Episode 10: An Afternoon with Alastor

One afternoon, Phoenix is laying on her bed in the hotel room. Kyuubi is right by her side as he sleeps, while Zǐ Māo is sitting with her as well.

Zǐ Māo turns to Phoenix, "So what do we do now?"

"It depends what Charlie needs us to do," Phoenix says.

Zǐ Māo then asks, "Are you going to be okay?"

"I'm not sure. After everything that has happened. I haven't been in Hell long and I've already ended up revealing my demon self, and well... showing everyone in Hell what I can do," Phoenix answers, depressed.

"I'm sure it won't be so bad. I just, don't know what to do about it," Zǐ Māo says, sadly.

Phoenix smiles and places his hand on his head to give it a rub.

"Thanks. But you don't need to worry, I'm sure we'll figure something out. I just... don't know what," Phoenix says.

Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door.

Phoenix gets up and says, "Coming."

Phoenix leaves the bed and walks to the door. She opens the door to see who it is and to her surprise, it...

"Alastor? What are you doing here?" Phoenix says, confused.

"Hello Phoenix my dear, Charlie has asked me to do some grocery shopping and I just thought you and your little feline friend would like to accompany me. I also like to ask if you both like to walk around town," Alastor says.

"Sure. I don't see why not," Phoenix says.

Then turns to Zǐ Māo, "You wanna come?"

"Um... okay," Zǐ Māo answers, feeling shy.

Suddenly, barking begins to surround the room and Kyuubi runs between Phoenix and Alastor and begins to growl and bark at the Radio demon.

Zǐ Māo says, worried, "Uh oh, not again."

"Calm down Kyuubi," Phoenix says, picking the little fox demon up.

Phoenix continues to pet Kyuubi, but the dog simply growls at the Radio Demon. She then turns her head to see Alastor smiling, but his eyes are glowing red and giving a glare at Kyuubi.

Phoenix pets the fox on his head and says, "It's okay Kyuubi, calm down. I promise, nothing bad is going to happen. It's okay."

Finally, Kyuubi is able to calm down and lowers his ears with a frown.

"I'm sorry about Kyuubi, I think he still feels cautious with you being around me," Phoenix says.

Alastor puts on a happy grin and says, "Not to worry. However, it will be best to have your little fox keep his distance."

"Um okay," Phoenix says with a soft nod.

Zǐ Māo brings Phoenix's bag and asks, "So are we ready?"

"I guess so," Phoenix says and takes her bag from the little bat demon.

"Indeed we are. However...." Alastor says.

Alastor looks at Phoenix and Zǐ Māo. The little cat demon is wearing the same clothes when he first meets Phoenix. Phoenix is wearing a black sleeveless dress that is up to her ankles, and has a red wrap and ribbon. She is also black slip on shows and is holding a red handbag.

"You both will be going out wearing... that?" Alastor questions.

Confused, Phoenix asks, "What's wrong with our clothes?"

Alastor then brings out his microphone and twirls it, "Darling, there's always time for some improvements?"

"Improvements?" Phoenix and Zǐ Māo say, confused.

"I'll show you," Alastor says.

With a wave of his hand, Alastor creates a spell that has their outfits change around them. Zǐ Māo finds himself wearing a white button up long sleeve shirt with black suspenders, black shorts, a purple cap, black shoes and white socks, like something from the 1920s

Phoenix soon finds herself wearing a red long sleeve shirt with black linings, and a black skirt with crimson hims on the bottom, black slip on shoes, and wears a large black hat. Her normal bag changes to a hand bag style from the 1920s as well. Her hair has also been put in a bun, but most is hidden in the hat while she bangs a bit of the bun out.

Phoenix and Zǐ Māo look at each other with shocked expressions to see what they're wearing.

Alastor grins and says, "There. Now you represent the hotel with some class."

"Class? For what Swing Dancing or something?" Phoenix says, confused.

"Probably not, but I do like to dance once in a while," Alastor says.

