
Chapter Four: Cold Soup
‼️Trigger warning ‼️

Olivia didn't quite get it, she did everything in her power to make sure that things like this didn't happen. She believed that if you put good into the world, then the world would return the favor, thus bringing up the term good Karma. Her house was flooded and she couldn't figure out how, how did her house flood, she lived in an older neighborhood yes but she took the steps to work on her house to get into shape. She believed that the universe was trying to tell her something, what she didn't know.

Growing up Olivia had the world at her fingertips, she loved to be outdoors, she would stay outside for hours, sometimes days if her parents let her. When she was eighteen she joined the marines. She wanted to make a difference, I mean eighteen is quite young, she had her whole life ahead of her why would she choose to do that of all things.

At twenty she learned Krav Maga, it took patience picking up a new skill, seeing as she already had so many whats another notch on her belt, the woman would speak over nine different languages, she was quick on her feet, from the outside you would wonder what was wrong with her, she seemed extremely perfect. She snored, very loudly, she was very meticulous, so much so it annoyed everyone else around her, she felt that there was a certain way to do things, she was stubborn always needed to show that her way was going to work, or that she could anything, even if it was something she didn't know how to do

And now at the age of twenty seven she was working for a task force in Hawaii, she never thought she would make it this far. Olivia wasn't afraid of much of anything, but right now in that moment she was afraid to tell her boyfriend that she didn't want to move in with him, that she didn't feel like she was ready yet. She felt like he was pressuring her, Wyatt  was sweet, always taking into account her feelings. He had a few flaws, one being his anger, he would snap over the littlest things, if Olivia didn't text him and tell him she was working a case, he would get mad and call her until she answered. He always needed to know where she was at all times, he wanted her to share her location with him and him only. She was expecting that he was looking through her phone,which wouldn't be good. She talked with Steve about cases sometimes on her phone.

She didn't have proof and probably would seem crazy if she brought it up now. Olivia needed to find a place to stay, until her house was fixed and while she was weary about it, she felt like her only option was Wyatt's she didn't want to ask her partners, she felt like they had way too many things going on at the time, besides pretty sure her bedroom was the size of Danny's apartment and there was no way either of them were fitting in there comfortably. She could ask Steve, but with everything going on with his dad's tool box. Maybe he didn't need her intruding. The point was she needed to find a place that was hopefully not with Wyatt. While she liked the guy, he could be alot at times and she needed to not see him all the time. She figured she would talk with her friends/colleagues about it when she saw them but for now she was going to stay at a hotel. Olivia had just checked into a hotel when her phone rang telling her to meet her at the crime scene and to suit up.

They all arrived at the same time and all getting out and running towards a house with a guy bleeding from his stomach on the ground, Steve kneels down towards him, checking his pulse as the guy wakes up abruptly, he whispers to Steve and they all stay back waiting for his signal to move, he sends us to the signal and we all go for the house. Danny, Steve and Olivia take the back entrance, Kono and Chin take the front. We walk into the house against Steve and Danny's as they all turn different ways guns are raised, they see a woman bleeding on the floor and Danny kneels down to check for a pulse. Seeing as she didn't have a pulse we checked the house more, finding a bedroom with two different beds, a big one and a small one with toys on it almost like for a kid. Steve motions his head towards a closet door and looks back at Danny and Olivia. He opens it but stands behind the door letting us see what's inside. There they see a child under a blanket, the sniffles coming from the blanket. He kneels down in front of the blanket.

"It's okay. Hey, it's okay. I'm just going to take this blanket off your head, okay?" The little boy shakes as Steve takes off the blanket and he explains who he is and what he does.

"I'm a police officer. My name's Steve. You must be Kevin. Right? Yeah? Kevin, I promise you no one's going to hurt you, okay? I need you to take my hand so we can get out of here." Kevin is hesitant at first but he does so andSteve covers his head and carries him on his chest, out of the house making sure he can't see anything. They walk outside and jhe kneels down in front of him. He explains that he will see him a little later and for now he needs to go with officer Liko, who grabs the kid, Chin Kono, Danny and Olivia are all now standing together.

