Episode 17: Trouble Comes Up In Red Smoke
Sometime later, Charlie, and the others are back at the hotel and Charlie is very worried about being unable to find Phoenix and Angel, more like panicking.
Charlie walks around in a circle as she panics, "This is bad! This is very very bad! We've searched for them all day and we haven't found them! Not to mention they haven't answered their phones once today! They could hurt or worse! And who knows what might have happened!"
"Charlie, you need to calm down, panicking and circling around isn't going to help," Vaggie says, worriedly.
"I know, but we searched for them all day and couldn't find any leads. We don't even know where they even went," Charlie says, sounding very worried.
"It would give us an idea if we know where they went off to," Conan says.
"And how we can find them. Pentagram City is a big place," Grace says.
Just then, Cloud speaks, "I think I might know someone who can help us."
"You do?" Niftfy asks, curiously.
"Yes," Cloud answers.
Then turns to the twins, "Conan. Grace. You both remember Kuroi Tsubasa, right?"
"Kuroi... I think I remember you telling us about him. Isn't he that Crow Tengu demon who has a family Sake Restaurant?" Grace asks.
"That's right. His father was also my teacher a long time ago, and Kuroi also learned a lot of fighting from his father. Plus, he has a special power that allows him to see what has already taken place and can sense the different aura of demons," Cloud says.
"That kind of thing exist?" Husk asks.
Charlie quickly says, "And I can vouch for it. I remember seeing his powers before. Like me and a few others, he's a Hellborn and we kind of went to school together."
"Do you think he can help us find Phoenix?" Vaggie asks.
Cloud answers, "He's basically our only option. We need to find Phoenix and Angel before they end up in a tight spot they can't escape from."
"I guess, but did we really have to have the bird brain involved?" Conan asks, frustrated.
"Conan, I know you two didn't have a good well... history, but he might be our only chance to find Angel and Phoenix, before they are put in danger," Grace says.
"Yeah. I know. I just don't like that we had to ask him of all people," Conan says, annoyed.
"Come on Conan, Kuroi is actually kind of well, a little nicer than some demons, but he's also pretty powerful. We could really use his help," Charlie says.
Conan sighs and says, "Yeah."
Cloud then takes out his hellphone and begins to make a call to the demon known as Kuroi.
Cloud then says, "Hello Kuroi, we have a bit of a problem."
"Of course, what seems to be the problem," A young male adult's voice comes up on the phone.
"Well, it's like this," Cloud says.
Cloud explains the situation to this Kuroi about Phoenix and Angel Dust have disappeared from the hotel and are unable to find them.
Somewhere in Pentagram City, in what looks like a dojo. There is a young demon that looks a little bit older than Phoenix. The demon is a Crow Tengu that seems to look human, but has slightly pale skin, red eyes, and dark black hair. His arms and legs are black and have sharp claws. On the demon's back are black wings. He is wearing a karate uniform and has a black belt around his waist.
"I see. I'm sure I can track them down. However, since you are telling me about the hybrid girl, I wouldn't be surprised if she might have been captured by whoever has her... maybe an Overlord," The Crow Tengu, Kuroi says.
Then says, "Right. I'll begin searching right away and I'll call if I find anything."
Kuroi then gangs up the phone. He then shows a smile and says, "Phoenix huh, that seems like a nice name. I just need to find her and the Porn Star. Well, I better get started."
Still trapped in the room at the Porn Studios, Phoenix is feeling a bit uneasy, more like timid to be trapped here. And from what Angel has explained to her, his boss, Valentino is not planning on letting her leave. Even when he doesn't plan on it, her body is still covered in bandages and feels sore from the Dark Sombra attack.
Phoenix sighs, "How exactly am I going to get myself out of this fuckin' mess? If what Angel said is true, then his boss is going to make sure I don't leave. Even if he said I can't, my body is still weak, and I feel tired."
Soon Phoenix has an idea, "Even though I can't leave, there doesn't seem to be a problem with me looking around."
Phoenix then begins to climb down the bed and feels the pain on her legs. It doesn't feel bad right now, but it feels that it might still be difficult to walk.
She grits her teeth and mutters, "Fuck..."
Phoenix then begins to walk on her two feet a bit and looks at the mirror close by to see the pajamas she is wearing. She also looks around to notice that her original clothes don't seem to be around.
