|You Drew Stars Around my Scars| Jameson Hawthorne| 🔥

Request from Simplyhades 

Their comment:

"Jameson x reader y/n: short fluffy dyed hair and green eyes plot: y/n gets taken in by tobias Hawthorne after fleeing abusive father and gets close with Jameson but she's sensitive still and he doesn't understand why. she opens up to him and they end up revealing feelings and getting deeply romantic and passionate etc, just super lovey and all. if you're okay with it, I think a game of strip bowling would be fun... :) but no pressure. just looking for something romantic mostly. thanks in advance and lemme know if u need any clarification or anything. :)"

I just want to say before I start, this has literally been half complete in my drafts for like a year? So I've only just rediscovered it and finished it so I'm so sorry.

Here is some background. The book is set about a year before The inheritance games start so various characters like Emily and Tobias are still alive and Avery isn't relevant yet. Y/N's Mother left when she was 7 which is when her Father started to physically and mentally abuse her. When she was 16 she finally realised she had to leave so she did and barely succeeded. She thankfully never saw her father again and fled to a place she heard did charity work and ended up (somehow) getting taken in by the owner, Tobias Hawthorne. She grew closer with the man's Grandsons and met a girl called Emily who she also became close with. However only three of these five actually know about her passed, leaving two of them unknowing and confused about a lot of things. I wrote Grayson as a slightly looser personality as it is set before Emily dies and i imagine her death to have affected that about him a lot, Jameson is a little different as well for the same reason. This one shot will start 5 months after she moved into the mansion and will be in second person.. even though I hate second person because I find it a little creepy and weird but it will be written better in second person so i just need to deal with it... Enjoy <3





Making out / sexual content.)

Also I would like to inform you all before hand that personally I haven't suffered from abuse so this will probably not accurately depict abuse in its true form however I am going to try to the best of my abilities to do well, if you find this offensive or inaccurate at any point please let me know and I will modify or delete the scene. Also I have done some research online and tried to gather a lot of information on the difficult topic of abuse.)


"Y/N!" Your Father yells from across the trailer you live in. You make your way out of your cramped bedroom and move towards the small kitchen. In the sink, there is an abundance of dishes piled tall and high, "shit" you mutter under your breathe once you realise the mistake you've made. "Yeah 'shit'!" He quotes in a deep and infuriated voice. 

"Dad, I overslept, I'm sorry, I'll do them right now" you assure. You move towards the sink that has the frightening frame of your father over it. "No! I told you to have them done by the time I got home this morning and here they are" he continues yelling, you flinch slightly at the increase in volume. "I'm sorry.. my alarm didn't go off and-" you speak softly, trying not to enrage your Father any further, however this doesn't appear to work when he continues yelling full volume, "Typical, your just like your Mother. Blame everything and everyone else for your own actions because god forbid you do something wrong!" He spits. 

You're at a loss for words as he picks up a plate and spins it in his hand, you almost believe he might clean it for you rather than have you do it. However you are harshly wrong in this assumption, he lifts the red stained plate up high and throws it full force at the wall behind you, you duck to the ground just in time and remain on the floor as the dish ware shatters on the dull yellow painted wall. 

You stand up cowardly but the words that come out your mouth are fierce, "You could've hit me!" Your voice breaks as you shake. Your eyes look towards the sink as he picks up a glass this time. On the counter beside the endless mountain of dishes lies a clear and empty bottle which seems to be the last piece of this puzzle. He's been drinking you realise.

The glass shakes in his hand as if he is considering it, although you know deep down this choice has already been made. His hand comes down with great power and it crashes down beside your foot, you don't have time to dodge it but luckily the glass misses you, still shattering into hundreds of pieces surrounding your shaking legs. 

He picks up both a glass and a plate in each hand and throws them to each side of you, this time you do manage to duck down, you feel a slight pain in your knees when your realise some glass is stuck to your jeans, you wipe it off and wipe away some glass from around, allowing you to curl into a small ball. This time you don't come up, instead you stay on the floor awaiting more crashes. 