"Hey. Got this off our wounded man inside. It's the FBI." Chin says handing the badges to steve he looks it over and passes it around.

" FBI?"

" Yeah. Special Agent Art Newman. The dead vic we found in the back's also FBI. Martin Stallworth. They're both based out of New York. Organized Crime Unit."

" All right, but what about Kevin's father?"

"His name is Reggie Cole. All he had on him was a New York driver's license." Kono explains shrugging at the looks everyone was giving her

" Something's missing."

"Yeah. Answers." Olivia sasses irritated,

" Looks like we're about to get some." Chin says as an SUV pulls up a blonde woman with a terrible hair style walks up lips pursued.

" You Five-O?"

" Yeah, I'm Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett."

" Special Agent Allison Marsh. I'm told Reggie Cole survived the attack." She says holding up her credentials.

"Yeah, he did. Along with his young son. Uh, unfortunately his wife suffered a fatal gunshot wound to the chest."

" Any idea who the shooters might be?" Danny asks.

" Reggie Cole has been working undercover for the FBI in Jimmy Cannon's New York crime family. We're running our people now. We have no idea how this happened. But obviously, Cannon found out Reggie's identity and sent a crew to wipe out him and his family." she says handing Steve a photo, he passes around so everyone can have a look.

"I'm sorry. Who's Jimmy Cannon?" Olivia asked

" I used to be a cop in New Jersey. Jimmy Cannon: You used to hear his name all the time. g*ns, drugs, labor, uh, construction, hijacking, anything; you name it." Danny explains

"Jimmy Cannon was coming to Oahu to visit his son Richard, a civilian with no connection to his dad's business. Works for the preservation society here. So Reggie came in a day ahead of Cannon to set up security detail, but he wanted a breakaway to see his wife and son. No one was supposed to know."

" Cannon obviously figured it out." Danny says as Steve looks around.

"That's what I think."

"All right, listen, if Cannon finds out that Reggie's not dead, he's gonna send men in to finish the job."

" Gentlemen, this is an FBI matter now, and the FBI will be taking over this case. Thank you for your efforts." She says as Steve gives Danny and Olivia an amused look

" First of all, you're welcome. Second of all, a little boy's gonna grow up without a mother because of a leak in your agency."

"You listen to me. You cannot go after Jimmy Cannon" She Threatens as they all look at her with irritated looks

"Watch me." Steve says as they all pile back into our cars.


Steve, Danny and Olivia decided that they needed to talk to Reggie and went to the hospital.

"Reggie? Hey. I'm Steve McGarrett."

" Where's my son?" Reggie snips defensively.

" He's okay. Uh, your wife's parents are flying in."

"You didn't answer my question. Where's my son?"

" He's down the hall. We have people with him."

" Who, the Feds?" He snaps

" No. Our people-- HPD. Listen, I know you don't trust anybody after what happened."

" You're right, I don't"

". Okay, we understand that, but we do have to ask you some questions." Danny says as he snaps his head in their direction

" There were two shooters. It was dark. I didn't see their faces. After my wife... After I saw my wife on the ground, I fired, you know, then they fired. I hit one of them, and then they drove off."

" Are you sure you hit him?"

"I hit him."

" Reggie, how many people knew that you and your family were going to be in that house?"

" My supervising agent. Three agents in detail. Very few people in the FBI know I exist."

" Okay, well, one of those people had to leak the location of your safe house." Olivia spoke up as he rolled his eyes and starts yelling.

" Look, my job was to get Jimmy Cannon. I don't know who shot me, I don't know who set me up. All I know is that Jimmy Cannon ordered the hit. Now, look, look, I know you guys are trying to do your jobs, but Jimmy Cannon killed my wife. He killed a federal agent. You don't know who you're dealing with. He's going to put walls up in front of you wherever you go."

