Additional baby moments
As soon as their babies started drooling more than usual Haxus and (Y/n) knew that something was going on with them, and they both had a feeling of what it could be; none of their triplets were gravely ill and they were nearly four months old, so the only logical explanation was that they were beginning to start teething. Farla, Harlow and Huz could already reach for things and Harlow could even roll over from her stomach to her back, in which she was a little early in doing, so the thought of their little ones teething wasn't so strange. By the time the fourth month came it was obvious that Huz, Farla and Harlow were teething; they were more fussy than usual and they drooled more often, the thing that concerned (Y/n) the most was when one of them would have a slight fever. (Y/n) had already ordered a set of six teething rings from a trusted online store that sold baby items specifically made for galran kits as well as half-galra babies, all she had to do was take them to the kitchen, wash them and put them in the refrigerator for a few minutes to chill. Haxus was worried about their children because of how much they drooled; it wasn't enough for them to choke on their own saliva, but he didn't expect them to drool so much.
While (Y/n) prepared herself to breastfeed Farla, Haxus sat next to her on the couch while Harlow and Huz spent time laying on their playmat with a few of their toys within their reach. (Y/n) could tell that Farla, Huz and Harlow were beginning to grow teeth, she'd even felt their tiny teeth when she put teething gel on their gums, unfortunately she would soon find out why Farla had been more fussy than usual that day. For their triplets’ breakfast that morning Haxus bottle fed all three of them; he used some of the breast milk (Y/n) kept in the refrigerator because he wanted to help his girlfriend out with the feeding, alas by doing so neither he nor (Y/n) knew that one of Farla's teeth had erupted. After the young woman exposed her left breast she carefully held Farla in the right position to nurse and patiently waited for her to latch on, the only thing she wasn't expecting was to feel something sharp jab part of her left nipple. The sharp pain felt like it pierced the already sensitive skin of her nipple and she wanted to scream, but she didn't want to scare Farla, Harlow and Huz.
“Owwww!” (Y/n) whined with a high-pitched tone until Farla let go of her nipple, panicking a little when she saw some blood on her poor left nipple where Farla unintentionally bit her.
“Darling, what- Oh, quiznack.” Haxus began to question until he saw the blood on his fiancé's nipple.
“Watch your language.” (Y/n) pointedly reminded him since she didn't want their babies to start swearing as soon as they were old enough to talk.
“My apologies. Stay there, I'll go get something to stop the bleeding.” Haxus apologized with embarrassment before he stood up, grabbed a tissue out of the tissue box nearby and handed it to (Y/n).
“It's not like I'm going anywhere.” (Y/n) muttered under her breath after she took the tissue and gently pressed it against her bleeding nipple; she quietly hissed in discomfort when she felt a stinging pain, but she had to hold the tissue on that exact spot until Haxus returned.
Haxus quickly left the living room and headed straight for the bathroom so he could get the first-aid kit and disinfect his mate's new injury; the bite wasn't deep and it would stop bleeding within a few minutes, although he still needed to make sure it wouldn't get infected. He wasn't expecting Farla to bite (Y/n's) nipple so hard and neither was she, it was clear that they would have to bottle feed her from then on until she was old enough to be weaned off of breast milk. On his way up to the bathroom Haxus felt oddly happy that at least one of their children inherited sharp teeth, although it would make the teething process more difficult and Farla might become a biter when she got a little older. Haxus practically ran up the stairs, rushed into the bathroom and turned the lights on so he could grab the medical kit from one of the drawers which had to be child proofed. On his way out of the bathroom he made sure to fully close the drawer and turn the lights off, then he practically ran downstairs with the first aid kit.
Haxus’ next stop was the kitchen where he would get a warm damp washcloth so he could delicately clean his mate's wound. During his brief absence (Y/n) did her best to stop the bleeding with the tissue, hoping that Haxus would get something to clean her poor nipple off with. Huz and Harlow looked up at their mother and older sister with curiosity, both of them mewling and cooing as though they were asking her what happened, and to that (Y/n) told her other two babies that Farla bit her. When Haxus returned to the living room (Y/n) and their triplets looked at him, but Harlow and Huz went back to playing while (Y/n) waited for her newest injury to be treated. Before he could do anything Haxus put the first aid kit and the damp washcloth on the coffee table so he could put Farla on the floor with her siblings, then he was able to clean the bite mark on (Y/n's) left nipple.