"It might be best for me to get a change of clothes," Phoenix says.
Suddenly, the door bursts open and once again, Velvet enters the room.
"Hiiiii!" Velvet happily says.
Confused, Phoenix says, "Um, hi."
"Hi, my name is Velvet. It's great to finally meet you. Now that you're awake," Velvet happily says.
"It's nice to meet you too," Phoenix says, feeling a bit uncomfortable being around her. Especially what happened after being ambushed by the Black Nights.
Velvet then leans to Phoenix and asks, "So it's true, you really are a human demon hybrid, and you must be really strong too."
"I wouldn't say I'm that strong. I do have a bit of close calls and such," Phoenix says.
"Maybe, but you definitely earn all of Hell's attention," Velvet says.
Phoenix blushes and says, "I noticed. It's actually been happening on the news since the uh, incident I had with the Dark Sombra during the Turf War."
"Yeah. Everyone saw that, and it's really cool! I even saw some of your fights with those weird shadow monsters wearing these odd masks," Velvet says.
Then shouts with excitement, "That was fuckin epic!"
"I'm glad you seem to enjoy it," Phoenix says, feeling a bit uncomfortable.
Velvet then looks at Phoenix and then circles around her. Phoenix follows Velvet and is looking rather confused.
"What?" Phoenix says, confused.
"Hmm... it's nothing, but you do look rather different. You have tan skin, yellow color eyes, and you have fiery hair. But I do like your long hair," Velvet says
"Uh thanks. I know it's a bit odd how well my appearance is, but I'm still Japanese," Phoenix says.
"I thought so. You look Japanese, even though your tan skin says otherwise," Velvet says.
Phoenix calmly says, "I can't help that my skin is tan like, I got that from my mom. And before you ask, my mom is Japanese."
"Sounds cool. Why not continue this conversation with Val. He really likes to meet you," Velvet says with a big grin.
Phoenix doesn't know what to feel uneasy about, meeting Valentino or Velvet's smile. The way she smiles, kind of reminds her of the creepy smile Alastor always gives off. Even though he smiles, he can be really creepy with it.
"Um yeah. Um listen, I'm not sure if that's the best idea. I barely know him and well, I kind of look like..." Phoenix nervously says.
"Like you became roadkill. Yeah. But don't be modest, Val still likes to meet you, but first, we need to get you a brand new outfit. We have a lot of nice clothes," Velvet happily says.
Then leans to Phoenix with a big grin on her face, "You wanna try them on, don't you?"
"I don't know. I mean, Angel told me that he worked at a Porn Studios and I can imagine the kind of clothes you wear. And well, uh... I don't think any of them is my style," Phoenix says.
"I think differently. I'm sure you'll look great in one of our outfits. I think a cute Japanese outfit like a kimono or a plaid skirt, or even a lolita outfit. I heard it's kind of a thing in Japan," Velvet says.
Then brings out a few bags, "Lucky for you... I already have a few options. Now then....
Then her eyes begin to glow as she stares at Phoenix, "Let's try some of these clothes on you."
"Wait.. you mean I really have to change?!" Phoenix asks, panicking.
"Don't be such a worry wart! You are going to be irresistible once I finish," Velvet says.
Phoenix feels very weary about this, and Velvet is looking very evil right now.
Meanwhile, the Crow Tengu demon, Kuroi, is flying over Pentagram City. The demon is now wearing a black shirt with a brown color undershirt, and brown pants. He takes out his Hellphone and looks at his phone to see a photo of Phoenix and another of Angel Dust. He then searches around as his eyes begin to glow. Through his eyes, Kuroi is able to sense the different aura of different sinners and demons.
Suddenly, he is able to pick up a strange aura that is happening close by and flies down to see the warehouse that has practically been destroyed.
"What the hell happened here? Whatever it is, I can sense Angel Dust and Phoenix's aura. They've definitely been here," Kuroi says.
He then walks inside and notices that many boxes with drugs and other items are either scattered on the floor, or even broken into pieces. He then looks down to notice blood in different areas on the ground, and some are in large amounts.
"Something definitely happened here," Kuroi says.
Kuroi then places his left claw in the open and creates a red aura around it. Then with the power he has, he creates a wave of his magic to see transparent projections of the past.