" We're gonna go wherever the case takes us. And let me tell you, you want guys like us on this, because we'll go right through those walls. You understand?"

" I wasn't supposed to leave that house. Jimmy's gonna try again. I got to protect my son. I'm all he has."


The group headed back to the office where Olivia's  phone was ringing. It was Wyatt wondering where she had gone. She explained that she told him she was working a case before she left, but he was too busy playing COD to listen. He was annoyed that she didn't kiss him goodbye and she just groaned he was becoming too clingy for her.

Kono came back from the crime scene with video evidence.

"So what do you get off the camera?"

"We got a Ford Explorer pulling up to the house just before dawn, lights off. They go into the house... and they come out two minutes later."

" Okay, Reggie said he hit one of those guys." Olivia says as they look at the video, all they can see is the thermal signatures.

"Yeah, he did, right... Right there." Steve says walking up to the screen

"All right, run the tape back, Kono. Run it back a bit. Okay, freeze it. Right there. All right, get the Crime Lab back to the scene and look for any evidence around where that Explorer was, okay? And then check with hospitals and clinics for any reports of gunshot wounds.."

" All right, I already have an APB out on the vehicle." She says

" We're gonna need a better look at those faces in this video." Olivia says as she nods.

"Uh, it's pretty grainy, but I can try cleaning them up."

"All right, when you get something, run 'em against all known members of the Cannon's organization who are actually in the database, okay? What about the boot print you pulled at the crime scene?"

"Sole treads are mass-produced and sold all over the world, so unless we have a suspect's shoes to match them to, it's a dead end." She explains as Chin walks in.


" Hey. Just spoke with the M.E. The slugs he pulled out of the vics were made of tungsten steel. Now, these are the same exact bullets that were used in a handful of New York murders that the Feds believe, but can't prove, Cannon ordered." Chin explains

" How is this guy not in jail?" Kono asks as Olivia  shakes her head at him

" Well, lack of evidence, for starters." he says as Super Seal and Gi Jane shake their heads at the same time, they were both equally as pissed. He sends her his famous mad scowl and head shake before they both begin walking off.

" Where are you going?"

" To get some evidence." Olivia sasses earning an amused look for Super Seal.


The group pull up in Danny's car as a big guy in a suit approaches the driver side window.

"Hey, McGarrett, Sanders, Williams. Five-O. We're here to see, uh, Jimmy Cannon." Steve says, showing him his badge. The man looks around the car as Olivia sends him a small smirk and wink, being her playful self.

" Mr. Cannon isn't seeing any visitors today. Why don't you guys go get some lunch? You can come back tomorrow." The man says shoving a few wads of cash into Steve's shirt pocket.

"I'm not hungry," Danny mumbles.

"If he's paying I could eat" Olivia comments arms crossed over her chest.

" Thank you very much." Steve looks at the both of them with an amused look before turning back to the guy.

" Thank you very much?"

" Yeah. You heard him. Mr. Cannon's not seeing any visitors."

"Hmm." Danny hums as Steve puts the hand that's in the cast on the steering wheel with his other.

"Oh, please don't do that."

" What?"

" Put both your hands on the wheel. Every time you do that, something terrible happens, and I have to pray. Please?"

" Just hang on to something" he orders "You too, Liv" He says as Olivia sighs grabbing the handle above her head.

"Wait! Wait!" Danny pleads, buckling his seat belt while Steve revs the engine.

" Okay." He says as Steve takes off towards the guards and the gate crashing into it. We get out of the car and walk into Cannon's house, seeing him sitting at a table with someone else and being served lunch  by a maid.

"Jimmy Cannon?"

" Who the hell are you?"

" If you have to ask, your reputation is exaggerated, or you're slipping. I'm Steve McGarrett. This is Detective Danny Williams, and Olivia Sanders." He says as Olivia waves. A big guy with a gun comes up as she steps towards him

"Hey, big guy, I got one of those, too. You want to play? We could play, I guarantee i'll win, or you can walk away." She sassed her hand placed gun. Steve fist bumps her with a smirk on his face as Jimmy waves the guy off "Uh, it's all right. It's all right."

