Episode 14: The Awakening of a Demon Half
Somewhere in Pentagram City in the afternoon, Phoenix is with Angel Dust, Grace, and Conan with some posters and sticking them up on the wall.
Conan groans, "Remind me again, why we have to be the one to stick Charlie's posters around the city."
"Because we're staying at her hotel, so the least we can do is help out," Grace says.
"I know that, but we should be helping Phoenix train, not stick these posters up," Conan complains.
"You said it. I could have gone to the bar with Cherri by now," Angel says, annoyed.
"And let you get yourself involved in another Turf War. No thanks," Phoenix replies.
She then places the poster on the wall, and places tapes on it.
"She's right. Phoenix told us about the trouble you got Phoenix involved with at the Turf war with Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois," Conan says.
Phoenix says, "I remember Grace told me that you used to get involved with Turf Wars too. Well, she said that was before you met Cloud."
"Yeah, but I don't really ask anyone to be involved with it, not even Grace. I like to handle my own battles," Conan says.
"Talk about new meaning to the Lone Wolf routine," Phoenix replies.
"What does that mean?" Conan asks, frustrated.
"It means that Grace told me that you used to be one of those loner types, and one who always picks fights, and wants to do everything by himself," Phoenix says.
Conan groans, but soon glares at his sister to hear her chuckle.
Angel asks, "Can we get these posters done. I don't want to be here any more than I have to?"
"But we still have more posters to put up. And if we don't, I'm pretty sure Vaggie is not going to be pleased, especially with you," Phoenix says.
Angel groans, "Listening to Alastor's stupid jokes is better than this. Can something just fuckin happened before I get bored?"
Suddenly, they hear the sound of explosions and demons screaming and panicking.
"It looks like you got your wish Angel," Conan says.
The group runs down the sidewalk and turns to the corner to see the demons and sinners are running away in fear as they see a ten foot tall robotic Sombra heading towards them, firing its blaster and attacking anyone and anything in sight.
"It's another Dark Sombra!" Grace says, shocked.
Angel notices a door to an abandoned building close by.
He opens the door and says, "Time to do your thing, kid."
"Good idea," Phoenix says.
She then runs inside and quickly puts her bracelet on. Phoenix lifts her hand with her bracelet and once again, it begins to glow.
Phoenix's body begins to glow red. Then coming out of her right hand is burning fire. She raises her hand in the air and controls the fire to fly around like a large, long ribbon. The fire then begins to coil around her upper body, her arms, and legs. The flames on her upper body transform into a red sleeveless kimono top up to her knees with a black emon and lace. It has a silhouette of a flaming bird on the left side and fire on the right side. Then a bright orange ribbon wraps around her waist and forms an obi ribbon on the back, a gold string buckle appears around the ribbon, and black tights that also cover her ankles.
And then, fire patterned gloves appear on Phoenix's arms that go up to her elbows. Instead of covering the hands, they only cover the backhands and have a band attached that is around the middle finger. The flames around her legs transform into orange ballet flats. The yellow ribbons are wrapped around red leg warmers.
After that, her small gold crown with a pentagram gem appears over her head. She puts it on and her hair begins to glow red. A black choker with a phoenix feather appears on her neck, a red star earring appears on her left ear while a black crescent moon earring appears on her right ears. Then her hair becomes covered in fire. And soon, her hair turns into a glowing color of flames and slightly moves.
Phoenix then lands on the ground, and enchanting wings of a fire bird appear on her back. The feathers of the wings are the colors of fire. She then opens her eyes, her sclera are red with gold yellow pupils in the middle. At a split second, fire flashes in her eyes. Lastly, a red lined pentagram a black crescent moon having two circles and symbols around it appear on her forehead.
Phoenix announces as she moves her hands around, "A Courageous and Majestic Bird that Soars through the Flames of Hell!"
Then fire appears from her hands.
Phoenix spins around in a circle, and announces, "Blazing Phoenix!"
She then finishes with a pose. Her left knee is bent while her right leg is in a forty degree angle. She has her right hand with the palm down across her body while her left arm is presented forward with the palm facing front.
Out on the street, the robotic Dark Sombra continues to attack anyone and anything. Suddenly, it ends up getting the receiving end of a fiery punch on the chest and is sent flying. The Dark Sombra soon looks to see Phoenix is standing before it and is not pleased.
