Chapter 5. Agree to Disagree

"You sure your hand is okay?" Stiles asked me for the hundredth time. 

He had just pulled into my driveway, preparing to drop me off for the night. The altercation I had with Scott went down about an hour or so ago. Once we had dropped Liam back off at his house, Stiles and I drove around for a little bit in silence. He could sense that I didn't want to talk about what had happened just yet, and instead of pushing me to speak like he normally does, he left it alone for now. I very rarely fight with Scott, but this is something that not only I have a problem with him about. Stiles agrees with me one hundred and ten percent that Scott is way too willing to accept that everyone we meet had something worth saving in them. 

Even if that is true, we don't have to be the ones responsible for saving them. We have to be responsible for ourselves and making sure that we don't possibly threaten the lives of our group and the people surrounded by us. I can't say for sure that Theo is a threat, but it's looking like a 75% chance that he is and instead of listening to mine and Stiles' concerns Scott just wants to ignore them. By the time he finally comes around, it's gonna be too late. 

"It's healed," I responded flatly. 

My hand stopped hurting about a half hour ago, I just didn't let Stiles in on that information. I haven't said much since I got back in the jeep to be completely honest. My mind has been racing with thoughts about Scott. It's so hard to be mad at him because he's such a good person, but sometimes I just want to shake the living daylights out of him so he will wake up and stop living in that little fantasy world of his. It's so beyond frustrating having to appear to be the bad guy when you're just being a realist. 

Stiles nodded once, "Are you okay?" 

I glanced at him and shrugged, "I guess." 

"Kira's car is here, so that means he's inside... you gonna be okay?" he pressed, not bothering with dancing around the point of his question. 

My eyes wandered over to the red Toyota parked on the street and I sighed, that was Kira's car. Which meant that Scott was in fact home. I was hoping to avoid him for the rest of the night because I'm still slightly pissed at him for making me scream at him like that in front of Liam and Stiles. He just knows how to push my buttons, and he's known how to do it since we were kids. I know that he wanted an argument, because if he didn't then he wouldn't have pressed the issue like he did. 

I was going to have to keep my head down and just walk to my bedroom, praying that his door was closed and he wouldn't see me. I don't want to talk about what happened, and knowing him he's going to want to fix it and talk about it. I'm over it to be completely honest, if he doesn't want to believe us then that's on him. It's gonna come back to bite him in the ass, not me. 

"I'm just gonna go, thank you for bringing me home. Text me and let me know when you make it back home?" I asked as I undid the seatbelt, pushing open the door. 

Stiles sighed and nodded his head, "Yeah, will do. Goodnight." 

"Bye," I said as I climbed out of the jeep. I closed the door and watched him back out of the driveway, slowly making his way down the street. 

I let out a huff of annoyance as I approached the front door. I fished my door key out of my pocket and twisted the lock, taking a breath and pushing the door open. The house was relatively silent, but I knew that Scott had heard me enter. I assume he's in his bedroom with Kira, which means I'm gonna have to face him at some point. 

My feet carried me into the kitchen so I could grab a water bottle, my anxiety was up due to the fight I had with Stiles so I was planning on popping one of my emergency Xanax and calling it a night. My mom got me back on the medicine train after I came back from Mexico. I kept waking up in the middle of the night and I was an anxious mess. I don't take the pills everyday, but whenever I feel like things are starting to get bad, I take one or two. 

A floorboard squeaked behind me and I quickly spun around, to see Scott leading Kira out of the house. Once they were outside, I made my way to the staircase and ascended them as fast as I could. The front door creaked open and I mentally cursed myself for not being fast enough. I slid inside my bedroom and as I went to turn around to close the door, I was face to face with Scott. 

"You're avoiding me." he stated with a sigh. 

I nodded my head once, "Very perceptive." 

"Kasey, you're gonna have to speak to me again." Scott said. 

I rolled my eyes, "I'm aware of that, thank you." 

He huffed and folded his arms over his chest, "I'm sorry, okay? I don't know what else you want me to say?"

My eyes narrowed, "Uh, maybe that Stiles and I are right and you're wrong? I think that'd be a great starting point for you." 

"Can we just agree to disagree for now? I think that's a fair place to start." Scott suggested. 

I know this whole fight seems stupid, believe me I can see that... but I don't understand why he's so adamant to not believe that Theo is the bad guy here. Is it really that hard to picture? It took all of twenty minutes and I was convinced that there was something up with him. 

A groan of irritation escaped me, "Oh my God, why are you refusing to budge on this?"

"Either we agree to disagree, or we just aren't going to be able to coexist... I accept that you think he's evil, now it's only fair that you accept that I don't think he is." he said with finality. 

I scoffed, "Fine. I'll accept it, but that means you're the one that's going to take the fall for whatever happens." 