" Listen, we would have knocked, but had a little trouble with the gate."

" Gentlemen, I get to see my son about once a year. So, whatever this is about, make it quick. Richard, go inside."

" Richard, you should stay there if you want to find out who your father really is."

" You trying to tell me who my father is? He's my father."

" Oh, that's cute." She comments, gagging.

"Jimmy, hey, uh, did you really think you were going to get away with killing a Federal Agent and the wife of a New York City detective?" Danny says as Steve takes a seat at the table. Wiggling his brows at Jimmy.

" What are you talking about?"

"I'll tell you what he's talking about. Reggie Cole was undercover in your operation for two years."

"Somebody leaked that information to you, and you gave the order for him and his family to be killed. A woman and a nine-year-old boy." She snips, getting really irritated.

" I have nothing to do with this terrible crime. And if Reggie Cole is dead, I'm sorry to hear that."

" No. See, this is in the bad news for Jimmy department. Uh, Reggie Cole survived." Danny explains as Jimmy sits down in front of Steve.

" I don't keep tabs on my employees when they're not working. Now... if Reggie pretended to be someone he's not, made people love him, and then betrayed those people, I can understand why someone would want to hurt the family he loves. On the streets where I grew up, some folk would consider that justice." he says, pulling off his glasses and sending then all a big smile.

"You know, I can't wait to wipe that stupid smile off your face." Danny hissed

" I think I'll exercise my right to remain silent."

" That's what guilty people do." Steve retorts

" That's what smart people do."

"Well, see, if you were that smart, we never would have made it in here." Olivia remarked as he stood up getting in her face. Steve stands up quickly as does Danny stepping in front of me protectively. Jimmy backs up, a smile still on his face.

" And if you had any evidence, we wouldn't be talking." He brags

"This is a photograph of a tungsten-tip steel bullet. Your signature. We found that at the Cole crime scene. Now you're getting sloppy, Jimmy, or what?" Steve says sleeping the picture on the table.

" You know, every investigation ever launched against me has come up empty. You know why?"

" No. Why?"

"Because there's nothing to find. Now, growing up in poverty and making something of yourself used to be considered a virtue in this country."

"Was that Capone? Did he just quote Capone?" Steve quipps as she stands there arms crossed over her chest.

" I think it was Gotti." Danny remarks

" Right, Gotti?" She smiles.

" John Gotti? Is that John Gotti?"

" Are you three done? 'Cause I'd like to get back to lunch with my son."

"That's fair enough. You only see him once a year. Can I have some of this?" Olivia leered while picking up the sandwich from his plate and taking a bite of it before placing it back on the plate. He groans, handing the plate to one of his maids as she smirks.

"You know what? Before we go, I'm going to need your shoes." Steve orders a Cannon kisses his teeth

Steve went by the office to drop off the shoes while Danny and olivia waited in the car her phone kept gong off again and she simply put it on vibrate not wanting to deal.

"Who is blowing up your phone?" He asks as she shoves the phone back into her pocket.

"It's no one"

"Okay that is No one. Is it that guy you've been seeing? What's his name Will?"

"Wyatt and yeah he wants me to check in"

"Check in, what is this highschool?"

"If you must know, a pipe burst in my house. I had been staying with him for a while, but then he was pressuring me to just sell my house and move in with him. Now hes just so clingy Danny, hes suffocating me, if i dont find a place soon Im'm gonna murder him. I'm at a hotel for now, and told him I needed space." Olivia mutters massaging her temples.

"I'm guessing he wasn't too thrilled with you saying you needed space hints why he's blowing up your phone."


"Why don't you stay with Super Seal til your house is fixed? I would offer my place up, but it barely fits me" He says Steve comes back in the car.

