Episode 16: Trapped in the Studio
Recapping of earlier events, Phoenix and Angel have been attacked by a Dark Sombra and have gotten badly injured. Phoenix has undergone a different transformation, defeated the Dark Sombra, and discovered a special ability that allowed her to heal Angel's wounds, but unable to heal herself. Phoenix has tried to carry Phoenix to the hotel, but is attacked by the Black Nights who tried to have fun with them. They are prevented by Velvet who has come for Angel. They also encounter Vox who wants Angel as well. Able to escape, Phoenix continues to carry Angel, even though her body is at its limits. She soon ends up encountering Valentino, acquainted with Velvet and Vox and Angel Dust's boss. He used red smoke to put Phoenix in a deep sleep and have taken them both away with his comrades.
Sometime later, the three demons who have taken Phoenix and Angel to a large building that has about seven floors, and tinted pink windows with mahogany pink build. On the top front of the building is an image of a woman's lips, as well as three "X" along with a "Porn Studios" sign. Near the building is a large, colorful statue of a porn actress which is holding a sign that says 'hot girls' in a cursive font. Her tail is also pointing at the Porn Studios graphic. On top of the building is a pole, with four string lights connecting from the pole to the edges of the building.
Once they are inside, Phoenix and Angel who are still unconscious are placed in a large bed. Strange thing is that the room is even a darkish pink with some purple, white and red furniture, door, and even some black. The three demons simply look at Phoenix and stands in front and even though his sight is on Angel, he is mostly looking at Phoenix like she's a kind of prize.
And Velvet raises the question as she crosses her arms, "So uh, what are we supposed to do? I mean, Angel and the hybrid girl are knocked out, and the girl is the only one who looks like she got into a massive Territorial Genocide. And yet, Angel looks fine. I like to know what the hell happened?"
"Well, we're not going to get any answers with both of them unconscious," Vox says.
Velvet whines, "But I wanna find out! Aren't you curious, Vox?!"
"Maybe, but I'm not the one whining like a child," Vox says, crossing his arms.
Velvet pouts, "Don't be mean, Vox. I'm sure you want to know about the girl since the media is making a major deal about her, especially finding out she might be close with Alastor."
"Says the demon who likes to check on the internet for any updates and photos on her," Vox remarks.
"Come on Vox, you want to know about her as much as I do!" Velvet complains.
"Knock it off you two," Val sternly says, causing the two before a fight breaks out and they remain silent.
Val then places his black hand on Phoenix's head and calmly moves it to her right cheek.
"I'm sure we'll have our answers soon enough," Val says.
Vox grunts with an annoyed expression and walks towards the door, "Fine. That girl nor Angel will be talking until one of them wakes up. But with that much damage that girl has on her body, it might as well be a few days before we can get any answers. I'll be in the office if you need me."
"Bye Vox," Velvet says, happily waving goodbye.
Vox ignores her and leaves through the door, followed by closing it.
"So Val, what are we going to do once they wake up? Especially her?" Velvet asks.
Val simply smiles and shows off his teeth, "I think it will be best to let her sleep for now. Of course, since she is a powerful demon. She has such raw power, and she has a unique appearance. I am rather curious to know about her... and see what kind of secrets she might be hiding.
"Yeah... how do you plan on doing that?" Velvet replies.
Val then takes out a cigarette and uses a lighter to light it up. He then places the cigarette in his mouth and drags it. He then blows red smoke at the hybrid girl as she remains asleep.
"I have my own little ways. For now, let's treat her wounds," Val says, and picks up Phoenix's wrist that has a bad wound and her wrist is covered in blood.
He then raises his other hand as the red smoke snakes around Phoenix's injured wrist.
Velvet then holds out the white box and opens it to reveal bottles of different liquid, tapes, and other stuff.
"Good thing I brought my special medical box. She's going to need it," Velvet says.
Then Velvet says, "I'll go see if I can find some nice clothes to wear. We can't have her wearing those clothes that have been soiled with blood. I'll be back in a while."
Then Velvet zips out of the room and slams the door shut. Val simply removes the bracelet from Phoenix's wrist and places it on the table. Then he looks at the outfit she is currently wearing is ripped and covered in blood, and sees the injuries she has. He then places some of Velets potion and places it on the table. Then he opens the one with a red bottle and dips his fingers in it. He then brings it out and rubs it against the wound on her wrist. However, Phoenix's eyes begin to stutter as her body begins to flinch. She lets out a grunt in pain. Val drags his cigarette and blows more red smoke at Phoenix. Phoenix ends up inhaling some of the smoke and is instantly put at ease, despite the pain.