Next comes a plate that doesn't break into very many pieces. Tears depart from your eyes as you hug your knees and pray for it to be over. A mug. A bowl. A bowl. A glass. A plate. A plate. A glass. Then silence. You wait for something to happen yet nothing does. After waiting a few seconds you stand. You meet the calm eyes of your Father, calm.. how can he be so relaxed? You wonder. 

You wipe your hands against your jeans cautiously, he picks up the bottle you noticed and takes a final swig before preparing to throw it, you immediately get back to the ground but this time he walks around the kitchen counter you were using as protection, thats when he aggressively drops it right at you with a great force, you flinch as glass shatters all over your body leaving various areas bloody and cut. "This better be gone by the time I'm back" He then exits the trailer as if he did nothing whatsoever.

A whimper escapes your lips as you look down at your arms that are slashed and covered in blood. You feel a sharp pain in your cheek and stand up. The mirror in the bathroom is the first place you rush to. You look into your own red and puffed up eyes from crying, mascara runs beneath your eyes faintly and a large shard of glass remains on your left cheek. 

"Fuck!" You groan as you pull the glass out of your cheek. Blood erupts from the wound but you don't even attempt to clean your wound. You just stare into the pain your own father has inflicted simply because you didn't clean the dishes. The scar stretches about 3 inches across your face. Blood drips into the sink.

You sit up quickly, breathing heavily in your bed which is soaked in a layer of sweat. It was just a memory disguised as a dream, you remind yourself repetitively in your head. You turn the light switch on and walk towards the mirror in your room, you look at the scar across your cheek and gently trace it with your cold fingers against your steamy skin. 

The time on the clock reads 8:00am meaning its not too early to get up. You walk into the bathroom in your large room and lock the door. You remove your moist vest followed by your equally as sweaty shorts, leaving you naked. Your skin is a neutral yet pale tone and your hair is down to your shoulders fully dyed.

Your body is covered in bruises and scars, you stare into the mirror, tears forming in your green eyes. Your stomach has to have at least five separate bruises, each larger the further down they are. You turn around and then turn your head to see the scar all the way across your back, with one hand you touch it slightly however the pain seems to still be raw, it makes you wince. Though these bruises are no longer visible they will always be there, living with you forever, faded scars and cuts.

You open the shower curtain and turn it on. You make sure its cold rather than warm before stepping inside. 


Jameson waits outside your bathroom as you shower, when he hears the shower stop he waits a few moments before knocking to make his presence known. "One sec" you yell, a smile creeps onto his face at the sound of your voice.

You wrap a towel around your wet body and unlock the bathroom door. You open the door but you stay inside the bathroom to get your slippers on, "Hey" he grins, sitting on your bed with his arms crossed mischievously. 

"What are you up to?" You ask immediately, knowing from his voice he is planning to cause some sort of trouble. "The fact you haven't even seen me yet and you know I'm up to something reminds me why I've chosen you to be my future wife" he says. You choke on a laugh that escapes your lips at his confidence. "Wait until I'm not underage and then you can start thinking of making me your bride" you continue the joke. He is 17 whilst you are only 16, soon to be 17.

"One more day." He reminds. "Already?" You ask feeling as if time has accelerated since you got here. You exit the bathroom with a smile looking at him, his grin fades as he looks up and down your body.

"What?" You ask feeling slightly insecure, "There's scars all over your body. What happened? Are you okay?" He stands and walks towards you, placing a delicate hand on your shoulder. "I'm fine" you assure. He nods but doesn't quite drop it, "What happened?" He asks. 

"Just used to play sports, got injured a lot" you lie. He nods, not fully convinced. You turn around  and walk towards your closet to get dressed. "Get out" you order, "What? No" he frowns. "Unless you want to watch me get changed I suggest you leave" you explain. He makes no move to leave. "Go" you laugh, he walks out leaving you alone. 