He explains to Steve everything they talked about, and she could feel his eyes boring into her through the driver mirror. He says nothing, only giving her his "We will talk about this later" before they get out heading towards Reggie's room, they walk in seeing the HPD officer that was guarding his door tied to the hospital bed. A sock shoved in his mouth

They began searching around the hospital wing for him.

" No one's seen Reggie"

" What about Kevin?"

" Grandparents just picked him up with a protection detail right when we got here."

"All right, lock down the hospital, have HPD block off every access street. Nobody leaves." he commands as Danny pulls out his phone an HPD officer approaches them

"What do you got?"

" Sir, the doctor's office was broken into, and some clothes are missing. Also got a report of a Jeep Cherokee stolen from the parking lot."

" He's on E & E. Okay, issue an APB on Reggie Cole and the stolen vehicle."

" Let's go."

"Okay, hold on. Hold on. He's hurt, he doesn't know the island. How far can he get?"

"He survived undercover in one of the most violent crime families in the country, Danny. They killed his wife, okay? Right now he's focused on protecting his son and revenge."

" The question is-- where does he start?" I probed as we continue walking down the hall.

' Well, he's a cop. My guess-- he starts at the crime scene."

They head back to the crime scene Steve calling Chin for backup. When they arrive we see HPD officers tied up on the floor.

" Clear?" Chin says as Steve and Olivia clear the back of the house before rejoining the others.

" Where is he? He just left. Took our car. And he took something from the wall back there"


" What?'

" So, he ditched the doc's clothes, and check this out. I think this could be a crash kit." he guessed kneeling down on the floor in front of the hole in the wall where the officers were saying,

"What is that?" Steve asks

"Crash kit. It's like a stash box, right? Heavy undercovers usually stow things away in case their cover is blown, got to break out quickly. Untraceable IDs their bosses don't even know about. Cash, credit cards, and, uh..." Danny mutters holding up a few bullets from the bag

" A clean gun" oliviaanswered back as the blonde sighs

". Yeah. Things just keep getting better, huh?"

"Copy. HPD just tried to activate the vehicle locator on the stolen squad car. It's not working." Chin notes, putting his phone back into his pocket.

" All right, increase the number of HPD officers sitting on Cannon's house in case Reggie decides to pay a visit."


"Reggie Cole is a highly decorated police officer. And he knows the only reason Jimmy Cannon has survived this whole time is because he doesn't leave anybody alive who wants to hurt him, and right now, Reggie and his son are two people who can hurt Jimmy Cannon."

" All right, listen. We know who Jimmy Cannon is. All right, what we do not know is who Reggie Cole is going to be if he finds out who the leak is, or if tracks down one of the shooters."

" Oh, you were married, you have a daughter. What would you do?"

" I would like to just kill everybody, but I would never do that, okay? I would not risk going to prison. I could not do that to Grace. You-- forget it. I don't even want to know what you would do. Livvy back there, now she would kill everybody, but we would get her a good lawyer, cause she's my favorite." Danny says as Olivia hits him on the shoulder.

"I would be by the book."

"The-the book?"

" I would be by the book." Steve confirms as she shakes her head at him.

" Which book would that be, may I ask? Huh? The Patriot Act for Dummies? Hmm? How to Nuke Your Enemies?"

" War and Peace?" Olivia probed as Steve's phone rings

" Minus the peace part?" Danny adds as Olivia chuckles, Steve presses talk on the radio answering his phone.

"That's funny. Hey, Kevin give us anything?"

" He saw it all go down. He recognized our shooter from the surveillance video, but he couldn't ID any of the FBI's known Cannon associates."

"Then who did Cannon use to pull the trigger?"Olivia asked

"I don't know. Maybe the shooters are new hires?" Kono leers

"Nuh-uh. No, no, no, no, Cannon would never do that. All right, he wouldn't expose himself like that. He's too smart. That's why nobody's ever been able to put him away."

