke is very unusual. It's been made so that anyone who breathes into it can make them more well, submissive," Kuroi says.

Phoenix rubs her head, "It's no wonder why my body felt a bit warm and my head felt very heavy breathing that smoke."

She groans and says, "Sorry, my head is still feeling a bit weird, I'm not sure if I can remember much. He did ask me some questions, mainly about myself..."

"That's not a good sign," Kuroi says.

"Yes. I did remember one thing. He asked about who my father was, but I quickly tried to remain quiet because I'm not supposed to let anyone know about who he is. I think he had me breathe more and did something that almost made me tell him who my father was," Phoenix says.

She then says, "And that's the only thing I remember."

"Yeah. I was afraid of that. What matters now that you're safe," Kuroi says.

"Thanks," Phoenix says, and continues to have the soup.

Kuroi then takes the bottle and opens it. Then pour a bit of the elixir on to a spoon

He then presents it to Phoenix, "Here you go. A little more elixir should help build more of your strength."

Phoenix then takes the spoon and takes the elixir.

Phoenix smiles and says, "Thank you, Kuroi."

"You're welcome, Phoenix," Kuroi says with a smile.

Phoenix continues to have the soup, but stops to see Kuroi and his smile. Phoenix smiles and her cheeks turn a little pink.

Meanwhile, Angel Dust, who has finished work early, is able to reach the hotel and return to his room without anyone noticing. He lays down on the bed feeling very tired and decides to relax. Fat Nuggets walks to Angel and licks him on the cheek.

Angel hugs Fat Nuggets, "I miss you too, baby. Daddy had it rough this time around. I only hope this guy was able to get Phoenix out of that place and took her somewhere safe for now."

Suddenly, Angel hears a knocking on the door.

"Come in," Angel calls out.

The door opens to reveal Zǐ Māo, Kyuubi, and Charlie.

"Angel, you're back," Charlie says.

"Just came back now, and very tired," Angel says.

"Are you okay, Kuroi told us about what happened, are you okay?" Charlie asks, frantically.

Angel sighs, "I'm fine, just tired from working for the short time and was able to get home early. If you're wondering, Phoenix had gotten a worse beating than I did, but gotten better thanks to some 'help'."

He then groans in frustration.

"Did something happen?" Charlie asks, can tell if something's wrong.

"Other than the fact that Valentino, Vox, and Velvet found out Phoenix disappeared last night. Things have been annoying," Angel says.

"Did they ask you anything?" Charlie asks.

"No. They didn't. I was walking down the hall to head back here when I heard them talking. Velvet was checking on her to discover Phoenix gone. Val and Vox didn't seem to be happy about it either cause they knew she was supposed to be unconscious, but I knew Kuroi managed to get her out. After that, Val said that they're going to keep an eye on her. That's all I know" Angel says.

Angel sits up and says, "I have to wonder why he never asked me about it, or wants me to keep an eye on Phoenix. I mean, after what happened, he figured I kept this a secret from him."

"Well, that's one problem solved. However, we need to talk about your action from the night before, about the little Drug Deal you got Phoenix involved with," Charlie says, and has his arms crossed.

Angel grunts, "Shit. I knew you'd say that."

Zǐ Māo, "Do you think Phoenix will be okay?"

"Well, I know Phoenix will be alright with this Kuroi character. I can tell he's an okay guy, once he mentions Charlie's name. I can tell he kept his word about getting her out of that place. Phoenix and I were gonna come up with a plan ourselves once I was done with work," Angel says.

Charlie then asks, "Do you think they'll try to go after her or try to talk to Phoenix while she's out."

"Or maybe even come to the hotel and see if she's there?" Zǐ Māo adds.

Kyuubi barks in reply.

"I wouldn't put it past them. They're the type who will not let this go so easily." Angel says.

Time has gone by and it's already late in the afternoon, for Hell's standards. Phoenix is now walking down the hall with Kuroi, only she is wearing a simple short sleeve dress: a blue dress that is decorated with white feathers on it, and white socks.

"So Kuroi, when do you think I'll be able to see Charlie, she must be very worried," Phoenix says.

"Don't worry, we're going to call her soon, now that you have your strength back," Kuroi says.

"Thanks. I really appreciate it," Phoenix says.

Kuroi blushes a little with her head facing away from Phoenix, "It's no trouble."

"Um yeah," Phoenix says, blushing a little.

"Hello," The voice of a little girl speaks.

Phoenix turns her head to see a little Crow Tengu demon that looks a lot similar to Kuroi only her feathers and hair are a lighter shade of black, and her eyes are magenta color. She is wearing a pink kimono with an obi around her waist. Judging by her size, the little Crow Tengu Demon seems to be around Zǐ Māo age.

Kuroi turns to see the little girl, "Hey Miu, how was school?"

"Okay," The little Tengu girl answers.

Then asks, "Big brother, who is that pretty lady?"

Phoenix blushes a little to hear the little girl calling her pretty.

"This is Phoenix Magne. She's the girl that I brought the night before. She'll be staying with us until she gets her full strength back," Kuroi says.

"Oh," The little girl says.