"I'm okay with that," Scott responded with a shrug. 

Once again, my eyes rolled, "Good talk. I'm going to bed." 

With that, I closed my door on him. I could hear him sigh heavily before he retreated to his bedroom. I threw my phone on my bed in annoyance and ran my hands through my hair. Stiles and I are going to have to find something to convince him that Theo is evil, before it's too late.

⬘ ⬘ ⬘

"Oh, I should've got a haircut." Sheriff Stilinski said as he nervously ran his hand over his head, inspection his reflection in the small mirror he was holding. 

He had a date tonight, and you could tell that he was really nervous. I felt bad that he had all of this pent up energy that he couldn't dispel, but at the same time being nervous because you have a date is better than not being nervous and not having a date at all. He was dressed nicely, with a plaid button up accented with a tie and and a brown jacket. I very rarely see him out of uniform, even when I stay over at Stiles' house he's usually in the uniform. 

"Well, you know someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut." Stiles responded with a sarcastic smile. He also was dressed rather nicely in my opinion. He had on a white t-shirt with a black accent around the collar and he paired it with a purple zip up jacket. One of my favorite zip up jackets that he owns because he wore it that one time we went ice skating. 

Scott looked Sheriff Stilinski over and smiled warmly, "I think you look great." 

"I agree," I added with a grin, "the tie really pulls it all together." 

He smiled genuinely at the two of us, "Thank you children I wish I had." 

Stiles glanced at his father in betrayal before he said, "Well if all goes according to plan Kasey will be your daughter in law at some point." 

"But not anytime soon," I corrected with a nervous chuckle. 

Sheriff Stilinski rolled his eyes, "I'd rather deal with this supernatural mess of a town than try to help you two plan a wedding. So, let's postpone that for as long as possible." 

"I couldn't agree more," I stated. 

Stiles blinked rapidly as he gawked between his father and myself, "I honestly feel so attacked right now." 

The pout on his face was beyond adorable and it made me smile. I'm so glad that we are getting along again and everything is flowing rather smoothly between us. I like having our relationship not be on the list of problems we have to deal with. If anything, my relationship with Scott is what is on the list. 

His eyes winded suddenly and he began to undo his tie, "Oh what am I doing? This is a terrible idea." 

"What? Dad... dad, it's one date okay? The town of Beacon Hills won't implode while you're out with one woman. Or man." Stiles said as he grabbed his dad's hands, halting his movements with the tie. 

Sheriff Stilinski narrowed his eyes at his son, "It's a woman, Stiles." 

"Okay," Stiles nodded in relief. 

"A very beautiful woman," he supplied with an honest smile. 

Stiles quirked an eyebrow, "What beautiful woman, by the way?" 

"Yeah last time one of our parents went on a date, it was my mom going out to dinner with Peter.." I said, shuddering at the thought of him drooling over our mom. It was disgusting. I hated that night, the fact that the one time she decides to go on a date it's with him of all people, drives me insane. 

He shook his head from side to side, "It's not anyone like Peter."


The room fell silent as a foreign voice filled the police station. I didn't recognize it, but whomever it was obviously was angry at one of the Stilinski's in the room. Stiles' dad turned around and made his way to the door of his office. Stiles, Scott and myself followed him as he walked out into the station. I could see someone who I sort of recognized from school, but his name wasn't coming to me. He was restrained by handcuffs, and Parrish and Clarke were on either side of him. 

"I'm going to kill you," the kid said to Sheriff Stilinski.

Stiles' dad rolled his eyes, "Donovan, if you think that shocks me, remember it was well documented in your Anger Expression Inventory. Deputies, escort the prisoner out." 

Donovan shook his head from side to side, "I'm not angry like I'm going to throw a brick through your window. I'm angry, like I'm going to find you, I'm going to get a knife and I'm going to stab you with it until your dead. And when you look at me and ask my why, remember right now. Because this is why."

I couldn't help but release a breath in shock at the audacity of this kid. The fact that he just threatened the Sheriff of Beacon Hills like that without so much as a seconds hesitation is appalling. I have no idea what the hell Sheriff Stilinski did to conjure up so much anger in this kid but it must have been something really bad. 

Stiles decided to speak up first, "Wow, that was awesome. That was awesome, that was great. We do one more? Give us another one, maybe like Christopher Walken this time, you know?"

Donovan was staring Stiles down and the look in his eyes made me severely uncomfortable. I took a step towards Stiles and grabbed his forearm, telling him he needed to calm his sarcasm down. He sighed, "Okay, you know what? It's fine. You'll have plenty of time to work on it when you're in your tiny little cell, you know. Just stuck there, forever." 