" Any luck connecting the shoes that we brought in with the prints we pulled off the crime scene?"

" No. No matches."

"Think I just figured out how Cannon knew where Reggie was." Chin says

"Okay, how?"

" All right, so the FBI assigned a three-man detail to Cole, right? They were Agents Stallworth, Newman and Marsh. But there were only two of them-- Agents Newman and Stallworth-- who were present at the time of the attack. Allison Marsh, the one who briefed you, was absent last night due to a family emergency."

" Family emergency. Anybody else find that convenient?" She asked

" That's exactly what I thought. According to her supervisor, she's the one who was supposed to log in any changes to his protection detail, which she didn't." Chin explains

" Looks like we found our leak." Steve says Olivia roll her eyes.

"Good cause, I really wanted to punch her in the face," she commented.


Wyatt was waiting for Olivia in her office when they arrived there and Olivia couldn't talk with him. Steve interrogated agent Marsh before telling us that they found the car Reggies was using and olivia immediately left with them telling Kono to get rid of Brian the best she could.


Steve was looking through the trunk while Danny and olivia were digging through the front of the car.


"What?" Steve replies moving to the front of the car.

" I think I might have figured out why we couldn't track this guy. This is the vehicle locator. You see what it looks like now?"

" Yeah."

" Disabled."

"More or less" olivia shrugs.

"Okay, this is what I don't understand. Why would he steal a police car?"

" Okay, the car he took from the hospital was way less conspicuous. Why?"

"'Cause he needed something. He needed..."Steve points with his cast covered hand at the computer in the police car.

"You think?"

" Yes, I think." Danny says beginning to type on the computer

" I definitely think so."

"Okay, boom, he was on this thing 20 minutes ago. He ran a 1996 white Ford Explorer."

" Oh, that's the same car the security cam picked up leaving the crime scene."

"All right, he's got 71 potential candidates. And then went to license photos." Danny explains as Steve's phone rings.

" Okay, there's a reason why we couldn't link it to one of Cannon's guys-- he did hire locally." Danny probes

" Okay, wait a minute. That doesn't make any sense."

"Okay, why wouldn't Cannon use his own people to make this hit?" She asked as Danny shakes his head.

" Listen, run Cole's 71 hits against Pukahi, Adin. Pukahi?" Steve orders

" Yeah, Pukahi."

" That's who Reggie was looking for. "

"All right, I got a hit. Adin Pukahi. Address: Waipahu." Danny says.


They pull up at the address. Hop out drawing out guns

"Here he is. The truck."

" Pukahi? Get out of the vehicle right now." We approached the truck to see Pukahi slouched over dead with a pullet wound in the back of his head.

" Well, we're going to have a very difficult time getting him to tell us who hired him." Olivia warned, as they all holster their weapons.

" Damn it. All right, we need to call HPD, and we need tell them that Reggie Cole is now wanted for the murder of one of the men who killed his wife."

"We have to get to the second shooter before Reggie does, or else we have zero chance of getting Cannon." Danny explains as if on que Steve's phone rings

"McGarrett." he points to his phone mouthing "This is him" before putting it on speaker.

" Yeah. I want to believe you, Reggie."

"Someone else got to Pukahi before I could question him." he says

"You're asking me to trust you, you need to trust us. All right, you need to turn yourself in, and then when we clear you, if we clear you, we'll work together, you understand?" Steve explains

" I can't do that. Only have one chance left to find out how this went down."

" Hold up. Reggie, you got to think about your kid right now, okay?" Danny seethes pacing back and forth.

" Who in the hell do you think I'm doing this for? If I don't put an end to this now, Kevin will never be safe." He spats as Danny pinches the bridge of his nose.

" Hey, you can't raise your kid from a prison cell." Olivia warns as they hear Reggie sigh

"Reggie, listen. I understand. Believe me, I understand why you're doing this, but you've got to let us do our job, okay? Let us help you. You got to trust us, Reggie."