That's when he sees it. He sees Angel Dust and Phoenix are talking to Lord Masato and his gang. The Dark Sombra burst through the wall and attacked them. They all have tried to fight back with their powers or weapons, but from what Kuroi sees, it seems certain that the Dark Sombra is able to predict their movements. He then sees the Dark Sombra hurt Phoenix badly and her body is bleeding. Then attack Angel and have him pressed to the wall and about to devour him. Then ends up seeing Phoenix attack the creature and cut its arm off.
Kuroi senses that Phoenix's aura has changed and her eyes are glowing red as her nails and teeth have grown sharp.
"That girl's aura is different. Like... it's like she became a full demon at this state," Kuroi says to himself.
Kuroi continues to watch as he sees Phoenix is able to destroy the monstrous Sombra and ends up saving Angel Dust from being eaten, and is able to create blue fire to heal his wounds. The last thing he sees is that Phoenix is able to pick up Angel and walk out of the building.
Kuroi says to himself, "So that's what happened. From the looks of it, it seems that Phoenix is more worried about Angel's well being than herself. However, I feel there's more to what happened after this event. I'll have to follow the trail to find any clues to where they've gone."
Kuroi then leaves the abandoned building and follows the aura of the two demons to find close to where they ended up.
Back at the studio, Velvet is putting the finishing touches on Phoenix and knows she likes the outfit she has chosen.
Velvet soon finishes and says, "Wala! You look very cute."
"Are you sure about this?" Phoenix asks.
"Relax, you look very pretty. I think the Gothic Lolita look is really you," Velvet says.
She then quickly brings out a mirror and Phoenix is surprised to see the Victorian Gothic Lolita Outfit. The dress she is wearing is long and up to her knees with long sleeves. The dress has red frills on the wrists and the skirt of the dress. She also wears white stockings and black mary janes shoes. Phoenix's hair is straightened down, and has a red ribbon tied behind her head.
"Um, thank you," Phoenix says.
"Now that you're dressed," Velvet happily says.
Then grabs Phoenix's wrists, "It's time for you to meet Val!"
Then zips out of the room taking Phoenix by the wrist as she yelps in surprise. Phoenix feels like her mind is racing just like Velvet's fast feet. Soon enough, the two girls stop in front of a pair of large red colored doors.
"And this is Val's office. Just knock and let him know you're here," Velvet says.
Confused, Phoenix turns to Velvet, "Wait, you're not coming with me?"
"Sorry, but Val wants me to take care of something after I see you and get you dressed. Don't worry, it's not like Val is going to eat you or anything," Velvet says with a grin.
"Um, if you're sure," Phoenix says, feeling skeptical.
"Okay then. Well, see you around," Velvet happily says, and zips off.
Phoenix nervously laughs and says, "That Velvet is something else. I think she'll give Niffty a run for her money with that speed of hers."
She then turns to the large doors and gulps nervously to know the Overlord who is behind the doors. She really doesn't want to go inside to meet him, but feels that if she doesn't... then she'll have to face him later, or he'll plan to see her himself. Phoenix takes a deep breath and knocks on the door.
She calmly calls out, "Um hello."
Phoenix waits for a little bit, but hears no answer. She then knocks on the door again, but a little louder.
Then she hears a man's voice, "Come in."
"I guess it's now or never," Phoenix thinks, and gulps nervously.
Phoenix reaches her hand to the door and grabs the knob. She turns it and opens the door. Once the door is open, Phoenix walks inside and closes the door soon after. Phoenix then walks inside to see the office seems rather large for an office room. There are pictures of the wall, possible movie posters, and she recognizes some of them having Angel Dust. There is also a long circular couch with a table in a different area of the office. There is also a desk on the other side. And there are plenty others that an office for a Porn Studio could have, although, Phoenix has never been to one, nor she has any intentions of going to one. What's really on her mind, is the fact that she doesn't see Valentino, or anyone in the office for that matter.
Phoenix looks around and whispers, "That's odd... I could have sworn I heard someone in here."
Suddenly, a strange and familiar scent caught her attention, "What is that scent, and why does it smell familiar?"
Phoenix looks around to the owner in the studio. However, red smoke begins to surround the area and she can tell the scent is coming from the red color smoke.
"Wait a minute, I... I think I've seen this before," Phoenix says to herself softly.