Then turns to Phoenix, "I'm Miu, nice to meet you."

"She's my little sister," Kuroi says.

"Well, it's nice to meet you," Phoenix says.

"You look like Uncle Satan. Are you related to him?" Miu asks.

"Uh... well..." Phoenix says, feeling skeptical.

Kuroi kneels to Miu, "Yes, she is. However, we must keep it a secret until Satan and Lucifer could announce it themselves."

Then places his finger over his mouth and says, "Shhh. It's our little secret."

"Shhh. Our little secret," Miu happily says, imitating her brother.

Then walks away as she says, "By big brother. Bye Phoenix." and turns down the hall

Phoenix smiles, "She's very sweet."

"Yeah," Kuroi says with a smile.

But sighs, "But she can be mischievous with her abilities."

Phoenix giggles with a smile.

"Come on, let's give Charlie a call and let her know where you are," Kuroi says.

Meanwhile in the hotel, Charlie is sitting in her office as her body is leaned towards the top of the desk. Her elbows are on the table as she holds her face by the cheeks with her hands. She lets out a sad sigh and is worried about Phoenix, but hopes to hear from Kuroi. Suddenly, she hears the phone ringing.

She picks it up and answers, "Hello."

Suddenly, she hears a familiar voice, "Hi Charlie, are you okay?"

"Phoenix?! Is that you?!" Charlie asks, surprised and yet relieved.

"It's me," Phoenix says, over the phone.

Charlie sighs in relief, "Oh Phoenix, you have no idea how relieved I am to hear you!"

But then begins to say in deep concern, "Kuroi told us about what happened to you, how you ended up transforming differently, and how you were brought to the Porn Studio! Are you okay?! Did they do anything to you?! Did they hurt you? Because if they did..."

"It's okay, Charlie. I'm okay. They... they didn't hurt me, I swear. They didn't hurt me. Oddly enough, they ended up healing my injuries, and Velvet had me put on some new clothes since the clothes I was wearing before were torn apart from the Dark Sombra attack," Phoenix explains.

"That's good to hear. But did anything happen?" Charlie asks.

"Yeah. Something did happen," Phoenix says with a sigh.

Then questions, "Remember how my other form that the sinners and other demons of hell have been seeing fighting those Dark Sombra and other demons"

"Uh huh," Charlie replies.

"They realize that we're actually the same person," Phoenix answers.

"Oh," Charlie replies.

"Yeah. Not only that, but they also know that I was with Angel so they decided to take me back to the hotel. My memory is a bit fuzzy, but Valetnino wanted to ask me questions about well, he used some weird cigarette with this odd red smoke..." Phoenix says.

"Let me guess, it made you answer any question he asked?" Charlie asks.

"Mostly. I remember that he wanted to know my dad's name, but because I know I have to make sure it remains a secret, I was able to resist answering," Phoenix says.

Then says, "Anyway, I'm well, sorry for the trouble Angel and I caused. Angel just wanted some extra force for the Drug Deal, and that Dark Sombra nearly crushed us."

"Yes. Kuori told us what happened. Anyway, I'm glad you're safe, but you need to be very careful. We just need to be careful. I don't think Valentino will let this go so easily. And well, know that you're friend with Angel, might make it even harder," Charlie says

"Yeah. I might not know about him as much as Angel, but even I can tell that he and his friends might not let this go," Phoenix says.

"That's right. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you're safe. However, both you and Angel are not off the hook when you get back to the hotel," Charlie says.

Phoenix sighs, "I was afraid you were going to say that."

"Yep. As long as you're living in my hotel, even though you're an adult. As your cousin and your charge, you need to follow our rules, and not go out late in the night, especially for drug deals," Charlie says.

"I promise. And if Angel gets back to the hotel, can you tell him that I'm okay and make sure to keep an eye on Kyuubi and Zǐ Māo," Phoenix says.

"I will. They really miss you and will be glad to know you're safe. See you tomorrow," Charlie says.

"Bye," Phoenix says, and hangs up the phone.

Kurio chuckles and says, "That conversation went well."

"Yeah, and I'm in deep trouble, especially when my mom hears about this mess," Phoenix says and ruffles her hair with her hands.

Kuroi smiles and says, "Well, I'm sure it won't be so bad."

"No, it might not," Phoenix replies.

Kuroi then asks, "You wanna do something?"

"Like what?" Phoenix asks.

"I don't know. Talk about stuff. I kind of like to get to know you," Kuori says.

"Um sure. Only if you do the same for me," Phoenix says.

"Yeah. We can go to the backyard and talk there," Kuroi says.

Kuroi and Phoenix walk to the backyard and it's actually stylized to look like a Japanese style garden. There are some stone structures, a rock garden, a Japanese style building that looks like a small tea house, and a tree that has red blossoms on it. The small pond even has red lotus blossoms on the lily pads.

Throughout the conversation, Phoenix has explained to Kuroi about her life in the human world. She also explains to him about her life as a high school girl, doing some sports, hanging out with friends, and other routines that go on in her life.