He then places one of his four hands on Phoenix's cheek, "Relax darling, it will sting for a while, just continue to breathe and you'll be at ease."
Still unconscious, Phoenix continues to breathe in the smoke that continues to put her in a sleep and her body numb during the treatment. Thankfully, because of some of the healing potions Velvet has, all of Phoenix's injuries were able to heal easily, but does show signs of aches in her muscles, especially with the large amount of blood she lost in the fight.
Sometime later, after the treatment, Phoenix is now covered in bandages and is wearing different clothes. A set of red pajamas: The top has black buttons and short sleeves and the bottom is shorts. The girl is soon tucked in and has remained asleep in the bed with Angel beside her. Angel Dust has also been examined and it's a mystery as to why Angel is not scaved, but also changes his clothes since the one he's been currently wearing have also been covered in blood and torn apart. Angel Dust and Phoenix remain unconscious for the rest of the night.
The next day, close to the afternoon, at Hazbin Hotel lobby, Charlie has called everyone for an important meeting regarding Angel Dust and Phoenix Magne.
"So none of you have seen them at all?" Charlie asks, concerned.
"I'm afraid not, my dear. Not even this young feline and the little fox have seen her," Alastor says.
"We looked all over the hotel. Charlie and I even tried calling both Angel and Phoenix's phone, but neither of them are picking up," Vaggie says.
She crosses her arms with frustration, "What is that slutty spider up to now? If he got Phoenix into any kind of trouble..."
"Now, let's not jump to conclusions. For all we know, Angel could be at work. As for Phoenix, maybe she's well... uh..." Charlie says, sounding worried as she tries to remain positive.
"But Angel said that he had a day off yesterday, and he didn't have any night shifts either," Conan says.
"And it doesn't explain why Phoenix is not with him," Grace says.
"Well, maybe Angel decided to take Phoenix out last night and they're staying at Cherri," Charlie suggests.
"We could try calling her since neither Phoenix nor Angel are answering their phones," Grace says.
Zǐ Māo then asks, "But um, does anyone even know her number?"
"I'm afraid not. I don't even know where she even hangs out," Charlie says.
"But you might know where her turf is," Zǐ Māo says.
"You're right. Vaggie, Zǐ Māo, Kyuubi and I will try to find Cherri and see if she's with them. If not, then, we'll have to form a search party and see if we can find any clues about what happened," Charlie says.
Husk yawns and asks, "Is that our only option? We could ask if anyone has seen her. A half human with fiery color hair shouldn't be that hard to find."
"You think Phoenix would want to leave herself exposed?! You know the kind of risk she'll be facing if anyone sees her hair or her face!" Vaggie angrily scolds.
"Calm down, Vaggie. I'm sure we'll find them," Charlie says.
"The sooner we find them the better. I can't shake this strange feeling, but... I sensed something was off about last night," Cloud says.
"What is it?" Grace asks.
"I'm not entirely sure, but during my meditation last night, Phoenix's aura has somehow... changed," Cloud says.
"Changed?" Charlie asks, confused.
"I'm not entirely sure what happened, but I do know one thing: Phoenix has gone through her other transformation already. However, if my research and Satan's statement is correct, then the sudden transformation is not a good sign," Cloud says.
Vaggie asks, worried, "What do you mean? What other transformation? What's not a good sign?"
"I've done some research on human demon hybrids and there are some that can go through a transformation like one Phoenix has been able to perform. However, they also have a different transformation depending on the situation," Cloud explains.
"Like what?" Conan asks.
"Like when they feel threatened, or are going through a dangerous situation. There's a mostly likely one that can cause human demon hybrids to go through the unusual transformation. And this one is what happened to Phoenix, because I am able to sense it. And yet, I know it will upset you all... especially her parents, and you, Charlie," Cloud says.
"And what will that be?" Charlie asks, concerned and with a frightened expression.
Cloud sighs and says, "They also go through that transformation... when they're on the verge of death. And the transformation can either be temporary or permanent."
Charlie, Vaggie, Conan, Grace, and Zǐ Māo are shocked and dismayed to hear it. Even Niffty and Husk are shocked. Alastor is rather surprised to hear this kind of condition, especially if Phoenix might be the one to deal with it. Charlie is the one who has the expression of fear and deep deep concern. If what Cloud says is true, then Phoenix might have gotten into terrible danger and could be badly hurt or worse, on the verge of death.