"Um, what's Swing Dance?" Zǐ Māo asks.

"It's a type of dance in my time. I'll be happy to show you," Alastor says.

"I don't think he's old enough to learn that kind of dance," Phoenix says.

"Maybe. Anyway, now that you both are ready we shall get going. There are things to do and I have a friend or two I want you to meet," Alastor says.

"Okay," Phoenix says.

Phoenix then walks to the bed and places Kyuubi on the bed, "Be a good boy, and don't cause any mischief. I'll be back later."

Kyuubi barks in reply.

"Okay. We'll see you later," Phoenix says.

"Bye," Zǐ Māo replies.

The three leave the room and Phoenix closes the door. Kyuubi yawns a little and decides to take a nap.

Time has passed and Phoenix and Zǐ Māo are walking close to Alastor. Well Zǐ Māo is mostly clinging closest to Phoenix, mostly because he's scared of Alastor. Phoenix looks around to notice many of the demons are whispering among themselves as they stare at them. Some of the demons seem too scared to ask or confront them.

Phoenix is in her thoughts, "Seems like a lot of demons know who Alastor is and are too afraid to get near him. Then again, from what Vaggie told me, it's understandable why staying clear from him and not to anger him is important."

Phoenix then turns to Alastor, "So Alastor, where are we going?"

"Well my dear, since it's a quarter past noon, it will be a good idea to have some lunch at one of the cafes I'm familiar with," Alastor answers.

"Okay," Phoenix says.

"Sure," Zǐ Māo says, sounding shy.

The two continue to follow Alastor to a Cafe that has red color glass windows, with a billboard at front. It also has a bat sigh that has the word, 'Cafe' over the door.

"Hmm, the cafe looks nice," Phoenix replies.

"Yes. I enjoy coming here," Alastor says.

Alstor opens the door and says, "Ladies first."

"Um, thank you," Phoenix replies, and walks inside the cafe.

Zǐ Māo follows after her. Alastor walks inside the cafe once the two walk inside. He walks to the front desk and ask for food and drinks for himself, Phoenix, and little Zǐ Māo. Phoenix notices that the waiter is nervous when Alastor appears.

Phoenix thinks, "Is everyone really afraid of Alastor? I mean, given his reputation, but they act like he's some terrifying monster that is ready to attack when agitated."

Zǐ Māo taps on Phoenix shoulder and asks, "Are you okay?"

"Hmm," Phoenix replies, turning to the little kitten.

"I'm okay, just deep in thought about something," Phoenix says.

Suddenly, the waiter walks up and places the three plates and cups on the table. Then leaves soon after.

"So um Alastor, what do you in Hell. I mean like do you have a job and such?" Phoenix asks.

"Well my dear, once a Radio Host is always a Radio Host. I brodact all kinds of events that happened, especially my own," Alastor says.

"Um yeah. Vaggie did mention that you um, broadcast your carnage all over Hell," Phoenix says.

"You are correct," Alastor answers.

"Yeah um. I guess you're happy with it, but I rather listen to music and news cast from the radio," Phoenix says.

"Me too," Zǐ Māo replies.

Alastor laughs, "You two do think a bit like. It is surprising that a child like your little feline friend ended up in Hell, my dear."

"Um yeah, it's a bit of a long story," Phoenix says, and takes a sip of her tea.

"I'll bet it was. However, what really piqued my curiosity is the fact that I heard about you stopping an actual Exterminator from giving the little kitten a second death," Alastor says.

Concern, Phoenix asks, "You heard about the conversation that I was telling the others about, didn't you? And I'm guessing it sounds a bit entertaining about me stopping an Extermination."

"It's the purest kind my dear! Reality! True Passion!" Alastor says.

Then says, "As I said before the world is a stage, and a stage is a world of entertainment."

"I see. I still have trouble understanding that Charlie's project is entertaining, especially when you want to see someone fail," Phoenix says.

"We have our own views of seeing this project. I assume you think it's a good idea," Alastor says.