Haxus apologized in advance because he knew she might feel a little pain when he cleaned the bite mark; to be fair, though, he'd never been bitten on the nipple before. (Y/n) leaned back and gave him the slightly bloody tissue, mentally preparing herself for the pain she might feel. She winced a little when Haxus used the damp cloth to gently wipe her left nipple off, thankfully the bleeding stopped and all he would have to do was apply a disinfectant nipple cream that would also help get rid of the pain. The cream felt a little cold to the touch at first and her nipple hurt a bit, (Y/n) was surprised by how gentle Haxus’ touch was. Haxus wiped his fingers off with the damp washcloth after he finished putting the disinfectant cream on (Y/n's) left nipple prior to closing the tube and putting it back in the first aid kit.
“Thanks. I wasn't expecting Farla to bite my nipple, the least you could have done was warn me ahead of time that one of her teeth erupted.” (Y/n) thanked Haxus before she mentioned the appearance of Farla's first tooth.
“I wasn't aware that she had a tooth come in.” Haxus responded with pride and confusion; he felt bad that (Y/n) got bit on the nipple, but he was also proud that Farla's teeth were finally coming in.
It was obvious that Farla would have to be bottle fed until they weaned her off of milk; Haxus and (Y/n) knew she wouldn't necessarily like it, although for (Y/n) to avoid either of her nipples being bitten again it would be necessary. (Y/n) felt better after Haxus treated the small injury on her nipple, but feeding their other two babies would be a little difficult because until the next day she would only be able to use her right nipple. Haxus got off of the couch and knelt next to the playmat when Huz cried out for attention while his two sisters occupied themselves; he picked his only son up and carried him back to the couch where he once again sat next to (Y/n). Huz gripped onto his father's shirt and babbled happily, attempting to have a conversation with him despite not being able to actually talk. (Y/n) felt hungry and decided to get herself something to eat while Haxus kept an eye on their babies thinking it was sweet how well he interacted with their triplets.
(Y/n) slid the third highchair tray into place and put a pink and white bib around Harlow's neck while Haxus prepared three different bowls of baby food for their adorable six month old triplets; at first Haxus had been alarmed that humans started feeding their babies pureed food at such a young age, although she had to reassure him that their little ones would be fine since they were all half human. It took them a few days, but Haxus and (Y/n) learned what flavors of baby food Farla, Huz and Harlow preferred. Huz and Harlow liked almost everything except the pureed Sudaro limes, unfortunately for Haxus and (Y/n) Farla was a little bit of a picky eater and finding her favorite kinds of baby food had been difficult. Haxus took on the job of preparing Harlow, Farla and Huz’ lunch after he helped (Y/n) put Farla and Huz in their highchairs. (Y/n) joined him a moment later so that she could help him carry the three bowls and spoons over to the three highchairs they'd moved to the kitchen where it would be easier for them to clean up any potential messes.
Less than an hour earlier (Y/n) and Haxus ate lunch together, the only reason they waited to feed Huz, Farla and Harlow was because it could be difficult feeding three babies at once. Harlow babbled with excitement when she saw food coming her way, Farla was busy playing with her bib and Huz was staring out the kitchen window until he smelled food. Haxus would feed Farla and Huz while (Y/n) fed Harlow, at least until about halfway through their triplets’ lunchtime. (Y/n) stood in front of Harlow's high chair and scooped up some baby food with the spoon, then she fed it to her youngest who already had her mouth wide open; Harlow was definitely a food lover who happily accepted each spoonful of baby food her mother offered her, similar to Huz but less messy. Huz, on the other hand, loved food as much as his younger sister did, unfortunately he could be a messy eater most of the time; Haxus tried his best to prevent the pureed Groed fruit from spilling down his chin, alas his effort was a lost cause.
“I'll be back, behave yourselves.” Haxus told Farla and Huz before he placed the spoons on their respective trays and stood up so he could get a damp cloth to wipe Huz’ face off.
(Y/n) watched Haxus leave while she fed another half spoonful of baby food to Harlow, smiling as her adorable daughter giggled happily. Huz was still hungry and he didn't want to wait for his father to return, so since the bowl with his lunch was right in front of him he decided to eat with his hands. (Y/n) informed Haxus that Huz began eating with his hands and received a groan of frustration in response; Haxus didn't necessarily have a problem with any of their babies eating with their hands, but he would have more of a mess to clean up. Haxus quickly returned with the damp washcloth, unfortunately for him he wasn't prepared for what happened next and neither was (Y/n). Farla was in a playful mood and the baby food was nice and squishy, as soon as she saw her father kneel down in front of her brother's highchair she grabbed a fist full of pureed Kaycers moon carrot and threw it in his direction, then squealed in laughter when it splattered all over the side of his face.