Suddenly, Phoenix feels something on her shoulder. She quickly turns around to see the tall blue skin moth demon dressed in red, black, white, and some parts are decorated with hearts. He is also holding a lighted white cigarette in one of his four hands. Phoenix takes a step back not just because he is very tall, but he is also very imitating. And feels that this demon must be Valentino.
"Well hello my dear. It's a pleasure to meet you," The demon says.
A little nervous, Phoenix is able to answer, "Um, hello. It's a pleasure to meet you, too. Um, my name is Phoenix."
"Quite a unique name. Your hair is definitely suitable, especially with that fiery hair of yours," Valentino says.
"Um, thank you. I.. I don't know about unique," Phoenix says nervously.
Valentino chuckles and says, "A little modest, are you? I shall introduce myself, I'm Valentino. We have much to discuss."
Valentino then begins to walk away and head towards the large couch with the table at front. Phoenix is still feeling uneasy about having to be around him. She swallows up her fear and begins to follow him.
Meanwhile, Kuroi continues to use his projections to see what has happened to Phoenix. Of course, he's the only one who can see them, and follow their aura. Soon enough, he reaches a location and sees that Phoenix has run into trouble with the bat demons. However, they are attacked by Velvet. Phoenix tries to run away, taking Angel with her, but runs into Vox. However, Phoenix, who is still in a different demonic form, is able to throw Velvet on to Vox and take Angel away to find her way back to the hotel. However, what shocked Kuroi is that using his powers, he sees Phoenix is at her limits and Valentino appears in front of her and uses his abilities with his smoke to knock her out. Valentino picks up Angel and Phoenix and take her away, and Vox and Velvet join them soon enough,
Kuroi sighs, "This is definitely going to be difficult, especially with Valentino and his annoying friends. However, I know exactly where they are."
Kuroi then takes out his hellphone and dials it, "Cloud and the others are not going to like this."
Back at the hotel, Kuroi has called Cloud, and explains to him what has happened. Then Cloud decides to tell the others, and finds out where they are.
"THEY'RE WHERE?!" Vaggie exclaims.
"They're in the Porn Studios. From what Kuori explained to me, Phoenix and Angel ran into some kind of trouble with a Dark Sombra, and they were almost erased. Yet, Phoenix was able to fight back and destroy it. However, trying to find her way back to the hotel, she has run into the Black Nights and The Three V's," Cloud says.
"And it also didn't help that Phoenix was badly hurt," Charlie says, showing deep concern.
"Yeah. That Dark Sombra must have done a number on them. And it didn't help that Valentino ended up finding them. Out of all the Demon Overlords she had to come across," Conan says, sounding very bitter.
"We gotta get Phoenix out of there. I know Angel can handle being there, but we should make sure he's alright. However, if Valentino, Vox, and Velvet know that Phoenix is a hybrid..." Grace says.
She then sighs as she places her hand on her head, "I doubt they'll let Phoenix go that easily."
Alastor then says, "Well then, why not go over there and retrieve her."
"No way! You're just going to make a mess of things!" Conan denies it.
"And we'll be in deep shit if we try to go there," Husk says.
"Maybe there's a way we can discuss the situation with them. You know, ask them to let Phoenix leave and get back to the hotel where she'll be safe," Charlie says, and sheepishly smiles.
"Like they'll fuckin listen," Husk says.
Conan says, "I'm with Husk on this one. There's no way those three will give us Phoenix that easily. I wouldn't be surprised if Angel tried to convince his boss, but didn't give a fuck."
"I wouldn't worry. Kuroi said he plans on getting Phoenix and bringing him somewhere where she'll be safe and we can pick her up," Cloud says.
"But how can he do that?" Charlie asks.
"I'm not sure, but I know he'll think of something," Cloud says.
"I sure hope so. Cause if he doesn't get Phoenix out, who knows what those three will do to her," Conan says.
Back at the Studio, Phoenix is sitting on the couch and Valentino is sitting close by. The young hybrid has her hands on her knees as she clutches the dress a bit. She turns her head to the demon as he simply stares at her. Even though he is weaning sunglasses, she can sense him staring at her, and with the expression that frightens her.
"So um, Valentino, right... what is it that you, uh, want to talk to me about?" Phoenix asks.
"Relax baby, there's no need to be tense. It's just the two of us," Valentino says.