Zǐ Māo softly says, "I kind of do, and that's why I want to take part in it."

"I do think the project is a good idea. However, it depends on who is willing to have redemption or not. It's not a bad idea, but it's not easy when demons think it's impossible or that there isn't a point of redemption. And yet, that doesn't change the fact that there might be at least a demon or two who might think redemption is possible and wants to try the project for themselves. Despite whether it will help get you into Heaven or not, it's entirely up to them," Phoenix says.

Alastor grins and thinks, "Very logical, knowledgeable, and very unique. It's a wonder she's Satan's daughter. However, she does have the kind of statement because she is also human."

Then says to Phoenix, "Well then my dear, it does seem that you believe in Charlie's project, but understand that demons will not agree with it."

"I suppose," Phoenix says.

"Well then, how about we finish up here and then I'll show you a little more of the neighborhood," Alastor says.

"Okay," Phoenix says.

Sometime later, Alastor continues his little tour to Phoenix as they along with Zǐ Māo are making their way to the store. Surprising to Phoenix that they begin to walk through a park that has hedges of roses.

"Wow! These roses are so pretty," Phoenix says with a smile.

Zǐ Māo walks over and smells the roses, "They smell nice."

"You know, I'm surprised to see flowers and even plants grow in Hell. Then again, when I was first told about Hell, I'm surprised to hear that it's very different from what people wrote about in books," Phoenix says.

"Really?" Zǐ Māo asks, curiously.

"Yeah. When I was a kid, I was told that Hell will be like a pit full of fire and spirits and demons. I guess there is some truth to it, but it seems Hell is also a city," Phoenix says.

Alastor walks over, "You could say that, but it's best not to underestimate the city or all of Hell. In Hell and Illegal acts are allowed in any way, so there will be killing, drug dealings, cannibalism, and such."

"I don't know if I should be interested or worried," Phoenix says.

"I be more worried if an Overlord or very aggressive demons decided to attack us," Zǐ Māo says.

"But Alastor is an Overlord as well, and he didn't seem that dangerous. However, after what he did to Pentious and his Zeppelin, I can understand how it's important to always stay on your toes here, and not to judge a demon by their appearance," Phoenix says.

"Now you're starting to understand. Now come on my dear and young fellow, I like to introduce you two to an acquaintance of mine," Alastor says, walking down the trail of the park with Phoenix and Zǐ Māo behind him.

Soon enough, the three come across a store. The store has a sign that reads 'Rosie's Emporium'. Phoenix and Zǐ Māo are curious to see the store and wonder what could be inside it.

"This place looks nice, what is it?" Phoenix asks.

"This is Rosie's Emporium, it belongs to a friend of mine," Alastor says.

"Rosie?" Phoenix says, confused.

Zǐ Māo speaks, "I heard of her a bit, she's an Overlord too, right?"

"You are correct. Now come along now, it will be a quick visit," Alastor says.

The three walk inside the store to see the emporium is a clothing store. The clothes are well made and a lot of the style is from the 1920s or so. Phoenix and Zǐ Māo are amazed to see the different clothes, especially how different it is.

Suddenly, they hear a woman's voice happily say, "Alastor..."

The two turn to see another demon walking towards them. She is a slender demon with pale white skin, sharp white teeth and a really long neck. She sports short hair though it could be tied up under the hat and, similar to Alastor, she is always smiling. She wears a red dress with gray shoulder pads, a black belt, and black wrists. Her red sun hat has two skulls and three black flowers on the front side with a large red and black plume on the top side.

"It's so good to see you. It's been some time since you came," The woman demon says.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Rosie. How are things going in your shop?" Alastor replies.

"Splendid as always. You know, I heard an interesting rumor that you're taking part in the Princess' Rehabilitation project," Rosie replies.

"Indeed I am, but I'm doing it for my own entertainment," Alastor says.

"Of course you would," Rosie says, and laughs.

Phoenix and Zǐ Māo look at each other with confused expressions, until Rosie notices them and grins in reply.