You change into a cropped vest with a black and red flannel over, paired with navy jeans and black converse. You head downstairs and find Jameson, Xander and Grayson talking, "Hey" you say, speeding down the stairs. 

They all seem to tense up and stop talking, making you feel uncomfortable. Little do you know they were planning something. "Hey" Xander speaks up when you reach the three. 

You swing back and front on your feet feeling awkward. "I should go" you say, sensing the previous conversation to have been important. "No, it's nothing bad, we were just talking about" Xander starts before receiving a swift elbow to the gut from Grayson. 

"Right" you say trying to hide the smile appearing on your face. "I'm gonna go see Emily, she should be here by now" You finish. "I'll be right there" Jameson yells. You walk towards the back of the house. 

"Y/n/n" Emily yells running towards you with open arms for a hug. "Emily" you smile reciprocating the hug. She practically drags you back to your own room meeting Jameson and Grayson halfway and dragging them too. 

"So I went shopping and got all this stuff that I need to try on and get your honest opinions on" she babbles, carrying about 6 bags filled with clothes. She opens my bedroom door and thankfully the maid has managed to clean my room in time. 

The boys immediately sit on my bed, preparing for the long time Emily is about to spend. I take a seat cross legged on my bed as well at the end facing her. Grayson is stretched out on his stomach beside me facing Emily and Jameson is lying down watching Emily removes some clothes from the bag. 

Emily doesn't even hesitate to throw her shirt off followed by her jeans. She starts trying on some clothes and throwing them all around the room. 

45 minutes in and Emily is wearing a tight green dress that barely covers her butt. "This is not doing my boobs any justice" she sighs, immediately taking it off. "Y/n" she says turning to face you. 

"Try on this dress" she orders, you get up and walk closer to her. "Come on" she says telling you to hurry up. You take of your flannel and then your vest before finally taking off your jeans.

"Oh shit" Emily yells. "What?" You ask worriedly. "You have a huge scar on your back and your like covered in cuts and gashes. What kinda shit was your dad doing to you?" She laughs jokingly. 

You take in a sharp inhale as the boys walk over as well. "Emily" Grayson warns. "What? It was a joke." She shrugs innocently, "well it wasn't funny" he argues. 

"Relax Gray. It's not like he actually did anything to her!" Emily exasperates. You shift uncomfortably, not wanting to talk about it and knowing if you tried to deny it you would break down. Grayson only knew because he helped his grandfather with the charity and suggested they take you in. Nash knew because he was the oldest and wanted to protect you at all costs. Xander had overheard the two talking and figured it out. The only two who didn't know were Emily and Jameson.

"Emily. Whether it was true or not you shouldn't joke about that." He scolds. You quickly pull your jeans back on followed by your vest and flannel. "I'm gonna go" you cough awkwardly. 

"Unless it's true.." Emily susses out. "Emily!" Grayson yells. "Y/n.." she starts calmly and sympathetically. 

Jameson approaches you slowly, "Is it true?" He asks calmly, "Did he really do this to you?" He asks concerned.

"No." Is all you can manage, pushing passed Emily and walking out of your own room. 

You went on a walk that night, hoping when you arrived home they would all me out of your room which, to your gratitude, they were. 

You fall asleep in your bed, feeling uncomfortable in knowing they were bound to know your secret by now. 

Tommorow is the big day. Seventeen. Literally every song ever written is about this golden year. 

Yet you still felt bad. You tried to push down the daunting feeling of knowing soon you'll need to talk about it.

The next morning you made your way down the staircase, desperate to just get the day over with. 

When you reach the kitchen you jump in shock when all your friends stand in front of a banner that reads 'Happy Birthday Y/N' in pink paint.

"Surprise!" Nash, Xander, Emily, Rebecca, Thea, Grayson and Jameson all yell. You smile politely, "Happy Birthday Y/N/N." Xander hugs you.