He then drags his cigarette and blows it in the air, and the smoke begins to surround the room.
"As for your question, I must say, you have caught my attention. It's not everyday that Hell has a hybrid that is both a demon and human," Valentino says.
"I... I suppose so," Phoenix says.
"And I find it interesting that you like to hang out with Angel Dust. I'm surprised he has never mentioned to me about you before. Why is that though?" Valentino says.
"Um yeah.... It's a bit difficult to explain, but Charlie and I kind of asked Angel to keep me a secret. You know, secret hero and all that crack," Phoenix says, feeling skeptical.
"I see," Valentino says.
Phoenix feels kind of stupid or weird about her being so nervous about talking to him. She then notices Valentino is pouring a pink colored drink into two cocktail bottles.
"You wanna drink?" Valentino asks.
Phoenix feels a bit iffy about having the drink, but not wanting to be rude, Phoenix takes the glass from the table.
She then says, "Um thank you."
Phoenix then takes the cocktail glass to her mouth and begins to sip a little of the strange drink. Suddenly, something about the drink makes Phoenix flinch, in fact, this drink feels very strong, and suspects this is alcohol or something, and a very strong kind. Phoenix decides to resist the taste and takes another sip of the drink. After drinking a little of the alcohol, she places it on the table. Valentino also takes a sip from his glass and places it on the table.
"So what brings a young hybrid like yourself to Hell?" Valentino asks.
Phoenix becomes a little nervous and says, "Well, uh, it's actually a bit of a long story and I'm not sure if I'm ready to share it."
"Oh really? Valentino asks, and drags his cigarette.
He then blows a bit of the red smoke at Phoenix as he asks, "I like to know what you mean by it?"
"To be honest, that is a bit personal in my department, so I kind of like to keep it to myself," Phoenix says.
She sighs and says, "I guess it's also a bit hard to explain as well."
Suddenly, Valentino takes hold of Phoenix's chin and lifts it so she has a good look at Valentino. Phoenix also soon begins to scent the red smoke of the cigarette and can tell that it's very familiar to her somehow. Soon, the red smoke begins to surround the young hybrid.
"I would like to know a little more about you. There are some questions I like to know," Valentino says.
Phoenix nervously says, "I-I don't know. There are some answers I would like to keep to myself."
Phoenix soon begins to couch a bit from the smoke and covers her mouth, but already feels some already enter her mouth. And moves back away from Val. All Valentino does is make a smirk on his face. And soon enough, Phoenix begins to get a little dizzy and holds her head with her left hand.
"Wha-what's going on? I'm starting to feel lightheaded," Phoenix says in her thoughts.
Suddenly, she hears Valentino ask with a grin on his face, "What's with the face, little girl?"
"I-I'm not sure..." Phoenix answers, and begins to feel dizzy.
Then thinks, "My head feels like it's spinning and I'm feeling lightheaded.... Try to keep calm... keep calm.... I can't even think...!"
"Um listen, I... I think I need to leave now. My head feels a bit..." Phoenix softly says, about to stand on her feet.
However, her body struggles to get up, so she remains seated much to Valentino's satisfaction. Suddenly, the red smoke Valentino has been blowing begins to grow thicker, and somehow has turned into strange red smoke like ribbons and circles around Phoenix's waist and her wrists. The red smoke-like ribbon even snaked up her body, and circles around her neck as it cuffed her chin. Smelling the red smoke and feeling it circling around her body, Phoenix's body and resistance is getting weaker.
"What is this... it feels like his smoke is circling around me.... I.... I can't seem to move," Phoenix thinks, feeling dazed.
She managed to speak, "Um... ugh."
Suddenly, she hears Valentino say, "What's the matter, Phoenix? You already started. It took a little less time than I anticipated. It sounds to me like it's already taking over your senses."
"M-my senses..." Phoenix softly says with a small amount of fear in her voice.
Suddenly, she feels someone grabbing a hold of her wrist, and another touching her back. But she is in a deep daze, she doesn't seem to notice or even care, or is aware that Valentino has grabbed a hold of her. Then he places his finger under her chin and lifts it up so she'll have to face him.
The moth demon makes a grin on his face and says, "You don't need to worry. I like to know everything about you, especially what makes you so special."
Soon enough, Phoenix's eyes begin to change to a slight red color and gently nods her head in reply.
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