Kuroi also explains to Phoenix about his life. Turns out, he and his family are Crow Tengu demons who are kind of similar to the Tengu Spirits, so they're Japanese spirits, which explains the Japanese style home and garden. Like Charlie and Phoenix, Kuroi is also a Hellborn and has known Charlie since their school days, and he and his family visit the Magne home. Kuroi also explains that his family also makes special elixirs, healing potions, the usage of herbs and remedies, and also spiritual powers, and his family own a Sake House, which is like a Japanese Restaurant.

Throughout the rest of the day, Phoenix and Kuroi are actually getting along with each other and they end up becoming friends. Of course, they know that the next day, Phoenix will have to get back to the hotel, especially since they know how worried Charlie is, and the others as well.

The next day in front of the hotel, the black limo that belongs to Kuroi's family pulls up in front of the hotel. Phoenix then climbs out of the car with the clothes that Velvet has put on, and walks out wearing a black kimono, decorated with red spider lilies, with a red strap around her waist, japanese sandals and socks.

"Thanks Kuroi, and um, I do hope I'll see you again," Phoenix says.

"Yeah. I hope to see you again. I can, well, invite you to our next Tea Ceremony at my place or we can hang out at my family's sake house," Kuroi says.

"Thank you. Bye," Phoenix says.

"Bye," Kuroi says.

Phoenix closes the door to the limo and it drives Kuroi back to his home. Once the limo is gone, Phoenix walks inside the hotel.

She calls out, "I'm back.."

Before long, she receives a big hug from Charlie who has tears of happiness from her eyes, "Oh Phoenix, I'm glad to see you're back and safe. Please don't scare us like that again."

Phoenix says, feeling a bit crushed, "Ouch Phoenix, you're squeezing me!"

Vaggie and the others arrive to see Phoenix is back.

"Crazy bitch! You made us worried there!" Conan says.

"We're glad you're safe," Grace replies.

"I hope that you've learned a lesson from this. Both you and Angel," Vaggie says.

Then glares at Angel Dust, "Right, Angel?"

"I get it, Vaggie. I get it. We need to be more careful when I take Phoenix in the middle of the night and with being around other demons," Angel says with his arms crossed.

"And?" Vaggie replies.

"And that I should have let you know where I was taking her, and not to take her in the middle of the night during drug deals," Angel says.

Phoenix then says, "And that we must be more careful with those Dark Sombras."

"That too. I mean, from what Kuroi and Phoenix explained, if you hadn't transformed differently at that warehouse, we'd both have ended up in deep shit. Although, since you were already human, wouldn't you end up in Hell or something," Angel says.

"And it appears we'll have to keep her away from your boss and his two friends. Now that they've taken an interest in her," Husk says.

Phoenix groans and says, "Don't remind me. I think I had enough of being around that place."

Vaggie sighs, "It feels that those Dark Sombras are starting to get more dangerous with more unusual abilities."

"We should be very careful if we ever leave the hotel, especially you, Phoenix," Grace says.

"Yes. Now we know for sure that whoever is after Phoenix, isn't going to rest until they have her, and will attack any demon and cause destruction," Cloud says.

"And that's the last thing that we need," Phoenix says, and yawns a bit.

"You okay, Phoenix?" Charlie asks.

"I'm fine. I'm just a bit tired after what we've been through," Phoenix says.

She then walks to the couch and lays on it, while sitting up. Kyubbi hops on Phoenix lap and lays on it. Zǐ Māo then lays next to her.

Zǐ Māo then says, "I'm glad you're okay Phoenix."

Kyuubi barks and licks Phoenix's face, making her giggle. Phoenix then hugs the two and snuggles with a smile. Phoenix then lets out a yawn and lays down on it, and soon, she, Zǐ Māo, and Kyuubi have fallen asleep.

"Yeah. I think she deserves some rest after what she's been through," Angel says.

"Yes. However, Phoenix is going to be under house arrest for a week. In your case, you're going to be under house arrest for a month." Vaggier sternly says.

"What?! In case you've forgotten I have work and got other shit to do," Angel exclaims in fury.

"Well, you're still living in the hotel, so you have to follow our rules, so stop being an ass about it!" Vaggie angrily says.

Soon, Vaggie and Angel Dust begin arguing with rage as Charlie sighs and shakes her head. She then turns to see Phoenix, Zǐ Māo, and Kyuubi are fast asleep on the couch. Charlie can't help but smile. She is glad to see that Phoenix and Angel Dust are safe, even though she knows that the danger Phoenix has experienced is becoming serious. She is determined to keep Phoenix safe no matter what.

Meanwhile, in his own room later in the night, Kuroi is laying in the bed with his hands behind his back as he looks up at the ceiling. He ends up visioning Phoenix's face with her smile, and her laughter.

He then says in his thought, "What is this odd feeling that I'm having? I've never felt this way around anyone before. Why is she different? And why was my heart beating a little fast? What is this feeling I'm having?"

Kuroi sighs and soon drifts off to sleep, but is still unable to get the hybrid girl out of her mind.

Back at the hotel in her room, Phoenix is looking out of the window and is thinking about Kuroi. She then sighs and wonders when she'll be able to see him again. She then walks to the bed, lays down on it. Then puts the covers herself, and soon falls asleep for the night.

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