"My who is this pretty young lady and that charming young boy?" Rosie asks.

"These are new acquaintances of mine. They're staying in the hotel as well. The girl is Phoenix and the young boy is Zǐ Māo," Alastor says.

"Hello darlings, my name is Rosie," Rosie says.

"Hello," Zǐ Māo shyly says.

"Nice to meet you," Phoenix says.

"My, you both sure have good manners for young sinners. Especially your little feline friend. You look very young, he's like a little doll," Rosie says.

Zǐ Māo blushes and hides behind Phoenix.

Phoenix says, "Sorry about that, he's kind of shy. Yet, he seems very comfortable with me."

"It's okay darling. Your little friend is adorable when he's shy. He's like a little doll," Rosie says.

"Um, thank you," Zǐ Māo says.

"Hahaha. I have to agree. These two have been entertaining. Sadly, we cannot stay for too long, we're running a little errands," Alastor says.

"Okay. I do hope you and your little friends will stop by again," Rosie says.

"Will do," Alastor says.

Soon enough, the three then leave Rosie's Emporium and head off to the grocery store.

"Well, Rosie seems nice," Phoenix says.

"Yeah. I heard she can be scary sometimes, but she's actually kind of nice," Zǐ Māo says.

"Hahaha. Trust me, she can be entertaining to get along with. Course, there are few who like to have the flesh of a demon," Alastor says.

This makes Phoenix flinch in shock.

She nervously asks, "Did you say... eating the flesh off of demons?!"

"You are correct my dear. There are a number of few that Demons will eat other demons, eat the flesh and such," Alastor says.

Phoenix starts to feel wheezy after hearing that. It's like her stomach is turning into knots and feels light headed and nauseous. She usually hears and sees it in the shows, anime, and manga at home, but seeing it in real life is another story. She places her hand over her mouth and feels sick to her stomach.

Alastor notices, "What's the matter, my dear?"

"I'm sorry Alastor. The thought of seeing demons eat other demons is well... not the best view in my head. I've seen stuff like this on TV, books, and manga, but... real life... it's another story," Phoenix says, nauseous.

"I'm guessing it sounds gross to you, huh?" Zǐ Māo replies.

Phoenix nods her head in reply.

"Yes," Phoenix says, and feels uneasy.

"Not to worry my dear. It will be best for you to stay away from any butcher shops. If you don't want to see what they do to demons," Alastor says.

"I guess," Phoenix says, and yet, it's not making her feel any better.

Soon, they reach the grocery store, Phoenix is surprised that the place looks like any other store, but the names of the food are weird.

"So, what do you guys want to have for dinner?" Phoenix asks.

"Hmm, nothing in particular. What do you prefer?" Alastor replies.

Phoenix then notices the tags on some of the veggies, "Oh look, the potatoes and carrots are cheap today. We can have curry."

"An excellent choice," Alastor says.

"What's curry?" Zǐ Māo asks.

"It's a delicious food to have. There are chicken, spicy curry, vegetables, and some rice," Phoenix says.

"Sure. I don't mind having some curry. It sounds good," Zǐ Māo says.

"Okay. We'll buy the ingredients and anything else we need and we'll head back to the hotel," Phoenix says.

"Sounds good to me," Zǐ Māo replies with a smile.

After getting the groceries they need, and pay for them, the three leave the store and start walking back to the hotel.

"I have to admit, this has been a good afternoon," Phoenix says.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it my dear. I think we should do it again sometime," Alastor says.

"I guess, but maybe we can ask Charlie and the others if they want to come," Zǐ Māo replies, shyly says.

"Splendid idea. I'm sure they would love to enjoy going out for a stroll and..." Alastor says, but stops talking when he stops walking.

Zǐ Māo stops and turns around to see Alastor standing still as his eyes change and his antlers begin to glow slightly. Zǐ Māo turns ahead and flinches in fright as he stops in his tracks.

Phoenix turns her around as she walks, noticing they both stop for different reasons, "Are you guys okay?"