"They dumbot, so you like wrecking stuff, how about you try this one for size!" Phoenix calls out.
The robot makes robotic sounds and narrows its vision at Phoenix. Then flickers on it's eyes, 'Target.'
"Target sighted! Target sighted!" The robotic Dark Sombra says.
"Uh oh..." Phoenix replies.
The Dark Somra then begins to fire laser eyes at Phoenix. Phoenix uses her wings to fly up in the air. The robotic Sombra then extends its robotic arm at Phoenix while she's in the air. She quickly brings out her katana and blocks the attack. Phoenix then continues to dodge the attack, and flies down with her sword. With a clear shot, Phoenix is able to stab the Dark Sombra on the mask and cuts it in half. Causing the robotic Dark Sombra to dissolve.
Phoenix sighs in relief, "That was close."
When the Dark Sombra dissolves, a black pearl is lft on the street and like before, it changes color. This time to a red color.
She picks up the pearl, "I will have to remind myself to ask Cloud about these odd pearls, when we get back."
She then walks towards the others who have watched the whole thing.
"Well bird girl, looks like you score another one on those bitches," Angel says.
"Well, that's that. Let's finish putting up the posters and get back to the hotel," Phoenix says.
"Better than letting someone see the mess that you kind of caused," Conan says.
The group then begins to walk down the street to place more fliers on the walls and other places. Later in the night at the hotel, Charlie is sitting on the chair in the lobby and lets out a sad sigh. That's when Phoenix walks over.
"Hey Charlie, are you feeling okay?" Phoenix asks.
"Not really. We just finished putting up the fliers and no one is showing up," Charlie sadly says.
"I know, but these things take time. And even if they don't, there are well other ways to get the word out and all that. Even though we know your plans have some bumps in the road," Phoenix says.
"I guess you're right. I just really want to make a difference and hope to get some results before the next cleansing, but not sooner," Charlie says.
"I'm sure we'll come up with another idea. Until then, we should get to bed," Phoenix says.
"Right," Charlie says.
She yawns and says, "It is getting late."
"I guess you're right," Phoenix says.
Charlie then stands up and walks with Phoenix up the stairs.
"So how is your training with Cloud?" Charlie asks.
"Things are doing good, but I still don't understand those pearls that keep appearing whenever I defeat those monsters," Phoenix says.
"I'm not sure either. Maybe my dad might know something about these odd looking pearls," Charlie says.
"I'm sure we'll figure something out," Phoenix answers.
Sometime later, Phoenix is reading the book and it's already past 9 o'clock in the night, well, as night as Hell can be. She turns her head to see Kyuubi and Zǐ Māo are fast asleep. Suddenly, she hears a knock on the door. Wanting to know who it is, Phoenix puts the book down, hop off the bed, and walks towards the door. She opens the door and is surprised to see Angel Dust at the door.
"Angel? What are you doing here?" Phoenix asks.
"Hey kid, listen I need a bit of a favor to ask," Angel says.
"What kind of favor?" Phoenix asks.
"You see. I'm going to be heading out to settle a little drug deal for my boss and I'm going to need a bodyguard for it. And what's better a bodyguard than you," Angel Dust says.
"You want me to be a bodyguard for a drug deal?" Phoenix asks, confused.
"Yep," Angel says.
"Are you sure you need me for this? And do you even need to do this deal? Vaggie and Charlie are trying to rehabilitate you so it's not a good idea for you to do drug deals and well... if the girls find out you want me to come, they'll be furious," Phoenix says.
"As long as you don't tell them. Besides, it's just a petty drug deal my boss always does. I happened to hear him having problems finding someone to handle this shit, so I decided to do it for him," Angel says.
"Does your boss know about this?" Phoenix asks.
"What's him not knowing going to hurt?" Angel asks, sounding skeptical.
Phoenix crosses her arms, "Let me guess, you did this before without your boss' knowledge and have gotten into deep trouble for it."
"Uh, yeah. It had gotten me into trouble. Matter a fact, that's kind of how I ended up meeting Charlie and her girlfriend to begin with," Angel answers, letting out a nervous chuckle.
"That's how you met Charlie and Vaggie?" Phoenix asks, confused.