“Farla, food is for eating, not throwing.” Haxus spoke firmly when he looked directly at his and (Y/n's) oldest daughter which caused her to stop laughing.
“She has really good aim.” (Y/n) said awkwardly in an attempt to defuse the situation, briefly worrying that her boyfriend would get mad at Farla for throwing food at him.
“Yes, she does. She would be good for that Earth sport where they hit balls with thin clubs.” Haxus muttered under his breath as he used the washcloth to wipe the baby food off of his face; he wasn't angry at Farla, although she needed to understand that throwing food wasn't tolerated.
Farla didn't fully understand what her father said to her, but by the firm tone of his voice she knew not to ever throw food again. (Y/n) wasn't expecting Farla to throw a handful of baby food at Haxus, although she couldn't help but let a snort of laughter escape her mouth because the dumbfounded expression on his face had been hilarious. Haxus wiped Huz’ hands and face off before he started feeding him and his older sister again, although he had to wipe his son's face off every so often throughout the lunchtime feeding. About halfway through their triplets’ lunch Haxus gave (Y/n) the spoon he'd been using to feed Huz so she could feed him, that way he could focus on feeding Farla who was thankfully not being stubborn. Feeding three babies at once could be difficult sometimes, but with both of them sharing the not so simple task (Y/n) and Haxus were able to complete it within a timely manner.
Recently Harlow learned how to crawl, although it was more of her shuffling across the floor than actual crawling on all fours, and the only time she did it was when she wanted to follow either of her parents. Haxus and (Y/n) were proud of their youngest for learning how to crawl and they noticed how Huz kept trying to do the same, the only issue was that he couldn't quite get the hang of it. Every time Harlow wiggled her way across the floor they thought it was kind of funny, Haxus even let out a short laugh a time or two while he sat on the couch and watched Harlow wiggling her way across the floor behind (Y/n). Within a couple of weeks Harlow's crawling experience improved and she learned how to push her body up off of the floor a little, then Farla learned how to crawl and she wasn't as well behaved as her younger sister; Huz hadn't quite gotten ahold of the art of crawling yet, but (Y/n) and Haxus knew it wouldn't be long before he too became mobile. Unlike Harlow, every time Farla crawled somewhere she tended to crawl away from her parents in favor of exploring the house all by herself.
There were times when either Haxus or (Y/n) would accidentally lose track of Farla if they turned their backs towards her for a few seconds, and an almost baby-proofing mishap was what prompted them to set up the playpen. During one afternoon in particular when their babies weren't napping they decided to let them have a little exercise, or at least Farla and Harlow since Huz was perfectly happy laying on the playmat, playing with one of the interactive toys. The living room looked a bit dusty, so Haxus and (Y/n) decided to do a little cleaning together. Harlow was confused as to which parent she should follow because she loved them both equally, but she decided to follow her mother because her father was using the vacuum and she didn't like the noise it made. Farla sat upright towards the middle of the living room, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make her escape.
“Come on, Harlow, let's get this dusty living room clean while your daddy vacuums up all the nastiness from the rugs.” (Y/n) said while she looked down at her youngest daughter, smiling as Harlow looked up at her.
Harlow babbled in response and followed her mother when (Y/n) walked over to one of the end tables by the couch, watching with curiosity when her mother began dusting. When Haxus’ back was turned (Y/n) snuck a quick peek at his backside before he turned around; she quickly averted her gaze because she felt flustered for looking at him the way she did until Harlow got her attention. Farla waited for the perfect moment to escape the living room; neither of her parents were paying attention to her, so that's when she began crawling towards the doorway that led to another part of the house. Crawling across the floor wasn't always easy because the living room was huge in Farla's eyes, but she was determined to go off on her own and explore. Farla smiled as the doorway inched closer and closer with each step she took whilst crawling, unfortunately she was suddenly picked up right before she could leave the living room; (Y/n) saw Farla trying to make an escape in time to catch her, causing her to whine in frustration.
“Oh no you don't, you're staying in here.” (Y/n) said after she picked Farla up, carrying her back to the playpen right as Haxus turned the vacuum off.
“Was she trying to escape again?” Haxus inquired knowingly; he placed the hose of the vacuum down so he could walk over to (Y/n), then he knelt down so that he could be almost eye level with their firstborn.
“You know Farla, she's our little wanderer.” (Y/n) replied, grinning as she thought about Farla becoming a space traveler after she grew up.