Suddenly, Phoenix ends up bumping into something or... someone.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there," Phoenix apologizes.

Phoenix looks up and is surprised to see another demon. This demon is slim and about seven feet tall. He wears a striped tuxedo and a black and red striped shirt. He has a red bow tie and a white-ish blue undershirt. He wears a black top hat with red and blue designs reminiscent of a broadcast symbol and radio wave symbol, respectively, and his antennas stick out of it. He has a flat-screen TV for a head, and his eyes are red with light-blue pupils, but his left eye has black stripes and a jagged pupil. He has light blue teeth and what appears to be blood dripping from one side of his mouth. His eyebrows are different colors, the left's white and the right's dark blue.

"It's alright my dear," The demon says.

Then shows a smirk on the screen, "Although, I haven't seen a lady l like you before and I know a lot of demons."

"Um yeah. My name is Phoenix, it's nice to meet you," Phoenix says.

"It's a pleasure my dear. The name is Vox," Vox says, and takes Phoenix's hand.

Then presses his screen lips gently on it. This makes Alastor agitated and makes static noises bitterly. That makes Vox notice him.

"Well well, if it isn't the Radio Demon. How the heck are you? I see you picked yourself quite the young lady," Vox says, in remark.

"You could say that, Vox. What brings you here?"Alastor says, sounding more aggressive and Phoenix notices it.

Zǐ Māo quickly stays close to Phoenix, feeling frightened about the TV demon.

"Oh, just having a pleasant walk, and I happened to run into your little friend here," Vox says.

Alastor places his hand on Phoenix' shoulder, "Yes. Now if you excuse us, we must be going."

"Um yes. Of course," Phoenix says, feeling uneasy.

"Of course. Do hope we meet again, my dear," Vox says.

"Um, maybe we will," Phoenix says, showing a calm smile on her face.

Alastor, Phoenix, and Zǐ Māo walk pass Vox and begin to head back to the hotel. Vox then looks at the group curiously, especially at Phoenix. To Vox, there is something familiar about her, but can't place his claw on it.

After returning to the hotel, Phoenix start with cooking some dinner with Charlie and Vaggie's help while everyone else is in the dining room. Of course, Phoenix explains to them what happened today, due to their request. It's a shock to hear that Phoenix ends up meeting Vox.

"I can't believe Alastor had you meet Rosie, and the fact that some demons practically eat each other," Vaggie says, sounding annoyed and peeling the potatoes.

"I still can't believe you met Vox and he didn't do anything to you guys," Charlie says, cutting the carrots.

"I was a bit surprised myself, but we ended up having a good time. Of course, Vox is a bit scary and there's something sinister about him," Phoenix says.

"Trust me, Vox is someone you shouldn't take likely. He's one of the most powerful demon Overlords in Hell, and owns a lot of multimedias and a large company," Vaggie says.

"I see, and I'm guessing he has a beef with Alastor considering how well.... Aggressive Alastor looked when Vox came on the scene," Phoenix says.

Charlie nervously laughs and says, "Yeah. Those two have a rivalry and will, you can say that they hate each other's guts."

"Yeah. That guy, Vox must have something on him or something," Phoenix says.

"And he's one of the demons you should never be involved with, same as his buddies," Vaggie says.

"I don't think I want to know," Phoenix says.

Charlie smiles and says, "On the bright side, it seems that you, Zǐ Māo, and Alastor actually have a good afternoon."

"Yeah. I guess we did," Phoenix says with a smile.

Phoenix and the girls then continue to cook dinner for the night. At the end, Phoenix ends up with an okay day.

Meanwhile, Vox walks into a room and turns on a TV. He uses his powers to switch the images to a paused image of Phoenix's transformation form and fighting against the Dark Sombra. Vox looks at the picture and thinking of the appearance, he feels that he sees the appearance, but isn't fully sure if she;s the same as the girl he has met today. He plans to keep an eye out in case the demon on the screen decides to make another appearance.

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