"Thanks." You reply appreciatively. 

They all excitedly give you gifts they bought you, each gift surprising you more and more, not only because of the expenses of the gifts but of thought put into it. Finally you receive a small box from Jameson. 

You open it to see a beautiful ring, you remove the ring in shock and inspect it. On the inside is the letter J imprinted. A small folded letter lays beneath the jewellery. Scrawled in dark ink on a piece of fresh parchment are the words:

To my Y/N,

One day this'll be an engagement ring, for now it's a promise ring. A promise that someday we'll have three whiny children who are just as beautiful as you. A promise that we will be married til death do us part. A promise forever. Meet me at midnight in the gardens if you dare.

Forever yours, 

Your future husband, Jamie

You grin when you read it, you look up and find Jameson watching you closely from the opposite side of the room, he sends a wink in your direction and then goes back to his conversation with Xander. 

"Who's that from?" Emily teases. "Nobody." You bite back a grin as you slip the ring onto your finger.

The day is full of surprises as your friends take you out to lunch, then swim with you and then enjoy a specially made dinner. 

You end up heading back to your room and 11:45 with a permanent smile glued to your face. You flop back into your bed just staring at your ceiling happily. 

You take off your outfit and start dressing into your pj's before you remember the note.

You don't waste any time placing on some fresher nicer clothes. You wear the dress you received from Emily that came with a huge apology for making such an insensitive joke. 

It's a pale pink color and shows off a lot of chest. You spray a little perfume and wear some lipgloss. 

You head out to the dark and creepy gardens with only two minutes until midnight.

The only sounds are the bushes and trees blowing in the Texas late night wind. The sound of your converse hitting the cobblestone fades as you walk into the depth of the garden where stone turns to grass. 

The only source of light are the dim lights of the large house at such a late hour.

You shiver and cross your arms over your chest nervously, what if it was a cruel joke. Maybe he was just leading you on so he could see a vulnerable side of you and make you think someone in this hateful world cared about you. 

"Get all dressed up for me Y/N/N." A playful voice sounds from in front of you in the dark abyss. You look around for the source and his figure emerges from the darkness as no more than a silhouette. 

Jameson pushes himself off the tree he was leaning on, he approaches you and places his two hands on your elbows as you hold your shivering body. 

"Cold?" He asks soothingly. "No, it's fine." You reply through chitters. He laughs lowly at you and removes his jacket, wrapping it across your freezing body. 

He gently takes your hand in his warm one and directs you through the darkness. 

You both laugh nervously as you enter a maze of hedges, "I think this is the right way." He laughs as he tries to find a specific spot. 

When there is a slight light leaking through the corner he realises it's the right way. 

He leads you round the last corner and you're met with a blanket and candles. 

You both sit down on the blanket as you thank him. "It's not much.." he trails off when he notices a twig caught in you hair. He laughs and moves a hand forward to remove it.

At the sudden movement you subconsciously flinch, expecting the worst. "Sorry." He frowns as he retracts his hand. 

"It's- its fine.. I'm sorry." You instantly feel awkward like you've ruined the mood.

"No it's not your fault.. I don't want to pressure you or anything but if you ever wanted to talk you can always come to me." He assures you.

You take a shaky breath and try to figure out what to say. "He's been hitting me since I was 7. He was always out getting drunk and when he got back he would lash out and hit me or throw things at me and yell. That's why your Grandfather brought me in. I was a part of the charity work he does."

He processes the words carefully and listens, giving a gentle nod of encouragement when necessary. 

"The night I managed to escape he had done something pretty bad. He had his friends over and they were drunk horny assholes and they were shouting things at me about the things they were going to do to me, calling me a slut and making me uncomfortable. I was begging him to make them stop but he just kept drinking and watching it happen to me. I had always put it off to the alcohol and told myself he was trying to be better for me but after that night I knew. I managed to sneak out my window when all of them were drunk collapsed and I just ran. I stumbled upon Grayson and your Grandfather doing charity work and they let me in and helped me. I know he's not able to hurt me anymore but I still get nightmares. And sometimes I get a little timid. I flinch even though I know you would never hurt me.. but I thought he would never hurt me and then.."