Angel nods his head, "Yeah. The only reason why I got in trouble was because I wasn't supposed to be a part of his deals and I was supposed to be at work. Anyway, I have the night off so I'm free to make sure to take care of his deals. Will you help me? I asked Cherri, but she's busy getting more supplies for another Turf War or Sir Pentious comes causing her problems. You can understand why I can't ask Charlie, Vaggie, or the others. So will you help me?"
Phoenix sighs and says, "Alright, I'll help you. But on a few conditions."
Angel Dust nods his head.
Phoenix then says, "One: We must never speak of this to Charlie, Vaggie, and the others. They'll freak if they find out. Second: During the deal, you must never tell them who I really am, and about me being human. And three: If the deal goes wrong and resort to violence, and if a Dark Sombra attacks, I must use my powers and possibly transform to fight back. That are the conditions of the agreement."
"Sounds fair. And well, I understand if you need to use your full powers to fight back. And if something does go wrong... don't hesitate to fight back. We are in Hell after all," Angel says.
Phoenix nods her head and understands. With help from Angel Dust, Phoenix is able to have a good disguise on and has her weapons and bracelet hidden away in case she needs it.
Sometime later, Angel Dust and Phoenix arrived at a large and abandoned building. Of course, that is what the sinners and demons will think at first glance. Angel Dust is wearing his original clothes, and also has his white fedora on. Phoenix has a completely different outfit than Angel Dust.
Phoenix asks, "Angel, is the disguise really necessary?"
"Yeah. The point of it is for them to think you're working with Valentino, so this outfit is totally necessary," Angel says.
"At least I convinced you not to dress me as a stripper or an adult film actress," Phoenix says.
Phoenix is wearing a reddish color suit jacket with black gloves, underneath is a white button up shirt with a black tie, black pants, and shoes. Phoenix's hair is hidden in a long black color wig with bangs covering some parts of her eyes. She also has her face painted in a pale white color.
"Still, I just hope this disguise works," Phoenix says.
"It will be fine. Now, you remember your stage name for the deal right?" Angel asks.
"Yes," Phoenix answers with a nod.
"Alright, I got the shit, now let's get this deal over with," Angel says.
"Right," Phoenix answers.
Agreeing that they're ready, Angel Dust and Phoenix walk inside the building to settle with the drug deal.
Meanwhile, someone is spying on then. It's Larry, the small Lynx demon who is still working for the demon who is responsible for the Dark Sombra attacks and is after Phoenix.
He holds the phone in his hand and says, "Yes boss, the girl entered the old building with the porn star."
"I see. It will seem I will have to send another one of my Dark Sombra after her," The boss says.
"But um, how do you suppose you do that? She's already cut off the mask of the Dark Sombras and collected the souls after they are released," Larry asks.
"Do not worry. I know the perfect Dark Sombra for me to send. And trust me, this Dark Sombra will know every move she can come up with," The boss says, and lets out an evil chuckle.
Behind the boss, a slowing Dark Sombra mask is revealed behind him, and it reveals its sharp yellow teeth.
Inside the abandoned building, there are 8 demons inside. The first one is a Spider demon that is wearing a Japanese kimono and each of her four arms are bouncing temari balls. The second demon is a doll-like demon with pale white skin and glowing yellow eyes, and dressed in a Victorian outfit. Two demons are twins: a male and a female clown sinners. They are dressed in identical circus costumes. The fifth sinner is a snake-like demon. It has legs and arms that are covered in scales, and has a long snake neck with fangs and red eyes. The sixth one is a demon with two thin and attached to each arm are three swords. The seventh one is a Chinese like cat with glowing green eyes.
The last demon is different from the others. The demon looks like a large shogun warrior of some kind. The armor is black, gray, and a little gray with sharp horns on the helmet. He is drinking from a Japanese sake cup.
Just then, the door opens to reveal a normal doll sinner.
She says, "Lord Masato, Two of Valentino's representatives have arrived."
"Bring them in," The Shogun sinner, Masato says.
The sinner moves to the side, allowing Angel Dust and Phoenix to enter the room.
The Shogun demon and the other look at Angel and Phoenix with evil and smiling grins on their faces. Angel and Phoenix ignore them and simply walk inside. Angel is holding the briefcase with Phoenix walking beside him.
The female spider demon says, "Well, it looks like Val's little star decides to pay us a little visit. And it appears he has a little body guard with him."