Back in the room of the Studios, Angel lets out a grunt as he gently moves his head. Soon enough, Angel begins to open his eyes as he grunt, feeling the strange sensation in his body. Angel soon begins to regain consciousness as he uses his arms to for support, and is able to sit up as his head is held down.
Angel places his head on his forehead and ruffles his head, "Shit... I feel like I was hit by a fuckin truck."
Angel suddenly realizes and turns his head to see Phoenix laying down on the bed and covered in bandages. Other than the bandages that catch his attention, the fact that she's wearing different clothes, more like pajamas. Suddenly, he notices that he is wearing a different outfit himself, and that he isn't covered in injuries.
Angel thinks, "What? What happened? I remember Phoenix and I were getting fuckin clobbered by that Dark Sombra. I think I even have a broken arm and a leg and was almost eaten alive. But I don't have a single scratch on me, even I don't heal that fast."
He then turns to see Phoenix who is unconscious and says to himself, "It looks like I'm not going to get any answers from Phoenix. She's been badly hurt, and she must have a lot of wounds, and possible broken bone, and possibly lost a lot of blood from the incident. But judging by the bandages and clothes, someone must have found us and taken care of the wounds and changed our clothes."
He groans, "I hope whoever found us didn't do anything weird to her. Charlie will fuckin kill me if anything happens to Phoenix, especially in her sleep."
Angel then looks around to notice the room they ended up staying in. For some reason, this room seems somewhat... familiar to him.
"Where are we?" Angel wonders.
Angel Dust turns to see Phoenix is still unconscious and doesn't look like she'll be up for a while or so.
"I need to figure out what's going on and where we are, and maybe get Phoenix out of wherever we ended up," Angel says to himself.
Angel first climbs off the bed and heads to the front door to figure out where they are. Before he can touch the door knob, the door opens fast and the Overlord known as Velvet happily enters the room.
Then let out a shout, "Good morning!"
"Well it's almost afternoon, so good afternoon!" Velvet happily says.
Confused and shocked, Angel asks, "Velvet?! What the fuck are you doing here?! Where the hell..."
"You're at work, Angie. I'm guessing your hybrid friend hasn't woken up yet. That's too bad, I was hoping to talk to her, maybe even have some fun with her. Then again, the girl looks like a roadkill animal so she'll be knocked out for a lot longer," Velvet says.
Angel groans as he places his hand on his face, "Oh god."
With that, Angel Dust realizes where they are. They're at the Porn Studios, Angel's work. To make matters worse, if Velvet knows about Phoenix being a human demon hybrid, then his boss also knows.
Then Velvet says, "And before I forget, Val said to bring you both to his office when you both wake up. However, since you're the only one who's up. Looks like I'll have to bring you instead."
"What?! Wait a fuckin second! Do you really expect Phoenix to go along with it when she wakes up?!" Angel angrily questions.
"Phoenix, huh. Vox did recognize her to be the girl who was with Alastor and remembers her name being Phoenix. I think it's a very pretty name, and suits her hair color. And to answer your question, yes," Velvet says.
Angel crosses his arms and says, "Fine. First, let me call Charlie and see she can come to the studio to pick her up."
"Hate to break it to you, but yours and the girl's phones are trashed. They got broken screens, and it's practically broken," Velvet says. Then she shows them the broken phones.
"Fuck," Angel mutters.
He sighs and says, "Whatever. I'll go see what Val wants."
Angel and Velvet then leave the room and the door closes. Then Angel and Velvet go their separate ways.
Angel thinks in concern, "If Val does know about Phoenix being a hybrid then she'll be in terrible danger. I need to get Phoenix back to the hotel and fast. I can't even think of what might happen if Phoenix gets mixed up with those three."
A few moments later, Angel Dust is able to reach the door that leads to his boss' office. Angel then knocks on the door and waits for an answer.
Just then, he hears his boss' voice, "Come on."
Angel takes a deep breath and opens the door to the office. He then walks inside the office to see the place is a little dim lighted, but it's enough for him to see. Angel walks in as he closes the door behind him, trying to remain calm, knowing that Phoenix's life is on the line. He also notices the red smoke that has been spread in the room. He then looks ahead to see Valentino sitting at his desk doing some paperwork, and looks up to see Angel walking over to him.
"Hello Angie, nice to see you're finally up. How are you feeling?" Val says in a calm tone.
"Um yeah. I feel okay. I guess," Angel says, trying to remain calm.
Then thinks sounding concern, "Although, I don't really understand what the fuck happened after I was knocked out."
The next question Val asks, makes him concerned, "And how is your little hybrid friend."