" Whoever gave Cannon my safe house and got my wife killed-- they were someone who I trusted. Let's just say "trust" isn't my thing right now. Stay out of my way, McGarrett." he threatens before hanging up.

"Hold on. How does he know we're here?"

" How does he know we're here?" Olivia wondered if her hands glued to her hips.she was irritated, she hated being watched.

" I'll tell you how he knows we're here. He stole the portable radio from the squad car."

" Right, so he could monitor our calls, track our moves. And stay one step ahead of the investigation the whole time."

" So, we need to call HPD, radio silence on the case right now."

"Hold up a second. Wait a minute. We know he's listening in on the radio, right? Well, why go silent? Why don't we give him something to listen to?" Olivia explained as the two men nodded in agreement.

They made a pretend dispatch announcement telling everyone that the second shooter was Ala Moana Beach Park. sending in the S.W.A.T team on standby. They looked around for Reggie when Chin radioed in that he found him.

" How'd you know I'd be here?" he asked as Kono and Chin had him handcuffed.

" This is where I'd come if I thought it was gonna be a trap. It's got the best vantage point in the park."

" Found this on him; .38 caliber. M.E. said he pulled two .38 slugs out of Pukahi."

" Get him out of here." Steve orders as Danny and Olivia walk over to the car that Reggie stole and the trunk popped open.

"Steve" Danny says as they lean up against the car.

" I didn't kill him. I didn't kill him! Pukahi was already dead when I got here."

" You know something, Reggie, I believe you. I believe you, man. And you know what else, I'm sure that this piece, loaded with tungsten-steel bullets just happened to be in the car when you stole it, too, right?" Steve says holding up the Mag of the gun with the bullets.

"I got it out of Pukahi's car, and I took it for evidence. I didn't kill anyone. And neither did Cannon."

" What are you talking about?"

" Jimmy Cannon didn't kill my wife." He says coldly as they all look at each other. Steve takes him back to HQ to interrogate him. They found out that Newman, the other FBI agent, was the mole and that he was hired by Jimmy Cannon's son. After they wrapped up the case Reggie's explained where he was going after working out in the end. Reggie got to be there for his son and they got to wipe the smirk off of Jimmy Cannon's face. They had to get all of their case files wrapped up and as Olivia into her office Wyatt was waiting there again with flowers. He was looking at one of the pictures she had on her desk. She sighed and walked in as he placed the photo down on her desk.

"Livy, I've been waiting to talk to you, I'm sorry okay? Just come back to my place we can order takeout from Ming yang's and watch M.A.S.H" he says handing her the flowers.

"Listen, I need a break, okay, this doesn't mean that we are broken up, it just means that we are on pause until I can get myself figured out and know what I want" she explains placing the flowers down on her desk.

"I can't live without you Livvy" He pleads cupping her face. She can see the tears in his eyes.

"Please leave, it would be better for both of us." She takes a step back from him as he grips her wrist, walking closer to her face,

"You don't get to leave unless I say so" he says, grabbing  her arm. Harshly

"Let go of me" I yell alerting the others in the office.

Steve, and Danny walked into her office. Steve scooped up Wyatt and grabbed him by his shirt pinning him against the wall.

"Steve he's not worth it" she pleads as Steve looks at him.

"Hey look at me, you should really thank her cause she's the reason you're breathing. if you so much as breathe in her direction I'll come for you." He threatens

"Get him out of here"

"It would be my pleasure" Danny says, grabbing him by his neck and leading him out the door.

"I had it handled" she sighed , taking her shirt off to see a bruise on her arm.

"Really cause it looks like you didn't" he sasses as she rolls her eyes .

"You are staying at my place until your pipe is fixed I'm not taking no for an answer" He commands, stepping up to her.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked me cupping her face with his hands, inspecting her face for bruises.

"Yes I'm fine Thankyou" Olivia says a smile not even trying to pick a fight with him. He knew she could take care of herself but it wouldn't stop him from being over protective.

Word count:5800

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