The kid then rushed at us, thankfully the Deputies had a nice grip on his arms. Scott protectively stepped in front of Stiles and myself, extending his arms out keeping us behind him. I watched with wide eyes as the Deputies jerked Donovan backwards, "GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" Sheriff Stilinski shouted. 

Donovan was then pulled out of the building and I breathed out a sigh of relief, "What the hell was that all about?" I asked Sheriff Stilisnki.

Scott blinked, "More importantly what the hell is an Anger Expression Inventory?" 

"It's a test you take when you're applying to become a Deputy." Stiles answered. 

My eyes widened further, "That guy wanted to be a cop?" 

"At least now he's getting the full law enforcement experience." my boyfriend said with a shrug. 

I chuckled dryly, "Yeah, no kidding." 

⬘ ⬘ ⬘

I was sitting in the backseat of the jeep, while Scott took the front passenger. I was okay with being in the back, mainly because I could lounge a bit more than I could in the front. My phone was constantly dinging with text messages from Kira and Lydia telling me that they were gonna start teaching Malia how to drive without me if I didn't hurry up. I figured I wasn't going to make it on time, but if I'm being completely honest I don't want to be in the car with Malia behind the wheel. Her driving scares the hell out of me. 

The jeep's engine was sputtering as Stiles attempted to start it up. I'm not exactly sure what caused it to just fall apart all of a sudden, but he's been having trouble with it since we got back from Mexico. Stiles grunted as he continued to key the ignition, trying to get it start. 

Finally he glanced at my brother, "It's anxiety." 

"What is?" Scott responded in confusion. 

Stiles bobbed his head around sarcastically, "The chemosignals? Oh, I'm well aware of how you all monitor my emotional state. Yeah." 

"I don't technically monitor it by chemosignals," I added to lighten the mood. 

He rolled his eyes and tried to turn the key again before he gave up and slammed his hands down on the steering wheel. I've noticed that he's been slightly more aggressive lately with his anger, and I'm not that big of a fan of it. 

"Are you okay?" Scott asked Stiles, genuinely.  

Stiles fished his phone out of his pocket and started tapping the screen, "I got this from Braeden a few hours ago. That's the first real bit of information we've gotten on the Desert Wolf in months." 

My eyes widened, due to the fact that he hasn't showed me whatever is on his phone. I scooted up in my seat and snatched the phone out of his hand, glancing at the image. There were several people, laying on the ground all drenched in their own blood. What in the holy hell happened there? Scott took the phone from me and he gasped, "The Desert Wolf did this?" 

"Yeah. And I'm the one who's been pulling on this thread." Stiles added. 

I folded my arms over my chest and narrowed my eyes at Stiles, "Why the hell haven't you told me that you were looking into this? Does Malia know?" 

Stiles sighed, "Malia is the one who didn't want me to tell you we were looking into it, she figured that you would try and tell her to stop."

"Well, yeah I would tell her to stop because look at what's happening." I stated as I gestured to the pictured on the phone. 

Scott nodded, "Maybe you guys should stop." 

"It's not up to me." Stiles sighed as he tried to start the jeep again, this time it started. I rolled my eyes and pulled open a text to Malia, telling her that we needed to talk. 

⬘ ⬘ ⬘

I was sort-of glad that I didn't end up going with Malia, Lydia and Kira for a driving lesson... because apparently that lesson ended up with Lydia having a Banshee episode and ending up downtown where some dead bodies and a severely injured one were found. And guess who those people happened to be? The passengers in Donovan's police escort van. Guess who was nowhere to be found? Donovan. 

Scott and Stiles were leading the way towards the crime scene as I staggered behind them, taking in the scene with wide eyes. I haven't seen anything like this in awhile. The red and blue lights on top of the cruisers were shining brightly, accenting the blood all over the van and the pavement. This looked like the definition of a crime scene, like the ones you would see on television. 

Sheriff Stilinski waved the three of us over to him, "Scott, you saw this kid, Donovan. He... he wasn't like you, right?" 

"I don't think so," Scott said as he shook his head from side to side. 

Stiles shrugged, "Unless he knows how to hide his scent." 

"Well, human or otherwise, this kid might have just murdered his lawyer and mortally wounded two officers. We've got an APB out on him, but you think you can find him faster?" Sheriff Stilinski asked my brother. 

Scott nodded enthusiastically, "I can try."

"Alright," Stiles' dad said as he handed Scott a walkie-talkie, "keep it on channel two." 

My brother grabbed the walkie-talkie and then took off running in the opposite direction. I silently prayed that he would be careful, because whatever did this to the people in this van was obviously dangerous. 

Stiles glanced at his father, "Dad, what if whoever did this wasn't Donovan?" 

"I'm guessing you've already got a theory?" his dad asked.

Stiles was silent for a moment before he nodded, "Yeah, I think I do." 