At first, Angel remains silent. He really doesn't want Phoenix to get involved in this.
Reluctant, Angel forces himself to answer, "She's okay. I think. I mean... she hasn't worked up yet. And well, to tell you the truth... I don't exactly know what happened."
"Oh really," Val says with a grin and showing his sharp teeth.
He stands up and walks towards Angel as he questions, "Then how do you explain that young girl has been injured to the core while her body was reaching its limits. At the same time, she was carrying you on her own and was quite protective of you."
"Well, uh... you see Val. It's kind of a long story. However, I don't fully know why I was fine. I mean, at least I'm okay now, right?" Angel says, still trying to remain calm, but is rather uneasy.
"Indeed, but you sounded unsure," Val says.
He then drags the cigarette in his mouth. Then blows red smoke to where Angel says. Angel tries his best not to cough, but it's not easy for him. He's fully aware of what his special cigarettes are capable of, especially when he uses it.
"You mind explaining it. As well as why you've decided to get yourself involved in my affairs," Val says.
Angel becomes stunned and gulps nervously.
He tries to remain calm and answers, "Well, I overheard you at the studio who you didn't have anyone to handle this deal. And I figure since I have the night off, I figure I could handle it. And well..."
"You've decided to ask the girl to accompany you," Val suspects.
"Um yeah. I figured it was an easy gig, and thought it would be a good idea to have someone come with me in case something happens. I know we can take them out easy, and even when..." Angel says.
But Valentino cuts him off, "Angel. Angel. Angel baby. What have I told you countless times, sweetheart. Regarding your work and my affairs."
Angel says, "C'mon boss. I know how this stuff works, and we weren't trying to cause any problem, but that Dark Sombra attacked us."
"Dark Sombra?" Val says, interested.
Knowing there is no turning back, Angel then begins to explain, "Phoenix and I were just trying to deal with the deal and it was going to be simple, but then that Dark Sombra attacked us. Phoenix and I and well, along with Masato and his hang tried to fight against it, but it felt that thing knew what we were doing, what we were thinking. We barely stood a chance against it. Phoenix was badly hurt and the weird thing is so was I. I thought my arm and leg were broken after the attack, but I blacked. That's all I know."
After explaining what he knows, Angel lowers his head, feeling strong remorse. He feels that it's his fault that this happened, and now Phoenix is trapped in the same building with three powerful overlords and is badly hurt. He also puts the blame on the master of the Dark Sombras, the one who's been after her, and the reason why she is at Hell to begin with.
"I see. That would explain why I've received word that the meeting place was demolished," Valentino says.
"That sounds about right," Angel says, feeling reluctant.
Suddenly, Val cuffs Angel's chin with his black hand and lifts it up so he'll face him.
"However, I do like to know how the girl fits into it," Val says.
Confused, Angel asks, "Why are you interested in her? I heard hybrids like her are rare, but still..."
"The girl has piqued my curiosity since she appeared on the news. What's more, is the fact I've seen her with you and the Radio demon have me very intrigued, especially when she also associates with the princess," Valentino says.
Angel is shocked to hear this. From the way his boss is explaining, it seems that he along with Vox have been keeping an eye on a lot that Phoenix's been doing. Knowing she is friends is one thing, but knowing she is close with Alastor and Charlie is something else. Either way, Angel has a bad feeling about this, if they find out more about Phoenix's secrets, she'll be in deep trouble.
Angel tries to remain calm and says, "Look Val, I guess it's well... understandable that you like to know about her... and how she is connected to Charlie and Alastor... and anything else. But... she can't exactly stay here. She's only an eighteen year old girl and well, still has a lot to learn about here."
Angel looks to see Val giving him a firm glare.
Yet Angel continues, "And besides, if Charlie and Alastor find out that you have her here, you're going to be in deep shit with all three of them. Cloud isn't going to be pleased with it either."
"Cloud, huh. You mean that dog demon?" Val questions.
"Um yeah. Either way, I don't mind staying here and all that, but I don't think anyone at the hotel will want Phoenix to be stuck here, especially when she's badly hurt. I need to get her back to the hotel," Angel says.
However, Valentino drags his cigarette and blows out smoke in the air in the shape of a heart. Angel soon realizes that this is not a good sign.
"Don't fret Angie, your friend will be fine after another day or two. However, she won't be leaving here anytime soon," Valentino says.
"What?! Why not?!" Angel asks, shocked.
Valentino gives Angel an evil grin and answers, "Let's just say I like to know everything about her..."