The male Chinese cat demon says, "You know, that bodyguard is quite the looker. I wouldn't mind having a 'little' fun with her."
The male snake demon hisses and says, "I would love to have my long neck around her own. And my claws piercing her skin."
Phoenix feels a strong shiver down her spines and is gritting her teeth with uneasiness.
Angel whispers, "Calm down, it's just their horny scenes talkin."
"I know, but that doesn't mean it's not as disturbing as they are," Phoenix mutters.
Angel Dust and Phoenix walk ahead until they are in front of the Shogun demon.
"Angel Dust, Valentino's favorite little toy. And who might your little friend be?" Masato says.
Phoenix calmly says, "My name is Gurenge. I was ordered to guard him during the affair."
"Gurenge, eh? Quite an interesting name. Still, I find it rather odd that Val would send his famous Porn Star along with a bodyguard to be running his deals for him," Masato says.
"Hey, I'm more than just a Porn Star. I'm more man than you could even handle, baby," Angel says.
"You certainly don't look or talk like one. The same can be said about your little bodyguard," Masato says.
"Look. Let's cut to the chase. Big V didn't have much time to deal with you odd gangsters, especially one with tacky armor," Angel says.
Phoenix whispers, "Angel Dust, that's a Japanese style armor. From his appearance, he might have been a Japanese warrior in his human life, or into Japanese culture."
"Whatever?" Angel mutters.
"Hmm, it appears your little friend knows more about my appearance than you do. And by her appearance, I can tell a Japanese local when I see one," Masato says.
"I see. However, we are here to assist in having one of his deals finalized. Do you have the products at hand," Phoenix calmly replies.
"Of course, but it depends if you have your end of the bargain," Masato says.
Phoenix turns to Angel and nods her head. Angel then presents the briefcase to the shogun demon.
"There ya see. It's all here," Angel says.
Before another word can be said, Angel Dust finds himself having a blade close to his neck while the snake demon has his long neck closely around Phoenix's neck.
"I must apologize, but I feel that simply getting some money is good enough, especially with good looking demons. Ain't that right, Katana?" Masato says.
"I quite agree, boss. I sure like to have fun with this cute spider, including his cute little friend," The sword demon, Katana says.
Then turns to the snake demon, "What do you think of that, Serpentine?"
"I agree. I love to have my coilssss around her lovely neck," The snake demon, Serpentine says.
Then places his claw scaled hand on her left cheek and lifts her face towards him.
"Look at those lovely golden yellow eyes," Serpentine says, and sticks his tongue out at her.
Nervous, Phoenix answers, "Um, I, uh, thank you."
"So you let me get this straight, we showed up with Val' money to pay, and you fuckin' freak shows decide to go with the tough gangster routine and ask for my services," Angel sternly says.
Then turns to Phoenix, "And try to make a play on one of V's employees who isn't even a stripper."
"Really now? She sure has a lovely face, it's a surprise that she isn't an actress," Serpentine says.
The spider demon says, "You're right, but she sure is a looker. I wonder if Val doesn't mind if we had fun with his star actor and his little bodyguard. I'm sure he won't mind."
"Now Temari, it's our boss' choice on what to do with them. Plus, it's his deal with Val not yours," The cat demon.
Masato grins and says, "I say, we should have fun with those two, and if they do a good job, I'll let them keep their heads in exchange."
Phoenix whispers to Angel, "Angel, this isn't going so well."
"I know. However," Angel says.
He then pulls out his gun and presses it toward Katana, "They don't think we're just helpless demons do they."
"I have to agree," Phoenix says with a grin.
Suddenly, they begin to feel the ground rumbling catching everyone's attention.
"Uh, what was that?" The doll demon asks.
Phoenix soon senses something off and thinks, "This feeling. I can sense something coming. Whatever it is, it's big and powerful."
"Angel, I think we need to go, now," Phoenix says.
"Why?" Angel asks, confused.
Suddenly, bursting through the wall behind them, is a large and savage demon. It has a creepy looking Dark Sombra mask. It also has large white color hair attached to it. It has silver spikes on its back all the way to it's tail and a spike ball on the end. It has sharp long claws and feet. It also has sharp teeth from its large mouth and large ram like horns.
"What the hell is that thing?" Temari exclaims.