My guess was that he was thinking that it was Theo that did this. I mean, this definitely could be a werewolf attack, I mean it is bloody enough. Plus, it would be a lot easier to accept that a werewolf killed someone and severely injured the others rather than Donovan doing it, seeing as how we still think he's a human at the moment. I feel like if he would have been a supernatural creature, he wouldn't have been caught doing whatever it was he was doing to end him up in the position that he was in. So, I think it's safe to assume that he's a human. 

Parrish approached us and as he did, the small walkie-talking on his shoulder began to make noise. He grabbed and said, "Scott is that you?" 

"Yeah, I found Donovan. He's completely freaked out. He keeps saying some name." Scott spoke through the walkie-talkie. 

Sheriff Stilinski grabbed the device from Parrish, "What name?" 

"Theo," Stiles whispered, praying that it was what Scott was about to say. 

"Tracy." Scott said back, "He keeps saying Tracy." 

I blinked, "Tracy who?" 

"Stewart. Tracy Stewart." Lydia said flatly, glancing at Parrish. 

⬘ ⬘ ⬘

"Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping. It was a real disorder. It was Night Terrors." Lydia spoke. 

My eyes widened at the words and I nearly collapsed. Night Terrors. Really? What are the odds that she was experiencing something similar to what I have been experiencing. My ability was trying to warn me about something, maybe it was about Tracy. Maybe the correlation with the Night Terrors was a clue about her. Why was she having the Night Terrors, though? And what were they about... maybe that can add another piece to the puzzle that I'm missing. 

"Well, now she's the Night Terror. Especially since no one can find her." Stiles responded. 

Scott sighed, "Okay, I know we're all tired and miserable... except for you." 

I glanced at Mason, who was standing beside Scott. He looked wide awake and completely thrilled to be standing here in this conversation with us right now. Apparently, Liam had finally told him everything and I'm glad that he did. Liam needed to add someone to his own little support circle, he needed someone to be the Stiles to his Scott. Mason was his Stiles. 

"Oh, I'm sorry." Mason said, the smile not leaving his face, "This is all just mind blowing. You're an Admonere, I don't even know what that is." 

He had gestured to me and I shrugged, "Join the club." 

I would have thought that the longer I have been an Admonere, the more I would learn about myself... but it's next to impossible to learn things about myself when there is hardly any documented evidence about what I am. Apparently, I'm extremely rare because when I type Admonere into google, it literally pulls up google translate. So, where does that leave me? Well, it leaves me to looking up what Admonere means in latin. Which doesn't help me at all. 

"Liam, we said you could tell him not invite him to the inner circle." Stiles said with a heavy sigh.

Mason's eyes widened, "I'm in the inner circle?" 

"Barely," I said as soon as Stiles said, "No." 

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if Mason joined the inner circle. Obviously, he was a good friend to Liam and I think that's all that should matter. If he's anything like Stiles, he'll be reliable and may even end up saving us all one day. Stiles is just extremely picky about letting people into our lives, as you already could tell with how he feels about Theo. I doubt it's anything person against Mason, it's just the way that he is naturally. 

Scott took a step forward and spoke over the both of us, "Guys, look, back to Tracy. She's just one lone wolf. We can find her." 

"One lone serial-killing wolf." Malia dead-panned. 

The fact that she is still missing is slightly unsettling. Who knows exactly what this girl is capable of, I mean she didn't hold back on the people in the van so I assume she won't hold back on anyone else that she encounters. I can only imagine what could be going through her mind right now. Especially if she thinks she's having a Night Terror or something. This had got be scary as hell for her. 

Stiles held his hands up, "Uh, she only killed one person, you know. The other two were mauled. Alright, what do we do when we catch her?" 

"I say we put her down." Malia shrugged. 

Everyone looked to Scott, and I rolled my eyes. Of course, leave it to Scott to be the one making the decision. He's going to decide to do whatever it takes to ensure her safety and make sure that she doesn't get hurt. Meanwhile, she's probably running around town murdering people as we speak. But, that's totally okay with Scott because there's something that can still be saved about her. I hate being so negative, but sometimes killing people is a choice and that is obviously a choice that Tracy made last night. She wanted to kill that person, and she did. It's not like someone had a gun to her head making her do it. 

"Intense," Mason breathed out as the awkward silence ensued. 

Scott sighed, "Guys, let's concentrate on catching her first. We'll figure out the rest later." 

What else was there to really talk about? I can already tell you what the plan is going to end up being, we are going to find Tracy and try to calmly talk to her, attempt to save her and try not to get killed by her in the process. I can only imagine how smoothly that's gonna end up going. 

"Alright, good talk team. Let's get to class." I suggested as the warning bell sounded in the distance. 



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