Angel Dust grows deeply concerned to hear it. However, even though his boss says that he wants to know about her, he can't shake this frightening feeling that he wants something else from her. And this something might put her in a terrible possession.
Sometime later in the room, Phoenix lets out a grunt as she gently moves her head. Soon, she begins to open her eyes and regain consciousness. Phoenix groans as she begins to sit up and feel the pain on her body. She sits up as she rubs her eyes to wake up. When she wakes up, Phoenix suddenly remembers what has happened. She looks around to find herself in a strange room. Then looks down at herself to notice she is wearing different clothes, and bandages on parts of her body.
"What happened? How did I get here? And... where's Angel?" Phoenix thinks to herself.
Just then, the door to the room opens and Angel Dust enters the room, and the spider demon notices Phoenix is up.
"Hey Phoenix, glad to see you're up," Angel says.
"Yeah. I'm glad you're okay. How are you feeling?" Phoenix asks, concerned.
"Okay. I guess. But I think I should be asking you that," Angel says.
"Yeah. That Dark Sombra really did a number on us. I thought we were going to be history," Phoenix says.
"Yeah," Angel says, walking to Phoenix and sitting on the bed.
Then asks, "Phoenix, what happened after I was knocked out, and how come you're the only one covered in bandages."
Phoenix begins to think about it. She tries to remember what happened in the abandoned building. When Phoenix does have the answer, she decides to explain to Angel Dust about what happened, about the Dark Sombra nearly destroying them and almost devouring him. And how suddenly, Phoenix has gone through a transformation without her bracelet, and feels very different. To her, Phoenix feels as though she has become similar to a full fledged demon. She is able to defeat the monster, and somehow gain a healing ability that heals Angel of his injuries, but too weak to heal herself. She also explains how she's been ambushed by the Black Nights, Vox, and Velvet, and concludes about them being ambushed by another demon and surrounded by red smoke.
Phoenix concludes, "And that's basically what happened."
"That would explain why you were a total wreck and how my wounds were healed. But still..." Angel says, sounding upset.
He sighs and says, "You should push yourself like that. And well... thanks for helping me. Even though I'm part of the reason you're in this mess. Even though we're in a bigger mess."
"What do you mean?" Phoenix says, confused.
Angle questions, "You remember I told you about my boss, Valentino and how I worked at his Porn Studio."
"Uh huh," Phoenix replies with a nod.
"It looks like you ended up at my work. One of the places I don't want you to be at," Angel says.
Phoenix blushes a little and grows concern, "That's... not good."
"It's not. And what's worse that Val and his two buddies aren't planning on letting you leave," Angel says.
"Why not?" Phoenix asks.
"He said he wants to meet you and get to know you but I can't shake the feeling that he has something else up his sleeve," Angel says.
"You're right. Your boss must have another reason, but there isn't a way to know for sure. Besides, I'm not going to stay here," Phoenix says.
"I know. I tried convincing Val, but he won't listen. And well, I don't think you can fight him in your condition," Angel says.
"You're right," Phoenix says, looking at her injuries.
Angel groans and says, "I don't know what to do to get you out of this place."
"Well... hmmm." Phoenix says, thinking.
Then says, "Well, Valentino might not let me leave, but he didn't say anything that you can't..."
"No. He didn't, but I will work soon, and I might do this late in the night." Angel answers.
"Well, when you get the chance, you can leave the studio and get back to the hotel to tell the others what happened. I know we agreed not to tell, but this seems like a perfect acception, especially the mess we're in," Phoenix says.
"Yeah. And maybe I can get Charlie to convince Alastor and Vagie not to destroy them. And I'm sure I can convince Cherri to help," Angel says.
"That's good. I might as well take the time to rest and maybe well, find any clue to figure out what they want," Phoenix says.
"Okay, but you need to be careful. I know you were able to deal with Alastor and Cloud, but Vox, Velvet, and especially Valentino, are those that you need to be careful around," Angel says.
Phoenix nods her head, "Don't worry, I remember Charlie told me that her dad taught her something."
Then says, "You don't take shit from other demons."
"Okay. I have time before my shift, so I'll at least let Charlie know where we are, and try not to get too... freaked out before finding a way to get you out of this place. Until then, hope you feel better," Angel says.
"Thanks," Phoenix says.
Angel then leaves the room, feeling reluctant about leaving Phoenix alone, but knows that he has to work. Phoenix also lets out a sad sigh and looks at one of the windows to find herself in a different part of Pentagram City. she can only hope Angel can find Charlie and let her know she's okay. Meanwhile, Phoenix needs to do what she can on her part to know what is going on and what the three overlords are doing.
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