"It's a... a Dark Sombra, but there's something odd about it," Phoenix says.
"So uh, girl. I think you should go with the you know..." Angel says.
"Right," Phoenix says, and escapes from Serpentine's coils.
Before Phoenix can lift her bracelet and transform, the Demon suddenly speeds towards her and slashes her wrist with the bracelet at her. Phoenix gasps and she is cut hard on her arms. Then the demon swats its other arm at Phoenix and sends her down to the ground.
Angel gasps and quickly brings out his guns and prepares to fire. Suddenly, the demon uses it's spike tail to attack Angel and makes him knock and roll to the ground.
"What the hell is that thing?" Katana exclaims and brings out his swords.
When he tries to attack, the Dark Sombra strikes at the demon and causes it to crash to the wall. Temari then uses her temari balls to attack. However, the demon slashes at them with his claws and destroys them to pieces.
"Tha-that's impossible?!" Temari exclaims.
The two clown twins say, "Take that you freak show!"
Then they hold each other's arms and begin to cartwheel super quickly. The Dark Sombra continues to use it's attacks on the demons and sinners in the area. Some of them are knocked out and practically bleeding. Angel Dust and Phoenix begin to get up as they feel the pain of the attack.
Phoenix then quickly brings out the gun from the inside of her jacket and prepares to attack. However, the dark Sombra then uses it's spike tail to swat Phoenix.
"Phoenix!" Angel exclaims.
Angel then brings out his third pair of arms and each of the arms carries a gun and begins to attack at the demon with all the guns he has and fires. The Dark Sombra growls in anger and uses his claws to attack Angel and swat every last of his guns to pieces. Then attacks him and sends him crashing to the wall.
"Angel!" Phoenix cries out.
Phoenix quickly brings out her katana and uses her powers to create a sword. Phoenix grits her teeth and struggles the pain of her wrist where her bracelet is. Phoenix runs towards him as she lets out a battle cry. She then jumps up and prepares to attack. Just then, the Dark Sombra's left hand and claws begin to glow and it's nails glow longer. Then the demon slashes at Phoenix and she falls to the ground. Phoenix crashes to the ground. However, Phoenix begins to stand up as she is bleeding and her wounds continue to open.
Phoenix thinks, "This Dark Sombra is different, it's like this one knows what any of us are thinking. If that thing can read our minds, then we're in terrible danger. I have to transform and finish it.
Phoenix then brings up her bracelet since it's placed on her wrist. But before she can transform, the sinner swats her with its spike tail and sends her crashing to the wall. Then uses its foot to stomp her to the ground. It lifts it foot up to see Phoenix isn't getting up at all. The demon evilly grins to see the girl is unconscious. Then it turns its head to see Angel Dust struggling to get up as he holds his arm. The Dark Sombra then pushes Angel Dust to the wall with its claw hand pressing him to the wall.
The Dark Sombra leans to Angel Dust and sniffs the side of his neck. Angel flinches, despite being on the verge of unconsciousness. Like Phoenix, Angel Dust has been hurt pretty bad. The Dark Sombra begins to open its mouth, revealing its fangs and prepares to devour Angel Dust. Suddenly, it feels an odd and yet, powerful presence.
Just then, something slashes its arm off and Angel has been dropped from it. Whatever it is, also catches Angel Dust and lands on the ground with him in the arms. The Dark Sombra turns it's head to see Phoenix holding Angel Dust as the spider is now unconscious. With the wig off, it reveals her fiery color hair. However, there is something different about her.
Phoenix's hair is practically moving, and the pain has come off from the blood to reveal her tan skin. Her eyes somehow turn to bright red with gold yellow in the middle. Her teeth and her fingernails have sharpened and she is growling with rage. The Dark Sombra looks at Phoenix to see the strange and fury in her eyes. It's like the demon self has awakened within her. Phoenix then walks away and lays Angel Dust down against the wall.
In her thoughts, Phoenix says, "Angel Dust, hang in there. You just leave everything to me."
Phoenix turns her head back to the Dark Sombra and walks up to the Dark Sombra. Phoenix then possesses herself and is ready to fight against the Dark Sombra. The Dark Sombra does the same to fight the hybrid. Phoenix feels her blood boiling as her heart is beating rapidly, and her eyes glow like a real demon.
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