You find yourself reaching a hand up to the scar on your cheek as tears fall down your face.

"Y/N.. I'm so sorry you had to go through that." Jameson speaks sadly. He wanted nothing more than to hug you and tell you that you were safe now but he knew he couldn't without scaring you again.

"Your Aunt found me a therapist that I've been seeing for a few months now and I think it's helping, so I shouldn't ruin the mood by getting all sappy." You laugh as you wipe away your tears. 

"You should never apologise for crying." He frowns. Deep down he wants to wipe away your tears and take your hand in his. 

"You don't have to be scared to touch me. I'm not going to flinch again, you just caught me off guard is all." You tell him.

"You've been hurt before. Maybe we should just put a pause on whatever this is until you're ready." He smiles supportively, getting to his feet. 

He starts to walk away. You start doubting everything. The thoughts run through your mind quickly, your head is saying so many things, so to drown them out you blurt the only thing your heart is saying.

"I don't want to." 

He turns around unsurely. "Y/N.." He tries.

"No. Get back here and kiss me Jameson Hawthorne. My Dad's ruined my life enough I'm not letting him stop me from having you because I'm 'not ready' when I am. My life is fucked up, but whatever I have with you isn't, so you have five seconds to get your ass over here and kiss the fuck out of me!" You yell suddenly, catching yourself off guard.

You breathe heavily in fear he'll keep walking but he turns around and connects your lips in a gentle and romantic kiss. You smile against his lips at first as you feel his warm lips touching yours.

You're the one to deepen the kiss into a passionate and intimate one. 

 Your tongues blend in a beautiful and long awaited kiss. Your hands dance through his hair, his sit respectfully on your hips.

You push him away from you for a moment and he looks a little worried he's done something. When you pull your dress off he immediately stops what he was about to say.

"Are you sure? I don't want to rush this If you aren't-"

You immediately cut him off. "I'm ready." You nod.

He holds your body close to his as you keep kissing passionately, his body warmth warms you up in the cold winter evening. You both lay down now on the fluffy blanket.

He carefully and slowly kisses down your neck, down your whole chest until he reaches your bare stomach covered in goosebumps. He takes time to carefully place a soft kiss on a large scar bellow your breast. 

He separates from your body to undress himself now and in this time you remove your underwear until you're both fully nude admiring each other.

"We're matching huh?" You joke as your finger goes to the top of a long scar stretching across his body. Your hand strokes gently down the large scar, it reaches from his mid chest all the way down to his V-line. 

You smirk when your hand reaches the bottom of his scar. His whole chest retracting with a sharp intake of breath at your touch.

He leans down and passionately kisses your neck leaving behind marks of his love. Then takes his time with one final soft kiss on your cheek on top of the cut from the glass your father threw at you.

You couldn't even force your mind to go to all that horrible stuff of your past when your here with Jameson. Passion and love under the dim light of candles and the moon shining down on you. 

When you've both finished you lay next to each other naked and watching the beautiful view of the moon and the stars. However in that moment, Jameson had found a much more beautiful view and he would never be upset by its sight next to him. 

"So are you my girlfriend now?" He asks with a grin. You roll onto your side as his fingertips gently trace your entire body relaxingly. 

"Is that a question or invitation?" You raise a brow as your hand feels his muscle, stroking them up and down. 

"Depends what your answer is." He takes some of your hair in his hand and spins it around his fingers.

"Yes." You grin. 

He tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses you softly. You break away from the kiss and point up to the stars, "I think that's the Lynx constellation." You gasp excitedly. 

He laughs a little and buries his face into your chest, "Nerd." He laughs.

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