“You love exploring, don't you? When you grow up I'm going to teach you how to fly a small shuttle, then you can cause as much mischief around the universe as you-” Haxus crooned proudly until (Y/n) cut him off from finishing what he was going to say.
“Don't you dare tell Farla that she can cause mischief wherever she wants to in the universe, I don't want her to become an intergalactic criminal or a space pirate.” (Y/n) interrupted her boyfriend with a firm tone whilst glaring at him; the last thing she wanted was for any of their children to grow up and become criminals, although to be fair she wasn't surprised that Haxus was encouraging such behavior.
“My sister is a space pirate.” Haxus responded dryly as his gaze met hers.
(Y/n) was a little taken aback, so she apologized because she didn't want to insult her boyfriend's older sister; Haxus didn't take offense to what (Y/n) said about not wanting Farla, or any of their kits for that matter, to become a pirate or a criminal when they grew up because he didn't want anything bad to happen to them. In order to prevent Farla from wandering away he decided to carry her around in the baby sling, that way he could have her with him where she couldn't get into trouble. (Y/n) held Farla until Haxus had his baby sling on snugly, then she handed her over to him so she could get back to dusting. During the entire ordeal Harlow chased after (Y/n) and remained by her mother; she understood that Farla wanted to explore the house, but she didn't quite understand what her parents were talking about. Cleaning the house with three babies around wasn't easy, but (Y/n) helped Haxus do as much as she could until she felt a little sore and needed to rest.
After Haxus and (Y/n) carried their babies downstairs they carried them to the dining room so (Y/n) could keep them busy while Haxus made breakfast for their whole family. He was making some pancakes with a side of Nelsain delta-bacon for himself and his mate, although he wasn't entirely sure what he would make for their triplets to eat. The five of them were still wearing their pajamas since they could have yet again another lazy day; Haxus was undecided if he wanted to go out on a hunt later, but until then he wanted to make breakfast for his girlfriend and babies. Since Farla, Harlow and Huz were just a little over ten months old (Y/n) and Haxus let them eat chopped up soft foods with their hands, not only did the three of them like feeding themselves but it also helped them develop their finer motor skills. Haxus stole a kiss from (Y/n) before he went to the kitchen, that way he could make a delicious, nutritious breakfast for his family.
“Don't worry, your father will have breakfast ready soon.” (Y/n) told Harlow, Huz and Farla when they began to get a little restless;
Huz, Farla and Harlow looked at their mother with curiosity, then Harlow and Farla's attention was drawn away by other things in the room. Huz, on the other hand, was really hungry and there was one thing in particular he wanted; Osaaela fruit was his favorite fruit and he wanted some, although actually telling his mother that he wanted it was difficult. He and his sisters had been attempting to say their first words and they'd come close a few times, all they needed to do was get the hang of forming actual words. Their parents talked all the time and it seemed really easy; Huz really wanted to tell his mother what he wanted to eat, so he decided to try saying what he wanted. (Y/n) began to feel bored until Huz started babbling, although instead of the usual babbling it sounded like he was trying to say something again.
“What is it, Huz? What do you want?” (Y/n) asked her son curiously,
“O- O- Os- Osla- Oslala.” Huz mumbled until he managed to say the name of his favorite fruit, or at least he said it to the best of his ability.
“Huz, you said your first word. Haxus, come here! Huz said his first word!” (Y/n) said in surprise, promptly calling out for Haxus who quickly walked into the dining room and over to the table; she hadn't seen him walk so quickly since Farla learned how to crawl.
“What did he say?” Haxus questioned with curiosity, wanting to know what their son's first word had been since he wasn't around to hear it the first time.
“Huz, what do you want for breakfast?” (Y/n) asked Huz with excitement, hoping that he would repeat it.
“Oslala!” Huz chirruped in response, looking directly at his father when he said it.
Haxus had to take a moment to think before he came to the conclusion that Huz wanted to eat some chopped up Osaaela fruit for breakfast, but he couldn't say it properly yet. Both he and (Y/n) thought it was cute how Huz pronounced Osaaela; little kids always pronounced things in the cutest ways. Haxus praised Huz for saying his first word and promised him that he could have some Osaaela fruit for breakfast which really made his and (Y/n's) son happy, then he went back to the kitchen so he could see through with that promise. (Y/n) was proud of Huz for saying his first word for the first time, she hoped that Farla and Harlow would say their first words in the near future. Whatever their first words were and when they said them, she and Haxus would be looking forward to when their next milestone happened.
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